NASA has warned of a threat that could destroy humanity. NASA warned of a deadly threat to humanity: this is not an asteroid A threat capable of destroying humanity

The eruption of supervolcanoes can destroy 99 percent of humanity. As the newspaper The Independent writes, NASA specialists came to this conclusion.

In their opinion, compared with this threat, even the fall of an asteroid to Earth is much less dangerous.

But having made such a loud statement, experts from the National Aeronautics and Space Administration of the United States proposed a rescue plan.

According to research, there are about 20 supervolcanoes on the planet, catastrophic eruptions of which occur about once every 100 thousand years. This can be avoided by "cooling" the supervolcanoes.

The photo shows the highest active volcano in Eurasia and an ash column, the height of which, according to the Institute of Volcanology and Seismology of the Far East Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, is six thousand meters above sea level.

The activity of Klyuchevskaya Sopka began in April. The next major release occurred on 18 July. The ejection plume extended 23 kilometers towards the Kamchatka Bay.

Another powerful ash ejection was recorded by volcanologists on August 25. The duration of the explosion was 360 minutes. The ash cloud spread 232 kilometers northwest of the volcano.

Employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations did not record ash fall in residential areas of the region. However, an increased, "orange" hazard code has been set for aviation.

NASA specialists based their calculations on the example of the Yellowstone volcanic caldera. It is a crater measuring 30 by 45 miles (about 50 by 72 kilometers), filled with red-hot magma. During its eruption, everything around at a distance of 60 miles will be destroyed, the surrounding territories will be covered with a meter layer of ash, and on Earth, due to the dust and gases that have risen into the atmosphere, a “volcanic winter” will come, which can last for decades and lead to the death of millions of people.

Such a development is unlikely to occur in life. modern man, NASA notes, so there is time to discharge the explosive potential of the supervolcano, for example, by converting geothermal energy into electricity. It is proposed to pump water into the well, which, when heated, will return to the surface and be used to generate electricity.

"Our main task is to gradually eliminate Yellowstone as a threat to humanity," said NASA spokesman Brian Wilcox.

The most famous Yellowstone supervolcano today can explode at any moment. Such a forecast is given by some experts, including one of the institutes of the American space agency NASA.

The main argument for a catastrophic scenario: it is known that the volcano comes to life every 600 thousand years, and 640 thousand years have already passed since the last eruption. This does not mean that the explosion will happen tomorrow, but there are signs of awakening. For example, seismologists record periodic tremors, some zones in Yellowstone Park have risen by 75 centimeters over the past 80 years, and the water temperature in lakes has risen by 20 degrees.

Scientists even presented apocalyptic scenarios for a future catastrophe. Compared with it, the fall of a large meteorite to Earth will seem like a "light sting". The eruption of this volcano is comparable in strength to the explosion of thousands of atomic bombs, 11 trillion tons of ash will be thrown into the atmosphere, the temperature on the planet will drop by 10-20 degrees. As for America, a 30-centimeter layer of ash will cover it, destroying all life.

What to do? NASA specialists offered their scenario. The main danger is hidden under the ground of the park, where there is a huge bubble of red-hot magma. The most logical and easiest way to pacify a volcano is to cool it down. NASA scientists settled on one technology. It is necessary to drill wells up to 10 km deep and pump water into the magma under high pressure. Cooling the volcano, it will return to the surface, having a temperature of about 350 C.

And although this project will cost about $3.5 billion to complete, there is one nuance to it that will help convince policymakers that the investment is worth it. The fact is that Yellowstone can be used as a geothermal power plant, its electricity will be very cheap - about $ 0.10 per kWh. According to project enthusiasts, it will quickly pay off.

Opponents of the project argue that such cooling could trigger an eruption. Drilling can make the "lid" of the magma boiler brittle, and it will tear or crack. "As a result, an explosion. The authors of the project understand the danger, so they propose to start drilling outside of Yellowstone Park and get close to the magma reservoir from below.

It's a supervolcano eruption

Specialists from the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) have warned of a new threat to humanity, which is considered more dangerous than the fall of an asteroid or the start of World War III. It turned out to be a possible eruption of a supervolcano.

According to the research of American scientists, the eruption will not only lead to the defeat of all life within a radius of up to 150 kilometers, but will also turn into a kind of "nuclear winter" - the Earth will be shrouded in dust and gas, which will interfere with the sun's rays. And most importantly - a similar situation will be observed for at least a few years. All this will lead to a serious drop in temperature on the planet, the death of crops and mass starvation.

Currently, there are about 20 so-called supervolcanoes in the world. One of the most dangerous is the Yellowstone volcanic caldera, located in national park in the northwestern United States in Wyoming. The upcoming super eruption has been talked about here for several years. In the last two months alone, seismologists have recorded about one and a half thousand earthquakes in this area. All this suggests that the volcano is gradually awakening from sleep.

Its last eruption occurred about 640 thousand years ago. Then his "cap" failed, forming a caldera - a huge round cavity with a circumference of about 150 kilometers.

NASA has already developed a plan to prevent an eruption. Experts intend to "cool" the volcano by driving water through a well made in it, and then using the resulting steam to produce electricity. However, according to some of their colleagues, such procedures can only delay the inevitable catastrophe.

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The eruption of supervolcanoes can destroy 99 percent of humanity. As the newspaper The Independent writes, NASA specialists came to this conclusion. In their opinion, compared with this threat, even the fall of an asteroid to Earth is much less dangerous. But having made such a loud statement, experts from the National Aeronautics and Space Administration of the United States proposed a rescue plan.

According to research, there are about 20 supervolcanoes on the planet, catastrophic eruptions of which occur about once every 100 thousand years. This can be avoided by "cooling" the supervolcanoes.

NASA specialists based their calculations on the example of the Yellowstone volcanic caldera. It is a crater measuring 30 by 45 miles (approximately 50 by 72 kilometers - approx. "RG"), filled with red-hot magma. During its eruption, everything around at a distance of 60 miles will be destroyed, the surrounding territories will be covered with a meter layer of ash, and on Earth, due to the dust and gases that have risen into the atmosphere, a “volcanic winter” will come, which can last for decades and lead to the death of millions of people.

Such a development is unlikely to occur during the lifetime of a modern person, NASA notes, so there is time to defuse the explosive potential of a supervolcano, for example, by converting geothermal energy into electricity. It is proposed to pump water into the well, which, when heated, will return to the surface and be used to generate electricity.

"Our main task is to gradually eliminate Yellowstone as a threat to humanity," said NASA spokesman Brian Wilcox.
