What to do if bitten by a snake: first aid rules and dangerous mistakes. what to do if bitten by a venomous snake what to do if bitten by a venomous snake

Camping in the summer - what is not a great opportunity to spend the weekend? A tent, a fire or a camp on the beach… Everything is conducive to a great pastime. Only in addition to pleasant impressions, a number of minor annoyances: annoying midges, mosquito trills at night or even snakes. If everyone knows how to deal with the first two types of uninvited guests, then what if a poisonous reptile decided to participate in your tourist outing? Here it is necessary to take approximately the same actions as with a scorpion sting, although there are a number of important differences!

Symptoms of a snake bite

If the snake that bit you is not poisonous, emergency medical care is not required: just treat the wounds with antibacterial compounds (brilliant green, iodine, hydrogen peroxide) and you can safely continue your rest.

What if the snake was venomous? First, how to distinguish such a bite from a harmless one? Secondly, how to prevent the most terrible consequences? First, let's look at the symptoms.

  1. The bite site is “decorated” with two punctures (in rare cases, one), the presence of which is accompanied by edema, as well as severe itching and burning.
  2. There is a general weakness in the body.
  3. There is a feeling of nausea and vomiting.
  4. The functions of the speech apparatus are impaired.
  5. Difficulty breathing.
  6. Paralysis may develop. Symptoms of kidney failure may also appear.

By the way, the symptoms of poisonous snake bites different types slightly different from each other. For example, if bitten by a snake-viper, the body temperature begins to drop sharply, consciousness begins to get confused. When bitten by a Central Asian cobra, involuntary movement of the facial muscles occurs, and control over the eyes and their movements is also lost. But be that as it may, the general symptoms of intoxication with snake venom are the same.

What to do if bitten by a poisonous snake: step by step instructions

  • The first thing to try is to suck the poison out of the wound. Moreover, this is done in the first five minutes after the bite, otherwise the poison enters the bloodstream and begins to accelerate into the internal organs. For those who are afraid, therefore, to also fall under the influence of snake venom, we will immediately explain: even if there are wounds in the mouth, it is almost impossible to get poisoned.
  • Secondly, it is necessary to ensure the immobility of the bitten, in particular, the affected limb. Ideally put on a splint. This will prevent the spread of poison throughout the body.
  • Third - provide the bitten with a plentiful warm drink. Sweet tea is good. If you have antihistamines lying around in your first aid kit, then taking them will not worsen the situation. Be careful and do not take all antimicrobials in a row, it can only do harm!
  • And fourthly, send the bitten person to the hospital as soon as possible. Further, only the professional intervention of doctors can save the situation.

What to do if bitten by a snake

Actions for a snake bite: first aid

In addition to the above actions that must be performed after being stung poisonous snake, remember the individual points when bitten by a viper. After all, it is considered one of the most poisonous varieties of snakes.

  • First, try to move the victim as far away from the scene as possible, as there is a chance that the snake that bit him could not be alone.
  • Second, try squeezing out the venom by holding the area around the bite tightly with your hands.
  • Thirdly, make sure that there are no jewelry left on the hand (or leg) that the snake has bitten: the limb will begin to swell, and the jewelry will only interfere in the future.
  • Fourth, drink plenty of water. This has already been discussed earlier, but we will duplicate this paragraph. A large number of drinking reduces the concentration of poison in the blood.


How can you prevent a venomous snake bite? Hard to tell. But remembering the list of actions when meeting with a dangerous reptile is definitely worth it.

  1. Don't draw attention to yourself if you see a snake. One sudden movement, a wave of your hand, or a loud sound from your side can provoke an attack.
  2. If you are traveling in overgrown areas, use a stick to push the vegetation ahead of you.
  3. When setting out on a hike, make sure that your clothes are made of thick fabric and your boots are high. Thus, when attacked by a snake, there is a chance that its bite simply will not break through your equipment.
  4. If you decide to camp for the night, choose an open area with low grass, and avoid mountains and rocks.
  5. Provide yourself with the essentials in advance: a first aid kit, medicines, etc.
  6. Before you get comfortable in a tent or sleeping bag, be sure to shake them up: so you check. whether an uninvited guest climbed into them.


The consequences of a venomous snake bite for the human body depend on the composition and properties of the components of the venom in the body.

The main components of the poison are enzymes that break down different kinds fabrics(hyaluronidase, phosphokinase, proteases), and toxic amino acids, proteins and carbohydrates.

Hyaluronidase - uncouples connective tissue, destroys the walls of small capillaries, increases the permeability of tissues for water and ions. Phosphokinase - splitting the lipid layer of red blood cells, leads to their destruction.

The indicated elements thin the membranes of cells containing bioactive substances (histamine, heparin, etc.), which inevitably contributes to their release and the manifestation of inflammatory and allergic reactions (edema, redness, pain, itching).

The snake's venom is carried throughout the body with the help of lymph. Its components negatively affect the walls of blood vessels, destroying them and forming blood clots, as a result of which blood circulation and water-lipid balance are disturbed.

What does a snake bite look like

Complications of a snake bite

Complications with a snake bite can occur with illiterate first aid to the victim. If you do not put him to rest in time and do not take all the necessary measures, the poison can spread throughout the body, and then irreversible changes will begin. internal organs. Internal blood loss is accompanied by a sharp decrease blood pressure, and as a result can cause unconsciousness.

Deterioration of cardiac function can also occur due to pressure loss. Kidney failure is a process in which you need to immediately help the victim. Otherwise, this functionality of the body will be lost, and it may not be possible to restore its correct operation.

Thus, the only outcome that will be possible in such a situation is lethal.

What not to do if bitten by a poisonous snake

In addition to what you can and should do with a snake bite, there is also a list of what to do is clearly contraindicated.

  1. Do not apply a tourniquet in the immediate vicinity of the bite. The poison, not finding blood vessels to spread through the body, will do it through the bone veins, and in this case the process is faster, and the negative consequences may be worse.
  2. Alcohol also speeds up the spread of the poison. Therefore, after the bite, no alcoholic beverages.
  3. In no case should you cauterize the bite site with kerosene or nitric, carbolic or sulfuric acid.
  4. Metal objects, strongly heated on a fire, should not be used in order to cauterize a wound. The chemical constituents of the poison can react with the metal particles, and the body's reaction to the poison will be even worse.
  5. Publication author

    I am fond of hiking and traveling, photography and video filming.

    I have been hiking since childhood. The whole family went and went - sometimes to the sea, then to the river, to the lake, to the forest. There was a time when we spent a whole month in the forest. They lived in tents and cooked over a fire. Perhaps that is why even now I am drawn to the forest and, in general, to nature.
    I travel regularly. Approximately three trips per year for 10-15 days and many 2 and 3 day hikes.

Snakes are the most peculiar creatures on the planet. They amaze the imagination of a person with their appearance, an original way of movement. This makes people more interested in this species. When studying snakes, we must not forget that many of their species are poisonous. What to do with a snake bite and how to provide first aid, read the article.

snake venom

Some reptiles of this species have parotid glands that secrete poison. With the help of ducts, they are connected through the channels with the two upper teeth. When a snake bites a person, the venom enters the bloodstream and causes severe poisoning, often leading to death. The question arises, what to do with a snake bite? Provide first aid immediately. But killing snakes is not necessary, as they are a source of poison, necessary for the manufacture of medicines.

The degree of poisoning by snake venom primarily depends on its dose, concentration and place of penetration. Therefore, the consequences are different. Great importance has a person's age and state of health. The most dangerous are bites in the head and torso. If the poison, when bitten, enters immediately into a vessel with blood, a person can die in five to ten minutes. for example, twice as dangerous when injected intramuscularly than subcutaneously. What should you do if you get bitten by a snake? Urgently, without wasting a minute, provide first aid. How to do this, read the article.

When can a snake bite?

For example, does not take active steps to attack. This happens when a person steps on her, tries to touch her with his hands, or accidentally falls into her nest. In this case, her attack has a justification: she is defending her territory. To avoid you need to be extremely careful in its habitats.

The snake is deaf, but it perfectly feels the slightest vibration of the earth along which a person walks. She won't get close, she just crawls away. The greatest probability to meet a viper in a mushroom season. To prevent this from happening, you need to take any stick and tap it on the ground in front of you.

Symptoms of Poison Poisoning

  • Bite marks are noticeable - two wounds that have a triangular shape.
  • There is pain and a burning sensation.
  • Redness of the tissues around the bite.
  • Edema that spreads rapidly.

  • Hemorrhages.
  • Weakness all over the body.
  • The head is spinning.
  • There is pallor of the skin, nausea and vomiting with blood.
  • The body temperature rises to forty degrees.

Signs of severe poisoning

In severe poisoning, hemorrhages spread in patches beyond the bite site. The affected area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe body becomes purple-bluish in color, and the skin becomes covered with blisters filled with bloody, cloudy fluid. Often the condition of the victim is complicated by the occurrence of vein thrombosis, lymphadenitis. This can occur 8-36 hours after the snake bite, when the poison is introduced into the human body. In this case, there is a strong increase in the volume of the affected area. Wounds bleed for a long time, later ulcers and necrosis form. What to do when bitten to avoid negative consequences? First of all, it is correct to provide assistance and urgently take the victim to the hospital.

What to do when bitten by a snake

  • First aid to the victim should be provided by a person who knows how to do it. Wrong actions can cause harm.
  • It is extremely rare, but it happens that a snake, such as a viper, clings tightly and does not want to let go. It must be torn from the skin by force.
  • When bitten by a snake, what to do? Until the wound begins to heal, you can suck out the poison. Only a person should not have any wounds in his mouth, otherwise he himself will be poisoned.
  • What to do when bitten by a snake? First aid is provided in order to prevent the spread of poison throughout the body, so the victim needs to be kept calm, and not moved from place to place.
  • Apply a compression bandage to the bite site, but do not apply a tourniquet above or below it.

  • What to do with a snake bite, if it fell on the arm or leg? First of all, you need to remove everything that is worn on the limbs. The venom always causes significant swelling, all jewelry and hygiene items will interfere with blood circulation, which can lead to gangrene.
  • When bitten by a snake, what to do? If you have it on hand, then take an allergy pill.
  • For the fastest removal of poison from the body, the victim must be provided. At least three liters of water or a little sweetened tea should be consumed. You need to drink liquid in small sips.

What Not to Do

  • The most dangerous and common mistake in providing first aid to the victim is the use of a tourniquet, which is applied to the arm or leg. This will not help the spread of the poison, as it is more aggressive and will still enter the body. But the bitten place will suffer. The fact is that the poison provokes such a process as tissue necrosis. If a snake has bitten a leg or arm, the tourniquet can lead to gangrene.
  • It is unacceptable to incise the wound, you can bring the infection.
  • You can not burn the bite site. This won't help, as the viper injects its venom deep. Cauterization only once again injures the bite site.
  • Do not take alcohol, it accelerates the action of the poison.
  • Don't waste your time chasing a snake.

What to do when bitten by a snake? The main thing is to keep calm. Panic won't do you any good. If a person is confused and fear settles in him, you can lose time. You should know that a viper bite is very rarely fatal, even if the victim did not seek medical help.

  • In nature, there are two thousand six hundred species of various snakes. In most cases, they prey on a moving object. The exception is those snakes that feed on carrion. For example, the snake is ovoid.
  • Spitting species fall on their backs with their mouths open when danger is detected, pretending to be dead. At the same time, they give off a fetid smell. This is a kind of protection against predator attacks. They do not like carrion with a bad smell.
  • On the head of a viper, a boa constrictor and a python, there is such an organ that instantly reacts to any temperature changes, thanks to which snakes hunt perfectly at night.

  • considered the fastest snake, its speed of movement is sixteen kilometers per hour. Coloring does not match the first word of the name. This snake is grey, green or brown. She is not black.
  • The longest snake on the planet is the Fluffy python, a resident of the Ohio State Zoo. Its length is seven meters thirty-one centimeters. This is a representative of the Guinness Book of Records.
  • You have probably heard more than once that in Mexico there is a herbivore snake, whose body is covered with thick hair. Rumor has it that she has long become a pet, children love to play with her. Perhaps we will disappoint you, but such a snake does not exist, in fact, herbivorous furry reptiles are a myth.

Poisoning with snake venom is considered not so rare. Quite often, snake bites happen in nature - for example, on a hike or in the field, so absolutely everyone should know the basics of clinical toxicology, the rules of behavior for snake bites and symptoms.

There are quite a few types of snakes on earth, but a person most often suffers from the bites of only three types of reptiles - vipers, already-like and aspids.

Table of contents:

Types of poisonous snakes and characteristics of their bites

family already similar

most often found perishing ordinary and verdigris. The bites of these snakes do not pose a danger to human life, and they cannot drastically shake their health. But the bite itself is accompanied by powerful painful sensations, suppuration of the wound may develop.

viper family

The brightest representative of this species is the common viper. This snake is peaceful, bites a person only in case of direct anxiety - for example, if a person grabs a viper with his hands, steps on it. In general, upon seeing a person, the common viper tries to crawl away to the side, hide, or continues to lie quietly, watching a potential enemy.

Mortality after the bite of this type of poisonous snake is only 1% of the total mass. Such a low indicator is connected with the fact that the snake injects a small amount of poison into the human body, it saves it - the creation and accumulation of the next portion is too tiring for the reptile.

The venom of the common viper, when bitten, can enter muscle tissue, under the skin or into the lumen of the vessel. The last option is the most difficult - the spread of the poison is instantaneous, the symptoms are too severe.

aspid family

A striking representative of this species is the Central Asian cobra. Often, the cobra first warns the enemy about the attack, it can even imitate a bite - it stands in a characteristic stance, expands its neck, emits a loud hiss and makes a sharp throw to the lower limbs of a person, hitting them with its head with its mouth closed.

The main component of the venom of the Central Asian cobra is a neurotoxin - it blocks the sensitivity of the skin, impairs the conduction of a nerve impulse, and provokes the development of paralysis and paresis.

Symptoms of venomous snake bites

It may happen that a person does not notice a snake bite, so you need to know the main symptoms of snake venom poisoning in order to be able to provide medical assistance.

Common viper bite symptoms:

If severe intoxication develops, then the above symptoms will be accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • severe weakness;
  • clearly defined pallor of the skin;
  • extremities become cold;
  • confusion is noted;
  • fever and shortness of breath, loss of consciousness, and kidney failure may develop.

Symptoms of a Central Asian cobra bite:

  • there is a sharp, burning pain at the bite site, which subsides only after a few hours;
  • the color of the skin at the site of the bite practically does not change;
  • there is swelling in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe wounds, but not as pronounced as with the bite of an ordinary viper;
  • a clear bloody liquid may ooze from the wound;
  • the functions of the affected limb are impaired, paralysis develops in an ascending direction;
  • facial muscles suffer - eyelids involuntarily droop and lower jaw, the movement of the eyeballs is disturbed.

When bitten by a Central Asian cobra, symptoms of general intoxication also develop rapidly:

Note:if a person, after being bitten by a Central Asian cobra, does not find health care, then his death occurs within 2-7 hours from respiratory arrest.

What determines the severity of symptoms after a bite of a venomous snake:

  1. Age of the bitten person. The symptoms of snake venom poisoning are most intense in children and the elderly. The presence of internal diseases, the level of immunity and general health also play a role.
  2. Type of snake, its size and age. It is believed that the common viper is less dangerous than the Central Asian cobra, although in any case, the bite of these representatives of reptiles causes serious health problems. Less dangerous are the bites of young snakes, small in size.
  3. The condition of the snake's teeth. If they are infected, then the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms into the wound will be a must - this aggravates the development of symptoms.
  4. Bite site. Most often affected lower limbs and then the symptoms will develop slowly. But snake bites happen to the neck, and to the face, and to the location of large blood vessels - the symptoms will develop rapidly.
  5. Human behavior after a bite. If the bitten person actively moves and runs, then the spread of snake venom throughout the body will be faster - the intensity of the symptoms will be powerful.

First aid for snakebite

So, everything has already happened - a man was bitten by a poisonous snake. What to do in this case, how to help the victim and prevent the development of serious complications?

Firstly, it is necessary to put the bitten person in a horizontal position and try to calm him down - anxiety, tantrums and panic will definitely not help. If the snake is fixed on the skin at the site of the bite (this, by the way, happens often), it must be removed and destroyed, but not thrown away anywhere - the reptile may be needed for examination by a specialist.

Secondly, if possible, immediately call an ambulance, contact rescuers or a recreation center, a hotel. While you are doing all these actions, carefully observe the victim - the absence of burning, swelling and pain at the site of the bite most likely indicates that the snake is not poisonous.

Thirdly, the affected part must be freed from clothing and jewelry - they can put pressure on the bite site and provoke increased swelling.

note: if the symptoms indicate that a person was bitten by a poisonous snake, then medical assistance should be provided immediately, without waiting for the arrival of the ambulance team!

Urgent Care:

  1. If a poisonous snake has bitten a limb, then it must be immobilized - you can put a bandage or splint from improvised materials (board, branch) on your leg or arm.
  2. Suction of poison from the wound is advisable to carry out within a maximum of 10 minutes after the incident. If there is a rubber bulb with us, then we work with it, if not, we use the mouth. First you need to squeeze the bite wounds between your fingers and stretch them slightly - this will help to “open” them, then we grab the bite site with our teeth and begin to actively suck out the poison, while helping with our fingers (as if “squeezing”). We immediately spit out the poison with saliva, the duration of this procedure should not exceed 20 minutes - during this time it is possible to remove 50% of the total amount of poison from the body from the body.
  3. We treat the bite site with a disinfectant - hydrogen peroxide, chlorhexidine, brilliant green are suitable. Do not treat the wound with alcohol.
  4. A bandage is applied to the wound from a bandage or any piece of clean tissue. In no case should it be tight - this fact is checked by sticking a finger under the bandage (it should pass freely).
  5. Cold is applied to the bite site - ice is the best option. If this particular type of cooling is used, then every 5-7 minutes you need to take a break in the procedure for 5 minutes - this will prevent tissue frostbite.
  6. The victim is given antihistamine drugs - Tavegil, Diphenhydramine, Loratadin. If possible, such funds are administered intramuscularly.
  7. The bitten person should drink plenty of fluids - up to 5 liters of water per day. This will help reduce the manifestations of intoxication in the body. It is necessary to give the patient vitamins K and C, and if possible, put a dropper with glucose (5% solution in an amount of 400 ml).
  8. The victim is given glucocorticosteroid drugs (Prednisolone or Dexamethasone), they can be administered intramuscularly.
  9. If a person is bitten by a Central Asian cobra, then his breathing may be disturbed. To alleviate his condition, you need to periodically apply a cotton swab moistened with ammonia to the nose.
  10. If respiratory and heart failure rapidly develop, then Caffeine, Ephedrine or Cordiamin is administered to the bitten person.
  11. In case of complete cessation of breathing and heartbeat, the patient is given artificial respiration and chest compressions.

What not to do when bitten by a venomous snake

The problem is that people, when bitten by a venomous snake, begin to perform actions that can lead to the development of serious complications. It is necessary to clearly remember what in no case should be done in the condition under consideration:

  • cauterize the bite site;
  • apply heat to the affected area;
  • apply a tourniquet on the affected limb - this leads to a rapid and deep spread of poison in the tissue;
  • cut the bite site to drain the poison;
  • take any alcoholic beverages;
  • ice the limb for a long time;


Poisoning with snake venom involves the introduction of specific sera (antidotes) - it is advisable to do this on the first day after the bite. In the future, if necessary, you can enter another dose of serum.

Serum "Antigyurza"

If a person was bitten by a snake of the viper species, then he needs to enter the type of antidote in question in the first hours after the defeat. This tool will help prevent the development of anaphylactic shock. Moreover, it must be administered according to a certain scheme and only in the subscapular region subcutaneously:

  • 0.1 ml of the agent is injected;
  • after 15 minutes another 0.25 ml is injected;
  • if there are no signs of anaphylactic shock, then the patient is injected with the entire remaining serum (it is available in 500 IU ampoules).

If the degree of poisoning is mild, then a maximum of 1000 IU of serum is administered to a person, with an average degree - 2000 IU, with a severe degree - 3000 IU.

Serum "Atikobra"

Such a serum is injected with snake bites from the aspid family and the Central Asian cobra. This antidote is administered in an amount of 300 ml with simultaneous intravenous infusion of a solution of Prozerin and a solution of Atropine sulfate, 0.5 mg every half hour.

Note:treatment for a bite of a poisonous snake is carried out only in a medical institution under the supervision of medical workers. Appointments are made on a strictly individual basis, taking into account the general well-being of the victim, his age and the intensity of the symptoms of poisoning.

There are no specific preventive measures to prevent venomous snake bites. But there is a list of rules of conduct when meeting with such reptiles:

The bite of a venomous snake is unpleasant and even dangerous. But if you take measures to prevent the spread of poison in the body, competently conduct first aid, then the consequences will not be terrible for human health and life.

Tsygankova Yana Alexandrovna, medical observer, therapist of the highest qualification category

Summer is the time for picnics and long walks in the forest. Everyone loves the fresh air. However, often such trips end in an unpleasant encounter with a snake. In the Tavdinsky urban district from the beginning summer period 4 snake bites have already been registered. Basically, bites are observed when visiting forest park areas, summer cottages and rural areas.

In the event of a snake bite, you must urgently contact the emergency department of the central district hospital. In case of untimely treatment to a medical institution, a fatal outcome may occur. What to do if bitten by a snake and why is it dangerous? In most cases, lovers of walks outside the city meet with danger in the form of an ordinary viper. Its bite, like that of most real vipers, is not fatal. Their venom is of the hemotoxic type, that is, after a bite, red blood cells begin to break down. Viper venom also contains a substance called neurotoxin. It negatively affects the work of the cardiovascular system.
What to do if bitten by a snake and what first aid to provide?
Before learning about the provision of medical care, it is necessary to be able to correctly recognize the symptoms of a viper bite. These include:
● pain at the site of the bite;
● edema;
● development of lymphangitis and lymphadenitis (inflammation of the lymphatic vessels and nodes) in the next two days after the bite.
Rarely, the following symptoms may also occur:
● local necrosis at the site of the bite;
● hemorrhagic blisters;
● vomiting.
According to doctors, in most cases, a snake bite is accompanied by symptoms similar to poisoning. The number of deaths per this moment is less than 10%.
It often happens that the snake was frightened away and not allowed to complete the bite. In this case, the poison may remain on the surface of the limb. To prevent its absorption into the wound, it is necessary to remove it from the skin as quickly and accurately as possible with the help of napkins.
In order to reduce the risk possible complications after a bite, you need to know how to properly provide first aid.
Who bit:
recognize venomous bite from a non-poisonous one, you can use it appearance. If one or two dots are visible on the spot, it is more likely to say that a poisonous snake has bitten. Non-venomous ones leave few bite marks. If the snake managed to be killed, then you can make sure that the bite is not dangerous by delivering it along with the patient to the emergency department.
Leave the danger zone:
Snakes rarely crawl alone. If the bite occurred in some clearing, then it is worth moving away from this place to a safe distance. It is possible that the snake is not alone in that place.
Limb fixation:
After a bite, it is important to move the limb as little as possible. Each movement causes an increase in blood circulation, which accelerates the spread of poison through the blood vessels. It’s definitely not worth putting pressure on the bite site, it will already quickly swell and hurt badly.
Hiking in areas where there are snakes should not be done without a first aid kit. It must contain antiseptics (hydrogen peroxide 3%, chlorhexidine gluconate 2.4%, potassium permanganate 0.1-0.5%) and antiseptic wipes.
After a bite, it is necessary to thoroughly rinse the place with an antiseptic solution, then apply a bandage with an antiseptic napkin.
Processing should be carried out carefully, you can not put pressure on the bite, let alone incise it or chip it with any preparations.
Plentiful drink:
After a snake bite, you need to drink as much water as possible. Any diuretic liquids are also allowed. This will reduce the concentration of poison in the vessels. The liquid will somewhat speed up the process of recovery and removal of poison from the body.
The above actions should be carried out before contacting a medical institution. Do not try to get rid of the poison yourself. According to doctors, the classic "sucking the poison out of the wound" will not help, as the substance quickly spreads through the blood. After contacting the doctors, the patient will be given anti-snake bite serum. If the patient has a tendency to allergic reactions, it is necessary to warn the doctor about this. In this case, measures will be taken to prevent the development of allergies. Often it is because of it that deaths occur. However, it is worth remembering that an allergy pill will not save you from its development after a snake bite. If the first signs of a reaction appear, it is necessary to contact the doctors in the next half an hour or an hour, where the antihistamine will be administered intravenously.
What not to do if bitten by a snake!
It is important to remember that incorrectly rendered first aid can not only not save a person, but also worsen his condition. What to do if bitten by a snake - described above, now a few tips on what is strictly forbidden to do.
Apply tourniquet:
This is fraught with tissue necrosis around the bite. The applied tourniquet prevents the even distribution of the snake venom enzyme throughout the body. It is concentrated in a large dose in one place, which increases its destructive potential by several times.
Cutting or rubbing the bite site:
An independent tissue incision will not only not become an obstacle to the spread of poison, but can also cause various infections.
Drink alcohol:
Contrary to the opinion of most that this will save you from poison, drinking alcohol after a snake bite is strictly prohibited. His ability to dilate blood vessels in this case will play a cruel joke: the poison will spread at an incredible speed, and its absorption will be several times faster.
What to do if bitten by a snake: how to prevent a bite?
A snakebite is much easier to prevent than to treat. If you are planning a trip to nature, it is worth remembering where it is highly likely to meet snakes. First of all, these are places close to swamps, lakes and other bodies of water. Also, snakes often live where there are a lot of fallen trees that are overgrown with moss.
If you are planning a trip for mushrooms or berries, it is important to take care of the right shoes. These should be high rubber boots, and under them it is better to wear woolen socks. Also, in the search for mushrooms and berries, it is better to use a stick to move the grass away.
When going for a walk in the forest, it is worth remembering that snakes are afraid of noise. Sometimes, in order for the snake to disappear on its own, it is necessary to talk loudly and rustle the leaves underfoot a lot. Snakes never attack first, they try to the last to avoid a collision with people.
If an unpleasant encounter has occurred, it is important to freeze and try to slowly get away from the snake, without doing sudden movements. If she crawls very close, then you need to freeze and not move.
If night trips to nature or camping are planned, then it is important to know that snake activity occurs precisely at night. At this time, you need to be as careful as possible. Do not neglect the presence of flashlights. In addition to lighting the way, they will help scare away snakes.
At night it is very easy to confuse a snake with grass or twigs, so nothing needs to be picked up from the ground until you are sure it is safe.
There were cases when snakes crawled into tents. Rarely, but this also happens. How to behave?
1. It is necessary to move away from her as slowly and carefully as possible.
2. Open all exits.
3. Freeze and wait until the snake itself leaves the tent.
Meeting a snake does not mean that it will definitely bite you. If you do not lose your temper and cope with the rising feelings of panic, you will calmly disperse with it and do not have to frantically remember what to do if you are bitten by a snake. Walk in the forest, breathe fresh air, pick mushrooms and berries, but be careful and careful.

Snakes are found not only in "hot" countries. Representatives of this detachment can also be found in the central part of Russia.

What can spoil a pleasant vacation in nature, in the forest, a tourist trip or the performance of professional duties in areas inhabited by snake representatives? Of course, their bite. Snakes don't bite people just like that, but if they are disturbed - a lightning throw, and their teeth pierce into the flesh. Therefore, it is important to know what should be the emergency, first aid for a snake bite.

The first and subsequent symptoms, the severity of venom poisoning depend on the type of snake, the amount of poison, season, age and general health of the victim. Most often, a snake bites a person in the arm or leg.

Degrees of intoxication Bite of vipers and pitheads Sea snakes, snakes
Light Characterized by mild pain and

swelling at the site of the bite,

occasional slight palpitations and shortness of breath

An hour after the bite, there is a slight, local pain.

Little or no swelling.

Develops a quickly passing feeling of stiffness. Loss of sensation in the affected area of ​​the body

Medium The pain and swelling of the tissues are stronger, sometimes bloody blisters appear (especially when a tourniquet is applied).

There is a slight rise in temperature

rarely - nausea, vomiting

Pain at the site of the bite, sometimes swelling.

Weak muscle twitching, tremor (trembling) of the fingers, eyelids.

Increased general weakness, feeling of stiffness, numbness.

Impaired function of the affected area

heavy Burning pain

Pronounced edema, bloody blisters appear, tissue necrosis begins.

Increased nausea, vomiting,

shortness of breath

drowsiness occurs

Violated the functions of vital organs - the liver, kidneys, circulatory system

The pain spreads throughout the body.

· Twitching, convulsions are increasing.

The victim becomes lethargic, drowsiness increases.

· There is dizziness, vomiting.

Increased signs of impaired breathing, vision,

paralysis of the limbs, tongue, lips.

Symptoms in children are more pronounced, intoxication is more severe, sometimes with complications, so first aid for a snake (viper) bite of a child should be provided immediately.

Algorithm for providing assistance to the victim

When bitten by a venomous snake, first aid includes a series of actions aimed at quickly removing the poison and minimizing its toxic effect.

Actions before the arrival of doctors:

If the snake has stuck to the body, remove it by any means (kill, discard).
If possible, photograph the snake or take the dead animal with you so that doctors can determine what care to provide to the patient.
Lay the victim on a flat surface (this position and rest reduce the likelihood of a rapid spread of poison through the bloodstream).
Call 103, 112, report the bite.
You can get the necessary instructions from the operator on how to competently provide first aid, which hospital you need to go to if you have your own transport.
Start immediately providing first aid, especially with bites to the head and neck (the rapid spread of poison to vital organs is fatal).
Take off watches, rings, bracelets. And partially free the bitten part from clothing.
After a bite, edema develops, jewelry will squeeze the body and interfere with normal blood circulation.
Drops of poison can remain on clothes, you need to make sure that it does not get into the wounds.
Partially remove the poison, (immediately after the bite):
Wipe the bite in the opposite direction (from the wound).
Gather the skin into a fold, squeeze, when drops of poison appear, gently wipe off the squeezed out liquid.
Remove snake venom from the wound by suction (in the first 3-10 minutes after the bite).
Suck out the poison from the wound, constantly spitting out the liquid from the wound. The procedure should be carried out for at least 15 minutes.
If it is impossible to suck out the poison, you can use a jar, a glass. To do this, you need to insert a burning match into the container to create rarefied pressure, and lower it to the bite site.
Treat the wound with any antiseptic.
Antiseptics (potassium permanganate solution, hydrogen peroxide, alcohol) reduce the likelihood of infection of the wound. From the list listed, with a snake bite, you can choose any drug.
Apply a pressure bandage over the bite site. A moderately pressing bandage protects the wound and reduces the rate of spread of the poison through the bloodstream (the bandage should not strongly squeeze the tissues in order to avoid gangrene - it is possible to stick two fingers between it and the body, and the pulse should be felt).
If the bite wound is located on the leg or arm, the limb must be immobilized (put a splint or bandaged to the body).
The bitten limb should be raised 15-39 cm above the heart area in order to reduce the flow of lymph and blood, and reduce pain.
Offer plenty of fluids. Water, tea or weak coffee, reduce the concentration of poison, provide the fastest removal of toxins from the body.
Give an antihistamine - Cetrin or Loratadine.
With a strong allergic reaction, you can give the glucocorticoids Prednisolone (1-2 tablets) to drink, or Dexamethasone.
The drugs have anti-inflammatory, desensitizing, anti-shock and antitoxic properties.
Help with pain in the heart, heart attack.
It is necessary to give the cardiac drug Cordiamin from the medicine cabinet.
When the heart and breathing stop, it is necessary to perform a heart massage (indirect), to make artificial respiration.
Take the victim to the nearest medical facility.

A venom is a protein substance that can cause allergic reaction Therefore, the use of antihistamines is mandatory. If the reaction is strong, you can enter an antihistamine intramuscularly.

The patient needs qualified medical care - the introduction of serum, manipulations to prevent complications. Specific help depends on the type of snake that stung the person.

What not to do when bitten by a snake

Caution: Even if the pain from a bite does not seem very strong, it is not recommended to be treated at home - serious complications can develop.

The video in this article shows what to do if you are bitten by a viper and how the first first aid and medical care is provided for a snake bite.

First aid kit

To better provide first aid, to quickly remove the poison from the wound, travelers, tourists, as well as everyone can purchase the "First Aid Kit". In the small box set:

  1. Instructions for use.
  2. Manual, easy to use with one hand, venom removal pump.
  3. Several nozzles that can be used not only for snake bites, but also for poisonous insects, arachnids.
  4. Hair shaving machine at the site of the bite.
  5. Alcohol wipe for wound disinfection.
  6. Pain-relieving napkin (with analgesic solution).
  7. Razor for hair removal in the wound area.
  8. Adhesive plaster to protect the wound from infection.

The suction of the poison with the help of the extractor occurs under the action of a vacuum.

A brief introduction to the poisonous representatives of the Snake suborder

Snakes, meeting with which is undesirable for humans:

  • subfamily Pitheads - muzzle, rattlesnakes;
  • subfamily Real vipers - gyurza, sand efa, viper;
  • subfamily Aspidovye - cobra, mamba.

common viper

On the territory of the Russian Federation, there is a high probability of meeting a person with an ordinary viper and copperhead.

Copperhead is a relative of snakes, it is easy to recognize it by its yellow or red iris, round pupil. The venom of the copperfish is not dangerous for humans. But at the same time, there is a possibility of infection of the bite site with the remnants of rotting food on the teeth of the snake.

Copperhead. Its venom is not lethal, but treatment of the wound from infection is required.

How to identify a venomous snake.

To determine which snake bit a person - poisonous or not, you need to know what the bite looks like on the human body - this will help you competently provide emergency care to yourself or another victim.

Snake bites can be distinguished by the trace left on the body of the victim:

  1. A venomous snake leaves marks of two larger venom-secreting teeth and a chain of smaller, non-venomous teeth.
  2. The bites of non-poisonous representatives leave four longitudinal rows of small wounds from the teeth.

About the antidote

As they say: you need to know "friends" in person. For what? In order for the doctor to provide specific assistance after a snakebite:

  • introduce the desired antidote - serum against snake venom;
  • carry out detoxification therapy.

Important: Bite antidote (serum) is not a vaccine, often causes a severe allergic reaction that can cost your life. Therefore, you should not enter it yourself, especially if you do not have medical education and drugs for anaphylactic shock.

It is a common thing when people do not understand poisonous snakes. Therefore, most likely you cannot know for sure: a poisonous snake has bitten or not, and how poisonous it is. That's why urgent Care when bitten by a snake should be rendered in any case. It is not necessary to wait for symptoms to appear, it is necessary to take the victim to the hospital as soon as possible.
