Zelenograd Medical College decided to close. Zelenograd Medical College will not accept regional students, but for Zelenograd residents it can leave one group Medical College 7 Zelenograd branch

Deputy State Duma Irina Viktorovna Belykh continues to meet with residents of Zelenograd. At one of the last meetings, a question was raised that worries many Zelenograd residents: will the medical college continue its work?

The fact is that Medical College No. 8 as a result of the policy of consolidation of educational institutions implemented in Moscow in Last year, was merged with three Moscow colleges on a professional basis and became known as Branch No. 2 of the State Budgetary Professional educational institution"Medical College No. 7" of the Moscow Department of Health.

The head office of the bush is located in Moscow. Orders for the recruitment of students are formed by the Department of Health of the capital. These distribution orders, based on needs, turned out to be low this year. College No. 7 may well accept all students of the new intake in its premises.

And what to do with the three-story building of the Zelenograd branch, located on the territory of City Hospital No. 3, if new students do not come to it this year? There will be three more courses - the second, third and fourth. At the same time, the building, designed for 800 seats, will only be 50% occupied.

It turned out that the branch should be closed.

But what about those Zelenograd residents who decided to connect their lives with medicine? Previously, they could study in Zelenograd and get a job here. Up to 70% of the paramedical staff of City Hospital No. 3, the Zelenograd Ambulance Station, and law enforcement agencies are graduates of our medical college.

After the closure of the college, young people would have to go to study in Moscow or look for another field, and medical institutions would have to look for staff in Moscow.

Everything is according to the law, more precisely, according to the laws market economy: profitability - in the first place. Expediency is the second question.

State Duma deputy Irina Viktorovna Belykh thinks differently - economic priorities should not always be in the first place.

Indeed, a continuous educational chain has developed in Zelenograd: school - college - work. Would it make sense to destroy it?

Irina Belykh supported the opinion of Zelenograd residents: the college should be preserved. Profitability is an issue that can be discussed and decided separately, at the local level. It is impossible to deprive Zelenograd youth of the opportunity to study and then work in Zelenograd.

Irina Viktorovna turned to the head of the Moscow Health Department Alexei Khripun. During the working meeting, she stated the facts and gave arguments. A. Khripun agreed with the arguments: it is not advisable to close the branch of the college, which not only provides educational places, but also forms personnel, mainly covering the needs of the district. At the end of the meeting, the head of the department assured the deputy that the college would be preserved.

You do not need to travel to Moscow to apply for college. The official website of the college states: since June 20, 2016 on the basis of the Zelenograd branch of GBPOU DZM "MK No. 7" (Zelenograd, Chestnut alley, 4), the selection committee begins to work.

Zelenograd medical college applicants - 9th grade graduates - were promised one group in Zelenograd this year. But it will be known for sure only at the end of August. Regionals will not be accepted. In addition to the training of paramedical personnel, paid training grounds for citizens, the police, and sellers will be opened here - these are the plans of the health department.

Training in Zelenograd can continue if there are at least 25 people (photo

Zelenograd Medical College became a branch of the Moscow Medical College No. 7 last year, and just two months before the exams, information appeared about the termination of enrollment for the next academic year.

The Zelenograd branch will not be closed, they reported on April 23 at the Day open doors educational institution, - such a decision was made just last week. Earlier, the Department of Health explained the termination of recruitment: the need for nurses in Zelenograd is "practically absent", in addition, only a quarter of the graduates of the Zelenograd Medical College go to work in state medical institutions.

Education in Zelenograd can continue if there are at least 25 people

In the next academic year, Zelenograd Medical College will have one group of first-year students in the specialty "nursing", if there are at least 25 people from Zelenograd who have a permanent or temporary residence permit in Moscow, said the director of college No. 7 Sergey Sukhanov. But they will be able to guarantee these places in Zelenograd only at the end of the admission campaign, that is, on the 20th of August.

Zelenograd students will be able to study at the expense of the budget in branches on Novogireevskaya, Milashenkova, Profsoyuznaya, Nikoloyamskaya streets (metro stations Vykhino, Timiryazevskaya, Konkovo, Taganskaya). Acceptance of documents for admission will begin on June 20 and will be held at the head office on Nikolyamskaya Street. If Zelenograd applicants receive a large number of applications (how many, not specified), then on the basis of the Zelenograd College will work on-site selection committee.

On April 25, the Department of Health issued a press release stating that in the 2016/2017 academic year, the Zelenograd Medical College will train specialists in the specialties of Nursing (full-time and evening education) and General Medicine (only full-time). The rules and conditions for admission were approved on March 1 .

325 budget places were allocated to all branches of medical college No. 7, of which 8 are formed study groups. If it is planned to leave one group of first-year students in the Zelenograd branch, then in other Moscow branches - two or three. This fact is explained by the same lack of need for medical staff.

Last year, out of 46 graduates of the Zelenograd college with a degree in general medicine, only 8 came to work in an ambulance - three at the Zelenograd substation, five at Moscow, Sukhanov cited the example. This academic year, they stopped teaching paramedics at the Zelenograd college.

Regionals will be accepted if they make a temporary registration

Residents of the Moscow region are denied admission to state-funded places - only if they make a temporary registration in Moscow. Among the parents and applicants who came to the Open Day were residents of Klin, Solnechnogorsk, Mendeleevo (residents of the regional cities and towns closest to Zelenograd traditionally study at the medical college on Chestnut Alley).

In response to a parent's request normative act, on the basis of which the admission of regional workers is prohibited, Sergei Sukhanov replied that such a bill is only being developed by the departments of education and health. It will be ready and published by June 1st.

The budget of the educational institution is formed on the basis of the state assignment, the director of the college explained, which is formed taking into account the needs of the nursing staff of Moscow polyclinics and hospitals. According to official data, there are fewer and fewer needs - last year's admission plan was twice the vacancies of nurses in the capital's medical institutions. The government of Moscow pays for students.

The nearest regional medical school and medical institute are in Tver. Residents of Klin and Solnechnogorsk told why they do not want to go to Tver: firstly, Zelenograd is closer, and secondly, the Zelenograd medical college has better technical equipment and teaching staff. The same opinion was voiced about one of the proposed Moscow branches of the medical college by a resident of Zelenograd.

Paid education in a medical college will cost 127 thousand per year

The Open Doors Day was organized as a presentation of several Moscow medical colleges, which are located near the metro stations "Vykhino", "Shchukinskaya", "Taganskaya", "Dmitrovskaya", "Konkovo". The Department of Health invited TV channels, in particular TV Center and Moscow-24. The management of Moscow educational institutions presented their learning programs against the background of the stands of the Zelenograd medical college - author's developments. This caused questions from college teachers, after which the television crew turned off the cameras. Most of those who came were only interested in the fate of the Zelenograd college and the conditions for admission this year, which the audience openly declared.

Dissatisfied Zelenograd residents were advised to calculate the cost of paid education and budget education, provided that they study in Moscow - perhaps it will come out about the same, given transport and food. According to unofficial data, studying at a medical college will cost 127 thousand rubles a year, the exact amount will be announced by June 1st. Last year, education in medical colleges cost from 80 to 100 thousand rubles a year.

The medical college will teach those who wish to teach simple medical manipulations

Zelenograd Medical College today is interesting as a training platform for the population, it will work 24 hours a day, said Irina Sokoreva, Deputy Head of the Legal Department of the Department of Health. It is planned to draw up medical educational programs for citizens, salesmen, police, engineers. Many people want to learn how to care for sick relatives, how to properly apply eye drops, stop nosebleeds, put rectal suppositories, Sokoreva gave examples. Such educational programs can only be provided for a fee.

So far, four educational programs have been approved: first aid (for physical education teachers, trainers, firefighters, employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations and everyone else), a school for young mothers, a care school (for relatives of the elderly and disabled, including for social centers) and hygiene education population. Training can be group and individual.

Zelenograd Medical College. Photo:

The administration of the educational institution is forced to stop the recruitment of applicants.

The leadership of the Zelenograd Medical College was faced with a sad fact: there will be no enrollment of applicants this year. This will affect all forms of education, including paramedics and nurses.

This was reported to the Zelenograd24 portal by the head of the educational institution Natalia Sharueva. This news, announced at a meeting at the head Moscow institution of the college, came as a complete surprise to the leadership, since earlier the department of health noted the special status of the educational institution located in Zelenograd. That, however, did not prevent the authorities in June 2015 from depriving the college of autonomy, making it a branch of the Moscow Medical College No. 7, and now completely depriving applicants from enrollment in connection with the ongoing reorganization of medical institutions throughout Moscow.

This year, the college has already managed to hold open days for applicants twice as part of the admissions campaign. The third event, scheduled for April 23, is likely to have to be cancelled. On this moment it is also not clear what will happen to the current students of the college - whether they finish their studies in Zelenograd, or they will be transferred to the capital's branches - it all depends on the decision of the department. In total, about 600 people study at the educational institution.

The absence of students will naturally affect the fate of teachers: already next year, according to Natalia Sharuyeva, teachers of general education subjects for the 1st year will face an unenviable fate - “ they will not be cut, they will be offered a job in the headquarters in Moscow, but there is not much of it - a maximum of 400 hours per person, and the rate starts at 700, plus daily trips to Moscow ... so I assume that basically people will refuse - then they will be asked to leave of their own accord. This is likely to be the policy. This happens in all colleges in Moscow, unfortunately. But no one expected that something like this would happen in Zelenograd - after all, we are, in fact, the only educational medical institution and all local medical institutions have our graduates - both sisters and "healers", and those who received higher education professional doctors working in the healthcare sector of Zelenograd».

Active citizens of Zelenograd, dissatisfied with the decision of the department, are asking the authorities to take the necessary measures: on the website of the prefecture of ZelAO, an appeal of teachers and college students to the prefect Anatoly Smirnov is posted, and on the petition platform, signatures are being collected against the closure of the educational institution, addressed to the mayor of Moscow Sergey Sobyanin.

Regarding the petition, Natalya Sharuyeva expressed the opinion that attracting the attention of deputies could be useful before the announcement of the termination of the enrollment of applicants, during the question of joining the Capital College in June 2015. " Perhaps the collection of signatures will somehow affect the situation, but it seems that the absence of a collection this year speaks for itself. Then everything will go downhill: every year I will be forced to give up teachers, and when the last year leaves, we just - ... That's all».

Every year, as part of the admission campaign, the college recruited about 200 students, both from Zelenograd and other cities such as Solnechnogorsk, Klin and Tver. On April 1, 1985, the medical institution, which had been a branch of the Moscow School No. 19 since 1971, received the status of an independent educational institution and moved to a new building on the territory of the hospital complex. City Hospital No. 3, where classes were previously held, has become the leading clinical base of the college.
