Draw a fabulous change of day and night. What is the fairy tale explanation for the change of seasons? I ask the children to forgive me for dedicating this book to an adult

Working programm course "The World Around" for grade 2 for the 2012-2013 academic year is based on the standard of primary general education on the outside world and programs of educational institutions authors A. A. Pleshakova, M. Yu. Novitskaya “The world around. 1 - 4 classes ". The program was developed on the basis of the federal state educational standard of primary general education, the Concept of spiritual and moral development and education of the personality of a citizen of Russia, the author's program of A.A. Pleshakov and M.Yu. Novitskaya, the planned results of primary general education. At present, the main tasks Russian education in general and primary general education in particular can be defined as follows: the formation of a general culture, the spiritual, moral, social, personal and intellectual development of students, the creation of the foundations for self-realization learning activities which can ensure social success, development creativity, self-development and self-improvement, preservation and strengthening of the health of students. Closely related to this general goal-setting are the goals of studying the subject "World around" in primary school: . formation of a holistic picture of the world and awareness of a person’s place in it on the basis of the unity of rational-scientific knowledge and emotional-value comprehension by a child personal experience communication with people and nature; . spiritual and moral development and education of the personality of a citizen of Russia in the conditions of cultural and confessional diversity Russian society. The peculiarity of this program is that it was created on the basis of cultural principles, concepts, categories, which are the basis for constructing the content of the educational component (subject) "The world around us", harmoniously combining natural science information and the experience of the humanities. Leading, in terms of content organization, is the idea of ​​the unity of the world of nature and the world of culture. From this fundamental position the world is regarded as a natural and cultural WHOLE, and man as a part of nature, as the creator of culture and as its product, i.e., also a natural and cultural WHOLE. The program introduces students to nature and traditional culture calendar against the backdrop of seasonal changes. At the same time, knowledge is being formed about natural diversity, about ecological ties, about the rules of human behavior in nature, necessary for its conservation and the preservation of children's health throughout the year. The program aims to implement environmental education junior schoolchildren, to develop in them such qualities as observation, interest in the nature of their area, the desire to learn the traditional labor and festive culture of the peoples of their region.

Mankind has long puzzled over how the day and night change. It's hard to believe, but a few centuries ago, no one living on earth could imagine exactly how this difficult process. So, in times of uncertainty, people simply figured out how the sun hides, depriving everyone and everything around of its cozy light, and from where a lonely moon comes out in its place. Today we will try to talk about the most interesting fairy tale explanations for the change of day and night, many of which are really hard to believe.

Hindu interpretation

The legend of the worshipers of the god Krishna says that from the very beginning there was always a bright day on earth and there was never darkness. The very first inhabitants on the planet were Yami and Yama, a brother and sister who loved each other very much. One day, Yami died and his sister was inconsolable. She wept continuously until Krishna took pity on her and created the night. God did this not by chance, but so that during oblivion, that is, sleep, Yama would let go of her grief and gradually come to her senses. By the way, in India they still remember this legend and tell it to their children to explain natural phenomenon change of day and night in a fairy-tale form.

Interpretation of American Apaches

The ancient Indians of the Mayan tribe, distinguished by their clairvoyance and ability to predict the future, were sure that the sun swallowed some huge creature living beyond the mountains during the night. With the onset of early morning, this monster spits it out, and the world is again filled with light and warmth. By the way, this fabulous explanation of the change of night and day is very reminiscent of the story of the luminary, which was swallowed by the famous crocodile Korney Chukovsky.

Egyptian theory

The ancient Egyptians were considered one of the most developed civilizations on the planet, otherwise how to explain their truly divine buildings? So they, being pagans, believed that the wise Ra descends into the darkness at night and wins the right to a new day there every time. At the same time, he fights to the death with sinister monsters and monsters with his terrible sword.

Another fabulous explanation of the change of day and night refutes the presence of two luminaries in the system of the universe. It implies that only the sun lives in the sky, which during the daytime rides around the planet on white horses, and at night harnesses black horses to its triple. By the way, in many children's fairy tales of the world, a similar allegory is used.

Russian truth

In Rus', they adhered to the theory regarding family ties. No matter how strange it may sound, but our ancestors reduced the fabulous explanation of the change of day and night to family relations between brother and sister, who were in a centuries-old quarrel with each other. They thought that the sister is the day and the personification of life, and the brother was considered the night and the product of death. None of them wanted to meet, so seeing from afar the outlines of a relative, the other immediately hurried to leave. In Russian folk tales and riddles, this fact is confirmed.

Perhaps these are all the most interesting fairy-tale explanations for the change of day and night, which they could only come up with in antiquity, because now everyone knows how their alternation takes place.

“The book of a thousand and one nights” (arab. كتاب ألف ليلة وليلة kitāb "alf layla wa layla; Persian. The group of heroic tales includes fantastic stories, probably constituting the most ancient core of the "thousand and one nights" and ascending.

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What is the fairy tale explanation for the change of seasons?

10 Mar 2017 Therefore, you need to see a complete picture of all seasons. That is, you can offer a simple drawing of a tree and a path. The change of day and night is a fabulous explanation of the natural phenomenon Leonova Olga.

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Fairytale Drawing Day And Night Change Pictures

I ask the children to forgive me for dedicating this book to an adult.

I'll justify it: this adult is my very best friend. And one more thing: he understands everything in the world, even children's books. And finally, he lives in France, and there is now hungry and cold. And he really needs comfort. If all this does not justify me, I will dedicate my book to the boy that my adult friend once was. After all, all adults were children at first, only few of them remember this. So I am correcting the dedication: to Leon Vert when he was little.

The main activity of the child is the game. Children explore the world, explore their own emotions and enter into adulthood. In addition to the game, creativity is an important aspect here. While drawing, sculpting and coloring, kids develop their imagination, express themselves and learn about the world.


Caring parents try to develop the baby from an early age and give him as much knowledge as possible in all subjects. But one should take into account the peculiarities of the still not quite formed psyche and intellect of a small researcher. Among all the questions that the child is trying to get an answer to, the question of whether it is so dynamic is important that sometimes children do not have time to understand the sequence of all events.

One of the most interesting moments of knowing the world is the question of the seasons. Therefore, it is important from the very early years to give children the correct concept of this phenomenon.

For what age is a fabulous explanation of the change of seasons suitable? Purposefully study these concepts should be from the age of 2, when the necessary vocabulary has already been formed.


The very first and correct thing would be to simply observe environment. Children love to walk outside, and during such walks there is a lot of "why". various natural and weather conditions replace each other, and the child understands that changes are caused not only by external changes. The cognitive value of walking in the fresh air is quite high, but it will not help the little man to get a comprehensive idea of ​​the seasons. Indeed, in childhood, time goes very slowly, and what happened a couple of months ago, Small child may not remember.

The kid can understand that there is winter, spring, autumn and summer, but at the same time not associate the names of the seasons in any way. It is important to learn to correlate them with the phenomena with which they are accompanied. Therefore, you need to see a complete picture of all seasons.

A fabulous explanation of the change of seasons is the most accessible to the child.

Fairy tales

All children, without exception, love fairy tales. This folk art gives young dreamers to learn the basic characteristics of good and evil, teaches them to perceive the world around them correctly.

The first step can be a fabulous explanation of the change of seasons. What to draw so that the child understands the essence?

A complex image will help to compare and raise many questions, but this is how the truth can be reached. Different pictures with the seasons will help to understand and analyze every nuance.

At one of the very first lessons, you can simply lay out pictures with different seasons in front of the baby. It is desirable that the images are as identical as possible. That is, you can offer a simple drawing of a tree and a path. With the help of such images, the child will understand that in autumn the trees are decorated with yellow foliage, in summer - green, and in winter it is shrouded in a layer of snow.

Other similar pictures may be of a person in different clothes, depending on the season. Try to explain to the child why they are dressed the way they are. The frequent use of the seasons at the first meeting will help the baby learn them and correlate them with natural phenomena.


How to draw a fabulous explanation of the change of seasons?

To do this, you can use the fabulous images of fairies. In this way, you can play associations with your child.

Zimushka-Winter in a warm coat strewn with snowflakes, with a wave of her wand, turns the earth into a white carpet, the trees are covered with frost, and everything around becomes sparkling and magical.

Beauty Autumn in a golden dress paints the leaves yellow, crops ripen in the fields, and a cute hedgehog hurries with the gifts of nature to his forest.

Young Spring with flowing hair turns the earth into a flowering carpet, birds fly around, flowers bloom.

Cheerful Summer can be depicted as a young man playing the flute. Multi-colored butterflies and mischievous birds flock to the sounds of the game, ducks or swans bathe in the stream nearby.


Another helpers can be famous cartoon princesses. A fabulous explanation of the change of seasons was embodied in Disney heroines. Rapunzel - Spring with golden hair, walking in flowering fields, Anna - Summer crowned with flowers, Merida - Autumn with golden curls, Elsa - Winter in the company of a true friend Snowman surrounded by snowflakes.

How to present a fabulous explanation of the change of seasons? Photos of the heroines against the backdrop of a magical forest give a complete picture for a child to understand the changes in nature. Visualization is important for the child's perception of everything that happens.

A fabulous explanation of the change of seasons develops the imagination and fantasy of the baby, expands his horizons and increases his vocabulary.

Answer left Guest

The work program of the course "The World Around" for grade 2 for the 2012-2013 academic year is based on the standard of primary general education in the world around and the program of educational institutions of the authors A. A. Pleshakova, M. Yu. Novitskaya "The world around. 1 - 4 classes ". The program was developed on the basis of the federal state educational standard of primary general education, the Concept of spiritual and moral development and education of the personality of a citizen of Russia, the author's program of A.A. Pleshakov and M.Yu. Novitskaya, the planned results of primary general education. At present, the main tasks of Russian education in general and primary general education in particular can be defined as follows: the formation of a common culture, the spiritual, moral, social, personal and intellectual development of students, the creation of the foundations for the independent implementation of educational activities that can ensure social success, development of creative abilities, self-development and self-improvement, preservation and strengthening of the health of students. This general goal-setting is closely related to the goals of studying the subject "The world around us" in elementary school: the formation of a holistic picture of the world and the awareness of a person’s place in it on the basis of the unity of rational-scientific knowledge and the child’s emotional-valuable understanding of personal experience of communication with people and nature; spiritual and moral development and education of the personality of a Russian citizen in the context of the cultural and confessional diversity of Russian society. The peculiarity of this program is that it was created based on cultural principles, concepts, categories, which are the basis for building the content of the educational component (subject) " The world around”, harmoniously combining natural scientific information and the experience of the humanities. Leading, in terms of content organization, is the idea of ​​the unity of the world of nature and the world of culture. From this principled position, the surrounding world is viewed as a natural and cultural WHOLE, and man as a part of nature, as the creator of culture and as its product, i.e., also a natural and cultural WHOLE. The program introduces students to nature and the traditional culture of the calendar against the background of seasonal changes. At the same time, knowledge is formed about natural diversity, about ecological ties, about the rules of human behavior in nature, necessary for its conservation and preservation of children's health throughout the year. The program aims at the implementation of environmental education of junior schoolchildren, at the development of such qualities as observation, interest in the nature of their area, the desire to learn the traditional labor and holiday culture of the peoples of their region.
