The murder of a Chechen girl in Khasavyurt reminded of the tradition of blood feud. The murder of a Chechen girl in Khasavyurt reminded of the tradition of blood feud of the False Chechen: what is known about Amin Okueva

Caution! People with a weak psyche should not read this post!
These are the same soldiers, dear Russian boys, about whom the abomination Shevchenko said that they were not Russian, but Yeltsin's.

Original taken from uglich_jj in the Tukhchar massacre (18+).

1. Forgotten platoon

It was September 5, 1999. Early in the morning a gang of Chechens attacked the village of Tukhchar in Dagestan. The militants were commanded by Umar Edilsultanov, aka Umar Karpinsky (from the Karpinka district in Grozny). Against them was a platoon of senior lieutenant Tashkin from the 22nd brigade of internal troops: an officer, 12 conscripts and one infantry fighting vehicle.

They dug in on the dominating high-rise above the village. In addition to the soldiers, there were 18 more Dagestani policemen in Tukhchar. They were dispersed throughout the village: at two checkpoints at the entrances and at the local police department.

One of the checkpoints of the Dagestanis was right next to Tashkin, at the foot of the high-rise. True, Russians and Dagestanis almost did not communicate and did not interact. Everyone on their own. Muslim Dakhkhaev, the head of the local police department, recalled:

“Upstairs, on a height, are the positions of internal troops, and below is our police post. They - two posts - as if separately existed. For some reason, the military did not really make contact with the local population and with the local police. They were suspicious of our attempts to establish contacts ... There was no interaction between the police and the military. They dug into the ground and guarded themselves.".

They dug into the ground and guarded themselves ...

Umar had about 50 people in the gang, all Wahhabis were fanatics leading jihad. Fighting "for the faith", they hope to get to heaven. Unlike Christianity, in Islam, paradise has an erotic meaning. A man in paradise will have 72 wives: 70 earthly women and 2 houris (special virgins for afterlife sex). In the Qur'an and the Sunnah, descriptions of these wives are repeatedly given with all the details. For example, here:

“Allah will not let anyone into Paradise without marrying him to 72 wives, two will be virgins (houris) with big eyes, and 70 will be inherited from the inhabitants of the Fire. Each of them will have a pleasurable vagina, and he (the man) will have a sexual organ that will not fall during intercourse.(Sunan Ibn Maja, 4337).

But a Muslim still needs to get to heaven to the vaginas. It is not easy, but there is a sure way - to become a martyr. Shahid goes to heaven with a guarantee. All sins are forgiven him. The funeral of a martyr often takes place like a wedding, with an expression of joy. After all, the deceased, consider married. He now has 72 vaginas and an eternal erection. The cult of death and afterlife sex in the untouched brains of a savage is a serious matter. It's already a zombie. He goes to kill and he is ready to die.

Banda Umar enters Dagestan. The trip to heavenly vaginas has begun.

One of the militants walked with a video camera and filmed everything that was happening. The film, of course, is terrible ... Already three life sentences have been issued on it.

On the left is the leader (Umar), on the right is one Arab from his gang:

At 6:40 am, the militants attacked the village. First, a distant (from the high-rise) checkpoint, then - the village police department. They quickly occupied them, and went to the height where Tashkin's platoon was. The battle here was hot, but also short-lived. Already at 7-30 the BMP was hit by a grenade launcher. And without its 30-mm automatic cannon, the Russians lost their main trump card. The platoon left their positions. Carrying the wounded on themselves, they went down to the checkpoint to the Dagestanis.

The post was the last center of resistance. The Chechens attacked him, but could not take him. It was well fortified and allowed to defend for some time. Until help arrives or ammo runs out. But with this there were problems. Help was not forthcoming that day. The militants crossed the border in several places, the Lipetsk OMON was surrounded in the village of Novolakskoye, all forces were thrown to save him. The command was not up to Tukhchar.

The defenders of the village were abandoned. There was also no ammunition for a long battle in Tukhchar. Soon, parliamentarians from among the local residents came from the Chechens. Let the Russians leave the checkpoint, otherwise we will start a new assault and kill everyone. Time for reflection - half an hour. The commander of the Dagestanis, Lieutenant Akhmed Davdiev, had already died in a street battle in the village at that time, junior sergeant Magomedov remained in charge.

Dagestani commanders: Akhmed Davdiev and Abdulkasim Magomedov. Both died that day.

After listening to the Chechens' ultimatum, Magomedov invites everyone to leave the checkpoint and take refuge in the village. Local residents are ready to help - give civilian clothes, hide them at home, take them outside. Tashkin - against. Magomedov - junior sergeant, Tashkin - officer of the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Tashkin is much older in rank. A conflict escalates into a fight...

In the end, Tashkin agreed to leave the checkpoint. Tough decision. At this, the organized defense of the village ceased. The defenders broke into small groups, hiding in attics, cellars, and in corn fields. Then everything depended on luck, someone was lucky to leave, someone was not ...

Most of the Dagestani policemen were unable to leave Tukhchar. They were taken prisoner. According to some reports: 14 people out of 18. They were herded into a village shop:

And then they took me to Chechnya. From there, from the zindans, they were already bought out by relatives and intermediaries months later.

Police commander Abdulkasim Magomedov, who insisted on leaving the checkpoint, died. He did not want to surrender and was killed in battle. In Tashkin's platoon, out of 13 people, 7 survived. They were sheltered by local residents and helped to get out to their own. Tashkin himself and four soldiers with him were blocked in the shed of a local resident Chelavi Gamzatov. They were asked to surrender. Guaranteed life or throw grenades. They believed. Leaving, Tashkin gave Gamzatov a photograph of his wife and daughter, which he carried with him ...

Photo from the local school museum. The same barn (with a burnt roof) is in the background.

Another (sixth) prisoner was taken by the Chechens in the house of a local resident, Attikat Tabiyeva. It was a shell-shocked and burnt BMP driver Aleksey Polagaev. Finally, Alexei gave the Dagestan woman a soldier's token and said: "What will they do to me now, mother?..."

This monument stands today on the outskirts of the village of Tukhchar in memory of six dead Russian soldiers. Stella, cross, barbed wire instead of a fence.

This is a kind of "people's memorial", created on the initiative of the villagers, primarily teachers from the local high school. Neither the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation nor the federal authorities participated in the creation of the monument. Relatives of the victims did not respond to letters and never came here. Information was collected bit by bit by local residents.

There are errors on the monument: grammatical (from the point of view of the Russian language) and factual. Tashkin's place of birth is indicated as the village of "Valyadarka":

In fact, this is Volodarka near Barnaul. There, the future commander went to school. And he was originally from the neighboring village of Krasnoyarka.

Also, one of the dead is incorrectly indicated on the monument:

Anisimov is a guy from the Armavir special forces (Vyatich detachment), he also died in Dagestan in those days, but in a different place. They fought at the height of the TV tower, 10 kilometers from Tukhchar. The notorious height, where, due to the mistakes of the generals at the headquarters, a whole detachment of special forces was killed (including from strikes by their own aircraft).

There were no special forces in Tukhchar, there were ordinary motorized rifles. One of them, Lesha Paranin, the gunner of the same BMP on a high-rise, looked like Anisimov in appearance.

Both took a terrible death, the militants abused the bodies here and there. They earned money for their vaginas. Well, then, with the light hand of one journalist, confusion arose, which migrated to monuments and memorial plaques. The mother of special forces soldier Anisimov even came to the trial of one of the militants from Umar's gang. I watched the video of the massacre. Naturally, she did not find her son there. The gunmen killed another guy.

This guy, Aleksey Paranin, shot well from an infantry fighting vehicle in that battle. The militants had losses. A 30 mm automatic cannon projectile is not a bullet. These are severed limbs, or even cut in half. Paranin was the first to be executed by the Chechens during the massacre of prisoners.

Well, what about Anisimov on the monument instead of him is not so scary for a people's memorial. There is no monument at the height of the TV tower, and Private Anisimov from the Vyatich detachment is also a hero of that war. Let him be remembered that way.

By the way, since we are talking about May 9... Here is the emblem of the Vyatich detachment, where Anisimov served. The emblem was invented in the 2000s.

The unit's motto is "Loyalty is my honor!". Familiar phrase. Once it was the motto of the SS troops (Meine Ehre heißt Treue!), Which was a quote from one of Hitler's sayings. On May 9, in Armavir (as well as in Moscow), they are probably talking a lot about how we keep traditions, etc. Whose traditions?

2. The bright holiday of Eid al-Adha.

After the Chechens took six Russian prisoners in the village, they were taken to a former checkpoint on the outskirts of the village. Umar radioed the militants to gather there. started public execution captured on video in every detail.

Muslims have a holiday of Eid al-Adha... This is when, according to custom, rams are slaughtered, as well as cows, camels, etc. This is done publicly, in the presence (and with the participation) of children who get used to such pictures from childhood. The slaughter of cattle is carried out according to special rules. The animal is first slit in the throat with a knife and wait for the blood to drain.

Tabuk, Saudi Arabia. October 2013

While the blood is draining, the animal is still alive for some time. With cut trachea, esophagus and arteries, it wheezes, chokes on blood, tries to breathe. It is very important at the same time that when making an incision, the neck of the animal should be directed towards Mecca, and “Bismillahi, Allahu Akbar” (in the name of Allah, Allah is great) should be said over it.

Kedah, Malaysia. October 2013. The agony does not last long, 5-10 minutes.

Faisalabad, Pakistan. Eid al-Adha 2012. This is a photo from the holiday, if anything.

After the blood has drained, the head is cut off and the cutting of the carcass begins. A reasonable question: how does this differ from what happens every day at any meat processing plant? - The fact that there the animal is first stunned with electric current. Further (cutting the throat, draining the blood) occurs when it is already unconscious.

The rules for preparing "halal" (clean) meat in Islam do not allow the animal to be stunned during slaughter. It must bleed while conscious. Otherwise, the meat will be considered "unclean".

Tver, November 2010. Eid al-Adha in the area of ​​the cathedral mosque on Sovetskaya st.

Conveyor. While they are slaughtering there, other participants of the holiday with their rams are pulled up to the mosque.

Eid al-Adha comes from the biblical story about the temptation of Abraham (Ibrahim in Islam). God commanded Abraham to sacrifice his son, specifically, to cut his throat and burn him at the stake. And all to test his (Abraham's) love for himself. Abraham tied his son, put him on top of the wood and was already preparing to slaughter, but at the last moment God changed his mind - he said (through an angel) to sacrifice an animal, not a person.

Michelangelo de Caravaggio. Abraham's Sacrifice. 1601-1602
It is he who cuts his son, if that.

To commemorate the temptation of Abraham in Islam (as well as in Judaism), a ritual slaughter of animals is performed every year. Since in both cases they are cut without stunning, in full consciousness, in a number of countries (in Scandinavia, Switzerland, Poland) this was banned as cruelty to animals.

Lahore, Pakistan, November 2009 If you think this is a slaughterhouse, you are wrong. This is the courtyard of the local mosque on the day of the holiday.

Peshawar, Pakistan, November 2009 And cutting a camel's throat is not easy.

Finally, the butcher gets a particularly successful blow with a knife. Bismillahi, Allahu Akbar!

Rafah, Gaza Strip. 2015 Public observation of a slowly bleeding animal.

Ibid, 2012. A rare shot. The cow, doomed to be slaughtered, escaped and impaled its tormentors on the horns.

3. Alexey Paranin.

Tukhchar, 1999. Russian prisoners are collected at a checkpoint, then taken out into the street. They lay on the ground. Some have their hands tied behind their backs, some do not.

The first to be executed is Alexei Paranin, the BMP gunner. They cut his throat and leave him to lie down.

Blood fills all around.

Aleksey was seriously wounded when the BMP was blown up, burned. He does not resist, it seems that he is unconscious. This militant in black and with a beard cut him (who he is still not known).

Starting to cut, the killer moves away somewhere, but soon comes back

And he begins to cut the throat of the victim already thoroughly

Almost beheading Alexei.

Alexey Paranin, 19-year-old boy from Udmurtia. Graduated from vocational school as a bricklayer, was supposed to become a builder

This is his native village of Vernyaya Tyzhma, 100 km from Izhevsk. This is not the 19th century. This black and white photo, which was made by a modern Izhevsk photographer Nikolai Glukhov, being in these places.

4. Tashkin Vasily.

After Paranin, the militants executed Starley Tashkin second. The killer mounted him, there is some kind of struggle visible there ...

But soon the lieutenant's throat is also cut.

A Chechen cameraman filming the death of an officer with sadistic pleasure.

The face of the killer, who cut the lieutenant's throat, is not very clearly visible on the film, but you can hear that those around him are addressing him by the name of Arbi, in the process they give him a bigger knife ... Here he is in the crowd of spectators after the execution of Tashkin.

This Chechen was later found. This is a certain Arbi Dandaev from Grozny. Here he is in court (in a cage):

In court, his lawyers, by the way, tried very hard. They said that the defendant repented of his deed, he realized everything, understood. They asked him to take into account his severe "mental trauma" in the past, the presence of young children.

The court gave him a life sentence.

Officer Tashkin, who was stabbed to death by Arbi, was later criticized by some Internet analysts. For stupidity and cowardice type. Why surrendered, went under the knife and put people ...

Vasily Tashkin is a simple guy from the village of Krasnoyarka in Altai.

In 1991 he entered the VV school in Novosibirsk, since 1995 - in the army. In those years, officers quit the army in batches, penny salaries, life, housing. Tashkin remained to serve. Vanka-platoon of our days ...

On the oath at the school

The village of Krasnoyarka, Topchikhinsky District, is about 100 km from Barnaul along a good (by local standards) road.

Beautiful places.

An ordinary village, huts, carts (the photos below were taken in this village in the summer)

Dagestan Tukhchar, where solid stone houses are all over, looks richer ...

In the fall of 1999, Tashkin was sent to Tukhchar to guard a dangerous section of the border with Chechnya. And he had to do it with extremely small forces. However, they accepted the fight and fought for 2 hours until the situation began to run out of ammunition. Where is the cowardice here?

And as for captivity ... One Englishman, a participant in the Anglo-Boer War of the early 20th century, wrote:

“I crawled ashore ... On the other hand railway a rider appeared, called me and waved his hand. He was less than forty yards... I held out my hand with my Mauser. But I left it in the booth of the locomotive. There was a wire fence between me and the rider. Run again? But I was stopped by the thought of another shot at such close range. Before me stood death, gloomy and gloomy, death without its careless companion - a chance. So I raised my hands and, like Mr. Jorrox's foxes, I called out, "Surrender."

Fortunately for the Englishman (and that was Winston Churchill), the Boers are civilized people and did not cut the throats of prisoners. Later, Churchill escaped from captivity and, after many days of wandering, managed to make his way to his own.

Was Winston Churchill a coward?

5. Lipatov Alexey.

After killing Anisimov and Tashkin, the Chechens ordered Private Lipatov to stand up. Lipatov looks around. To the right of him is the corpse of Tashkin, to the left - Paranin wheezes, drenched in blood. Lipatov understands what awaits him.

On the orders of Umar, a certain Tamerlan Khasaev from the village of Dachu-Borzoy (with a knife in a blue T-shirt) was supposed to slaughter the prisoner.

But Lipatov began to actively resist and Khasaev only wounded him. Then a militant in black, already familiar to us, who killed Paranin, came to the aid of Khasaev. Together they try to finish off the victim.

A fight ensues

And suddenly, bleeding Lipatov was able to get up, escaped and rushed to run.

Aleksey Lipatov is the only one of the prisoners who did not have his throat cut. The Chechens chased him, firing after him. He was finished off in some ditch, riddled with machine guns. According to Lipatov's mother, when her son was brought to his native village of Aleksandrovka near Orenburg, the military forbade opening the coffin: "There is no face." So they buried it without opening it.

The regional authorities allocated financial assistance to the soldier's parents, 10 thousand rubles.

Date of death is 09/06/1999, one day later. On that day, the militants handed over the corpses to the head of the village council of Tukhchar, and he took them by truck to the nearest checkpoint of the federal forces (Gerzelsky bridge). In reality, Lipatov and his comrades were killed on September 5th.

What happened to their son - the soldier's parents were not told then. They found out everything only in 2002, when the militant Khasaev was caught and his parents were summoned to court. In complete silence, a video of the execution of prisoners was shown in the hall. "Here's my son!" Lipatov's father cried out at some point.

Tamerlan Khasaev.

Khasaev in court dodged as best he could. He said that he had just begun to kill Lipatov, but did not undercut, because. I couldn't mentally. " I couldn't kill the soldier. He also asked: “Don’t kill me. I want to live." My heart started beating fast and I got a little sick».

In addition, Khasaev said that during the investigation he was forced to testify by threats. But he is embarrassed to say what they threatened.

“And when they cut, weren’t you shy?' asked the prosecutor.
"They threatened to do to me what they do to a woman", - answered Khasaev.
“So you are saying that they wanted to kick you? the judge perked up. — Don't be shy, we're all doctors here".

Of course, the criminal jargon from the lips of a judge does not decorate Russian court, but Khasaev got his. He was also given a life sentence. Shortly after the verdict, he died in prison. His heart began to beat and he felt a little sick.

6. Kaufman Vladimir.

After Lipatov came the turn of Private Vladimir Kaufman. One of the militants, named Rasool, drags Kaufman into a clearing and demands that he lie face down. This makes it easier to cut.

Kaufman begs Rasool not to kill him. He says that he is ready to hand over the wounded BMP gunner, who is "hiding in that white house over there."

The offer does not arouse interest among the militants. They had just killed the BMP gunner. The nearly decapitated corpse of Alexei Paranin (the head rests on one spine) lies nearby. Then Kaufman promises to show where "weapons are hidden." Somewhere in the mountains.

The delay of time bothers Rasul. Kaufman is ordered to remove his belt and put his hands behind his back. He understands that the end. “I don’t want to die, don’t kill, good people!” he shouts. “Good, kind. Dobryashi! ”, - the camera operator says maliciously with a strong Chechen accent.

A fight ensues. Two other militants pile on Kaufman, trying to wring their hands.

They can't do it. Then one of them hits the victim with a butt on the head with a swing.

Kaufman is stunned and Rasool starts stabbing him in the back of the head.

In the end, when the prisoner has already lost consciousness, his throat is cut.

The guy was 19 years old.

The militant Rasul, who cut Vladimir's throat, was not found. According to one version, he died later during some kind of special operation, as reported by the websites of the Chechen separatists. Here is his photo:

But they caught two assistants of Rasul, who held Kaufman before the murder.

This is Islan Mukaev. He was wringing Kaufman's hands.

And Rezvan Vagapov. He held his head when Rasul cut his throat.

Mukaev received 25 years, Vagapov - 18.

The soldier killed by them was buried thousands of kilometers from Tukhchar, in his native village of Aleksandrovskoye in the Tomsk region. A large old village on the banks of the Ob…

Everything is like everywhere else (photo of the village - 2011).

Vladimir Kaufman was born and raised here. He received his surname from his grandfather, a Volga German who was exiled here under Stalin.

Vladimir's mother Maria Andreevna at her son's grave.

7. Erdneev Boris.

After slaughtering Kaufman, the militants took on Boris Erdneev, a Kalmyk who was in Tashkin's platoon as a sniper. Boris had no chance, his hands were tied beforehand. The video shows how one of the Chechens holds Erdneev with one hand on the breasts.

Erdneev looks in horror at the other hand of the Chechen. It contains a large knife with traces of blood.

He tries to speak to the executioner:

"You respect the Kalmyks, don't you?" he asks.
“Very much respect, ha ha, - the Chechen says gloatingly behind the scenes, - lie down".

The victim is thrown to the ground.

The Chechen who killed Boris Erdneev was later found. This is a certain Mansur Razhaev from Grozny.

In 2012, he received a life sentence.

During the execution, Razhaev was not at all embarrassed by the camera. But at the trial, he really did not want to be filmed.

According to Razhaev, before his death, they offered Boris Erdneev to convert to Islam (Kalmyks are Buddhists). But he refused. That is, Erdneev repeated the feat of Yevgeny Rodionov, who also refused to convert to Islam in May 1996, during the first Chechen war. He refused and they cut off his head.

It was here, in the forest near Bamut.

There, three more prisoners were killed with him.

The feat of Yevgeny Rodionov received quite wide publicity, in many churches in Russia there are icons in his honor. The feat of Boris Erdneev is much less known.

Boris Erdneev on oath

Photo from the booth about him in his home school in the village of Artezian in Kalmykia (270 km from the capital of the Republic of Elista).

8.Polagaev Alexey.

He was the last to be killed. This was done personally by the leader of the gang, Umar. Here he approaches Alexei with a knife, rolls up his sleeves

The prisoner's hands are tied, besides he is shell-shocked, so Umar can be afraid of nothing. He sits astride the prisoner and begins to cut

Why does the half-severed head begin to shake up and down, so that it barely rests on the body

Then he releases the victim. The soldier begins to roll on the ground in his death throes.

He soon bled out. The militants shouted "Allahu Akbar!" in unison.

Alexey Polagaev, 19 years old, from the city of Kashira, Moscow Region.

The only city boy out of the six dead. The rest are from the villages. The army in the Russian Federation is a worker-peasant one, they say correctly. Those who have no money go to serve.

As for the murderer of Aleksey - the leader of the gang Umar Karpinsky, he did not appear before the court. Didn't live. He was killed in January 2000 when militants were leaving the encirclement in Grozny.

9. Epilogue.

Russian-Chechen war 1999-2000 was for the preservation of Chechnya and Dagestan as part of Russia. The militants wanted to separate them, but Tashkin, Lipatov, Kaufman, Paranin and others stood in their way. And they gave their lives. Officially, it was then called the operation to restore constitutional order.

It's been 17 years since then. Big time. What's new with us? How is it with the independence of Chechnya, with the constitutional order in Dagestan?

Everything is good in Chechnya.

By the way, what's on his head? Maroon beret, but the cockade is somehow strange. Where did he even get it?

After the victory over the militants in 2000, the dictatorship of the father and son of the Kadyrovs was organized in Chechnya. What is it, you can read in any history textbook in the section "Feudalism". The appanage prince has complete independence in his appanage (ulus), but is in vassal relations with the superior prince. Namely:

A. Unfastens him% of income;
B. Exposes his private army against his enemies if necessary.

What we are seeing in Chechnya.

Also, if you still read the history textbook, it will be written there that the specific system is unreliable, because of it it collapsed Kievan Rus, Arab Caliphate and many others. Everything is built on the personal loyalty of the vassal, and it is changeable. Today he is for some, tomorrow - for others.

It is clear that they will soon kiss passionately in front of the camera ...

But who will go to war for the third time in Chechnya, when Kadyrov's despotism officially announces its secession from Russia? But this will happen on the second day after Putin leaves and Kadyrov feels a threat to his power. In Moscow, he has a lot of "well-wishers" in law enforcement agencies. And he's on the hook. There's a lot of stuff in there.

For example, this monkey:

Who will believe that Nemtsov was ordered by the driver of one of Kadyrov's close associates for 5 million rubles? Himself personally, directly on their money. And drivers make good money in Chechnya.

Or this character:

He killed Colonel Budanov in 2011. Before that, I found out the address, followed for half a year, got myself fake documents for a different surname, so that later I could hide in Chechnya. And also a gun and a stolen foreign car with left numbers. Allegedly, he acted alone out of hatred for all Russian servicemen who killed his father in Chechnya in the 90s.

Who will believe it? Prior to that, he lived in Moscow for 11 years, in a big way, wasted money, and suddenly he was overwhelmed. Budanov was released in January 2009. He was convicted of war crimes, stripped of awards, titles, and served 9 years out of a 10-year sentence. However, already in February 2009, Kadyrov publicly threatened him, stating that:

“…His place in prison for life. Yes, and this is not enough for him. But a life sentence will ease our suffering a little. We do not tolerate insult. If the decision is not made, the consequences will be bad.”

This is Kadyrov's Chechnya. And what about Dagestan? - Everything is good there too. Chechen fighters were driven out of there in 1999. But it turned out to be more difficult with local Wahhabis. Shooting, blowing up so far. Otherwise, life in Dagestan goes on as usual: a mess, mafia clans, cutting subsidies. As elsewhere in the Russian Federation. constitutional order, cho.

IN interethnic relations A lot has changed in 17 years. With all due respect to the residents of the village of Tukhchar, who hid Tashkin's soldiers and honor the memory of the dead, general attitude things got worse for the Dagestanis in the country. A striking example: since 2012, conscription into the army has been discontinued in Dagestan. They do not call, because they cannot cope with them. And it starts like this:

Or this:

These, by the way, are the defenders of the Motherland (which are cancer). Polite people. And which with a raised finger - this means "There is no god but Allah." Favorite gesture of Islamists, incl. Wahhabis. Serves them to express their superiority.

However, Russians can not only put cancer. You can ride:

And you can put a living inscription on the parade ground. 05th region, i.e. Dagestan.

Interestingly, in most cases, finding participants in this lawlessness is not so difficult. They don't actually hide. Here are pictures of “riding” in 2012 posted on the Internet by a certain Ali Rahimov to the “Dagi in the Army” group in Odnoklassniki.

Now he lives quietly in St. Petersburg, he respects Sharia.

By the way, he has chevrons with a lizard in his photo from the army.

These are the Internal Troops, Ural District. The same VV-shniks that died in Tukhchar. I wonder if the guys he sits on will go to protect Tukhchar next time? Or let Ali Ragimov somehow himself?

But the living inscription 05 DAG on the parade ground in military unit No. 42581 in Krasnoye Selo was laid out by a certain Abdul Abdulkhalimov. He is now in Novorossiysk:

Together with Abdulkhalimov, a whole company of his Dagestan comrades frolicked in Krasnoye Selo.

Since 2012, the Abdulkhalimovs are no longer called up. Russians do not want to serve with the Dagestanis in the same army, because then they have to crawl like cancer through the barracks in front of the Caucasians. At the same time, both those and those are citizens of one state (so far), where rights and obligations are the same for everyone. This is the constitutional order.

On the other hand, Dagestanis were not drafted into the army in 1941-45. (due to mass desertion). There were only small formations of volunteers. Dagestanis did not serve in the tsarist army either. There was one volunteer cavalry regiment, which in 1914 became part of the Caucasian native division. This "wild division" of the highlanders in the First World War was actually no more than 7,000 people. So many volunteers have been recruited. Of these, there are about 1000 Dagestanis. And that's all, for a 5-million-strong army. In both World War II and World War I, conscripts from Chechnya and Dagestan mostly stayed at home.

Why does this happen with the highlanders, all the time, for more than 100 years, and under any authorities? - And this not them army. AND not them state. They are kept in it by force. If they want to live (and serve) in it, then according to some of their own rules. Therefore, funerals come to the poor in Krasnoyarsk, Aleksandrovka. And apparently, they will continue to come.

Chechen investigating authorities have completed the investigation of the criminal case against 26-year-old Salavdi Adamov, who is accused of killing two girls, one of whom was filmed on a mobile phone camera, posted on the Internet. In November 2011, even the experts took the video called "Caucasian Cuts the Throat of a Girl" for staging. But the murder was real.

Adamov is accused of committing crimes under paragraphs. "a, k" part 2 of article 105, part 1 of article 127 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (deliberate murder of two or more persons in order to hide another crime and illegal deprivation of liberty not related to his abduction), and 22-year-old Beshto Abalaev, who filmed the murder on the phone, committed a crime under Art. 316 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (concealment of a crime), according to the website of the RF IC.

According to investigators, in July 2011, Adamov decided, on the basis of personal hostile relations, to deal with a 22-year-old girl previously known to him by the name of Maidayeva. In his car, he brought the latter to a forest area 2 km from the southeastern outskirts of the village of Bachi-Yurt, Kurchaloevsky district. After pulling Maidaeva out of the car, Adamov strangled her, squeezing her neck with his hands.

A month later, on August 8 of the same year, Adamov, having met an unidentified girl on the outskirts of the village of Dzhugurty, Kurchaloevsky district, invited her to sit in the passenger compartment of his car, after which he took her away in an unknown direction, and then forcibly placed the girl in the trunk of the same car.

In the evening of the same day, Adamov invited his friend Abalaev to go with him to relax in nature near the outskirts of the village of Dzhugurty, Kurchaloevsky district, to which the latter agreed, not suspecting that there was a girl in the luggage compartment of the car.

The men arrived at the outskirts of the village, where Adamov pulled out a girl who threatened him that she would report to the police. Then Adamov, in order to avoid responsibility for the unlawful deprivation of a person's freedom, decided to kill the girl and suggested that Abalaev, who was watching him, record what was happening on a mobile phone video camera. Adamov began to choke the girl, and when she lost consciousness, he cut her throat with his knife, as a result of which the girl died from acute blood loss. After committing the murder, Adamov doused the victim's body with gasoline and set it on fire.

Abalaev, who accompanied Adamov, at the request of the latter, recorded the murder on a video camera built into his mobile phone, after which he left the crime scene with Adamov in the same car.

The investigation collected a sufficient evidence base, in connection with which the criminal case with the approved indictment was sent to court for consideration on the merits, according to the website of the Investigative Committee.

Recall that the video of the murder was posted on the Internet and caused a heated discussion. It is noteworthy that experts considered this video a production designed to incite hatred towards non-Russians in this way.

Vladimir Ladny

Yesterday a trial began in Rostov-on-Don, which will be discussed in every barracks in Russia. Perhaps no military crime has made so much noise.

"He was lucky as hell"

The commander of the 160th Guards Tank Regiment of the Siberian Military District, Colonel Yuri Dmitrievich Budanov, was the idol of soldiers and officers. Some of them came to court today - they tell Komsomolskaya Pravda what a real colonel was like.

He managed without casualties even where it seemed impossible. When receiving an order to take Old Achkhoy or Achkhoy-Martan, he personally went to negotiate with the elders, and the troops entered the villages without a fight and, accordingly, without losses on both sides. If the battle was inevitable, Budanov did not know fear and was the first to go under the bullets.

You know, he was lucky as hell. But this is probably the talent of a military leader, - says one of his former subordinates, starley. - The regiment in the hottest time passed from Goragorsk, in the Nadterechny district, to Duba-Yurt and lost only one person in three months of fierce fighting!

It is said that he was a cruel man. But what is cruelty in war?

A shower of awards rained down on him, but one day the fate of the heroic colonel turned upside down.

The colonel killed the sniper?

The lines of the indictment are as dry as machine gun shots: “Murder accompanied by kidnapping”, “Kidnapping with grave consequences”, “Abuse of official authority with the use of violence and causing grave consequences”.

It happened in the Urus-Martan district, in the village of Tangi, about a year ago - on March 27th. Witnesses claim that he took the 18-year-old Chechen girl Elsa by force from his father's house, breaking into it together with the crew of an infantry fighting vehicle subordinate to him. Brought to the location of the regiment. He took me for interrogation - to his trailer.

What happened next remains to be determined by the court.

Conclusions of the preliminary investigation: raped, strangled, buried.

The officers claim that the girl was a sniper and she had a lot of deaths on her account. It is no longer possible to confirm or deny this fact. And if so, then for the court Elsa is a civilian.

Today, the charge of rape against Budanov has been unambiguously withdrawn, - the chairman of the North Caucasian District Military Court, Major General of Justice Vitaly Gorobets, told Komsomolskaya Pravda.

The corpse was exhumed, the examination, and then the investigation found that one of the soldiers, mocking the corpse, introduced into the girl after death "a long solid object." These gaps were at first taken as the result of rape. A separate case has now been opened against the soldier. The murder during the interrogation, however, remained on the colonel, and he does not deny it.

How the colonel tried to commit suicide

They wrote that during the arrest the colonel tried to commit suicide by shooting himself, but hit in the leg. Although he was proficient with weapons. In general, much in this story seems inexplicable, if * If you do not take into account one more eyewitness account. On that day, something happened to Budanov that often happens in a war. The Colonel got drunk. And in this state, he and his colleagues broke a lot of firewood - first they beat the head of intelligence and put him in a pit, then they went after the girl.

At today's trial - a full house: the press lined up "in line" for a month. The meeting was moved from the building of the tribunal to the spacious mansion of the Kirovsky District Court, and all the same it was announced that there would not be enough seats for everyone. And many people want to look at the heroic killer colonel ...

Colonel Budanov in the courtroom - in a small cage with thick bars.

Are you filming? - Yuri Budanov nodded at my camera. - You would be better off taking pictures of our fighters with holes in their foreheads, killed by a sniper.

Next to the cage is a man in a white shirt, a formal blue suit, with a Hero's Star. He was silent throughout the meeting, and only when the lawyer of the victims, Abdulla Khamzaev, delivering accusatory speeches floridly, like Caucasian toasts, dropped: “We could postpone the case for a month, let Budanov warm himself in the isolation ward!” - snapped: “You are tormented, you understand, right?”

I don't know you," said Abdullah. But the rest of those present could not but know General Shamanov. At the end, Shamanov also silently left, refusing to answer questions, but the lawyer Abdullah willingly communicated with the press, shouting in the end on the steps of the court: “Long live the dictatorship of Russian laws, Allah Akbar!”

The meeting, however, was postponed: the father of the deceased Elsa, Visa Kungaev, did not have time to get acquainted with the case materials. “Yes, I didn’t receive a summons,” he said.

I have five children, - Visa Umarovich tells Komsomolskaya Pravda. - But Elsa was the eldest, the whole house is on her. She was killed 5 days after she turned 18. The generals paid for our funeral, but what's the point?

We know that Budanov was sentenced to death in absentia by the militants, a large ransom was announced for his head, - said the colonel's lawyer, asking to make the meeting closed. The judge refused: most often cases of rape are closed, but now there is no such accusation.

What threatens Budanov? From life imprisonment to amnesty, if it is recognized that the murder (which the colonel does not deny) was committed in a state of passion.

What is killing in war? How many times in the depths of the Chechen war have I fallen asleep under the thump of howitzers or the roar of rockets. Flashing with fiery tails, the shells went towards the Chechen villages And how many times in the same villages I could not fall asleep, expecting a blow from the sky. Who counted how many girls died under this fire?

Speaking about the losses of the civilian population in the Chechen wars, official sources differ even in the number of zeros. War, especially one that can hardly be called great and sacred, is a place where the violation of all moral precepts is elevated to the rank of everyday everyday duties of each participant. With all the accompanying blows to the nerves of these participants. Blows - no worse than "Grad".

But this is impossible to explain to Elsa's relatives, who came to court today in black clothes.

A new high-profile murder occurred in Ukraine. Around 20:30 local time, a car carrying Adam Osmaev and his wife, Amina Okueva. As a result of the shelling

"The car was shot at from the bushes at the railway crossing"

“The heart of the Ukrainian patriot Amina Okuyeva has just stopped. Her car was shot at from the bushes at a railway crossing near the village of Glevakha, Kyiv region. As a result of her injuries, Amina died, ”said on his Facebook Advisor to the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Anton Gerashchenko.

According to reports, the hitmen ambushed the place where the car was supposed to slow down. Presumably, there were two criminals, and they fired from machine guns.

The search for the attackers in "hot pursuit" did not bring results.

Head of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine Oleksandr Turchynov accused Russia of the murder of Amina Okueva: “Russia, continuing its aggression in eastern Ukraine, launched terror in the deep rear, destroying the courageous defenders of our country ... The enemy must answer for the murder of our sister.”

False Chechen: what is known about Amin Okueva

Amina Okuyeva served as press secretary of the so-called Dzhokhar Dudayev Battalion, an armed formation that participated in a punitive operation in the Donbass on the side of Kyiv.

At the same time, the Ukrainian media positioned the woman as a Chechen fighting for the "freedom of Ukraine." This story, however, was a hoax - Amina Okuyeva was in fact a Ukrainian woman who had nothing to do with Chechnya.

Amina Okueva with Anton Gerashchenko. Photo:

A native of Odessa Anastasia Nikiforova, whose stepfather was a famous art critic and until 2008 headed the Odessa Museum of Western and Eastern Arts, after graduating from the Odessa National Medical University, she married a certain Isu Mustafinova, a member of one of the Chechen gangs. She converted to Islam, and from Anastasia Viktorovna turned into Aminat Vakhitovna.

Three years later, Mustafinov was killed, and Aminat became the wife of another militant - Islam Tukhasheva, who was arrested by the Russian special services. The third chosen one from Odessa was Adam Osmaev.

Loser terrorist: what is known about Adam Osmaev

A native of Grozny, Adam Aslambekovich Osmaev, according to various sources, is from 33 to 36 years old. According to journalistic sources, he comes from an influential and wealthy Chechen family that moved to Moscow in the 1990s. Adam studied at Moscow universities, then in the UK, but never received a completed higher education.

Adam Osmaev. Photo: Frame

In the spring of 2007, the FSB prevented a terrorist attack in Moscow. According to investigators, the attackers were going to blow up Head of the Chechen Republic Ramzan Kadyrov. Among the persons who were wanted on suspicion of preparing a terrorist act was Adam Osmaev. He was even detained, but released three days later, since the investigation initially assigned him the status of a witness. After that, Osmaev left Russia for the UK.

In 2012, the Ukrainian security forces uncovered a terrorist group that was preparing an assassination attempt on Vladimir Putin. The group was uncovered after an explosion in a house in Odessa, which killed a 28-year-old Ruslan Madaev. It turned out that an improvised explosive device went off in Madaev's hands. Madaev's accomplice Ilya Pyanzin, injured in the explosion, was detained. He told the investigation that the group, on the instructions of one of the leaders of the Chechen gangs Doku Umarov prepared an assassination attempt on Russian President Vladimir Putin. According to Pyanzin, it was planned to detonate a powerful bomb during the passage of Putin's motorcade, at that moment the prime minister and candidate for the presidency of the Russian Federation.

Pyanzin named the third member of the group, Adam Osmaev. He was also arrested.

Pyanzin was extradited to Russia and convicted, but Osmaev managed to wait for the "Euromaidan" and was released.

Together with his wife, he joined the so-called Chechen volunteer battalion named after Dzhokhar Dudayev, who fought in the Donbass against the local population. Battalion commander Isa Munaev was killed in 2015 near Debaltseve, after which Osmaev became the new commander.

Shooting in the car: the strange story of a summer assassination attempt

Osmaev and Okuyeva were talked about again on June 1, 2017, when they became participants in a shootout with a certain Artur Kurmakaev, also known as Alexander Dakar. This person was called either "Ramzan Kadyrov's personal killer", or a well-known criminal authority. The circumstances of the shootout remain unclear to this day. Allegedly, Dakar, posing as a journalist for a French publication, met with Osmaev and Okueva several times, preparing their physical elimination. On June 1, being in the same car with them, he opened fire on Osmaev, but only wounded him, after which he himself was seriously wounded by return fire, which was opened by Okueva.

Despite the fact that the killer was in the hands law enforcement, who publicly declared about the "Russian trace", the case practically did not move forward. Apparently, the circumstances of the shooting really turned out to be too strange in order to arrange a show trial.

The police said that after the assassination attempt on June 1, Osmaev and Okueva were given security guards, which they then refused. At the same time, journalists claim that they still came to the interview with security guards. A few days before the current attack, Amina Okueva posted a post on the social network with the words: “Ready to meet with the next killers.”

The war for a "piece of the pie": in Ukraine there is a fierce struggle between the radicals

In Ukraine, Osmaev and his wife were often referred to as "Putin's main enemies." Say, the Russian leader will do anything to eliminate them. But in fact, to call them influential people does not turn the tongue. These publicized personalities could hardly pose a serious danger to top officials in Russia at the present time.

Quite another matter is their activity in Ukraine. Recently, a fierce struggle for spheres of influence has unfolded between representatives of various groups of nationalists and "anti-terrorist operation veterans". It is no secret that the radicals make money on the "protection" of the business and the forceful support of raider seizures. Competition in this peculiar market is getting fiercer.

Recently, Osmaev and Okueva were in the Kyiv-2 police battalion. He also served there Timur Makhauri, another Chechen with a controversial background, who was blown up in his own car in September 2017.

On October 13, 2017, the corpse of one of the founders of the Azov battalion was found in the forest near Kharkov Vitaly Knyazhitsky. According to investigators, he committed suicide.

On October 25, 2017, another prominent nationalist was injured in an explosion in Kyiv, Deputy of the Verkhovna Rada Igor Mosiychuk.

Mosiychuk himself claims that Amina Okueva was his assistant, and at the time of her death she was on her way to meet him.

Every time after the incident, the search for the “Russian trace” begins, but it is categorically not found. As a result, there are more and more people in Ukraine who believe that we are talking about internal squabbles, the struggle for a “piece of the pie”, which its participants are trying to hide behind the screen of “actions of FSB agents”.

As for the deceased Anastasia Nikiforova, who turned herself into Amina Okueva, such an outcome is obviously natural. One gets the impression that she treated her life as an exciting game. Now the "Game Over" sign was lit up for her.

Kadyrov threatens Budanov, federal center and all nationalists, except Chechen

Elza Kungaeva?

Mountain teips in Chechnya are HERs. In the name Ichkeria guttural "g" is replaced by "k". Hera - mountaineers, from the teip of which the Kungaevs. And one of the daughters of Kungaev is called HAVA– i.e. called a Jewish, not a Chechen name. The Kungaevs were sent to Norway, but who would bother with the Chechens like that? The Gers try not to stand out in any way, and most Chechens usually do not distinguish between them ... Elza Kungaeva is not a Chechen, she does not look like one of the Kungaevs. In the photo in the hands of Roza Kungayeva, a European woman with a different genotype of an oval face, a large neckline and a short haircut. This is clearly not a photo of a Muslim woman. The court did not establish Elsa's personality, but she is not Kungaeva Kheda 18 -ty years. Elsa in appearance, according to pronounced nasolabial folds and the onset of baldness, years 35-40 . It can be seen that the heroes of the Kungaevs were playing the performance of the West, that the sniper Elsa was allegedly their daughter ...

"Chechen" Elsa Kungaeva was killed by European special forces

On June 10, 2011, at 12 noon, near house 38/16 along Komsomolsky Prospekt, Colonel Yu.D., holder of the Order of Courage, was shot at point-blank range. Budanov. For the Russian people, this murder of a true son of our Fatherland, a courageous and steadfast Russian officer who stood up for his Motherland and his people to the end, cannot be regarded otherwise than as shots into the very heart of Russia - in. The vile criminals planned this murder in advance, while acting brazenly and prudently. The nature of the wounds unequivocally indicates that there were two killers, one who shot almost point-blank with a pistol, presumably of the TT brand, and a sniper who fired a shot at the temple with an SVD.

After this brutal murder, a popular investigation began, which literally immediately led to interesting results. We will present some of them here. They shed quite a bright light on the murder of Colonel Budanov. And under this light, the faces of the killers of not only the colonel, but also those who killed the “Chechen” girl Elsa Kungaeva, appear.

Colonel Budanov did not kill Kungaeva

Such a cruel execution of Colonel Yu.D. Budanov in broad daylight cannot be seen otherwise than as an inhuman and public execution of a Russian officer by agents of the world behind the scenes. About the reasons for this execution a little later, but first we must say about Yuri Dmitrievich Budanov himself.

Commander of the 160th Guards Tank Regiment of the Siberian Military District, Colonel Yu.D. Budanov earned true love and respect among his soldiers and officers, primarily because he was not only an honest and demanding commander, but always took care of his subordinates, tried to do without casualties in battle. In Stary Achkhoy and Achkhoy-Martan, he negotiated with the elders in order to avoid bloodshed both among his soldiers and among the civilian population.

One of the wards Yu.D. Budanova, senior lieutenant, spoke of him this way: You know, he was lucky... but that's probably the talent of a military leader. The regiment in the hottest time passed from Goragorsk, in the Nadterechny district, to Duba-Yurt and lost only one person in three months of fierce fighting ...

On December 30, 1999, contrary to the order to remain in place, Colonel Yu.D. Budanov came to the rescue of 150 GRU special forces who were ambushed by militants. Between two mountains, fired from the dominant heights, at the turn of the road, there was simply no way for the special forces to hide from the shooting of superior enemy forces who knew the route of movement of the GRU scouts.

Who and why gave the order to Colonel Yu.D. Budanov not to take any action to get out of the trap, it will still be investigated and the traitor will definitely face trial, but on this day the Russian officer made the only right decision, for which he will then answer with his freedom and life itself. Colonel Yu.D. Budanov led the GRU fighters out of the fire, returning from a very dangerous and responsible mission. According to the plan of the traitors in the command, all of them had to die in order to take the secret of their mission to the grave, but he interfered in the plans of corrupt bastards in uniform who betrayed Russian soldiers and officers for the sake of promotion, for the sake of money and awards.

In January 2000, the 160th regiment lost 18 killed soldiers and officers in one day, fatal wounds were in the eye or in the groin. The sniper worked. At first, Colonel Yu.D. Budanov thought that they were being hunted by local residents who managed to learn how to shoot accurately from sniper rifle, but the numerous detainees and their testimony soon forced him to change his mind.

On March 26, 2000, one and a half kilometers from the village of Tangi-Chu, Colonel Yu.D. Budanov and officers celebrated the birthday of his youngest daughter. On the same day, he received a message that the Kungaevs, who lived in the last house of the village, were involved in the execution of his colleagues and Colonel Yu.D. Budanov, along with his officers, went to be detained. Only Elza Kungaeva was in the house from the entire large family, and during interrogation, most likely, she told Yu.D. Budanov that the snipers who hunted his soldiers and officers were not Chechens, but military special forces hiding in the Kungaevs' house, which is why they shot so accurately, which is why they were all those killed who participated in the liberation of the GRU special forces from an ambush.

It is not known for certain at what point Colonel Yu.D. Budanov was sprinkled a drug, causing loss of memory and deep sleep, but the murder of Elza Kungaeva was the work of those who wanted to hide the goals of the operation, blame the murder of the girl on Yu.D. Budanov and make him believe in this monstrous lie. Demoralized by the poison Yu.D. Budanov, having come to his senses, saw the girl allegedly killed by him, and then he no longer had the strength to resist the ingenious special operation. Literally the next day, March 27, he was arrested and charged.

The executioners were in a hurry to neutralize Colonel Yu.D. Budanov, so that he could not calculate their insidious plan and arrange his own investigation. There is no doubt that in the regiment there was not only an agent of special services who helped in the implementation of the betrayal, but also his accomplices. And what did the chiefs of Colonel Yu.D. Budanova, lieutenant general V.A.Shamanov and colonel general G.N. Troshev, both Heroes of Russia, honored officers who have gained authority from subordinates? They simply handed over a combat Russian officer to the amusement of traitors, since, most likely, they themselves were involved not only in this case, but also in many others.

Lieutenant General V.A. Shamanov immediately after the arrest and investigative measures against Colonel Yu.D. Budanov was going to the post of governor, which was a recognition of his services to the Kremlin, including persecution of Yu.D. Budanov. V.A. Shamanov showed himself as a result of the summer offensive of the Azerbaijani army on the positions of Armenians in the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, when the main backbone and combat unit was the 28th Airborne Regiment, which successfully fought against the Armenian forces.

Then V.A. Shamanov and was noticed by the political leadership Russian Federation and attracted already to the first and second Chechen wars, as a person who can be trusted with a secret mission. No less secret was his trip to March 2007, when the lieutenant general met with D. Bush, the purpose of the meeting remains vague to this day, but, most likely, was associated with the Chechen period of service of the "illustrious" general.

It is surprising how a man who called himself a friend of Colonel Yu.D. Budanov, betrayed him by throwing him into the melting pot of the strict regime zone, vigilantly watching his possible contacts, because the zone was on the territory of the Ulyanovsk region.

Another defender Yu.D. Budanova - Colonel General G.N. Troshev, Hero of Russia, who did everything to ensure that the militants shot 84 paratroopers of the 76th Airborne Division, where V.A. Shamanov. For three days, the paratroopers resisted the significantly superior enemy force, asking for help, but the colonel-general did not even lift a finger to rescue his soldiers and officers from the Chechen encirclement, Colonel Yu.D. was not next to them. Budanov, who would definitely respond to requests for help, despite the "Judas" order of the Kremlin general.

Again a secret war, again Russian soldiers are dying in the global politics of the Kremlin and their masters - the clan. This and other episodes of G.N. Troshev made him a true hero of the Chechen Republic. On August 1, 2007, President of the Chechen Republic R. Kadyrov awarded G.N. Troshev with the Order of Kadyrov, in response, the colonel-general emphasized that this was the most expensive award for him. Exactly one year later, G.N. Troshev died in a plane crash near Perm, the plane crashed under very mysterious circumstances, eyewitnesses spoke of an explosion in the air. Memory of G.N. Trosheva was immortalized in the name of a street in the city of Grozny.

Another person involved in the betrayal against Colonel Yu.D. Budanova is an army general A.V. Kvashnin, Chief of the General Staff armed forces during the second Chechen company, Hero of Russia and a hereditary nobleman. G.N. Troshev did not skimp on the praise of his immediate superior: If you try to highlight the main strokes in the "portrait" of Kvashnin, I would first of all note the military successes in Chechen campaigns, which are not without reason associated with this man: he is truly a sovereign man, a statesman.

But this laudatory characterization was not shared by everyone. From the report of the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation Yu.I. Skuratov:

“The blame for the defeat of the units that are part of the “North” grouping, significant losses in personnel and equipment lies with the commander of the OGV A. Kvashnin. It should be emphasized that Kvashnin showed not only low professionalism in the preparation and conduct of the operation, but, above all, criminal negligence, expressed in the grossest violation of the Combat Charter, instructions governing the preparation and conduct of military operations and military operations in urban conditions. The full blame for the 1,400 killed and missing soldiers and officers during the storming of Grozny (1994-1995) lies with Anatoly Vasilyevich Kvashnin! .. "

This is how the "sovereign peasant and statesman" became a traitor to his soldiers and officers, leaving them to be destroyed by trained formations of Chechen fighters, who knew exactly the tactics and directions of striking our troops. After all, it was for these crimes that A.V. Kvashnin received the Hero of Russia, became an army general and chief of the General Staff. The Kremlin did not need victories, but defeats and executions of Russian boys by brutal militants were needed.

This "statist" and hereditary nobleman called the honest and sworn officer a "scum" and the next day the family of Yu.D. Budanova was thrown out into the street. Without a livelihood, hoping only for the help of caring people, they went to where they began to judge the husband and officer. Where was the "friend" V.A. Shamanov, who did not even come to the funeral of Colonel Yu.D. Budanov!

Let's return to the trial and the role of the creators of the monstrous crime against the Russian officer. The Kungaev family, which demanded retribution against the innocent Yu.D. Budanov, slandered by the criminal conspiracy of the Kremlin political technologists, was in the center of public attention, giving interviews and not stinting in expressions. Did the Kungaevs know about strange snipers who killed their own soldiers and officers, who became unwitting witnesses to secret backstage games?

Undoubtedly, they knew, otherwise, why it was necessary to take the Kungaevs secretly out of the country and place them in a very decent house in, under constant police supervision and with a pension for each member of a large family. At the same time, they are practically forbidden contacts with the press, only small telephone interviews.

Why does the Norwegian government take such care of a simple family from Russia?

The answer is obvious, the Kungaevs became part of big geopolitical scam, just like Colonel Yu.D. Budanov. The threads converge to the Kremlin, and from there to London, the Chechen knot, just like Kosovo, Palestine, Afghan and others, are key points on the map of the "Great Chessboard", G. Kissinger and. It is they who move figures at meetings and the Tripartite Commission, throwing thousands of people into the crucible of wars, moving countries and continents on the world map to extract ever greater profits and enslave millions of people.

When the Chechen knot began to decline, the wounds began to heal and the deaths of Russian soldiers were forgotten, the turn of the world reset came, new era. The Chechen trace in history, according to the plan of the "chess players", should be cleared, a series of "accidental" deaths of the main players among the Russian military officials began. Plane crash under and death of G.N. Trosheva, a rigged car accident by V.A. Shamanov, and now the execution of Colonel Yu.D. Budanov.

However, it is impossible to miss another event - murder lawyer Kungaev S. Markelov in 2009, who filed a complaint against the petition of Yu.D. Budanov on parole. Even then Yu.D. Budanov was sentenced to death by the world behind the scenes, which is why no one should have prevented his release. The style of the murder of S. Markelov and A. Baburova surprisingly coincides with the murder of Yu.D. Budanov, also boldly and publicly, the executioners, one of whom was a sniper, dealt with their victims.

The murder of Yu.D. Budanov was unexpected and treacherous not only for those who knew and loved him, but also for the entire Russian bureaucracy, who instantly realized the mortal danger hanging over them. Even after his death, Colonel Yu.D. Budanov continues to represent deadly threat embezzlers, murderers, molesters and, because it combined best qualities Russian man - honor, conscience, devotion to his people and oath.

In an address to his loved ones on the eve of the new year 2000, Colonel Yu.D. Budanov said: “Please take my word for it, we live normally. We ourselves are already in this war, but we need to fight it, this is our job.

The simple words of a combat officer about his work to be done, and he did this war to the very last breath, to the very last minute. He fought, even after returning from the war, she did not leave him, and the executioner's bullet stopped the heart of the Russian hero, but did not stop our hearts, ignited by the spilled blood of Russian soldiers and officers, abandoned to destruction by traitors and enslavers and our Motherland - Russia. Colonel Yu.D. Budanov will forever remain in the hearts of the Russian people, and his feat of resisting the forces of evil, his confession Orthodox faith before a pack of corrupt politicians, lawyers, military leaders, judges will find its place in the glorious history of the Russian people and Russia. Peace be upon your ashes, your feat is great, Russian officer Yuri Dmitrievich Budanov.

Chechens are preparing to massively kill Russian soldiers

The following material literally pierced through all the media - it represented Chechen human rights activists in such an inhuman light. We are talking about the collection by Chechen human rights activists of personal data about Russian soldiers who fought in. The author of an article published in the Vzglyad newspaper writes that the leak to the Network of documents with requests from Chechen investigators who want to find out data about the military who served in the republic is designed to help the perpetrators of crimes escape punishment, Nurdi Nukhazhiev, Commissioner for Human Rights in Chechnya, said on Monday .

“It is no coincidence that the official requests of the investigating authorities are exposed on the Internet for public viewing. No colonel or any other officer would ever go for it if there weren’t big bosses behind him who gave the go-ahead for this,” Nukhazhiev said, quoted by the press service of the Chechen Ombudsman, Interfax reports.

Here we will limit ourselves to a small quote, because all the other words of the human rights activist cause laughter and are more like childish babble than the words of a serious person.


As you can see, the following picture emerges from the presented three materials. First, they fought on the side of the Chechens commandos European countries including snipers. Secondly, these snipers, under the cover of Chechens and under the guise of local residents, were placed in the houses of Chechens, who passed off the special forces as relatives. “Elsa” “Kungaeva” was passed off by the Kungaev family as their daughter. But the mother of the Kungaevs may have been involved in the sniper craft - Rose, who was absent from home that ill-fated night.

The Kungaevs' father, Visa, knew the special forces from the CIA "human rights" detachments. They provided the family with a move to Norway, an expensive three-story house and a lifetime state pension - everything, as for the family of a Norwegian soldier who died in the war on the Norwegian side.

The goal of European special forces of "human rights" organizations extremely simple - to split the Caucasus from. And, judging by the activities of today's "human rights activist" Nurdi Nukhazhiev, these forces are still active in this direction today, and it was they who ordered and carried out the murder of Colonel Budanov.
