Wasserman accuses Russian economists of unprofessionalism. Anatoly Wasserman: Medvedev is becoming dangerous for Russia

Dmitry Medvedev spoke in the State Duma with a negative forecast for the economy, saying that if the situation with oil prices and Western sanctions continues, Russians will have to live in a “new economic reality” that will test the country’s strength.

According to political scientist Anatoly Wasserman, Medvedev actually admitted that the government’s anti-crisis plan is not working.

“The ineffectiveness of the government does not stem from the personal qualities of the government members, but from the theory that underlies the activities of the economic bloc Russian government for about a quarter of a century now. It is precisely the liberal religion that underlies our entire economic policy, that is, the belief in the beneficialness of unlimited individual freedom without any regard for society. The interaction of individuals according to this theory is allowed exclusively in the form of acts of purchase and sale.

It follows from this that the state, in principle, cannot and should not do anything useful, that everything useful (that the state could theoretically do) will be done much better by the invisible hand of the market, and any government intervention in economic activity harmful. It is from this theory that the concrete action of the economic bloc of the government follows, like light, with the exception of the activities of Maslyukov and Primakov in the first months after the default.

It is clear that a government guided by such a theory will not be able and will not want to do anything useful. But it is also clear that it does not admit and will not want to admit its guilt in what happened. Like, our theory is impeccable, and if the facts diverge from the theory, then so much the worse for the facts. And, in particular, in our economy, long before the current surge of problems - when the hostile actions of several Western governments and the unfortunate market conditions for us really overlapped - we had a lot of dangerous problems, and all the experts listed these problems. Moreover, experts even indicated what specific measures need to be taken to get rid of these problems. But the government invariably responded that we would create a favorable business climate, and entrepreneurs would decide everything themselves.

The government relies on self-regulation of the market, even as a countermeasure to the clearly non-market actions of other governments. Because the sanctions imposed against us are far from a market measure. They can be considered market only in the sense that these sanctions were initiated by the United States of America in their own market interests, namely in order to cut off European Union from one of the significant sources of income, from Russian Federation, and thus ruin it, force it completely to submit to the United States themselves. That is, this plan can be considered a market plan for the United States of America, but it is clear that it is absolutely not a market plan for everyone else.

Yes, the government has done a lot of work, but all this work is obviously ineffective. In particular, the government adopted an anti-crisis plan and quite soon was forced to admit that this plan was not working. And yes, Medvedev actually admitted the ineffectiveness of the government’s economic bloc. But, naturally, he did not say this out loud, since this ineffectiveness stems from the theory that guides this bloc, and it is very difficult for any theorist to recognize his theory as erroneous.

Returning from the government's problems to the country's problems, I can assure you that a completely sufficient set of economic measures has already been developed to guarantee a relatively quick resuscitation of the domestic economy. This complex has only one technical difficulty - the current government is not equipped to implement it. This problem can be solved very in a simple way: There are more than enough people in the country who can, through joint efforts, transform the current economic bloc of the government into a sane one.

Unfortunately, for some political reasons, which I have already spoken and written about more than once, the president is refraining from such a decision and, most likely, will refrain until the end of July - beginning of August, but there is not much time left to wait.

In conclusion, I will repeat once again. It’s not about personalities, but about the liberal strategy itself, which the Russian government has been implementing for a quarter of a century.”

E.V.: I share the opinion of Anatoly Wasserman...

The main problem of President Medvedev is that everyone around him is made up of sincere “libertarians”. And Medvedev went along the path of liberalism much further than would be advisable...

The main problem of President Dmitry Medvedev is that almost all of his circle consists of sincere and unalloyed “libertarians”, that is, people who are convinced that all evil comes from collectivism and planning and everything should happen as a result of the free interaction of individuals. However, with such an attitude towards life, it is difficult to govern the state, since the state is clearly not an individual. Political consultant Anatoly Wasserman told a REX news agency correspondent about this, commenting on the interaction between Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin and President Dmitry Medvedev.

“I am afraid that the time of President Medvedev is time lost for any integration projects. No integration is compatible with “libertarian ideology.” Another thing is that such an ideology in itself is not ideal. When you start to look at whether it can be reconciled with life, and if so, how, then you gradually become a social democrat. Actually, it was precisely because of such thoughts that I stopped being a libertarian and became a social democrat, that is, I moved to the other side of the political barricade. But, unfortunately, Medvedev’s advisers known to me are not far-sighted enough to calculate all these chains,” Wasserman explained.

In his opinion, Vladimir Putin counted on the fact that Dmitry Medvedev, as in the days when they worked in the St. Petersburg mayor’s office, would remain his like-minded person.

“But the problem is that Medvedev’s immediate circle is significantly different from Putin’s circle. People close to Medvedev, and constantly coming into contact with him, created for him a completely different informational and psychological background, as a result of which he went along the path of liberalism much further than would be advisable. Personally, I thought that Medvedev was no longer playing the good and evil cop, but becomes dangerous for the country, when he imposed an embargo on the supply of S-300 anti-aircraft missiles to Iran. Then many began to accuse me of being in favor of armaments as a Zionist. worst enemy Israel. Let's start with the fact that I do not consider myself a Jew, but I consider myself a Russian of Jewish origin. That's not even the point. The point is that, in my opinion, Iran is not an enemy of Israel,” says Wasserman.

“For the past one and a half millennia, Iran’s main opponents have been the Arabs. Moreover, the Arabs themselves are quite clearly aware of this,” continues the expert. “In most of the various international interactions, they oppose Iran. The anti-Israeli rhetoric of Iranian leaders is precisely rhetoric designed to disguise the fact that Iran’s real enmity is with its fellow Muslims. Therefore, the embargo on anti-aircraft missiles in Iran cannot help Israel in any way, but it helps the United States very well if they want to organize another deal to export instability to the Middle East region. It is appropriate to note here that all North African revolutions, like the Kyrgyz one, were a consequence of the American export of instability. Americans want to show with all their might that in today’s turbulent world, only America has remained an island of calm and prosperity, and, therefore, a reliable place to invest money. Americans live in debt, they spend more than they earn - their value system is based on this. And the whole world pays their debts, Americans always need money,” says Wasserman.

Returning to the issue of interaction between Putin and Medvedev, Wasserman noted that in 2011 there were already several cases when Medvedev made decisions, undoubtedly contrary to Putin’s opinion.

“And in all these cases, Medvedev’s decisions seem unjustified to me. Although I understand that these are decisions not so much of Medvedev himself, but of his inner circle in the person of Natalya Timakova (press secretary of the President of the Russian Federation - editor's note), Arkady Dvorkovich (adviser to the President of the Russian Federation on economics - editor's note), Igor Yurgens (Chairman of the Board of the Institute modern development— approx. ed). It is INSOR that is the main ideological center that generates ideas for Medvedev. It is appropriate to recall the saying: the king is played by his retinue, but the retinue is recruited by the king himself. Surely the current president gathered these people because they corresponded to his beliefs, and now they are keeping him in these beliefs. Everything is leading to the fact that these beliefs will now be preserved in complete independence from the surrounding reality. At the same time, those who criticize Putin support Medvedev precisely because he is “soft as a teddy bear,” concludes Anatoly Wasserman.

Publicist, journalist and winner of numerous intellectual television games Anatoly Wasserman believes that the investigation of the anti-corruption fund (FBK) of the oppositionist Alexei Navalny about the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev ordered by the prime minister himself. He stated this during a public lecture in Petrozavodsk, reports the local portal “Capital on Onego”.

. Anatoly WassermanPhoto: Dmitry Rozhkov,

“I don’t think any of the decision makers will take the investigation into Medvedev’s activities seriously. Moreover, I do not rule out that Medvedev, through Timakova ( Natalya Timakova- Press Secretary of the Prime Minister of the Russian Federationapprox. ed.) paid for this investigation. As you know, our president tries not to do what is expected of him, much less what he is called upon to do. It is clear that it is more difficult to fire Medvedev now than before its publication,” says Wasserman.

He suggested that the authorities would not respond to this investigation, and demonstrated knowledge of Navalny’s previous projects and the activities of the FBK.

“I also know about another Navalny project - Rospil... In the first year of activity, Rospil achieved the cancellation of tenders and contracts worth 42 billion rubles,” Wasserman said. He explained that after Navalny published a list of canceled tenders and contracts on the Rospil website, “enthusiasts went through it,” and in the end it turned out that as a result of the organization’s activities, “the state saved 600 thousand rubles, not 42 billion rubles.” .

“I believe that in all other projects under Navalny’s leadership, the ratio of failed and real results is approximately the same,” the publicist concluded.

Let us recall that in early March, Navalny published the “largest” fund of his fund, which is dedicated to Medvedev’s property. According to the report, FBK discovered and documented the existence of a network of charitable and non-profit foundations organized by Medvedev’s proxies and relatives. 70 billion rubles were allegedly transferred to these funds. The investigation also states that the prime minister receives “bribes from oligarchs [Alisher] Usmanov and [Leonid] Mikhelson,” as well as “Gazprombank money.”FBK spent more than six months investigating “He’s Not Your Dimon.” Activists said that it was very difficult for them to prove Medvedev’s involvement in the scheme they uncovered, but in the end the head of government was allegedly “given ordinary sneakers.”

“We are not familiar with the details, we saw the media report. These are not the first examples of the work of this famous convicted citizen. There is nothing to add to what was said by the press secretary of the Prime Minister,” Navalny’s investigation into the Kremlin.

Wasserman The main problem of President Dmitry Medvedev is that almost all of his circle are sincere and unalloyed “libertarians,” that is, people who are convinced that all evil comes from collectivism and planning and everything should happen as a result of the free interaction of individuals. However, with such an attitude to life, it is difficult to govern the state, since the state is clearly not an individual. Political consultant Anatoly Wasserman told a REX news agency correspondent about this, commenting on the interaction between Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin and President Dmitry Medvedev.

“I am afraid that the time of President Medvedev is time lost for any integration projects. No integration is compatible with “libertarian ideology.” Another thing is that such an ideology in itself is not ideal. When you start to look at whether it can be reconciled with life, and if so, how, then you gradually become a social democrat. Actually, it was precisely because of such thoughts that I stopped being a libertarian and became a social democrat, that is, I moved to the other side of the political barricade. But, unfortunately, Medvedev’s advisers known to me are not far-sighted enough to calculate all these chains,” Wasserman explained.

In his opinion, Vladimir Putin counted on the fact that Dmitry Medvedev, as in the days when they worked in the St. Petersburg mayor’s office, would remain his like-minded person. “But the problem is that Medvedev’s immediate circle is significantly different from Putin’s circle. People close to Medvedev, and constantly coming into contact with him, created for him a completely different informational and psychological background, as a result of which he went along the path of liberalism much further than would be advisable. Personally, I thought that Medvedev was no longer playing good and bad cop, but was becoming dangerous for the country when he imposed an embargo on the supply of S-300 anti-aircraft missiles to Iran. Then many began to accuse me of being, as a Zionist, in favor of arming Israel's worst enemy. Let's start with the fact that I do not consider myself a Jew, but I consider myself a Russian of Jewish origin. That's not even the point. But the fact is that, in my opinion, Iran is not an enemy of Israel.”

“For the past one and a half millennia, the main opponents of Iran have been the Arabs. Moreover, the Arabs themselves are quite clearly aware of this,” continues the expert. - In most of the various international interactions they oppose Iran. The anti-Israeli rhetoric of Iranian leaders is precisely rhetoric designed to disguise the fact that Iran's real hostility is with its fellow Muslims. Therefore, the embargo on anti-aircraft missiles in Iran cannot help Israel in any way, but it helps the United States very well if they want to organize another deal to export instability to the Middle East region. It is appropriate to note here that all North African revolutions, like the Kyrgyz one, were a consequence of the American export of instability. Americans want to show with all their might that in today’s turbulent world, only America has remained an island of calm and prosperity, and, therefore, a reliable place to invest money. Americans live in debt, they spend more than they earn - their value system is based on this. And the whole world pays their debts, Americans always need money.”

Returning to the issue of interaction between Putin and Medvedev, Wasserman noted that in 2011 there were already several cases when Medvedev made decisions, undoubtedly contrary to Putin’s opinion. “And in all these cases, Medvedev’s decisions seem unjustified to me. Although I understand that these are decisions not so much of Medvedev himself, but of his inner circle in the person of Natalya Timakova (press secretary of the President of the Russian Federation - REX news agency), Arkady Dvorkovich (Adviser to the Russian President on economics - REX news agency), Igor Yurgens (chairman of the board of the Institute of Contemporary Development - note by REX news agency). It is INSOR that is the main ideological center that generates ideas for Medvedev. It is appropriate to recall the saying: “The king is played by his retinue,” but the retinue is recruited by the king himself. Surely the current president gathered these people because they corresponded to his beliefs, and now they are keeping him in these beliefs. Everything is leading to the fact that these beliefs will now be preserved in complete independence from the surrounding reality. At the same time, those who criticize Putin support Medvedev precisely because he is “soft as a teddy bear.”



The President's Main Problem Dmitry Medvedev is that almost all of his circle are sincere and unalloyed “libertarians”, that is, people who are convinced that all evil comes from collectivism and planning and everything should happen as a result of the free interaction of individuals. However, with such an attitude towards life, it is difficult to govern the state, since the state is clearly not an individual. About this to the correspondent IA REX said the political consultant Anatoly Wasserman, commenting on the interaction between Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin and President Dmitry Medvedev.

“I am afraid that the time of President Medvedev is time lost for any integration projects. No integration is compatible with “libertarian ideology.” Another thing is that such an ideology in itself is not ideal. When you start to look at whether it can be reconciled with life, and if so, how, then you gradually become a social democrat. Actually, it was precisely because of such thoughts that I stopped being a libertarian and became a social democrat, that is, I moved to the other side of the political barricade. But, unfortunately, Medvedev’s advisers known to me are not far-sighted enough to calculate all these chains,” Wasserman explained.

In his opinion, Vladimir Putin He counted on the fact that Dmitry Medvedev, as in the days when they worked in the St. Petersburg mayor’s office, would remain his like-minded person. “But the problem is that Medvedev’s immediate circle is significantly different from Putin’s circle. People close to Medvedev, and constantly coming into contact with him, created for him a completely different informational and psychological background, as a result of which he went along the path of liberalism much further than would be advisable. Personally, I thought that Medvedev was no longer playing the good and evil cop, but becomes dangerous for the country, when he imposed an embargo on the supply of S-300 anti-aircraft missiles to Iran. Then many began to accuse me of being, as a Zionist, in favor of arming Israel's worst enemy. Let's start with the fact that I do not consider myself a Jew, but I consider myself a Russian of Jewish origin. That's not even the point. But the fact is that, in my opinion, Iran is not an enemy of Israel.”

“For the past one and a half millennia, Iran’s main opponents have been the Arabs. Moreover, the Arabs themselves are quite clearly aware of this,” continues the expert. “In most of the various international interactions, they oppose Iran. The anti-Israeli rhetoric of Iranian leaders is precisely rhetoric designed to disguise the fact that Iran’s real enmity is with its fellow Muslims. Therefore, the embargo on anti-aircraft missiles in Iran cannot help Israel in any way, but it helps the United States very well if they want to organize another deal to export instability to the Middle East region. It is appropriate to note here that all North African revolutions, like the Kyrgyz one, were a consequence of the American export of instability. Americans want to show with all their might that in today’s turbulent world, only America has remained an island of calm and prosperity, and, therefore, a reliable place to invest money. Americans live in debt, they spend more than they earn - their value system is based on this. And the whole world pays their debts, Americans always need money.”

Returning to the issue of interaction between Putin and Medvedev, Wasserman noted that in 2011 there were already several cases when Medvedev made decisions, undoubtedly contrary to Putin’s opinion. “And in all these cases, Medvedev’s decisions seem unjustified to me. Although I understand that these are decisions not so much of Medvedev himself, but of his inner circle in the person of Natalia Timakova(Press Secretary of the President of the Russian Federation - approx. IA REX), Arkady Dvorkovich(Adviser to the President of the Russian Federation on Economics - approx. IA REX), Igor Yurgens(Chairman of the Board of the Institute of Contemporary Development - approx. IA REX). It is INSOR that is the main ideological center that generates ideas for Medvedev. It is appropriate to recall the saying: “The king is played by his retinue,” but the retinue is recruited by the king himself. Surely the current president gathered these people because they corresponded to his beliefs, and now they are keeping him in these beliefs. Everything is leading to the fact that these beliefs will now be preserved in complete independence from the surrounding reality. At the same time, those who criticize Putin support Medvedev precisely because he is “soft as a teddy bear.”
