Man to man wolf expression. Man is a wolf to man - what does it mean? The origin of the aphorism "man is a wolf to man"

This term has other meanings, see Man to man.

« Man to man wolf"(lat. Homo homini lupus est) - a proverbial expression from the comedy "Donkeys" (lat. Asinaria), which is used to characterize such human relations and mores, in which extreme egoism, enmity, antagonism prevails.

Denotes a sarcastic characterization of an extremely selfish person. It is used when discussing vile acts that a person performs in relation to another person.

The first mention of the expression was found by the ancient Roman comedian Plautus in the work "Donkeys". In contrast, Seneca wrote that "man is something sacred to man." Both aphorisms were used by Thomas Hobbes in the dedication to his work De Cive (1651): “To speak impartially, both statements are true; man is a kind of God to man, and it is true that man is a wolf to man, if we compare people with each other; and secondly, if we compare cities.” Hobbes' observations, in turn, echo Plautus's claim that humans are inherently selfish.

XXII Congress of the Communist Party Soviet Union in 1961, he decided that "man to man is a friend, comrade and brother." This principle was to become the basis of communist morality, in contrast to the principle “man is a wolf to man” that has prevailed since slaveholding times.

Man to man wolf is:

Man to man wolf Man to man wolf
From Latin: Homo homini lupus est (homo homini lupus est |.
From the play "Asinaria" ("Donkey Comedy") by the Roman writer and playwright Plautus (Titus Maccius Plautus, c. 250 - 184 BC).
The expression gained a second life and became popular thanks to the English philosopher and political scientist Thomas Hobbes (1588-1679), who used it in his work Leviathan (Part 1, Ch. 14). So he commented on his thesis about the "war of all against all", that is, about the state that was characteristic of the human community before the emergence of the institution of the state.

Encyclopedic Dictionary of winged words and expressions. - M .: "Lokid-Press". Vadim Serov. 2003.

Man is a wolf to man An expression from the "Donkey Comedy" ("Asinaria") by the ancient Roman writer Plautus (c. 254-184 BC), often quoted in Latin ("Homo homini lupus est" or "Lupus est homo homini "); used as a formula for extreme selfishness.

Dictionary of winged words. Plutex. 2004.

What does the saying "Man is a wolf to man" mean?


Yes, a person evaluates another person in the same way as any predator evaluates, the same wolf, for example. That is, he evaluates it either as a possible prey, or as a degree of danger. In the first case, he will hamster, in the second he will behave gallantly until better times (and the wolf would simply leave). It is in human nature. And if a person is not like that (rarely, but it happens), then either the parents, or he worked on himself.

Alex coachman

It means naked truth. Man (unlike the same wolf) is envy, anger. revenge, greed, crime, theft, lies, etc. And not every beast treats a person as badly as he (man) treats him.

What does the saying "man is a wolf to man" mean?

Z v e n k a

The saying about "wolf people" means that people often quarrel. Agree. And as long as it will be, then they cannot be called brothers or friends. On the whole.

History teaches us (yes, everything will not teach us in any way) that wars occur on Earth more often than peace. Somewhere it's on fire. Someone is shooting. Someone gets blown up. And what is most dramatic, not everyone is ready to shed a tear from this. And not everyone cares at all. Man renounces man. Aliens from him, does not even think of helping. And he is very offended at the same time when he himself is not helped. These are the principles of consumer, predator, egoist, beast. Who do you want, don't good man. Those who idly stagger feel like navels, while those who work are revered as fools and loafers. The ignorant pokes the educated that he is a complete fool. The professor is laughed at because of his ridiculous glasses and shabby briefcase. It's not friendly at all. Not brotherly and not human. And as a result, there is no one to rely on, and there is no one to trust and no one to believe in.

This not very beautiful proverb prompted me to such unpleasant thoughts.

Vladimir Engelhardt

Packs of wolves, which caused a lot of trouble and were a real threat to life, have been seen by a Russian since very ancient times and observed (perhaps according to the stories of hunters) how "a leader in a pack was chosen or order was" put in place ". Brothers at the same time gnawed at each other. Here my version of where this comparison and saying comes from.A person sometimes lives according to the laws of a pack of wolves, where for the sake of power they will kill anyone.

Man is a wolf to man, does that mean we are all animals?

Olga Neretina

Everyone chooses for himself: "to live with wolves - howl like a wolf," or to treat everyone like a human and always remain a man. in each of us there is both an animal and a human principle.

Alisa Damlamayan

If you live with such an attitude, then you will have a corresponding relationship with the rest, wolves,
People, the world reflects to us our thoughts, expectations, fears. What we sow, we will reap. The worst thing is when such an attitude is instilled in children and then they raise small animals, preparing them for survival in modern life.
If we treat each other like people, not animals, then we will finally live well, and not survive.

Butch 007

In this matter, everyone is free to consider himself who he feels himself to be, that is, how he was brought up, how he perceives this world, society, how he relates to them. A smart person will not sign for everyone, but expresses only his thoughts and feelings.

How to translate back into Latin the expression man to man wolf and wolf to wolf brother, I think in our time it is very true.

Like this always

I don't know what exactly the Latin translation gave you. But for a change, I will answer. Can?
Until the 70s, we were taught that man is a friend, comrade and brother to man, but gradually everything began to descend into a proverb that man is a wolf to man. Now it already looks, approximately, like this - a person to a MAN ... .

And some humor. I think that the joke is in the subject:
A pack of wolves decided to send a congratulatory telegram to the wise hare, who lived for a respectable number of years, thanks to his cunning. They wrote the text and "stopped", they say, how to subscribe to the congratulations ?? ?
A pack of comrades or a group of wolves? :)))


homo homini lupus est
lupus lupo frater est
The expression Homo homini lupus comes from the ancient comedy of Plautus, where it is presented in the variant lupus est homo homini. Over the centuries, this expression has formed many modifications and paraphrases, such as Homo homini deus est or the medieval Homo homini lupus, femina feminae lupior. Victor Hugo has a variant of Homo homini monstrum Man is a monster to man. The statement Homo homini amicus est is one of the later paraphrases and was widely used in the Soviet Union. So in the program Communist Party of the Soviet Union, adopted by the XXIP Congress of the CPSU (1961), one of the principles of the "Moral Code of the Builders of Communism", read: "Human relations and mutual respect between people: man is a friend, comrade and brother to man", that is, Homo homini amicus sodalis fraterque est
In Sergey's expression, the typo should not be lupi, but lupo

Why is man a wolf to man?

John din

Because each person has almost the same goals with other people - money, food, clothing, sleep, recreation, entertainment, knowledge, strength, power, etc. - and in this regard, other people can be considered from the point of view of competition, in the struggle for everything that helps to survive. The difference is only in the details.

It's done!

(c) Andrey ben Vadim Makarevich - I suppose it is not necessary to introduce him?

We all waited for our path,
And everyone is accustomed to live by faith.
We were in such a hurry to these distances
And we were late
just for a moment.

Already winter argues with nature,
And her days are not far off.
The river has gone into the gray sea,
And the nets dry

We will never feel bad
We have experienced everything with you.
Let the era follow
one is stupider than the other.

Don't polish the clay!
And I've been ready for a long time
All my life to play myself at the dance
In the land of enraged slaves.

Man is a wolf to man (homo homini onstrum) - a theory that rather offends wolves, because, realizing their strength and impunity, rejecting the moral and written rules of the hostel, putting the right of the strong and the law of the jungle at the forefront, people in the struggle for existence turn into such monsters compared to which the beasts are the lambs of God.

    “A small group of townsfolk stands on the banks of the Fontanka and, looking into the distance, at the bridge dammed by a black crowd, they talk calmly, indifferently:
    - Thieves are drowned.
    - Did you catch a lot?
    - They say - three.
    - One young man was killed.
    - To death?
    - And then how?
    - They must be beaten to death, otherwise there will be no life from them ...
    A solid, gray-haired man, red-faced and somewhat resembling a butcher, confidently says:
    - Now - there is no trial, so we must judge ourselves ...
    Some sharp-eyed, shabby little man asks:
    - Isn't it very simple - if you yourself?
    The gray-haired man answers lazily and without looking at him:
    - Easier is better. Hurry, that's the point.
    - Chu, howls!
    The crowd fell silent, listening. From a distance, from the river, comes a wild, dreary cry. (newspaper " New life» No. 207 January 3, 1918)

    “Then the Jews were forced to undress and led through the passages in the embankment to the edge of the ravine, on the opposite side of which a machine gunner was sitting on a specially equipped wooden platform. Under the ruthless dagger fire of a machine gun, zealous Kyiv policemen drove the bewildered, naked, completely distraught people with sticks, whips, legs, not allowing them to come to their senses, to orient themselves. Heart-rending sobs, cries of the policemen: “Hurry, quick!”, pleas for help, curses to the executioners, prayers drowned out by cheerful waltz melodies rushing from the loudspeakers, the roar of the engine of an airplane circling over the Yar…” (M. V. Koval “The Tragedy of Babi Yar… "")

    “Railway companies have also used live targets to entertain passengers. When the train came within gunshot range of the herd, it would slow down or stop, the windows would be rolled down, and the passengers would be encouraged to play sports using guns and ammunition provided by the company. Men and women did not miss the opportunity to have fun. Animal carcasses usually remained on the plain, except that sometimes some train attendant cut off a few tongues that were prepared for ladies and gentlemen during the next meal in recognition of their dexterity ... A carnage unleashed by skin hunters, as well as simply "athletes", who began to penetrate the West, took the life of 3 million 158 thousand animals! In 1887, the English naturalist William Mushroom, who traveled across the prairies, wrote: “Buffalo trails were visible everywhere, but there were no live bison. Only the skulls and bones of these noble animals turned white in the sun ”(“ The End of the Buffalo Trail ”.“ Around the World ”No. 7, 1988)

The origin of the aphorism "man is a wolf to man"

The expression is taken from the comedy of the Roman writer Titus Maccius Plautus "Donkeys" ("Asinaria").
"Mercator:...Sed temen me
Numguam sed tamen me numquam hodie induces, ut tibi credam hoc argentum ignoto.
lupus est homo homini, non homo, quom qualis sit non novit"
“Merchant: ... But you can’t convince me to give money without knowing you. No! Man is a wolf to each other, the more unfamiliar "

Titus Maccius Plautus (c. 254–184 BC) and his comedy The Asses

Roman poet, playwright. There is very little information about his life. Judging by several of his works that have survived to this day, he was well acquainted with the world of the Roman theater, its backstage, customs, and audience. He wrote about one hundred and thirty comedies, of which twenty have survived. Plautus is considered the forerunner of Aristophanes and Shakespeare. The plots of Plautus' comedies are taken from the life of ancient Greece, but with so many local details, folk Italic puns, ambiguities and jokes of every kind that there was almost no Greek left. The comedy "Donkeys", consisting of a prologue, five acts and fourteen scenes, belongs to the period of Plautus's late work:

“An old father, who lived under the rule of his wife,
He wanted to get some money for his son in love.
Liban and Leonid, nimble slaves,
Artfully managed to get twenty minutes,
Having swindled a merchant that he came to pay for donkeys.
And the money was taken to the girlfriend by the son and father.
An opponent suddenly appeared - he immediately betrayed them ”

The use of the phraseological unit "man to man is a wolf" in literature

- Quid est homini inimicissimum? Alter homo (Who is the most hostile of all the little people? Another person "(Publius Sir "Sentences")
- “April was terrible. It was a month of some unimaginable panic. Everything around was confused, confused, it was hard to believe neither ears nor eyes. And through all this turmoil one stream clearly passed: homo homini lupus. Something incredible, unheard of was said, shouted out and even printed.(M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin “All year round. First of May”)
- “How striking is the difference between the current coastal shipping, honest and comradely, and the former vagrancy of clumsy pirate ships that took the motto homo homini onstrum”(V. Hugo "Toilers of the Sea")
- “Only Stebelsky, sitting on the floor, in the very place where he usually slept, calmly ate his bread further, biting into small pieces of sausage, and when there was complete, deaf silence in the cell, he turned to Andrey and waved his hand around him around the cell , said: - Homo homini lupus estl "(Ivan Franko)
- “He opened his diary and wrote: “The sun of Russian poetry has set. Our northern bard Pushkin is gone. Poetry also disappeared with him. Yes, it is not needed in our mercantile time. Homo homini lupus est(B. M. Eikhenbaum, Route to immortality”)
- “A peace congress at the moment is a mistake. We seem to be far removed from civilization. Hobbes was right: homo homini lupus"(G. Flaubert)

Undoubtedly, everyone has heard stories and legends about a creature that looks like an ordinary person in the light of the sun, and turns into a monster in the full moon. lycan, shapeshifter - he has many names. But it doesn’t matter what the wolf man is called, the question is different: does he really exist or is it all the fruit of someone’s sick imagination?

Animal inside of us

Each nation has its own traditions, beliefs, as well as wolf people, coyotes, hyenas and even bear people. Some worshiped the snake man, others revered the lion man, and some were afraid of the leopard people. Even at the dawn of civilization, warriors dressed in the skins of slain animals to gain their strength. However, it seems that it was the werewolf (wolfman) who became the ideal synthesis of human transformation into an animal. Why wolf?

This wild animal for a very long time was considered a mysterious and unknown creature. The wolf is dangerous, gluttonous and unusually strong. Man has always been frightened by the ability of the beast to sneak up quietly and imperceptibly. In addition, the wolf has an incredible ability to turn around at the sound with his whole body at once, which adds to his intimidation.

When the wolf people first appeared, history is silent. Experts come to the conclusion that here we are talking about the primitive magic of shamans and totem rituals. Herodotus mentioned that the Scythians and Greeks considered the inhabitants of the Black Sea coast to be magicians capable of turning into wolves on certain days of the year. But is it really so?

Wolves and sorcerers

Lycanthropy (the so-called ability to turn into a wolf) began to gain popularity from the 15th century. People believed that the village shamans made deals with the devil and evil spirits during the full moon and in exchange for the sold soul received "wolf essence".

One of the most famous demonologists in the world, Lancre, argued that "a man who has turned into a wolf is none other than the devil himself, who, in the guise of a ferocious beast, roams the earth to cause pain and suffering." Besides, the wolf is archenemy lamb, which symbolized and depicted Jesus.

The Church declared werewolves to be as hunted as witches. And even the rulers of the largest countries in Europe believed that there was a so-called "wolf disease". For example, the Hungarian king Sigismund made considerable efforts so that the church in 1414 recognized that wolf people really exist. This recognition marked the beginning of a real persecution of werewolves throughout Europe. Only in France in the period from 1520 to 1630 more than 30 thousand cases of collision with lycanthropes were recorded. It is worth remembering the most terrible cases of that time.

Garnier the Eater

In 1573, Gilles Garnier was arrested for numerous murders of children, who confessed that he was a lone wolf man. According to him, one night while hunting, a spirit appeared to him and offered his help. The ghost gave Giles a miraculous balm, with which it was possible to turn into a wolf. But it was worth doing it only on the full moon and in the night. Only at this time, all the fury and power of the beast was felt. Garnier told the court that he committed the murders of four children under the age of 14. In the skin of a wolf, he not only killed, but also ate the flesh of his victims. The story of the killer was full of the most terrible and vile details.

Gilles Garnier was found guilty of "criminal deeds which he committed after his transformation into a wolf, as well as witchcraft." The murderer was burned at the stake in January 1573.

Gandillon - a family of werewolves

In 1584, in a small mountain village near the town of Saint-Claude, a werewolf attacked a little girl. Her sixteen-year-old brother, who rushed to her aid, was torn to pieces. The villagers ran to the cries of the children and threw stones at the beast to death. What was the general amazement when the dead monster turned into a naked young girl. It was Perenette Gandillon.

As a result, the entire Gandillon family was under arrest. Probably, with the help of some kind they introduced themselves into a state of werewolf psychosis. The city judge Boge, who considered this case, personally observed the family in prison and conducted an inquiry. In his work entitled "Tales of the Witches," he wrote that the Gandillon family are real wolf people. They crawled on their hands and feet, howled at the moon and generally lost their human appearance: their eyes were bloodshot, their bodies were covered with thick hair, and instead of nails, they had hardened claws. By the way, Boge's lawyer was not one of the gullible. And his observations are corroborated by other official accounts of lycanthropes infesting France.

Rolle - the man who turned into a wolf

This incident happened in 1598. In a sown field, the peasants found the corpse of a young man, near which a wolf roamed. People chased the beast, which was trying to escape into the thicket of the forest. They pursued him to the great juniper groves. The hunters decided that the beast was in a trap. But instead of a wolf, a completely naked man was sitting in the bushes, all smeared with fresh blood, with a piece in his hands. It was Jacques Rollet.

During interrogation, he stated that he could turn into a wolf with the help of a witch's balm. Rolle also confessed to the numerous murders he committed with his brother and sister in the guise of wolves. He was saved from execution only by the fact that the court declared him insane.

Man with the head of a wolf

Thirteen-year-old Jean Grenier was mentally retarded. But that's not the point. And in his face. It had pronounced canine features: strong cheekbones, pointed fangs and bloodshot eyes. Jean believed that he was a real wolf man.

Once he confessed to the girls that he wanted to eat them more than anything in the world, and when the sun went down, he would do it. Of course, they did not believe Jean and even laughed at him. But when the sun went down, the boy fulfilled his promise. He attacked the girl and bit her very badly, but she managed to escape. Grenier was arrested. During his trial, the boy declared that a wolf lives in him, and he can free him when the sun goes down. According to the young lycanthrope, he received his abilities from the devil himself.


All these cases are undeniably terrible. Bloodthirsty murders, torn to pieces by children... But if you take a closer look, it becomes clear that all the crimes were committed by people, to put it mildly, emotionally unstable.

So, in psychology there is the concept of "zootropy". And this is not at all the ability of a person to turn into an animal with the help of magic, but a real pathology. And it lies in the fact that people consider themselves animals and think that if they behave in the same way, they will receive their abilities.

There is even separate view This pathology is a werewolf psychosis (lycanthropy or lupinomania). When a person suffering from a mental disorder can really believe that during the full moon he turns into a werewolf. The patient actually feels how hair grows on him, sees how his nails sharpen and lengthen, how his jaws increase and fangs grow. Such a “wolf man”, burning with impatience to shed blood, wanders the streets in search of his victim and can actually seriously bite, scratch, maim and even kill.

The power of thought

Some psychologists believe that werewolf psychosis can cause dramatic changes in the appearance of patients. Of course the loss human qualities will not happen: the tail will not grow, the hands, albeit with claws, will not turn into paws, and the face will become more like a monkey face or a Neanderthal, but not a wolf.

Scientists are simply amazed at the metamorphoses that can occur as a result of self-hypnosis and willpower. Wounds are healed, burns are blown away. So why is it impossible to become like a wolf through intense self-hypnosis?

In addition, if you listen to people who turned themselves into wolves, you can learn about certain rituals - a prelude to metamorphosis. For example, drink water from a wolf trail, eat the brain of an animal, or spend the night in its hole.

Yes, from the question - the heading, as if she didn’t make riddles. The main question is in the last paragraph. Even more so in the last two paragraphs. Or rather, in the unspeakable. But who will notice him? I think Lena noticed.

Or: the fact of the matter is that the dictatorship of the bourgeoisie. Marxists have different views on society - with the same program of struggle. And even here there is a difference: this is the last struggle. Further, the survivors undergo re-education, often violent, and as a result we get universal (minus the dead and the dead) happiness

(For liberalists, the goal is not universal happiness, but the maximum good. And even here there are two whole tricks. Read carefully: not the "good of the maximum inhabitants", but simply the "maximum" - that is, the maximum achievable - that is, such that everyone has as much how much he "deserved" - in fact, this is only "how much he managed to take away" - and even not too politely at every step - and so that this disgusting thing is eternal, and not interrupted in a war or general obesity. And the second trick: do not "happiness", and "good". What is the difference - think for yourself)

It is precisely by these two parameters - the number of happy people in the end and the number of happy people on the way - that ideologies and their part - programs

Let's get that there are only 4 types of ideologies:

Non-universal happiness in the end with non-universal happiness on the way (liberalism)

Universal happiness in the end with non-universal happiness on the way (revolutionism)

Universal happiness in the end with universal happiness on the way (I won’t say yet; look)

Non-universal happiness in the end with universal happiness on the way (it seems not created)

At the same time, one should distinguish between ideology and political doctrine. That is: there is political liberalism (parties of liberals) and there is ideological (liberalists, including both liberals and conservatives, and forty others - the main thing that unites them is the main features of ideology outlined above). There is political revolutionism (Bolshevism, for example) - and there is ideological (hereinafter stop)

"Universal happiness in the end with universal happiness on the way (I will not say yet; look)"

I remember someone called it "Utopia"

"Not universal happiness in the end with universal happiness on the way (does not seem to be created)."

We are trying to create, but SET's henchmen do not allow, BYE ....

Well, the vectors of the direction of ideology are clear.

And where are the vectors of methodology?

"Someone called it "Utopia"" - let's think for ourselves. To begin with, why exactly? Then - who and why?

"We are trying to create" - In principle, plagued humanity can go to its own misfortune. But here I'm not on my way with you

There are 5 fingers on the hand, you know their names (by the way, they are also deep).

Large=methodology, index=ideology, Middle=governing-legislative, nameless=executive, little finger=court..So I'm talking about methodology? palm forward? After all, our cause is RIGHT, victory will be FOR US?

And if you clench your hand into a fist, you can give a "good-natured" rebuff.

And before, I thought something completely different about my fingers - something like this

In Georgia, the son asks his father:
- Dad, why do people need fingers on their hands?
- Son, the thumb is needed to show that everything is very
Fine. You point with the index. and on the nameless ring they wear an engagement ring. The little finger is convenient to pick in the ear. And you'll find out about the middle one when you grow up and become a man.

The son has grown up, is going to get married and asks his father:
- Dad, you promised to tell me what the middle finger is for.
- Listen, son. So you get married, and your young wife wants to spend the whole day in bed with you. After that, she will want to indulge in bed with you the next day. and on the third day she wants again, and you can no longer. This is where your middle finger will come in handy: you clench your hand into a fist, stick out your middle finger, and ... hit yourself on the forehead: "Are you crazy?"

Leo, tell me why punctuation marks are not in 4 types of ideology?

Not universal happiness, in the end, with universal happiness on the way.

Not universal happiness in the end, with universal happiness on the way. Etc.

From this it follows that not 4 species, but more.

I answered the first option.

They are not needed there. "Something in the end" is not needed. "Something with something else" - too. Look for rules for sentences with homogeneous members

"Etc." I have no

You described the first option as "utopia". I answered

Thomas More.

Everything seems to be true, but still the presence of Slaves (ohlos-layers) can be traced, and therefore, again, the reputation of the righteous direction of ideology is tarnished. Yes, and the basis taken from Plato, again rethought in his own way, pleasing to some.

Not only does no one at all claim that the described society is unattainable ("Utopia" - "Non-existent", but not at all "Unattainable"), it is also described so that other smart people look for "vectors of methodology"

The meaning of "unattainable" to the term "utopia" was given by scientists. It is possible to characterize in this way only those projects, the impracticability of which has been proven.

The enemies of humanity - your enemies - characterize ANY social project in this way, except for their own - the Golden Billion and the previous ones

In addition, a critical analysis of the social projects reveals their shortcomings - that's right. For completeness, for consistency, for the availability of funds - there are a dozen such parameters. And the slaves in such a project, of course, nullify everything

But who said that a normal project cannot be created and then carried out?

Here you go. It remains to search the net for what kind of program someone offered, and go ahead

At least in the matter of editing it

Although it’s even better to predict it yourself - in principle, it’s not so mysterious

"In addition, it is necessary that this power be in the hands of the Supreme Ruler, who wants the best for his subjects and who has conquered his own egoism."

This says it all. This is his whole philosophy: the introduction of the "New World Order" into life.

Another "ORTHODOX", a servant of SET.

The power of the "Gold billionaires" is not the power of those who have conquered their egoism. They only think so. Although theoretically it can be assumed that some people guess about it - and there are two camps here: some do not want to admit it to themselves, others are honestly looking for a way out

Some are looking for benefits, others - a way out ...

Alexey.n.pop***@u*****.ua Teacher 08.11.2011

Autocrat! This is when he still holds himself, and not someone supports

By the way, in Ukrainian, a wife is a DRUZHINA

Wonderful toast!

In ancient times, autocrats were also called Magi, from Russian = to have the will, that is, to keep oneself within the framework of righteousness, for the prosperity of the Fatherland. These were Highly Spiritual people, cat. did not violate the laws of the Universe; Faith and Truth served THEIR PEOPLE.

Alexey.n.pop***@u*****.ua Teacher 08.11.2011

Thank you for the "Magi" - before I had no opportunity to partake of the meaning of this word hidden by a pile of centuries

Live a century, learn a century, otherwise you will die a fool.

I know one person - smart, wise, who can do a lot of things, but constantly trying to hide it and even make a fool out of it.

When I asked him directly why he was doing this, he answered, otherwise they would sit on his neck.

"never thought" - Hello... Soon it will be considered that expressions like "rule of law" or "civil society", not to mention phrases with "market" =) - are popular expressions. And you still don't understand what's going on

(When in an hour-long conversation a person throws out 11 common objections to me against the possibility of universal happiness:

"Play your harp in the garden - boredom!", "Muscles atrophy", "Adam ate an apple - and we are doomed", "Mafia is immortal", "The rat pressed the lever", etc. -

I hear them all my life from all sorts of people in all sorts of places in the country -

and suddenly declares that the thoughts are his own, -

I'm not surprised: simple people - simple beliefs

But from the teacher, and even the history of the teachings, it is really strange to hear

Please exclaim "Wow!" and take up the revision of a number of ideas - both ontological =)))) [like "science and the people are not united"] to worldview [these same "Man to man" and "Adam ate an apple"]

Pomet***@m*****.ru 08.11.2011

Well, to accumulate power and focus it, as well as consider yourself more important than others - this is observed in all primates and higher beings. Without the strong power of the leader, the pride will fall apart.

"It is necessary that a strong, centralized, forcibly placed power be in the hands of the Supreme Ruler, who wants the good of his subjects and conquered his own egoism." In Rus' for a long time it was not so. The prince acted on behalf of the Veche, which had strong power and included elders, but there were never any conflicts.

Hobbes is one of the founders of a more important thing: ideological liberalism. It is he who now rules in 170 countries out of 176 (figures are approximate)

While declaring a near departure of man from nature, they do not believe that it is possible to depart concretely and see a way out in nothing more than a social contract. This is precisely what their pedagogy is aimed at: to instill in a person the desire to obey societies. "Man is a wolf to man, but he must become a polite wolf" - this is the essence

While in reality it is still necessary to become a person - that is, a friend, comrade and brother (although there may be clarifications here)

The power should be such that in the event of violence, society would say: well, since these snakes cannot live without it, it means that it is really impossible without it.

That is, she really conquered her egoism, but on this basis she did not rape with good intentions (with an iron hand, fortunately), but simply honest and skillful in working with the mass consciousness

Comrades Marx, Engels and Lenin were already there. Tellingly, they did not reject the ideas of Locke and Hobbes, they built their own on their foundation. Hobbes and Locke did not look to the future, but to the past, they put forward theories of the origin of the state, and did not look for ways for its further development. I'm silent about the fact that "becoming a man" is also a form of social contract.

Uh... Where were they?

Lenin - not a Marxist, but a liberalist?

And why then they are considered the founders of liberalism? Maybe because the paths were offered based on their worldview? But to give a worldview is quite enough to be considered the founder of the paradigm as a whole.

Human (not animal-human) society does not need a contract

I mean, the ideas you expressed have already been formulated - and not only formulated, but also implemented, alas, unsuccessfully.

I certainly do not pretend to encyclopedic knowledge of the works of Hobbes and Locke, but they are rather theoreticians and philosophers civil society and the rule of law. I think that's why they are considered theorists of liberalism by people who do not understand the difference between these concepts, I apologize for the tautology.

Human society does not exist without a contract that binds separate individuals into this society.

Liberalism - "Man is incorrigible, and therefore universal happiness is impossible." Revolutionism - "Man will be corrected by violence." And there is also "We will correct a person by working with consciousness"

I am for the latter. But this is not Lenin or Marx

Equally liberalist expressions, although with different meanings

Doesn't exist yet. And there - we'll live - we'll see

>A person is incorrigible, and therefore universal happiness is impossible

From the point of view of formal logic - nonsense. The second does not follow from the first. The fact that the incorrigibility of man still needs to be proved, and for this, at least the very concept of "man" must be unambiguously defined. And then you call on everyone to become a person, but he is incorrigible :)

In general, I do not like all sorts of "isms" - just for the unsubstantiated sloganism of apologists. The ideologists of these very "isms" have described volumes of philosophical, economic, political and psychosocial teachings, and the followers have only slogans, well, if they are correct, they lingered in their heads. That is why no "isms" were built and will not be in the foreseeable future.

> "Civil society" and "rule of law"

Firstly, not expressions, but concepts, and secondly, they have a very indirect relation to liberalism. Or, say, "democracy" - do you also have a "liberalist expression"? And then what to do with socialist democracy? Trouble. :)

>Do not confuse liberalism ideological and political

So I'm not confusing, you are confusing. Ideologically, liberalism, as the freedom of the individual and the priority of its rights, puts forward in the first place, nothing more. But at the level state structure it is no longer ideological liberalism, but political. The second relies to a large extent on Hobbes and Locke, the first on Rousseau, but these are still different things, and you put them in one pile ...

No, I basically understand what you originally wanted to say, but you are confused in terms. And the problem is not even that because of this it is difficult to get to the bottom of the essence - the problem is that you reject the same "expression" "civil society" as a liberalist one you hate, although in fact you are going to build it.

> "Man is incorrigible, and therefore universal happiness is impossible"
The second does not follow from the first - Why? Should

the incorrigibility of man still needs to be proven - for sure

and for this, at least the very concept of "man" is unambiguously defined - perhaps

And then you call on everyone to become a man, but he is incorrigible - he is correctable

The ideologists of the volume described, and the followers have only slogans - here is a controversy with ideologists

no "isms" were built and will not be in the foreseeable future - let's wait and see

> "Civil society" and "rule of law"

firstly, not expressions, but concepts - concepts are indicated in writing by words, terms, expressions

"democracy" is also a "liberalist expression" for you? - No

And then what to do with socialist democracy? - ask when I say "yes"

>Do not confuse liberalism ideological and political

Ideologically, liberalism puts forward the freedom of the individual and the priority of her rights in the first place, nothing more - it’s not true, this is primarily the postulate of incorrigibility

political liberalism - at the level of the state system - is also not so: at the level of social activity

I understand what you wanted to say - about what?

but you are confused in terms - do not agree yet

you discard "civil society", although you are going to build it - no. our goal is a co-evolutionary society

>From the first second does not follow-Why?

Um ... Yes, because no one has yet proved that it should, and it is strange for me personally to take this as an axiom.

>I don't like "isms" for unsubstantiated slogans - hello...almost all isms have attempts to justify

I'm not talking about that - I'm talking about the fact that ardent adherents of all sorts of "isms" of their ideologists and from the rationale can usually quote out of place at best, nothing more. Tellingly, the ideologists, in the main, were not ardent adherents of their own teachings - they are not idiots to claim absolute truth.

>to liberalism having a very indirect relationship-from what it follows?

From the fact that civil society is possible without liberalism, as well as liberalism without civil society. Similarly, with the rule of law, which in fact is nothing more than general pre-approved rules of the game. At the same time, you can play not in liberalism, but, for example, in communism. Here it is difficult to play liberalism without the rule of law, yes.

>not true, this is primarily the postulate of incorrigibility

Hm... Justify, please, this point of view. However, running ahead a little, I will say that radical liberalism - libertarianism - requires approximately the same level of change in human consciousness as communism, for example. So where did you get the idea that the basis is just incorrigibility, I'm very curious.

To simplify - about the need to educate a new person - Homo sapiens conscius, a reasonable conscious person, and then communism will automatically draw itself. Here I even agree with you 100%, it's up to the little one - to bring this the new kind Homo sapiens conscius.

>- co-evolutionary society


PS A big request - could you separate the quoted text from your own commentary on it? It's very hard to read.

> No one has proved which of "Man is incorrigible" follows "Universal happiness is impossible", but it is strange for me personally to take this as an axiom
- Any vicious person will cause misfortune to others, or - isolated - will be unhappy himself

> civil society and the rule of law is possible without liberalism
- Without political liberalism (standing on the same level with conservatism, Christian socialism, etc.) maybe. But without ideological liberalism - that is, in the case when it is wrong, and a person can be corrected - civil society is not needed: instead of it there will be a society of conscience (how to call it scientifically?)

> Justify the phrase "liberalism is primarily the postulate of incorrigibility"
- "Libera" - "freedom". In the political sphere, the freedom to act in spite of sinfulness. (And so that there is no trouble, society enters into the regulation of behavior). In the ideological sphere, the freedom to sin in general. (“Permissionism”, as it were. Against “Vykorchevism” = revolutionism). But such freedom can be given only in the case of the incorrigibility of human nature. Are there other options? I'll be glad to know. In theory, there should be a term like "Doomedism" - or at least "Fault"

> LZ wants to say that you need to educate a new person, and communism will be drawn automatically. It's up to the little one - to bring out this new species
- Well, yes ... If something needs to be done, then the point is always to do it ...

> Explain the concept of "co-evolutionary society"
- Co-evolution three systems: human (within society), society and nature

> Could you separate the quoted text from your own commentary on it?
- Tirem separated

>Any vicious person will cause misfortune to others, or - isolated - will be unhappy himself

This is only half the proof. It remains to prove that any person is vicious - and this is where the dog rummaged :)

>civil society is not needed: instead of it there will be a society of conscience

So what's the difference?

Civil society is one of the phenomena of modern society, a set of non-political relations and social formations(groups, collectives), united by specific interests (economic, ethnic, cultural, and so on), implemented outside the sphere of activity of power-state structures and allowing control over the actions of the state machine.

I apologize for the long definition. So, from the point of view of liberalism, as you understand it, people create this phenomenon out of purely selfish motives, in a society of conscience there will be ethical motives at the core, but outwardly it will look exactly the same.

>In the ideological sphere - the freedom to sin in general

Not this way. The freedom to do whatever you want, including sin, yes, but without restricting the freedom of others.

>To give such freedom is possible only in the case of the incorrigibility of human nature.

Not so again. It seems to me that in the context of freedom, the question of the correctability of human nature is not raised at all. It is not the freedom to sin that is given. and the freedom to think, speak and act in accordance with one's inner convictions - but yes, ideologically there are no restrictions on these convictions, they can be sinful as well.

>If something needs to be done, it's always about doing it...

The question is, can it be done. I'm not talking about "incorrigibility" - human society has changed more than once. The human mind has also changed. The ideas of humanism, as well as the ideas of social Darwinism or individualism, would not fit in the head of, say, an ancient Egyptian. But would it be possible, say, to change the consciousness of the ancient Egyptians, making them look like modern people? Or does it take several thousand years for such a change in consciousness? My doubts are not the possibility of changing people's consciousness in principle, but the possibility of artificial and purposeful change in a fairly short period of time, which is required in this case.

>Joint evolution of three systems: man (within society), society and nature

Co-evolution of this kind is inevitable. But do you need a very definite direction of this evolution - or do you think that this is the only possible direction?

>- "Tirem" separated

So it is found in the text itself, and therefore it is difficult to read. So thanks, now it's much more convenient.

> " Any vicious person will cause misfortune to others"-half the proof. It remains to prove that any person is vicious

In general, I forgot to point out: in the 18th century, liberalism was created by Christians. For them, the depravity of all is an axiom. The idea of ​​the immutability of human nature existed before - but even then it was postulated accordingly by believers

> What is the difference between civil society and the society of conscience?
- In the fact that it is not obligatory in civil society - or, to put it more simply, it is not. From your definition, it follows quite clearly.

> outwardly in a society of conscience it will look the same
- What exactly? There are no regulatory mechanisms like parliament. There are no punitive organs. There are no armies. There is no dullness. There are no laws. Therefore, there are no citizens. There is joy all around, beautiful faces of the inhabitants, kindness, mutual assistance ... In my opinion, there is nothing in common at all

> Not "freedom to sin in general", but "Freedom to sin without restricting the freedom of others"
- 1. The necessity of the second postulate is born only by the presence of the first. Therefore - no

In principle, this is still the same "Non-universal happiness in the end with non-universal happiness on the way (liberalism)" ...

To tell the truth, I'm tired

>Freedom to sin can only be given if human nature is incorrigible
> in the context of freedom, the question of the correctability of human nature is not raised at all
- Vice versa. Only in the context of incorrigibility is the question of freedom possible. After all, if a person is corrected, then it is impossible to allow him to sin. Distinguish between legal freedom and ontological freedom. If theologians forbade sinning, then there would be no liberalism. But they decided this: since God gave us freedom, we should not deny it. But then people will kill each other. Conclusion: we need to regulate relations

Or so. "God gave man ontological freedom - but He also gave society the opportunity to legally restrict it." This liberalism is prohibitive or negative. As I just called it, correct me if anything. "God gave it. St. h-ku - it means that society has no right to restrict it legally" - liberal or positive liberalism. not created yet

Kick-Ass. But I think it's logical

> Is it possible to create a new person in a fairly short time, which is required in this case?
- Here I would suggest accepting the principle of the presumption of good: "If a certain program is good, the one who disputes its feasibility must prove its impossibility"

Can. And I have something to say. But then =)

> Joint evolution of three systems: man (within society), society and nature is inevitable
- Alas, practice refutes this statement: we are on the verge of death or at least a catastrophe. However, catastrophism (periodically interrupted evolution) is not evolution. If we consider it development, not existence

> you need a very specific direction of this evolution-or do you think that this is the only possible direction?
- I, like you, just need evolution. I don't see her options. Either one of the systems slows down the evolution of the other (competing evolution, show jumping, or something - suggest a term) - or they help each other (coevolve)

> Dash in the text itself occurs
- Yes, I wrote and understood

>-The thesis "The incorrigibility of man does not allow achieving universal happiness" is proved. A part of humanity is enough for that

No, here you are replacing the thesis about the incorrigibility of man with the thesis about the incorrigibility of mankind.

>Christians created liberalism in the 18th century

If you are talking about ideologues, then many of them were rather atheists and agnostics - and certainly were not orthodox. And then, Protestants, for example, look at the question of the original depravity of a person a little differently than Catholics and Orthodox.

>In the fact that it is not obligatory for civil society - or, to put it simply, it does not exist. From your definition, it follows quite clearly.

Firstly, there is an abyss between "not necessarily" and "no", and you are deriving one from the other completely without evidence. Secondly, civil society is, in a simple way, a society in which every citizen feels responsible for what is happening in society and, accordingly, tries to change society in the way he considers right. Where is the question of conscience? This is not a question of civil society, it is a question of the motivation of the citizen himself.

>After all, if a person is corrected, then it is impossible to allow him to sin.

This is where the logical connection is lost. To acknowledge human resilience and force fixing it is a different thing. However, you interpret the concept of "freedom" as you please. Freedom is not only a choice to sin or not to sin - it is generally any choice, including sinning this way or that, and also not sinning this way or not sinning that way. I’m already silent about the fact that people are not robots, everyone has his own conscience and shows his own, so even if people act according to their conscience, it will still be necessary to regulate the relationship between the conscience of some and the conscience of others. Or do you imagine a society of conscience as a society of androids acting in strict accordance with a single program for all? Then yes, the concept of freedom loses its meaning, because the distinction between freedom and non-freedom is erased.

>Here I would suggest accepting the principle of the presumption of good: "If a certain program is good, the one who disputes its feasibility must prove its impossibility"

We already have empirical evidence - the USSR. However, I dispute not impracticability, but feasibility in a short time. Nobody canceled the theory of games - if everyone is "good", being sometimes "bad" is tactically the most advantageous approach. Strategically - no longer, force millions of people who can't own life plan two steps ahead, think about strategic development So far, no one has succeeded in society, although in the USSR they got closer to this than anyone else.

>Either one of the systems slows down the evolution of the other (competing evolution, show jumping, or something - suggest a term) - or they help each other (coevolve)

I'm not talking about - do you think that co-evolution is guaranteed to lead to, say, a society of conscience, and not to libertarianism?

> proves the thesis " human incorrigibility does not allow to achieve universal schastya". A part of humanity is enough for this = No, here you are replacing the thesis about the incorrigibility of man with the thesis about the incorrigibility of mankind
- Uff... I'm slowing down, apparently. If a person is correctable, then humanity is correctable automatically - ?

> in the 18th century Christians created liberalism=many of them were rather atheists and agnostics. Protestants look at the question of the original depravity of a person a little differently than Catholics and Orthodox
- Many, but Christians led everything. How do Protestants, Catholics and Orthodox view the question of correctability?

> The fact that in civil it is not required-or easier to say, it is not. From the definition you gave, this follows quite clearly = Firstly, there is an abyss between "not necessarily" and "no", and you completely deduce one from the other without evidence
- No abyss. If conscience is not obligatory, then how stifled it is, it does not matter: part of the population will still be obviously unethical

Secondly, citizenship is a variant of the motivation of the citizen himself. Where is the question of conscience?
- Did I shorten the text correctly? Did you understand him correctly? If so, then motivation that is not based on conscience is harmful to society. If not, then rephrase

> After all, if a person is correctable, then it is impossible to allow him to sin = Recognizing the correctability of a person and forcing him to correct themselves are two different things

Freedom is any choice
- ontological. And legal is a permission or a ban

Everyone has his own conscience and shows his own
- Is it?

Society of conscience - a society of androids?
- Never said such a thing

Acting in strict accordance with a single program for all?
- Yes. What's bad about it?

Then yes, the concept of freedom loses its meaning, because the distinction between freedom and non-freedom is erased

> "If a certain program is good, the one who disputes its feasibility must prove its impossibility" = We already have empirical evidence - the USSR
- Even if we consider that everything was done there in accordance with com. program, then this is not our program

I challenge the feasibility in a short time. No one has been able to force millions of people who cannot plan their own life two steps ahead, to think about the strategic development of society.
- And once did not fly into space

> do you think that co-evolution is guaranteed to lead to, say, a society of conscience, and not to libertarianism?
- I think

>If a person is correctable, then humanity is correctable automatically-?

No. However, I also have not only an inaccuracy - a missing logical link. Humanity is fixable if we fix it every Human. So the substitution here is at the level of existence-community cauntors.

>Many, but the Christians led everything.

Rousseau was persecuted by Christians, Montesquieu was a consistent materialist ... Liberalism generally developed strictly as the church was losing ground - and not by chance: liberalism as a system of values ​​is much more contrary to any religious worldview than any other "isms".

>How do Protestants, Catholics and Orthodox look at the question of correctability?

Just the opposite of your idea. Human nature was sinful from birth from the time of Adam and Eve until Christ, who freed it from original sin. So from a Christian point of view, a person is initially not only correctable - but sinless, and then everything depends on him.

You again have a logical error: a society without the obligation of conscience will not be a society of conscience, but it can be civil. The converse is not true: a society will not cease to be civil if conscience is obligatory for each of its members.

>If yes, then motivation based not on conscience is harmful to society.

Why? Is motivation based on, say, science harmful? Moreover, motivation is based on conscience always - purely technically. It's just that the conscience is different, and you are trying to present it as a kind of universe.

>Speech about permission / prohibition to sin, and not forcing to correct

>A legal one is a permission or a ban

The absence of a ban is not a permission.

How about :)

>Didn't say that

And I'm not saying what they said. Just logically the same conscience + strict adherence to its dictates = the same behavior. A society of androids with the same program called conscience.

>What's wrong with that?

Nothing bad, but it is contrary to human nature. If you call it the correction of a person, then forgive me, I am against it. I do not want to somehow turn into an android.

>If everyone freely accepts this program, then freedom will not go anywhere

Not really. That's just the point: the robot does not "accept" or "does not accept" the program - it is the program + a piece of tin. If you leave the freedom not to accept the program, then on the basis of what not to accept it? This is a moral and ethical decision. If a negative answer is possible, then these are already "different consciences", if it is impossible - there is no "free" acceptance here.

This is practically the only program I know - it is a program, and not a set of ideas, opinions and delusions - which aims at a society in which everyone will do the right thing and in good faith, that is, the very "society of conscience." Do you have another program? Tell me.

>and never flew into space

Centuries passed from the advent of the scientific method to space flight. similar scientific method tools for studying and changing the human soul have not yet been invented, in this respect we are still in the Stone Age.

>I think

Prove it.

> Humanity is fixable if we fix each
- It is necessary to distinguish between the individual and man as a species. If there is at least one incorrigible component of the personality, then everything is lost. However, there is no evidence. Finally, the presumption of good

> liberalism as a system of values ​​is much more contrary to any religious worldview than any other "isms"
- Okay, let's stop. More important thing. Can we do something together? Well, not to correct humanity - but what?

> Christians look at the question of correctability as follows: a person is initially sinless, corrupted, correction depends on him
- Well, yes. Will everything just get better? No. Whence the notion that hell will never be empty? And persecution of Origen, who said otherwise? So, we can fix a person, but as an individual, and not a species, not humanity

> If the conscience is not required, then how it is muffled, it does not matter: part of the population will still be obviously unethical.
= a society without the obligation of conscience would not be a society of conscience, but could be civil
- I said so
= The reverse is not true: society will not cease to be civil if conscience is mandatory for each of its members
- It will stop. After all, then the citizens will not have jobs. There is nothing to fix - create, invent, try. These are not civic obligations.

> motivation not based on conscience is harmful to society
= Is motivation based on science harmful?
Yes, science doesn't know everything. And conscience is everything
= motivation is based on conscience always
- That is, they steal based on the voice of conscience? Father, have mercy! “There were boots that could have been stolen - but I didn’t. And then my conscience tormented me so much! ..” (Ardov)
= It’s just that conscience is different, and you are trying to present it as a kind of universe
- But it is - the universe ...

> It's about allowing/forbidding to sin, not forcing to correct
What do you understand by the prohibition to sin, which, by the way, is in any religion that operates with the concept of "sin"?
- Legal prohibition on sinful acts. "God allows, but we - priests and lawyers - forbid!"

>I don't want to somehow turn into an android
- Yes, we would still become a person for everyone! .. Bad?

> If everyone freely accepts this program, then freedom will not go anywhere
= no. If you leave the freedom not to accept the program, then on the basis of what not to accept it?
- Based on conscience
= This is a moral and ethical decision. If a negative answer is possible, then these are already "different consciences", if it is impossible - there is no "free" acceptance
- Well, how ... I'm already confused ... Now I know that I can sin. But I don’t want to - such upbringing, a developed conscience. Badly? Not that?

> com. the program is the only one that aims at a society of conscience. Do you have another program? Tell
- 1. I have a condition: You are ready to do something. That is, consider that if you need something, then you need to look for ways, and not give up after reading the first smart books and getting the first breaks. Ready? Then 2. Test: do we think together or on everything ready? 3. Assignments-questions: How will we designate the goal? "Changing the psychological climate on the planet", "Achieving a righteous state of mankind", "Building a sinless society"? Somehow else? However, this is later, I agree. But secondly: what issues need to be resolved on the way to building a program?

> From the advent of the method to flight into space, centuries have passed. A tool for changing the soul was not invented
- They came up with it. Communication

- Cephalization, God

>If there is at least one incorrigible component of the personality, then everything is lost.

If you call the innate component of the personality, then yes, you are right, but believe the Christians: a person is pure from birth, but not everything that he acquires during his life is correctable?

>Can we do something together? Well, not to correct humanity - but what?

IMHO, the only thing that can and should be done is to educate a new humanity in such a way that it does not need to be corrected - I adhere to the belief that children do not need to be corrected - it is enough not to spoil it.

>So, we can fix a person, but as an individual, not a species, not humanity

The problem lies precisely in the fact that there is no answer to the question of what hinders the correctability of all mankind while the correctability of each individual. My version is above, but that's just an opinion.

>After all, then the citizens will not have jobs. There is nothing to fix - create, invent, try.

Not this way. You can create, invent and try with different goals. Creative activity aimed at the benefit of society as a whole will remain a civic duty. After all, you can not only correct - you can save and you can improve.

>Yes, because science does not know everything. And conscience is everything

The conscience of a nobleman of bygone years, for example, urged him to challenge an offender, say, his wife, to a duel and kill or be killed. My conscience does not welcome this option. This I mean that conscience, as an ethical category, is not universal, and therefore cannot claim to know everything. If you like science fiction - Garrison, series "The World of Death". Somehow it was not possible to read everything, but at least the first three books of the series develop the idea of ​​heteronomy of ethical values ​​in a very interesting way.

Rather, out of silence of conscience on this score. You don't think that a thief admits to himself that he is a scoundrel, do you? No, his conscience is so arranged, his moral criteria are different from yours. You can call it a lack of conscience, but then we need to define the very concept of "conscience" in order to continue the conversation.

>But it is - the universe...

Returning to the example above - why did Pushkin with his duel have any conscience?

>"God allows, but we-priests and lawyers-prohibit!"

>Here I know that I can sin. But I don’t want to - such upbringing, a developed conscience. Badly? Not that?

God does not allow - he gave commandments in which he forbade. Another thing that does not interfere, leaving free will - the ability to choose. To give an analogy - in your presence I can hide the wallet in a safe, and then you cannot steal it purely technically, I can rely on your decency and leave the wallet on the table. In the first case, you have no choice, opportunity, freedom. And there is no merit in the fact that you did not steal. In the second - there is. In the first case, the fact that you did not steal is neither good nor bad: there is no moral choice, conscience is not involved. And is it possible to say that in the second case I I allow you steal?

>1. My condition is...

>2. Test: do we think together or on everything ready?

Yes, we kind of already think together.

>3. Questions...

Given the state of modern society, it seems useless to me to stress "sinlessness". So it seems to me that the right goal is to convey to people the idea that living in good conscience is the most winning strategy in the long run :)

True, for a start it is necessary to uproot the idiotic "at least a flood after us", but this idea is also rationalized quite simply: "and who told you that the flood will after?".

>Invented. Communication

By itself, without reflection, it is definitely useless, since it is impossible to change the soul from the outside, according to my deep conviction.

>Cephalization God

In my opinion, the first does not prove your hypothesis in any way, while the second - the universal proof of everything and everything, which has one significant flaw - is fundamentally unprovable in itself.

I am here again. For two weeks. Maybe go to email? This is where it got uncomfortable.

I'll start with the secondary:

> Pushkin with his duel, what about the conscience?
- His conscience was distorted or drowned out by the requirements of the then morality (the latter won in their competition)

> God - the universal proof of everything and everything, which has one significant flaw - is fundamentally not provable in itself
- So I'm not myself, I'm for you ... =)))

>Cephalization does not prove your hypothesis
What does she prove? There is an evolution. There are a number of interrupted branches (the evolution of legs, stomachs, body sizes) - and there is one steady. It's enough. After all, if the goals of evolution in nature and ours differ, then the brain would not have developed. Somehow, I can’t say more precisely and convincingly. But since we decided to work together, then together we need to look for

I omit the rest in view of the tertiary

> it is possible and necessary to educate a new humanity in such a way that it does not need to be corrected
- That's the main thing. Let's get busy. One acquaintance began to write about working with consciousness - goals, methods, forty more points - but he disappeared somewhere. And you? And we?

> So it seems to me that the right goal is to convey to people the idea that living in good conscience is the most winning strategy in the long run :)

True, for a start it is necessary to root out the idiotic "at least a flood after us", but this idea is also rationalized quite simply: "who told you that the flood will come after?"

Gut. To start. Required complete list ideas-infovitamins. Here are the materials:

(Original at, but the bayru has a habit of lying down sometimes)
