What happens when the ovaries are removed. Changes in the body after the removal of one ovary

Some diseases of the female genital area require surgical intervention, but the reasons for this must be serious. If your doctor recommends the removal of one or both ovaries (oophorectomy, or what is known as oophorectomy), it is important to be aware of the effects of spaying in women.

Indications for surgery

Surgery to remove the ovaries is mandatory if there are:

  • malignant neoplasms of the female genital organs - appendages, uterus;
  • a large cyst that cannot be removed separately;
  • adnexitis with the presence of purulent foci, threatening the development of peritonitis and sepsis;
  • apoplexy (rupture) of the ovary after injury or due to sclerotic changes in the tissue structure;
  • torsion of the appendages and compression of the main highways that feed the ovary;
  • ectopic pregnancy in the ovary and the threat of rupture;
  • extensive endometriosis.

According to statistics, the removal of the organ on the right side is more often performed. Surgery to remove the ovaries for breast cancer is indicated if sex hormones stimulate tumor growth and metastases. It has been proven that oophorectomy promotes stable remission of the malignant process.

The operation itself is simple and does not require long-term rehabilitation, especially if performed using a laparoscope and only one ovary is removed. In this case, there is no disruption of the endocrine system, there is no early menopause.

Removal of the ovaries during pregnancy

During pregnancy, an urgent operation may be needed in case of torsion of the cyst on the leg, when its nutrition is disturbed, there is a risk of tissue necrosis. In this case, there is a strong pain syndrome that cannot be removed with the help of analgesics. Ovarian surgery is performed after 14 weeks with a formed placenta using laparoscopy with epidural anesthesia.
During the operation, the condition of the fetus is monitored. An important point is suturing or cauterization of blood vessels to avoid large blood loss. The woman is under observation in the hospital for 3-4 days. In the absence of an infectious process, you can go home for 5-6 days.

When a cyst is detected during pregnancy, special attention to one's health is required in order to quickly get to a medical facility at the first sign of an exacerbation.

If, according to the results of the examination, markers of a high oncogenic risk were identified, then the removal of the ovaries during pregnancy is mandatory.
Bilateral cysts, which are caused by hormonal imbalance during pregnancy, do not require urgent surgical intervention. Such formations usually disappear after childbirth.
If a cyst is found during a random examination, for example, about the causes of anovulation with regular menstruation and the inability to become pregnant, then hormonal correction is first prescribed.

Read also When is an abdominal operation to remove an ovarian cyst needed and how is it performed?

Oophorectomy after menopause

After the onset of menopause, you should not be afraid of removing the ovaries: by this time, they have completely ceased their hormone-producing activities. The recovery process is easier, there is no difference in well-being. If the operation is necessary for health reasons, then after 50 years you should not worry about the absence of organs, but it is necessary to direct all efforts to rehabilitation and restoration of health.
The main thing in the post-menopausal period will be strengthening the body, raising immunity and a positive psychological attitude of the patient.

Indications for removal in children and adolescents

Cases of removal of ovaries in newborn girls are known.
According to statistics, such cases are rarely operated on if there is rapid growth and the tumor is malignant. In infants, cysts often resolve without treatment, so the child is registered with a pediatric gynecologist who monitors the development of the process. If the tumor grows and there is no tendency to reverse development, then an operation is prescribed to remove one ovary. In the future, the girl will be able to have children, since 1 healthy egg-producing organ is preserved.
During puberty, the appearance of ovarian tumors is associated with hormonal changes in the body. When a cyst is detected, observation is carried out for some time. A tumor up to 4 cm is not operated on. Emergency conditions of cyst torsion, rupture of the follicle after physical activity, injuries, falls require surgical intervention and removal of part of the ovary or the whole organ.
Existing infections with a decrease in immunity can cause inflammation of the pelvic organs and provoke tumor growth. Depending on the results of conservative treatment and the state of immunity, it may be necessary to remove the ovary filled with pus. But usually such processes are not diagnosed at the onset of the disease, and the girl is admitted with a pain syndrome, in which an urgent oophorectomy is performed.

Can surgery be avoided?

Surgical intervention can be avoided with early diagnosis of gynecological diseases. In this case, conservative treatment is indicated:

  • taking preparations of female hormones to normalize the menstrual cycle and correct ovarian function;
  • increase in general immunity;
  • elimination of infections that provoke the growth of benign tumors;
  • use of methods traditional medicine in parallel with drug treatment;
  • taking anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • in the absence of malignant transformations, physiotherapy is used.

The condition for conservative treatment is the small size of the cyst, the absence of a pedicle. The age of the patient should not exceed 40 years.
The main efforts should be directed to strengthening the body and eliminating concomitant diseases. Physiotherapy exercises, which increase the tone of the muscles of the peritoneum and provide the tissues with the necessary amount of oxygen, should be performed at home.
There are various breathing techniques that, with the right approach, can be used for gynecological diseases.

Interesting! Most people breathe only with the upper part of the lungs, which significantly deprives their body. Tissues receive less oxygen, as a result, various diseases of organs and systems appear - respiratory, cardiovascular, nervous.

Features of the operation

The operation is performed in two ways: laparotomy and laparoscopic.
In the first case, a large incision is made on the abdomen, and a scar will be visible after the operation. The advantage of laparotomy is that it opens access to other organs - the uterus and appendages. If there is a need to assess the condition of the entire reproductive system, then the doctor chooses this method. With advanced diseases of the uterus and ovaries, laparotomy is preferable, since during the operation the doctor can change the work plan depending on the available nuances.
The recovery period after laparotomy of the ovary is longer and more painful. You are allowed to get up at the end of the day. This method requires preparation, which consists in passing tests for blood clotting, its belonging to a certain group.
The laparoscopic method is less traumatic and is not associated with large blood loss. There are no scars after the operation, since the doctor uses small punctures on the skin to penetrate into the abdominal cavity, through which a camera is inserted to control the process and manipulators. From an aesthetic point of view, this method has more advantages.

Read also Subtleties of oophorectomy

Recovery postoperative period

The first day after the operation is quite difficult, especially after laparotomy.
Pain is relieved with analgesics. Blood thinners are used to prevent blood clots.
It is important to start moving and get up 24 hours after the removal of the ovary. This is necessary to normalize the activity of the intestines. Liquid food. It is allowed to drink water, unsweetened compotes, tea. Carbonated drinks are not allowed. You can switch to the usual menu after self-emptying of the intestines.

physical activity and physiotherapy after surgery to remove the ovaries is indicated no earlier than 1.5 months.

Soreness in the abdomen can persist for 1-2 months. Therefore, strengthening exercises should be started after the pain disappears.

When can I have sex after having an ovary removed?

Sexual life after removal of the ovaries is allowed after 1.5-2 months, if the patient's health has improved, there are no pains during intercourse. With the removal of one ovary, libido (sexual desire) is preserved, so there should be no physiological problems. You have to start carefully sudden movements listening to the sensations inside.

Sex after an operation to remove the ovaries is one of the indicators of the normal psychological state of a woman.

It is necessary to postpone the onset of sexual activity if bleeding occurs during intercourse. In this case, it is better to consult a gynecologist.

Early and late postoperative complications

The most dangerous early complications are:

  • damage to the urethra;
  • inflammatory process or divergence of the seam;
  • purulent peritonitis due to infection;
  • blockage of the pulmonary artery by a thrombus or air embolism, which can lead to pneumonia and death;
  • bleeding due to poor clotting.

Processes develop within 2-3 days and require urgent measures.
Late complications are:

  • a sharp cessation of the production of the hormone estrogen 2 weeks after the removal of both ovaries, the onset of symptoms of menopause;
  • disorders in the work of the heart due to a lack of sex hormones;
  • a sharp weight gain;
  • dryness of the vagina;
  • the onset of hypertension;
  • vascular atherosclerosis;
  • fragility of bones, the condition requires additional intake of calcium supplements.

There are a number of different reasons for having surgery to remove the uterus and ovaries. After the intervention, the woman will not be able to become pregnant and give birth to a child. In this connection, there are problems of a psychological and emotional nature. There are thoughts about own worthlessness and complexes come with them. Almost all patients believe that life without ovaries and without a uterus is completely changed. Like it or not, read on.

Hysterectomy is an operation to remove the uterus, which is performed due to the occurrence of various pathologies of this organ or the reproductive system as a whole. The most common cause is the detection of neoplasms in the uterine cavity. When pathological problems appear at the time of pregnancy or with birth complications, surgery may be the only way to prevent serious Negative consequences for the patient. Also, indications for hysterectomy include severe cases of advanced endometriosis, severe bleeding, prolapse of the uterine body.

- an operation to remove the ovaries. common cause, according to which this procedure is carried out, can be called the appearance of malignant neoplasms. In the presence of hormone-dependent cancer, the ovaries are removed in order to prevent the development of cancer. Only surgery can stop the development of an existing tumor. is also considered an indication for the procedure, but is prescribed only in case of accumulation of pus and serous fluid (acute stage). With apoplexy, oophorectomy is performed urgently to avoid death, because it threatens with peritonitis. Moreover, such a pathology is dangerous for its suddenness and bleeding into the abdominal cavity. At ectopic pregnancy when a fetal egg develops in one of the ovaries, an urgent operation is required - resection of the uterus. With further development of the fetus, a rupture of the fallopian tube, ovaries and appendages can occur, and this condition leads to extensive bleeding and infection of the internal organs.

It must be remembered that the operation to remove the uterus and / or ovaries is carried out to save lives!

Life without ovaries or without a uterus leads to a change in the daily existence of a woman. Often the most difficult are the problems of a psychological nature. One of the interviewed women said that after the operation her life had just begun. This is due to the fact that her condition before the operation was much worse and bleaker than after. Constant prolonged bleeding exhausted her body and lowered hemoglobin to a critical level. Because of this condition, sex with her husband became impossible. And only after the operation, her life returned to normal.


Sometimes such operations are performed at a fairly young age, when a woman leads a very active lifestyle, incl. playing sports. Lack of ovaries is not considered a barrier to performance exercise. However, after the surgical intervention, a certain time must pass for the body to fully recover. You can start playing sports only after the permission of the doctor!

Resection of the uterus is accompanied by bloody discharge, which, as a rule, is observed in the first ten days after the operation. This condition is considered normal and is explained by the healing of postoperative sutures. If no complications appear during this period, then after three months you can resume sports activity. You need to start with simple physical activities - it can be, for example, Pilates or yoga. Such exercises will raise vitality and mood, make you believe in your attractiveness again. To prevent urinary and defecation disorders, it is recommended to perform a set of exercises to strengthen the pelvic muscles using the Kegel method every day. Such gymnastics can prevent the prolapse of the pelvic organs.


After an oophorectomy, there is a chance of quickly gaining excess weight due to hormonal changes in the body. Body weight must be controlled, because women with extra pounds will be much harder during menopause.

It is equally important to lead a proper lifestyle after the operation and eat well. The following recommendations should be followed:

  • fractional nutrition (6-7 meals per day with a mandatory reduction in its volume by half);
  • abundant consumption of drinking water (drink up to 3-4 liters per day);
  • exclude fatty, spicy, salty foods from the diet;
  • do not eat smoked, fried foods;
  • do not drink coffee, alcoholic beverages;
  • limit the consumption of legumes, bread and muffins;
  • complete proteins are needed (any kind of boiled meat, liver, fish);
  • desirable vegetable fats(olive, sunflower, linseed oils);
  • obligatory vegetables, fruits, herbs;
  • fermented milk products (preferably with lacto- and bifidobacteria).

Sex without ovaries and/or uterus

Question intimate life cannot but excite women who have undergone surgery to remove the uterus and ovaries. It has long been confirmed that after such operations the quality of sexual life does not decrease. The only exception are patients who also had their appendages removed. According to their reviews, one can judge the presence of hormonal problems and a decrease in sexual desire.

During the first two months after the operation, sexual contacts are prohibited due to the fact that the surgical sutures must be tightened. After this period, and subject to the patient's well-being, you can return to intimate life.

As for the pleasure of sex and the opportunity to get an orgasm, everything remains, because there are no erogenous zones on the uterus, and they are all located on the external genitalia. Statistics confirm the fact that after the procedure, sexual activity and orgasm can sometimes even increase in 10% of women.

Another issue is that after the operation, the woman is in a depressed state, complexes appear - psychological problems can greatly reduce libido.

Pregnancy after ovary removal

Is it possible to give birth after the operation? If one ovary is amputated and the procedure went without complications, then the conception of a child is possible. But one of important conditions A successful pregnancy is the presence of two or at least one full-fledged fallopian tube.

According to statistics, after such an operation, many patients do not experience significant hormonal disruptions and menstrual irregularities. This already suggests that a woman is capable of conceiving a child.

To assess the ability to conceive, it is necessary to make sure that the second ovary has retained the ability to ovulate. If the menstrual cycle goes astray, menstruation does not occur, this indicates that ovulation has not occurred. Accordingly, there is no chance of getting pregnant. The possibility of fertilization with one ovary is the same as in absolutely healthy women.

If pregnancy occurs, first of all you need to make sure that it is not ectopic. Unfortunately, the absence of one of the ovaries increases the risk of such a diagnosis.

To become pregnant, it is necessary first of all to be examined in detail: to check the safety of the functions of the remaining organ, the hormonal background. If conception does not occur within a year, then the examination is necessary not only for the woman, but also for her partner. A timely visit to the doctor will help to detect and eliminate factors that prevent conception.

In gynecological practice, there are often situations when one or two ovaries have to be removed at once. There must be certain indications for the operation, especially if the patient is a woman of childbearing age. In this article, we will look at what the consequences of spaying can be.

Indications for surgery

An operation of this type is prescribed in a wide variety of cases.

Among them are the following:

  1. extensive bleeding;
  2. the development of cancer;
  3. removal of the uterus during menopause;
  4. ectopic pregnancy;
  5. violation of the menstrual cycle;
  6. advanced endometriosis;
  7. severe pain in the pelvic area;
  8. the blood plasma contains an exorbitant number of estrogens;
  9. cyst.

Before the patient is on the operating table, her attending doctor, together with colleagues, assesses the possible risks. If the woman's age is reproductive and there is a chance to save at least part of the organ, then it is used.

Important! If there are threats to the life and health of the patient, it is customary to completely remove the ovary.

What problems can await after the operation?

The operation to remove the ovaries is quite serious. The consequences themselves usually make themselves felt a few weeks after surgery. They can be kept for several years. The effects reach their peak after three months.


The first fear of a woman, when she is told about the need for surgery, is whether she will be able to become a mother again.

Sometimes complete or partial infertility occurs.

It is in the ovaries that the production of follicles occurs, in which eggs develop.

At the time of ovulation, they come out for the purpose of fertilization.

Part of the organ is removed only on the condition that everything is in order with the second ovary. Then the chance to get pregnant and endure healthy baby the patient is quite high. In this case, you do not have to take various stimulant drugs.

Hormonal disorders

This category of consequences is considered one of the most common. When surgeons remove both the right and left ovaries, cyclic changes begin to occur in the woman's body, and this is fraught with the onset of early menopause.

When menopause occurs for natural reasons, this situation is perceived as the norm. As a result, the body practically does not experience stress, since the extinction of the work of the paired organ occurs gradually.

Attention! Hormonal disbalance usually occurs rarely. For example, a few days ago, all key functions were performed in the body, but at one moment this process was disrupted.


Scientists interviewed patients who had experienced this type of surgery, and found that most of them became depressed. The thing is, they were under a lot of stress.

The purpose of a woman is the possibility of procreation, and some understand that they will simply not be able to realize their childbearing function after surgery, or the chances of conceiving a baby will be minimal. This condition depresses the patient, especially if she planned a pregnancy.

rapid aging

After surgery to remove the ovaries, the consequences can be manifested in rapid aging.

This is about early menopause.

In addition to depression, there is a radical restructuring in the work of the body.

Usually there are certain symptoms:

  1. hot flashes;
  2. increased sweating;
  3. chills or fever;
  4. fatigue;
  5. fast fatiguability;
  6. frequent migraines.

The lack of hormones also affects the general condition of a woman. As a result, the body itself begins to gradually age: wrinkles appear on the skin, it gradually sags.

Heart problems

Often begin as a problem with normal functioning of cardio-vascular system. The heart is primarily affected by the anesthesia used during the operation. Sometimes, due to a lack or increased production of a number of hormones, the patient experiences a rapid heartbeat.

Important! Against the background of all changes, blood pressure rises.

Intimate sphere

Due to the absence of one or two ovaries at once, the girl receives less key hormonal substances in a certain amount.

The consequences may be:

  1. thrush due to a violation of the microflora;
  2. itching in the vaginal area;
  3. dryness;
  4. pain during sex.

Another consequence is the frequent desire to go to the toilet. Some patients complain of urinary incontinence.

Almost all women who have undergone surgery have a drop in libido, sex becomes uninteresting to them.

After 40 years

At the age of 40, the operation leads to forced menopause and massive changes in the body. After doctors tend to conduct hormone therapy. If the treatment is inadequate, then the woman begins to experience:

  1. heart problems;
  2. Bad mood;
  3. hot flashes;
  4. fluctuations in blood pressure;
  5. forgetfulness.

Attention! Patients are accompanied by a constant feeling of fatigue. They become irritable and short-tempered.

Against the background of hormonal failure, a sharp weight gain often occurs. Therefore, it is important to watch your diet.

Other symptoms include rapid aging:

  1. the skin ceases to be elastic;
  2. hair becomes dull and brittle;
  3. lamination of the nail plate;
  4. the development of periodontal disease, which is fraught with tooth loss;
  5. metabolic problems;
  6. heart failure.

Symptoms can be both selective and complex. After the operation, you must be under the supervision of a doctor.

After 50 years

When the patient is 50 or more years old, the surgical intervention does not lead to significant changes.

By this age, reproductive opportunities fade, and the body itself has prepared for aging.

The indications for the operation include:

  1. changes in the position of the uterus;
  2. myoma;
  3. cysts.

Any operation is great stress on the body. The consequences may take the form of:

  1. heavy bleeding;
  2. divergence of seams;
  3. thrombosis;
  4. development of the infectious process;
  5. adhesion formation.

Reference! Complications are minimized if laparoscopy is used. Small incisions are made in the abdomen to remove appendages.

After 50 years, surgery is sometimes not allowed because the woman has heart problems or endocrine diseases.

General condition of the patient

A favorable situation is observed after the removal of part of the ovary, since the changes that have occurred are compensated by the remaining element.

It is possible to avoid interference, but for this it is important to observe preventive measures.

Appearance, sexual desire, performance and general condition depend on how the doctor's prescriptions are fulfilled.

After 40 years, work on oneself is just beginning: you need to lead a healthy lifestyle, avoid physical inactivity, be interested in the manifestations of menopause. If all these activities are carried out, then the symptoms can be reduced.

Helpful Hints:

  1. do not give up hormone therapy;
  2. if the choice falls in favor of herbal medicine, then only natural formulations are used;
  3. adhere to a balanced diet;
  4. give the body moderate physical activity;
  5. go for walks;
  6. spend time on hair and skin care;
  7. try not to get into stressful situations;
  8. get yourself 8 hours of sleep;
  9. monitor pressure indicators;
  10. constantly strengthen the immune system;
  11. visit a dentist, gynecologist, endocrinologist.

In this situation, it is important not to panic. Then many consequences can be avoided.

2009-09-13 19:48:03

Asks tatianka:

I would like to clarify for myself my chance for the onset of pregnancy.
The fact is that I have a confirmed diagnosis - polycystic ovaries (laparotomy in 2005 for a dermoid cyst of the right ovary., but found poikistoz, there is a conclusion of histology; in 2006 - laparoscopy for the same dermoid cyst, which was not removed at the first surgery, now it was removed, and the diagnosis of polycystic disease was confirmed again, ovarian resection was performed, ovarian electrocoagulation).
The desired pregnancy occurred only 2 years after laparoscopy (in 2008), but, unfortunately, it was interrupted at an early stage (conclusion: regressive pregnancy in the early period, dicidual tissue with inflammatory and degenerative changes).

After this unsuccessful attempt, she was treated with antibiotics for inflammation, took COCs (Diana-35), we have not been using protection for 3 months already, judging by the basal temperature, ovulation occurs on the 18th day of the cycle, but in this cycle it is already day 20, and there is no increase in temperature.
what is the prognosis for me, is it possible to get pregnant without hormonal treatment? Is IVF my only opportunity to become a mother? I am 27 years old.
and yet, at the age of 20 I had an abortion for a period of 8 weeks, can this mean that polycystic disease is not a congenital disease and what is the prognosis in this case?
Thanks in advance for your attention to my problem!

Responsible Zukin Valery Dmitrievich:

Good afternoon. We will try to answer your questions as specifically as possible.
1. What is the prognosis for me, is it possible to get pregnant without hormonal treatment?
Theoretically possible, but the probability is not very high (within 10-15% in 3 years).
2. Is IVF my only chance to become a mother?
IVF is the only opportunity to become a mother only for patients with absolute infertility, i.e. absence of fallopian tubes. However, your chances of getting pregnant with the transfer of embryos into the uterine cavity are disproportionately higher. The only thing that can be concluded from this is that a history of pregnancy improves your prognosis.

2015-10-02 15:58:50

NINA asks:

UTERUS: POSITION: DEviated to the RIGHT In anteflexio

Responsible Wild Nadezhda Ivanovna:

The presence of a corpus luteum indicates that you have ovulated and you can become pregnant. Examine the man - spermogram, consultation with an andrologist.

2014-08-21 18:49:56

Tatyana asks:

Good evening, I'm 30 years old, I can't get pregnant for 2 years, my husband's sperm count is 76% mobile, I have polycystic ovaries. The last folliculometry (done after taking clostilbegit) showed (day 16 MC) the right ovary - 47.0 * 29.0 mm V = 15.7 m3, in the structure of the follicle 17.0, 18.0, 15.3, 11.0 mm, etc.; The left one is 45.0*26.0 mm V=17.2 m3 in the structure of the follicles 17.0, 3 by 13.0 mm, etc. in both ovaries, the capsule is compacted up to 2 mm. The doctor said that it is necessary to do a laparoscopy to remove the capsules on the ovaries. Is it possible to do without it? Thank you

Responsible Sitenok Alena Ivanovna:

Hello Tatiana. Your story looks incomplete. It is not known what Clostelbegit stimulation cycle was when HCG was administered and whether you received any treatment before. Unfortunately, without this information it is difficult to answer your question.

2014-05-06 14:35:57

Elena asks:

Diagnosis after ultrasound) Echo signs of endometrial pathology, the formation of the left ovary (more likely a persistent follicle), multifollicular ovaries, peritubar cysts on the left. (5 sensor). Uterus - dimensions-46/42/45mm. M-echo-14.8mm, with many hyperechoic inclusions. The structure of the uterus is homogeneous. RIGHT OVARIAN - 30/17/19mm, echogenicity is normal. The structure is heterogeneous: Cystic changes from 3 to 6 mm in diameter are determined in the ovary. LEFT OVARIAN - 41/30/31mm. echogenicity is normal. The structure is heterogeneous: cystic changes from 3 to 7 mm in diameter are determined in the ovary, and an echo-negative formation 30\26 mm, without internal echo structures. Near the ovary, 2 clearly defined echo-negative formations 17/16 mm and 16\13 mm are visualized -IS NOT VISUALIZED. LEFT PIPE IS NOT VISUALIZED. PLEASE SAY. IT IS TREATED AND IS THIS ALL SERIOUS, CAN I GET PREGNANT????

Responsible Gritsko Marta Igorevna:

The fallopian tubes should normally not be visualized, so this is normal. You have a problem with the endometrium, so it is advisable to have a hysteroscopy. In addition, the formation in the left ovary, which must be monitored in dynamics. This is definitely not a follicle, but rather a follicular cyst, which should disappear after the passage of menstruation. Near the ovary is most likely a paraovarian formation. You need to see a gynecologist for a further treatment plan.

2014-02-12 20:08:44

Venus asks:

Hello! I am 30 years old. We are planning a 4 year old. You could not decipher my data on US.
Ultrasound on the 6th day of the cycle:
dimensions: length 36mm, front-back 31mm, width 43mm.
shape: pear-shaped
contours: clear
borders: smooth
condition of the uterine cavity
M-ECHO: length_________mm, anterior-rear__4mm__,width_____mm,.
Endometrium: thickness______mm, maturity_0_
The state of the retrouterine space: free fluid 9mm.
Left: dimensions_25/*20/__/mm_

Right: dimensions:_29/*22/_mm_
follicular apparatus: preserved
adnexal mass: no dominant follicle

Ultrasound on the 11th day of the cycle:
dimensions: length 41mm, front-back 34mm, width 48mm.
shape: pear-shaped
contours: clear
borders: smooth
echostructure of the myometrium: homogeneous
state of the uterine cavity __ smooth_
M-ECHO: length_________mm, front-rear__6.7mm__,width_____mm,.
Endometrium: thickness_0.8_mm, degree of maturity__, character: 3-layer
The state of the retrouterine space: free fluid 4mm.
Left: dimensions_25/*22/__/mm_
adnexal mass: no dominant follicle
Right: Dimensions:_31/*24/_mm_
education in the area of ​​the appendages: in the lower part of the dominant follicle 8 mm.

Ultrasound on the 13th day of the cycle:
dimensions: length 45mm, front-back 37mm, width 50mm.
shape: pear-shaped
contours: clear
borders: smooth
echostructure of the myometrium: ________
condition of the uterine cavity ________
M-ECHO: length _________ mm, front-rear __ 12.8 mm __, width _____ mm,.
Endometrium: thickness_8_mm, degree of maturity__, character: 3-layer
The state of the retrouterine space: free fluid 18mm.
Left: dimensions_29/*17/__/mm_
follicular apparatus:_______
adnexal mass: no dominant follicle
Right: dimensions:_39/*28/_mm_
follicular apparatus:________
education in the region of the appendages: in the lower part of the dominant follicle 14 mm. C/K (or W/K not written clearly) expanded to 4 mm - contains free liquid

The question is, what is a free liquid? Is this good or bad? Is it possible to get pregnant with such Uzi indications? Thank you.

Responsible Gritsko Marta Igorevna:

Free fluid is observed during the passage of ovulation. Your conclusions are normal, you can get pregnant.

2013-01-01 21:08:09

Elena asks:

Hello. I am 34 years old, there were 2 pregnancies. The first one was frozen for a period of 8.4 weeks. (14 years ago), everything is fine with the second (daughter is almost 9 years old). My cycle has always been like a clock (not plentiful, and lately even rather scarce), the first 1.5 days are painful. And in November of this year there was a failure. from November 1 to 4 mens passed. as expected, and 18 to 22 November were repeated. Since this is not typical for me, on the 19th I was already at the doctor's office. Ultrasound of the body of the uterus in antiflexio, contours are clear, even, myometrium of a homogeneous structure, dimensions 61 * 61 * 63 mm, in the anterior wall 3 myoma nodes 7-15 mm, in the posterior wall 2 nodes up to 15 mm; the uterine cavity is not expanded; endometrium 7 mm, homogeneous in structure and thickness; cervix - length up to 38 mm, homogeneous structure, multiple cysts up to 7-10 mm are located; the cervical canal is not dilated; ovaries: right - 30 * 18mm, follicles 5-6 mm; left 28*18 mm, follicles 5-7 mm; parameters without features. Free fluid in the retrouterine space was not detected. CONCLUSION: Echo-signs of nodular intramural fibroids, mismatch of the endometrium with the period of the cycle. IN next month menstr. was not at the beginning of the month, but from the 13th to the 18th (without features). On December 28, she did a second ultrasound: the body of the uterus is 59 * 49 * 54 mm, the walls are even, clear. The echostructure of the myometrium is heterogeneous, with small intramaral nodules along the anterior wall of the node, 12 * 12 * 10 mm, along the posterior wall up to 8.10 mm in diameter. the uterine cavity is not deformirophane. Endometrium of a homogeneous structure up to 12 mm. 2nd phase of menstruation. cycle. The cervix is ​​the correct form, with small cysts up to 10 mm. The right ovary in a typical place, dimensions 34 * 24 mm, the follicular apparatus is pronounced. The left ovary in a typical place is 30 * 22 mm, the follicular apparatus is pronounced. Conclusion Fine-nodular uterine fibroids. Tell the doctor if the bleeding could have been right, treatment by a neurologist, I went through two courses of treatment in September, October. I received physio, massage (collar zone, thoracic vertebrae) and two injections of diprospan (maybe I don’t call it correctly), I do these injections subcutaneously in the back. And one more question, we are planning to give birth to a second child, only one thing worries me, there are several nodules, what risks and troubles can they bring during pregnancy? What should I do, first be treated or get pregnant as soon as possible and be treated after childbirth? I visited three doctors at my place, everyone says that there is nothing to worry about, only one prescribed to drink Logest tablets for 6 months, and with a control ultrasound at the end of taking the medicine, come to the reception, the second forbade drinking any hormones, the third said that so far only to observe . What is your opinion on my situation. Thank you.

2012-05-28 08:05:39

Tatyana asks:

Hello! really need your help! started planning for a baby. went to the ultrasound. here are the results: day of the menstrual cycle 10. body of the uterus: determined, not enlarged. contours are clear and even. structure of the myometrium: heterogeneous in the bottom due to areas of weakening of echogenicity, without increased blood flow. dimensions of the uterus: length 43 mm, anteroposterior r-r 38 mm, width 44 mm.
m-echo: located up to 7.3 mm, corresponds to early secretion: echogenicity is weakened. The cervix is ​​up to 37 mm, not changed, the cervical canal is not deformed, not dilated. clear, even, uneven. in the structure, mainly along the periphery, follicles up to 4.5 mm. No. up to 5. The echogenicity of the parenchyma is preserved. dimensions are not enlarged V=6/3cm3. length 36mm. anteroposterior 31mm, width 33mm. the right ovary is defined freely, not sensitive. structure: heterogeneous multicystic altered - up to 20 follicles, up to 15.5 mm. Pathological changes in the pelvic cavity: VRVMT up to 1 degree. TsDK without features. free fluid is determined by a moderate amount on the right. conclusion: ultrasound signs of pelvic inflammatory disease: ultrasound signs of chronic right-sided salpingo-oophoritis. skpya right? tell me please, can i do without laparoscopy? Can I get pregnant by removing the inflammatory process? thanks in advance for your reply! really looking forward to

Responsible Wild Nadezhda Ivanovna:

It is your right. But, it is better to start a course of treatment in a hospital: an antibacterial course. After that, absorbable therapy - in a day hospital. Resolving therapy - take 2-3 courses with breaks. Be sure to use low-dose contraceptives, vitamin therapy, and immunity restoration during the rehabilitation period. During treatment, ultrasound control is necessary.

2011-03-01 15:38:00

Eugene asks:

Hello, I am 28 years old, I have never been pregnant. An ultrasound is diagnosed with endometrial hyperplasia in phase 1 - 11 mm, endometriosis of the outer wall of the uterus, endometriotic ovarian cyst. They offer laparoscopy. Is it possible to do without surgery and what is the probability of getting pregnant after treatment?

Responsible Silina Natalya Konstantinovna:

Evgeny needs laparoscopic and hysteroscopy. And immediately after the operation, drink Lindinet 30 continuously for at least 6 months and immediately after that get pregnant on your own or stimulate ovulation.

2010-03-24 16:05:56

Tatyana asks:

Hello! I'm 21 years old.. On an ultrasound scan, they found a cyst of the right ovary, 8 cm in size, but they didn’t say what it is: follicular, corpus luteum, etc. Tell me how you can find out what it is? Can I do without surgical intervention? Is it possible get pregnant with a cyst and after its removal? Can a cyst appear on the other ovary? Thanks in advance for your answer ..

Popular articles on the topic: is it possible to get pregnant without ovaries

Conception is subtle and difficult process, depending on many factors. Therefore, do not despair if you did not get pregnant right away. It is possible to raise the issue of infertility only after a year of regular sexual activity without the use of contraceptives.

We talked a lot about the removal of cysts and operations on the ovaries with them, therefore, it is worth touching on the question of what will happen to the woman's body when the ovaries are removed, since this is not just an organ, but a gland that actively produces hormones.

Removal of the ovaries, consequences.
The presence of ovarian cysts often becomes one of the reasons for the removal of one ovary, and in the presence of recurring cysts or the formation of complications, the option of removing both ovaries is possible. You all know that due to sex hormones, a woman not only can conceive a child, but also lives actively, maintains health, youth and beauty. The ovaries produce estrogen and progesterone, it is they who make a woman out of a woman in the full sense of the word. Removal of the gonads (or surgical castration) leads to the formation of a special, post-castration syndrome in a woman, or an artificial menopause (a state of menopause). This occurs in women of childbearing age, but the removal of the ovaries in older women, who were already in the menopause before the operation, does not manifest itself in any way.

When one ovary is removed, the situation is not so critical, if one of the ovaries is preserved, it will be called vicarious, gradually taking over all the functions of the second, removed ovary. Naturally, immediately after the removal of the ovary, a state of deficiency of sex hormones occurs, but gradually the second ovary begins to secrete the amount necessary for the full functioning of the body. Therefore, even with one ovary, a completely normal menstrual cycle is maintained, a woman may well become pregnant and give birth normally, remain beautiful and young, live a full life and have sex. However, the second ovary, which was left alone, will need to be fully protected. To do this, it is necessary to maintain a full and healthy lifestyle life, visiting a gynecologist on time, timely treatment of various pathologies in the female genital area, and it is also important to avoid promiscuous unprotected sex, abortion and hypothermia.

If both ovaries were removed at once, symptoms of a sharp deficiency of sex hormones or a post-extraction symptom state occur. Clinical symptoms lack of sex hormones will occur approximately 15-20 days after the operation, they begin to manifest themselves in the form of vegetative-vascular disorders with jumps blood pressure and hypertensive crises, trembling hands, hot flashes with increased sweating and hot flashes. It is also possible to develop fainting, arrhythmias from the heart, headaches and various other disorders. It also suffers from metabolic disorders. Fat metabolism suffers with the development of obesity and a sharp increase in cholesterol levels, as a result of which atherosclerosis is formed. Over time, the risk of coronary heart disease, stroke and heart attack increases dramatically. When carbohydrate metabolism suffers, the formation of diabetes according to the second type, calcium metabolism suffers with the development of osteoporosis - the bones of the skeleton are gradually destroyed, the risk of fractures in the bones increases, teeth are destroyed, nails break, hair falls out.

There are changes in the urogenital organs - menstruation disappears, infertility is formed, the mammary glands are replaced with adipose tissue, colpitis is formed - an inflammatory process in the cervix, endometrial hyperplasia is formed, growth and thickening of its inner layer. Dryness is formed in the area of ​​the mucous membrane in the vagina, cystitis develops and increased sensitivity in bladder. Changes also affect the skin of the face and body, a woman begins to age rapidly, which is primarily displayed on her face and general appearance. There is a decrease in elasticity and tone of the skin, wrinkles are formed, dryness of the skin occurs. Psycho-emotional disorders are also possible - the mood is prone to changes, sleep disturbances occur, behavior changes and even certain character traits, irritability with psychosis and depression may be inherent. Naturally, all these manifestations cannot develop simultaneously, all at once. Initially, vegetative-vascular disorders may develop, and then metabolic or psycho-emotional disorders join. A full picture of menopause will occur after about two to three years, and all these symptoms will be very similar to the state of natural menopause, but will proceed more vividly, painfully and quickly, especially at a young woman's age.

What can be done after the ovaries are removed.
If a woman is at a young age, then the only way out for her is to take hormone replacement therapy so that she cannot experience all the delights of an early menopause. If the body does not produce something, then doctors can artificially introduce the substances necessary for the body. After such treatment begins, after about a month, the woman will already feel about the same as before. For this purpose, female sex hormones will be used - estriol, estradiol, estrone (Premarin) and gestagen preparations (progesterone, norethisterone, gestodene).

There may also be various methods of administering hormones - if metabolic disorders predominate, tablets are used, in case of violations genitourinary system suppositories are shown, if all manifestations are relatively moderate, it is better to use patches or gels in the lower abdomen. The use of hormones should be cyclic, according to a special scheme that is as close as possible to normal hormonal background with the usual female cycle. In addition, after the ovaries are removed, a complete and balanced diet is necessary, it is rich in vitamins, calcium and many other trace elements, it is important to maintain an active lifestyle, normal rest and sleep. A change of scenery, recovery in the conditions of resorts, sanatoriums, and the continuation of a normal life will be useful.

Having children without ovaries
We all know that pregnancy is impossible without germ cells, and childbirth in the absence of ovaries is also impossible. Therefore, natural conception when the ovaries are removed is simply impossible, the question of bearing a child is simply not worth it. However, modern medicine does not stand still, and recently we have learned to deceive nature and give a woman the opportunity to become a mother. For a woman with no ovaries in the presence of a preserved uterus, reproductologists can offer a woman IVF (in vitro fertilization method) using a donor egg or a pre-preserved one. However, given that pregnancy is a hormone-dependent process, then the entire period of planning, pregnancy and childbirth will be accompanied by the use of hormone therapy, which is specially selected for each woman. However, IVF cannot give a 100% guarantee, but it gives a chance to endure and give birth to a healthy child.

If the cyst was detected during pregnancy.
It is important to fully prepare for pregnancy - both a woman and a man need a full examination and assessment of their health status. But sometimes a cyst can occur already during pregnancy, the reasons for the development of such cysts have not yet been fully determined, but everyone tends to hormonal reasons for the development of such cysts. During pregnancy, it is possible to develop any type of cyst, both functional and otherwise, cysts can occur at any stage of pregnancy, they are most often detected in early dates pregnancy. Usually there are no symptoms, cysts are detected during a routine examination by ultrasound of the small pelvis. Sometimes cysts can manifest as pulling or sharp pains in the lower abdomen, on one side. With the development of complications, the symptoms will be bright and acute, often similar to appendicitis. If the whale does not affect the pregnancy, it is not touched and observed, and the decision on the operation is made after delivery. Sometimes cysts can resolve during pregnancy due to hormonal levels.
In the presence of large cysts, bed rest is indicated; in the third trimester, a planned caesarean section is prescribed. When it is carried out, a cyst is immediately given. In case of complications, emergency surgery is indicated, as it threatens the mother and fetus.
