Post about antioxidants. Antioxidants - the elixir of immortality

SBEE HPE "Volgograd State Medical University"

Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation

Department of Chemistry


Completed by: student of the 27th group,

course, medical faculty

Naumenko T.S.

Checked: assistant department. chemistry,

Tankabekyan Nazeli Arsenovna

Volgograd - 2014

1. The concept of antioxidants

Free radicals and their influence

Classification of antioxidants

Mechanisms of action of antioxidants

The effect of antioxidants on the human body

Natural antioxidants, their action and consumption rates

1Vitamin C

2Vitamin E

4Beta-carotene and other carotenes


The effect of antioxidants on the aging process


1.The concept of antioxidants

Antioxidants are substances that inhibit lipid peroxidation, stabilize the structure and functions of cell membranes and create optimal conditions for cell and tissue homeostasis under a wide variety of extreme effects of pathogenic factors on the body. That is why they are widely used in the treatment of many diseases and to protect food and drugs from oxidation by oxygen. With any excessive effects on the body of factors of a mental, physical and chemical nature, an increase in lipid peroxidation occurs, which is the trigger of membrane pathology.

Antioxidants are mostly vitamins that cleanse the body of free radicals that are constantly formed in the human body as a result of numerous redox processes aimed at maintaining the normal functioning of all organs and systems. Under natural conditions, the number of free radicals is small, and their effect on the cells of the body is completely suppressed by the intake of antioxidants from the outside, when a person consumes food containing these substances.

.Free radicals and their influence

Free radicals are products of incomplete reduction of oxygen; these are molecules with unpaired electrons located on the outer shell of the atom. They have a very high reactivity and, as a result, a pronounced damaging effect on cellular macromolecules. The concept of a free radical does not include metal ions of variable valence, the unpaired electrons of which are on the inner shells. Many disease states (chronic diseases, stress, exposure to radiation, the aging process, etc.) occur in the body with the formation of free radicals that can reversibly or irreversibly destroy substances of all biochemical classes, including free amino acids, lipids, carbohydrates and connective tissue molecules. In addition, the intake of drugs with prooxidant properties, a number of medical procedures (oxygen therapy, hyperbaric oxygen therapy, ultraviolet irradiation, laser vision correction, radiation therapy), as well as various environmentally unfavorable factors lead to an increased formation of free radicals in the body. environment. In this state, free radicals trap vulnerable proteins, enzymes, lipids, and even entire cells. By taking away an electron from a molecule, they inactivate cells, thereby disturbing the delicate chemical balance of the body. When the process happens again and again, a chain reaction of free radicals begins, while cell membranes are destroyed, important biological processes are undermined, and mutant cells are created.

When free radicals oxidize lipids, a dangerous form of lipid peroxide is formed. Their excess leads to the oxidation of lipids - the basis of cell membranes - and, as a result, to disruption of the functions of the cell membranes of our body, to health disorders and premature aging. Excessive activation of chain free radical lipid oxidation processes can lead to the accumulation in tissues of such products as lipoperoxides, fatty acid radicals, ketones, aldehydes, keto acids, which, in turn, can lead to damage and increase the permeability of cell membranes, oxidative modification of structural proteins, enzymes, biologically active substances.

Lipid peroxidation increases in many diseases, so it can be considered a universal pathological membrane process, to which plasma membranes, mitochondrial membranes, and microsomes are most sensitive.

Common signs of membrane pathology caused by increased lipid peroxidation are:

An increase in the hydrophilicity of membranes, as a result of which their permeability to calcium ions and other ions increases.

Uncoupling of the processes of respiration and phosphorylation.

Violation of enzyme functions.

Weakening of the connection of phospholipids with structural and receptor proteins of membranes.

Inactivation of thiol enzymes, SH-groups of amino acids, proteins.

DNA damage.

Swelling and lysis of membranes, in particular lysosomes, and the release of phospholipases and other hydrolytic enzymes from them, causing cell damage.

Thus, a pronounced long-term increase in lipid peroxidation leads to a decrease in the detoxification of endogenous substances and xenobiotics, dystrophy, and then to cell death and tissue infarction.

.Classification of antioxidants

antioxidant aging carotene radical

1. Anti-radical agents ("scavengers" - from the English. "Scavengers" - scavengers):

1. Endogenous compounds: a-tocopherol (vitamin E), ascorbic acid (vitamin C), retinol (vitamin A), b-carotene (provitamin A), ubiquinone (ubinone).

2. Synthetic drugs: ionol (dibunol), emoxipin, probucol (fenbutol), dimethyl sulfoxide (dimexide), oliphen (hypoxen).

Antioxidant enzymes and their activators: superoxide dismutase (erisod, orgotein), sodium selenite.

Free radical blockers: allopurinol (milurit), antihypoxants.

.Mechanisms of action of antioxidants

The mechanism of action of the most common antioxidants (aromatic amines, phenols, naphthols, etc.) consists in breaking the reaction chains: antioxidant molecules interact with active radicals to form low-active radicals. Oxidation is also slowed down in the presence of substances that destroy hydroperoxides (dialkyl sulfides, etc.). In this case, the rate of formation of free radicals decreases. Even in a small amount (0.01-0.001%), antioxidants reduce the rate of oxidation, so for a certain period of time (a period of inhibition, induction), oxidation products are not detected. In the practice of inhibition of oxidative processes, the phenomenon of synergy is of great importance - the mutual enhancement of the effectiveness of antioxidants in a mixture or in the presence of other substances. Antioxidants act as free radical scavengers. By donating an electron to a free radical, antioxidants stop the chain reaction. Proper regulation of this balance helps the body grow and produce energy.

The following pathways of action of antioxidants can be distinguished.

1.1st way - is associated with the direct effect of antioxidants on free radicals and their role in the immune response. As a rule, this pathway is associated with the suppression of prostaglandin synthesis and the activation of cells of antigen-nonspecific immunity. Antioxidants with this mechanism of action include fat-soluble vitamin E and β -carotene. These antioxidants are not synthesized in the body, but come from food or in the form of food additives, and, as a rule, act in the plane of lipid membranes without penetrating into the cytoplasm of cells;

2.The 2nd pathway depends on more hydrophilic antioxidants that are able to penetrate into the cytoplasm of cells and regulate the expression level of various factors (for example, nuclear factor) and change the expression of pro-inflammatory genes. This group of substances includes not only antioxidants (glutathione, melatonin), but also promoters of the synthesis and reduction of glutathione that do not have direct antioxidant properties (ascorbic acid, riboflavin, vitamin B6, zinc, selenium, copper, etc.);

.3rd way - a combination of the above two mechanisms (coenzyme Q10, carnosine, plant bioflavonoids, chlorophylls, catechins);

The effect of antioxidants on the human body

The processes of lipid peroxidation constantly occur in the body and have importance to update the composition and maintain the functional properties of biomembranes, energy processes, cell division, synthesis of biologically active substances, intracellular signaling.

The influence of antioxidants on our body is very multifaceted and interesting. Using these substances, you can warn yourself against many diseases and effects on the body of free radicals. Over the past few years, antioxidants have been shown to be extremely beneficial to the body - they prevent the development of cardiovascular diseases, protect against cancer and premature aging, also increase immunity, and much more. The last decade has produced a wealth of evidence proving that free radicals play a role in the development of many diseases.

How do antioxidants work? The body has a system of antioxidant defense, which is divided into primary (antioxidants-enzymes) and secondary (antioxidants-vitamins). This system works with us from birth, all our lives, gradually weakening over the years. Therefore, there is a need for its nourishment and support. Antioxidant enzymes (primary antioxidant defense) are engaged in the "cleaning" of reactive oxygen species. They convert reactive oxygen species into hydrogen peroxide and less aggressive radicals, and then they are converted into water and ordinary, useful oxygen. Antioxidants-vitamins (secondary antioxidant defense) are called "extinguishers". They "extinguish" aggressive radicals, take away excess energy, inhibit the development of a chain reaction of the formation of new radicals. These include:

· water-soluble vitamins - vitamin C, P;

· fat-soluble vitamins - vitamin A, E, K, beta-carotene;

· sulfur-containing amino acids (cysteine, methionine)

· trace elements - zinc.

It is very important to remember that antioxidants only work well when they work in a group to support each other. For example: Vitamin E - the main interrupter of lipid oxidation reactions, is consumed and modified in these reactions. If vitamin C is next to it, then it restores it and puts it into operation. Vitamin C also protects selenium from oxidation.

When the body is exposed to extreme factors (radiation, poisons), too much a large number damaging molecules, in which case the body needs more antioxidants. It has been proven that it is the formation of a large amount of free radicals that is the initial stage of many diseases from a simple cough to cancer. The main antioxidants supplied with food are: vitamins C and E, selenium and carotenes. In addition to natural antioxidants, there are synthetic analogues, but it should be noted that in general, synthetic antioxidants are characterized by more frequent undesirable effects compared to endogenous compounds.

.Natural antioxidants, their action and consumption rates

Below are natural antioxidants, which are more common and well-known. Information is also provided on their action, content in food products and the norms of their consumption. For a long time there have been disputes on the issue of rationing these substances, or rather, their average daily and maximum allowable dose. Supporters of the introduction of a small amount of antioxidants emphasize that high doses will lead to the development of pathological processes not associated with the action of free radicals, while their opponents speak of the almost complete loss of protection against damaging molecules when low doses of antioxidants are introduced. However, there are established standards that take into account the views of both parties. The paper indicates the latest data obtained as a result of numerous studies conducted at the Institute of Medicine of the National Academy of Sciences (USA). Although the Institute of Medicine is not a government organization, official structures use its data in official documents. It is this information that guides all food manufacturers in the United States, indicating on the packaging information about the composition of their products and their nutritional properties.

6.1Vitamin C

Vitamin C is a water-soluble vitamin whose chemical name is ascorbic acid. Able to form a redox couple ascorbic acid/dehydroascorbic acid. A very important circumstance is that ascorbic acid exhibits a pronounced antioxidant effect only in the absence of metals of variable valence (iron and copper ions); in the presence of the active form of iron (Fe3+), it can reduce it to ferrous iron (Fe2+), which is able to release the hydroxyl radical according to the Fenton reaction, showing the properties of a pro-oxidant. Ascorbic acid is a powerful antioxidant that delays the aging process, prevents the occurrence of cancer and heart disorders. It is essential for maintaining healthy teeth, gums, bones, cartilage, connective tissue, blood vessels and capillary walls. Vitamin C is needed for the formation of collagen - the main structural material of the body. It protects other antioxidants (such as vitamin E and beta-carotene) from being destroyed by free radicals. The researchers note that when vitamin E is destroyed by free radicals, vitamin C helps restore it and start again to fight free radicals. Prevents the formation of carcinogenic substances in the stomach from nitrates and nitrites that enter there with water or canned food. Vitamin C strengthens the immune system. Immune cells accumulate in an amount one hundred times greater than its content in the blood. Also, this vitamin helps the absorption of iron, especially from raisins, green vegetables and beans, but does not promote its absorption from meat. Vitamin C improves the ability to remove toxic metals from the body such as copper, lead, mercury, etc., protects against heart disease, namely, lowers cholesterol levels, prevents high blood pressure, and protects cholesterol from oxidation, which is believed to lead to atherosclerosis.

The recommended dose of vitamin C has been increased for complete saturation of the body. Women now need 75 milligrams of vitamin C daily, men 90 milligrams. Because smokers are more susceptible to free radical damage and deplete vitamin C more quickly, they need an extra 35 milligrams. The previous average daily dose for adults was 60 milligrams.

The authors of the study claim that these levels of vitamin C can be easily obtained without any dietary supplements, it is enough to have citrus fruits, potatoes, strawberries, greens, etc. in your diet. For example, a two-hundred-gram glass of orange juice provides the body with 100 milligrams of vitamin C. The maximum allowable intake of vitamin C has also been revised: it currently stands at 2,000 milligrams per day for an adult.

Vitamin E is a fat-soluble vitamin whose chemical name is tocopherol. It is a natural natural antioxidant that slows down the aging of human skin, as well as other products in nature. The composition contains a phenolic ring with a system of conjugated double bonds, which protects various substances from oxidative changes, participates in the biosynthesis of heme and proteins, cell proliferation, tissue respiration and others. critical processes cell metabolism. Vitamin E can perform a structural function by interacting with phospholipids in biological membranes. Tocopherol inhibits LPO, preventing damage to cell membranes, eliminates free radicals, restoring them. The flow of protons from the fund of NADPH+ and NADH to tocopherol is carried out by a chain of antiradical endogenous compounds (glutathione, ergothionine-ascorbate) with the participation of the corresponding reductases and dehydrogenases. The mechanism of the antioxidant action of the drug is the transfer of the hydrogen of the phenyl group to the peroxide radical:

OO - + a-CurrentOH _____ R-OH + a-Current--OO - + a- CurrentO- _____ R-OH + a-Current (inactive)

Phenoxyl - the radical that is formed in this case, is itself quite stable and does not participate in the continuation of the chain.

Ascorbic acid, mentioned above, has a synergistic effect, reducing the product of tocopherol oxidation - a-tocopheroxide to a-tocopherol. Like other fat-soluble vitamins, vitamin E is well absorbed in the upper small intestine and enters the bloodstream through the lymphatic system. In the blood, it binds to b-lipoproteins. About 80% of the tocopherol introduced into the body is excreted in the bile after a week, and a small part is excreted as metabolites in the urine.

The total antioxidant effect of a-tocopherol is not very pronounced, since in the process of neutralizing free radicals with this substance, compounds with residual radical activity are formed. Another disadvantage of a-tocopherol is its lipophilicity and insolubility in water, which makes it difficult to create dosage forms of a-tocopherol for parenteral administration, which are necessary when rendering emergency care. The way out here is to create liposomal forms of a-tocopherol, more effective and potentially suitable for parenteral administration. The main advantage of a-tocopherol is its very low toxicity, like that of an endogenous compound.

Empirically, vitamin E is used for a wide variety of diseases, but most reports of the effectiveness of tocopherol are based on isolated clinical observations and experimental data. Almost no controlled studies have been conducted. At present, there is no clear data on the role of vitamin E in the prevention of tumor diseases, although the drug has been shown to reduce the formation of nitrosamines (potentially carcinogenic substances formed in the stomach), reduce the formation of free radicals and have an antitoxic effect when using chemotherapeutic agents. Tocopherol at a dose of 450-600 mg per day has a therapeutic effect in patients with intermittent claudication syndrome, which may be associated with an improvement in the rheological properties of the blood. Therapeutic doses of vitamin E may protect genetically defective red blood cells in thalassemia, glutathione synthetase and glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency. Data from the Cambridge CHAOS study on the use of antioxidants in cardiology, published in 1996, suggest that in patients with reliable (angiographically confirmed) coronary atherosclerosis, vitamin E supplementation (daily dose of 544-1088 mg) reduces the risk of non-fatal myocardial infarction. The overall mortality from cardiovascular diseases in this case does not decrease. A favorable effect is manifested only after a year of taking tocopherol.

At the same time, in the HOPE (Heart Outcomes Prevention Evaluation) study, which studied the effects of vitamin E (400 IU / day) along with ramipril, it was found that the use of this antioxidant for about 4.5 years had no effect on either primary (myocardial infarction, stroke and death from cardiovascular disease), nor to any other endpoints of the study. In another large study on the primary prevention of atherosclerotic disease in people with at least one risk factor (hypertension, hypercholesterolemia, obesity, premature MI in the next of kin, or advanced age), vitamin E (300 IU/day) was used for 3.6 years and had no effect on any of the endpoints (incidence of cardiovascular death and all cardiovascular events). The effectiveness of vitamin E has not been confirmed in most other cases (hypercholesterolemia, fitness of athletes, sexual potency, slowing down the aging process, and many others).

The new recommended intake level for this vitamin is 15 milligrams for both women and men. The main sources of vitamin E are nuts, cereals, liver and many vegetables. This antioxidant contains an important component of alpha-tocopherol, the only substance that the blood can transport to the cells when needed. The previous level of vitamin E intake was 8 milligrams for men and 6.4 for women. The maximum allowable intake of alpha-tocopherol is 1000 milligrams. People who exceed the maximum possible dose may develop uncontrolled bleeding, as it acts as an anticoagulant.


Selenium is an antioxidant that protects cells from the effects of free radicals and reacts with heavy metals such as cadmium and mercury. As an antioxidant, selenium protects us from heart disease, strengthens the immune system, and increases life expectancy. Acting in conjunction with other antioxidants - vitamins E and C, it helps to improve mental abilities, reduces depression, and drives away fatigue. It has been proven that its deficiency in the diet of experimental animals leads to the occurrence of cardiac pathology and a number of other disorders. Epidemiological studies have confirmed that in areas with low selenium, there is an increased mortality from a number of diseases, including cardiovascular diseases. However, in last years most often a deficiency of this microelement in the human body is detected. Selenium is part of many enzymes and hormones that provide vital important features organism. It also supports the activity of cellular immunity, affects reproductive functions. In combination with beta-carotene, selenium promotes fat metabolism, prevents hypertension, and reduces the risk of heart attacks. Selenium is involved in the synthesis of coenzyme Q-10, which is important for heart health and recovery of the heart muscle after a heart attack, strengthens the function of the heart's mitochondria, protecting against oxygen deficiency. Selenium prevents liver damage by combining with heavy metals and removing them from the body. This antioxidant prevents the occurrence of a number of cancers (lung, intestine, breast). Selenium protects cells from exposure to radiation, which causes inflammation due to radiation. It is shown that in combination with a number of natural biologically active substances, the digestibility of selenium is significantly improved, the scope of its active action is expanded.

Selenium intake rates have been lowered to 55 micrograms per day. Previous figures were 70 micrograms for men and 55 micrograms for women. The main foods that contain selenium are seaweed and fish, liver, cereals and sunflower seeds, and other "decorations of a healthy person's diet." The new maximum allowable dose for selenium is 400 micrograms. Its excess is accompanied by the development of selenosis - a toxic reaction characterized by hair loss and brittle nails.

4Beta-carotene and other carotenes

Beta-carotene and other carotenes act as antioxidants in the body, protecting cellular structures from destruction by free radicals. They keep the circulatory systems healthy. They may prevent cholesterol from oxidizing and turning into sclerotic plaques that block blood vessels and cause atherosclerosis. Studies have shown that people with high levels of beta-carotene in their blood are less likely to suffer from cardiovascular diseases. Carotenes prevent the destruction of free radicals of DNA and other cellular structures, protecting the body from cancer of the breast, skin, cervix, lungs, colon, Bladder. Carotenes also fight photosensitivity disorders: patients with increased sensitivity to bright light (expressed in rash and urticaria) showed an improvement in 80% of cases when treated with beta-carotene. These antioxidants support the immune system by helping immune cells destroy free radicals.


Another endogenous antioxidant with antiradical action. Ubiquinone is a coenzyme that is widely distributed in the cells of the body. It is a carrier of hydrogen ions, a component of the respiratory chain. In mitochondria, in addition, ubiquinone, in addition to a specific redox function, is able to play the role of an antioxidant. Chemically, it is a derivative of benzoquinone. Ubinon is mainly used in the complex therapy of patients with coronary heart disease, with myocardial infarction. When using the drug, the clinical course of the disease improves, the frequency of seizures decreases; tolerance to physical activity increases and threshold power increases; the content of prostacyclin increases in the blood and thromboxane decreases. However, it must be taken into account that the drug itself does not lead to an increase in coronary blood flow and does not contribute to a decrease in the oxygen demand of the myocardium. In general, ubiquinone has been less studied as an antioxidant than a-tocopherol. Its main advantage, like all endogenous compounds, is its relatively low toxicity.

7. The effect of antioxidants on the aging process

Since regular intake of fresh plant foods reduces the likelihood of cardiovascular and a number of neurological diseases, it was formulated and widely disseminated by means mass media the working hypothesis is that antioxidants can prevent the damaging effect of free radicals on the cells of living organisms, and thereby slow down the process of their aging.

Perhaps antioxidants are the secret to longevity. “Increasing the content of antioxidants in the human body may be crucial for increasing life expectancy,” American scientists say. According to their data, mice that were caused by increased production of antioxidant enzymes lived 20% longer and had less heart disease and age-related diseases. If the same is true for humans, then humans could live longer than 100 years. Research by scientists at the University of Washington in the United States supports the hypothesis that highly reactive molecules with unsaturated valences, otherwise known as free radicals, cause aging. They are associated with the occurrence of heart disease, cancer and other age-related diseases. Peter Rabinowitz and his colleagues have bred mice that have been induced to overproduce the enzyme catalase. It acts as an antioxidant and removes a dangerous element - hydrogen peroxide, which is a metabolic product and a source of free radicals. “The action of free radicals leads to disruption of chemical processes inside cells and, as a result, the production of additional free radicals. A vicious circle is created. The results of the research convincingly testify in favor of the theory of the influence of free radicals on aging,” notes Rabinovich.

By now in different countries a large number of epidemiological studies have been performed that convincingly proved the existence of a close relationship between the presence of major diseases associated with aging (atherosclerosis, cancer, immunodeficiency) and the level of antioxidants (vitamins E and C, provitamin A) or the content of the antioxidant element selenium in the blood plasma of the examined patients. In particular, it was shown that there is a significant negative correlation between the clinical manifestations of atherosclerosis and low levels of antioxidants in the blood plasma of patients. An inverse correlation was also found between the level of dietary intake of antioxidants and the risk of detecting cardiovascular disease. vascular systems s. It is important to note that a low intake of selenium, an element that is part of the active site of the antioxidant enzyme glutathione peroxidase, increases the risk of coronary heart disease, while an increased intake of selenium reduces the risk of atherosclerosis. In erythrocytes of patients with atherosclerosis, the activity of glutathione peroxidase is significantly reduced compared to patients without signs of ischemia and hypercholesterolemia.

These results convincingly prove that the main diseases of aging form and progress at a faster rate against the background of a decrease in the level of natural low- and high-molecular antioxidants in tissues, i.e. with aging, the “antioxidant deficiency syndrome” is clearly manifested. At the same time, it is possible that the reduced content of natural antioxidants in the blood is another unaccounted risk factor for the development of the main diseases of aging.

From the point of view of a practical approach to the development of programs for the prevention of aging, it is necessary to take into account the role of free radical oxidation in:

damage to cell membrane lipids, aging of cells, tissues, organs and the body as a whole;

genotoxic processes leading to the accumulation of somatic mutations and increasing the risk of tumors and early aging;

pathogenetic role in the modification of blood lipoproteins, induction of degenerative changes in atherosclerosis, increased risk of autoimmune and inflammatory diseases;

modification of endogenous proteins, nucleic acids and whole cells.

Free radical oxidation, immune response, proliferation, aging, apoptosis, protein synthesis and metabolism are closely interrelated. At present, the essential role of endogenous and exogenous antioxidants in preventing carcinogenesis and prolonging active longevity has been proven. Therefore, the use of antioxidants is an integral part of pathogenetic therapy and prevention of aging. Within the framework of the main directions of aging correction, the impact on the state of the antioxidant status is the impact aimed at slowing down cellular aging.

8. List of used literature

1.Clinical pharmacology: selected lectures / S.V. Okovity, V.V. Gayvoronskaya, A.N. Kulikov, S.N. Shulenin. - M.: GEOTAR-Media, 2009. - 608 p.: illustration.

2.Pharmacology: textbook. for students of establishments of environments. prof. education students in the specialties 060108.51 and 060108.52 "Pharmacy" in the discipline "Pharmacology" / R.N. Alyautdin, N.G. Preferansky, N.G. Preferanskaya; ed. R. N. Alyautdina. - M.: GEOTAR-Media, 2010. - 704 p.: ill.

3.Biological age and aging: the possibility of determining and ways of correction: A guide for physicians. - M. : GEOTAR-Media, 2008. - 976 p. : ill.

.Science and life. №2, 2006

.Biology. Entrant's Handbook. Moscow 1997

The mention of antioxidants as very useful, necessary for human body substances are not uncommon in our time. However, not everyone knows what antioxidants are, where to find them and what they are for.

What are antioxidants for?

The human body is constantly affected by external factors. Substances that catalyze oxidative reactions in cells, or are directly involved in them, enter the body from polluted air, water, with chemical food additives, with an excess of ultraviolet radiation.

Free radicals are molecules capable of entering into chemical reactions that lead to a violation of the duplication of genetic information, leading to the growth of tumors, premature aging of cells, and a decrease in the body's immune responses. Under the action of free radicals, the synthesis of hormones and enzymes is disrupted, and pathological reproduction of viruses and pathogenic flora occurs.

To neutralize free radicals, substances are needed that can bind to them to form compounds that are beneficial to the body. These substances are antioxidants.

Antioxidants - what are they and how do they work?

An antioxidant has a free electron in its molecule, which is so necessary for an oxidizing agent. When interacting, neutralization occurs, the cells are safe, and the risk of developing unwanted chemical processes is reduced.

  • Antioxidants are needed for skin that has been exposed to the sun for a long time. The action of ultraviolet radiation in large quantities has been confirmed by studies: in addition to photoaging, the risk of melanoma, a skin cancer, increases significantly.
  • Reduces the risk of developing inflammatory reactions in the body;
  • The probability of violations in the fetus during the development of pregnancy is significantly reduced.

Where to find antioxidants


Most substances, including antioxidants, enter the body with food. And since we are what we eat, it is worth reviewing your diet and diversifying it with healthy and tasty foods:

  1. Vegetables - beans, carrots, spinach, artichokes, potatoes, sweet, peppers, cabbage;
  2. Fruits and berries - apples, black currants, strawberries, cranberries, prunes, wild roses, apricots;
  3. Seafood;
  4. Milk

Natural plant antioxidants help maintain beauty and youth, are good for the skin and prevent the development of cancer internal organs. Vegetables and fruits are a source of vitamins A and C, fish and seafood are rich in vitamin E, unsaturated fatty acids.

However, unbalanced nutrition, snacking on the run, fast food, coffee abuse nullify attempts to provide the body with vitamins and minerals. In this case, to maintain health, you need special complexes that can be purchased at a pharmacy.

Some of them, for example, Alfavit, are designed in such a way that vitamins and minerals that interfere with each other "work" enter the cells at different times of the day and are absorbed by the body as fully as possible.

The pharmaceutical industry also produces special antioxidant complexes:

  • Complivit Radiance "Youth Antioxidants" contains lycopene (protects skin cells from UV rays, slows down aging, regulates pigmentation), resveratrol (increases skin tone and elasticity), hydroxytyrosol (slows down skin aging).
  • Vitrum Antioxidant contains vitamins A, C, E, zinc, manganese, selenium.


Among the drugs, lipin, coenzyme and glutargin can be noted, which have antioxidant activity and are prescribed for diseases of the liver, blood circulation, and a decrease in the functions of the immune system. Treatment with medicines should be prescribed by a doctor.

Antioxidants and cosmetics

It is very important for women to preserve the beauty of the skin, to feel attractive and young at any age. The topic of antioxidants could not but touch on cosmetology - their use in the production of creams, serums, and other care products has become commonplace.

  • Librederm vitamin E antioxidant contains, as stated in the name, tocopherol and lecithin, which protect and restore skin cells;
  • Means for the face and body, which include olive oil, jojoba have a pronounced antioxidant effect.

When choosing a care product, it is important to pay attention to the concentration of the antioxidant substance in it. Ascorbic acid should be at least 15%, and only serum can “afford” such a content. A high concentration of vitamins A and C in one remedy can provoke a backlash, worsen the condition of the skin, and tocopherol in an increased dosage affects the production of hormones and is more harmful than useful.

When choosing both vitamin preparations and cosmetics, you need to focus not on customer reviews on the Internet, but on the recommendations of a specialist.

The use of antioxidants in medicine

In medicine, drugs and vitamin complexes with antioxidants are used to improve immunity, prevent colds and infectious diseases, normalization of the liver and kidneys as part of complex therapy, in the treatment of oncology.

In each case, the appointment must be made by a doctor. It is not worth waiting for miracles from drugs, it is important to adjust the daily routine, sleep and nutrition, to refuse bad habits, avoid stress. And drugs with antioxidants, cosmetics - help the body, but by no means a panacea.

Antioxidants are natural ingredients that protect our cells from harmful effects. Antioxidants are found in vegetables, fruits, grains, red wine, tea, cocoa and other foods. Antioxidants include vitamins, minerals, and phytochemicals.

What are antioxidants? Simply put, antioxidants are the protectors of our body. For example, under stress, exposure to cigarette smoke (), sunlight, and even when breathing, oxidative processes occur in our body.

During oxidation, so-called free radicals (active molecules) are formed. The human body is able to absorb a certain amount of aggressive substances and, therefore, prevent cell damage.

However, if free radicals are produced in excess, they cause damage to cells. Antioxidants help to cope with free radicals by neutralizing them, or by preventing oxidative processes.

What are free radicals?

Free radicals are normal metabolites that are present in every body. In addition, free radicals are needed by the body to accustom cells to higher concentrations of free radicals. However, higher concentrations are harmful to cells. Their molecules contain one unpaired electron, so they are constantly on the lookout for the missing electron and find it. A chain reaction can cause damage to various cells in the body.

Antioxidants protect and protect cells from free radicals. They release an electron and thus neutralize free radicals.

Our body is constantly under attack by free radicals. To some extent, this is normal if the body copes with them. However, free radicals can increase as a result of harmful factors.

Factors that increase free radicals

  1. Environmental poisons (gases, solvents, pesticides, chemicals).
  2. One-sided diet (too much meat, fast food and too few fruits and vegetables).
  3. Unhealthy foods (trans fats, sugar).
  4. Taking medication.
  5. Excess ultraviolet rays, i.e. sunburn, or prolonged exposure to the sun.
  6. Bad habits (alcohol, drugs).
  7. Physical and psychological stress.

The search for and "robbery" of electrons by free radicals is called oxidation. Oxidation itself is not dangerous, but the radical reaction is destructive.

High levels of free radicals can thus set off numerous chain reactions that eventually lead to massive damage in the body.

  • limited cell function, or cell death as a result of membrane damage;
  • DNA damage resulting in uncontrolled cell division;
  • enzyme inactivation;
  • decrease in the formation of endogenous proteins.

What are antioxidants for?

Only an antioxidant can prevent the chain reaction caused by free radicals. Thus, antioxidants save cells from damage.

Before free radicals try to strip an electron from a membrane or an important protein, an antioxidant appears and voluntarily donates its electron to the free radical. Thus, the cells of the body remain protected if sufficient amounts of antioxidants are present in the body.

Antioxidants in food

The best-known antioxidants include vitamin C and E, carotenoids (eg, beta-carotene, a precursor to vitamin A), the trace elements selenium and zinc, and various phytochemicals such as sulfides, phytoestrogens, and polyphenols.

Antioxidant Products
Beta-carotene (carotenoids) It is found in yellow-red fruits, such as carrots, pumpkins, tomatoes, sweet potatoes, peppers, apricots, mangoes, as well as green ones - broccoli, spinach, cabbage.
Vitamin C Citrus fruits, currants, kiwi, strawberries, peppers and other fruits and vegetables that have a slightly sour taste.
Vitamin E Mainly in vegetable oils.
Selenium Food of animal origin, but also found in vegetables and fruits.
Zinc Plant and animal products.
Polyphenols Red-purple or yellow fruits. Also green and black tea, cocoa, coffee.
Phytoestrogens Contained in grains and legumes such as soybeans, flaxseed.
Sulfides Onion, leek, garlic, spices.

Antioxidants are substances that help prevent cell damage due to the oxidative process. Every day, the human body consumes oxygen, as a result of which oxidation occurs. chemical elements and converting them into free radicals. There is an increase in their negative influence due to sunlight, bad habits, bad ecology. To restore cells and prevent the development of many diseases, antioxidants are used in natural or synthetic form.

In the human body every second there is a huge number of physiological processes. One of their main sources is oxygen, which is involved in oxidative processes in tissues. The resulting energy is responsible for biological combustion. Oxidants neutralize bad toxins, keep internal organs healthy and help the body cope with stress. The situation worsens when a given element approaches a critical point.

Free radicals enter cells, destroying them. The process leads to premature aging, problems with cardiovascular and digestive systems, development . Antioxidants will help restore the natural balance, preventing the formation of harmful molecules. Internal reserves may not be enough, so you have to take additional drugs or foods high in antioxidants.

Antioxidants are synthetic or natural substances that protect body cells from the negative effects of free radicals, they are also called antioxidants. The normalization of the work of the organs contributes to the reduction of active oxygen. Similar compounds (antioxidants) are associated with hydroperoxides and beneficial atoms block the catalysts.

The action of antioxidants:

  • increase in overall stress resistance;
  • acceleration of cellular recovery after injuries;
  • reducing the likelihood of developing cancer, cardiovascular and other diseases;
  • strengthening protective functions;
  • protecting the body from harmful radiation.

Antioxidants are necessary for a person for the full functioning of all organs and systems of the body and for protection against free radicals.

Functions of Antioxidants in the Body

The main function of antioxidants is to protect the human body from excess free radicals.

Free radicals are molecules and atoms that form themselves at the expense of "donors", turning other atoms and molecules into new free radicals. Such a chain reaction leads to the destruction of cells, as a result of which chronic diseases develop and the aging process accelerates. For the full functioning of the body, free radicals are necessary, only their imbalance is harmful. Antioxidants act as "donors" without further conversion into free radicals. There are two types of free radicals - reactive nitrogen and reactive oxygen.

Causes of free radicals in the body:

  • bad habits;
  • bad ecology;
  • radioactive radiation;
  • taking medications;
  • excess ultraviolet.

According to statistics from the Research Institute of Food Hygiene, half of the people suffer from a lack of vitamin A and 85% of the population does not have enough minerals and ascorbic acid in the body. The reason for this is physical and moral exhaustion, which increases the burning of nutrients. Unbalanced nutrition, stress, environmental degradation are also negative factors for a person.

The benefits and harms of antioxidants

Antioxidants are a kind of donors that stop the formation of free radicals by donating their electrons. As a result, the oxidative process is reduced or completely suppressed. The first scientist to prove the possibility of life extension by antioxidants was Denham Harman.

Here are the main benefits of antioxidants:

  • body detoxification;
  • preservation of vision;
  • reducing the risk of developing cancer;
  • support of organism in Alzheimer's, Parkinson's diseases;
  • prevention of heart failure, stroke.

Slowing down aging is a way to protect the cells of all organs and systems from the harmful effects of free radicals.

Uncontrolled use of antioxidants can harm the human body. Excess substances cause such conditions:

  • hypervitaminosis;
  • nausea;
  • headache;
  • skin irritation;
  • decreased immunity;
  • muscle and joint pain;
  • violation of the menstrual cycle;
  • vision problems;
  • increased intracranial pressure;
  • metastases in the presence of a tumor.

An excess, as well as a lack of useful components in the body, including antioxidants, leads to serious consequences.

anti aging antioxidants

Cosmetology is developing rapidly, releasing new products every year to prolong youth. At the moment, there is no universal antioxidant, but to improve the effect, it is worth choosing products with several antioxidants. For example, the combination of vitamins E and C works better than separately. Substances in cosmetics slow down skin aging and help other active ingredients retain their properties. Positive result from the use of antioxidants in the fight against aging is proven, but you should not rely on them alone. Aging skin needs products that include collagen and antioxidants.

Benefits of Antioxidants for Athletes

A huge impact on the human body is influenced by negative factors. When tissues are destroyed by free radicals, many toxins are formed, only antioxidants fight them. These substances can reduce muscle fatigue, allowing you to recover faster after exercise. Antioxidants are indispensable for athletes, they protect the body from stress due to increased training. Additionally, antioxidants maintain health and youth.

Antioxidants for children

a lack of nutrients, which have an antioxidant effect, reduces the resistance of the child's body to various infections and viruses. Many diseases occur against the background of a violation of the functionality of biological membranes that are destroyed by free radicals due to the lack of antioxidants.

Important! In children, the mechanisms of antioxidant protection are unstable, therefore, for the full development of the child, vitamins A and E, which are antioxidants, are needed.

The diet should include all the necessary substances, especially in unfavorable environmental conditions, unbalanced nutrition, frequent colds.

Varieties of antioxidants

Conventionally, antioxidants are divided into two types - synthetic and natural. Natural antioxidants include:

  • low molecular weight compounds (micro-, macroelements, vitamins);
  • enzymatic antioxidants (enzymes);
  • hormones produced by the human body by endocrine glands.

Synthetic antioxidants are derivatives of phenols. These include esters of gallic acid. These are vitamins that are developed and synthesized in the laboratory. The chemical origin helps to make the most active form of the component with the maximum concentration.

The most effective antioxidants that fight free radicals:

  • vitamins A, B, C and E;
  • resveratrol;
  • unsaturated fatty acids Omega 3 and 6;
  • superoxide dismutase;
  • milk serum;
  • coenzyme Q10.

Other beneficial antioxidants include plant extracts, including ginkgo biloba, pine bark, and green tea.

There are primary and secondary types of antioxidants based on their antioxidant protection. The primary form turns free radicals into passive and safe for the human body. Secondary antioxidants consist of vitamins that eliminate harmful components and prevent the formation of new ones.

There are a huge number of different poly vitamin complexes containing antioxidants. These include:

    Vitamin C. The most powerful and necessary antioxidant for the human body. It is found in almost all fruits and vegetables. The substance helps to strengthen protective functions, fights colds, cleanses blood vessels, and reduces the level of bad cholesterol. Ascorbic acid activates the production of collagen and improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system. This is a real champion in the neutralization of free radicals, so vitamin C must be taken daily.

    Selenium. When ingested, this substance reacts with heavy metals, removing them from the body later. Selenium complex with vitamins E and C strengthens nervous system, removes from a depressive state and increases resistance to stress. The substance is necessary for the full functioning of the whole organism, especially the heart, brain and digestive tract. Additionally, selenium reduces the negative effects of radioactive radiation.

    Vitamin E. Another powerful antioxidant that improves overall health, preserves youth and strengthens the nervous system. The best result is observed in the fair sex, because the substance has a positive effect on the reproductive function of women. Research data confirm that regular intake of vitamin E in an individual dosage reduces the likelihood of developing cancer by 3 times.

    Carotene. The antioxidant shows good results, restoring the body from the negative effects of free radicals. The component strengthens the immune system, protects DNA from various pathologies, and reduces the harmful effects of the environment. Regular intake of carotene reduces the risk of developing cancer of the skin, bladder, intestines and uterus.

    Zinc. The antioxidant is part of the superoxide dismutase enzyme. The substance improves the absorption of vitamin A and stabilizes the level of vitamin E in the body. The mineral enhances immunity and normalizes the functions of the glands, including the genitals.

    Melatonin. The hormone is produced by the pineal gland, which is located in the brain. This antioxidant is valuable because it is able to penetrate into any part of the body. The substance helps to repair DNA in case of damage. The production of melatonin is promoted by vitamins B6 and B12, protein and acetyl-carnitine. The development of the component is prevented by lack of sleep, the use of alcoholic beverages, and constant exposure to light.

Natural antioxidants are much more effective than chemicals of chemical origin. But getting the required dosage in winter is very difficult, so multivitamin complexes help maintain health and youthful appearance.

How many antioxidants does the body need

After eating a meal, antioxidant protection drops sharply, because reactive oxygen species are formed during the assimilation of food. Therefore, antioxidants must be supplied to the body constantly, and their amount depends on the overall diet and the number of calories consumed. Professor Ronald Prior presented a scheme according to which his daily intake of antioxidants is selected:

  • 500 kcal - 2.5 mmol;
  • 1000 kcal - 4.5 mmol;
  • 1500 kcal - 6.5 mmol;
  • 2000 kcal - 9 mmol;
  • 2500 kcal - 11 mmol.

You need to focus on your own calorie intake. Women consume approximately 1800 kcal per day, and men - 2500 kcal. That's why strong half about 11 mmol of antioxidants are required, while the fairer sex needs 8 mmol.

The body needs higher doses of antioxidants during physical exertion, bad habits, and bad ecology. But uncontrolled intake of supplements can lead to a stroke and provoke prostate and lung cancer. You can not take only one type of actio-oxidant, only a combination of substances will benefit.

Foods that are rich in antioxidants

To prevent cell destruction, you need to eat foods that are high in antioxidants.

First, consider fruits and berries:

And here are some useful vegetables for the human body and its cells with a lot of antioxidants:

    kale consists of flavonoids such as kaempferol and quercenin, which are irreplaceable in cancer;

    spinach is a great source of beta-carotene and lutein, which help maintain healthy vision and protect against heart disease;

    broccoli is indole-3-carbidol, which improves the condition of the liver and prevents cancer of the cervix, breast and prostate;

    Brussels sprouts contain Vitamin A, C, isothiocyanates that protect genes from damage;

    beets in combination with other antioxidants prevent the development of cancer and maintain eye health.

The list of vegetables in which antioxidants are found in large quantities includes:

It is also worth considering which nuts and dried fruits contain a large amount of antioxidants:

    Raisin. The composition of the product additionally includes anthocyanins, which help maintain the health of the skeletal system.

    Prunes. Dried plums are a source of antioxidants and fiber, they should be consumed as a prevention of diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and breast cancer.

    Dates. The product contains B-carotene, zeaxanthin, lutein, vitamin A, tannins. It has anti-infective, anti-hemorrhagic and anti-inflammatory properties.

    Almond. Nuts reduce the risk of developing cataracts and other eye diseases. The composition includes vitamin E, gamma-tocopherol, isorhamnetin, kaemferol, quercetin, these components fight skin cancer.

    Cashew nuts. useful product contains zeaxanthin, lutein, eliminates free radicals and improves bone health. In addition to this list include dried apricots, figs, pistachios, walnuts, peanuts. It is necessary to eat nuts regularly, but in small quantities due to their high calorie content.

How cooking affects the presence of antioxidants in it

Products lose their useful components by 30% when stored in the refrigerator and by 50% at room temperature. Also, vitamins are destroyed by sunlight. Greens, green onions, spinach are especially sensitive to light.

Some foods should not be left on long time in air, because they begin to deteriorate when exposed to oxygen. Vegetable oils fall into this category.

Meat, fruits and vegetables must be washed under running water. Soaking is allowed for a maximum of 10 minutes in case of heavy contamination in a small amount of liquid. If this rule is not followed, sugar, minerals and vitamins will remain in the water. The greatest amount of nutrients is under the peel, so it should be cut very thinly. Foods are cut before they are lowered into the pan in order to avoid the occurrence of an oxidative process. For this reason, salads are dressed with oil just before serving.

Frying is the most traumatic method of food processing because heat destroys vitamins and leads to fat oxidation. The best cooking methods are baking in the oven and steaming. Cooking takes less time due to the absence of oxygen and high pressure. Cooking food should be short. Vegetables should be dipped in boiling water to eliminate the enzymes that destroy vitamin C. Ascorbic acid can be saved by adding dressings, salt, and acids to food.

Try to keep antioxidants in your food to get the most benefit from it.

What Antioxidants Can't Be Without?

The optimal result for the human body will bring a wide variety of antioxidant substances. One of these is glutathione, which is a peptide. It enhances the effect of other antioxidants that enter the body with foods or vitamin complexes. Glutathione protects cells from mitochondria.

Other antioxidants necessary for a person for a full existence:

    Alpha Lipoic Acid. The substance enhances the action of some cells in the presence of an inflammatory process in the body. Effectively and quickly removes toxins and heavy metals from the body. The only antioxidant that can enter the brain.

    Resveratrol. Establishes a blood-brain barrier. The substance protects the nervous system and brain. Additionally reduces arterial pressure and prevents the spread of cancer cells.

    Ubiquinone. The component stimulates the production of energy by cells, strengthens the immune, cardiovascular systems, and prevents rapid aging.

    Carotenoids. This type There are many varieties of antioxidants, ten of which each person has.

These are the main antioxidants that help all organs and systems work in intensive mode.

Antioxidants in medicine

Antioxidants are used as an adjunct to the main treatment. The biochemistry of antioxidants allows them to be used in the treatment of various diseases. Tocopherols and carotenes protect cells from the negative effects of free radicals. Mexidol improves metabolism in the tissues of the nervous system, improves blood circulation. This helps to cope with diseases against the background of age-related changes.

Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) preserves the nervous and muscle tissue from harmful compounds. Ubiquinone helps build muscle mass. The function of antioxidants and the action of reactive oxygen species allows scientists to assume that the mechanism in the future can be used to extend life. At the moment, there are no methods to radically increase the time allotted to a person.

Antioxidants in cosmetology

In cosmetics, antioxidants are added in combination. The larger the composition, the faster it will cope with free radicals. All components help each other to be synthesized and restored. The most commonly added antioxidants to cosmetics are:

    Vitamin C. Increases collagen production, reduces inflammation, protects from the sun, strengthens the skin's natural barrier.

    Raises the tone and immunity of the dermis, participates in recovery processes.

    It is used in anti-aging preparations, improves cellular metabolism, relieves peeling and redness, is found under the names like retinol and retinoic acid.

    Selenium. It is part of glutathione peroxidase, improves the absorption of vitamin E, moisturizes the skin.

    Coenzyme Q10. The fat-soluble compound dissolves under the influence of ultraviolet rays, reduces skin damage from the sun and activates collagen production.

    Vitamin F. Improves the condition of a fading and dry dermis, restores the hydro-lipid balance.

    Vitamin K. Eliminates pigmentation, dilated blood vessels on the surface of the skin.

Additionally, in the production of cosmetics, the following components with an antioxidant effect are used:

    extract grape seed contains polyphenols, flavonoids, anthocyanins, which have anti-aging properties and reduce the damaging effects of the sun;

    carotenoids accelerate wound healing, eliminate peeling and dryness of the skin, protect from ultraviolet radiation;

    witch hazel consists of concentrated tannins that have an anti-inflammatory and astringent effect;

    bioflavonoids are plant polyphenols that are structurally similar to human estrogen;

    green tea reduces the risk of skin damage at the DNA level from reactive oxygen species radicals and prevents the destruction of collagen;

    superoxide dismutase neutralizes free radicals; in cosmetic products, the enzyme is used of plant, microbial and animal origin;

    ginkgo biloba strengthens blood vessels, reduces inflammation, enhances collagen synthesis and protects against elastin destruction.

The protein glutathione is sometimes added to cosmetics, these are antioxidants that effectively fight free radicals and keep cells healthy after sun exposure.

Antioxidants in industry

Antioxidants are widely used in the food industry. Intracellular processes lead to spoilage of products, discoloration of polymers, decrease in their strength, formation of acids, etc. To increase the stability of food containing vitamins and fats, natural (vitamin E) and synthetic (dodecyl, propyl esters) antioxidants are used.

There are several antioxidants in the form of dietary supplements used in industry:

    Pectin. Substances are part of some algae and all land plants. They increase the stability of berries, fruits and vegetables during storage, prevent premature drought of plants. Pectin is a purified polysaccharide that facilitates the filtration process and is a thickener and stabilizer.
    Pectin is used in the production of jelly products, sweets, ice cream, desserts, dairy products, fruit fillings. Also, the substance is important in the manufacture of jam, marshmallow, ketchup, mayonnaise, marmalade and jam. Pectin is used in the pharmaceutical and food industries. Registered as additive E440.

    Lemon acid. It is a white crystalline substance, sparingly soluble in ethereal alcohol and highly soluble in water. Propantricarboxylic acid takes part in the biochemical reactions of various organisms. Included in the Chinese magnolia vine, shag stem, needles, citrus fruits, berries, unripe lemons. Sodium citrate and acid are widely used in the beverage industry as a flavoring agent. Registered as additive E330.

    Dihydroquercetin. The flavonoid is extracted from wood. The substance is presented in the form of a yellow finely crystalline powder. It is used as an antioxidant for fat-containing products, increasing its shelf life several times.

Antioxidants are used in industry to improve the stability of foods containing vitamins and fats. This lemon acid, vitamin E, etc. Some of the substances are very useful for the human body, having a pronounced restorative property.

Preparations with antioxidants

Medicines containing antioxidants are very common and very popular. Among the huge list of such drugs, it is worth highlighting the most popular:

    Vitrum Superstress Plus. The product is a dietary supplement produced by the Japanese company Takeda. Contains all the necessary components for the body.

    Active Antistress Doppelhertz. The drug allows you to fill the lack of vitamins, improves metabolism, strengthens the nervous system and increases the body's resistance to stress.

    Radiance Complivit. Women prefer to take youthful antioxidants that improve skin condition and fight the signs and effects of aging.

    Antioxidant NSP. The product has the characteristic properties of this type of preparation, but it contains more natural ingredients.

Medications and dietary supplements, which include antioxidants, are selected only by the attending physician, who will set the individual dosage.

Astaxanthin is a powerful antioxidant, it is part of most vitamin complexes. The substance is able to penetrate the blood-brain barrier, having a pronounced effect on the entire body. The action of astaxanthin:

    improvement in the state of vision, a decrease in the severity of age-related changes, an increase in visual acuity;

    protection of the nervous and cardiovascular systems, normalization of metabolism, strengthening of organ tissues, reducing the impact of negative factors;

    improving the condition of the skin from ultraviolet rays, preventing dryness and loss of elasticity.

Astaxanthin is a part of dietary supplements as in pure form and in combination with other substances.

Why don't antioxidants always work?

Natural antioxidants, which are found in vegetables and fruits, always have a positive effect on the human body. But dietary supplements do not always cope with their task. Antioxidants in drugs and foods can work differently due to their different chemical structures. For example, tocopherol (vitamin E) is found in 8 different forms in foods and one in supplements. Dietary supplements do not act instantly, so for a long-term and lasting result, you will have to take capsules for a long time.

Why are free radicals dangerous?

Free radical molecules need one or more electrons. To make up for this loss, they aggressively destroy healthy molecules, which sets off a chain reaction. This is an oxidative process or, as it is also called, biological "rusting". Basically, free radicals accumulate in cell membranes, which become leaky and brittle. As a result, the cells of the human body are destroyed and die. Then tissue damage occurs, premature and accelerated aging, and a decrease in protective functions. Against the background of the negative effects of free radicals, the risk of developing diseases of the heart, eyes, diseases and atherosclerosis, etc., increases.

Antioxidants: how to get the maximum effect?

It is worth remembering that supplements cannot completely replace natural antioxidants, especially with an unbalanced diet and an unhealthy lifestyle. Smoking and drinking only exacerbate the situation and activate the formation of free radicals. To improve the condition of body cells and prevent premature aging, it is recommended to follow some rules:

To stay healthy for a longer period, it is worth breathing more clean air, using chemicals to a minimum, and not abusing medicines.

Antioxidants: scientific research

To date, there is no complete confirmation of the effectiveness of antioxidants in the fight against heart disease and malignant tumors. Some data indicate positive changes when taking drugs, while the latter argue about the dangers of substances.

As a result, it has been proven that high doses of antioxidants can lead to the protection of cancer cells from free radicals. Here are the supporting studies:

    experiments on rodents have shown that antioxidants increase the risk of malignant melanoma spreading to different parts of the body;

    trials conducted in 1994 confirmed that daily use of beta-carotene increased the likelihood of lung cancer by 18% in male smokers;

    in 1996, studies had to be terminated early when a high risk of lung cancer was found with retinol and beta-carotene. The probability was increased to 28%, changes were seen in people who worked with asbestos and in smokers;

    in 2011 conducted research among 35,000 older men. According to the results, it was found that large doses of vitamin E increase the risk of prostate tumors by 17%.

Based on the data provided, antioxidants can prevent cell damage and prevent the development of cancer. But in the presence of a tumor process, substances can activate the reproduction of cancer cells. So when thinking about protecting yourself from free radicals, be aware of the risks of consuming antioxidants.

Myths about antioxidants

There are several common myths that go along with substances that fight free radicals. Consider some myths about antioxidants.

    There are not enough antioxidants in food. The best source of this component are nuts, fresh vegetables and fruits. They contain the optimal amount of antioxidants for the human body. This applies only to wholesome meals, not to snacking on a banana once a week.

    Dietary supplements are the best alternative to natural antioxidants. With a lack of vitamins, a person begins to run to the pharmacy and buy unnecessary drugs. Dietary supplements are prescribed for those who urgently need to solve a problem, and the body is unable to cope with it on its own. Such a remedy is ineffective with regular consumption of junk food and lack of physical activity.

    Natural antioxidants are best replaced with synthetic ones. It's better to prioritize natural ingredients found in foodstuffs. Often in the manufacture of drugs, manufacturers save on useful substances. But there is no doubt about the quality of nuts or fresh carrots.

    Antioxidants are found only in fruits and vegetables. This is one of the main myths. The main source of substances is indeed fresh vegetables and fruits. A large amount of antioxidants is also found in other foods. This is cocoa, red wine, green tea, etc.

    Oxidants are the enemy for the human body. It is not the substance that causes harm, but their excess. In normal volume, they help the body fight bacteria and viruses.

    The label says fortified with antioxidants. Such an inscription does not always indicate the enrichment of products with substances useful for the body. The composition should include ascorbic acid, vitamin E, selenium or beta-carotene.

    There is another myth that all antioxidants have the same effect. Any molecule that protects cells from an oxidizing agent is this useful substance. Today, over 8,000 different compounds have been registered. Each of them performs its function under certain conditions.

Antioxidants are substances that help the body's cells stay healthy. Free radicals have the ability to destroy the molecules of the body, causing the development of many diseases. Today, antioxidants can be found in foods, dietary supplements, and cosmetics. Refusal of bad habits, active lifestyle and daily use fresh fruit, vegetables will allow you to maintain health and beauty for a long time.

Intense exercise causes the production of a large number of free radicals. This can deplete the body's antioxidant stores and increase the risk of free radical damage to cells. Left unchecked, free radicals can destroy cell membranes, DNA, and enzymes, and increase the risk of atherosclerosis and cancer. High level free radical damage is often accompanied by post-exercise muscle soreness. Thus, supplements containing antioxidant substances can significantly increase the natural. Studies show that supplements may protect against heart disease, cancer, and cataracts. However, the evidence base indicating an increase in is small. A 2006 US study found that antioxidant supplementation improved high-intensity performance in cyclists. Thus, broad-spectrum antioxidant supplements (more likely than single antioxidants such as vitamin C) promote recovery from intense exercise and reduce post-exercise muscle soreness. Antioxidant supplements may help with recovery from intense exercise, but cannot be a substitute for a healthy diet. Antioxidants, from both food and supplements, provide additional protection against chronic diseases such as certain types of cancer. Aim to consume at least five servings of fruits and vegetables daily - the more pronounced the color, the higher the antioxidant content - as well as foods rich in essential fats (such as avocados, oily fish and vegetable oils) because they contain . Scientists from the American Institute for Cancer Research say that eating at least five servings of fruits and vegetables daily can prevent 20% of all cancers. United Kingdom Department of Health and World Organization health advise daily to consume at least 400 grams or five servings of fruits and vegetables.

Antioxidants(antioxidants) - oxidation inhibitors, natural or synthetic substances capable of inhibiting oxidation (considered mainly in the context of the oxidation of organic compounds). Antioxidants help protect organs and tissues (including muscles) from the damaging effects of aggressive radicals.

Free radicals (oxidants)- a by-product of a metabolism in an organism. In sports practice, when lipid peroxidation (LPO) develops as a result of extreme loads and the action of "external" oxidants, free radical release initiation processes occur, which contributes to the formation of toxic products that disrupt the function of cell membranes and bioenergetic mechanisms. Their instability is due to an unbalanced number of electrons relative to the charge of the nucleus. Such non-equilibrium molecules tend to recover by donating an extra electron or tearing off the missing one from another molecule. In turn, this molecule becomes non-equilibrium and tends to balance, continuing the reaction.

Prooxidant system plays a role in maintaining health, taking part in millions of chemical reactions. Helps digest food and fight pathogenic bacteria, fungi and viruses. However, exposure to intense physical activity, as well as adverse factors external environment lead to failures of natural control mechanisms. In this case, the activity of free radicals increases sharply, having a destructive effect on the body. Free radicals can bind two molecules together, after which the latter cannot function properly.

The amount of free radicals increases like an avalanche during heavy physical exertion, extreme training, interfering with the urgent recovery and readiness of the body for the next workout.

Getting out of control of the body, the prooxidant system causes noticeable damage: cell membranes are damaged, cells are destroyed, or, causing mutations, changes the structure of the cell's DNA. Antioxidants stop pathological activity, introducing the prooxidant system into normal functioning, act as neutralizers of free radicals.

Mechanism of action

The mechanism of action of the most common antioxidants (aromatic amines, phenols, naphthols, etc.) consists in breaking the reaction chains: antioxidant molecules interact with active radicals to form inactive radicals. Oxidation is also slowed down in the presence of substances that destroy hydroperoxides (dialkyl sulfides, etc.). In this case, the rate of formation of free radicals decreases. Even in a small amount (0.01-0.001%), antioxidants reduce the rate of oxidation, so for a certain period of time (a period of inhibition, induction), oxidation products are not detected. In the practice of inhibition of oxidative processes, the phenomenon of synergy is of great importance - the mutual enhancement of the effectiveness of antioxidants in a mixture or in the presence of other substances.

Features of the antioxidant action of substances are determined primarily by their chemical nature.

Antioxidants either directly bind free radicals (direct antioxidants) or stimulate the antioxidant system of tissues (indirect antioxidants).

Antioxidants in sports

They receive special attention in bodybuilding, which act as antioxidants and metabolic regulators, helping not only to protect muscles, but also to increase their mass.


muscle growth

In 2015, Norwegian scientists evaluated the effects of taking vitamin C (500 mg) and vitamin E (117.5 mg) before and after training for 12 weeks on muscle growth and strength performance in older people (60-81 years old). Strength training took place 3 times a week, for all muscle groups. On rest days, supplements were taken at the same doses in the morning and evening. In the end, it turned out that the subjects who took these antioxidants had a lower increase in muscle mass, but there were no differences in the increase in strength indicators. Scientists suggest that oxidative stress caused by physical activity, can make a significant contribution to .

However, in an earlier study from 2008, another group of Canadian scientists found that vitamin C (1,000 mg/day) and vitamin E (600 mg/day) caused greater gains in lean muscle mass in older adults than in subjects. who performed only training.

Doses and regimen

The EU recommendation for daily intake of vitamin C is 60 mg and for vitamin E is 10 mg. These values ​​are considered sufficient to maintain health, but they are not optimal for athletic performance or the prevention of cardiovascular disease. A number of scientists consider the consumption norms adopted in the United Kingdom and the United States to be too low. In his book "The Limit of Increasing Efficiency", Professor Mel Williams from the Department of Theory exercise and Physical Education at Old Dominion University, Virginia, USA, recommends a daily intake of 500-1000 mg of vitamin C, 250-500 mg of vitamin E and 50-100 mg of selenium.

Side effects

Various studies have shown that the use of dietary supplements containing antioxidants increases mortality, both in patients with various diseases, and healthy people Science Daily reports. The same conclusion was reached by an international team of researchers led by Christian Gluud from the University Hospital of Copenhagen, Denmark.

Foods rich in antioxidants

Antioxidants in foods and supplements (equivalent content)

Antioxidants are primarily found in various fresh fruits, as well as in products made from them (freshly squeezed juices, infusions and tinctures such as cold tea, fruit drink, etc.). Antioxidant-rich fruits include: blueberries, grapes, cranberries, mountain ash, chokeberries, currants, pomegranates. All of them have a sour or sweet and sour taste and a red (reddish-blue, blue) color. The Brazilian (South American) acai fruit is the champion among other well-known antioxidant fruits: acai contains 10 times more antioxidants than cranberries. Drinks include red wine, green tea and, to a lesser extent, black tea.

Supplements and drugs

The most famous and commonly used antioxidants are:

  • (vitamin C)
  • ( , )
  • Glutathione

Pharmacological classification of antioxidants

Direct acting antioxidants can be divided into five main categories:

  • proton donors;
  • polyenes;
  • catalysts;
  • traps of radicals;
  • complexing agents.

Proton donors

These include substances with a highly mobile hydrogen atom. Proton donors are the most extensive group of antioxidants that have found medical use.

  • Phenols. Phenolic antioxidants effectively suppress LPO reactions, but are practically unable to protect proteins from oxidative damage. The effectiveness of protecting nucleic acids from oxidative modification is also low. Main representatives:, ionol, probucol, phenol and naphthol derivatives, flavonoids, catechins, phenol-carboxylic acids, estrogens, lazaroids.
  • nitrogen-containing heterocyclic compounds. The mechanism of action is similar to that of phenolic antioxidants. Main Representatives: , 1,4-dihydropyridine derivatives, 5, 6, 7, 8-tetrahydrobiopterin, pyrrolopyrimidine derivatives.
  • Thiols. The mechanism of action is dual: thiol antioxidants can act both as proton donors and as chelators of transition metal cations. More effective than phenolic antioxidants in preventing oxidative damage to proteins. Main Representatives: , homocysteine, ergothioneine, dihydrolipoic acid.
  • Alpha and beta dienols. The mechanism of action of the main representative of this group of antioxidants, ascorbic acid, has been established. It easily donates protons, turning into dehydroascorbic acid (the process is reversible). Ascorbic acid in many cases exhibits pro-oxidant properties.
  • Porphyrins. The mechanism of action is multiple: proton donors, complexing agents, catalysts (in the form of complexes with cations of certain metals). Main representative: bilirubin.


These are substances with several unsaturated bonds. Able to interact with various free radicals, covalently attaching them to the double bond. They have a low antioxidant activity, but the combination with antioxidants - proton donors (provided that the latter have a higher molar concentration) leads to a synergistic increase in the antioxidant effect of the mixture.

Main Representatives: (retinal, retinoic acid, retinol and its esters) and carotenoids (carotenes, lycopene, spirilloxanthin, astacin, astaxanthin).


These antioxidants are effective at low concentrations. They can be used in small doses, their effect in the body lasts longer, and the likelihood of side effects is low.

  • Superoxide dismutase (SOD) mimics. Complexes of some nitrogen-containing organic compounds with cations, primarily metalloporphyrins, are highly active and low-toxic SOD imitators.
  • Glutathione peroxidase (GP) mimics. Most substances are selenoproteins. Effective for reducing the intensity of lipid peroxidation.

Traps of radicals

This group of antioxidants includes substances that, when interacting with free radicals, form adducts of a radical nature with limited reactivity.

Typical representatives of radical traps are nitrones, in particular phenyl tertiary butylnitrone, which efficiently bind superoxide and hydroxyl radicals.

Complexing agents (chelators)

Typical representatives are ethylenediaminetetra-acetic acid (EDTA), desferoxamine and.

Most widely used in medicine following groups antioxidants:

  • proton donors;
  • polyenes.

In the practice of sports, the following antioxidants are used: vitamins A, C, E, B15, beta-carotene,.

If an athlete is already taking multivitamin complexes containing antioxidants, to increase the effect, it can be recommended to take additional antioxidants (including selenium) in the amount of 0.5-1 daily dose.

Athletes, coaches do not always remember the importance of taking drugs with antioxidant effects after exhausting workouts, but they reduce the formation of toxic metabolites, reduce their damaging effect on mitochondrial membranes, which are the energy factory of the cell.

In addition, the following are used as antioxidants and antihypoxants:, (ethylthiobenzimidazole hydrobromide), dibulin (butylhydroxytoluene), diquertin, (), cardionate, mildroxin, derinat (sodium deoxyribonucleate), sodium oxybate, (sodium polydihydroxyphenylene thiosulfonate), fridox, tirilazad, (preductal ), rimecor, (ethylmethylhydroxypyridine succinate), (calcium oxybutyrate), berlition, thiogamma, riboxin, magnesium orotate, magnerot,

Do antioxidant supplements help increase performance and/or recover faster?

Almost all studies that have examined the effects of antioxidant supplements on athletic performance have found no benefit. Thus, vitamin E has not been shown to affect the endurance of swimmers, professional cyclists, marathon runners, student athletes and sedentary people. In addition, studies using vitamin E, C, coenzyme Q10 complexes, other vitamins and mineral salts also found no effect on the performance of runners, triathletes, football players, endurance athletes and ultra-endurance runners.

What's more, some studies have shown that antioxidant supplements can be harmful to athletes. Vitamin E has been shown to reduce muscle strength, vitamin C has been shown to slow running dogs and impair the effectiveness of physical training. In addition, since they reduce the production of ROS (reactive oxygen species), vitamin C supplements interfere with the recovery process after exercise, which can have a negative impact on future sports performance.

Various studies have given conflicting results regarding the effect of antioxidant supplements on recovery processes.

Some researchers have reported that vitamin C and/or E supplementation may protect cells from exercise-induced damage, reduce the inflammatory response to exercise, and prevent loss of muscle strength. However, other studies have not found significant effects of antioxidant supplementation on markers of muscle damage, inflammation, and post-exercise muscle pain. It is likely that the increased amount of ROS formed on days after intense physical exercise is not involved in the mechanisms of decreased muscle function and muscle soreness. Conversely, ROS may play an important indirect role in repairing and protecting cells from future damage.

This may mean that the use of antioxidant supplements during this period may limit the body's adaptation to physical work. This is an interesting area for future research.

Do antioxidant supplements improve the health of athletes?

While there is evidence that antioxidant supplementation can reduce exercise-induced oxidative stress, there is no evidence to support the health benefits of such supplements. An important issue in this discussion lies in the difficulty of determining the level of oxidative stress and then comprehending the results of these measurements in relation to human health. Indeed, measuring oxidative stress is a difficult process that is not universally available. For example, a doctor cannot request a measurement of oxidative stress levels in the clinical department of his hospital. Such measurements are usually carried out in research laboratories. Such studies involve a variety of methods by which the level of oxidative stress is assessed. These include measuring the concentration of by-products of lipid, protein and DNA oxidation, as well as assessing the body's antioxidant capacity. There are also doubts about the accuracy and validity of many of these methods. In addition, the use of oxidative stress biomarkers is not universally accepted. Most prospective studies examining the relationship between oxidative stress levels and disease onset have not shown a strong association between the two. So while antioxidants reduce exercise-induced oxidative stress, we don't know right now whether this will provide health benefits in the future.

Two recent studies have shown that antioxidants can inhibit the health benefits of exercise. Ray et al (2009) demonstrated that a combination of vitamins C, E and α-lipoic acid blunted the beneficial effects of training on vasodilation (vasodilation) and blood pressure lowering in elderly people with moderate hypertension. Ristous et al (2009) found that vitamin E and C supplements had a negative effect on the beneficial effect of exercise on insulin sensitivity. Given that blood pressure and insulin sensitivity are risk factors for cardiovascular disease, these studies showing that antioxidants reduce the benefits of exercise are far from proof of the health benefits of antioxidants for the athlete. These two studies are the strongest arguments against the use of antioxidants in sports, positioned as beneficial additions to the diet of athletes.

Summing up the above, it can be concluded that there is not yet sufficient evidence to recommend antioxidant supplements for athletes who consume the recommended amount of dietary antioxidants along with daily food. Antioxidant supplements do not improve physical performance. There is evidence that they may be helpful in post-workout recovery, although more research is needed in this area. There is also no evidence to suggest that antioxidant supplements will benefit an athlete's health. Moreover, we have research evidence that antioxidants can seriously interfere with health-promoting processes that involve ROS, such as lowering blood pressure and increasing insulin sensitivity, so it would be prudent to take antioxidant supplements with caution. active people you should optimize your food. They should consume foods that are rich in natural antioxidants, such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and nuts. In these products, unlike tablets and capsules, antioxidants are contained in the required quantities and proportions. They also work together to optimize the antioxidant effect.

Antioxidant supplements may be needed in situations where a person is unable to supplement their diet with dietary antioxidants. In such cases, a person may have a specific diet, which can lead to a deficiency of antioxidants in the body. And since there are currently no adequate laboratory tests to determine the need for antioxidants, a competent sports nutritionist can provide some help.
