Professor Moriarty's name. Hero Professor Moriarty

Cinemafia refers to one of the most popular villainous images and offers to trace how we saw Professor Moriarty on the film and television screen.

The works of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle about the great detective Sherlock Holmes are among the most frequently filmed. Since the birth of cinema, about 100 films, TV series and even cartoons have already been shot. Everyone, of course, is attracted by the deductive genius of Sherlock Holmes. The audience loves this hero and watches with great interest the course of his thoughts when investigating crimes. Holmes is a genius bright side, designed to unravel the most difficult crime and punish the perpetrators. He has an equally strong opponent - Professor Moriarty. " … The blood of a criminal flows in his veins. He has a genetic propensity for cruelty. And his extraordinary mind not only does not restrain, but even strengthens this tendency and makes it even more dangerous.”, - this is how Sherlock Holmes describes his intellectual adversary in The Last Case of Sherlock Holmes. The author gives a clear description of the professor in his stories: This man looks amazingly like a Presbyterian preacher, he has such a thin face, and gray hair, and stilted speech.". Let's see how this literary hero got his embodiment in cinema.

Professor Moriarty's first film appearance was in the 1908 Danish film Sherlock Holmes i Livsfare by Viggo Larsen. This role was played by Gustav Lund.

In 1939, the film The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes was released. Professor Moriarty planned to steal the jewels from the Tower of London. To distract Holmes from the theft, he organizes an attempted murder of a beautiful and rich girl. George Zucco is best known for his role as Professor Moriarty.

The best Hamlet of the XX century Laurence Olivier played the role of Moriarty in the 1976 film "Seven Percent Solution" (another name is " Critical Decision"). The most interesting thing is that the film is an adaptation of the novel of the same name by Nicholas Meyer, the modern author of works about Sherlock Holmes.

In the 1988 film Without a Single Clue. the insidious Professor Moriarty is trying to destroy the economy of Britain and once again outwit ... Dr. Watson. It is Watson, since Sherlock Holmes here is an alcoholic actor hired by the doctor for this role and a lover of young ladies named Kincaid.

In the 1985 film Young Sherlock Holmes, the villain is the principal of Holmes' college. Professor Rath, aka Moriarty, gives fencing lessons to students and exterminates teachers at the same time. Anthony Higgins did a great job in his role. And in 1994, he also successfully played Sherlock Holmes in the television series 1994 Baker Street: The Return of Sherlock Holmes.

This is not the only example where one actor embodies the role of opponents in different films. Richard Roxburgh played Holmes in The Hound of the Baskervilles in 2002, and a year later the film The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen was released, in which the actor played the role of the Phantom / Moriarty / M. The film is based on the graphic novel by Alan Moore and Kevin O'Neill, which features numerous 19th-century literary characters.

Moriarty was played by Irish actor Andrew Scott in the BBC series Sherlock. Scott himself says that his Moriarty is very smart, sometimes terrifying, sometimes charming, he can be serious and sometimes playful, he can easily hide in the crowd and still be in sight, and he is also completely unpredictable. We cannot but agree with him.

Moriarty received his original incarnation in the television series Elementary. Natalie Dormer played the role of Irene Adler/Jamie Moriarty, who faked her own death in order to defeat her lover Sherlock in a moral duel.

In 2013, the Russian series "Sherlock Holmes" by Andrei Kavun was released. Alexei Gorbunov did an excellent job with the role of the prudent and cold Moriarty. characteristic feature this hero was wearing glasses with blue lenses.

And, of course, one cannot fail to recall the best film adaptation of Sherlock Holmes - TV films by Igor Maslennikov. Screen Image Viktor Evgrafov most closely matches the description of Moriarty given by Doyle in the stories.

Animation also could not pass by this work. Basil the Mouse Detective of Baker Street's main opponent in the 1986 The Great Mouse Detective is the rat Professor Ratigan, who demands to be called a mouse and tries to take over the mouse kingdom.

And this is what the main antagonist of Sherlock Holmes looks like in Hayao Miyazaki's anime series The Great Detective Holmes from 1984-1986.

Although each director presents the external incarnation of Moriarty in his own way, they are all united by deceit, a prudent mind, cruelty, an evil genius and a great desire to defeat Sherlock Holmes, which, alas, always fails.

Jim Moriarty - a character in a modern film variation detective stories about Sherlock Holmes by the world-famous and famous English writer Arthur Conan Doyle, professor, enemy of the protagonist and consummate intruder from the Sherlock series.

Character characteristic

Jim Moriarty is an Englishman with wit, arrogance, arrogance and boundless narcissism. Despite a good origin, a prestigious education and an extraordinary mind with brilliant mathematical abilities, the hero has a penchant for cruelty and he madly likes to be a dangerous villain, to confront the detective Sherlock Holmes, respected by him.

The literary name of the villain is James Moriarty, in the series he is known as Jim Holmes, who calls him a consultant criminal. The villain also has other names - "spider" and "bomber".

Hero activity

Jim Moriarty is a genius of the criminal environment, the head of a large criminal association, in essence, a rabid sadistic psychopath. The world's first and only consulting criminal is the exact opposite of consulting detective Sherlock. The hero uses his subordinates, less successful villains, as his weapons - all the criminals that come across to Sherlock in the first season are the predecessors and faithful followers of Moriarty.

Association with Sherlock Holmes

Despite the fierce rivalry, Jim Moriarty truly admires Sherlock like no other. He recognizes the unparalleled abilities of the detective, considers him a worthy opponent, which is why he carefully and diligently tries to create barriers to solving the crimes of the enemy. Jim and Sherlock even have something in common in characterization: sarcasm and cynicism.

In 1989, because Carl Powers laughed at Jim Moriarty, he was killed by a merciless criminal. The killer kept his victim's shoes. He tossed the sneakers into Sherlock Holmes' apartment at 221B Baker Street in order to meet the detective again.

According to the writers, Jim is Sherlock's weak point. Holmes himself calls him a spider, he believes that the criminal clearly knows where people's pain points are and when they can be skillfully used.

Screen image of the antihero

The show's writers felt that Moriarty, fictionalized by Arthur Conan Doyle, was too successful. The features of the hero were inherited by many subsequent literary and film villains: sophistication, exemplary decency, gallantry and delicacy. Therefore, the screenwriters, working on the script of the series, did not want to adhere to the prevailing stereotypes, and Jim turned into an actual, more modern image of a dark, frightening, crazy psycho arch-villain.

Sherlock and Jim's antagonism culminates in the third episode "Reichenbach Falls" of the series' second season (2012), where they fall off the edge of a rooftop. The 2016 series special episode "The Ugly Bride" depicts Jim's death, which corresponds to her book version of the Conan Doyle story Holmes' Last Case: in a duel of sworn enemies, both heroes die, falling off a cliff into the Reichenbach Falls.

Jim Moriarty - actor Andrew Scott

Andrew Scott is an Irish film, television and theater actor born October 21, 1976 in Dublin. He made his film debut in 1995 as the main character (Eamon Doyle) in the film Korea. The actor starred in more than 30 films, including the role of Paul McCartney in Lennon Unvarnished (2010), the main role(Laevsky) in the screen production of Anton Chekhov's story "Duel" (2010) and others. Many film critics consider his talent outstanding.

For the first time, Andrew Scott as Moriarty appeared in the third episode of The Great Game of the first season (2010). The actor stands out from other performers who previously played Moriarty: first of all, his on-screen image is much younger than in the book original and other film versions .

To the populace

Undoubtedly, Jim Moriarty, whose quotes were instantly distributed among a wide audience, has no less army of fans than his film opponent Sherlock Holmes. All admirers of the villain-genius know his inimitable capacious phrases and use them with pleasure to the place in colloquial speech. Some of the most popular sayings include:

  • an unconventional greeting referring to an M-1 Army Browning in a pocket;
  • cynical admission that the anti-hero has no heart, which means there is nothing to burn out;
  • to an ardent accusation of insanity - the answer: “Did you just guess?”;
  • philosophical statement that in a world where all doors are closed, the one who has the key is considered king, etc.

Quoting such a charismatic antagonist is a good argument in a heated discussion. And Moriarty's especially brief and concise statements are actively used by the townsfolk as the status of social networks.

Professor Moriarty is a character in the cycle of works by Arthur Conan Doyle about Sherlock Holmes, the antagonist of the protagonist, the head of a powerful criminal organization, the genius of the criminal world.

He comes from a good family, received an excellent education and is naturally endowed with phenomenal mathematical abilities. When he was 21 years old, he wrote a treatise on Newton's binomial, which won him European fame. After that, he received a chair in mathematics at one of our provincial universities, and, quite possibly, a bright future awaited him. But the blood of a criminal flows in his veins. He has a genetic propensity for cruelty. And his extraordinary mind not only does not restrain, but even strengthens this tendency and makes it even more dangerous. Dark rumors spread about him on the campus where he taught, and in the end he was forced to leave the department and move to London, where he began to prepare young people for the officer's examination ...
- "The Last Case of Holmes"

Holmes also speaks of Moriarty as "one of the best minds in Europe" and the "Napoleon of the underworld". Last phrase Conan Doyle borrowed from one of the Scotland Yard inspectors associated with the case of Adam Worth, the 19th-century international criminal who served as the prototype for the literary Moriarty.
In the text of the "Valley of Terror" there is a description of Moriarty's appearance:

This man looks amazingly like a Presbyterian preacher, he has such a thin face, and gray hair, and stilted speech. Saying goodbye, he put his hand on my shoulder - just like a father, blessing his son to meet the cruel, cold world.
- "Valley of Terror"

It also mentions that Professor Moriarty has a legal income of 700 pounds a year (salary at the university department) and that he is not married. Data on the name and family of Moriarty are contradictory: in Holmes' Last Case, the professor is not called by name, but it is mentioned that he has a brother, Colonel James Moriarty, who after his death "protected the memory of his late brother." At the same time, in The Empty House, the name "James" is already attributed to the professor himself; thus, it literally turns out that the two brothers have the same name (in the four-act play "Sherlock Holmes", written with the participation of Conan Doyle, the professor already bears the name "Robert"). In addition, in the "Valley of Terror" the brother-colonel is not mentioned at all, but another, younger brother of the professor appears, who "serves as the head of a railway station somewhere in the west of England."

Moriarty acts in only two works of the cycle, in the story "The Last Case of Holmes" (1893) and the later story "The Valley of Terror" (1914-1915); in addition, he is mentioned in five stories: "The Empty House" (1903), "The Contractor from Norwood" (1903), "The Missing Rugby Player" (1904), "His Farewell Bow" (1917), "The Radiant Client" (1924) .

The character was introduced by Conan Doyle as a way to "finish" Holmes in order to end the cycle, which the writer himself considered lightweight pulp fiction. Moriarty dies during a hand-to-hand duel with Holmes, falling off a cliff into the Reichenbach Falls; according to the text of the story, Holmes also perishes with him; Both bodies have not been found. However, subsequently, Conan Doyle, due to numerous protests from readers, had to "revive" Holmes, declaring his apparent death a staging, which was caused by the need to hide in order to defeat the remnants of Moriarty's organization (see the story "The Empty House" in the collection "The Return of Sherlock Holmes")

In the Soviet TV series by Igor Maslennikov "The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson", the role of Moriarty was played by Viktor Evgrafov (voiced by Oleg Dal). Among the performers of the role of Moriarty in the movie was Sir Laurence Olivier (in the 1976 film "Seven Percent Solution").
Moriarty also appeared in Guy Ritchie's Sherlock Holmes, but his face was not shown, and in The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, where he was played by Richard Roxburgh.
In the film Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows, the professor's face is still shown, moreover, he is an important character in the film.
In the 2010 series Sherlock, Moriarty first appears in such a way that neither the viewer nor the characters guess who he really is. In age, he is clearly much younger than in the book original. Sherlock characterizes him like this in the Reichenbach Falls series: It's not a man, it's a spider. He knows exactly where they are. weak spots people and when to click on them.
The asteroid (5048) Moriarty, discovered in 1981, is named after the character.
Both mentioned scientific work Moriarty (on the dynamics of an asteroid and on the interpretation of the binomial theorem) are sometimes mentioned in the scientific literature.

Professor Moriarty is the main antagonist of the famous detective Sherlock Holmes. In all adaptations, he invariably appears as main adversary famous detective, although in the works of Arthur Conan Doyle is a full-fledged character in just one story. He is also mentioned in two or three other stories of the writer. This article will give a brief description of this character, as well as the most successful incarnations of him on the screen.

In literature

Professor Moriarty is described by the author as brilliant mathematician, a man of extraordinary mindset, who became the creator of a whole network of the underworld operating in London and beyond. Sherlock Holmes himself spoke very highly of the mind of this man. In one of the conversations with his friend and constant companion Dr. Watson, he says that Professor Moriarty is the Napoleon of the underworld.

He admits that this person has unusual thinking and a sharp mind. Holmes even admits that from time to time he even admired the skill with which he created his own criminal web. Therefore, he compares it with a spider, which itself does nothing, but only sets its threads in motion to commit another crime.

The reason for such popularity of the character is that he is just as smart as the famous detective, only he used his abilities for evil. Professor Moriarty, Sherlock Holmes in the eyes of all fans of the stories of the writer are the best literary antagonists. And although the detective had many other opponents in his works, nevertheless, it was Moriarty who became the most colorful. No wonder the detective mentions this man in several more stories, as if reminding readers of his power. The detective himself considered the victory over him the pinnacle of his career, since he really turned out to be the most dangerous criminal.

E. Scott

Professor Moriarty in all films about the famous detective acts as his main enemy. This is what the creators of the cult modern series "Sherlock" did, the action of which was transferred to our time. Each episode is an original adaptation of Doyle's works. And if in his story the sinister Professor Moriarty died in the Reichenbach Falls, then in the corresponding series of the show he shot himself for reasons that are not entirely clear.

And although this hero died (at least, so the creators of the show claim), the character performed by E. Scott appears in the new seasons in flashbacks or the so-called halls of the mind of Holmes. This actor presented a different image of his hero. Instead of a gloomy and self-absorbed professor, he played a rather witty young man. However, the latter circumstance further strengthened the sinister image of the hero.

J. Harris

Many fans of Arthur Conan Doyle's books may be interested in the question of who plays Professor Moriarty. In the rather popular American film by G. Ritchie, this character was embodied by the British actor Harris. According to most critics and viewers, he did an excellent job with his task.

This character turned out to be very expressive and colorful, and in some places even overshadows the main character with his charisma. In the performance of Harris, the character turned out to be something between a classic and modernized images.

V. Evgrafov

In the domestic film adaptation, Professor Moriarty is also one of the most memorable images. The Russian actor who played his role embodied on the screen one of the most successful images of this character. Although this hero appeared in only one series, nevertheless, performed by Evgrafov, the character turned out to be one of the most memorable in world cinema. This artist is an excellent stuntman, so the fight scene of his character at the Reichenbach Falls has become one of the most successful in the picture.

It should be noted that the director somewhat deviated from the original text, in which there was no fight, but the introduction of it into the film made the movie even more spectacular and dramatic, especially since the actors played it perfectly. It should be noted here that Evgrafov's appearance is fully consistent with the book description given by the author in the story. In addition, the artist perfectly got used to the image of this sinister professor.

The villainous villain and genius of the underworld Sherlock Holmes considered professor of mathematics James Moriarty (James Moriarty).
The professor wrote a treatise on Newton's binomial, was prone to cruelty, created a powerful criminal organization, died in the Reichenbach Falls without saying the last "forgive" to his sworn enemy.

The cinematographer, a big fan of opposing good to evil and vice versa, could not but respond and show Moriarty on the screen. If Holmes appeared in the cinema in 1900 ("Sherlock Holmes Baffled", dir. Thomas Edison (according to other sources - Arthur Marvin), 30 seconds, did not survive), then Moriarty - only 8 years later.

Sherlock Holmes
Denmark, 1908
Cast: Gustave Lund, Viggo Larsen (SH).
Some sources claim that Alwin Neuss played the role of SH in this film.
Photos of Lund not found, let it be Viggo.

To secure success.
Sherlock Holmes II
Denmark, 1908
All the same.

A short break for 8 years and a couple more films.
The Valley of Fear
UK, 1916
Directed by: Alexander Butler
Cast: Booth Conway, H.A. Saintsbury (SH), Arthur M. Cullin (Doctor).
There are also problems with the photo of Conway, the poster of the play with the performer of the role of Holmes.

Sherlock Holmes
USA, 1916.
Directed by: Arthur Berthelet
Cast: Ernest Maupain, William Gillette (SH), Edward Fielding (Doctor)

The titles of the films do not shine with variety.
Sherlock Holmes
USA, 1922.
Directed by: Albert Parker
Cast: Gustav von Seyffertitz, John Barrymore (SH), Roland Young (Doctor).
Here it is, the first Moriarty found in the photo.

The Final Problem
UK, 1923
Director: George Ridgwell
Cast: Percy Standing, Eille Norwood (SH), Hubert Willis (Doctor).
Frame with Holmes. Alas.

USA, 1929.
Directed by: Basil Dean
Cast: Harry T. Morey, Clive Brook (SH), H. Reeves-Smith (Doctor).

Sherlock Holmes" Fatal Hour / The Sleeping Cardinal
UK, 1931
Director: Leslie S. Hiscott
Cast: Norman McKinnel, Arthur Wontner (SH), Ian Fleming (Doctor).
The professor's name is Robert Moriarty.

Sherlock Holmes
USA, 1935.
Director: William K. Howard
Cast: Ernest Torrence, Clive Brook (SH), Reginald Owen (Doctor).
Revenge of Moriarty. Holmes is getting married.

The Triumph of Sherlock Holmes
UK, 1935
Director: Leslie S. Hiscott

Murder at the Baskervilles / Silver Blaze
UK, 1937
Directed by: Thomas Bentley
Cast: Lyn Harding, Arthur Wontner (SH), Ian Fleming (Doctor).
After the death of the Dog, 20 years have passed and Sir Henry's daughter is getting married. Further about the Silver horse.

USA, 1939.
Director: Alfred L. Werker
Cast: George Zucco, Basil Rathbone, Nigel Bruce.

Sherlock Holmes and the Secret Weapon
USA, 1943.
Director: Roy William Neill
Cast: Lionel Atwill, Basil Rathbone, Nigel Bruce.
Lionel Atwill played Dr. Mortimer in The Hound of the Baskerills in 1939.

The Woman in Green
USA, 1945.
Director: Roy William Neill
Cast: Henry Daniell, Basil Rathbone, Nigel Bruce.

Sherlock Holmes und das Halsband des Todes / Sherlock Holmes and the Deadly Necklace / Sherlock Holmes and the Deadly Necklace
France-Italy-Germany, 1962.
Director: Terence Fisher, Frank Winterstein
Cast: Hans Söhnker, Christopher Lee (SH).

Une adventure de Sherlock Holmes
France, 1967
Directed by: Jean-Paul Carrere
Cast: Grégoire Aslan, Jacques François (SH), Jacques Alric (Doctor).
A little-known film, not listed in almost any reference book.
Photos of actors from other films.

Elementary, My Dear Watson
UK, 1973
Directed by: Harold Snoad
Cast: Bill Maynard, John Cleese (SH), William Rushton (Doctor).
Episode "Comedy Playhouse".

The Adventure of Sherlock Holmes Smarter Brother
USA, UK, 1975.
Directed by: Gene Wilder
Cast: Leo McKern, Gene Wilder, Douglas Wilmer (SH), Thorley Walters (Doctor).

Sherlock Holmes in New York
USA, 1976
Director: Boris Sagal
Cast: John Huston, Roger Moore (SH), Patrick Macnee (Doctor).

The Seven-Per-Cent Solution / The Seven Percent Solution / Sherlock Holmes' Vienna Holidays
UK-US, 1976.
Director: Herbert Ross
Cast: Laurence Olivier, Nicol Williamson (SH), Robert Duvall (Doctor).
Moriarty is a humble professor of mathematics whom Holmes, in his morphine delirium, made into an evil genius.

The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson. Deathmatch
USSR, 1980.
Director Igor Maslennikov
Cast: Viktor Evgrafov, Vasily Livanov, Vitaly Solomin.
Viktor Evgrafov was voiced by Oleg Dal.

Sherlock Holmes
USA, 1981.
Director: Peter H. Hunt
Cast: George Morfogen, Frank Langella (SH), Richard Woods (Doctor).

Sherlock Holmes
France, 1982
Directed by: Jean Hennin
Cast: François Maistre, Paul Guers (SH), Philippe Laudenbach.

The Baker Street Boys
UK, 1983
Director: Marilyn Fox
Cast: Colin Jeavons, Roger Ostime (SH), Hubert Rees (Doctor).
Colin Jeavons in the subsequent series "The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes" played Inspector Lestrade.

Meitantei Holmes
Japan, 1984
Animated series with talking animals.

The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes
UK, 1984-1985.
Cast: Eric Porter, Jeremy Brett, David Burke.

Of course, after the series comes out " The Return of Sherlock Holmes". The actors are the same, except for the Doctor, played by Edward Hardwicke.

Young Sherlock Holmes
USA, 1985
Director: Barry Levinson
Cast: Anthony Higgins, Nicholas Rowe, Alan Cox.
In 1993, Anthony Higgins played the detective himself in Sherlock Holmes Returns.

Without a Clue
UK, 1988
Directed by: Thom Eberhardt
Cast: Paul Freeman, Michael Caine, Ben Kingsley.

Alfred Hitchcock Presents. My Dear Watson
USA, 1989
Directed by: Jorge Montesi
Cast: John Colicos, Brian Bedford, Patrick Monckton

Hands of a Murderer
UK, 1990
Directed by: Stuart Orme
Cast: Anthony Andrews, Edward Woodward, John Hillerman

The Hound of London
Luxembourg, 1993.
Directed by: Peter Reynolds-Long
Cast: Jack Macreath, Patrick Macnee, John Scott-Paget.

Star Trek: The Next Generation:
Elementary, Dear Data(1988)
Ship in a Bottle(1993)
Cast: Daniel Davis

Sherlock Holmes Returns
USA, 1993.
Director: Kenneth Johnson
Cast: Ken Pogue, Anthony Higgins (SH).

At this time, Moriarty appears in the animated series " Black cloak", "Batman", "futu frame"and a couple of minor television projects.

USA-Romania-UK, 2002.
Directed by: Graham Theakston
Cast: Vincent D'Onofrio

The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen
USA-Germany-Czech Republic-UK, 2003.
Director: Stephen Norrington
Cast: Richard Roxburgh

hello from fans
House M.D.
No Reason(season 2)
USA, 2006
Director: David Shore
As Jack Moriarty: Elias Koteas
