Facts about snakes in English. Brief information about the snake

Snakes are definitely extraordinary creatures - for some they cause genuine fear, for others real admiration. A lot more people belong to the first group, and this is not surprising, because there are many varieties of these reptile creatures that are able to send a healthy person to the next world with just one bite, because they have a powerful poison. There are an incredible number of varieties of snakes, where each of the species has its own specific characteristics and appearance. We have collected and combined into one single list all the most Interesting Facts about snakes.

1. Anacondas are considered to be the largest snakes. Representatives of this species can reach a length of up to 7 meters and weigh more than 100 kilograms. Fortunately, they live in the tropics and mostly swampy areas, difficult for humans. They are found within Bolivia, Ecuador and South America.

2. A good external disguise was chosen by the African snake, which feeds mainly on the eggs of various birds. With its color, it looks like a viper, and as you know, they are poisonous, they can significantly harm their enemy, so serious animals are afraid of them that they are in the hand of a snake. In addition, having a head measuring 1 centimeter, the animal easily swallows whole 5 centimeter eggs.

3. A fairly bright emerald boa constrictor living in the jungles of South America has chosen a characteristic way of hunting. In tight rings, it hangs from a tree branch, having previously hooked onto it with its tail, and waits for prey. At the moment of its appearance, it makes a mighty breakthrough, from which it is very difficult to escape.

4. The majority of snakes keep their eyes closed, but they still see, because the eyelids of these reptiles are transparent. In some cases, this does not change the situation much, because some of these reptiles have very poor eyesight. It is compensated by a developed sense of smell.

5. Among the interesting facts from the life of snakes is the ability of a spitting cobra to pretend to be dead. She resorts to this skill very rarely, only in situations where there is no other option to escape in a fight with the enemy. At the same time, the cobra falls on its back and, opening its mouth, lets out an unpleasant, carrion-like smell. This usually discourages her opponent from any desire to continue the battle and just be near the snake.

6. The most powerful poison is far from the cobra, as is commonly believed. It has a very aggressive type of snake - taipan. With one bite of his victim, he releases such a part of the poison that would be enough to send about a hundred people to the next world. The deadly mixture produced by his body is 40 times stronger than that of a cobra.

7. Snakes have a unique body structure. They can have more than three hundred pairs of ribs. The organs inside go one after another, while there are species with two lungs, and there are with one. The heart can even roam all over the body. This is explained by the fact that often these reptiles absorb prey many times more than they themselves, which would be extremely difficult to do if the location of the organs was stable.

8. The so-called Samoyed snakes have been repeatedly seen. They swallow their own tail and gradually die from it. This is due to the fact that with poor eyesight, these creatures rely solely on the sense of smell, and if their own tail smells like prey, then this promises big problems.

1. Snakes live almost everywhere, with the exception of Antarctica, New Zealand, Iceland, Ireland and some small islands in the Atlantic Ocean.

2. Snakes are descended from lizards. Among living lizards, their closest relatives are iguanas and spindles.

3. The largest snakes are reticulated pythons and anacondas - their length can exceed 7 meters. The smallest snakes on the planet are Leptotyphlops carlae, the length of which does not exceed 10 centimeters.

4. most poisonous snake In the world, the McCoy taipan is considered - the resulting poison from one individual will be enough to kill 100 people. Its venom is about 180 times stronger than that of a cobra.

5. The eyelids of snakes are transparent and remain permanently closed.

6. Snakes can hibernate under adverse conditions.

7. As of 2017, 3631 snake species are known to science.

8. snakes don't have Bladder Urine from the ureters enters directly into the cloaca.

9. The unique structure of the skull in snakes allows them to swallow prey much larger than themselves.

10. The largest venomous snake is the king cobra. It is believed that if a person is at close range with this snake, then he should catch up with it at eye level and, without doing sudden movements, look at her. After a few minutes, the cobra will slip away, considering the person a harmless object.

11. Absolutely all snakes known to science are predators.

12. Snakes have nostrils, but they cannot smell through them. They capture odors with a forked tongue, which is used to collect particles from environment and then transfers them to the analysis in the oral cavity.

13. Snakes lack an outer and middle ear, as well as eardrums. But they are very sensitive to vibrations, so they are good at picking up sound waves coming through the ground.

14. Snake venom is produced by special glands located behind the eyes. It consists mainly of proteins, amino acids, fatty acids and enzymes.

15. The brahmin blind snake (Indotyphlops braminus) is the only snake species that consists exclusively of females. The eggs of the Brahmin mole rats develop without fertilization (parthenogenesis).

16. Although the growth rate of snakes slows down as they get older, they continue to grow until death.

17. According to the Guinness Book of Records, the fastest snake in the world is the black mamba, which can reach speeds of up to 16 kilometers per hour.

18. Most species of snakes are harmless to humans, and they also maintain a balance in the ecosystem by controlling populations of rats, mice, and birds.

19. The Gaboon viper has the longest poisonous fangs: their length can exceed 40 mm.

20. They are not so rare in nature: such individuals appear due to the incomplete separation of identical twins at an early stage of their development. Such snakes rarely live long in wild nature, since two heads are most often aggressive towards each other and in the event of a predator attack, it is difficult for the snake to decide which way to crawl.

21. Female king cobras build nests for eggs, which is completely uncharacteristic of other snakes. In addition, they always guard the masonry, becoming very aggressive and attacking anyone who approaches the nest. Shortly before hatching, the female leaves the nest and goes in search of food so as not to eat her own offspring.

22. The largest snake ever found on our planet was the titanoboa. They lived about 60 million years ago; could reach 15 meters in length and weigh more than a ton.

23. Depending on the species, snakes live from 4 to 30 years.

24. Fish are less sensitive to snake venom than warm-blooded animals, so sea snake venom is more toxic than land snakes. Despite this, their venom is practically harmless to humans, as sea snakes inject a very small dose of venom and rarely bite in self-defense.

25. Many paired snake organs, such as kidneys or reproductive organs, are staggered inside the body, with one almost always in front of the other.

26. Estimated World Organization About 100,000 people die each year from snake bites, with about 50,000 cases in India alone.

27. Most snakes reproduce by laying eggs, but some species are ovoviviparous and viviparous, which is most often associated with cold climates.

28. Digestive enzymes of snakes dissolve everything except the victim's hair, feathers and claws.

29. Of the approximately 725 species of venomous snakes worldwide, only 250 are capable of killing a person with a single bite.

30. To create an antidote for the bite of poisonous snakes, pharmacists collect a mixture of poisons various kinds and introduce them into the horse's body in gradually increasing doses until the horse develops immunity to the poison. Blood samples are then collected from the immunized horse. The resulting serum is separated, purified and lyophilized. This method of making antivenom is used in the USA, India, South Africa and Australia.

Snakes are mysterious and ambiguous animals on our planet. Someone admires them, and they horrify someone, and in fairness it should be noted that there are much more of the latter. Such a subconscious fear of snakes largely stems from the mortal danger of these reptiles to humans - the bite of a poisonous snake can send even a hero to the next world in a short time.

There are 2600 species of snakes known. Almost all snakes hunt moving prey. The exception is the egg-eating snake and several other snake species, whose diet may consist of carrion.

Without exception, all snakes are predators.

Not all snakes lay eggs - among them there are viviparous species.

Spitting snakes pretend to be dead when threatened. Falling on their backs, their mouths open, they emit unpleasant odors. Such a ritual is protection from predators: carrion with an unpleasant odor is not suitable for dinner. From the outside it looks like a funny meme.

Snakes can have 300 pairs of ribs.

Vipers, pythons and boas have a special organ on their heads that reacts to temperature changes. Thanks to him, snakes perfectly "see" and hunt in the dark.

The most venomous land snake in the world is the taipan. One serving of taipan venom is enough to kill a hundred people. This snake is 50 times more venomous than a cobra. Taipan is also considered the most dangerous snake, as its monstrous poisonousness is combined with impressive (up to 3.5 meters) size and extremely aggressive disposition.

Sea snakes are smaller than land snakes, but among them there are very dangerous ones. However, all of them are not too aggressive towards a person, if you do not try to harm them.

Some snakes do not have a right lung, so the left lung is larger than the right. The heart of the snake slides along the body, which facilitates the passage of food through the gastrointestinal tract.

With the help of the language, snakes collect information about what surrounds them, which they then transmit to the sky. The function of the sky is recognition. So waving your tongue for a snake is just gathering information, not a threat.

All snakes molt periodically throughout their lives.

Most snakes are excellent at seeing warm objects, such as mammals, due to their advanced infrared vision.

The rattlesnake has a rattle consisting of 6-10 layers. A rattle is the result of a molt: one molt - one segment.

The tail of the Calabar boa constrictor resembles a head. Such a resemblance is a protection for a boa constrictor. In danger, he exposes the enemy's tail, thus saving the head.

Popeye's boa constrictor managed to live for over 40 years.

The black mamba is one of the most venomous snakes. More than 95% of those bitten by this snake die. The black mamba is also considered one of the fastest - it can move at a speed of more than 16 km per hour. But this snake does not have a black color - mamba can be brown, green, gray.

The longest snake lives in the Ohio Zoo. This is Fluffy Python. Its weight is 136 kg, and its body length is 7 m 31 cm. Fluffy is recorded in the Guinness Book of Records.

Anacondas are called giant snakes. The body length of the anaconda is more than 6 meters. These snakes spend most of their lives in the water. But, despite this, they are excellent poison dart frogs.

A herbivorous snake lives in Mexico. Her body is covered with fur. This snake is a pet and Mexican children love to play with it. This myth often pops up on the Internet. But this is an outright lie.

The smallest snake found in Barbados. The length of her thin body is less than 10 cm.

It is believed that the cobra remembers the one who offended her. So, the inhabitants of a village located near the city of Mangaluru tell how a cobra decided to take revenge on a boy who threw a stick at her. A few days later, the cobra attacked its offender. The child was not taken aback - he rushed to the boat and sailed on it along the river. When he swam to the shore, it turned out that the snake was waiting for him. Several times the boy swam across the river, until the locals rushed to help him.

According to many scientists, the most deadly snake is the king cobra. From the bite of this snake, you can die within an hour. Its competitor is the tiger snake. The venom of both snakes is potent. However, the tiger snake has less than the king cobra.

The only snake that feeds on its relatives is the king cobra.

The jaw compression reflex in snakes is so strong that a predator that kills a snake often becomes a victim itself, because. when bitten, he received a dose of poison that was not controlled by the snake.

All snakes eat animal food, that is, carnivores. For the most part, the “killing” technique comes down to suffocating future food. The most typical example is the death grip of a boa constrictor.

Some types of harmless and non-venomous snakes look almost indistinguishable from their poisonous counterparts - in this way they protect themselves from predators.

Poisonous snakes use poison mainly not for defense, but for attack when hunting.

At snakes poor eyesight. They only react to moving objects. Good vision is unique to tree snakes.

Poisonous snakes in the world are less than non-venomous, about three times.

In Asia, you can meet flying kites. Climbing trees, spreading their ribs to the sides, they are able to soar in the air, overcoming distances of 100 meters.

The eyelids of snakes are always closed, but this does not prevent the snake from seeing, since its eyelids are transparent. However, the vision of most species of snakes is still weak, which cannot be said about the sense of smell. However, snakes smell not with their nostrils, but with their tongue, tasting the air.

Every year in India there are snake races. Cobras compete. Interestingly, not a single cobra touched its owner at these competitions. But attempts to sting too active fans were recorded.

The African Gaboon viper is considered the owner of the longest teeth among snakes. The length of the tooth is 3 cm.

Snakes can hibernate for 3 years without eating.

Snakes are not indifferent to music. Closing their eyes in pleasure, they dance superbly to the music of Mozart, Ravel, Handel. Dancing snakes and rock. In this case, their movements are cutting. Russian pop causes them apathy and even nausea.

There are no snakes in New Zealand.

All of you are more or less familiar with snakes. Maybe some of you have seen them in natural conditions, many have seen them in the terrarium of the zoo. Well in last resort, we are familiar with them from fairy tales and cartoons about the four inseparable friends - Monkey, Elephant, Parrot and Boa, about Mowgli and the mighty python Kaa, about the brave mongoose Rikki-Tikki-Tavi and the evil cobra named Nag. And, probably, it is difficult to meet a person who would like to get to know them better.

Species diversity of snakes

Meanwhile, snakes are one of the most extraordinary creatures on Earth. Total for the globe approximately 2500 species of snakes are known, among which there are both 10-meter giants and a ten-centimeter “trifle”. They are divided into 12 families, the most extensive of which are already-shaped (more than half).

Approximately 400 species of snakes are venomous, although only a few are dangerous to humans. The majority not only does not bring any harm to a person, but, on the contrary, turn out to be useful, for example, for agriculture.

Snakes inhabit five continents, excluding Antarctica, but most of them live in warm areas. This is due to the fact that they are cold-blooded creatures, dependent on temperature. external environment, so the squirming creatures are unable to live in the cold northern regions. South America, Africa and South Asia are especially rich in God's creatures. But beyond the Arctic Circle (on the Kola and Scandinavian Peninsulas), only an ordinary viper enters.

Snake food

Snakes have an extensive meat diet. They like to eat (depending on their own size) worms, insects, molluscs, birds, fish, rodents. Anacondas, boas, pythons also attack ungulates. The sharp and slightly inwardly curved teeth of these reptiles are designed for biting, capturing prey and pushing it into the stomach, but not for chewing or tearing food, because the creatures swallow their prey whole.

Interestingly, the poisonous fangs work like a folding knife - when closing the mouth, they fold along the jaw, with sharp ends back. When opening, they are installed perpendicularly “at the ready”. The snake's mouth consists of the lower and upper jaws, connected by elastic ligaments, and has an exceptional ability to stretch. This allows swallowing whole prey, twice / three times wider than the snake. However, there are limitations: ten-meter boas, anacondas or pythons will not overpower large ungulates (maximum pig, roe deer).

The snake does not resist passive prey small size swallows alive, and pre-kills large strong prey, either by injecting poison into its body, or by suffocating it with body rings. Sometimes you can hear stories about how giant pythons squeeze their prey so hard that they break her ribs. But, this is not so - boas and pythons “gently” squeeze the victim to prevent it from breathing and the animal enters the stomach intact. Otherwise, when swallowed, a broken rib can pierce the huntress herself.

The African egg snake, which feeds only on bird eggs, is equipped with an amazing adaptation. Its sharp vertebrae protrude into the stomach like a saw, cutting through the shells of eggs.

Snake skin

The snake's skin is dry and, unlike worms, not smooth. Her body is covered with scales, and between the scales there is a thin soft folded skin. When a snake swallows large prey, the skin straightens out and the body becomes noticeably larger.

The top layer of snake skin periodically peels off, and the snake sheds. The skin leaves on the muzzle, and then, like a stocking, is removed from the body of the snake (such a skin is called “creep out” or “creep out”). During the year, healthy snakes molt up to four times, in sick and emaciated individuals, molting occurs more often.

sense organs

The snake's eyes are constantly open and at the same time constantly closed, because in front of them is a thin and transparent leathery film formed by fused eyelids. Dry film gives the look a mystery and coldness, a kind of hypnotic power that frightens people. When molting, it exfoliates.

Snakes do not have external auricles, and therefore they are very difficult to hear sounds carried through the air. True, they have a well-developed sense of smell, and some have unique thermal sense organs (thermolocators) that allow them to capture the body heat of their prey at a distance. These organs are so sensitive that a snake in complete darkness is able to see a clear outline of an animal or person.

But the most important sense organ of this reptile is the tongue and the so-called "Jacobson's organ", which is a fine chemical analyzer. For a moment, sticking out a forked tongue, the reptile captures microparticles of substances from the air. Retracting inward, its tips are placed in the Jacobson's organ (two holes in the upper palate). The animal is able to distinguish "traces" (an incredibly small amount) of various substances floating in the air and on objects. By sticking out/retracting the creepy tongue, the snake confidently prioritizes: where is the food, partner, or water source.

deadly poison

As you can see, the serpent's tongue only resembles a blind man's wand, thanks to which he feels the road in front of him and bypasses obstacles, but ignorant people for some reason consider the tongue to be a "deadly sting." In fact, it is not the tongue that is poisonous, but the tooth, or rather the teeth - two poisonous fangs on both sides upper jaw.

The main danger of snake bites is in hot countries. On the globe, up to half a million or more people are bitten by poisonous snakes every year, 10% of those bitten die. Most of the victims are in India and Southeast Asia (about 40,000 deaths annually), South America(3000-4000 people) and Africa (less than a thousand). Single cases in North America(10-15 victims), Australia and Europe (not every year). A greater number of tragic bites on the "conscience" of the Indian cobra Naja naja, by the way, never attacking the first.

A century ago, mortality from snake venom was 20-70%. With the invention of anti-snake serums at the end of the 19th century, this figure dropped to 1-3%, with timely use. In 1899, the Butantan Institute was founded in the Brazilian city of São Paulo to manufacture these serums.

record-breaking snakes

The largest species belong to the pseudo-legged family, to the subfamilies of boas and pythons. The world's largest snake - South American anaconda, whose average length is 5-6 meters. Previously, it was considered to be the second largest in the world after reticulated python, but caught not so long ago anaconda 11.42 m long allowed her to take first place.

Anaconda- a water snake, often crawling out to take sunbaths on the shore (but does not crawl far from the water). Most of the time, she hides in the quiet backwaters of the Amazon and Orinoco rivers and patiently guards her prey that comes to the watering place. The food of the anaconda is mammals, waterfowl, turtles and young caimans, as well as domestic pigs, dogs, chickens and ducks approaching the water. Contrary to all the terrible stories, the anaconda does not pose a particular danger to humans, and of all the deaths of people, only one is considered reliable when the anaconda swallowed a thirteen-year-old boy.

The second place is occupied by the former "champion of growth" - reticulated python growing up to 10 meters in length. Lives in the regions of Southeast Asia, meeting even in large cities. Reticulated pythons are kept in zoos, they are happy to lie in the water for a long time. However, their character is quarrelsome: they can bite! The reticulated python avoids people, since the size of the bipedal creature exceeds the capacity of the stomach. Theoretically, the species is dangerous for children, but there are only a few documented cases of a fatal attack.

Slightly smaller in size hieroglyphic python, whose maximum length- 9.81 meters.

The fourth place is tiger python growing up to 6-8 meters. Unlike others, it crawls into the mountains up to one and a half kilometers above sea level. It prefers to eat rodents, monkeys, small ungulates, birds, but it can dare to attack jackals and even leopards. On people tiger pythons do not attack, and some locals keep tiger giants in their homes, because pythons are excellent at cleaning homes from rodents.

Almost everyone fears or dislikes snakes. There are three types of people: 1% love snakes (pick up, play with, wind up at home), 94% would like to stay away from them. And there are 5% who are afraid of snakes more than anything. Everyone has such a friend: nod at any string - oh, snake! And that's it, he is already squealing and running away in horror. It's easier to die like that than to stay in a room with snakes. But how much do we know about snakes? Most people know next to nothing - let's fix that.

In fact, snakes kill people all the time.

Do you think it is very rare and exotic - death from a snakebite? It depends where you live. If you live in India, the bad news is that more than 80,000 people are bitten by vipers and cobras every year, and 10,000 of them die. This is the most dangerous region in terms of snake activity and aggressiveness. It is clear that somewhere in Vermont the chances of meeting a snake are much less, but we beg you - watch your steps, wherever you are.

Is there a place on earth without snakes?

The general rule is: the colder, the fewer snakes. Almost safe in the Arctic Circle and in Antarctica, but you won’t run into it on vacation. Few snakes in Iceland, Ireland and New Zealand. Some countries are full of snakes, but generally most are not venomous. It is important for you to know that the snakes themselves do not want to meet you at all, they avoid people with all their might. In fact, there is another great way to avoid snakes: stay at home.

Vessey's Snake, Maine's Pet

One of the places where there are no poisonous snakes is the US state of Maine. But they have a snake known as Wessie (consonant with Nessie, the Loch Ness monster). They say she is as long as a huge truck and her head is the size of a soccer ball. Of course, fear has big eyes. The press reported: "A snake was seen in a park area feasting on a large mammal - probably a beaver." What a great place, right in the park, next to the playgrounds, truck sized snakes eat beavers! This is where you need to go on vacation - adventures are guaranteed.

Don't mess with the black mamba

If you've seen Tarantino's Kill Bill, you'll probably remember the black mamba as the most dangerous snake. Most herpentologist experts agree: the black mamba is the most dangerous snake in the world. Why is the mamba the symbol of horror? What's so scary about her? Except strong poison, the black mamba is damn fast and fast, reaching speeds of over 11 km / h over short distances. But that's not the point. Her open mouth is black on the inside, and to many she looks like a coffin, which is instantly terrifying. Mamba lives in Africa, so walk there with double caution.

The serpent's eye is devoid of eyelids?

The unblinking gaze of a cold-blooded killer... fear has big eyes, which people can't imagine! So why don't snakes blink? It turns out that it’s not at all because they don’t have eyelids. Snakes have eyelids, they just can't be seen - they are transparent and fused. The thin skin that protects the eyes, when shedding, comes off with the skin of the snake in one "stocking". So the snake's hypnotic gaze is pure myth.

Lebanese commandos are so tough they eat live snakes

During the annual ceremony, Lebanese special forces tear live snakes with their teeth. Senseless cruelty is intended to confirm their readiness to defeat the enemy with their bare hands. Yeah, that's probably true: if you can rip and eat a live snake, then you can probably do a whole bunch of super tough stuff on the battlefield. There's no time for jokes, poor snakes.

Voldemort did not accidentally call Nagini that

Nagini is a huge poisonous snake belonging to Lord Voldemort. In Sanskrit and North Indian languages, naga means "king cobra" and naginii is feminine, the female cobra. In "Harry Potter" - a clear reference to the character of Kipling's fairy tale "Riki-tiki-tavi", where the king cobra was called Nagana (actually, that cobra was called "Nagimi", because Kipling has almost all the names of animals - just their names in Hindi) . In the Russian translation, the transliteration "Nagini" has taken root, it was she who entered the "Riki-Tiki-Tavi" and "Harry Potter".

What do rattlesnakes rattle?

Something, a rattle, of course! And not just like that, the rattlesnake, as it were, says: I'm here, don't step on, stay away from me! When a rattlesnake is excited, its tail vibrates and rattles the rings at the end of its tail hitting each other. The result is a harsh buzzing sound. It can be heard at a distance of 20 meters and bypass the snake side.

Fabulous boomslangs exist

The boomslang snake, the skin of which someone always tried to steal from Snape's laboratory in Harry Potter, actually exists (boomslang skin is an important ingredient in witchcraft potions, for example, it is part of the Polyjuice Potion). Its name comes from the African boomslang and means "tree snake". The green eyes of the boomeslang see perfectly, and the snakes almost always have time to avoid meeting with a person. But if they are caught, they sting. There are even a few deaths reported as a result of a boomslang bite.

Titanoboas were the largest snakes on Earth

Those with a fear of snakes probably don't need to imagine what titanoboa mastodons looked like (although they'd better not read this post at all). Titanoboa snakes have long since died out, they lived on Earth about 58 million years ago. They were huge: the length reached 15 meters, the girth of the body was about a meter, and the weight was more than a ton. Unfortunately, we are not destined to meet such beauty in reality, but there are models of giants in several museums.

Snake with a coin

The Barbados narrow-mouthed snake or "Karl's snake" is the smallest in the world. An adult baby snake is no longer than 10 centimeters. They live only on the island of Barbados in the Caribbean. Completely harmless, they don't even have teeth. Apparently, therefore, the snake is on the verge of extinction (or because the forests where they lived were cut down). And it was named by the American biologist Hedge in honor of his wife, herpentologist Carla Ann Hass, whose character history is silent.

Taipans are the most poisonous

Australian inland taipan, also called the "fierce snake". If you want to look at the taipans, they live in the central part of Australia. It is the most venomous of the land snakes, with enough venom in one bite to kill a hundred people. So, it’s probably better not to meet with them, they are very fast: at the sight of danger, they raise their heads and sting with lightning speed several times in a row. Before the invention of the antidote-antidote in 1955, 90% of their victims died from the bite of taipans.

The heart of a snake is movable inside its body.

The snake's heart is not fixed: due to the lack of a diaphragm, the snake's heart is mobile and able to move inside its torso, dodging damage when something large goes down the esophagus. So if a snake eats someone really big, its heart will just roll to the side and then come back. IN cardiovascular system snakes have a unique system - the blood from the snake's tail passes through the kidneys before returning to the heart. Isn't it true how wisely nature arranged everything?

The unique arrangement of internal organs is not at all human

You didn’t know this for sure: unlike the paired human organs, located symmetrically, internal organs snakes are elongated, completely asymmetrical and solitary. Some of the snake organs used to have a pair, but in the process of evolution they lost their significance and became unpaired. Most snakes have only one lung, the second is usually rudimentary.

Deadly poisonous or slightly toxic - best not to experiment

The venom of a viper and a cobra is, of course, different from what a girlfriend can pour into your glass. Eaten poison and venomous bite snakes somewhere in the neck are different things, and in the second case, the action takes place many times faster. Toxic or deadly, never known for sure, individual response to poison can be unpredictable. We hope you never find out about this in real life. And remember that a snake cannot harm you if it is at a distance. Watch your step, stay away from snakes and take care of yourself!
