Plant propagation and methods. Reproduction of indoor plants: methods, photos, videos

The world of indoor plants is many-sided and multifaceted. I just want to have the most beautiful flowers on the windowsill. Lovers of indoor plants do not always purchase new items in specialized stores or greenhouses. Potted flowers are not cheap. If you see a strange plant from your friends, you can add to your collection yourself.

The propagation of indoor plants has its own characteristics. There are several ways to grow flowers in an apartment, they depend on the type of plant. Some of them are not particularly difficult; even novice gardeners can handle them. Other breeding methods are only suitable for experienced indoor plant lovers.

Most often, when propagating flowers, they use the vegetative method. Thanks to it, you can get a new plant that will completely preserve its original characteristics, varietal purity and other properties. Flowers grown vegetatively bloom earlier than those grown from seeds.

Pieces of stems, leaves, roots, and bulbs are suitable for growing. In addition, on many plants, especially if they historical homeland are humid subtropics, seeds are not formed. They are not available, for example, on:

  • aloe and ficus;
  • tradescantia and
  • , curculigo.

There are many ways of growing season, each with its own characteristics and secrets.

Using the underground part

Peculiarities of propagation of bulbous flowers

Bulbs are used to obtain new plants from:

  • hippeastrum;
  • marshmallow;
  • Hymenocallis and other bulbous plants.

The babies are located in the axils of the mother's bulb - a modified stem. Annual indoor plants need to be replanted annually using young bulbs.

In some plants, the baby bulbs are very small and require about three years to grow. After this, they need to be transplanted to a permanent place. In order for the planting material to take root faster, the pot must be covered with glass.

Propagation by tubers

Many plants have an underground part - a tuber - a thick, fleshy shoot that retains nutrients and ensures the normal development of the indoor flower.

Planting material is dug up for germination. After the eyes (buds) appear, it is cut. Each piece should have up to two eyes. The cuttings are placed in disinfected bowls with prepared soil.

A similar method of vegetation is inherent in the plants that Russians most often grow:

  • cyclamens, oxalis;
  • , caladium;
  • sorrel, ;
  • anemones, gesneriaceae.

Features of using root suckers

To propagate indoor plants such as agave, agave, and clivia, root suckers are used. They form on the roots of an old bush. Attractiveness planting material is that each offspring already has its own root system.

If you plan to immediately transplant the mother bush into a new pot, then the offspring are selected as you work. This applies to clivia. In other cases, a part of the plant is simply cut off with a sharp knife and transplanted to a permanent place. This is what they do with aloe and agave.

Dividing a bush is a good option

Getting a new houseplant by dividing a bush is the most common method. This is how they grow:

  • asparagus;
  • violets;
  • Saintpaulia;
  • chlorophytums;
  • cyperus;
  • ferns.

Plants develop stems that have their own root system.

How the work is done:

  1. After removing the plant from the container, you need to shake off the soil and inspect the underground part.
  2. All shoots, leaves, and roots that are damaged are removed.
  3. A small plant is cut off from aspidistra and asparagus, and a rosette from violets.

All divisions should have roots and shoots with leaves. On the donor plant, you need to remove dense roots that resemble plugs.

New plants and the mother bush are transplanted into prepared pots. For irrigation, use warm water, adding complex fertilizer.

How to get a new flower from leaves

There are three ways:

  1. whole leaf;
  2. a piece of leaf;
  3. whole leaf with petiole.

Leaf without division

Whole leaves are used for plants with thick, succulent leaves, like Rex begonia.

Propagation by whole begonia leaf

The veins of the prepared planting material are cut from below. Before propagation, planting material is dried. Coarse sand is poured into a container with good soil on top and spilled. The sheet should be placed on the bottom side and pressed a little.

A piece of leaf

This option is suitable for:

  • Mason Begonias;
  • sansevierias;
  • Streptocarpus.

The leaves are cut into pieces no larger than five centimeters. Planting is done using prepared soil. You can use compositions for indoor flowers, which are sold in specialized stores. The leaf plate should not come into contact with the soil; it should be supported by a support.

When favorable conditions are created (high humidity, warm air and watering), the root system forms quickly.

Whole leaf with petiole

A leaf with a petiole is a good material for obtaining:

  • Saintpaulium;
  • begonia.

The leaf should be taken from a healthy plant at the base. Use a sharp knife for cutting. The length of the petiole is usually 1 or 3-4 cm.

Propagation by leaf cuttings of Saintpaulia

You can get the root system different ways:

  1. Place the leaf in a container of water. The petiole should be long, up to 4 cm.
  2. When rooting in the ground, the petiole is shortened to one centimeter. The cut is treated with a phytohormone solution. The leaf is placed directly into the hole with the bottom side facing the wall of the container. Planting material should not be allowed to come into contact with the ground.


Parts of the stem, leaf cuttings or unattractive plant stems are used as planting material for propagation by cuttings.

Stem cuttings

Some indoor plants can be propagated by part of the stem. Cuttings are taken from a healthy shoot no older than one year, cut into pieces no more than 8 cm long. Each of them should have two internodes and 2-3 leaves.

Propagation of geranium by cuttings

All leaves are removed from the bottom. After cutting the shoot by 1.5-2 cm, it is kept for several hours in a special solution that promotes growth. After this, place it in a pot with high-quality soil. It is impossible to bury more than 2 cm. After watering, put a plastic bag on top. Cuttings are carried out from March to May

Root directly in the soil:

  • olive, eugenia and myrtle;
  • callistemons, plumbago, pomegranates;
  • pelargoniums, begonias;
  • fuchsias, hibiscus, geraniums.

They quickly take root in an aquatic environment:

  • epipremnuma, monstera;
  • syngoniums, scindaptus.

As for hibiscus, myrtle, and ficus, rooting in water is successful, but if the plants fall into the ground, the roots may die. We'll have to wait for new ones to appear. Subsequently, the plants lag behind in development.

Leaf cuttings

If the indoor flower has short stems or a rosette, it will have to be propagated by leaf cuttings.

This is what you do with:

  • , Kalanchoe; Begonia Rex;
  • zamiocalcas, Uzumbara violet;
  • Crassula, Crassula, Echeveria;
  • ficus, echeveria, some lilies.

The leaf stalk is cut and placed in a moist substrate. Glass is placed on the container. After a while, small plants grow in the places where the cuts are made. New flowers can be obtained from leaf cuttings from May to the end of July.

You can get a new lily from scales. They need to be separated from the bulb along with a piece of the bottom on which the plant is formed.

Propagation by a piece of stem

Unattractive stems appear on dracaena, dieffenbachia, and cordyline, which have decorated the apartment for many years. In this case, the stem itself is used to produce a new plant.

The cut stalk should be 5-7 cm long, with an internode. The lower part of the planting material is deepened into the ground. It should be noted that such reproduction does not always bring the desired results. To prevent the death of the cutting, you need to create a greenhouse condition. This can be done using a bag or a greenhouse.

Video “Propagation by cuttings”

How else can you propagate indoor flowers?

In addition to the listed methods of propagating indoor plants, there are the following:

  • propagation by daughter plants,
  • air layering,
  • reproduction by whiskers,
  • seeds and spores.

Let's look at these types of reproduction in more detail.

The kids are coming

Many indoor plants produce daughter plants, which are popularly called children.

Children are formed from:

Formed children on faded guzmania

  • Kostenza bulbiferous, Kalanchoe Degremon;
  • Saxifraga, Tholmia Menzies;
  • multirow, Chlorophytum crested;
  • cyperus alternate-leaved, pancratium;
  • , Krinum and many others.

Let's consider the method of reproduction in more detail:

  • In pancratium, hippeastrum, and crinum, children grow next to the mother plant. They are simply transplanted.
  • On Kalanchoe - directly on the leaves, on cacti - on the stem. Daughter plants should be placed on moist soil. Watering is stopped for a couple of days. The root system develops quickly, penetrates the soil, and the plant begins to grow.
  • On Frisia, Aechmea, Cryptanthus, the place of development of daughter plants is the subcotyledon. There is no need to rush into separating the children: work begins when the daughter plant grows to the middle of the mother bush.

Reproduction by air layering

This method is rarely used due to its complexity. Beginners cannot do it, but experienced gardeners are experimenting.

In fact, propagation by layering is the oldest method; it is also called “Chinese”. This option is suitable for:

  • rubber and lyre-bearing ficuses;
  • hibiscus, dracaena;
  • Scheffler and Monster.

The shoot is not separated from the main plant. The stem is cut to a third of its thickness at an angle. After this, they are treated with special compounds that stimulate the growth of the root system. A match is inserted into the incision site to prevent it from overgrowing.

Place a film and add wet moss to the place where the new plant will develop. The film is fixed at the top and bottom. As the moss dries, add water. It takes several months for the root to form.

When the roots are clearly visible, the film must be removed. Using a sharp knife, cut the stalk and plant it in a permanent place.

Reproduction by mustache

The mustache is well developed in:

  • chlorophytum;
  • epics;
  • Saxifraga.

In fact, ready-made planting material with a formed root system grows on the mother plant. The mustache is cut off and planted in the prepared substrate. All that remains is to water.

Reproduction by seeds and spores

  1. Propagation by seeds

Indoor plants practically do not receive it. This is a very complex method that requires not only special knowledge, but also the creation of certain conditions.

Although experienced flower growers know several plants that reproduce only by seeds. This is exacum and thunbergia.

Pour a high-quality substrate into the pot and tamp it down a little. Spill hot water. After cooling, sow the seeds. If they are large, then sprinkle soil on top. Small seeds are left on the surface. The pot is covered with cellophane and placed in a warm place. For seed germination, a temperature of 16 to 20 degrees is required.

When the first sprout appears, the bag is removed and the pot is placed in a bright window.


Plants are afraid of direct sunlight! Water as the top lump of earth dries out. To keep the plants even, they are turned daily. Picking seedlings is carried out when the plants are stronger.

  1. Reproduction by spores

Fern-like houseplants reproduce by spores. The spores mature in the sporangia of the fronds. They need to be collected in a paper bag. The spores lose their germination within two days, so after collection they should be immediately distributed onto sterilized soil. There is no need to cover it with soil.

The container with the sown spores is covered with glass and put in a warm place, but the sun should not fall on it. After a while, green spots can be seen on the surface of the soil - these are seedlings. Water as needed. When the plants grow up, they are transplanted to a permanent place.

Let's sum it up

As you can see, if you have patience, you can always grow a beautiful indoor plant with your own hands. The main thing is to realize the significance of the upcoming work, to know the names of your green pets. Then you can choose The right way reproduction and get beautiful plants, which will delight you with flowers or colorful leaves.

Despite the fact that melon is a “purebred southerner,” summer residents grow it not only in the south. And all because this culture is extremely tasty and very healthy. And varieties “for the market” are not always distinguished by high taste qualities, not like fruits from your own garden or greenhouse. True, melon has its own “secrets,” but they are not particularly difficult. Therefore, if you have not yet grown melon on your acres, you should definitely try it at least once!

Red Sea salad with squid, crab sticks and red caviar - a light and healthy snack that is suitable for a pescetarian menu; it can also be prepared on fasting days, when fish and seafood are allowed on the menu. The salad is simply extremely tasty and easy to prepare. Buy squid freshly frozen. I do not recommend preparing a dish with fillet giant squid, although it looks appetizing and tempting, it has a sharp ammonia aftertaste that is difficult to get rid of.

Columnar fruit trees differ from ordinary fruit trees in their compact crown, small height, and lack of lateral branching. With a small habit, these miracle trees are distinguished by their ability to produce large yields of large, tasty and beautiful fruits. On 1-2 acres you can place up to 20-25 columnar trees - varieties of apple trees, pears, plums, peaches, cherries, apricots and other crops of different ripening periods. Our article will tell you about the features of creating a columnar garden.

August can feel a little sad - autumn, followed by a long winter, is already on the doorstep. But the flower beds are still full of colors, and their color scheme creates an atmosphere of warmth and joy. The rich palette of August flower beds mainly consists of yellow, orange, and crimson tones. And it seems as if the garden has become warmer and has more sunny color. What flowers should definitely be planted in flower beds so that they brighten up the inevitable passing of summer with blooms?

Peach jam with bananas is aromatic, thick, healthy and, most importantly, it contains half the sugar than regular jam. This is a quick jam with pectin, and pectin powder, as you know, allows you to reduce the sugar content in the jam, or even make it without sugar. Sugar-free jams are fashionable sweets these days; they are very popular among supporters healthy image life. Peaches for harvesting can be of any degree of ripeness, bananas too.

Coriander is one of the most popular spices in the world, and its greens are called coriander or coriander. Interestingly, cilantro leaves no one indifferent. Some people adore it and happily use it in any salads and sandwiches, and they love Borodino bread for the special flavor of coriander seeds. Others, citing the smell that evokes associations with forest bugs, hate coriander and flatly refuse to approach bunches of cilantro even at the market, let alone plant it in their own garden.

Saintpaulias are coming back into fashion and turning the idea of ​​cute blooming violets that willingly live on any windowsill. Trends in the “market” for Uzambara violets indicate a rapid increase in interest in plants with unusual leaves. More and more admiring glances are attracted not by the unusual colors of flowers, but by the exotic variegated colors of the leaves. Variegated Saintpaulias are almost no different from all the others in cultivation.

Sweet and sour marinated cherry tomatoes with red onion and basil marinated with balsamic vinegar and mustard. These pickled vegetables will decorate any holiday table; they are very tasty and aromatic. Marinade filling is a completely different story: it turns out delicious pickle, the only drawback of which is not a large number of. Choose sweet, red onions. Cherries are strong, slightly unripe, and the smallest. Fresh basil will work either green or purple.

My first acquaintance with hydrogel took place a long time ago. Back in the nineties, my husband brought funny multi-colored balls from Japan, which greatly increased in size when filled with water. They were supposed to be used for bouquets or for some other decorative purposes. Of course, at first it was funny, but then I got tired of playing and abandoned them, I don’t even remember where they went. But I recently returned to using hydrogel. I will tell you about my experience in this article.

Watermelon and summer are inseparable concepts. However, you won’t find melons in every area. And all because this African plant takes up a lot of space, is quite demanding of both heat and sun, and also of proper watering. But still, we love watermelon so much that today not only southerners, but much more northern summer residents have learned to grow it. It turns out that you can find an approach to such a capricious plant, and if you want, you can get a decent harvest.

You can make red gooseberry jam in 10 minutes. However, it should be borne in mind that this is the time required to cook the jam without preparing the berries. It takes a lot of time to harvest and prepare the berries for processing. Cruel thorns discourage any desire to harvest, and you still have to cut off the noses and tails. But the result is worth it, the jam turns out excellent, one of the most aromatic, in my opinion, and the taste is such that it is impossible to tear yourself away from the jar.

Monsteras, anthuriums, caladiums, dieffenbachias... Representatives of the Araceae family are considered one of the most popular categories of indoor plants. And not the last factor in their widespread distribution is diversity. Aroids are represented by aquatic plants, epiphytes, semi-epiphytes, tuberous plants and lianas. But despite such diversity, because of which it is sometimes difficult to guess about the relationship of plants, aroids are very similar to each other and require the same care.

Donskoy salad for the winter - a savory appetizer of fresh vegetables in a sweet and sour marinade with olive oil and balsamic vinegar. IN original recipe regular or apple cider vinegar, but with a combination of wine vinegar and light Balsamico it turns out much tastier. The salad can be prepared without sterilization - bring the vegetables to a boil, put them in sterile jars and wrap them warmly. You can also pasteurize the workpieces at a temperature of 85 degrees, then quickly cool.

The main mushrooms collected are: porcini, obabka, boletus, chanterelles, boletus, moss mushrooms, russula, milk mushrooms, boletus, saffron milk caps, honey mushrooms. Other mushrooms are collected depending on the region. And their name (other mushrooms) is legion. As well as mushroom pickers, of whom there are more and more every year. Therefore, there may not be enough for all known mushrooms. And I know for sure that among the little-known there are very worthy representatives. About little-known, but tasty and healthy mushrooms I'll tell you in this article.

The word "ampel" comes from the German word "ampel", meaning a hanging container for flowers. The fashion for hanging flower beds came to us from Europe. And today it is very difficult to imagine a garden where there is not at least one hanging basket. In response to the growing popularity of container floriculture, a large number of hanging plants have appeared on sale, whose shoots easily fall outside the pots. Let's talk about those that are valued for their beautiful flowers.

Indoor plants create a cozy atmosphere and enliven the interior, serving as an excellent decoration for living rooms, office spaces, halls and concert halls, and any other spaces. However, as indoor flowers grow, their beauty, freshness and decorativeness are lost. Plants are attacked by pests and diseases, which negatively affects appearance plants, can lead to its death. That is why flower growers replace adult flowers with young specimens. And for this it is not at all necessary to purchase them in the store. You can get a strong and healthy plant from your adult indoor flowers.

Each indoor plant has its own method of reproduction.

There are many ways to propagate indoor plants:

  • offspring;
  • children;
  • layering;
  • dividing the bush;
  • stem cuttings;
  • leaf parts or leaf cuttings;
  • seeds.

Most often, propagation of indoor plants is carried out by cuttings and seeds.

Stem cuttings

Propagating flowers by cuttings is the simplest method that gardeners most often practice. After all, almost all indoor plants propagate by cuttings. The main thing is to create suitable conditions so that the plant quickly takes root and develops normally.

Caring for cuttings varies, depending on the specific type of crop: in one case, to form roots, it is enough to lower the cuttings into a container of water, in another, you need to immediately plant the cut part of the shoot into the soil. Some plants at home require the creation of a greenhouse microclimate and treatment of cuttings with growth hormones.

Cuttings of indoor plants can be carried out:

  • the upper part of the shoots (most house flowers);
  • lignified parts of branches (ficus, oleander);
  • trunk, which is cut at a distance of 5 cm from the leaves (Dieffenbachia, Dracaena).


Cuttings must be cut very carefully, trying not to damage the stem.

The cut is made at an angle of 45° with a clean and very sharp knife. Herbaceous cuttings of indoor flowers are planted in prepared soil to a depth of about 2 cm, lignified shoots are planted a little deeper. Containers with planted material should be covered with film or glass, since in conditions of high humidity the root system forms faster.

Peculiarities of reproduction of some species:

  • fuchsia, geranium, indoor plants with succulent, fleshy leaves and shoots do not need high humidity when cutting; they cannot be covered with glass or film (otherwise the cuttings will rot);
  • Before planting in the soil substrate, the cut places of indoor flowers containing milky juice should be placed in a container with warm water and wait until the juice stops secreting, then the cut place should be sprinkled with powdered charcoal;
  • when cutting succulents and cacti, the cut cutting must be dried for several days before planting - too much water accumulates in these plants;
  • If cuttings are carried out at the wrong time, or cuttings of a given species do not take root well, it is better to treat them with growth-stimulating drugs.

Propagation by cuttings is best done in late spring and early summer, when the plant is in the active growth phase. But in some cases (for example, when propagating geraniums or fuchsias), it is better to carry out the procedure at the end of summer. The rooting time for each species is individual; it can vary from a week to a month, or longer.


In order for cuttings to grow into beautiful and healthy indoor plants, they need to be properly cared for:

  • protect from direct sun;
  • ventilate every morning and evening;
  • spray regularly;
  • wipe accumulated condensation from glass or film;
  • remove rotten cuttings from the container.

If the cutting has just begun to rot, you can save it: cut off the rotten area, keep the cutting in water with dissolved activated carbon, then plant it again.

As soon as the cuttings have formed a root system, they are planted in a pot with a suitable soil mixture. For the first few days, young flowers are kept in partial shade, then moved to a permanent place.


Propagation of indoor plants by seeds is carried out less frequently than by other methods. This method is more complex, labor-intensive and time-consuming. Growing from seeds has other features. Many varieties of perennial indoor flowers lose their attractiveness and species characteristics when propagated by seed. As for annuals, they propagate quite easily by seeds. It is a little more difficult to grow cacti, Saintpaulias, and ferns by seed.

When propagated by seeds, the grown plant may change the shade and shape of the leaf blades and the color of the flowers.


The main condition for successful propagation of plants by seeds is their freshness. For seeds of most plants, germination rate decreases when stored for a long time. The timing of sowing is determined by the speed of germination: for quickly germinating seeds, the optimal planting time is March or April.

Seeds with a hard shell (palm, camellia, asparagus and others) need to be prepared for planting in advance. Seed treatment is carried out in various ways. Can:

  • scald the seeds with boiling water;
  • soak in water for 3–5 days;
  • file the skin with a file, cut with a knife;
  • soak the seeds in aloe juice.

Before sowing, the soil is watered with boiling water 1–2 times for disinfection. The pots or trays are then covered with a suitable soil substrate (usually a mixture of peat and clay is used). It is better not to sow seeds in ready-made soil for indoor flowers. Large quantities nutrients contained in such soil suppress the germination process.


When planting a small number of plants, the seeds are sown in pots, otherwise it is more convenient to use a tray.

  1. On a tray. The soil mixture poured into the tray is leveled using a plank or other available means and lightly compacted. The seeds are evenly distributed over the surface, sprinkled with a thin layer of soil (the thickness should be equal to the size of the seeds). To evenly distribute the soil over the surface, you can use a sieve. Then the crops are watered evenly, the container is covered with glass or placed in a greenhouse.
  2. In the pot. High-quality drainage (fine gravel, coarse sand, pebbles) is laid at the bottom of the pot, and the soil mixture is poured on top. The soil is leveled and compacted. The seeds scattered on the surface are covered with a layer of soil. Watering is done using a sprayer. Then the pot is covered with film or glass and placed in a greenhouse.

If small seeds were sown, the distance between the soil and glass should be about 1 cm, when planting large planting material - 1.5–2 cm.


Crops need to be provided with periodic bottom watering or spraying, regular ventilation, and removal of condensation from glass or film. After sprouting, the glass can be removed and the container with the sprouts moved to a brighter place, but only with diffused lighting.

Picking seedlings

Picking is necessary for the formation of a strong root system. The procedure is usually carried out 2-3 times, and in each case a more fertile soil mixture is taken. The seedling is pryed with a pointed peg, slightly lifted, transferred to another container with moist soil, sprayed, and placed under glass for a couple of days.

Some plants need to be picked 4-5 times, and there are species that cannot tolerate this procedure at all.

After the seedlings take root well and germinate, they are transplanted into pots with suitable soil and placed in a permanent growing location.

Less common methods of reproduction

Indoor plants can be propagated not only by seeds or cuttings; there are other ways.

  1. Leaf cuttings. A whole, healthy, not affected by diseases and pests, leaf is cut off. Place in soil substrate or water and leave until the root system forms and daughter sprouts appear. This method is suitable for gloxinia, bushy begonia, peperomia, and violet.
  2. By layering. Mostly ampelous crops with long shoots and climbing forms (ivy, chlorophytum) reproduce. The daughter sprout formed on a long shoot is bent to a container with soil and fixed in the soil substrate with wire. Roots form here quite quickly. The daughter plant is separated when it is well rooted and begins to grow.
  3. Offspring. An offspring is a daughter plant that forms at the base of the mother flower. It is carefully separated by hand or cut off and planted in prepared soil. It is important that the daughter plant has its own root hairs. Caring for offspring is the same as for cuttings. The method is suitable for propagating cacti, bromeliads and bulbous plants(small bulbous offspring grow on the mother flower).
  4. Children. Small daughter sprouts with their own root hairs, forming at the tips of the leaves, are carefully pinched off and planted in a previously prepared moist substrate. When the plants grow up, they are transplanted into separate containers. This method is inherent in bryophyllum, Kalanchoe, and degremona.
  5. Dividing the bush. Many house flowers (arrowroot, violet, fern, asparagus, sansevieria, calathea) grow to such an extent that they form small daughter bushes (aka rosettes). They are most easily propagated by dividing the bush. In spring or in the first half of summer, the mother plant is removed from the container and cleaned of soil. Afterwards, carefully separate the daughter and adult plants (at the point of connection they are carefully broken or cut with a knife). Each daughter bush must have its own growing point and a well-formed root system. Daughter bushes are planted in moist soil. Before rooting, ensure constant soil moisture and protection from direct sun.

Indoor plants can be propagated in different ways, depending on the characteristics of a particular species. But in any case, the procedure allows you to replenish your home flower garden with new specimens without financial costs and replace adult plants with young ones. The main thing is to know which method is most suitable for a particular species, and to create optimal conditions for reproduction. This will make it possible to grow a strong and healthy, beautiful indoor flower.


Indoor floriculture is a hobby that many people enjoy. Indoor flowers are grown both in cities and villages. This is no coincidence, because flowers play a big role in the house:

Create a cozy atmosphere

Enrich the air with oxygen

Clean it up and



Plant propagation is a very interesting and useful activity.

Members of the circle became acquainted with the methods of carrying out plant propagation processes.

As a result of carrying out research work to study methods of propagation of indoor plants, participants in the environmental and local history circle put into practice the knowledge gained in ecology lessons and club classes.

The children took an active part in resolving issues related to the propagation of indoor flowers. All this contributed to instilling in schoolchildren initiative and a conscientious attitude towards experimentation. Increases interest in the study of biological objects.


Moscow. Terra Book Club 2003

2. Indoor plants and their use in the interior.

Sverdlovsk publishing house of the Ural

University 1991

3. General methods of teaching biology. .

Moscow "Enlightenment" 1976

4. Methodology for conducting experimental work with plants

Moscow Enlightenment 1988

5. “Methodology for conducting experiments with fruit,

berry and flower and ornamental plants.”

Moscow. Enlightenment.1982.

6. Botany lessons. V. Kuznetsova. Moscow Enlightenment 1989

7. Encyclopedia of indoor plants. Peter McCoy

Moscow "ROSMEN" 1998

Historical reference.

Objectives of the work.

Characteristics of the object of work.

Methodology of work.

Methods for propagating indoor plants.

Reproduction by seeds or spores.

Propagation by stem cuttings

Propagation by leaf cuttings

Reproduction by division.

Reproduction by layering.

Reproduction by offspring and “children”.

Reproduction using special methods.

Experiments on propagation of Saintpaulia (Uzumbara violet)

Conclusions on the propagation of Saintpaulia.




Plants of the biological cabinet

Medicinal plants

Flowering plants

Decorative foliage plants


Plants of the biological cabinet

Name. Family

Reproduction methods


Abutilone. Indoor maple

Seeds. By cuttings

12-15 0C Spray. Avoid direct light. Replant every spring

Amaryliss. Amaryllidaceae

South America

Division by offspring and “children”

Cool temperature. Intense lighting. Moderate watering. Rest period.

Aloe arborescens

South Africa

Seeds. "Khokholkom"

15-18 0C in winter. Direct light. Watering abundantly only in summer

Anthurium. Scherzer. Anthurium

Dividing the bush


Winter minimum 70 C.

Resistant to dry air. Tolerates direct sunlight.

Medicinal plants of the biological cabinet.

Species name


Aloe arborescens

The juice stimulates the appetite, improves digestion, has a laxative, bactericidal and wound-healing effect.


Used for kidney stones and bladder

Whitewing officinalis

Diaphoretic, anti-inflammatory effect

Has antihelminthic properties, regulates the activity of the stomach


Dietary and medicinal qualities. Lowers blood pressure

Common oxalis

Increases the secretion of urine bile, relieves heavy menstruation, heals purulent wounds well

Noble laurel

“Bean ointment” for rheumatism, paralysis, colds

Plant ecology

Studying in various ways propagation of indoor plants

Address: 412645

d. Zubrilovka st. Green, 5

Sudareva Marina

7th grade students of Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School of the village. Stolypino

Address: 412645

Saratov region Baltaysky district

With. Stolypino st. Molodezhnaya 34 apt. 1


teacher of biology, chemistry and ecology

Municipal educational institution secondary school s. Stolypino

Address: 412645

Saratov region Baltaysky district

With. Stolypino st. Pervomaiskaya village


Most indoor plants reproduce successfully vegetatively. Vegetative propagation of plants can be carried out at any time of the year. It is based on the ability to form new stems and root systems from all parts of the plant.

The advantage of vegetative propagation over other methods is that the purity of the variety, bred by breeders over many years, is preserved. It is possible to transfer to the new plant the color and shape of the flower, doubleness, appearance and color of the leaves. Plants grown in this way take root well and bloom earlier.

Florists use the above-ground part (cuttings, leaves, tendrils, layering), the root (bush and suckers) and the underground part in a modified form (bulbs and tubers) for vegetative propagation of plants. Depending on the part used, vegetative propagation is carried out using different methods.

Vegetative propagation is of the following types:

  • Cuttings from stems and leaves
  • Rooting cuttings
  • Reproduction using whiskers
  • Bulbous propagation
  • Reproduction using offspring

Stem cuttings

The stem cutting or the upper part of the stem is taken from a healthy bush to be propagated. If there is a thin bark, the woody part is used. Cuttings with succulent leaves are dried a little. Plant cuttings with milky juice are dipped in warm water until the juice stops flowing.

It is enough to use a stem with 2-3 leaves 10-15 cm long. It is cut with a sharp knife, positioning the blade at 45°, moving 1 cm up from the leaf axil. The lower leaves are removed. The cut is treated with charcoal. For rooting, use water or a light soil mixture. It is prepared from equal parts of sand and peat.

When rooted in water, roots form quickly. However, the roots are very tender and do not take root well in the soil. After planting in the ground, cuttings often die.

How to root in soil substrate:

  1. A dark-colored container with a drainage hole should be filled with a layer of expanded clay. Sprinkle light soil mixture on top
  2. Moisten the mixture and place the cutting, deepening it by 2 cm
  3. When rooting several shoots, they are placed at a distance of 6 cm
  4. Compact the soil to eliminate air pockets
  5. Tie the top with a transparent bag with a small hole for ventilation
  6. Install in a warm, bright place
  7. The shoot needs regular ventilation, watering and spraying

It will take from several days to 2-4 weeks for roots to form. After rooting, the young plant with a lump of earth is planted in a separate pot.

Stem cuttings are effectively used for propagating ficus, impatiens, dwarf chrysanthemums, geraniums, tradescantia, philodendrons and other plant species.

Leaf cuttings

Leaf cuttings are suitable for plants that can take root in this way. For example, Kalanchoe, begonia, violet, ceperomia, crassula, streptocarpus.

You need to take a healthy leaf of the plant with a 3-5 cm cutting. The cut on the cutting is placed at an angle. It is placed in a glass of water to a shallow depth of 4 cm. The period of root formation will take about 2 weeks. After the roots appear, the shoot is transplanted into a prepared pot with soil mixture.

In addition to water, a light substrate or sphagnum moss is used for rooting. The technology in this case is similar to stem cuttings. The edge of the leaf should be above the ground and not in contact with it. It is not recommended to use vegetative stimulants for rooting leaves.

Plants with large leaves can be divided into parts and rooted. For example, begonia, aloe, sansivieria or streptocarpus. Select pieces with pronounced veins. The extreme part is not used. Pieces of leaf are laid vertically on a damp, loose substrate (sand can be used) and covered with film to create a greenhouse effect. During leaf propagation, the pot is in a warm, lighted place.

Dividing a plant bush

Certain species of stemless plants with a strong root system reproduce successfully by dividing the bush. They quickly grow in width and are transplanted in the spring.

How to do division:

  • The plant should be removed from the pot and cleared of soil.
  • Using a sharp knife, divide into several parts, preserving 1-2 growth points and an active root system in each

You can't tear it, only cut it!

  1. Treat the sections with charcoal powder
  2. Plant the parts in separate pots with a suitable substrate composition
  3. In the first month after planting, the plant requires regular watering.

Indoor ferns, arrowroot, chlorophytum, aspedistra, cyperus, and others are suitable for dividing the bush.

For vegetative propagation of gloxinia and tuberous begonia species, tuber division is used.

An adult tuber is cut into pieces, each containing a bud that will give rise to a young sprout. The open cut is treated with fungicide or fine charcoal. The cuttings are dried in a warm place for a couple of days. Planting is carried out in a damp peat-sand mixture.

On the adventitious roots of the main bush, lateral shoots are formed that appear next to the main plant. This is an independent small plant, ready for planting.

Suculents and cacti, aloe, echmea, vriesea, gusmania, and clivia reproduce in this way.

Young shoots are separated or cut with a thin blade without touching the mother bush. Planted in small pots with soil. Before rooting, they are covered with film or a jar and shaded in the first days.

Rooting cuttings

The method is ideal for propagating ampelous or climbing flowers with long shoots: hoya, tradescantia, ivy, cissus, philodendron.

The essence of the method is that the stem does not need to be separated from the uterus. It is better to use annual shoots and do rooting in the spring. To ensure a guaranteed result, several stems are rooted at once.

A flexible shoot of sufficient length is pressed into the ground and secured with a paper clip or wire. A small pot is placed at a convenient distance from the donor plant and the soil is regularly moistened.

Rooting will take a lot of time; to speed up the process, the stem is slightly cut in the right place.

The viability of the stem is maintained due to the connection with the mother plant. After the roots have formed, the stem is separated and the new flower is transplanted into a full-fledged pot.

Reproduction using whiskers

Certain types of indoor plants form tendrils, with the help of which they successfully reproduce. Saxifraga, nephrolepis, tolmia, and chlorophytum crested reproduce in this vegetative way. For rooting, you should do the same as when rooting cuttings. Place a small pot with light soil next to the main plant and dig in a branch of the mustache, securing it with a hairpin. After rooting, separate and place in a separate pot.

Bulbous propagation

Small baby bulbs grow near the adult bulb. They are planted in a separate pot to form a new flower. The bulbs are separated when transplanting the mother bush.

The method is suitable for clivia, indoor lily, crinum, amaryllis, hippeastrum.

Reproduction using offspring

On certain types plants like bryophyllum grow micro-plants with aerial roots. The suckers form on the edges of the leaves or the central stem, as in succulents.

They are carefully separated and planted in the soil.

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