Lesson notes number 3 in the middle group. Middle group

Nikitina Oksana Yurievna
Job title: teacher
Educational institution: MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 54"
Locality: Nizhny Novgorod city
Name of material: Abstract
Subject: Abstract educational activities V middle group on the formation of elementary mathematical representations on the topic: "Comparison of numbers "3, 4" Counting according to the pattern"
Publication date: 14.11.2017
Chapter: preschool education

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

"Kindergarten No. 54"

Summary of educational activities

in the middle group by formation

elementary math


on the topic: “Comparison of numbers “3, 4”

Sample invoice"


Middle group teacher

Nikitina O.Yu.

Summary of mathematics lessons in the middle group.

Educator: Nikitina O.Yu.

MBDOU kindergarten № 54


Comparison of numbers 3-4, counting according to the pattern,

puzzles. Seasons (autumn).

Program content:


Consolidate knowledge about the season (autumn);

Develop the skills of self-control and self-esteem.

Materials and equipment:

demo material: diagram map with geometric shapes,

image of a car, bicycle.

Handout: notebook on the formation of mathematical

“I count to five” performances, colored pencils.

Progress of the lesson:

1. Organizational moment.

A bunny comes to the group and complains that he doesn’t know how to count.

The teacher invites the children to help the bunny learn to count.

2. Main part.

draw the same number of circles in the rectangle below it. Count the balls and

draw the same number in the rectangle below them. Ask the children how much

they drew circles (three), balls (four). What is more, balls or

circles? (There are more balls than circles, and there are fewer circles than balls, on

Game "Give me a word"

The teacher invites the children to suggest the word at the end of each

poem and find it in the picture by coloring it in, so many circles in

rectangles, how many wheels do these objects have? Having specified how many wheels there are

bicycle (three), car (four). A bicycle has more wheels or

car? (A car has more wheels than a bicycle).

So that I can take you

I don't need oats.

Feed me gasoline

Give me some rubber for my hooves,

And then, raising dust,

Will run...


You need to drive carefully

You can hold on to the horns.

It's just a pity - there is no mane...

What kind of horse? ...


Physical education lesson “Two claps.”

Children perform movements according to the text of the poem.

Two claps overhead

Two claps in front of you.

Let's hide two hands behind our back

And let's jump on two legs.

The bunny thanks the children and gets ready to go home, forgetting to put on his jacket.

The teacher reminds you that you can’t go out like that, because you can

catch a cold. Invites children to answer what time of year it is.

Game “Listen, See, Do”

The teacher reads a poem and asks the children to find a picture with

depicting the time of year mentioned in the poem,

painting the leaves with autumn colors (yellow, orange, red).

If in the trees

The leaves have turned yellow

If to a distant land

The birds have flown away

If the sky is cloudy,

If it rains,

It's that time of year

It's called autumn.

3. Bottom line.

Self-monitoring and self-assessment of work performed.

According to the sample

The teacher offers to compare your work with the model. If work

the child matches the model, in the lower right corner the child draws

green circle, if there is one error - yellow, if there are many errors -

red. The teacher tells the children that these colors symbolize a traffic light

and indicate: green - everything is in order, you can move on to the next one

page, yellow - you need to be a little more careful, red - you need to

complete some tasks again.

Children give the bunny a notebook. The bunny thanks the children, says goodbye and goes home.

Objectives: practice counting to 3, introduce the formation of the number 3 and the number 3; show the child using specific material that the number 3 is 2 and 1; learn to count objects within three; develop logical thinking, memory; cultivate perseverance and independence.
Equipment: bell, fan, leaves (3 pcs.), triangle, counting material for each child.
Progress of the lesson
1. Organizational moment.
The call gave us a signal:
The time has come to work
So let’s not waste time and start working!
2. Conversation about the time of year.
– What time of year is it? (Autumn)
- Guys, look at the picture, what is the weather like here?
– What color are the leaves in autumn? (Red, yellow, green)
– What does the wind do to the leaves? (plucks from trees)
-What do leaves do? (Flying, circling)
3. Didactic game “The Wind Blows”. Formation of the number 3.
The teacher imitates the wind blowing with a fan and invites the children to help the wind - to blow. The teacher shows two leaves of the same color:
-What did the wind bring? (Leaves)
– How do you find out how many leaves there are? (You need to count.)
The child counts: “One, two - only two.”
– The wind blew again, bringing 1 more.
The teacher demonstrates the formation of the number 3 (two and 1 more).
The child counts, names how many there are, and shows the same number of fingers on his hand.
4. Exercise on tables.
- Put a square, another square.
- How many squares are there?
- Put another one.
- Now how much is it?
5. View the number 3. History of the number.
Guys, many of you already know how to count, you can count your toys, your friends, the trees in the garden, and much more. And in ancient times, people learned to count to two with great difficulty. Every time something unknown and mysterious began after the deuce. when they counted “one, two, many” or “all”. And only after many, many years they began to count to 3. The number 3 became the most favorite number, even in fairy tales. And what fairy tales will I wish for you now?
6. Riddles
Oink-oink-oink - what three brothers
They are no longer afraid of the wolf,
Because the beast is predatory
Will not destroy a brick house (The Three Little Pigs)

Three cups and three beds,
There are also three chairs, look
And the residents here really are

Lives exactly three (Three Bears)

7. Physical exercise. "Three Bears

Three bears walked home (Children waddle in place.)

Dad was big, big. (Raise your arms above your head, pull up.)

Mom is shorter with him, (Hands at chest level.)

And my son is just a little baby. (Sit down.)

He was very small, (Squatting, swinging like a bear.)

He walked around with rattles. (Stand up, hands clenched into fists in front of your chest.)

Ding-ding, ding-ding. (Children imitate playing with rattles.)

8. Independent work children. Working with counting sticks.

Read the series of numbers in order: 1,2,3.

What geometric figure is this? (Triangle)

What do we know about the triangle? (there are 3 corners)

How many sticks do you need to take to build a triangle? (3)

9. Didactic game “Count the Hares”

10. Reflection.

What number did you meet today?

In which fairy tales does the number three appear?

Look what good weather has become now. The sun “smiles” and gives us its rays of goodness, happiness, and health. Let us smile, give and share with each other a wonderful mood for the whole day.

Summary of direct educational activities on the formation of elementary mathematical concepts in the middle group

Topic: "Number 3".

Target: repetition of numbers 1,2; acquaintance with the number 3; strengthening children's knowledge about geometric shapes.


1. Learn to understand the meaning of the final number obtained as a result of counting objects within 3, to answer the question “how much?”

2. Exercise the ability to identify geometric shapes (circle, oval, square, triangle) by tactile-motor means.

3. Fix the count within 5, the ability to compare the numbers 1,2 with the number of objects.

4. Develop thinking, attention, memory, speech, develop self-control skills, and develop the ability to work in a team.

Material: Flower of seven flowers, letter, geometric shapes, numbers from 1-3, ropes, counting sticks, demonstration material, game “Recognize the Shapes”, copybooks, pencils, number cards, cards of geometric shapes.

Progress of the lesson:

Children and teacher stand in a circle. Flies into the group balloon ik on which the Seven-flowered Flower is attached.

Guys, look, a balloon flew into our group, and there was a flower and a letter on it, which means there was something written in it, do you want to know what? Then listen: “Hello, dear guys! The girl Zhenya from the fairy tale “The Flower of Seven Flowers” ​​is addressing you. My friend was in trouble, he was bewitched by an evil sorceress, and in order to help him, you need to complete the tasks that are written on the petals of the flower. They told me that you are very smart, kind guys and will definitely help me. After you complete all the tasks, the sorceress’s magic will disappear.”

Guys, do you think we can help Zhenya and her friend? Of course, I was sure that you would agree to help. Then let's start the tasks.The children sit on the carpet.

I tear off the first petal, and there is a task:

1. Guys, you need to carefullylook at the picture and answer the question (work on the board):

How many skis do you need to ski in winter?

How many dolls are there in the pictures?

How many caps does a mushroom have?

How many birds are there on the cards?

How many wings does a butterfly have?

How many heels does a pig have?

How many berries are there in the pictures?

How many eyes does an owl have?

How many tails does a puppy have?

How many wings does a bird have?

Tell us what numbers are under our cards.

Well done, now let's tear off the next petal. 2.Introducing the number 3.You guys and I already know the numbers 1 and 2, and today we will get to know the number 3. (demonstration material (image of numbers and the number of objects for each number) work on the board).

Physical exercise “Mouse”

The mouse snuck into the hole

Locked it with a padlock

She's looking through the hole

The cat is sitting on the fence.

We played, and now the next petal comes off, and there is a task. 3. Game "Recognize the figure."The card depicts a drawing consisting of geometric shapes. Ask the children what they see, ask them to name the figures that make up the image.

Well done. You completed the task.

The children sit down at the table.

The next petal comes off, and the girl Zhenya invites us to relax, and at the same time remember geometric shapes. 4. (Modeling geometric shapes from rope and counting sticks).

This is a magic rope and magic wands, remember what you can do with it. Let us build a house for the dog.

Why is it easier to make a circle than a triangle?

Children use rope and counting sticks to build a house. What geometric shapes does the house consist of? Children call.

Smart guys.

The next petal is torn off and the most difficult task is offered. 5. Copybooks.

1 2 3

The next petal comes off.

6. Physical exercise “Centipedes”

Two centipedes

We ran along the path

They ran, they ran

All the boots are trampled

Hey shoemaker, come out

Fix your boots!

Knock, knock, knock, knock

What a wonderful sound.

And the last petal comes off. 7. The task is: It is suggested to playgame "Find your house."I will give you cards with a picture of a number and put the same numbers on different tables. You will need to find a house for your number. You can repeat the game with geometric shapes.

Our flower has run out of petals, which means we have completed the task.

Oh, the letter has arrived again. I read a letter that the witchcraft from the boy Vitya has disappeared.


What did you like most? What did we do today? You all did your best today, I am very pleased with you.

  1. Draw as many circles as the number shown.

1 2 3

  1. Match each square with circles with a card containing the corresponding number of objects.

  1. Color the second shape red, the first green and the third blue.

Target: Introducing the number three.

Direction: Cognitive.

Integration of educational areas:“Cognition”, “Social-communicative”, “Speech”, “Artistic-aesthetic”, “Physical”.

Types of children's activities: gaming, artistic expression, communicative, productive.


  • Educational:
    • show the formation of the number three;
    • count to three;
    • agree the numeral with the noun in gender, number, case;
    • distinguish between the counting process and its outcome;
  • Developmental:
    • develop the ability to determine spatial direction from oneself: above, below, in front, behind, left, right
    • broaden your horizons, activate your vocabulary;
    • develop voluntary attention, thinking, fine motor skills;
  • Educational: cultivate independence, accuracy; ability to work in a team.

Handout: bunnies, carrots (for each child), counting board, plasticine.

1 part. Organizing time

Educator. Guys, Bobik came to visit us and brought a toy. Try to guess the riddle and you will find out what kind of toy this is.

Girlfriends are different heights
But they look alike
They all sit next to each other,
And just one toy. (Matryoshka)

Educator. Let's describe the nesting doll. What is she like?
. Big, beautiful, wooden. .
Educator. How many nesting dolls do we have?
Educator. Let's see if there is another nesting doll inside it? Look and if you have it, get it.
Children. Eat.
Educator. How many nesting dolls, can you count?
Children. One nesting doll, two nesting dolls.
. Let's see if there is another nesting doll there, if so, take it out and count it?
Children. One nesting doll, two nesting dolls, three nesting dolls.
. How much does a large nesting doll cost? (First), and how much does an average matryoshka cost? (Second), and how much does a small nesting doll cost? (Third).
. How did we get three nesting dolls? (We added one nesting doll to one nesting doll, and added another nesting doll).

Part II. Game situation “Let's treat the bunnies with carrots”

Educator. Bunnies came running to us from the forest. Place two bunnies on the top yellow stripe, and as many carrots as there are bunnies on the bottom stripe. We put it under each bunny. What can you say about bunnies and carrots? Are there equal numbers of bunnies and carrots or not?
Children. Equally.
Add another bunny. How many bunnies are there?
. Three bunnies.
Educator. How did we get three bunnies?
We added one bunny to two bunnies.
. Now are there equal numbers of bunnies and carrots or not? Or something more, something less.
More bunnies, fewer carrots.
Educator. Yes, we have three bunnies and two carrots. Three more, two less, but what needs to be done to make the number of bunnies and carrots equal? Children. We need to add another carrot.
Educator. Now there are equal numbers of bunnies and carrots or not?
Equally. Three bunnies, three carrots.
. So how did we get three carrots?
. To two carrots, we added another carrot and there were three carrots.

Part III. Physical education minute

In the morning the children went to the forest,
Steps with high leg lifts.
And they found mushrooms in the forest.
They bent down and collected
Forward bends
We got lost along the way.

Raising arms to the sides
Girls and boys
Jumping in place
Bouncing like balls
Hands clap.
Clap 3 times
They stomp their feet.
Stomp 3 times
Eyes blink
Close your eyes rhythmically
Afterwards they rest.
Sit down, hands free.

Part IV

Educator. And now you and I creative work. Since today we are talking to you about the number three, it means that you and I need to remember the number three. And today we will sculpt the number three. Between what numbers does it stand? (Between two and three). Let's draw the number three in the air.

Finger gymnastics

First, second - the ducklings were walking.
The third, fourth - for water.
And the fifth one trudged behind them,
The sixth man was running behind.
And the seventh fell behind them,
And the eighth one is already behind,
And the eighth one is already tired.
And the ninth caught up with everyone,
And the tenth one was scared
He squeaked loudly and loudly: “Pee-pee-pee!” -
“No food, we’re nearby, look!” (alternately bend your fingers, starting with the thumb, and with the words “pi-pi-pi” rhythmically bend and straighten the fingers of both hands).

Part V Modeling the number three

Tasks: Strengthen the ability to roll plasticine between your palms; sculpt with your fingers, round the ends, smooth the surface.

Older children can help younger ones. What beautiful triplets you made.

Part VI. Didactic game. "Where the bell rings"

Children stand in a circle and close their eyes. The teacher approaches one of the children and rings the bell (in front, behind, left, right, above or below). The child names the direction where the bell rang, and if the answer is correct, he becomes the leader.

The game is repeated 3-4 times.

Quantity and count

The middle group program is aimed at further developing mathematical concepts in children. It involves learning to count to 5 by comparing two sets expressed by adjacent numbers. An important task in this section remains the ability to establish the equality and inequality of groups of objects, when the objects are at different distances from each other, when they are different in size, etc. Solving this problem leads children to understand an abstract number. (1.p.12)

Grouping objects according to characteristics develops in children the ability to compare and carry out logical classification operations. In the process of various practical actions with aggregates, children learn and use in speech simple words and expressions denoting the level of quantitative representations: many, one, one at a time, none, not at all, few, the same, identical, the same, equally; as much as; more than; less than; each of..., all, all. (4.p.154)

Children in the middle group must learn counting techniques:

1. Name the numbers in order.

2. Correlate each numeral with only one subject.

3. At the end of the count, sum it up in a circular motion and name it with the name of the items counted (for example, “one, two, three. Three dolls in total”). When summing up the count, always pay attention to the fact that children always name the number first, and then the object.

4. Learn to distinguish the counting process from the counting total.

6. During the counting process, name only numerals.

7. Teach children to correctly coordinate numerals with nouns in gender, number, case, and give a detailed answer.

Simultaneously with learning to count, the concept of each new number is formed by adding a unit. Throughout the entire academic year, quantitative counting up to 5 is repeated. When teaching counting, in each lesson, special attention should be paid to such techniques as comparing two numbers, matching, establishing their equality and inequality, overlapping techniques and applications.

Counting by touch, counting by ear and counting various movements within 5 are also given.

Familiarity with symbols is introduced - numbers within 5. In the process of learning to count, it is necessary to simultaneously introduce numbers - the corresponding designations of numbers.

As children become familiar with the first three numbers, they are taught ordinal counting within 5 and the ability to distinguish it from quantitative counting, and correctly answer the questions: “How many in total?”, “Which is in the count?” Ordinal counting is given together with quantitative counting in order to distinguish them. In the first lesson, it is necessary to reveal the meaning of ordinal numbers. The ordinal value of a number can be revealed by comparing it with a quantitative value. Quantitative counting: “How much?” - "one two Three". Ordinal count: “Which?”, “Which count?” - "first second Third".

One of the important tasks in this group is teaching children the ability to count objects. For a child, counting and counting are not the same thing. These are different counting operations. It is advisable to teach counting in a familiar environment for children, where there are fewer distractions. In this case, it is necessary to show children the method of counting, indicate when to pronounce a numeral, selecting objects.

For example, having selected a cube and placing it on the other edge of the table, the child says: “One”, silently selecting another and placing it next to the first, says: “Two”, etc. pronounce the numeral when practical action selection has already been completed. It is important to teach children this method, since many people name a numeral when they take an object, and name the next numeral when they put it next to the first one, that is, they count their movements, not the objects. One should learn to count, lay out, and bring a certain number of objects, first according to the model, and then according to the named number. It is easier for children to count and count according to a pattern than according to a given number. The teacher should know this and complicate the tasks gradually: first, offer to work according to a visual example (a sample card with circles is given and the children are asked to find the same number of toys, put each toy on a card circle, then use the named number (number card or number) to find three ducks , put as many cars as there are numbers on the board).

An even more difficult task will be counting objects from more. At the beginning of training, children are offered three objects that must be placed in order, then the number of objects is increased to five or more. (1.p.14)

Good practice in distinguishing quantitative relationships is ensured by children following the teacher’s instructions. For example: bring a lot of hares and one bear; find where there are few pencils and a lot of notebooks; bring one chair and several dolls. (4.p.156


The tasks of forming ideas about magnitude become more complicated.

Not knowing how to estimate magnitude, a child often cannot compare the size of objects of different shapes or differently located in space, taking into account, as a rule, only one of the parameters of size, primarily height, which leads to an incorrect decision - to estimates by visual impression.

In order to develop an orientation towards the size of objects as a significant sign and to bring the child to an awareness of the need for measurement as a way of comparing objects by size, an organization of learning is needed that would provoke the child’s own cognitive activity. (4.p.37)

Children continue to be taught to compare (measure) objects in width, length, height, thickness by placing them next to each other, making this work more difficult by the fact that objects for comparison are selected with small differences in width, length, height, thickness. This is done in order to show the need for commensurateness. In this case, you should pay attention to the correctness of the measurement: clear alignment of the ends and sides of the objects being measured, the need to use a single reference point.

Work is underway with children to prepare for mastering measurement. This is a comparison of two objects using a third - a conditional measure. For example, on the table, each child has a piece of paper with Christmas trees pasted on it and a strip of paper, from which they must independently make a measurement and use it to determine which of the trees is taller.

When comparing objects, children should be able to arrange them in ascending or descending order by length, width, thickness, and height.

Initially, such a determination is made as a result of direct application of objects to each other, and then children should be able to determine by eye. For example, the teacher asks to give a strip of paper of the same length or to bring an album thicker than what is on the table, etc.

Geometric figures

In the middle group, children's knowledge of geometric shapes expands. In addition to circles, triangles and squares, they should be able to distinguish and name rectangles, ovals, and three-dimensional shapes (sphere, cube, cylinder). Get acquainted with forms by examining them tactile-motor and visually.

The methodology for conducting classes to introduce and consolidate the names of geometric figures is the same as in the second junior group.

Geometric shapes are given to children in pairs. First, they give a pair of volumetric and planar forms (a circle and a ball, a square and a cube), and then they can give a pair of volumetric shapes (a cube and a cylinder). In this case, it is necessary to pay attention to their special features (the cube has many angles, the ball and cylinder do not; the ball and cylinder roll, but the cube is stable). Children should be taught to distinguish angles and sides in geometric shapes (a rectangle and a square have 4 corners and 4 sides). At the same time, there is a difference between the figures. The teacher emphasizes it, noting that a square has all the same sides, and a rectangle has two long sides and the other two short. Next, it is recommended to compare the rectangle with a circle and an oval. (1.p.15)

Examination and comparison of figures is carried out in a certain sequence:

a) mutual overlap and application of figures; this technique allows you to more clearly perceive the features of figures, similarities and differences, and highlight their elements;

b) organizing the examination of figures by tactile-motor means and identifying some elements and features of the figure; the effect of examining a figure largely depends on whether the teacher directs the children’s observations with his words, whether he indicates what to look at, what to find out (the direction of the lines, their connection, the proportions of individual parts, the presence of angles, vertices, their number, color, size figures of the same shape, etc.); children must learn to verbally describe this or that figure;

c) organizing various actions with figures (rolling, placing, placing in different positions); By acting with models, children identify their stability or instability, their characteristic properties. For example, children try to position a ball and a cylinder in different ways and discover that the cylinder can stand, can lie, can roll, but the ball rolls. In this way, the characteristic properties of geometric bodies and figures are discovered;

d) organizing exercises for grouping figures in order of increasing and decreasing size (“Select by shape”, “Select by color”, “Arrange in order””);

e) organization didactic games and game exercises to strengthen children’s ability to distinguish and name figures (“What’s missing?”, “What’s changed?”, “Wonderful bag”, “Shop”, “Find a pair”, etc.) (2.p.236)

They teach children to distinguish between a circle and an oval, to make and lay out different shapes from sticks. For example, make a square from 4 sticks, a rectangle from 6, and a triangle from 3.

The teacher should give the children an idea that figures can be of different sizes: large and small.

It is necessary to train children in arranging figures in ascending or descending order: a large circle, a smaller one, an even smaller one, etc. (1.p.16)

Orientation in space

The tasks of orientation in space also become more complicated: children not only must determine the direction “away from themselves,” but also move in this direction. Children receive this knowledge in classes and consolidate it in games, on walks, etc.

Children should be able to determine the position of this or that object in relation to themselves (“There is a table in front of me,” “There is a closet on my right,” etc.). learn to see what is close and what is far from them; Use the terms “close” and “far” correctly. (1.p.16)

In the middle group, in mathematics classes, much attention is paid to the development of children's orientation in the space of a table or sheet of paper. From the first lessons, they are asked to find the top and bottom stripes of a counting card, arrange a certain number of objects at the top and bottom or right and left. Such visual supports help to highlight the same parts of space in a pattern and associate them with a specific name (top, top, bottom, bottom, right, left, middle). (4.p.47)

Time orientation

The teacher clarifies the children’s understanding of the parts of the day, linking their names with the activities of children and adults close to them during these periods of time. Children should know that there are four parts in a day and be able to name them sequentially. Children are introduced to the change of day and the words “today”, “yesterday”, “tomorrow”. (1.p.17)

In the middle group, it is necessary to strengthen in children the ability to name parts of the day, deepen and expand their understanding of these periods of time, constantly paying attention to the various phenomena characteristic of each part of the day. Here it is already possible to show what is happening and what not only the children themselves, but also adults are doing in the morning, afternoon, evening and night.

For this purpose, you can use pictures with a broader content: children go to kindergarten in the morning, fireworks against the backdrop of the evening city, people leaving the theater in the evening, etc. It is useful to invite children from a set to select all the pictures that show, for example, what happens during the day.

After children learn to identify parts of the day based on various activities, their attention should be focused on objective indicators that symbolize time - the position of the sun, the color of the sky, the degree of illumination of the earth, etc. (2.p.267)
