Hemorrhoids as a spiritual disease in Orthodoxy. Orthodox medical book: Holy fathers about illness

This time the topic of our conversation with the Metropolitan of Saratov and Volsky Longin is the attitude towards the disease. Why do people get sick, how can a suffering person find spiritual support, what should be our attitude towards medicine, what methods of healing are acceptable, and which are unacceptable for a Christian—we asked Vladyka these questions.

— Vladyka, the topic of our conversation today was not chosen by chance. Illness is something that every person faces. People of any age are ill, from the smallest. A serious illness is a real test: not only physical pain, but also emotional experiences for the patient himself and for his loved ones. Why do people get sick? Do illnesses have a spiritual meaning?

Indeed, diseases accompany a person all his life. As we know from the Holy Scriptures, sorrow, sickness, death and corruption are the consequences of the fall, the apostasy of man from God. Physical illness is the outward manifestation of the deep spiritual damage that sin has done to human nature. And as long as this world exists, there are not and will not be people on earth who are able to avoid diseases, despite all the efforts of doctors and the achievements of medicine.

Therefore, for a Christian, the question of whether or not there is a spiritual meaning in illness is not worth it. Certainly there is.

- If you are seriously ill, is it necessary to ask yourself the question: why or for what purpose did this test come upon me?

- It is natural for a person to ask the question: why exactly I or a person close to me fell ill, although by and large this question is one of the insoluble ones. The question of the existence of disease and death, as well as the suffering of innocent people, is, in general, a question of theodicy, it has always stood before human consciousness. At one time, the Monk Anthony the Great asked God about this: “Lord! Why do some people live a little and die, while others live to a ripe old age? Why are some poor and others rich? Why do the wicked get rich and the godly poor? And the saint received the answer given to us for all time: “Anthony! take care of yourself! These are the judgments of God, and it is of no use to you to know them.”

In fact, the Christian attitude to life in general is very important here. Quite often, although we consider ourselves believers and call ourselves Christians, in our lives we are guided by the same criteria as non-believers. If we are convinced that life, our prosperous earthly existence, is a self-sufficient value, above which nothing can be higher, then, of course, a serious illness and death is a catastrophe, a complete collapse of the world order in which a person lives. If we believe that our life does not end with death, that our soul is eternal, then death, with all its horror, still does not become such a nightmarish gaping abyss as in the mind of an unbeliever. Then we become able to relate somewhat differently to everything that happens to us in life, including illness.

I think that most people who lead at least partly attentive lives understand: “Someone, but I have more than enough reasons to get sick.” The reasons are both external (after all, we know that a huge number of diseases are caused by a wrong way of life), and internal, spiritual. And in most cases, if a person is honest with himself, he is aware of this. “God sends something else as a punishment, like penance, something else for reason, so that a person comes to his senses; otherwise, to get rid of the misfortune that a person would fall into if he were healthy; otherwise, so that a person shows patience and deserves a greater reward; otherwise, to cleanse from what passion, and for many other reasons ”- such reasoning was given in one of his letters by St. Theophan the Recluse.

In this case, you need to remember a very important rule well. We can and should see the causes of many of our illnesses and trials in ourselves, but in no case should we look for these causes in other people. I can tell myself that I am sick because of my sins and “I will accept what is worthy according to my deeds.” But I shouldn't say to another person, "Now, you're sick because you're a sinner." That is, being as strict as possible with myself, I have no right to even think about what shortcomings, what sins and passions have brought another person to illness. This is the line that separates a true Christian from a person who only calls himself by this name.

– Vladyka, probably each of us has seen seriously ill people who are able to support the healthy, to show them an example of not only patience, but also joy, fullness of life, spiritual strength. But it also happens the other way around: a person is literally broken by the disease. Have you met such cases? What does it depend on?

- The attitude of a person to illness is an extremely complex topic, and here, less than ever, I would like to preach. We are all weak people, and I am the weakest of all. I am not at all sure that when the time of testing comes for me, I will be able to be an example to someone. I can only repeat: much depends on a person's ability to perceive everything that he encounters in life in a Christian way, including illness. Therefore, in such situations, we can see at one extreme people who are desperate, blaming everyone else for their problems and even blaspheming God. This often occurs when a person experiences severe physical suffering. In this case, it seems to me, it is better not to discuss his words and deeds at all, because there is such a measure of human suffering that a healthy person simply cannot imagine. And at the other extreme are people who endure their painful condition with humility, with obedience to the will of God and manage to find something good in everything. There are such people, and they are an example and a reproach for us, who live an ordinary inattentive life. Such behavior depends, first of all, on a person's inner disposition, on the ability to equally accept both joy and sorrow from the hand of God. This is a very difficult skill, very few people have it. And it cannot be said that if a person succeeded once, he will succeed in the future. Therefore, we are talking about certain specific cases not in order to evaluate them, but in order to remind ourselves once again how to O to behave in such situations.

“For some, illness makes them closer to God, but for others it becomes a real obstacle in faith. It is especially hard to see the suffering of children. And often people say: "If God is merciful, how does He allow the suffering of obviously innocent people?". Tell me what you can answer here, because almost every one of us has heard such a question.

- As for childhood illnesses and the suffering of virtuous people, this is again a question of theodicy: why does the Lord allow suffering? Here it is impossible to give a general answer that is suitable for everyone and for all occasions. Probably the main thing that can be advised is to tell such people that they try to come to terms with the will of God. Even if we do not understand it now, but it is good. Everything that happens to us happens for our salvation.

- Recently I was on a pilgrimage trip, where a family with a severely disabled child was in the group with us. The boy's mother constantly repeated: "This is for our sins." She said that she often hears this not only from the spiritual father, but also from those around her, believing people, in the temple. But I think this is completely wrong. Is it necessary to say such things to suffering people?

- I repeat once again: it is my deep conviction that suffering people, parents of sick children should not be told about this. Another thing is if an adult, a believer himself is aware of this. There is no need to argue with him: “No, what are you, you are so good, it can’t be” ... But when, having met with such family tragedies, strangers or even a priest talk about the “guilt” of parents, this is categorically unacceptable. Our faith does not cancel the elementary rules of human society. Firstly, it is tactless, secondly, it is very rude, and, thirdly, it is completely unreasonable from a spiritual point of view, because such an attitude will cause nothing but resentment and rejection.

— Vladyka, what should be the spiritual help in case of illness? Probably, a believer will try to confess and take communion. There is also unction—the sacrament for healing. How can you take part in it?

- Spiritual help in illness is, first of all, prayer, including for the forgiveness of one's sins. People who have been ill with serious illnesses, whom the Lord has healed, usually change very much. They become deeper, their value system changes, many things fall into their proper place.

Of course, you must confess. Illness is a time when it is common for a person, even the most frivolous, to sum up the results of a past life. Maybe life will still be long, but, being in a serious illness, you need to evaluate your actions. Therefore, deep, sincere and complete confession and Communion are necessary.

Indeed, one of the sacraments that must be resorted to in illness is unction. According to the apostle James, if any of you is sick, let him call for the elders of the Church, and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord. And the prayer of faith will heal the sick(Jac. 5 , 14-15).

If a person is able to walk, unction over him is performed in the temple, and if not, then the priest is called to the sick person at home.

—And if one of our loved ones is seriously ill, and this person does not yet go to church constantly and consciously, is it necessary to persuade him to resort to the sacraments? I heard about cases when a person, after confession and Communion, recovered and radically changed his life. But I see that there is also a magical attitude: people take communion and take communion of children “so as not to get sick” ...

- If a person who does not yet go to church, but at least does not deny the existence of God and the sacraments of the Church, falls ill, then this is a good opportunity for him to become closer to the Church. Indeed, there are cases when a person recovers and, based on the experience of his illness, changes his life. This is very good. As for the magical attitude, of course, it must be fought against, and this is, first of all, the work of the priest. If he sees that a person not only does not believe, but also does not want to give up his delusions, and Communion and unction for him is just another remedy, “just in case” (as often happens: we go to the grandmother, and to a psychic, and to take communion in the Church - all of a sudden it will help), this is a profanation of church sacraments. And, of course, it will not lead to anything good.

- To whom and how to pray in illness? There is a tradition to read akathists to St. Luke, in the case of oncology - to St. Nektarios, the Mother of God before the icon "The Tsaritsa" ...

- Pray always, in all cases of life, you need God. Indeed, there is a tradition to pray to the saints in various illnesses, but this does not mean at all that otherwise God does not hear us. This tradition is in principle understandable. For example, St. Luke was an outstanding physician during his lifetime. Saint Nektarios suffered from cancer, and people pray to him in case of oncological diseases. This is a pious custom that should not be abandoned, but in no case should we attach excessive importance to it and turn our church calendar into a kind of medicinal encyclopedia - which saint to pray for which disease, and in what quantities this “remedy” should be taken.

“Vladyka, if a person falls ill, from whom should he seek help?” Is it possible to go to doctors, and how to relate to alternative medicine - homeopathy, acupuncture, and so on? What is the criterion here?

— Medical art is blessed by the Church, so you can and should go to doctors. The doctor was one of the apostles and evangelists, Saint Luke. We honor the unmercenary doctors - the great martyr Panteleimon, the martyrs Cosmas and Damian, Cyrus and John and others. On the one hand, these are the saints of our Church, and on the other, people who devoted their lives to medical art in the form in which it then existed. And although the methods of ancient doctors may seem outdated from the point of view of today, nevertheless, it was the scientific medicine of its time. Therefore, it is imperative to fight against the widespread opinion on the lower floors of the church-folklore consciousness that it is not necessary to go to the doctors. It also happens: "Batiushka did not bless me to go to the hospital." If the father said so, it means that he is delusional. The Church has never, under any circumstances, dismissed medical art, because it is also given to humanity by God, the Creator of all kinds.

Another thing is that there is a so-called alternative medicine. She has a different attitude. Let's say, personally, I do not recognize homeopathy at all, I consider it charlatanism. But there are people who revere homeopathy very much. Acupuncture is rather a medical method, only related to a different system. It is much worse when they start going to psychics, bioenergetics and all sorts of grandmas.

“Recently, we received a letter on our diocesan website from a woman who claims that she never goes to doctors and is treated for all illnesses in holy springs. How do you feel about such things?

- Excessive attention to the sources in our country sometimes takes on completely monstrous forms, characteristic, rather, of ancient paganism with its worship of the spirits of the forest, the spirits of water, and the like. There is more paganism than Christianity. It is very good to pray and plunge into the spring near the monastery, especially if it was dug up by a saint, such as, for example, the springs of St. Sergius of Radonezh, Savva Storozhevsky near the Trinity-Sergius Lavra. But this does not replace either the sacraments of the Church or medical care.

- “The most precious thing in the world is health”, “You can’t buy health” - there are many such sayings. Today, many people try to lead a healthy lifestyle - exercise, eat right. It seems to be good and right. But is everything allowed here? What is the attitude of the Church towards Eastern practices — yoga, Chinese qigong gymnastics? They are very popular today. People say that it really helps to cope with stress and illness.

— Anything that does not have in its basis spiritual practices alien to Christianity is acceptable. If this or that gymnastics arose on the basis of this or that spirituality - Tibetan, Lamaist, Hindu, it is better not to do it, because it is impossible to isolate any one psychosomatic component from the spiritual system and somehow neutralize it. This is impossible. All the same, to some extent it will be a betrayal of one's faith.

– Vladyka, there is such a well-established idea among church people: since illnesses are from sins, and sins make it possible for the enemy of the human race (demons) to inhabit us, a reprimand can help in a serious illness. And people go to reprimands, take children with neurological disorders, husbands with alcoholism ... Is this right, how to relate to this?

“I am very careful about this. The priest should perform the so-called reprimand only with the blessing of the bishop. Unauthorized engagement in this business does not bring anything good - neither to those who are reprimanded, nor to the one who reprimands. And there are many examples of this.

I know Father Herman in the Trinity-Sergius Lavra. He was blessed to perform this service by the late Patriarch Alexy II. I know that the Lavra's spiritual council asked the Patriarch about this, because many people come there who would like to see this rite performed over them. This is a water-blessed prayer service with special petitions for people tormented by unclean spirits. There are such people, I myself have seen them, and this is a terrible sight.

Unfortunately, today all and sundry go to reprimand, sometimes just like that, just in case. This is a manifestation of spiritual infantilism, when a person, not being able, not wanting and not even trying to learn how to work on himself, to mobilize his inner strength to fight sin, wants something done to him. You know, there is now such an expression - a person comes to the temple and says: "I was done." - "What?". - “Yes, something bad” ... And in contrast to this, a person wants to be “done” in the Church with something good. And also so that he does not do it himself, but the priest read something, anointed, sprinkled ...

As for patients with alcoholism, I think that in some cases you can bring them for a reprimand. I have seen cases when people really changed, internally and externally, after this ordination. I can not say that this is something completely useless, but not always necessary. There must necessarily be a two-pronged action — of man and God. The Lord gives help to those who themselves are trying to achieve something. If a person lies on the couch and waits for someone to do something with him, nothing will work. The Bulgarians have a good saying: “You will put him in the tomb of God” (that is, at least put him in the tomb of the Lord in Jerusalem), but you will not help in any way. That is, if the person himself does not make efforts, then nothing will happen.

- By the way, a question from the mail of our site. “My husband is a drunken alcoholic. He suffers himself, and all of us together with him (me, children, mother). In desperation, I persuade him to “sew up” or encode, but I don’t know how the Church views this?

- Very rarely this coding and "stitching" leads to sustainable positive results for the reasons that I just talked about. Coding is generally a deception, a primitive hypnosis that does not last very long. When I was still the rector at the Metochion, we had several good young guys who needed spiritual help in connection with this problem. And I found the rite of the vow of sobriety, which was drawn up in the Russian Church at the beginning of the 20th century. A special prayer service was served (usually for each person separately), then a prayer was read, and the person, putting his hand on the Gospel, in the presence of a priest, made a promise to God not to drink alcohol. You know, quite a few have quit drinking. Someone could not quit completely and immediately, but they held on for a year, two, three, then they came again and took such a blessing. It helped, I saw it myself. But then again, these were people who themselves really wanted to get rid of this sin of theirs. They tried, prayed, made efforts - and the Lord helped them.

- And such a letter came to our editorial office from Olga: “I have a friend, her daughter is sick with cerebral palsy. She considers herself a believer and goes to church. But he is still constantly looking for where the elders “receive”. And they went to Diveevo, and to a monastery in the Kaluga region to see a far-sighted priest, and to various grandmothers. To my attempts to say that this is wrong, she replies: “When this happens to your child, you will believe in everything, so we go to grandmas. They say all the diagnoses from the photo, who gives them strength? What can be said in such cases, Vladyka?

- Dear Olga! Your friend said very bitter but true words to you: “When this happens to your child, you will believe everything.” Of course, it's bad that she goes to grandmas. It's bad, but it's out of desperation. And who will throw a stone at her? In your place, I would not reproach her for going to the monasteries to the elders, looking for far-sighted priests. Of course, I would try to gently dissuade from visiting all sorts of grandmothers, sorcerers or psychics. But, if I saw that it doesn’t work, I would stop these attempts. Such people can only be helped. A sick child is a terrible grief. It is already good that a person did not leave his child (and there are many such cases), took upon himself the cross that he will bear all his life. And I think that the Lord will forgive her a lot, including some spiritual promiscuity.

- Speaking of the disease, one cannot avoid such a difficult topic as euthanasia. For example, with oncological diseases and a number of others, a person experiences incredible suffering. Suppose it is quite obvious that he will not recover, will not be able to return to normal life. Isn't it more humane to stop these sufferings?

- The Church is categorically against euthanasia, and you can read about this in detail in the social concept. The fact is that euthanasia includes two of the most terrible sins: both suicide and murder. Although it is sometimes quite obvious that a person will not recover, the disease causes him unimaginable suffering. One should try to help such a patient by all possible means, but euthanasia is not an option. The pathos of those who advocate euthanasia is, in general, understandable, but slyness often lies behind it. In the modern Western world, euthanasia is one of the manifestations of a conscious rejection of Christianity. And the point here is not only and not so much in the desire to alleviate the suffering of people, but in rebellion against God, moreover, on the part of the ideologists of euthanasia - completely conscious and systematic.

- In conclusion of our conversation, I will give a few more questions from our readers; these questions seem typical to me, many people ask similar questions.

“I want to live normally. And I have constant pain. How to ask God to be healthy? Or calm down?"

“I am a believer, but, probably, of little faith. I’m afraid of death, I can’t imagine eternity, and in illness I get very discouraged ... ”

“Several of my acquaintances at a young age fell ill with cancer. I sympathize with them very much, but I myself develop a real carcinophobia. Is it a sin to be so suspicious?"

Vladyka, what can you advise here?

“I think we need to ask God for health, and at the same time humble ourselves.

All people are afraid of death, and all of us, while we live on earth, cannot imagine what eternity will be like. There is no need to fantasize about this topic. But in any illness, you must try not to lose heart. We must pray intensely, with all our hearts, to God and rely on Him in everything.

Suspiciousness is, of course, bad. It is necessary to get rid of it even just in order to live a normal, full life. And to get rid of it, you need to understand that life is such an adventure that will end in death anyway. Of course, any of us would like to live as long as possible. But a Christian must accustom himself to the memory of death. Do not exorcise death, do not turn away, as is customary in modern culture, but remember it and not be afraid of anything.

Yes, we do not strive for death, we do nothing to bring it closer. But we should not fall into horror and prostration at the thought of it. Sooner or later the Lord will still call, none of us will stay on this earth longer than the due date.

And here we again return to the need to become Christians not in name, but in life. If we pray to God, believe the Gospel, if we have at least a small experience of God's presence in our lives, we can understand and accept the words of the Apostle Paul: For for me life is Christ, and death is gain... Both attract me: I have a desire to resolve myself and be with Christ, because it is incomparably better(Phil. 1 , 21, 23).

Theodicy is a theological and philosophical doctrine aimed at reconciling the idea of ​​the good Providence of God about the world with the presence of evil in the world. The term “theodicy” (from the Greek “God is justice”) was introduced by G. V. Leibniz in 1710, while the very problem of theodicy has been raised since ancient times.

Ancient Patericon, or Memorable Tales of the Asceticism of the Holy and Blessed Fathers. Ch. 15, paragraph 1.

Theophan the Recluse, saint. Collection of letters. Issue. 1, item 42.

The foundations of the social concept of the Russian Orthodox Church is an official document of the Russian Orthodox Church, approved at the Jubilee Bishops' Council in 2000. It outlines the basic provisions of her teaching on issues of church-state relations and on a number of contemporary socially significant problems.

Journal "Orthodoxy and Modernity" No. 39 (55)

Human nature knew corruption at the same time that it knew sin. The falling away from God, the violation of unity and integrity with Him led to the fact that a person began to get sick and die. Unfortunately, such a violation of the original human nature is permanent and resides in each of us. The Lord gives every person the opportunity to save his immortal soul, but there is no person in whom there would be no sin.

Why does a person suffer?

If sin has so violated human nature, is there a relationship between certain diseases and specific sins inherent in a particular person? It is impossible to answer this question unambiguously, because human sins are countless, like the sand of the sea. And if the Lord would show us not mercy, but justice, each of us would deserve the most severe punishments and severe illnesses.

Miracles of the healing of Jesus Christ

But fortunately, that doesn't happen. But there is no human merit in this. Only the Lord God, in His great mercy, leads each of us in those ways that are best suited for our salvation.

Sickness is not always a punishment or a direct consequence of any one particular sin. We cannot know for certain why the Lord has prepared this path for us, but we must humbly trust in His Providence. In this case, any illness can bring great spiritual benefits to a person.

Table of the relationship of sins and diseases

Nevertheless, it is possible to trace a certain connection between the disease and the sin that led to it. Of course, it is not necessary to treat such a classification too strictly. It is rather a kind of guideline, relying on which, it can become clearer to a person which sins should be paid more attention to, what to deal with in the first place.

Disease Sin or Passion
Schizophreniaself-conceit, self-will, overconfidence
EpilepsyStubbornness, cruelty
TantrumsVanity, thirst for attention and fame
DepressionDespondency, unbelief, no hope in God
peptic ulcerCowardice, servility to people or, conversely, a constant search for conflict situations
ThyrotoxicosisExcessive zeal, arrogance, the belief that a person himself can do everything. This is opposed to moderation in everything, trust in the Lord
Cardiac ischemiaCruelty, excessive ambition, desire for more, pretentiousness. To fight, you need to develop gratitude, modesty, self-discipline
AIDSDrug addiction, fornication, lack of chastity
Obesity, diabetes, immoderation in food, larynx
Infertility and impotenceAdultery, fornication, abortion sins
neurosis and psychosis, lust for power
AstheniaDisbelief in God

This small list can be replenished with many more causal relationships. It is important to understand that you cannot fight with a single sin that probably caused this or that disease. The spiritual component of a person is a very subtle world, the logical laws of cause and effect do not work here.

Prayers during sickness:

In order to receive healing, both bodily and spiritual, a person must comprehensively take care of his soul. It is necessary to repent of all our committed sins that we can remember, and try in general to correct our lives according to the Christian commandments.

Fighting only one specific passion will not give any result, and it is not possible to overcome any sin without a complete rethinking of your entire life. In addition, in the Orthodox tradition one can often hear the phrase that the mother of all sins is pride. Therefore, if we do not fight with our sins, we are bound to fall into pride. This deadly passion can really lead a person not only to bodily death, but also to spiritual death.

How to be treated correctly

Some century ago, a completely normal question that a doctor asked a patient was: “How long ago did you go to confession and receive communion?” Such a question did not surprise anyone, because for the most part the people were believers, and even if they did not strictly observe all the precepts of the faith, then at least they did not doubt their justice and necessity.

The Church believes that the cause of many diseases is a sinful lifestyle.

Modern medicine, of course, has made a huge breakthrough in the study of the processes that occur in the human body. Today's medical technologies, medicines, and professional training make it possible to overcome those diseases that were considered fatal a century ago. What is the mere invention of antibiotics in the middle of the twentieth century, which saved thousands and thousands of human lives around the world.

However, modern medicine, unfortunately, is moving further and further away from the spiritual aspects and essence of diseases. Faith in God is not taken into account in any way in approaches to treating a patient. It is good if a sick person himself understands that even a hair will not fall from his head without the Will of the Lord, not only that the disease will not happen. But very often it happens that the patient is treated with all his might, changes specialists, resorts to the most advanced and progressive methods, but does not feel the result. And the whole point is that such a person has completely forgotten that he consists of not only one body. He still has a soul given by the Lord, which suffers.

Interesting! The history of our Church has many examples, including officially documented ones, when sincere prayer with faith and hope in the Lord truly worked miracles.

Even the most hopeless patients were healed, and there are many such examples. All this suggests that the true healer of souls and bodies is the Lord God.

Read also:

However, this does not mean at all that one does not need to turn to doctors for healing, but only to God. This radical approach is found among very zealous Christians, but it is often based on great pride. Such people consider themselves worthy of a visible and obvious miracle of God, while the Lord often acts covertly - just through the hands of doctors.

An Orthodox Christian should not go to extremes. Of course, in any illness and infirmity, you need to confess, take communion, pray, go to church. But at the same time, it is also necessary to contact doctors, fulfill their prescriptions and recommendations with prayer and faith that the Lord will help in recovery in this way.

Are all illnesses a punishment for sins?

Speaking about the relationship between a particular disease and sin, the question arises - is there always such an obvious connection? Is sickness always a punishment for sin, or can the Lord send us a similar test for something else?

The Holy Fathers assure us that illness is not always a punishment. The merciful Lord very often does not punish his children, leading them to other paths to salvation, only known to Him.

According to the teachings of the holy fathers, there are no spiritual obstacles to enjoy the achievements of medicine

So, in one of his letters to a sick spiritual child, the saint wrote that there are ailments sent for testing. A person who has not faced such trials and difficulties in his life remains inexperienced, not matured. Such a person easily falls into temptations, he is easily seduced. In order to temper such a Christian in faith and spirit, the Lord can send illnesses.

Of paramount importance in such trials is our patience. If a person can bear his Cross humbly, with patience and trust in God, without murmuring and embarrassment, he receives tremendous spiritual benefit. Of course, this is a very difficult and difficult path, but the Lord never gives tests beyond measure.

The monk was once asked why many trials fall to the lot of some people, while others live and do not know grief. The elder replied that those who have to endure a lot already in this earthly life should rejoice, because in this way they alleviate their fate in the afterlife. According to Scripture, the Lord punishes those whom He loves. Only this punishment must be treated as a great good, leading us to salvation.

More about the causes of diseases

In addition to the common sins inherent in man by his fallen nature, the time in which we live leaves an imprint on morbidity. Yes, today we have managed to defeat the deadly epidemics that killed tens of thousands of people back in the Middle Ages. But today our daily life, more than ever, is filled with stress and despondency. And if we do not have a solid foundation in faith, it will be very difficult for us to overcome these stresses.

According to him, even in the most difficult times, a person can be in peace and tranquility if his thoughts are directed to God. We can and must force ourselves to resist the vanity and temptations of the modern world, not to forget about God. It is not easy, but if you take at least the first steps, the Lord will always help and a person will feel joy and peace in his soul.

And, on the other hand, it is quite natural for a person who does not remember God to suffer, to live in constant anxiety, doubt, and torment. It is not surprising that sooner or later such a sense of self will result in physical or mental illness.

St. John also emphasizes that such passions as gluttony, drunkenness, and laziness especially lead to morbidity. It can be said that the inactive, idle person, who spends his whole life in comfort and relaxation, is more prone to disease. This is perfectly demonstrated by our modern society - despite the obvious progress of medicine, the health of people in the general mass has become worse than 1-2 centuries ago. Previously, people worked more, lived in more cramped conditions that did not allow them to fall into excessive relaxation.

Victory over passions brings peace to the soul and health to the body.

Excessive desire for comfort harms not only the soul of a person, but also his body. Obesity, excessive malnutrition, problems with the thyroid gland and digestive organs - these diseases have long ceased to be a rarity. Only now does God send them as punishment, or does a person create them for himself with his way of life, actions, thinking?

A little about the benefits of disease

What does the right attitude towards illness mean? First of all, an Orthodox Christian must remember that sickness is a visitation from God.

Important! According to , the disease of the body can and should contribute to the recovery of the soul.

A perfect example is the gospel paralyzed, healed by Christ. This man bore the temptation of illness for many years, but it was on him that God's mercy and a great miracle became apparent.

Unfortunately, it is very difficult for a modern person to properly relate to ailments, since we have made the goal of life not God, but maximum comfort and convenience. Of course, no diseases fit into such standards. But, perhaps, they are given to us for this, so that we, at least for this period, think about how and with what we live. And at least a little turned to God, opened his soul to him.

The holy fathers also confirm that illnesses do not always mean punishment for sins. Many of them experienced the cleansing power of bodily diseases. So, Saint Paisios the Holy Mountaineer suffered from oncology, and once said that this illness of his gave him more than all the years of monasticism.

No matter how much you want to always live comfortably, there is not a single person who would not encounter health problems. And it depends only on ourselves whether we will gain any benefit for our soul by this test, or, on the contrary, we will perish both in soul and body.

Are sins and sickness related? Archpriest Andrey Tkachev

Illness is the work of God's Wisdom

The grace of God be with you! If everything is from the Lord, then your sickness is from Him. If everything is from the Lord for the best, then your disease is also yours.
Your illness prevented you from going to Moscow. Therefore, it is better for you not to go to Moscow at present. And calm down on this - and do not think, despite the illness to go. Moscow will not leave, and the road to it after will be as open as it is now. The illness will pass, and go to Moscow.
Here they took communion at St. Christ's Mysteries. God bless. If only there was a hindrance, it would be worthy of great pity. But the other thing is all a trifle.
The enemy inspires: you can't stand it. And you answer: I don’t undertake to endure alone, but I hope that the merciful Lord will not leave me alone, but will help me to stand, as He has helped me before.
(No. 1381 letter 848 issue 5 p. 4)


Disease again! May the Lord give you patience and complacency, and deliver you from sinful grumbling! Do not look gloomily at infirmities. They point rather to the mercy of God and God's attention to you, rather than to displeasure. What is from God, everything is for the good.
July 12, 1888
(No. 1384 letter 864 issue 5 p.6)

There are diseases, the cure of which the Lord imposes a ban, when he sees that the disease is more necessary for salvation than health. I cannot say that this did not take place in relation to me.
(No. 1385 letter 1018 issue 6 p. 18)

God sent sickness. Thank the Lord; therefore everything that comes from the Lord is for good.
If you feel and see that you yourself are to blame, then start with repentance and pity before God that you did not save the gift of health that He gave you. And then, nevertheless, reduce it to the fact that there is a disease from the Lord, and nothing happens by chance. And after this, again thank the Lord. Illness humbles, softens the soul and relieves its usual heaviness from many worries.
God grant that your high school student also get better. Let him walk more ... tea and bathing are good. Drink milk. Aching Love, God save!
I am treated with milk, and there is no food other than milk. “This is for blood renewal.
(No. 1383 letter 1298 issue 8 p. 57)

I am very sorry about Chernichka's illness. Help her Lord to cope. - It's good that they captured it soon. It must be inflammation of the liver, or some other damage to it.
The danger here can only be from running. But as a doctor is at hand ... and treatment has begun; then in five days everything will be gone. Patience only give God ... I looked at Homeopaths. They are not afraid of this pain. Their main thing is Aconite, Belladonna, Kolokint, Homomila, Mercury. But when the doctor indicated his means, it's all the same. Thank you!
May the Mother of God draw near to you with help! and may your Guardian Angels cover you with their wings!
I knew a general in St. Petersburg who produced all illnesses from mental states. “But still, this is the mercy of God, though not sweet, but soul-saving.
There was another doctor who did not undertake to treat before the patient confessed and communed with St. Christ's Mysteries. It happens that the disease seizes in order to awaken the soul that has fallen asleep.
I wish you and the sick woman all the best.
(No. 1382 letter 1368 issue 8 p. 58)

Disease! What to do? Endure and thank God, saying in yourself: “This disease is a sin for the sake of my great and innumerable ones. The Lord takes away strength in order to at least calm me down. He doesn't know how to fix me. And mercy, and mournful visits - everything has been re-tested, and everything is not good. The hour of death draws near; and when it comes, what shall my wretchedness do? Oh my God! Spare Thy feeble creature!” In illness, though mild, all death will come to mind, in order to give the soul the very deed to test how true the word of the Wise: “Remember your last, and never sin” (Sir. 7.39).

Illness and memory of death

B. is ill... Let her learn the memory of death at this time - saving... It is difficult for a healthy person to remember... The Lord sends sickness for this purpose, to remind of death... and then translate the memory so that the sick person finally takes care of preparing for death.
(No. 1431 letter 861 issue 5 p. 8)

Thoughts while sick

Get inspired!
Have fun looking into the eyes of the disease... But dream less... Various trifles will swarm in your head... You will quarrel with anyone... All this is in your thoughts... Then everything will pass.
Thank you! It is true that something dangerous would meet you on the road. So the Lord planted, or put you at home ... Thank the Lord. Still, pray that it pleases you to heal.
Save you Lord! Happy Holidays and forgot to congratulate!
Your worshiper

(No. 1415 letter 642 and 643 issue 4 p. 86)

Bless you, Lord!
Your grumbling and discouragement is a good sign. This portends the imminent cessation of the disease.
That the doctors went apart is because, I believe, that the disease has changed: it was in the liver and passed. And when you caught a cold another time, another illness appeared - catarrhal. This is now a common sickness: for the flu is a catarrhal kind of illness. If you do not feel pain in the liver, then you must believe the second doctor. However, see for yourself. Your thoughts about your desperate situation seem to be worthless. This enemy stirs up. Who can say what will happen? There is only one God, but the enemy, impiously declaring himself a god, interferes everywhere with his evil prophecy, and revolts faith and drives away peace from the heart. Do not listen to him, but stand in the faith that the disease is from God and is good for you, and when it does its job, it will go away ... and you will be healthy and work for the Lord in some monastery.
(No. 1416 letter 643 issue 4 p. 87)

Thank God for everything; and thank you for your health. From the side it is easy for me to say so; it’s not easy for you, maybe, to feel that way. Every time I say about patience, I pray that the Lord will give you the grace to endure the disease and learn something from it. Why did the Lord bind you, who can guess? But there is no doubt that this, too, is allowed to you in the form of promoting the goals of the life that you have chosen, and in which you are trying to somehow behave yourself. From this side, you can no longer torture the case of your illness. In addition to what has been said, look for courage for benevolent patience, in moments of aggravation of suffering, in the memory of the patience of all the saints, and especially the martyrs. How much and how did you endure? And it's hard to imagine. Yes, and for everyone - "with many tribulations it is fitting to enter into the Kingdom of God" (Acts 14:22).
And what the Lord promised is called a crown. What for? For the sake of the fact that it is impossible to ascend there without suffering. There is only one road - the cross is arbitrary or involuntary.
May the Guardian Angel bring you consolation and complacency! Do not complain about the fact that the noise in your head does not allow you to keep your thoughts. God judges the soul by what it depends on itself, and not by what it has no control over. Keep in your heart the intention not to depart from the Lord, and He will accept this deed.
Now you have to leave your fasting rule. Afterward, fast, if God pleases to lift you up: and now, in illness, in the form of a medicine, you can eat everything, on the advice of a doctor.
(No. 1390 letter 746 issue 4 p. 63)

In the days of sickness

Christ is Risen!
May the Risen Lord give you consolation and courage: one to calm the sadness of the situation, the other to have the strength to lift and bear its burden.
The Lord is near us, and the Mother of God, and the sky with quick helpers embraces us. But we still hurt and we don’t see the outcome. Is this by chance? Can't they see?! And seeing, do they really not have compassion, and are ready to help, and yet they leave us to languish. If they are all love, then everyone, of course, does not allow this out of dislike. If so, what is it?!
The same thing that happens between a pie fried in the oven, and between the hostess. Give the pie a feeling, a thought, a language... What would he say to the hostess?! Mother! You planted me here and I’m frying ... I don’t have a single grain left unfried, everything burns, to intolerance ... And the trouble is that I don’t see the outcome, and there’s no end to tea. I will turn to the right, I will turn to the left, forward, or backward, or to the top, it is locked from everywhere, and the heat carries me unbearably. What did I do to you? Why such hostility ... and so on ... and so on ... Give the hostess the ability to understand the speech of the pie. What would she say to him? What is the dislike here? On the contrary, I only care about you. Be patient a little ... and you will see what a handsome man you will turn out to be! Do not look enough! .. And what aroma from you will spread throughout the house?! .. Eco marvelous marvelous! So be patient a little longer and you will see joy. - Pirogov's speech you prescribed. Now take over the speech of the hostess and benevolently proceed to the expectation of a beneficent outcome. I think that with this you can end all the trouble. Put yourself in the hands of God and wait. You are still in the hands of God, you just move your arms and legs… Stop doing this and lie still.
Traveling is what's the point. (The blessing was asked: should I go to some doctor). We already went ... I wish you good-natured patience. Save yourself!

April 11, 1892
(No. 1391 letter 31 issue 1 p. 66)

About illness and lifestyle

The grace of God be with you! Are you ill? - But thank God that you are getting better, or have already recovered. Thank God for the fact that the disease was not without benefit. The lessons that you have learned for yourself from these circumstances are very significant in life and in general, especially spiritual. Do not expect anything from people, and entrust all your care to the Lord, and still constantly wait for death ... and believing that the Lord left you to live, to cleanse sins, turn all your care to that. These points are levers of spiritual life and guides. Do not judge your spiritual father harshly, not knowing for sure why he behaved so inattentively. God save the Fathers of Athos! They did well. “Your brother and son… wise judges… how is it that everything is going well with them?”
The disease was not from the way of life; therefore, it should not be changed due to illness. The type of food in the restoration of strength is a side matter ... The main thing is fresh, unspoiled food, clean air ... and most of all, peace of mind. A restless spirit and passions spoil the blood, and significantly harm health. Fasting, and fasting life in general, is the best means of maintaining health and its prosperity. - The German Hufeland wrote a science, for a long life, where he extols the fasting life. The scientists must listen to him, but we have other teachers, more important than this German. Prayer leads the spirit into God's realm, in which is the root of life, and from the spirit the body partakes of the same life... The spirit is broken, feelings of repentance and tears do not reduce strength, but give it: for they put the soul in a joyful state. You did well not to succumb to their suggestions. However, in the forms of the speedy restoration of health, in order to work more extensively for the Lord, you can, without sin, descend a little to the infirmities of the body - in sleep, work, standing, in food. This is after the passionate.
Here is the summer ... you can sometimes use milk, and even broth, the same eggs ... go out of town, because there is no clean air in the city. There is always an admixture in it. The ancient elders wrote that they treated the body severely: not to kill it with a view, but through the mortification of the flesh to mortify the passions.
(No. 13971 letter 694 issue 4 p. 74)

Spiritual mood of a patient with consumption

The grace of God be with you! The desire to live is natural to the living. And there is no sin. - But the real disposition in this respect is: “be the will of God!” Live, die, let it be as God pleases. This disposition must be strengthened and brought to the point that it does not give rise to any, regarding this, anxiety.
What to come with? It is best to appear before God with this lack of anything.

About cholera

And cholera came to you?
Save you Lord! Have us around heard not and helluva lot. And you immediately and in such a number. Let's pray and ask the Lord for mercy. However, it is true that God takes care of those who are safe. There are books where it is written what precautions to take, and they wrote in the newspapers. Read and perform. Do not eat raw, drink boiled water, cool it a little and similar instructions.
You are doing well that you did not go to the region of cholera, so as not to fall under its evil hands, and now there is nothing to do. You have to endure and look forward to the mercies of God ... May the Merciful God keep you.
August 23, 1892
(No. 1380 letter 80 issue 1 p.56)

Serving the sick is serving Christ

Take care of the sick! Blessed work: for even here the consoling word is applicable: “beh is sick and visit Me.”
For this, the Lord also visits the souls of mercy and kindness to those in need. And if he sees how sick, like Petrov’s mother-in-law once, he takes her by the hands - the readiness to submit to Him, - and raises her up.
(No. 1423 letter 616 issue 4 p. 97)

Nursing is pleasing to God

Christ is Risen!
Your strength, although not completely returned, however, it turns out that they are enough to go after the sick, who is not worth such care. But the merciful Lord will not look at the unworthiness of the sick and will attribute this care to Himself. And then he will send consolation for that, or a complete recovery, or he will postpone the proper one for the next century.
May this be good for you!
(No. 1430 letter 649 issue 4 p. 9)

By the convalescent bed

The grace of God be with you!
And I began to worry that there was no news of a sick person. Well, thank God the danger has passed. Now only caution is in everything, especially in food, drink and air movement around the sick person.
The sick woman did very well that she took communion with St. Christ's Mysteries, which are true medicine for soul and body. May God grant her mercy and patience. Peace of mind is a great aid to recovery. How well she would do if she could not think ... So many trifles creep into her head. - Let him pray a short prayer to - the Lord Savior, the Mother of God and the Guardian Angel.
Then let him read from memory some psalm that he knows, and meditate on it slowly. It is good to read the gospel to her a little, and she would listen.
Don't leave her alone. Sit beside me, and then work on something ... and there would be others here. It's more fun for her... and thoughts would not seethe... These are now big enemies.
You are very tired. Now you will rest. - And it's fun to look at the convalescent ...
August 27, 1885
(No. 1426 letter 1350 issue 8 p. 124)

Thoughts on recovery

Recovered?! God bless! But that disposition and aspirations that you are about to put off death... And as a result, stay in a state of preparing to depart every minute... May the Lord give you more to work for His glory.
(No. 1427 letter 997 issue 6 p.52)

Prayer update for recovery

I'm glad you're finally on your feet. The recovered person usually feels refreshed. I think you had the same feeling. We must make sure that bodily renewal is accompanied by spiritual renewal. God gave you or indicated it to you - in a short prayer that you did then. It occurred to me to suggest to you: take up one short prayer, and do it all ... both with work and without work, and walking and sitting, incessantly. At first you will force yourself to do this prayer, and then it will be read by itself ... Just take it and work without interruption ... This is a prayer: Lord, Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me a sinner.
At the same time, keep your attention not in your head, and not in the sky, but in your heart, inside there, under your left breast.
When you get used to it, you will disperse everything embarrassing, and call peace to your soul.
(No. 1428 letter 647 issue 4 p. 94)

Sickness in human nature is a consequence of original sin. Private illnesses occur from physiological causes; a person’s lifestyle is also affected by his lifestyle, “for from overeating there is a disease, and ... many have died from satiety, but a temperate person will add life to himself” (Sir. 38: 33-34). And in general, "abstinence from passions is better than all medicines, and it gives a long life."

But often the true causes of diseases lie in the spiritual realm. St. Basil the Great writes: “There is no small danger of the mind falling into the false idea that every illness requires medical benefits, because not all illnesses occur naturally and happen to us either from an incorrect lifestyle, or from some other material principles, in in which cases, as we see, medical art is sometimes useful, but often illnesses are a punishment for sins, imposed on us in order to encourage conversion.

So, one of the main spiritual causes of illness is sin, and it is the personal sins of sick people: “Why do you cry about your wounds, about the cruelty of your illness? according to the multitude of your iniquities I have done this to you, because your sins have multiplied” (Jer. 30:15).

However, diseases are not always a punishment for sins. This truth is revealed in the book of Job and in the conversation of the apostles with the Lord about the man born blind (see John 9:1-7). The Holy Fathers indicated several spiritual causes of a person’s illness: “Do you really say that all illnesses are due to sins? Not all, but most. Some also come from carelessness ... Diseases also happen for our test in good. “God sends something else as a punishment, like penance, another for reason, so that a person comes to his senses; otherwise, to get rid of the misfortune that a person would fall into if he were healthy; otherwise, so that a person shows patience and deserves a greater reward; otherwise, to cleanse from what passion, and for many other reasons.

The meaning of illness

For a Christian, bodily health is not the main and self-sufficient value, it is secondary compared to spiritual health, so it is quite logical to perceive bodily illness as one of the ways to achieve spiritual health. According to the Orthodox understanding, a disease can be beneficial for a person. Illness makes sense.

Often the meaning is the admonition of a person: “Now, being contrite, he began to leave his great arrogance and come to knowledge, when, according to the punishment of God, his sufferings increased every minute” (2 Mac. 9: 11).

“Sickness is sent sometimes to cleanse sins, and sometimes to humble the exaltation.” Then the disease “stricken the flesh, so that the soul might be healed.” The Monk John of the Ladder testifies: “I saw grievously suffering, who, by a bodily ailment, as if by some kind of penance, got rid of the passion of the soul.”

It often happens that "when a person is sick, then his soul begins to seek the Lord" - wrote the Monk Macarius of Optina. “Illness is a teacher of many good things; moreover, she is a message from God in return and a replenishment of our insufficient exploits” ..

Recalling the story of Righteous Job, Saint John Chrysostom says: “God often allows you to fall into illness, not because He has left you, but in order to glorify you more. So, be patient." And through sickness one can serve God, and through sickness God can glorify His faithful servant, as can be seen, for example, from the words of liturgical magnificence to the holy apostle and evangelist John the Theologian: “... and we honor your illnesses and labors, in which you labored in the gospel of Christ.”

“Although the disease relaxes the body, it strengthens the soul ... [the soul] learns humility, patience, the memory of death and from it diligent repentance, prayer, contempt for the world and worldly fuss ... Oh, the disease is bitter, but a healing remedy! Just as salt prevents the rotting of meat and fish… so every disease preserves our spirit from rottenness and sinful corruption and does not allow passions… to arise in us. Your disease is for you, and not against you ... If you endure your disease with thanksgiving, it will turn to your good.

Ascetic attitude towards illness

In general, for patients, the weakening of ascetic feats is allowed; in particular, the severity of the fasts prescribed by the Church is softened. However, there is one nuance that determines when an indulgence in an illness is not useful.

The ascetic experience of Orthodox ascetics testifies that a painful state can be sent not only from God for one of the above reasons, but also from the devil, who does this so that, under the pretext of illness, the monk weakens his exploits. The Monk John the Prophet teaches to distinguish between a disease from God and a diseased state produced by demons: “When a person feels an illness and passion does not bother him, then such an illness is from God and destroys [spiritual] warfare, and then it is necessary to show some indulgence to the body. When passion also disturbs during an illness, then it is by no means necessary to condescend to the body, for this illness comes from demons, and condescension multiplies passion.

Since illness often has spiritual causes, it requires efforts on the part of the patient to bring his mental disposition into proper order: “When someone is sick, then he should especially heed the testimony of conscience in order to free his soul from all condemnation.”

The main remedy for correcting the spiritual causes of ailments is prayer and repentance. "My son! in your sickness do not be negligent, but pray to the Lord, and He will heal you. Leave the sinful life and correct your hands, and cleanse your heart from all sin. Offer up a fragrance and a memorial sacrifice out of seven pieces, and make a fat offering, as if one were already dying; and give place to the physician” (Sir. 39:9-12).

The Holy Fathers repeatedly gave advice on what kind of spiritual mood a sick Christian should have in order to endure the illness with dignity and benefit for the soul.

Here is what St. Barsanuphius the Great advises: “Those who wish to please God must go through small sorrows. How can we please the holy martyrs for the suffering they endured for God's sake, if we ourselves cannot bear the fever? Say to your grieving soul: Isn't fever better for you than hell? Let's not weaken; we have a merciful God, who knows our infirmities more than we do. If He, for testing, allows sickness on us, then we have healing from the apostle, who says: “God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond your strength” (1 Cor. 10: 13).

St. John of Kronstadt shows the high value of patience: “And in case of strong blows or writhing illness, trust that God is able to deliver you not only from illness, but also from death itself, if He pleases; do not spare, do not love your perishable body for Him, but give it voluntarily and completely to the Lord, like Abraham his son Isaac as a burnt offering ... without losing heart, not giving even with the lips of madness to God, allegedly punishing you unjustly, - and you will bring a great sacrifice to God like Abraham or like a martyr".

Saint Niphon also says: “Just as gold, kindled by fire, is cleansed of rust, so a person who suffers illnesses is cleansed of his sins.”

The Holy Fathers not only urge during illness to show patience by the absence of grumbling, but also, above all, by thanksgiving: “From the bed of illness, give thanks to God… Thanksgiving dulls the ferocity of illness! Thanksgiving brings spiritual consolation to the sick!”

Many saints had illnesses, even incurable ones, including the Apostle Paul. As an example of the Orthodox attitude to illness, we can cite the testimony of St. Gregory the Theologian: “I suffer from illness and my body is exhausted ... I don’t know if this is a consequence of abstinence, or a consequence of sins, or some kind of struggle. However, thanks to my Ruler! It might be better for me. But forbid diseases, forbid with Your word, Your word is salvation for me! And if you don’t forbid, give me the patience to endure everything.


The Lord Jesus Christ walked around Galilee, not only preaching, but “healing every sickness and every infirmity among the people” (Matt. 4:23). And not only He healed Himself, but also, “calling His twelve disciples, He gave them power ... to heal every disease” (Matt. 10: 1). And he not only gave authority, but also commanded: "Heal ... the sick" (Luke 10: 9), and the apostles fulfilled this command (see: Acts 19: 12; 28: 9).

What has been said refers to miraculous healings, but “natural” healing, medicine, is also a good deed, according to Scripture: no man will neglect them” (Sir. 39:1-2, 4).

Many saints were doctors, including the Evangelist Luke, whose profession the apostle Paul specifically mentioned: “Luke, beloved physician” (Col. 4: 14). The Church especially glorified in the face of saints unmercenary doctors, such as Cosmas and Damian, Cyrus and John, Panteleimon, Agapit of the Caves and others, who treated people for free.

So, it is not forbidden for a Christian to heal or resort to the services of doctors. However, one must avoid the danger of placing all hope of recovery on doctors, medicines and medical procedures. The Holy Scripture speaks with reproof about the Israeli king Asa, who “in his illness did not seek the Lord, but doctors” (2 Chronicles 16: 12).

“Just as medical art should not be completely avoided, so it is incongruous to put all your hope in it. But as we use the art of agriculture, and we ask the Lord for fruits ... so, bringing a doctor to us, when reason allows, we do not deviate from our hope in God.

The Christian must remember that whether he is healed miraculously or through doctors and medicines, healing is in any case given from the Lord. Therefore, “in medicines and treatment, one must surrender to the will of God. He is strong both to reason with the doctor, and to give strength to medicine. And, accordingly, spiritual means have priority in treatment: “In illnesses, before doctors and medicines, use prayer.”

To avoid the aforementioned danger, Hieromartyr Arseny (Zhadanovsky) instructs: “He who is ill, have such a disposition of your heart: everything is in the hands of God - both my death and life. But you, Lord, have given everything to the service of man: You have given us medical science and doctors. Bless, Lord, to turn to such and such a doctor and be able to help me! I firmly believe that if You, Lord, do not bless, then no doctor will help me.

Whether to turn to doctors for treatment or to limit healing to prayers and fasting, every Christian is free to decide according to his own understanding. At the same time, if he chooses the second path, then he should not be arrogant, about which St. Barsanuphius the Great warns: “Those who resort to doctors and who do not resort to them do so in the hope of God. Those who come running say: “In the name of the Lord, we entrust ourselves to doctors, so that through them God will give us healing.” And those who do not resort in hope to His name do not resort to them, and He heals them. So, if you use [healing], you will not sin; and when you do not use it, do not be arrogant. Know that although you will resort to doctors, it will only be what is pleasing to the will of God.

Some holy fathers said that lay people can resort to the help of doctors and medicines, but not monks, who, in illness, should be treated only by those means that faith gives. St. Macarius the Great wrote about this in detail, saying that God “gave medical remedies to worldly people and to all outsiders; he allowed them to use these means; because they are not yet able to completely entrust themselves to God. And you, the monk who came to Christ ... must acquire some new and extraordinary before all worldly people and faith, and the concept, and life.

Saints are known who acted in this way when they were sick, but at the same time there are also such saints among the monks who, however, used medical means, and the Monk Barsanuphius in the above-quoted answer justifies both. It can be said, therefore, that the principle pointed out by St. Macarius was and remains the highest bar that those monks are free to choose for themselves and which those monks who have sufficient boldness and faith to do so, without any compulsion to it all the rest.

In itself, a person’s desire to recover and get rid of the disease is quite natural, and is not a sin: “It is permissible to seek and ask God for healing with the firm intention to use the returned health and strength in the service of God, not at all in the service of vanity and sin.”

However, "there are diseases, the cure of which the Lord imposes a ban, when he sees that the disease is more necessary for salvation than health." Therefore, “if the doctors do not help, or the doctor has not correctly identified the disease and the disease does not stop, then do not rush to recklessly consider this or that circumstance to be the reason for the failure of the treatment and do not look for other reasons for this, except that it is not pleasing to God for me to recover, or to Him I want to continue my illness ... And when [the patient], after using many healing remedies, does not get better, then he can be sure that it is the will of God that he endure the longest and most severe illness.

There is another temptation that often confronts the seriously or terminally ill - to seek healing from sorcerers, psychics, conspiracies, amulets and rituals of other religions. Scripture warns against such a grave sin: “And when they say to you: turn to the callers of the dead and to sorcerers, to whisperers and ventriloquists, then answer: should not the people turn to their God? Do the dead ask about the living? (Isaiah 8:19).

And St. John Chrysostom admonishes: “When you are afflicted with a serious illness and many will force you to alleviate your suffering: some with spells, others with amulets, still others with some other magical means ... and you, for the fear of God, courageously and firmly endure the severity of the disease and prefer it is better to endure everything than to decide to do something like that - this will bring you the crown of martyrdom.

“Are you seeking healing from the demons? If the demons had already driven the pigs into the sea when Christ allowed them to enter them, will the human body be spared?.. This is a mockery and a fable. Demons can only plot and harm, not heal. They do not spare souls; tell me, will they spare the body?.. Do you really want to heal the body in order to destroy the soul? Your profit is not good: you ask your ill-wisher to heal the body, and you irritate God, who created the body! .. Demons do not heal. But if sometimes, by the permission of God, they do some healing, like people, then such an allowance happens for your test ... so that you learn not to accept healing from demons ... Let us be sick: it is better to remain sick than to be freed from illness fall into wickedness. The demon, even if he heals, will do more harm than good... let the demon promise a thousand times to save you from the evils that have befallen you: do not bow down, do not give in... decide to endure the disease rather than lose faith and the salvation of your soul. God often allows you to fall into illness, not because He leaves you, but in order to glorify you more.

Theophan the Recluse, saint. Letters. III. 477.

Creations like in the saints of our father Basil the Great, Archbishop of Caesarea Cappadocia. Sergiev Posad, 1901. T. 5. C. 172.

Cm.: John Chrysostom, saint. Conversations on the Gospel of John. 38.1.

Spiritually, the body and soul are a single mechanism. Therefore, there are spiritual causes of disease.

Despite the fact that psychology and Orthodoxy look at them differently, they are very similar.

Here are some reasons that may lie in the occurrence of a particular disease.

Psychological causes of diseases

Psychologists look at the causes of illness differently than the church. According to psychologists, complexes, emotions that a person restrains and does not show are guilty of most diseases.

For example, women's illnesses often turn out to be a manifestation of unwillingness for intimacy and hidden hostility towards men on the part of a woman. They often suffer from those who marry for convenience or are afraid of sexual relations.

Similarly, other diseases arise: eye diseases - when the body defends itself from negative emotions caused by vision, ear diseases - when a person hears something that injures him.

Sore throats are considered to be associated with unspoken anger and discontent, when you can not openly show anger just like that.

However, the church does not agree with everything that is written. Many scientists who believe in Orthodoxy have a different point of view about diseases.

Metaphysics of diseases

The body malfunctions if the outflow of energy is disturbed and something negatively affects organs and tissues. For example, a person wants to go to the toilet, but he has to restrain himself for a long time. If this happens quite often, diseases of the intestines and stomach can develop.

Or a person experiences certain negative emotions. Some of them cause crying, suffering. As a result, hormonal balance is disturbed and disease occurs.

It is never possible to say for sure whether the physical cause caused the disease or the mental one.

Sins and diseases connection - table

Orthodox experts write a lot about the relationship between sins and illnesses, but they advise not to trust such a relationship too much, since the exact causes of illnesses have not been fully studied, so you should not hope that by stopping committing some kind of sin, you will get rid of a bodily ailment, addiction or mental illness. diseases.

Table of possible connection between sins and illnesses (click to enlarge)

Therefore, it is worth not committing sins and leading a correct lifestyle. After all, diseases arise not only as retribution for sins, but also as a violation of the usual rules of hygiene and health, the use of the wrong foods, the abuse of fatty, spicy and fried foods.

Yet there is some relationship between sickness and sin. For example, if a person violates his freedom, falls into addiction, for example, drunkenness, then his lungs and heart can get sick.

Longing destroys the heart, as well as conflicts with others. And anger often causes heart attacks and strokes.

But the causes of diseases do not always lie on the surface in Orthodoxy, therefore the church has a negative attitude towards interpretations related to the sinful causes of diseases, unless it is scientifically proven and calls for the treatment of diseases with official medicine, and not just confession and read prayers.

Spiritual causes of diseases according to Torsunov

Oleg Torsunov writes that some behaviors cause the following diseases. In the church, many of them are called sins.

Oleg Gennadyevich Torsunov is a specialist in the field of family psychology and personal growth practices

Here is how he interprets the relationship between illnesses and emotional states, including sins:

  1. Greed - often causes cancer and bumelia, overweight.
  2. Anger - peptic ulcers, gastritis, colitis, hepatitis, insomnia and gastritis.
  3. Despondency - lung diseases, inflammatory diseases.
  4. Depressive state - can provoke diseases that destroy the lungs.
  5. Envy - mental disorders, cancer, heart disease and strokes.
  6. Anger - sore throats, pharyngitis, loss of voice, stomach diseases, increased acidity.
  7. Condemnation - arthritis, liver and kidney disease, inflammation of the pancreas.
  8. Perjury - allergies, alcoholism, lowered immunity and fungal infections, various skin inflammations.
  9. Depravity - female diseases, metabolic disorders.
  10. Hatred and intransigence - various heart diseases, strokes, oncology and much more.
  11. Resentment - diabetes, cystitis and chronic diseases.

Right Healing Thoughts

The first thing to do is sincerely repent and reconsider your life. Only in this case you will be able to release energy to give the body the strength to fight the disease.

To begin with, think over quite earthly reasons that could lead to illness. For example, gluttony, smoking, abuse of spicy foods and much more.

Very often, excessive eating and drinking, which are sins (drunkenness, gluttony), leads to illness.

The next step is to put the spirit in order. In the church it is considered a sin to violate any law of love, including for oneself. Even priests sometimes ask in confession if you have harmed your health.

Therefore, you should try to forgive the offenders, not violate the daily routine and take care of your body. Right thoughts - love for yourself and your loved ones, forgiveness of sins for yourself and others, spiritual growth.

Diseases of the spine for what sin

Most often, diseases of the spine are based not on spiritual, but on physical causes - injuries, falls, improper wearing of heavy objects, such as backpacks. Therefore, such diseases are rarely associated with sins.

But in any case, in order to give the body a chance to recover, repentance and a healthy spirit are needed - only in this case the disease can be defeated.
