Quality of life from A to Z. Optimus of life - quality of life management from A to Z

As progress moves forward every day, many people begin to realize that sometimes they want to be alone with themselves. Each of us wants to take a break from the modern world and relax so that no one stresses them out. Each person relaxes in his own way, and perhaps someone, on the contrary, follows new products and wants to keep up with the times. For all such people who want to change themselves a little, Optimus of Life will help.

Optimus of life - quality of life management from A to Z

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Quality of life is considered as a system of indicators characterizing the degree of implementation of people’s life strategies and satisfaction of their life needs. Programmatic improvements in the quality of life are considered as a social project aimed at increasing people’s opportunities to solve their problems, achieve personal success and individual happiness.

The quality of life- a set of indicators of the general well-being of people, characterizing the level of material consumption (standard of living), as well as the consumption of directly unpaid benefits.

Quality of life involves:

Clean environment;

Personal and national security;

Political and economic freedoms;

Other conditions of human well-being that are difficult to quantify.

The quality of life- this is a category that is not as standardized as the concept of “quality” presented in international ISO standards. Each community develops this concept independently, based on its ideals. In many countries, the idea of ​​quality has become a national idea. Quality of life is usually understood as the financial security of the community, unity with nature, responsibility to future generations and much more.

Characterizing the essence quality of life As a socio-economic category, it is necessary to emphasize a number of its features:

Firstly, quality of life is an extremely broad, multidimensional, multifaceted concept, incomparably broader than “standard of living.” This is a category that goes far beyond economics. This is first of all sociological a category that covers all spheres of society, since they all contain people’s lives and their quality.

Secondly, quality of life has two sides: objective and subjective. The criterion for an objective assessment of the quality of life is the scientific standards of people's needs and interests, in relation to which one can objectively judge the degree of satisfaction of these needs and interests.

On the other hand, the needs and interests of people are individual and the degree of their satisfaction can only be assessed by the subjects themselves. They are not fixed by any statistical values ​​and practically exist only in the minds of people and, accordingly, in their personal opinions and assessments.

Thus, assessment of quality of life comes in two forms:

the degree of satisfaction of scientifically based needs and interests;

satisfaction with the quality of life of the people themselves.

Third, quality of life is not a category separated from other socio-economic categories, but unites many of them and includes them in a qualitative aspect.

Thus, the components of quality of life include lifestyle, standard of living, and the environment, enriched with qualitative assessments. For example, when characterizing the quality of life, one cannot limit oneself to assessing nutrition by its nutritional value (calorie content, content in grams of proteins, fats). It is impossible to ignore such qualities of nutrition as its regularity, variety, and taste. When characterizing the quality of working life, one cannot limit oneself (as when analyzing the standard of living) to indicators of employment, unemployment, length of the working day, week, year, and the level of occupational injuries, but it is necessary to assess the compliance with the interests of workers of the content and nature of work, its intensity, relationships within the work collective and etc.

The quality of life- this is the degree of development and completeness of satisfaction of the entire complex of needs and interests of people, manifested both in various types activity, and in the feeling of life itself. The problem of quality of life includes the conditions, results and nature of work, demographic, ethnographic and environmental aspects of people’s existence. There are legal and political aspects to this problem related to rights and freedoms, behavioral and psychological aspects, and a general ideological and cultural background.

As for well-being in general, this is a kind of synthesis, a generalizing view of the social organism, including all of the above aspects.

Achieving the highest possible quality of life for the population is a priority goal of a social market economy. One of the most important prerequisites for the implementation of this task is the implementation of an effective policy for the welfare of the population. The central place in welfare policy is occupied by the income of the population, their differentiation, and the constant increase in the standard of living of citizens.

The quality of life for people is inseparable from the goals that they set for their lives, that is, it is associated with the effectiveness of life in in a broad sense words, and not only with satisfaction with one’s personal life, but also with satisfaction with one’s position in the country and in the world, which is reflected in people’s well-being.

There are two possible approaches:

· drawing up a consolidated list of indicators in accordance with the structure of needs and interests;

· a more preferable analytical approach, in which indicators of quality of life are first of all grouped by spheres of life in accordance with the structure of the processes of people's lives themselves, followed by a synthetic generalization.

Both methodologically and for practical purposes, it is very important to assess the quality of life not only in general, but also in each of its main areas.

These areas include:

· working life;

· the sphere of development of people's abilities;

· family life;

· life and health maintenance;

· life of the disabled;

· environment;

· life in experimental economic situations.

A special area of ​​people's lives is formed by concern for the future.

Each of these areas has its own specific components that require a qualitative assessment. If we put them into unified system, then you get a very complex and extensive structure. So, for example, the transition to market economy changed the quality of labor, since for the bulk of the economically active population it became hired, depending on the relationship between supply and demand, on the economic situation. The positivity of socio-economic transformations is expressed in the fact that workers have received greater freedom in choosing where to work, and competition in the labor market has become an additional incentive for the development of personal abilities and their use.

UN list of countries by quality of life

Russia ranked sixth in the list of countries in the world compiled by the UN according to a number of criteria, collectively called “the quality of life in them.” Norway has already occupied first place on this list for a year in a row. Second, third, fourth and fifth, respectively, are Sweden, Canada, Belgium and Australia. In sixth place is the USA. Iceland is in seventh place, the Netherlands is in eighth place, Japan is in ninth place, and Finland rounds out the top ten.

In the second ten are countries where life is not as good and cloudless as in the countries of the top ten, but still at a fairly high level for the 21st century. In it, places from 11 to 20 went to Switzerland, France, Great Britain, Denmark, Austria, Luxembourg, Germany, Ireland, New Zealand and Italy, respectively.

Sierra Leone closes the list in 173rd place. According to the UN, in Eastern Europe, in the countries of the former USSR, as well as in many African countries, the standard of living is now lower than at the end “ cold war” (i.e. in the late 80s - early 90s). People there live poorer and die earlier.

Officially, the UN list is called the “Best Countries to Live In” list. When compiling it, factors such as level of education, life expectancy and per capita income were taken into account.


1. Bobkov V., Maslovsky-Mstislavsky P. Dynamics of living standards of the population.//Economist.- 1994.-No. 6.

2. Abakumova N.N., Podovalova R.Ya. Revenue Policy and wages: Tutorial. – Novosibirsk: NGAEiU, 1999.

3. Institute for Quality of Life, Internet address

Nutrition, everyday comfort, social environment, satisfaction of cultural and spiritual needs, psychological comfort, etc.

The quality of life may depend on the state of health, communication in society, psychological and social status, freedom of activity and choice, from stress and excessive concern, organization of leisure, level of education, access to cultural heritage, social, psychological and professional self-affirmation, psychotype and adequacy of communications and relationships.

  • sufficient duration healthy life, supported by good medical care and safety (absence of significant threats to life and health),
  • acceptable volume of consumption of goods and services, guaranteed access to material goods,
  • satisfactory social relations, absence of serious social conflicts and threats to the achieved level of well-being,
  • family well-being,
  • knowledge of the world and development - access to knowledge, education and cultural values ​​that shape personality and ideas about the world around us,
  • taking into account the individual’s opinion when solving social problems, participating in the creation of a generally accepted picture of the world and rules of human behavior,
  • social belonging, full participation in social and cultural life in all their forms,
  • access to a variety of information, including information about the state of affairs in society,
  • comfortable working conditions that provide scope for creativity and self-realization, a relatively short working day, leaving a person with enough free time for various activities.

Encyclopedic YouTube

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    ✪ Happiness does not come from money. The quality of life. Human freedom. True values. Modern slavery.

    ✪ 9_about energy centers and quality of life.


Dimensions of quality of life

With a certain approximation, the UN Human Development Index can be used as an indicator of quality of life. It is based on the following areas: income level in a country or region (determined through GNI per capita at PPP), life expectancy, access to knowledge (determined based on the share of the population enrolled in various levels of education).

Measuring quality of life in various countries Various quality of life indices can be used, among which the “Better Life Index”, calculated by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, should be highlighted

Subjective assessment of quality of life can also be measured using sociological surveys. For this purpose, a wide range of sociological tools is used. The most significant, integral indicator characterizing the subjective assessment of the quality of life is a person’s satisfaction with his life.

Quality of life in medicine

Improving quality of life is either a primary or secondary goal of treatment. An additional goal is to improve the quality of life if the disease can lead to a shortening of life, and the main goal is if it cannot lead to a shortening of life or, on the contrary, if the disease is incurable and will certainly lead to the death of the patient. In the latter case, improving the quality of life remains the only goal of treatment.

Quality of life studies are carried out in many areas of medicine, in particular in palliative medicine, cardiology, transplantology, oncology, surgery, psychiatry, endocrinology, gerontology, neurology and others. The main directions of such research include standardization of treatment methods, examination of new treatment methods and drugs, development of prognostic models for the course of diseases, and economic justification of treatment methods.

Assessment methodology

The main tool for assessing the quality of life of patients is specially developed questionnaires. Questionnaires can be general or specialized. Specialized questionnaires may relate to certain areas of medicine, specific diseases or even to specific disease stages and conditions. Compiling questionnaires is a complex and multi-stage process. It includes assessing the validity, assessing the reliability, and determining the sensitivity of the questionnaire, which are carried out by qualified specialists using specially designed tests. Standardized questionnaires are often used. Among the common ones, the most common are: EUROQOL, MOS SF-36, Quality for Well-Being Index, Sickness Impact Profile, Nottingham Health Profile, Quality of Life Index. When preparing a questionnaire for use in a different linguistic and cultural environment, multilevel adaptation is carried out.

In addition to collecting data using questionnaires, assessing quality of life also includes examining patients, statistical processing, analysis and interpretation of data.

Palliative care, palliative medicine

Palliative medicine is a branch of medicine whose task is to improve the quality of life of hopeless patients, for example in the case of inoperable forms of cancer. It is based on the relief of pain, other symptoms, the solution of psychological and social problems sick. The goal of palliative care is to maximize the quality of life of a hopeless patient and his family. A type of palliative care is hospice care.

Pharmacoeconomics and quality of life

Pharmacoeconomics is a field of research that studies the cost and effectiveness of certain drugs and treatment methods. Within the framework of pharmacoeconomics, calculations are made of the cost of treatment, cost minimization, the relationship between the cost of treatment and the final economic benefit, the cost of treatment and its effectiveness, the cost of treatment and its usefulness. In the 1970s, to calculate the ratio cost and efficiency treatment, it was proposed to use the value of QALY - quality-adjusted life years (English. quality-adjusted life years). Subsequently, based on this concept, a calculation of the ratio was developed cost and utility. These calculations are used when choosing the most optimal treatment methods.

Quality-adjusted life years (QALYs)

Quality-adjusted life years is a conditional integral value that takes into account the patient’s life expectancy and its quality. To calculate it, it is necessary to multiply each year lived by the patient by a coefficient reflecting the quality of his life. The coefficient can take values ​​from 1.0 (absolute health, maximum quality of life) to 0.0 (death). At the same time, one year lived in the best state of health adds 1 to the value a year well lived, a year lived with a quality of life coefficient of 0.6 adds 0.6, etc. Thus, when calculating the effectiveness of treatment, for example, two years of life with a coefficient of 0.5 are equal to one year with a coefficient of 1.0. The QALY value is widely used in Western countries.

see also


  1. The quality of life. // Raizberg B. A., Lozovsky L. Sh., Starodubtseva E. B. Modern economic dictionary. - 2nd ed., rev. M.: INFRA-M, 1999. - 479 p.
  2. Kamenskaya G.V.

QUALITY OF LIFE is a constantly evolving economic and philosophical category that characterizes the material and spiritual comfort of people’s existence.

In Japan, the study of quality of life began after the end of the Second World War and became widespread during the years of extremely high rates of economic growth.

Initially, to determine the level of quality of life, exclusively indicators of the dynamics of the population’s income and the scale of their acquisition of material goods, primarily durable goods. Regular surveys from year to year recorded an increase in family income and the share of households that acquired radios, tape recorders, video recorders, televisions with black and white and color images, refrigerators, washing machines, vacuum cleaners, cameras, furniture sets, microwave ovens, air conditioners, cars, etc., and, as a result, an increase in the number of respondents who expressed satisfaction with their life and its quality.

However, over time, the relationship between the commodity saturation of households and positive consumer assessments of the current situation and prospects began to weaken somewhat. As material well-being continued to increase, some respondents began to express pessimism about the future.

This was caused by the emergence of previously unknown acute socio-psychological problems, which represented, as it were, reverse side rapid economic development based on outstanding achievements of scientific and technological progress. In particular, the ecological problems, the rhythm of everyday life accelerated, production life intensified in leaps and bounds. The human habitat was suddenly filled with high-tech life support systems, the operation of which required professional skills and psychological compatibility from the masses, often exceeding their physical and intellectual capabilities and therefore contributing to feelings of frustration, as well as various stresses.

In such a situation, it is natural to include in the concept of “quality of life” a number of intangible components, the measurement of which using natural indicators is practically impossible and which are assessed by the purely subjective attitude of those covered by surveys (we are talking, for example, about the content of work and leisure, about satisfaction needs for self-affirmation, respect from others, creativity, social and political life, the type of family relationships and relationships with friends, the perceived degree of development of democracy and the degree of trust in public and private institutions).

In May 1995, 10.4% of respondents noted that they were “satisfied” with the quality of their life, 62.4% were “more or less satisfied” (such a high proportion of “satisfied” was not observed in the entire history of surveys). At the same time, 4.8% of respondents said that they were “not satisfied” with the quality of their life, and 19.8% indicated “more or less dissatisfaction.”

Steadily improving the quality of life is one of the acquired objectives of the Japanese government. It is expected that in the medium term (up to 15 years), the following indicators of quality of life will undergo the most radical changes: well-being and independent status; the state of the public health system; achievements in the field of education; Problems environment, created by man; political stability and national security.

We cannot exclude the possibility that new problems will emerge that will dictate further modifications to the concept of “quality of life.”

Elena Vetshtein

“Yes”, “No” and quality of life

We all pretend to live well, striving for a certain standard of living. Each of us has a certain set of components that determines what level of life he has reached at the current moment in time. Someone compares themselves with a neighbor, classmate, or deputy. For most people this is important. But there is one more significant indicator - quality of life. Unlike the standard of living, which evaluates its conditions and characteristics, the quality of life indicator includes a personal assessment based on a person’s own degree of satisfaction with these conditions and characteristics.

Thus, quality of life is an expectation that we all strive for in our thoughts, dreams and fantasies. But for the vast majority, this expectation is very different from reality. Reality falls short of expectations.

Moreover, with age, the gap in the score increases significantly...

I am interested in the quality of life from the point of view of the possibility or impossibility of achieving it by each individual person, what are the reasons for the discrepancies between expectations and reality and the conditions that help reduce this gap.
Let's start with the reasons.

The abundance of available information determines very high level expectations and belief in one's own uniqueness. Two groups can be distinguished here.

First group— the lack of a global view of what is happening, in which actions and results are clearly subordinated, is hampered by the lack of a global view of what is happening, in which actions and results are clearly subordinated. In other words , there is no strategy, but an excessive focus on details, which serves as an excuse not to do the main thing.

Second group- people endlessly searching for their purpose. Behind these searches, one’s own meanings are lost (or they are replaced by the search for “one’s own” path in life). As a result, life develops according to someone else’s scenarios as a set of unrelated episodes stretched out over time.

Time passes, but ambitions are not satisfied, life achievements are below expectations, and one day a moment of enlightenment comes, which is accompanied by strong dissatisfaction with one’s own life.

Exists only two exits from the current situation.

First- feel sorry for yourself, blame loved ones, circumstances and the whole world, shifting responsibility for your own inaction and missed opportunities. This method will provide relief for a while. I shifted responsibility - I felt like a victim, I turned from an accused into a victim, but the desired quality of life was never achieved. Notice how many whiners there are around!

This method works like a pain pill, providing temporary relief but not curing the cause.

Second The way is to run at a faster pace, reducing the gap between what you want and reality. But for this you need, firstly, to honestly answer the questions: “What is for you personally? high quality life?", "; secondly, learn to tell yourself.

Learning to say “no” was difficult for me. I remember how popular during my student years were publications about how important it is to learn to say “No” to other people who claim someone else’s personal space and time. Recommendations were offered on how to overcome the psychological barrier and delicately say “No” to another. But I don’t remember any recommendations on how to learn to say “No” to myself.

What is “No” to yourself?

Any internal growth is impossible without pain and overcoming. Just as in the development of muscle strength it is important not to simply perform monotonous mechanical work, but a progressive planned load, so in personal growth, in order to overcome your own ceiling, it is important to learn to acquire, consolidate and build up new skills. To do this, you need to say “No” to your own numerous weaknesses.

This is difficult at first, but as you master the new rhythm of life, values ​​also begin to change. At the same time, we often feel too sorry for ourselves in the current moment, and our internal permissiveness does not allow us to break out into a new orbit.

Just as a huge number of people losing weight go astray from their intended path at the sight of another bun, so those who are trying to achieve a different quality of life again fall into captivity of old patterns of behavior.

Saying “No” to a muffin today does not mean banning muffins for life. But in the beginning, being strict with yourself is never unnecessary. It is the key to successful overcoming.

“No” to everything that makes you weaker and more vulnerable, while “Yes” to new opportunities that open up, even if they require leaving your own zone. “Yes” to any activity, instead of boredom and excuses about being too busy.

The easiest way is to close yourself with a shield of banality and the usual flow of life, even when life offers another chance in the palm of your hand.

“You will need to work a lot there,” “No, most likely, “the game is not worth the candle” - personally, I closed the door many times when new opportunities appeared on its threshold. And I did this not because they did not promise a different (better) quality of life, but because I was scared and difficult to overcome my own inertia, because in general everything was fine.

Life always gives us the right to choose the quality that we ourselves deserve in life. this moment. But only those who know how to correctly arrange things, sweep away the unnecessary, know how to act, concentrating all their energy on what really has value and corresponds to their own goals and meanings, achieve what they want.

If you ever come to the realization that something in your life has not been going according to plan for a long time, that the discrepancy between expectations and reality is too great (in family life, self-realization, health, appearance), which means that you again have a chance to take the path of change.
