Oryol Basic Medical College. Oryol Basic Medical College in Oryol - overview, specialties, admission features and reviews Oryol Basic Medical College

A huge number of specialists have graduated from its walls who work successfully not only in the city and region, but also in neighboring regions, and even abroad.

During the period of final exams, the question of choosing a place for future study is more relevant than ever among yesterday's schoolchildren, so in this article we will talk about the basic medical college of the city of Oryol.

About the institution

In the fall of 2018 basic Medical College will celebrate its 120th anniversary in Orel. The educational institution was founded on September 15, 1898. But at its very beginning, the institution, although it was of an educational nature, had not yet acquired the status of a college. It was a paramedic school with 33 students in three classes. Financing was provided by the Oryol Zemstvo Administration.

Of course, the head of the school had to be a person with a medical education. And so it was - Vladimir Ivanovich Radulovich took over as director. At that time, he still held the post of chief physician of the zemstvo hospital.

In 1904, at the height of the Russo-Japanese War, courses began to be held within the school’s walls for those who wanted to provide medical care wounded. The training lasted 3 months, classes were held daily.

In 1906, the director of the paramedic school died. V.S. was appointed in his place. Chebotarev, resident of the surgical department.

In 1907, innovations were actively introduced at the school to eliminate existing shortcomings. As a result, the school became exclusively female educational institution. A fourth class, obstetrics and gynecology, was added to the existing three. The best students who completed the basic course of medicine with excellent marks were enrolled in it. Girls entered the school from the age of 16.

The school also went through difficult times for the country - the 20s and 30s. Even during the Great Patriotic War it did not cease to exist, although it was going through its worst period: there was practically no funding, after the war it was necessary to rent a small room on the second floor of a residential building, which was completely unsuitable for conducting classes and practice. Despite all the adversities, the school trained and graduated true professionals in their field.

In 1954, the obstetric and paramedic school acquired the status of the Oryol Medical School.

In 1983, the educational institution moved to its permanent building, where it is still located.

In 2001, the school underwent important changes. It became known as the Oryol Medical College Institution of Advanced Secondary Vocational Education.

Over the entire existence of the institution, many leaders have been at its helm - famous and respected personalities of whom the college continues to be proud.

What kind of specialists does the college prepare?

On the basis of the medical college in Orel, professionals are trained in five areas:

  1. Medical business. Upon completion, the qualification "paramedic" is awarded. Graduates can work as emergency doctors, in medical units of military units, in first-aid posts at airports, train stations, etc.
  2. Midwifery. Upon completion, the specialty “midwife” is awarded, which involves providing obstetric and gynecological care to women.
  3. Nursing. Qualifications Responsibilities include providing non-medical medical care to the public.
  4. Pharmacy. Specialty "pharmacist".
  5. Laboratory diagnostics. Qualification "medical laboratory technician". The work consists of examining test samples, determining blood parameters, etc.

Conditions for admission

You can enter medical college (Oryol) after 9th grade or after 11th grade. Acceptance of documents begins on June 20. The applicant must collect and provide admissions committee the following package of documents:

  • an application completed exclusively by the applicant, and not by parents or third parties;
  • original and copy of Russian passport, citizenship;
  • original and copy of a certificate of secondary education or secondary vocational education;
  • 4 photos 3 by 4;
  • medical certificate in form 086U, indicating the presence or absence of contraindications to training;
  • certificate of current vaccinations.

One of the conditions is a passing grade at Orel Medical College. It represents the arithmetic average of all certificate grades. The indicator must be at least 3.5.

In addition, applicants to the specialties “general medicine”, “obstetrics” and “nursing” pass an oral exam in biology. Its essence is to test applicants’ ability to use terms, evaluate their understanding of biological processes, etc.

Forms and duration of training

Oryol Basic Medical College accepts students from both 11th and 9th grades. But each specialty has its own conditions:

  1. Medical business. Students are accepted after 11th grade. The duration of training is 3 years 10 months, training takes place only on a full-time basis.
  2. Midwifery. Admission is carried out on the basis of 9 classes. The duration of study is 3 years 10 months. Full-time.
  3. Nursing. Admission is carried out on the basis of 9th and 11th grades. In the first case, the duration of study is 2 years 10 months, in the second - 3 years and 10 months with full-time education. There is also an evening department for 11th grade graduates. Duration of study is 3 years 10 months.
  4. Pharmacy. Recruitment is carried out on the basis of 9th grade. Full-time course, duration of study 3 years 10 months.
  5. Laboratory diagnostics. Admission is based on 9 classes, full-time education only. Duration of training is 3 years 10 months.


There are enough budget places allocated at the Orel Medical College. Training is possible on a contractual basis with a fixed cost. So, for the training period 2017-2018. the cost of training is:

  1. General medicine - 27,800 rubles.
  2. Obstetrics - 26,800 rubles.
  3. Nursing: full-time - 30,000, part-time - 26,300.
  4. Pharmacy: full-time - 41,400 rubles, part-time - 22,600.
  5. Laboratory diagnostics - 27,800 rubles.

The institution conducts professional retraining courses that last 3.5 months. Their cost is 23,800 rubles.

In addition, on the basis of the Oryol Medical College, you can take advanced training courses for paramedics:

  1. 3,400 rubles. Duration - 2 weeks.
  2. 6,400 rubles. Duration - 1 month.
  3. 9,400 rubles for a course of 1.5 months.
  4. 12,400 rubles for 2 months.
  5. 18,400 for 3 months.


The teaching staff of Orel Medical College is represented mainly by young and progressive specialists who keep up with the times and medicine. Many of them were awarded honorary titles and awards.


Practice for a future specialist is very important, therefore, at the Oryol Basic Medical College in Oryol practical classes special attention is paid. Their goal is to teach future specialists to quickly navigate certain critical situations, be able to use the necessary equipment, provide first aid, and so on.

Students' internships take place on the basis of medical and pharmaceutical organizations in Orel and the region. The basic college cooperates with 93 medical and pharmaceutical institutions.

In order to train professional personnel, 2 types of training practices are carried out:

  1. Educational.
  2. Production, which is divided into specialized and pre-graduate internships.

Training is carried out within the framework of classes. The goal is to reinforce the acquired knowledge and be able to apply theory in practice. Students practice on mock-ups and educational equipment. Classes are held in classrooms, in preclinical practice rooms, in medical and pharmaceutical organizations.

Extracurricular life

In addition to lectures and seminars, students’ lives also include “extracurricular” activities. Thematic events combine both entertaining and educational.

For example, in 2017, the following events took place at the medical college:

  1. "Under the shadow of Fetov's line" - literary readings, held in the city children's library.
  2. - meeting with the leading endocrinologist of the Oryol region.
  3. Competition "Student of the Year".
  4. Competition to identify the skills of laboratory technicians.
  5. Patriotic movie hour.
  6. Religious event "Under the protection of Peter and Fronia."
  7. Vocal and choreographic competition on a regional scale.
  8. Teacher's Day.
  9. Theater days.
  10. Open life safety lesson.

This is far from full list events that were held only in the fall of 2017. During the entire academic year, there are about 100 of them.

In addition, various sporting events, there are sections and creative clubs.


At the end of the training period, each graduate is awarded a state diploma of secondary education. vocational education in one of the specialties. Yesterday's students can work in any medical institution or where they did their internship.

The history of the creation of medical care in Orel educational institution begins on September 15, 1898. It was then that, on the basis of the report of the Oryol Provincial Zemstvo Council in 1898, a paramedic school was opened at the Oryol Zemstvo Hospital to the XXXIII regular Oryol Provincial Zemstvo Assembly. At first there were only 33 students, the school was supported by the Oryol provincial zemstvo and had 3 classes.

The first director of the school was the senior doctor of the provincial zemstvo hospital, Vladimir Ivanovich Radulovich.

Senior doctor of the provincial hospital
IN AND. Radulović (1834 - 1906)
Shortly after the start of the Russo-Japanese War, on March 10, 1904, by decree of the Oryol Provincial Zemstvo Assembly, short-term courses were opened at the school “for persons who expressed a desire to use their labor to care for sick and wounded soldiers.” Classes were conducted daily, for three months, according to a program approved by the management Russian society Red Cross.

In 1906, serious changes took place in the history of the paramedic school: after the death of V.I. Radulovich, his position was taken by resident of the surgical department V.S. Chebotarev, and in 1907 the provincial zemstvo assembly raised the issue of revising the school charter. The provincial government prepared a special report “On the reform of the Oryol zemstvo paramedic school,” which noted its shortcomings and proposed appropriate measures for the necessary transformation. According to the new charter, the school became an exclusively female educational institution. The age of students was set at least 16 years. In addition to three classes providing a complete paramedic education, the school was supplemented with a fourth - obstetrics and gynecology. The best students who completed the general course of school were accepted into it.

The new charter of the Oryol Zemstvo Medical Assistant School was approved on March 16, 1911, and on September 1 of the same year, the Oryol Zemstvo Medical Assistant and Obstetric School was opened on its basis. Classes in new school began in a building specially built for it, located at the end of Sverbeevsky Lane, in the garden, next to the provincial zemstvo hospital (now Pionerskaya Street).

College majors

Laboratory diagnostics

  • 46 months

General Medicine

  • 46 months


  • 46 months


  • 46 months

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