Poisonous African snake of the adder family. Poisonous snake Definition of the word viper in dictionaries

Poisonous African snake of the adder family

The first letter is "m"

Second letter "a"

Third letter "m"

The last letter of the letter is "a"

Answer for the question "Poisonous African snake of the asp family", 5 letters:

Alternative crossword questions for the word mamba

Poisonous snake with a "dance" name

In the movie "Kill Bill" Uma Thurman's character was called Black...

Tropical snake of the asp family

And the snake and the Latin dance

African snake

Definition of the word mamba in dictionaries

Big Soviet Encyclopedia The meaning of the word in the dictionary Great Soviet Encyclopedia
(Dendroaspis), a genus of poisonous snakes of the asp family. 4 species, distributed in Africa (sub-Saharan Africa). Body length 2 ≈ 4 m. Color green, sometimes with dark spots(with the exception of black M. ≈ D. polylepis). As a rule, they live in trees, and are found...

Wikipedia Meaning of the word in the Wikipedia dictionary
Mamba: Mamba is a poisonous tree snake from the adder family. Mamba is a dating and communication service. Mamba, Samantha - Irish singer and actress. Mamba - chewing candies.

New explanatory dictionary of the Russian language, T. F. Efremova. The meaning of the word in the dictionary New explanatory dictionary of the Russian language, T. F. Efremova.
and. A poisonous snake of the asp family, common in Africa.

Examples of the use of the word mamba in literature.

An enraged six-foot green mamba and fell to the ground.

This is the only case I know of when green mamba was the culprit of the diplomatic embarrassment.

Big black snake mamba, eight feet long and as thick as a man’s arm, crawled through the damp grass straight towards the cow, and quickly at that.

He raised the gun, about to shoot, but immediately lowered it again, why - he himself did not know, and continued to sit motionless, watching how mamba approaches the cow, listening to the rustling sound it makes, watching as it creeps closer and closer to the cow, and waiting for the attack to occur.

Then mamba She carefully sank to the ground and crawled back through the grass in the same direction from which she had appeared.

Poisonous snake

Alternative descriptions

Black carbonaceous shale

Natural slate

In Slavic mythology, an evil winged snake (mythical)

Eve listened to him and was expelled from paradise

Evil, poisonous personality

Evil, evil man

What did Sofya Savvishna Popova call her husband, Lev Ivanovich, in A.P. Chekhov’s story “Everyday Adversity”?

About an evil, treacherous man

Very poisonous snake

Layered black mineral, used for making slate boards and roof coverings

The poet’s nanny Arina Rodionovna used this word to call all the villains

Poisonous reptile

Black Mamba

Not a man, but a snake

Poisonous snake

Black slate, a bluish-black colored rock

Say "poisonous snake" in Greek

. “a winged snake with a bird’s nose and two trunks” - what did the ancients call this monster?

The snake that killed Cleopatra

Poisonous snake

Black slate

coral snake

Snake made of poisonous

Snake with his family

Cobra, mamba

Winged serpent from myths

King cobra, mamba

Poisonous snake (gen.)

Poisonous snake or evil husband

Black mamba like a snake

Family of poisonous snakes

Snake with "HIV-infected" name

Mythical creature personifying evil

. "snake" slate

Mamba, cobra or echidna

King Cobra

Head of the cobra and mamba family

Snake with “HIV-infected.” name

Male reptile

A snake that is very afraid of HIV infection

Poisonous man

A snake “scared” of HIV infection

Black mamba, viper

Evil person

Snide bastard

King cobra as a snake

Winged serpent among the Slavs

Cobra or krait


Ugly, evil man (trans.)

Creeping reptile

Rock, black shale

Traitor with a snake soul

Representative of the family of poisonous snakes

Genus of poisonous snake

General name for snakes

Angry man

A variety of mountain slate

. "Snake" slate

. “a winged snake with a bird’s nose and two trunks” - as the ancients called this monster

Evil person (simple)

Snake epithet for an evil person

Snake for Cleopatra

Snake with "HIV-infected." name

Snake with "HIV-infected" name

Snake "scared" of HIV infection

What did Sofya Savvishna Popova call her husband, Lev Ivanovich, in A. P. Chekhov’s story “Life’s Adversity”

M. Greek poisonous snake; tale fabulous serpent, asp. An evil person, a miser, a crafty one, a stingy person. Fossil, isser-black slate, used on tabletops, writing boards, esp. in schools. Star. jasper, variegated flagstone: and the walls are painted with slate and herbs, that is, marble or jasper. Aspid's hole. Aspid malice. Slate board. Aspidnik, slate flagstone or slate, slate slab

Cobra related snake

Say "poisonous snake" in Greek

Black mountain slate

Poisonous snake

The first letter is "g"

Second letter "u"

Third letter "r"

The last letter of the letter is "a"

Answer for the clue "Poisonous snake", 5 letters:

Alternative questions in crossword puzzles for the word viper

A poisonous snake from 2 to 4 meters long, lives in wet forests Africa

Poisonous snake of Asia and Africa

This highly poisonous snake of the viper family is called Vipera Lebetina in Latin.

One of the most dangerous snakes

Detective novel by G. Mironov

Large poisonous snake of Asia

Definition of the word viper in dictionaries

Great Soviet Encyclopedia The meaning of the word in the dictionary Great Soviet Encyclopedia
(Vipera lebetina), a snake of the viper genus. Length up to 1.5 m. Color gray, with dark spots along the ridge. Distributed in North Africa and South-West Asia; in the USSR - in Transcaucasia (except Abkhazia) and in the southern Central Asian republics. G. prefers rocky,...

encyclopedic Dictionary, 1998 The meaning of the word in the dictionary Encyclopedic Dictionary, 1998
poisonous snake of the viper family. Length up to 1.6 m. In the North. Africa and South-West. Asia, as well as in the Transcaucasus, in the south of Kazakhstan and in Sr. Asia. The bite can be fatal to humans. The poison is used in medicine. A subspecies that lives on the islands of the Aegean coast - in Red...

Wikipedia Meaning of the word in the Wikipedia dictionary
Gurza, or Levant viper (pers. گرزه /gurza/ from گرز /gurz/ - “iron club, mace, club”) is a type of poisonous snake from the genus of giant vipers of the Viper family.

Examples of the use of the word viper in literature.

The thickness of the snakes did not exceed the thickness of a finger, and therefore after gyurz the vipers looked like pasta.

Our zoo base was offered to supply venom from three types of snakes - viper, steppe viper and common viper.

Yada viper doctors ask for five hundred grams of poison steppe viper- one hundred grams and common viper venom - fifty grams.

For catching viper and the steppe viper, we are calm: the centers of these species of snakes have been explored and there is someone to teach newcomers.

The second team will begin catching the steppe viper in the spring, and will go to catch it in August viper, continued the director.

Snakes of Africa on the African continent there are about 400 species, 90 of which are very poisonous, and encountering them can lead to death if the victim is not taken to the hospital in time. The most dangerous of all poisonous snakes in Africa are: Cape cobra, eastern green mamba, black mamba, African viper.

Cape cobra (Naja nivea).

Cape cobra

Anyone who stands in her way will most likely pay with their lives for their carelessness. The one and a half meter Cape cobra is neither the largest nor the most common poisonous snake in Africa. It is found in just one region of the southwest of the continent, in particular in densely populated South Africa.

Cape cobra habitat

It is often found in the fields, and therefore collisions with people are inevitable. Every year in South Africa, the Cape cobra kills more people than any other venomous snake. Her motley skin allows her to be invisible almost until the moment a careless farmer or shepherd disturbs her peace. Before attacking, she raises the front of her body, inflates her hood in an attempt to scare the enemy, and then strikes. The poison strikes instantly nervous system, causes muscle paralysis and the person dies from suffocation. The venom entering the bloodstream from one cobra bite would be enough to kill six people. And the Cape cobra strikes several times. She strikes until the poisoned victim moves away from her to a safe distance.

Green mamba (African emerald giant).

Green mamba

Among the branches and leaves lives another poisonous snake, almost invisible - the eastern green mamba. It is difficult to notice while it is resting in the leaves of the trees, but as soon as it begins to move, it becomes clear how dangerous it is. The green mamba grows up to two meters in length. Its body contours and camouflage pattern are ideal for life in the trees. She sleeps, eats and even reproduces in trees. The green mamba lives in forests from Kenya to Zimbabwe.

Green Mamba habitat

Thanks to its coloring, it is practically invisible to its victims, birds, rodents and small lizards. Her eyes have transparent shields instead of eyelids, so they are always open. The Mamba reacts to any movements, and one careless wave of the hand is enough for the snake to strike. Its bite is accompanied by burning pain. The poison eats away tissue, causing necrosis of the limbs. Fortunately, in almost all cases, mambas prefer to run away from danger. Therefore, there are not many cases of death from its bites.

Black Mamba.

Black Mamba

The black mamba navigates the air by tasting it. Her target is mainly unattended chicks. The poison that gets into the bloodstream of a tiny chick kills it almost instantly. This mamba is much more dangerous than the green one, because... hunts on the ground. She meets on larger territory Africa, from Ethiopia to Namibia.

Black mamba habitat

The black mamba is dangerous because it is very poisonous, the largest and fastest snake in Africa. The mamba's speed reaches five meters per second, and it can easily overtake a person. Mamba grows up to 3.5 meters. She can lift half of her body and calmly climb into the treetops. Mamba does not attack first. Finding herself in a dangerous situation, she tries to escape. If there is no way out of the situation, then the mamba attacks. When a blow is struck, a whole mixture of paralyzing toxins enters the victim’s bloodstream. Its poison affects the functioning of the lungs and heart, muscles are paralyzed and suffocation occurs. Death can occur within the first 20 minutes after the bite. Before the advent of antivenom, death after a black mamba bite occurred in almost 100% of cases. Today, doctors will be able to save a person if he is taken to the hospital in time.

Puff adder.

Puff adder

One dies from its bite in Africa greatest number Human. All this is due to the fact that it is found on half the continent from Senegal to South Africa.

African viper habitat

Most encounters with this snake are accidental. The viper is well camouflaged and difficult to notice. She is very slow and cannot run away from her intended opponent, so she has no choice but to defend herself. The viper has hollow teeth, about 1 cm long. Through them, the poison enters the victim’s body and very quickly begins to destroy blood cells. Most people bitten by the African pit viper survive, but its widespread distribution across Africa makes it the deadliest snake on the continent.

No less dangerous snakes of Africa.

The snakes of Africa prefer poison to any other weapon. But in South Africa There is a snake that doesn't even need to bite. Her secret weapon strikes from a distance and blinds before killing.

Spitting cobra.

Spitting Cobra

This snake instinctively aims for the eyes, and hits them from a distance of up to 3.5 meters. The spitting cobra feeds on rodents and small amphibians. Unfortunately, these snakes like the same places that people do. Cobra loves to visit houses. It can often be found under the bed, behind cabinets, in the closet and similar places. At home, in a hotel, even in their bed, people are in danger.

Spitting cobra in bed

The spitting cobra uses venom for self-defense. She only becomes aggressive when she feels that she is backed into a corner and has nowhere to go.

But despite its name, the cobra does not spit, and the venom is released under pressure from holes in its teeth. The muscles around the venom glands contract and the venom is shot over a distance of more than one meter. It is a cytotoxin that destroys the cornea of ​​the eye. The person experiences severe burning pain, like tear gas, only worse, and begins to go blind. If a sufficient amount of poison is absorbed into the body, the respiratory and nervous systems will also suffer.

Death from this cobra is very rare, because... its poison kills within 48 hours, and during this time the victim is treated medical care. But this is of course little consolation for someone who will go blind from the venom of this cobra.

Egyptian adder, famous snake on earth.

Egyptian adder

The Egyptian asp was held in high esteem by the ancient Egyptians, and the pharaoh had an image of an asp on his forehead as a sign of power. Almost every Greek or Roman writer spoke about the superstition of the Egyptians. They wrote that the Egyptians tamed asps and raised them with their children. They also believed that the asp was created to kill evil people and will not harm the good. But is this really so?

How dangerous is the Egyptian adder?

The Egyptian adder is one of 347 species of the venomous snake family. Looks like a spectacled snake. The size of this snake reaches 2.5 m. It is very fast and brave. Almost never tries to run away from a person, but, on the contrary, attacks when possible. In addition to the bite, it can cause harm with its poisonous saliva, which it spits at the enemy at a distance of up to 1.5 m. The bite of an asp is fatal. There is an antidote. But almost every bite is tragic, because... There is simply not enough time to help the victim. The poison does its job in 10-20 minutes.

What does it eat and where does it live?

The asp lives mainly in desert areas and mountains, closer to villages. He chooses housing preferably with an abundance of rubble, bushes and ruins. Distributed mainly in the Arabian Peninsula and Northeast Africa. This snake feeds on various small animals, both rodents and lizards with frogs. Sometimes birds.
