How to process the tongue after freezing. What to do if the child's tongue is frozen to the iron: an emergency algorithm

In childhood, many tried to lick something iron in the cold: a spatula, a door lock. Probably, most often it is still a swing. The sensations from such a feat are unforgettable - the tongue immediately sticks to the surface of the iron. It is impossible to tear it off, just try it - sparks from the eyes, and blood flows from the tongue.

How to help a child who has stuck to the gland with his tongue

Children grow up and become parents. And now they themselves find themselves in such a situation when their beloved child, on a walk on a frosty day, touches the door handle or swing with his tongue. You can get rid of iron only by “tearing off” the tongue, often along with the skin.

Such a wound, fortunately, is rarely deep, but needs urgent washing. First, rinse it with warm boiled water, then with hydrogen peroxide. The action of peroxide will help remove dirt that has got inside and dry the wound a little. If the bleeding is small, it will stop on its own. With a more extensive wound, a hemostatic sponge can help, and a sterile bandage, folded several times, is also suitable - it is properly pressed against the damaged area and held until the bleeding stops completely.

In more severe cases, you need to show the child to the doctor. But, as a rule, such a need almost never arises.

How to avoid severe injury

If the parents failed to convince the child not to taste the pieces of iron on the street, alas, it remains only to follow him. Suppose the child nevertheless licked the iron swing and stuck to it. A few attempts are enough for him to understand how painful it is to tear off the tongue on his own. Parents in such a situation can help avoid too deep wounds.

The sticky place can be carefully poured with warm water. But this advice is not useful to everyone - hardly anyone takes a kettle with him for a walk. hot water. This can only be done if the trouble happened in the courtyard of your house and warm water is constantly available. You can also do this: show the child how to gently breathe through the mouth on the sticky place. Warm air gradually warms the piece of iron and the tongue can be removed, but this must be done very carefully, millimeter by millimeter.

Be very attentive to children during walks. Take the time and tell us about the consequences of touching metal objects in the cold. In every yard there is at least something of the structures for children that are made of metal - it can be slides, swings, and stairs. It is better to tell the child about it in time than to tear off the stuck tongue from the swing later.

When the tongue touches cold metal, it adheres to the object. Moisture on the tongue quickly turns into ice.

It is very important at this stage to calm down and avoid active movements - this can lead to injury to the frozen area.

What to do if the child's tongue stuck to the metal in the cold - instructions

Young children are quite inquisitive and active by nature. Therefore, in frosty weather during children's games, such a nuisance can happen when a restless child sticks his tongue to a metal object.

This phenomenon is not fatal, but parents need to know how to act correctly in such a situation:

  1. The child should be reassured and asked not to twitch. A sharp jerk can lead to injury to the tongue, which will cause a lot of discomfort in the future.
  2. If the object touched by the child is small in size, it is transferred to a warm room. And here, with the help of warm water or a hair dryer, the detachment of the tongue from the metal is accelerated. For educational purposes, you can not take any action, and wait until the ice thaws on its own.
  3. In the event that the contraption to which the tongue is frozen is not portable, perform next activities:
    Ask the child to calm down and focus on breathing. Exhaling steam on a piece of iron will contribute to the gradual thawing. If the child is still a baby, and is not able to understand what they want from him, parents should do such a manipulation. As soon as the tongue begins to come off, the baby must be rejected from the metal object, otherwise it will freeze even more.
    - Pour the tongue with warm water in the absence of the effect of the previous event. Water in a matter of seconds will “release” the frozen part of the body. Although it is unlikely that in such a situation a thermos with warm liquid will be at hand. Don't be afraid to ask people for help. Surely there will be one of the adults who lives nearby and can run home for water.

In an ambulance with this mini-accident, you should also not call. Even if the brigade responds to such a challenge, by the time they arrive, the child will be saved.

In Internet sources, you can find several tips that definitely should not be used in such a situation, so as not to provoke dire consequences.

Here are some of them:

  • Urinate on the frozen area. Under the conditions of being in a crowded place, such a measure is inappropriate, and will cause a lot of indignation from other parents. And the child himself will not be particularly pleased with such rescue measures. Another thing is if the incident occurred in a place where there is not a soul around, and increased breathing on a piece of iron was not successful. If there is a plastic bag at hand, you should urinate there, and then attach the bag to the ice metal. Those who are in the car should look for rubber gloves in the first-aid kit - they will become a quality replacement for the specified package.
  • Warm up a metal object with a lighter. Such a measure is unlikely to be effective, but what really works well is to scare the child. Bringing fire close to the face, even in adults, can cause panic. In addition, there is a risk of getting burned.
  • Sharply tear off the frozen place from the metal. Not a very smart idea - the child is guaranteed to get hurt.

What to do if a child has a tongue injury after sticking to metal - do I need to see a doctor

In the event that the child still injured the tongue, the following measures must be taken:

  1. Treat the wound surface with hydrogen peroxide or chlorhexidine. With relatively heavy bleeding, a bandage should be folded in several layers, soaked with a hemostatic solution - and applied to the tongue. Do not apply snow or water the damaged area with water - this can provoke its infection.
  2. call an ambulance if the procedures described above did not help stop the bleeding. Although this happens very rarely.
  3. Monitor your baby's diet. Food should not irritate the mucous membranes, and therefore it is better not to give the child sour, spicy, salty, and hot food.

There is no cure for such injuries. The main thing is to stop the blood, and for the first time to monitor what the child eats, and then it's up to immunity.


If a couple of days after the incident, the state of the language has not improved, or on it appeared dark spots - Seek medical attention immediately!

Preventive work with the child so that in the cold he does not lick metal objects with his tongue

Conversations with the baby about touching the tongue to metal objects in the cold can bear fruit, but not always. Many children will only be more interested in prohibitions, and they will want to make sure that the words of their parents are true.

If your child is one of these children, he will benefit from the following experiment:

  • Take out a small metal object in advance in the cold. The most suitable option is a teaspoon or a tablespoon.
  • After a certain period of time, ask (or force!) The child to touch an ice object with his tongue.
  • To bring the young experimenter into the house after his futile attempts to free his tongue.
  • Pour the frozen area with warm liquid.
  • Explain that with bulky and heavy objects, such an algorithm of actions will not work, and the consequences may not be so harmless.

It is very unlikely that a little prankster will want to do a similar experiment again on the same playground or in another public place.

In fact, telling some children about what not to do can be dangerous - there are such “cadres” who do everything in defiance of their mother. And be sure to try the forbidden.

You can, of course, tell the story "about one boy", as some parents do, or resort to other tricks. After all, there are things that relate to the safety of the child. And children should be warned about them.

For example, when the language is an example in the cold to iron - what to do in this case for the child himself must be discussed in advance.

How to explain danger

Before telling what measures are being taken in the already existing circumstances, let's try to talk about what methods are used in order to avoid the unpleasant case of freezing to iron.

  • Simply explain the danger;

Of course, not everyone has the talents of storytellers and knows how to approach the ban with cunning. Therefore, first of all, tell us that in the cold, iron will definitely “glue” a wet object to itself.

And, if it is easy to tear off a wet mitten from a metal column, then with the skin it is more and more difficult and painful.

  • Show a good example;

Take a wet handkerchief and press it against the cold metal. At the same time, it is not necessary - to something static. After all, you can bring something iron from home and wait until it freezes.

Show that it is difficult to tear off the scarf, and if it does, then the villi will remain on the metal, maybe even a piece of fabric will come off. Say that the same will happen with the skin.

  • Tell in the form of a fairy tale / life story.

And if something like this happened to you in childhood or you were a witness, then you don’t need to invent anything.

Be sure to say that it is very painful for someone whose tongue is frozen to the iron, and even if you then carefully disconnect it without injury, the unpleasant sensations will remain for a long time.

There are still such "progressive" parents who, as an example, act "on the contrary." And instead of showing on a handkerchief and explaining something, they take and force the child to lick a piece of iron brought from home in the cold.

Of course there will be results. And there is less effort ... but only the child's psyche will definitely suffer from this. This method is unacceptable!

What to do if the child licked the swing in the cold

But not everything can be predicted. And, unfortunately, many do not think about this danger until it happens. If a child has already licked iron in the cold - what to do?

  1. Do not panic or scare the child;

From fear, he can twitch and blood will flow from the resulting wound in a plentiful stream. Or, on the contrary, it will press harder and freeze even more.

  1. Do not use dubious methods and advice, such as "piss on iron";

Not only is it hard to imagine how you organize it, but you will also lose time. Unless you are in an absolutely deserted place, there is nowhere to wait for help and nothing else helps. But this, you understand, is mysticism.

  1. First, evaluate the situation:
  • If the child is frozen only with the tip of the tongue, not much, it will be enough to breathe warm breath at the place of contact;

All this time, the child must leave the tongue in a taut state, so that, as soon as it freezes, immediately remove it.

  • If a child licked the iron in the cold and the tongue froze strongly, in a large area, and it was very cold outside, then you can hardly get by with one breath.

Look around - there are probably people nearby, perhaps someone lives nearby, loudly turn to those nearby with a question who can bring warm water.

Did someone respond? Great, ask for hot, but not boiling water.

Know! Warm will not work - while they are carrying it, it will cool down completely and will only make it worse.

Boiling water is also a so-so option - you will have to wait until the water becomes a comfortable temperature so as not to burn the child. This can cause more injury. Let them carry it even from the tap, there is no time to wait until the kettle boils.

Important! Even if you are already carrying water, you should try to detach the frozen tongue yourself at this time. Let the child breathe on his own.

What to do if the frozen tongue is torn off by force

The child may panic and twitch. Or get scared. Or they just don't want to wait. If the child’s tongue froze to the iron and he tore it off by force, blood began to flow, the correct measures must be taken quickly.

  1. Apply a handkerchief or napkin to the wound to stop the bleeding;
  2. Immediately go home or where you can treat the wound, the main thing is to do it faster;

Polyclinic, shop, any open institution - there is always a first aid kit. In extreme cases, go to the pharmacy and buy what you need, process the tongue right at the pharmacy.

  1. Rinse your tongue with warm water, if not warm - at least room temperature water;
  2. Treat with hydrogen peroxide or chlorhexidine;

Attention! You don’t need to use iodine and brilliant green, they will burn the wound on an already sensitive tongue.

  1. Let the child not eat or drink for a couple of hours;
  2. As time passes, let's give warm, ground, liquid food;
  3. After each meal, rinse your mouth with chamomile;
  4. At the first opportunity, show the wound on the tongue to the doctor so that he assesses how strong it is and whether any other actions are required. Perhaps he will prescribe some kind of anesthetic and disinfecting ointment.

Important! In any case, try to support your baby, do not shout or scold, it is better to calm down and help properly in this situation. And you will explain later.

May you never have to put these tips into practice.

And if you have encountered such a situation, then tell us in the comments how you acted? What helped?

Read also.

Most of us in childhood, despite the orders of our parents, stuck our tongues to the iron in frosty weather. Remember those unforgettable feelings of pain, confusion and helplessness? In the cold, a wet tongue freezes to the metal tightly. Our children are growing up, their curiosity knows no bounds, all the exhortations of parents that certain things should not be done are tested in practice. Why not? Having asked this question, the child may decide to experience for himself what will happen. As a result, the child may be securely "chained" to the iron on the playground. Usually these are either swings, slides, or children's sleds and shovels. And after all, you won’t scream and call home, the language is “busy”. What to do in such a difficult situation? If you are nearby, then helping your child is not so difficult. The main thing is not to tear off the child's tongue from the iron by force. By the way, some adults also find themselves in similar situations. The methods are as follows:

  1. If the iron object can be moved, immediately take it and carry it along with the unreasonable child home or to any warm room. Gradually, it will heat up, and the tongue will be released without serious injury.
  2. If this is not possible, try heating the iron. To do this, pour it with warm (not hot!) Water. If there is a power source nearby, you can use a hair dryer or similar device. Some suggest using urine as well. Sometimes it's no longer disgusting.
  3. If it is impossible to use the previous methods, show the child how to breathe better in order to slightly heat this area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe iron. And help him with your breath too. You can also heat with your palms, preferably through a cloth or mittens. You can use a lighter, a gas burner, anything like that is at hand. But this should be done carefully so as not to burn the tongue and lips of the child. The surface will gradually heat up and millimeter by millimeter it is necessary to free the tongue that has fallen into the “trap”. By the way, it is advisable to teach this method of liberation to your child in advance. You will not always be there at this exciting moment of learning about the environment.
  4. Rip your tongue off the metal. The most unpleasant and not recommended way. As a result, serious injuries appear. In this case, the child will experience hellish pain, the tongue will bleed heavily.

Even the first methods of liberating a child's language do not pass without a trace every time, not to mention the hard fourth method. How to treat the tongue after he met the iron?

In the case of the first three methods, there will be no injuries, or there will be microtraumas. You just need to rinse your tongue with warm water. If your child tore off the tongue from the piece of iron with the help of force, leaving a part of the mucous membrane on the metal, then the injury will be very strong. The blood will just splatter. Germs can get into the wound and cause infection. In this case, you should again rinse the wound with warm water, then treat it with hydrogen peroxide for disinfection. Having done these procedures, immediately seek help from the emergency room and get the advice of a specialist who will prescribe treatment if necessary. Be prepared to breastfeed for a few days liquid food almost through a tube.

Of course, any parent dreams that this does not happen to his baby, but the likelihood of a child's language becoming familiar with metal on frosty days is extremely high. Some solve this problem simply - do not focus on it, hoping that it never occurs to him to try to lick the iron. Someone acts differently - they clearly explain to the child what can happen in such a case and how to save yourself in this situation. It all depends on the parental approach and the temperament of the child.

All the ways to release the children's language from the iron captivity will not hurt to study by the parents themselves.

Ice and a car that does not want to start in the morning is not the worst thing that happens in winter. There is another winter nuisance - a person can stick his tongue to the iron. This situation is familiar to many: children lick pieces of iron out of curiosity, adults - most often on a dare. Novosibirsk News learned how to rescue a victim from captivity who decided to taste an iron swing or railing.

Take the victim to a warm place

If we are talking about a sled or a metal toy, then the simplest thing in this situation is to take the object to which the tongue has stuck, along with the victim, to a warm place. You just have to wait a bit and everything will thaw by itself.


If a person is frozen to a rather bulky object, like a swing, then it is unlikely that it will be possible to move it into heat. It is worth trying to warm the object itself. Fold your palms like a mouthpiece and breathe into the place of "docking". If there are several rescuers, things will go much faster. Ask the victim to breathe with you.

Pour water

If you are near a house or a store, run for warm water (not hot!) and gently water the freezing area.

Don't try to tear

Do not try to force the victim away from the sticking point. This can lead to very painful injuries.

Treat the wound

If the wound could not be avoided, go home immediately, no application of snow or ice - there is a risk of infection. At home, rinse your tongue with warm water and blot with a hydrogen peroxide swab. With a strong wound, you need to use a sterile bandage - it is folded several times and pressed against the damaged area. You need to keep it until the bleeding stops completely.

Don't eat hot food

For the next few days, until the mucous membrane of the tongue is restored, try to eat liquid food. And make sure that the food is not hot, it can also hurt.
