Global problems of humanity social studies 8. Global problems of our time presentation for a social studies lesson (grade 8) on the topic

Goal: 1. To increase the level of understanding by high school students of global problems, to maximally update their knowledge on other problems. Objectives: 1. Pay attention to moral aspects in resolving global problems. 2. Determine what role it plays civil society V modern world.

Is the collapse of human civilization due to global problems inevitable? IN modern conditions risk factors that globally influence the development of world civilization have intensified. The modern world is going through a stage of deep crisis, which is qualitatively different from all the crises of the past of humanity. This explains the relevance of the topic of today’s lesson – “ Global problems modernity."

The concept of “global problems”, the problem of human survival 1. Prevention of the 3rd World War. 2. Overcoming the environmental crisis. 3. Reducing the difference in the level of development between developed countries and the countries of the “3rd world”. 4. Stabilization of the demographic situation. 5. Fight against drug addiction, AIDS, etc. 6. Fight with international terrorism. 7. Revival of cultural and moral values.

The threat of the ecological crisis of the scientific and technological revolution - a violation of the ecological balance "Ozone hole", destruction of forests, the greenhouse effect (global warming, environmental pollution: atmosphere, soil, waters of the World Ocean, food; natural disasters: typhoons, droughts, hurricanes, tsunamis, etc.; disturbances in the environment associated with the exploration of space and the oceans.

North-South problem Developed countries Developing countries 1960 26: – 60s – liberation – 70s – rapid economic growth – 80s – slowdown, external borrowing

Limiting the growth rate of the total needs of the population by reducing its growth in developing countries, rationalizing the structure of personal consumption; - Widespread development of low-waste, environmentally friendly clean technologies; Only through a change in values ​​is it possible to preserve civilization. The future of humanity depends on how quickly and fully the main factors of sustainable development are realized and put into action: Conclusion:

Curbing militarism, eliminating wars from the means of resolving conflicts, gradual destruction dangerous species weapons and control over those remaining; -Uniting the efforts of the world community in bridging the dangerous gap between developed and developing countries, implementing global environmental programs; -Development of new scientific and political dogmas that can become the basis for targeted actions of the entire world community.


Educational: learn information about globalization, update students’ knowledge of global

problems of our time based on previously studied material in other training courses; to focus students' attention on the importance of solving global problems by the entire human community due to their planetary nature; highlight the features of global problems and ways to solve them;

Developmental: further development of students' scientific thinking skills: the ability to analyze, generalize, argue their point of view; developing students’ abilities to draw the necessary conclusions and make reasonable assessments of social events and processes; development of skills to formulate problems and propose ways to solve them;

Educational: development of communication culture skills, ability to work in a group, education of humanism, tolerance, environmental culture, expansion of social horizons, expansion of students’ social experience in analyzing and discussing global problems of our time.

Lesson type:learning new material.

During the classes

1. Teacher's greeting:

Teacher:Let's smile at each other and start the lesson. I am sure that everything will work out for you and me today.

Today in class we will work information Center. I think we will need his help more than once.

For the information center, a card with a task is to reveal the concepts: globalization, anti-globalists, problems, global problems.

2. Motivation

Slide 1

Every person is responsible to all people for all people and for everything.

F.M. Dostoevsky

Teacher:I chose these words of Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky as the epigraph for our lesson. Think about them now - how do you understand them, do you agree or not with the words of the writer? And at the end of the lesson we will return to them and exchange opinions.

in my hands watch And orange. Which of these objects do you think characterizes the modern world and can serve as its model, why?

The clock is a system modern society it is a supersystem, parts whose spheres are in close interaction with each other. The success and stability of the development of society as a whole depends on their coordinated work. ( Slide 2- picture of the global world).

The world of the 21st century is the unification of continents, states and peoples of planet Earth into an inextricable whole through various interrelations. What are they?

Can you give me examples of this mutual influence, the unification of countries?

Who can imagine the modern world without a TV or mobile phone? How many of you are ready to give up the Internet? How many of you are ready to lose the opportunity to travel to other countries as a tourist, student, or to work? Are you ready to stop wearing jeans, listen to foreign music, watch Hollywood films, agree to drive only domestic cars, forget about McDonald's, not eat pizza, sushi, drink Pepsi and coffee?

3. Work on the topic of the lesson

How do we make the world one?

Modern means of communication,

Transnational corporations,

Change of transport,

Achievements of scientific and technological revolution,

International organizations.

Teacher:All this is called globalization.

Let's get a look, what definitions of globalization does the Internet give us, textbook.

And I offer you this definition ( Slide No. 3- concept) and choose the most optimal one.

Write down the definition in your notebook.

Teacher:What examples of world unity can you give?


Teacheradds and summarizes: Today, every producer of goods and services is included (even if he himself does not know it) in the global market system. Produced goods can be delivered anywhere in the world. Electronic money and modern transport communications greatly facilitate these processes.

There is a movement of people - labor migration to work in other countries, tourism. Nowadays, anyone has the opportunity to visit any corner of the Earth.

The development of mobile communications and the global Internet have opened up the opportunity for people of the 21st century to almost instantly learn about what is happening in any, even the most remote corner of the planet. Millions and billions of people, with one click of a button on the remote control, simultaneously enter a single information space.

Film festivals and art exhibitions, theater tours and music film festivals, sports competitions (especially summer and winter Olympic Games) - all this and much more makes our world closer, more accessible and more familiar. And this unity manifests itself even in such exceptional cases as wars. Today, not a single war can be considered a private affair of one or two states.

This gives rise to the need to create supranational organizations (WTO, UN, EU, Red Cross, etc.) to develop norms regulating relations between countries. A person today is not only a citizen of a certain state, but also citizen of the world.

Question:Think, guys, is globalization a positive or negative phenomenon of modern reality?

Work in groups:

Groups 1 and 2: discuss this in groups and give arguments your position (cluster on the board, red - positive, blue - negative).

Group 3 searches on the Internet to find out who they are anti-globalists.

Indeed, the phenomenon is ambiguous. It is no coincidence that we know about people who call themselves anti-globalists. ( Slide 4 - photo of anti-globalists).

What did the information center find about them?

Supporters of anti-globalism advocate the search for alternative models of global development. The struggle is mainly under the slogans of opposition to global inequality and the formation of a unipolar world, environmental pollution, etc. Anti-globalists regularly hold actions in different countries of the world.

Today there are about 3,000 anti-globalist organizations in the world, uniting up to 35 million people from more than 50 countries.

Global problems

Globalization has created problems that the world calls global. What do you think these problems are?

Reading different definitions and writing one of the definitions (slide 5).

Compiling the “Global Problems” cluster

Question:What are the signs of global problems, what makes them global?

Signs (slide 5 – features of global problems).

1. Affect the activities of all humanity

2. They urgently require a solution, and the future fate of humanity depends on their solution

3. They can be solved only by uniting the efforts of all countries.

What are the causes of global problems? Slide 7

What global problems can you name? "Brainstorm"

Brief description of each problem

Slides 8, 9, 10, 11 - the problem of war and peace, terrorism, backwardness and poverty in developing countries, AIDS and drug addiction.

1. The problem of war and peace relevant with the invention nuclear weapons. 5% of the nuclear weapons on earth are enough to destroy the entire world.

2. Terrorism (examples).

3. North South(the teacher gives facts, including from the slide).

4. Spread of AIDS and drug addiction.

5.Exhaustibility of natural resources. The scale of human activity raises the question of resource availability. In the next 25 years world economy will live under the constant threat of energy shortages.

6.Demographic problem- the population is growing exponentially, the Earth is not able to feed this mass.

7. Ecological problem.

Let's watch the video and think about what problem we are talking about ? (Slide 12 - video). What did the participants in this video applaud? What would you do, what group were you in?

Two problems - household garbage and indifference.

A) From the beginning of the 70s to the end of the 80s, household waste in Russia doubled. This is millions of tons. The situation today seems to be as follows. Since 1987, the amount of garbage in the country has doubled and amounted to 120 billion tons per year, including industry. Today, Moscow alone throws out 10 million tons of industrial waste, approximately 1 ton for each resident! As can be seen from the above examples, the scale of environmental pollution from urban waste is such that the severity of the problem is growing every day. Even simple waste disposal is an expensive undertaking. From 1980 to 1987, the cost of waste disposal in the United States increased from 20 to 90 dollars per 1 ton. The upward trend continues today. In densely populated areas of Europe, the waste disposal method, as requiring too large areas and contributing to groundwater pollution, was preferred to another method - incineration. Many cities that used these stoves soon abandoned them due to deteriorating air composition. Waste disposal remains one of the most popular methods of solving this problem. The most promising way to solve the problem is to recycle urban waste.

Example– Toyota (car seat padding is entirely made from waste plastic, the noise-insulating layer is made from waste X-ray film), bag, bottle – demonstration.

B) I would like to draw your attention to the results of a survey conducted among your peers. They were asked the question “What do they do with wrappers from various tasty things?” (Slide 13)

60% of students throw garbage into bins

30% of students litter on the street

10% found it difficult to answer

I would like you to think about these results and information.

Slide 14 - “You need to know this!”

Teacher:Guys, in Europe there has been a practice for a long time - household waste sorted and processed. On your walls there are sets of pictures with the names of types of household waste. I have trash boxes on my desk. I suggest sorting the garbage and quickly and carefully putting it in boxes. Who will do it faster and correctly?

Well done. Everyone did it.

The environmental problem also includes the situation associated with the disappearance of some animals.

Slide 15 - photo of a missing animal.

Information about animals.

River dolphin. Baiji dolphins were declared extinct in 2006.

Western Black Rhinoceros, species extinct in 2011. Rhinoceros, lived mainly in Cameroon. The animal has been the victim of rampant poaching, even after official protection of the black rhino began in 1930. There are only three subspecies of rhinoceroses left on earth, which are already endangered.

The Canary Sandpiper was officially declared extinct in 1994. This species of shorebird lived in the Canary Islands off the coast of West Africa. The Canary Sandpiper became extinct due to the depletion of shellfish, their main food source. This is a consequence of commercial fishing on an industrial scale.

The Ivory-billed Woodpecker lived in swampy areas in the southern United States. After the marshes were drained, the last of this woodpecker species was seen in 1940. But the Ivory-billed Woodpecker was officially declared extinct in 1994.

The Java tiger was officially declared extinct in 1994. Habitat loss due to agricultural development.

The Pyrenean ibex (Pyrenean ibex) was officially declared extinct in 2000.

The Mariana mallard was officially declared extinct in 2004.

Slide 16 - A BUTTERFLY that flaps its wings.

R. Bradbury has a wonderful story “And the Thunder Rolled.” 2nd half of the 21st century, humanity has invented a time machine. An extreme service is becoming popular - hunting dinosaurs in the past. All precautionary rules are observed - only those animals are killed that are expected to die in the near future and can no longer leave offspring. But one day everything went wrong...

“Eckels slowly inhaled the air - something happened to the air, some kind of chemical change, so insignificant, elusive that only a weak voice of the subconscious told Eckels about the change. And the colors - white, gray, blue, orange, on the walls, furniture, in the sky outside the window - they... they... yes: what happened to them? And then there’s this feeling. Goosebumps ran across my skin. My hands were twitching. With all the pores of his body he sensed something strange, alien. It was as if somewhere someone had blown a whistle that only dogs could hear. And his body silently responded. Outside the window, behind the walls of this room, behind the back of the man (who was the wrong person) at the partition (which was the wrong partition) - a whole world of streets and people. But how can we determine from here what kind of world this is now, what kind of people? But what immediately caught his eye was the ad on the wall, the ad that he had already read today when he first entered here.

There was something wrong with him. Even the words were written with a lot of mistakes.






Eckels felt himself sink into his chair. He began to frantically scrape the mud on his shoes. His trembling hand picked up a sticky lump.

No, it can not be! Because of such a small thing... No!

On the lump there was a spot shimmering with green, gold and black - a butterfly, very beautiful... dead.

Because of such a small thing! Because of a butterfly! - Eckels shouted.

She fell to the floor - a graceful little creature capable of breaking the balance, small dominoes fell... big dominoes... huge dominoes, connected by a chain of innumerable years that make up Time. Eckels' thoughts were shifting. There's no way she could change anything. Dead butterfly - and such consequences? Impossible!

Eckels groaned. He fell to his knees. Trembling fingers reached out to the golden butterfly.

Is it really impossible,” he prayed to the whole world, to himself, to the employee, to the Machine, “to return her there, to revive her? Can't we start all over again? May be...".

One butterfly. Which changed the world.

Stress training:

Take small pieces of paper, write down on them what is especially valuable to you, what you value very much and are afraid of losing. Then crumple these leaves... Now smooth them out.

What feelings did you experience, did you want to crumple the leaves, why?

Now you were threatened with the loss of everything that is most dear and significant, not in reality, but if humanity does not find a way to solve global problems, we may lose our family, health, freedom, life.

The philosopher Francis Bacon said: “ The best way get rid of the problem - solve it.” What solutions can you suggest?

Working in groups: ways to solve global problems .

Checking the assignment and summarizing the teacher.

4. Reflection:

A) Make a memory map of the lesson - work in groups.

The song “How wonderful this world is” is played.

Checking the task.

B) Working with the epigraph - slide 18.

B) Conversation:

- What did we learn in class today?

What were you working on?

What competencies did you develop?

What did you find easy?

What was the most difficult?

What was the most interesting?

What didn't work?

Homework: read Bradbury's story and rewrite the ending.

Homework options:

1. Paragraph 3 (pp. 23 – 27), “Test yourself” task or “In class and at home” questions.

2. Assignment (of increased difficulty): draw up a project - a solution to a global problem (optional).

Project work plan:

1. Give a clear definition of the problem.

2. Why did you choose this topic, why is it important for society and for you personally?

3. What steps are already being taken today to solve this problem?

4. What research methods (methods) do you offer?

5. Predict your possible personal participation in solving the selected problem.

Lesson finale

A) My memory card: globe – house – butterfly.


I want to give it to you!

B) And in conclusion - pay attention to the screen! Let's watch and listen!

Slide 19 – video “Forgive me, earth!”

Teacher:On this optimistic note, the lesson is over! Thanks guys for your work!

Marina Samuylenko , teacher of history, social studies, local history Dyatkovskaya high school No. 2 Bryansk region

Materials for the lesson are in the attached files.

What is a "problem"? Problem [Greek] problēma task, task] awareness by the subject of the impossibility of resolving the difficulties and contradictions that have arisen in a given situation by means of existing knowledge and experience. P., like the task, originates in a problem situation. From the big encyclopedic dictionary

What problems do modern school leavers face? Continuing education85% Relationships with parents69% Relationships with peers51% Passing final exams63% Problem with free time 87% Financial problem83% Other (health problem)10%

Students' formulation Scientific formulation Demographic problem Health protection and disease prevention Fight against terrorism Environmental problem Energy and raw materials problem Drug addiction problem The threat of a new world war and the problem of disarmament Preventing the backwardness of developing countries

Assignment: establish the correct correspondence Demographic problem Health protection and disease prevention Fight against terrorism Environmental problem Energy and raw materials problem Drug addiction problem Threat of a new world war and the problem of disarmament Prevention of underdevelopment of developing countries political economic social environmental

Topic: Global problems of our time.

Developed by a social studies teacher

Prokina Tatyana Nikolaevna

The purpose of the lesson: identify the main aspects of global problems of mankind, be able to analyze and characterize the global problems of mankind.

Lesson objectives:

    personal: understand that among the duties of a citizen of Russia

the duty to take care of one’s land, peace on this land is associated with patriotic feelings and

the moral duty of every person;

    to develop in students a conscious need to be a full participant in the process of life, to bear responsibility for their activities;

    meta-subject: learn goal setting, formulate your own

opinion and position, argue your point of view, analyze

additional literature, draw conclusions, work with the text.

    subject: know the main points of the lesson, terms: globalization,

global problems of our time, environmental problem, demographic problem, threat of the third world war, the problem of “North and South”

Educational and methodological support:

    Constitution of the Russian Federation.

    Social studies, textbook for 7th grade of general education institutions

edited by L.N. Bogolyubov, L.F. Ivanova, Moscow, “Enlightenment”, 2013,

Information resources (Electronic Library named after B.N. Yeltsin)

Lesson type: learning new knowledge and concepts.

Teaching methods:

    verbal, visual, practical;

    problematic, partially searching (zvristic conversation) – system

logically related tasks and questions, the purpose of which is to solve a new problem for students, to create a situation of alternativeness and surprise;

    analytical, generalizing - analysis of documents and sources according to

problem, identifying main ideas, searching for arguments, drawing up generalizing


Equipment for the lesson: computer, projector, board

During the classes.

Student activities

Org. moment.

1. “Introduction to the topic” - 7 min.

There are many of us people in this world.

Serious minds are toiling:

In this life, in this whirlwind, Crazy, we multiplied!

There are demographic explosions,

The rivers dry up and the crust turns black,

Cities are coming in like boils.

There are too many, too many of us!

There are many of us.

The scientist praises the bomb.

There are many of us.

The destroyer breaks the wave.

A lot of!..But it’s still not enough

We are the people for a new war.

R. Rozhdestvensky

What phrase is in the poem

Robert Rozhdestvensky is repeated most often?

Rozhdestvensky places special emphasis on the increase in the human race and its role on planet earth

In front of you Earth– everyone views this concept differently (define the relationship between the globe and man)

What concept in post-industrial society visible in our characteristics?


Why did I start the lesson with Rozhdestvensky’s harsh poem and from it we approached the concept of globalization?

Try to formulate a goal

our lesson


Humanity has passed long haul from savagery and barbarism to civilization in which there was a powerful emergence of science - its unification with technical progress the role of man elevated him to the top of the pyramid (at the base of which was nature as a workshop, and man is the master of it). " Economic activity"and led to the emergence of global problems in the second half of the 20th century, which we will now get acquainted with.

There are many of us

One student at the blackboard

    Uniting all people on the planet

    Human civilization




    Controversies (rivalries)

Globalization - the process of rapprochement and growth of interconnection between nations and states of the world, accompanied by the development of common political, economic, cultural and value standards

Today we will talk about processes directly related to globalization - Global problems of humanity.

Objective of the lesson: To become familiar with the concept of global problems, be able to analyze them and characterize them

2. Getting to know new material.

Working in teams.

Target: Through practical activities students to form an understanding of the concept of global problems

The teacher acts as a consultant.

l . The class is divided into teams (4

person). Every team member

receives his range of tasks

Tasks: 1. Distribute work to

To the team. (select a moderator who will determine the tasks of each team member)

2. Introduce everyone to their tasks

team member

3. 1 task number 1 in each team - Work with Internet resources (Electronic Library named after B.N. Yeltsin)

Target: Collecting additional information about Defenders of the Fatherland through info. resource (Electronic Library named after B.N. Yeltsin)

Working with Internet resources:

Define the concepts of duty and


Organize topic disclosure in the team

3 .2 task No. 2 in each team - Create a diagram social institutions designed to solve global problems, explain to the team the role of these institutions.

3.3 task No. 3 in each team - Analyze a fragment of text that characterizes one of the global problems. Highlight the main features.

Prepare brief analysis for team members.

Analyze Art. KRF

3.4 task No. 4 in each team – collects information and prepares a model of a person called to solve global problems

Result of the team's work - Create a model modern man

Working with Internet resources: students define Global problems of humanity, find brief description, full names of people, names of organizations most involved in the process of solving global problems.

Global Problems modernity -This set of socio-naturalproblems , on the solution of which the social progress of mankind and the preservation of civilization depend.

Global Problems These are planetary problems.

On modern stage development of the world community, the following types of global problems are distinguished:

I. Socio-ecological - environmental pollution, lack of energy, raw materials, the need to explore outer space and the resources of the World Ocean.

II. Socio-demographic - population growth, poverty and backwardness of developing countries, food shortages, diseases.

III. Intersocial - security, arms race, prevention of nuclear war, fight against terrorism, respect for human rights, etc.

Students work with the proposed texts and, based on them, create a diagram of social institutions:

Developed countries - individual states

    

Public organizations – research institutes –

Analysis of textual information, analysis of art. KRF

The moderator organizes the team discussion and creation of the model a person dedicated to solving global problems

(the stencil of a person’s image is given verbal and written characteristics).

3. Protection practical work commands Generalization of the obtained result of the work. External evaluation of the performance of performing teams is entered by students into a special evaluation form

Team performance. Each characteristic is drawn up into 1/4 parts of the puzzle, which is combined into a single holistic characteristic of Global problems and a person capable of solving these problems.

A globe created from puzzles and stencils of people appear on the board.

    member of the global community

    interpersonal participant

    defender of nature


    thrifty owner (of natural resources)

    lives for the benefit of future generations

    aimed at reasonable progressive development

4. Updating the lesson:

We have created a model of modern people called to solve global problems

Faced with the growth of external and the emergence of internal threats, Russia must have the opportunity to actively participate in solving global problems

5. Reflection

Rate our

lesson. What happened?

What did you like?

Internal assessment of the performance of performing teams is entered by students into a special assessment form

I think that the expression: “We did not inherit the Earth from our ancestors. We borrow it from our descendants” very well emphasizes the importance and necessity of solving global problems.

Work with the proposed table and oral assessment of the lesson by students.

6. Homework.

Creative essay.

The generations of the future depend on the generation of the present!

Appendix No. 1


The Club of Rome and its contribution to solving global problems

3.1.1 Goals and objectives of the Club of Rome

Global problems are closely related to each other and have common sources of origin and development, so it is important to classify and systematize them in a certain way, to understand the reasons for their occurrence and the conditions under which they can be solved by society.

The noted facts of the theory of global problems - the exhaustibility of natural resources, the danger of self-destruction of humanity - formed the basis for the method of studying global problems, called global modeling. A special role in the development and application of global modeling belongs to the Club of Rome - an organization of Western scientists, businessmen, politicians and public figures concerned with the development of measures to prevent global threats. The Club of Rome was created in 1968. Since then, with the moral and material support of this organization, a whole series of studies on global issues have been carried out. Many of them became widely known and found a response in the world community and in the leadership of Western countries.

The Club of Rome organizes large-scale research on a wide range of issues, but mainly in the socio-economic field.

The theoretical activity of the Club of Rome is ambiguous: it includes a wide range of specific scientific developments that served as the impetus for the emergence of such a new direction scientific research, as global modeling and general philosophical reasoning about human existence in the modern world, the values ​​of life and the prospects for the development of mankind. Work in the field of global modeling, construction of the first computer models of the world, criticism of the negative trends of Western civilization, debunking the technocratic myth of economic growth as the most effective means of solving all problems, searching for ways to humanize man and the world, condemning the arms race, calling on the world community to join forces, stop interethnic strife, preserve environment, increase the well-being of people and improve the environment, increase the well-being of people and improve the quality of life - all this constitutes the positive aspects of the activities of the Club of Rome, which have attracted the attention of progressive scientists, politicians, and government officials.

The first report to the Club of Rome, published in 1972, was called “The Limits to Growth.” The team of authors, headed by D. Meadows, set the task of identifying the limits to the growth of world civilization, conditioned by the finite size of the planet and the limited ability of it to withstand anthropogenic loads. Five parameters were taken as a basis: environmental pollution, use of non-renewable resources, volume of investment, population growth, and food supply.

3.1.2 Aurelio Peccei and his theory of the origins of global problems

Of particular interest is the concept for solving global environmental problems put forward by the Club of Rome, a representative world organization, which brings together famous scientists, cultural figures, entrepreneurs, government officials from different countries. For a number of years it was headed by the prominent Italian entrepreneur and economist Aurelio Peccei (1908–1984). In his famous book“Human Qualities” by A. Peccei states that the environmental situation in the world that had developed by the early 70s was a crisis. He emphasizes that man, whose material power has reached its apogee, has turned the planet into his empire, which is already turning into an environmental disaster. Man increasingly develops an insatiable appetite for consumption, without thinking at all about the consequences of his growing aspirations and needs. The diverse artificial world created by man is increasingly crowding nature.

A. Peccei notes that a person is connected with other people by thousands of threads, his present predetermines the future, there is no and cannot exist ecological independence. We especially emphasize this idea, because no matter how this or that country protects its natural environment, no matter what sophisticated measures it takes in this regard, destruction of this environment by neighboring countries cannot be ruled out. The Chernobyl accident is convincing proof of this.

The main thing is to reduce the gap between the highest incomes of rich countries and the lowest for the poorest. To do this, all efforts should be directed towards changing a person and thereby changing civilization.

From the point of view of A. Peccei, a new humanism is needed, based on and aimed at significant improvement human qualities all inhabitants of the planet. In other words, A. Peccei proposes to make the center of attention a person, his way of existence and way of life, because the fate of the new world order will depend on his qualities and abilities. The progressive development of man, A. Peccei believes, and the parallel improvement of his human qualities will bring with it a radical revision of man’s perception of himself and man in general, his role and responsibility. And this is the only way not only to satisfy the growing needs of humanity, but also to give man a certain opportunity to intelligently plan your future.

3.1.3 Solving global problems

The Western organization for solving global problems, the Club of Rome, believes that a one world state or one world government would be able to take responsibility for solving and controlling all modern global problems.

The theorists of the Club of Rome place the main emphasis on solving global problems on strengthening international cooperation of all countries. Naturally, following the path of development and strengthening of international cooperation is the most realistic way of practical implementation and solution of the problems facing modern humanity. However, this the international cooperation should exclude the imperial policy of more developed countries in relation to less developed ones. It is no secret that even today international trade redistributes global resources in such a way that the primacy of countries becomes especially noticeable. Often unprofitable production is transferred to less developed countries under the guise of assistance, energy resources are pumped out of them, and in return weapons are offered at a very high price. Another form of exploitation of lagging countries is practiced, such as dumping hazardous waste from the chemical and nuclear industries on their territory in exchange for financial assistance. Control must be entrusted to the entire human community, states, public organizations, per person.

Based on the developments of the Club of Rome to solve modern global environmental problems, it is necessary to conduct a constant targeted search for new options for the harmonious development of man and the biosphere. We need to know exactly what society is prohibited by nature, which can disrupt stability natural world, destroy the conditions under which people can confidently live and build their civilization. We need to understand what this civilization should be like - a reality that meets the growing needs of man and disabilities nature.

When deciding the issue of harmonizing the relationship between society and nature, people must realize that man, like all living things on Earth, is inseparable from its biosphere. The biosphere is the necessary natural framework for human existence, his life and health. Therefore, the urgent need becomes not only the production and reproduction of the immediate life of people, but also the production and reproduction of the natural environment itself, conscious management natural processes And natural complexes. Any disruption to the basic processes in the ecosystem should be eliminated as much as possible.

Evidence that there is widespread awareness of pressing environmental issues is the unfolding environmental movement (of the green parties), which has essentially become a powerful stream of social protest against all the inconsistencies in the implementation of state environmental policy. It is characteristic that the green movement is now building its activities in accordance with three important principles:

from the concept of inexhaustibility one should move to the concept of finiteness of natural resources;

the pace of development of nature into society must be comparable;

people should focus not on artificial, but on the natural conditions of their existence.

3.1.4. Concepts future fate humanity

The power of man becomes a factor determining the inadmissibility of a predatory attitude towards nature. A person must learn to consider what is happening to nature as what is happening to himself.

Within the framework of the philosophy of global problems, the concept put forward by one of the greatest sociologists of the 20th century, P.A., is of interest. Sorokin.

P.A. Sorokin believes that demoralization and its disastrous consequences in society can be stopped only through non-selfish love for man and humanity. In his opinion, the main historical mission of humanity is limitless creation: accumulation and improvement. Truth, Beauty and Goodness in the very nature of man, in the human mind and behavior, in public life and outside it, in a person’s relationship to the world and each other. This mission (goal), emphasizes P.A. Sorokin, is set and achieved by people themselves, and it is a true measure of human progress. And only such self-creation by people will contribute to increasing production and neutralizing selfishness in society. P.A. Sorokin argues that non-egoistic creative love is a tremendous force. It is this kind of love that can put an end to people’s aggressiveness towards each other, since love generates love. Non-selfish and wise love, which is cultivated in relations between people in society, manifests itself as a life-giving force, for it becomes the strongest antidote against the tendencies of crime, hatred, and fear. Such love - effective remedy for the enlightenment and moral upgrading of humanity.

It’s hard to disagree with these arguments and I really want to believe with P.A. Sorokin, that if an increase in non-egoistic creative and wise love prevails in society, i.e. if humanity takes this task seriously, then it will be extremely dangerous crisis of our century can be overcome and - harmony, happiness and peace - will greet future generations. The role of progressive scientists, politicians, and statesmen is very great. The culture of human coexistence must take shape into a global culture that will not allow a person to perish.

Appendix No. 2


The problem of global thermonuclear war. The search for ways to prevent world conflicts began almost immediately after the end of World War II and the victory over Nazism. At the same time, a decision was made to create the UN - a universal international organization, the main goal of which was to develop interstate cooperation and, in the event of a conflict between countries, to assist opposing parties in resolving controversial issues peacefully. However, the division of the world that soon occurred into two systems - capitalist and socialist, as well as the beginning of the Cold War and the arms race more than once brought the world to the brink of nuclear disaster. The threat of the outbreak of a third world war was especially real during the so-called Caribbean crisis of 1962, caused by the deployment of Soviet nuclear missiles in Cuba. But thanks to the reasonable position of the leaders of the USSR and the USA, the crisis was resolved peacefully. In subsequent decades, the world's leading nuclear powers signed a number of agreements to limit nuclear weapons, and some of the nuclear powers have committed to stopping nuclear testing. Government decisions were influenced by the social movement for peace, as well as the speeches of such an authoritative interstate association of scientists for general and complete disarmament as the Pugwash movement.

Researchers from different countries have come to a unanimous assessment that the third World War, if it breaks out, it will become a tragic ending to the entire history of human civilization; the most disastrous consequence of the possible use of nuclear weapons, as well as global accidents as a result of the use of atomic energy, will be the death of all living things and the onset of “nuclear winter”; 5 percent of accumulated nuclear reserves is enough to plunge the planet into an environmental catastrophe.

Scientists, using scientific models, have convincingly proven that the main consequence of a nuclear war will be an environmental disaster, which will result in climate change on Earth. The latter could lead to genetic changes in human nature and, possibly, to the complete extinction of humanity. Today we can state the fact that the likelihood of conflict between the leading powers of the world is much less than before. However, there is the possibility of nuclear weapons falling into the hands of totalitarian reactionary regimes or into the hands of individual terrorists. After the events in New York on September 11, 2001, the problem of combating international terrorism sharply worsened.


The environmental problem arose as a result of the interaction between society and nature, which leads to a global environmental disaster. These are the problems of global climate change: changes in the composition of the atmosphere (consumption of 02 exceeds its natural formation; violation of the density of the ozone screen (a hole over Antarctica); a huge amount of waste (81% of hazardous waste enters the atmosphere); soil erosion and desertification (10 million km2 ); pollution of the World Ocean (sea level rises by 2 mm per year), fresh water, sushi. In developing countries, 80% of illnesses and 1/3 of deaths are caused by drinking contaminated water; problems of forest conservation and biological diversity (180 million hectares of forest have been cleared over the current decade); increased consumption of natural resources. Thus, in 1997, 8 billion tons of fuel were consumed. According to scientists, the biosphere can fully compensate for anthropogenic disturbances natural processes, if humanity consumes no more than 1% of primary biological production. The current share of its consumption is approaching 10%. The compensatory capabilities of the biosphere have already been undermined, and the development of a global environmental catastrophe has begun. The environmentally acceptable threshold for energy consumption is 1 TW/year (1 TW = 1000000000000 W). This threshold has already been passed. Consequently, the destruction of the favorable properties of the environment began. Consumer civilization has crossed the line beyond which habitat destruction occurs. In fact, the third world war has begun, and it is being waged against nature. This war may be the last because it will kill the nature of the Earth. The global environmental crisis is also associated with the growth of the world's population. But in order to meet the needs of the planet's population, it is necessary to reduce the consumption of natural resources in developed countries by three times and increase the well-being of the population of individual countries. If the world's population goes over the upper limit - 12 billion - then all ecosystems will be destroyed, and from 3 to 5 billion people will slowly die of hunger and thirst. Solutions environmental problem 1. Legislative definition of environmental management standards. 2. Application of centralized environmental protection measures, for example, uniform international norms and rules for the protection of the World Ocean, protection of the atmosphere, climate, forests, etc. 3. Centralized planning, for example, a comprehensive restoration plan natural conditions river valleys Tennessee (USA), in the Netherlands - “Delta Plan”; The goal is to drain lands flooded by the sea. 4. Education of environmental consciousness and moral development of the individual.


Over the last millennium, the world's population has increased 18 times. The first doubling took 600 years, the second 230, the third 100, and the last 38 years. From 1975 to 1985, the population increased by 77 million annually, i.e. on average by 1.8%, in developed countries - by 0.5%, in developing countries - by 2.1%, and in Africa - 3%. Such growth rates have never been observed before in human history. In 1999, more than half of Earthlings were under 25 years old. Acceleration of the growth rate of the world population in the second half of the 20th century. often called the population explosion. The population explosion was caused by the rise of the economy, the liberation of third world countries, the improvement medical care after the Second World War, illiteracy of the population, primarily women, and the lack of social security for the elderly in developing countries. Under these conditions, children (and their work) are the life support of their parents. Young children provide physical assistance to mothers in their hard housework and to fathers in agriculture. Due to the lack of social (pension) security, 2-3 adult sons must support elderly parents. It's difficult to do this alone. And in order for 2 - 3 men to be born in a family, the spouses must have at least 4 - 6 children. High infant mortality in the absence of necessary medical care has also traditionally been a reason contributing to high birth rates. Population growth among countries and regions is extremely uneven. Less developed countries account for 95% of the world's population growth. For example, in Kenya, the birth rate (the number of children born per 1,000 people divided by 1,000 and multiplied by 100) rose to 5.8% and approached the biologically possible limit. At the same time, the birth rate in Germany, Denmark, Italy, Sweden, Switzerland and a number of other countries is less than 1.2%. Every second the population increases by 3 people. In the second half of the 90s, the increase was 80 million per year (1.4%). The “demographic explosion” and uneven population growth leads to an exacerbation of a number of other problems: an increase in the load on the environment (the factor of “demographic pressure”); ethnic problems; refugee problem; the problem of urbanization, etc. Demographic pressure complicates the food and environmental situation. The development of a modern economy requires territorial and fuel and raw materials resources. The severity of the problems is due not so much to the limited resources as to the impact of the nature of their use on the state of the environment. The increasing population of the poorest countries has begun to have an irreversible impact on the environment. In the 1990s, changes reached critical proportions. These include continued urban growth, land degradation and water resources, intensive deforestation, development of the greenhouse effect. Decisive action is needed to limit population growth, fight poverty and protect nature. Ethnic and refugee problems are caused by the disparity between population growth in developing countries and the ability to meet their social needs. For example, rapid population growth does not allow stabilizing the problem of unemployment and makes it difficult to solve problems of education, health care, social security, and others. In other words, any socio-economic problem also includes a demographic one.


North-South problem - ϶ᴛᴏ the problem of economic relations between developed countries and developing countries.

Its essence is essentially that in order to bridge the gap in the levels of socio-economic development between developed and developing countries, the latter require various concessions from developed countries, in particular, expanding access for their goods to the markets of developed countries, increasing the influx of knowledge and capital (especially in the form of assistance), debt write-off, etc.

The underdevelopment of developing countries is potentially dangerous not only at the local, regional and interregional levels, but also for the global economic system as a whole. The backward South will be an integral part of it and, therefore, its economic, political and social problems will inevitably find and are already finding manifestation outside. Concrete evidence of this can be, for example, large-scale forced migration from developing countries to developed ones, as well as the spread throughout the world of both new and previously considered defeated infectious diseases. That is why the North-South problem can be rightfully interpreted as one of the global problems of our time.

New international economic order

The North-South problem began to receive international resonance in the second half60s XX century . after a widespread wave of decolonization, which led to the developmentconcepts of a new international economic order and the movement among developing countries to establish this order.

The key ideas of this concept were:

    firstly, the creation for developing countries of a preferential regime for participation in

international economic relations

    secondly, the provision of assistance by developed countries to developing countries in

on a stable, predictable basis and in volumes commensurate with the scale of the socio-economic problems of these countries, as well as easing their debt burden.

The idea of ​​​​creating a preferential regime for participation in international economic relations for developing countries arose as a reaction to the dissatisfaction of developing countries with the system international trade, in which income from the export of processed goods exceeded (due to the presence of greater added value in these goods) income from the export of raw materials, and developing countries interpreted ϶ᴛᴏ asmanifestation of unequal exchange in North-South trade relations .

By the mid-80s. XX century The movement to establish a new international economic order has achieved a number of positive results. Developing countries have asserted their sovereignty over national natural resources and achieved its international recognition, which in some cases (for example, in the case of energy resources) contributed to an increase in export revenues of developing countries. By the beginning of the 21st century, the problems are aggravating again for 2 reasons: The first is a serious weakening of the unity of the developing countries themselves in defending their demands, the emergence of such subgroups as newly industrialized countries and oil-exporting countries.

    The second is the deterioration of the negotiating positions of developing countries: with the entry of developed countries into the post-industrial stage, the possibility of developing countries using the raw materials factor as an argument in the North-South dialogue has narrowed significantly.

As a result, the movement to establish a new international economic order suffered defeat.the North-South problem remains .

Appendix No. 3

External assessment

Internal assessment

What happened?




(according to a 5 point system)






External assessment

(using a 5-point system) Evaluation of the performance by members of other teams

Internal assessment

Evaluation of the team’s activities by the moderator

What happened?




(according to a 5 point system)






External assessment

(using a 5-point system) Evaluation of the performance by members of other teams

Internal assessment

Evaluation of the team’s activities by the moderator

What happened?




(according to a 5 point system)






External assessment

(using a 5-point system) Evaluation of the performance by members of other teams

Internal assessment

Evaluation of the team’s activities by the moderator

What happened?




(according to a 5 point system)






Public lesson social studies in 8th grade on the topic:

"Global problems of our time"

“Our first duty is the self-preservation of the human species together with its planetary-universal environment”

G. Parsons, American scientist

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“An open social studies lesson in 8th grade on the topic: “Global problems of our time””



“Our first duty is the self-preservation of the human species together with its planetary-universal environment”

G. Parsons,

American scientist

What is a "problem"?

  • Problem [Greek] problēma - task, task] - the subject’s awareness of the impossibility of resolving the difficulties and contradictions that have arisen in a given situation by means of existing knowledge and experience. P., like the task, originates in a problem situation.

From the great encyclopedic


What problems do modern school leavers face?

Continuing Education

Relationships with parents

Peer relationships

Passing final exams

The problem of spending free time

Material problem

Other (health problem)

Global - from lat. globes - ball

1) Covering the entire globe, worldwide;

2) Comprehensive, complete, universal.

Students' formulation

Scientific formulation

Task: establish the correct match





Peculiarities global problems





global efforts


They threaten



to humanity




Who will solve the problems?


Social movements

Everyone personally

Your suggestions: _________________________

“...Our primary duty is the self-preservation of the human species together with its planetary-universal environment.”

G. Parsons

What interested you?

What surprised you?

What issue would you like to discuss in the future?

House. exercise:

Prepare a report on one of the problems discussed in today's lesson.
