Foods that create an acidic environment in the body. How to balance the acid-base balance of the body? How to find out your pn

In many people, the level of acidity in the body is elevated. This is a typical consequence of the consumption of factory food, refined sugars and GMOs.

However, not everyone realizes that an acidic environment is ideal for the development of cancer, excess weight, pain and many diseases.

Fortunately, creating an alkaline environment in the body is very simple. Alkaline is the exact opposite of acidic.

Here are 10 natural ways to ensure your body leaches:

1. The most important thing is to start the day with a smile and a large glass of water with the addition of freshly squeezed juice of one lemon. Although lemons seem sour, they have the opposite effect on the body. Drink this drink on an empty stomach to cleanse your stomach.

Another option is to drink 1-2 cups of natural apple cider vinegar daily with water. Enough 1-2 tablespoons of vinegar per 220 ml of water.

2. Eat large portions of salad greens dressed with lemon juice and high quality olive oil. Green vegetables and fruits are one of the best sources of alkaline trace elements such as calcium. Eat them throughout the day to maintain a healthy pH balance in your body.

3. Would you like to have a snack? Eat raw, unsalted almonds. It contains many alkaline trace elements such as magnesium and calcium, which restore the acid-base balance, and also normalize blood sugar.

4. Drink almond milk and make yourself berry smoothies with green powder like spirulina. Given the choice, almond milk is always preferred over cow's milk.

5. Go for a walk or exercise. Activity is extremely important. Exercise helps to remove acidic foods from the body.

6. Breathe deeply. Ideally, you should find a place with clean, oxygenated air and visit it whenever possible. There (and not only there) you should drink plenty of water to remove toxins from the body.

7. Don't eat meat every day. If you can tolerate a few days without meat, great, because daily meat consumption leaves behind acidic deposits.

8. Skip high-sugar desserts and sugary sodas. Sugar is one of the most dangerous acidic foods. It takes over 30 glasses of water to neutralize the acidity from one can of soda!

9. Include more vegetables in your diet. Note: potatoes do not count! Peppers, asparagus, zucchini and eggplant will be very useful.

10. And finally: eat plenty of Brussels sprouts. It leaches well and contains a lot nutrients and beneficial enzymes.

Afterword - some scientific data:

acidic foods
Meat 67,9
Cereals 13,8
Cheese 4,2
Milk and yogurt 2,8
Eggs 2,5
Neutral Products
Legumes 0,8
nuts 0,1
alkaline foods
leafy greens -59,1
Vegetables from the fruit group** -46,5
roots -26,4
Vegetables -14,3
tubers -10,6
Fruits -5,8
* in milliequivalents per 240 kilocalories
** Vegetables from the fruit group: tomatoes, cucumbers, zucchini, eggplant, cucumbers, watermelons, melon, pumpkin, etc.

Acidification of the body - an introduction to the problem

We know that food supplies us with energy, building materials (proteins, fats, carbohydrates) and vitamins. It turns out that food has another important property. It can either acidify or alkalize the body.

American scientists at the beginning of the 21st century made fundamental discovery. They proposed a method for measuring the acidity of the diet and showed that chronic acidification of the body is one of the main causes of calcium leaching from bone tissue and its massive release through the kidneys. As a result, bones are destroyed and kidney stones form.

With the regular use of 1-2 teaspoons a day of the mineral preparation ORTO CALCIUM + MAGNESIUM, you can ensure the optimal level of alkalinization of the body. So, in more detail.

The power of hydrogen

The processes of life take place in aquatic environments, which are characterized by a certain concentration of hydrogen atoms. Substances that donate hydrogen atoms are called acids, and those that take them are called alkalis. The acid-base ratio is characterized by a special indicator of free atoms in solution. It is called pH (from the Latin "potentia hydrogeni" - "power of hydrogen"). In a neutral environment, the pH is 7.0. In an acidic environment, pH below 7 is from 6.9 to 0. In an alkaline environment, pH above 7 is from 7.1 to 14.0.

Strict control of acid-base balance

Normally, the blood has a slightly alkaline reaction - 7.35-7.45. PH is very strictly maintained within narrow limits, since only under these conditions is it possible for most enzymes to work. When exposed to acidifying or alkalizing factors, the body uses the compensatory reserves of the body. In general, the body's resistance to alkalization is several times higher than to acidification.

new dimension of food. We are accustomed to evaluate food in terms of calories, protein, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins and other substances. American scientists at the beginning of the 21st century made a genuine discovery when they showed that any product has another fundamental indicator that is critical to our health. They called it NEAP (net endogenous acid production). Simply put, it's the acid load of the food. It consists of the ratio in food of components that, during metabolism, form either an acid or an alkali. Acid load is measured according to the principle: acid minus alkali. When food is dominated by components that form sulfuric acid (sulfur-containing amino acids) or organic acids (fats, carbohydrates), then the acid load has a positive value. If there are more alkali-forming components in food ( organic salts potassium and magnesium), then the acid load is a negative value. Computer analysis made it possible to determine the acid load of staple foods.

Improper nutrition is the cause of chronic acidification of the body

Human biochemical processes have a long history of formation in relation to the nutritional conditions that accompanied him in the course of evolution.

Reconstruction of the image of a Neanderthal

It is believed that in the history of human nutrition, three major stages can be distinguished:

  • The food of an ancient man, which our ancestors ate for 5-7 million years.
  • Human food is an agrarian culture that originated about ten thousand years ago.
  • The food of modern man, which he began to use in the last 100 years and which has changed especially dramatically over the past 20 years.

For 99% of its history man has been a hunter and gatherer. According to anthropologists, about a third of his diet was lean meat from wild animals and two-thirds - plant foods. Under these conditions, nutrition was exclusively alkaline in nature, the acid load was on average
minus 78 milliequivalents in a day.

The situation fundamentally changed with the emergence of an agrarian civilization, when a person began to eat a lot of grain crops, dairy products and fatty meat of domesticated animals.

But especially dramatic shifts in nutrition occurred in the late twentieth century, when the diet was flooded with industrially processed "sour" foods. The acid load of modern human food is plus 48 mE in a day. Daily "acidic" nutrition leads to chronic lifelong acidification (acidosis) of the body's internal environment.

Chronic acidification is the source of many health ills

The body does not allow the blood pH to go beyond the specified limits, but it comes at a high price:

  • The skeleton is sacrificed, as calcium is washed out of the bones in order to alkalize.
    From here back pain so tormenting modern man.
    And also, the development of osteoporosis is sharply accelerated.
  • Muscles are destroyed. Chronic weakness and muscle pain are noted already at a young age, but the elderly are especially affected.
  • Weak bones and muscles lead to dysfunction of the joints.
  • The acidic reaction of urine creates ideal conditions for formation of kidney stones. It takes on the character of an epidemic. Chronic kidney failure causes the development of inflammatory diseases and kidney failure.
  • The acid reaction of saliva destroys the teeth.
  • Chronic acidification can also cause hypothyroidism, headaches, anxiety, insomnia, low arterial pressure, fluid retention in the body and other disorders up to the development of cancer.

Measure the pH of urine and saliva

Fortunately, there are simple indirect methods for determining the pH of liquids using test strips that change color in different ways depending on the pH value. The most convenient way to assess the state of acid-base balance is by the pH of urine and saliva. To do this, the test strip is wetted with urine or saliva. Comparing the color of the test strip with a color standard allows you to determine the pH level.

urine pH. It is believed that the urine of primitive people had an alkaline reaction, its pH was approximately 7.5-9.0. At modern people the norm is in the slightly acidic range: from 6.0-6.4 in the morning to 6.5-7.0 in the evening. On average, it is 6.4-6.5. Urine pH is best measured on an empty stomach, 2 hours before and after meals 2 times a day several times a week.

saliva pH The optimal time to measure the pH of saliva is from 10 am to 12 noon. The normal pH of saliva is in the range of 6.5-7.5.

Bring the pH back to normal

If the pH deviates to the acid side, it is necessary to increase the content of alkaline foods in the diet (see table) and do more aerobic exercise For example, 30-40 minute walks at a fast pace 4-5 times a week are good.


  1. Borovsky E.V., Leontiev V.K. Biology of the oral cavity. – M.: Medicine, 1991, 301 p.
    2. Zaichik A.Sh., Churilov L.P. Pathophysiology of acid-base balance. In: Fundamentals of pathochemistry. - SPb., Elbi, p. 334-353.
    3. Alpern RJ, Sakhaee S. The clinical spectrum of chronic metabolic acidosis: homeostatic mechanisms produce significant morbidity. Am J Kidney Dis 1997; 29:291-302.
    4. Eaton SB et al. Paleolithic nutrition revisited. In: Evolutionary medicine. New York: Oxford University Press, Inc., 1999:313–32.
    5. Eaton SB, Cordain L. Evolutionary aspects of diet: old genes, new fuels. nutritional changes since agriculture. World Rev Nutr Diet 1997; 81:26-37.
    6. Milton K. Hunter-gatherer diets-a different perspective. Am J Clin Nutr 2000; 71:665–7
    7. Encyclopedia of Natural Medicine by Michael Murray, N.D. Prima Publishing (Revised 2nd Edition).
    8 Sebastian A. et al. Estimation of the net acid load of the diet of ancestral preagricultural Homo sapiens and their hominid ancestors. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. 2002; 76(6):1308-1316.
    9 Simopoulos A.P. Evolutionary aspects of nutrition and health: diet, exercise, genetics and chronic disease. Basel, Switzerland: S Karger, 1999.

Excellent health requires us to keep the level of acid-base balance normal. An increase or decrease leads to weight gain, allergies, fungal infections, acne. The pH level is determined by a blood test, 7.365 pH is considered the limit, the norm is from 7.1 to 7.5.

The name pH comes from the first letters of the Latin names potentia hydrogeni meaning "power of hydrogen", "pondus hydrogenii" translates as "weight of hydrogen".

The pH number is calculated by dividing the positive ions by the negative ions in the body fluid. Positively charged ions are acidic and negative ions are alkaline.

The essence of acid-base balance

The level of acid-base balance of fluids is directly determined by the amount of food eaten. Oxidizing foods include foods with a high content of chlorine, sulfur, and phosphorus. An alkalizing function has a food abundantly saturated with potassium, sodium, calcium and magnesium.

pH scale

Acid-base balance is a key bioindicator of the health situation. The level of this balance is diagnosed in pH units from 1 to 14. A moderate value of seven, a smaller value indicates acidification of the microsphere, more alkalization.

The norm of the acid-base balance of a person

In an impeccable state of health, pH standards are shown that are different for different biospheres of the body. So it is considered the norm for the pH of blood from an artery to be 7.36-7.42, and from a vein 7.26-7.36. Lymph should correspond to a pH level of 7.35-7.40 and interstitial fluid 7.36-7.38. But the pH of the small intestine is 7.2-7.5 and the colon is 8.5-9.0. Such as bile 8.0-8.5, saliva 6.8-7.4, tears 7.3-7.5, breast milk 6,9-7,5.

Distinctive indicators of pH excreted urine in the morning 6.0-6.4, in the evening 6.4-7.3. In the stomach, pH varies in different sections. The esophagus has a pH of 6.0-7.0, the epithelial layer is 7.0, and the lumen of the stomach is 1.5-2.0 in a fasted state.

Tables of acid-base balance of a person

Increased acidity of the body is incredibly harmful to health. The current lifestyle causes people to constantly violate a reasonable acid-base balance.

Acidity rises due to regular violations of the diet, deficiency physical activity, from stress loads, excessive passion for diets, too much alcohol, smoking.

How to determine the acid-base balance of the body

Suspicions of acid-base imbalance are predetermined by the manifestation of obesity, allergies, arthritis, fungi. There are suspicions of acidity of urine, burning around Bladder, kidney stones, disorders of the urinary tract. Disorders of the actions of the respiratory and ENT organs. Periodic rhinitis, cough inflammation of the throat, nose and ear, tonsillitis, SARS.

The acid-base balance of the body consists of blood, urine and saliva tests. Chemical analysis of blood is carried out only in the laboratory. The rest of the research on establishing the pH level can be done by yourself at home.

The pH level is measured individually using the following methods:

Of course, the most accurate blood test for the pH level can only be done in the laboratory. But, you can do it yourself at home using a special electronic device. Such hand-held devices are called pH meters and are sold in pharmacies, specialized medical equipment stores or in foreign stores.

The diagnostic system of such a device is extremely simple. A puncture is made on the finger of the right hand automatically by the device itself, and after a few seconds the result appears on the display.

A simple pH measurement that does not require effort and cost and time can be carried out using litmus papers.

This method is the cheapest and most convenient, but there is an error. pH measurement is not a complicated technique. On the right hand, a puncture is made on the finger with a scarifier and a few drops of blood are squeezed into a small jar. The next step is to lower the strip into the blood, after a few seconds the color appears and is compared with the scale.

This method gives general idea about the levels of acidity in the body. To do this, you need to measure the upper pressure and pulse at rest. When comparing the measurement results, a deviation from the norm is actually found out.

The difference in the numbers of lower pressure and pulse upwards indicates the alkalinity of the blood or alkalosis. And if vice versa, then acidification of the blood or acidosis. It is important to pay attention to the fact that if the difference is more than 20 units, then there is a significant deviation from the norm.

This is a very simple method of determining the acid-base balance of the body visually. It is determined by examination at the mirror of the color of the conjunctiva of both eyes. To do this, the lower eyelid is pulled down and the color of the inner eyelid is determined.

Pink whitish color indicates increased acidity of the blood. Bright scarlet color indicates the absence of deviations. Dark indicates alkalization of the medium.

Acid-base balance is the basis of a healthy life, why

A person has an absolutely aquatic organism, water is everywhere we come across and in the diet too. Drinking juices, soups, fruits, etc. throughout life, the water balance is constantly replenished. Formula clean water H2O. All liquid that enters the human body decomposes into H2 (acid) and OH (alkali).

The most vital element for human life is oxygen O2. After inhaling a breath of air, the body needs to absorb oxygen and this can be done in two ways. Dissolve oxygen in water attached to metals or minerals. These elements are MgOH magnesium, KOH potassium, NaOH sodium, CaOH2 calcium are minerals, molybdenum and iron are metals.

With an increase in the acid level in the body, an automatic process of alkalization begins, which means that the body's resources in the form of calcium, magnesium, sodium, and potassium are consumed. Calcium is found in teeth, nails, hair, and therefore these parts of the body will suffer when the body is acidified. Magnesium and potassium are contained in the tissues of blood vessels, the heart, and when they are consumed by the body, the consequences are reflected in these organs.

For the normal state of health of the organs, it is not necessary to constantly acidify the environment of the body by using oxidizing products. You need to keep a balance by consuming enough alkalizing foods in your meals.

Signs and symptoms of acid-base imbalance

There are several signs of imbalance between acid and alkali in the body. Noticing such symptoms, you should immediately take corrective measures to balance the presence of products in the diet.

When the body is acidified, problems with the joints can occur. It starts with pain in the joints, then there is the deposition of salts and the last is the destruction of the cartilage.

When the consequences of acidification or strong alkalization of the blood begin to influence cardinally, the following symptoms occur:

  • An increase in dangerous levels of sugar in the blood.
  • Attacks of suffocation, lack of air.
  • Constant feeling of nausea, heartburn and eructation, fixing stools with pains in the peritoneum.
  • Overexcited, frightening state.
  • The presence of dark circles under the eyes.
  • Muscle tension and constant pain in the neck and shoulder areas.
  • Whitish coating on the tongue.
  • Bitter taste in mouth when not eating and waking up.
  • Swelling of limbs and face, sensitive to colds.

The presence of three of these factors is a serious reason to consult a doctor and urgently change your diet.

Strips for determining the acid-base balance, how to use

PH is measured in blood, saliva and urine. For this, litmus strips are used. To measure blood parameters, you need to puncture the finger of your right hand and squeeze a few drops into a small container or directly onto the test strip. After a few seconds, the developed color is compared with the color scale. The norm is an indicator of 7.35 for blood.

To diagnose the pH in saliva, accumulate some fluid in the mouth without swallowing the saliva for a few seconds. Put a strip on the tongue for 2-3 seconds and compare the resulting result with the table of indicators by color. You need to do this procedure on an empty stomach.

To diagnose urine, it is necessary to collect a second urine in a small container in the morning before meals. Then carry out the above manipulations and compare with the test scale.

Where to get strips to determine the acid-base balance

Litmus strips for determining the level of the acid-base environment are sold in all commercial medical enterprises. These can be local pharmacies, medical stores and online stores of related topics.

Packages with strips are tubes with packaging from five pieces to a maximum of one hundred, a multiple of five. More often than others, products containing 50 pieces are found on sale, this is enough for a month.

Acid-base balance in the mouth

Increased acidity in the mouth appears as a result of the use of sour foods. For example, coffee with sugar, sweet, flour, etc. The optimal level of acidity in the mouth is 7, if higher, then it is bad for the teeth.

Rinse your mouth after eating oxidizing food. During the day, it is optimal to use chewing gum after each meal to neutralize the pH.

For a positive influence of the environment on the preservation of teeth, several rules must be followed. Get more outdoors and get some UV light to produce vitamin D. Your diet should include fish, green tea, mineral water, and cheese.

Acid-base balance of urine

The acid-base level of urine makes it possible to determine the efficiency of the kidneys, which drive the blood through them every second filtering it. Poorly soluble harmful substances settle in the kidneys.

Indicators in the urine of an adult should not be lower than 5 and higher than 7. At different times of the day, the indicators may differ slightly. In children with breastfeeding from 6.9 to 7.8, and in "artists" from 5.4 to 6.9.

Periodically observed shifts in the acid-base balance in any direction indicate the danger of stone formation.

The formation of stones is of three types:

  • Formed from oxalic acid oxalate stones, at a pH reaction level of 5-6 units.
  • Formed from uric acid urate stone and, if the reaction is less than 5.
  • In an alkaline environment, they can form phosphate stones from phosphate compounds, at a level greater than 7.

Blood test for acid-base balance

Plasma is the most important body fluid. Every minute, moving through the body, it supplies the organs with oxygen and simultaneously frees them from toxins and harmful substances. In addition, blood is a self-renewing part of the human body.

Blood pH is a fairly constant value, with deviations, inevitable serious health problems begin. In a neglected state, such deviations are very difficult to treat, and lead to a weakening of the immune system and premature aging.

main functions of blood:

  1. Saturation of all organs with oxygen, the elixir of life, hormones and essential enzymes.
  2. Provides a breathing scheme by transferring oxygen to the cells, and taking carbon dioxide out of them.
  3. Adjusts body temperature and is responsible for the amount of necessary substances.
  4. Supports healthy body tone.

blood pH levels:

  • Venous from 7.3-7.43.
  • Arterial from 7.35-7.45.
  • A level below 6.9 or above 7.09 results in death.

How to normalize acid-base balance

When an imbalance of acid and alkali is found in the body, the first thing to do is to make a decision to act, namely to take up changes around you. This applies to the entire lifestyle, nutrition, rest and sleep patterns, reactions to stress and physical activity. Ideally, you should get used to something, give up something and decide on something.

what exactly to do?

You should start with nutrition. The reactions of the products contained in the usual diet are being clarified. Which ones are sour and which are alkalizing you need to know and put in the table for yourself. It is important to consume at least 2 liters of water per day. Habits are changing that lead to excessive consumption of one type of food, such as oxidizing ones. Nutrition should be balanced and approximately 50/50.

Walks in the fresh air for at least 1 hour and 5 thousand steps a day are introduced into the constant regime of the day. The next level should be cycling or jogging, swimming in the pool.

It is important to keep the emotional level positive. Change jobs, companies, and even environments as a last resort. Get a pet and get carried away with a hobby, yoga.

what not to do?

Urgently need to be abandoned or at least reduced bad habits smoking. You will urgently have to get rid of the consumption of large amounts of strong alcohol.

Refuse to use fast food, soda and snacks. Reduce to the very minimum the consumption of sugar, salty, fatty and spicy foods.

Soda and acid-base balance, does soda help in restoring acid-base balance

Acidification of the body is a very dangerous condition. Acidic fats are deposited under the skin and destroy the body. Accumulation of acidic chemical deposits in the liver leads to its enlargement due to obesity.

Some products balance well in the body's environment in terms of the ratio of alkali and acid. Here are some of them:

  • Celery, spinach, onion garlic and all fresh herbs.
  • Carrots, beets, zucchini, cucumbers.
  • Dried apricots, figs, plums, peaches, pears, gooseberries.
  • Mushrooms, garlic, sea buckthorn.
  • Citrus fruits, especially lemon and watermelon.

With chronic acidification of the body, such a radical element as soda is introduced into the diet. Proven and tested such a tool as a powerful regulator of the alkaline ratio with the acid. Well covered and used in practice this way to deal with acidification of the body by the Italian doctor Simoncini.

Instructions for the use of soda drink.

  • Pour a fifth of a tablespoon of soda into a 300 g glass of warm purified water.
  • It is taken 20-30 minutes before meals.
  • Slowly bring the intake of soda to a whole amount of a spoon per glass.
  • The duration of admission is one week, a week break and repeat.
  • Accompany such treatment by taking tests from a doctor.
  • It is used for pain in the heart, nervousness, heart rhythm disturbances, continuous nausea, fatigue.

Treatment of acid-base disorders

Balancing the acid-base level is nothing but the main path to a sure cure. Do not immediately resort to medication, even in the case of high fever. This is a protective reaction of the body and the means of the immune system's own fight against the disease, and there is no need to interfere with it.

At high temperature a plentiful warm drink with lemon and honey is given. Requires strict bed rest with prolonged sleep. It is important to supplement this treatment with the intake of natural trace elements such as black currant, raspberry and rosehip. Eliminate salt from the diet, replacing it with herbs, garlic, radish and horseradish.

Meals are translated into raw vegetables and fruits. Also in the diet you need to include foods enriched with potassium salts. Drinking plenty of water is very important, including freshly squeezed juices.


  • Spinach, asparagus, parsley, horseradish, dandelion.
  • Cucumbers, baked potatoes, carrots, tomatoes, cabbage.
  • Blackcurrant, fresh green peas, grapefruit.
  • Radish, garlic.
  • Dried apricots, raisins, beans, lentils, soybeans.
  • Rye bread, oatmeal.

Simple manipulations, such as folding the palms, will help. It is preferable to do this 2 minutes before a meal. It is observed that this provides a neutral balance of acid-base balance.

How to treat acid-base imbalance

If you notice obvious deviations in normal health, you should consult a general practitioner for a medical examination. Of course, the doctor will make a conclusion on the symptoms and test results that have arisen, prescribe drug treatment. But pills and traditional medicine treatments alone are not enough.

Adjust the diet in the right way in compliance with the proportion of 80% alkalizing products and 20% oxidizing. Remove bad habits and get rid of harmful foods and drinks. A prerequisite for recovery is drinking plenty of herbal teas and freshly squeezed fruit and vegetable juices.

A necessary item in the treatment program will be short-term or long-term fasting with a series of unloading days. Hemodialysis should be provided with active removal of toxins, which will not do without physical exertion. Be sure to do gymnastics, water procedures, walks in the fresh air.

Neumyvakin, basics briefly

Ivan Pavlovich Neumyvakin has been practicing alternative medicine for over forty years. Neumyvakin's theory is based on the idea separate power supply and treatment with soda. Eating refined foods and practically no fresh vegetables and fruits in the diet leads to an exit and out of order of the intestines.

It is very simple to check the efficiency of the intestines. Drink on an empty stomach 1-2 tablespoons of freshly squeezed beetroot juice, which has settled for 2 hours. If after that the urine turns brown, then the intestines are not working as they should.

Sodium carbonate thins the blood and thus helps to get rid of many diseases. This method copes well with the deposition of salts, stone formation in the kidneys, cholesterol plaques.

Neumyvakin's method is based on the intake of warm soda of good quality in alliance with honey. Starting you need to drink the therapeutic mixture with small doses and according to a strict schedule.

scheme according to Neumyvakin:

  • Reception of diluted soda in warm milk or water is carried out at least three times a day.
  • Dosage starts with a quarter teaspoon of soda in a glass of water.
  • After three days, the dose is increased to a full spoonful.
  • 1.5 hours after meals and one hour before meals.
  • There is a break of 3 days.
  • Then it is drunk 15 minutes before a meal and a field of 2 hours.
  • A solution is prepared in a container with soda and pour 0.5 cups of boiling water, after the reaction it is diluted with the second half of a cup of cold water.
  • Drink for the first time in the morning on an empty stomach.


  1. Diabetes.
  2. Cancer of the last stage.
  3. Allergy to sodium bicarbonate.
  4. With a stomach ulcer.
  5. Low or high acidity.
  6. Pregnancy.

Peter Jentschura acid-base balance, the basics in a nutshell

The theory of Peter Enshtura is based on the idea of ​​removing toxins using medicinal teas. The main medicinal properties of such teas are the ability to break down and remove toxins, the solution is chemically alkaline.

The theory says that when the body is acidic, you should start taking soda with small doses three times a day for three weeks. Along with this, herbal tea is drunk and foods rich in minerals are consumed, drinking plenty of pure water at least 1.5 liters per day.

Herbal teas necessarily contain bitter herbs such as wormwood, centaury and yarrow.

alkaline tides:

  • 04:00 hard
  • 10:00 mid
  • 16:00 busy
  • 22:00 restrained

acid flushes:

  • 01:00 in moderation
  • 07:00 strong
  • 13:00 restrained
  • 19:00 in full force

Herbs for acid-base balance

You can restore the regulation of acid and alkali in the body with the help of herbal drinks. Calamus, hawthorn, cranberries, gooseberries, black currants, brewed in the form of infusion or tea, help to neutralize the environment well. Sea buckthorn oil helps with gastritis.

Myasnikov about acid-base balance

A competent doctor is able to make an up-to-date diagnosis and certainly knows the formula that determines the acid level of the human body. Alexander Myasnikov will say it even if you wake him up in the middle of the night.

The doctor claims that the pH rate in our dialysis determines all the processes that take place. The balance in an acidic environment is necessarily maintained at around 7.35, a deviation from this value threatens with serious consequences.

If the pH level in our body is disturbed, the most diseased organ begins to falter, and a seriously loaded organ quickly fails. With a serious failure in the acid-base environment, death will follow. Young people develop bulimia and anorexia.

How to check the acid-base balance of the body at home

At home, sets of multifunctional indicators that determine several liquid characteristics at once are especially relevant. Basically, urinalysis test kits are commercially available, which determine from 10 to 15 pathologies.

Another medium is electronic pH meters, which measure the pH level most accurately. With the help of such a device, all body fluids are very accurately measured.

Several methods can be used to visually measure acid-base levels. Such manipulations include comparison of lower pressure and pulse, examination of the conjunctiva of the eye to determine the color spectrum of the inner eyelid.

How to eat to maintain acid-base balance

To maintain a normal acid-base level, nutritionists advise adherence to an alkaline diet. This is a food system that excludes animal products from the diet. The diet consists exclusively of vegetables and fruits.

Basic Alkaline Diet Tips:

  1. Breakfast 1 pc. green vegetable, fruit.
  2. You need to go on this diet carefully and slowly.
  3. The correct proportion is 80% to 20% alkalizing to acidifying foods.
  4. Healthier foods are raw or steamed.
  5. Grains are included in the diet once a week.
  6. If you can’t completely refuse meat, then use low-fat tenderloins and preferably chicken and turkey meat.
  7. Several times, preferably every other day, the diet should include fish dishes.
  8. Use vegetable oil instead of fats and sauces.
  9. Components of dishes from nuts, beans, seeds and peas should be present.
  10. Eliminate or replace sweets with honey, maple syrup, brown sugar.
  11. You should not eat later than three hours before bedtime.
  12. Avoid large amounts of strong alcohol.
  13. Drink at least 1.5-2 liters of fluid per day.
  14. From drinking, do not drink sweet soda, but rather herbal tea and natural juices.

Contraindications are possible for people suffering from ischemia of the heart and kidney failure.

food table acid-base balance

For the health of the body, it is very important what its owner eats. The need to maintain a blood pH of 7.365 is due to good health and the absence of pathologies. Deviations from this norm indicate the danger of diseases and require immediate adjustment of the diet.

There are tables of products with indicators of alkalinity of products with a plus sign and acidity with a minus sign. Using this data, it is necessary to adhere to the preferences to eat more positive foods than negative ones.

acid attack products

The presence in the diet of an excess amount of acidifying provisions leads to acidosis, acidification of the body. There are studies in the world conducted by the biologist Otto Warburg, which testify to the connection between the ontogenesis of cancer cells and an increase in blood acidity.

vegetables, fruits and herbs

  • banana, plums, jam fruit
  • beans, peas

grain crops

  • White rice
  • wheat, corn flour, starch
  • rye, barley
  • rye bread, white (loaf), bran


  • cream, butter
  • hard and soft cheese

oils, eggs, nuts

  • peanut, walnut, peanut, cashew
  • seeds, sunflower oil

meat and seafood

  • lamb, beef, pork, game, turkey, chicken, chicken
  • bacon, ham
  • fish, mussels, crayfish, oysters

sweets and drinks

  • all alcohol
  • coffee, cocoa, chocolate, black tea
  • lemonades
  • honey, sugar, sweeteners

Acid-alkaline balance of water

The normal pH of water is 7, and this indicator fluctuates from 6 to 9 units. River water is from 6.9 to 8.5, air precipitation from 4.6 to 6.1, salt marshes from 5.5 to 6.0, sea ​​water from 7.9 to 8.3. With a water index of more than 11, such a liquid should be excluded from human consumption, especially for food. For internal use, water with indicators from 6 to 9 is suitable.

The conclusions on the topic of the level of acid-base balance are obvious. It is necessary to maintain it in the range from 7.13 to 7.43 units. This indicator is not difficult to achieve by adhering to an alkaline diet with proportions of 20/80%.

Acid dialysis is measured freely at home with a special pH meter. With a periodic deviation from the norm, you should seek medical advice.

Hello my dear reader! Today I want to talk to you about proper nutrition. But I would like to approach this issue in an extraordinary way, so to speak from around the corner! I will not talk about any effective and newfangled diets there, but will touch on a more interesting topic. Today we will study the balance of acidic and alkaline environment in the human body. Why do we need it? And in order to be healthy with you and never get sick!

Acid-alkaline environment in the body.

I think everyone loves tasty and satisfying food. For example, with pleasure to eat a piece of fried meat or a fresh cutlet for dinner. At this moment, we think only about ourselves and do not think about our body. Will he have enough acid or alkali to process all this correctly?

Each of us knows that the body needs a certain amount of carbohydrates, proteins and fats per day. We constantly pay attention to this when choosing products. In the 20th century, scientists found out that there is another very important indicator that determines our health. This is the acidity of the food.

The body is acidic and alkaline. For the body, they are both important and ideally should be balanced. If there is a strong oxidation or alkalization of the body, then this leads to health problems. Especially for the body, its acidification is dangerous.

Acidification of the body leads to whiteness

According to World Organization Health the cause of many diseases is the increased acidity of the environment.

Due to acidity, the following happens:

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- cell activity decreases;

- the body gets tired;

- retention of poisons in the body;

- the risk of diabetes mellitus increases;

- increased risk cardiovascular diseases;

- increased risk of cancer.

Etc. and so on. There are many more to list…

Therefore, if you are concerned about various diseases, then you need to know the level of the acid-base environment.

Acid pH

And for this you need to go and donate blood for pH. This is a kind of hydrogen indicator, which was introduced in 1909 by the Danish chemist Serensen. Its normal value should be 7. The blood should show pH = 7.36, because it is slightly biased towards the alkaline environment.

pH values ​​for other liquids:

lymph pH = 7.35-7.40

interstitial fluid pH = 7.26-7.36

pH of intra-articular fluid = 7.3

There is a very simple way to test the acidity of a medium without any pH. If you often get colds, then you definitely have it increased. The germs that cause colds cannot live in an alkaline environment. They multiply only in excess acid that has accumulated in the body. Therefore, when we are overcome by a cold, we drink tea with lemon. It is an alkaline solution that lowers the acidity of the environment in the body.

If your pH is less than 6, then you already need to take measures to alkalize your body, i.e. start eating better!

Restoring acid-base balance

In his book Drug-Free Therapy, Edgar Cayce writes that every person needs to maintain an alkaline balance, thanks to the 80/20 ratio (Pareto's law). To do this, you need to eat 80 percent of foods that cause alkaline reactions and 20 percent of foods that cause acidic reactions.

Dairy products include: meat, fish, eggs, dairy products, pre-processed foods, sugar, alcohol, sweets and carbonated drinks. The latter are the most dangerous.

And now information for men! Increased acidity leads to impotence! Yes Yes. Forget that meat food, which, as it were, makes heroes out of us, is useful. Not at all. Meat has the highest acidity. Like this! And when your girlfriend says that you only eat grains and vegetables and no meat, you can explain the whole point of the situation and argue in favor of alkaline foods.

On the principle of "no, no meat, only grass" and built nutrition yogis. Only they are healthy, and we dumb-headed Westerners who laugh at them are constantly sick!

Alkaline foods include cereals, potatoes, salads, vegetables, fruits, nuts. They should make up the lion's share of your daily diet.

And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb yielding seed that is in all the earth, and every tree bearing fruit of a tree yielding seed—we will be your food...

Genesis 1:29

If you want to learn more about the degree of acidity and alkalinity of certain products, then look at special tables on the Internet, there are a lot of them.


Proper nutrition is the path to healing.

By restoring the acid-base balance to normal, you can improve your health. To do this, create your alkaline diet. The diet should be less acid-forming foods and more vegetables, fruits and nuts.

Many people say that this product should not be consumed at all, but this one should be eaten day and night. Fundamentally wrong. All foods are important and you need to eat everything. You just need to know what and in what quantities. That's the whole technology of proper nutrition.

As my mother says: "Don't go to extremes." You want to eat sweets, the body demands, take it and quench it with some kind of pie, it really wants to! But just don't do it often and do it little by little. Restraining yourself from sweets leads to the appearance of negative emotions, and you clearly do not need them.

Proper nutrition to you and a speedy recovery!

Everything in the world, living or non-living, is either acidic or alkaline in nature. However, humans are designed to eat alkaline foods, and are part of the food chain as an alkaline organism. The pH level of our blood is largely determined by the food we eat. And if the blood becomes non-alkaline or, moreover, acidic, the body stops working properly and has difficulty resisting oxidative processes and disease-causing viruses.

Top 10 alkaline foods that keep our mind and body healthy and energetic:

1. Avocados, bananas (ripe), berries, carrots, celery, currants, dates, garlic.

These foods are very rich in antioxidants and contain a pH level of 8.0. They chemically attack acidic products with a pH of 5.0 and raise it almost to an alkaline level. Also, berries, dates and especially garlic have special properties that regulate blood pressure.

2. Apples (sweet), apricots, alfalfa sprouts.

These foods are highly digestible, high in fiber, and have a pH of 8.0. In addition, they contain many enzymes that help maintain the hormonal balance of the body. It is worth eating an apple a day, and you will forget about the doctors! Don't neglect the apricots. For those who don't know, alfalfa sprouts are sprouted bean seeds commonly added to salads and sandwiches.

3. Grapes (sweet), passion fruit, pears (sweet), pineapples, raisins, umeboshi plums, vegetable juices.

Foods in this group have a pH of 8.5 and are rich in antioxidants and vitamins A, B, and C. Grapes, raisins, and plums are blood-regulating foods that lower blood pressure and the risk of heart disease. Pineapple, on the one hand, is rich in L-carnitine, which uses body fat as an energy source, and also keeps your waist slim. Vegetable juices, on the other hand, are loaded with iron and are good for detoxifying the body's cells.

4. Chicory, kiwi, fruit juices.

They contain natural sugars that do not form acidic compounds when digested. Rather, these foods have alkaline-forming properties that give the body a lot of energy. With a pH level of 8.5, this group is rich in flavonoids, chemical constituents of natural foods that have antioxidant properties. Kiwis contain even more vitamin C than oranges. Chicory, a bitter-tasting “close relative” of lettuce, contains insulin, which supports the pancreas and helps the body prevent the development of diabetes.

5.. Watercress, seaweed, asparagus.

The products in this group have a pH of 8.5 and are unique acid converters. For example, watercress is called a natural superfood. It is the first leafy vegetable consumed by humans and is commonly added to healthy salads. It is best to eat it raw. Watercress contains a lot of iron and calcium, as does seaweed. Asparagus is even more beneficial due to its high content of asparagine (an amino acid essential for the proper functioning of nervous system).

6. Lime, mango, melon, papaya, parsley.

These products have a pH of 8.5 and are excellent for cleansing the kidneys. Papaya has laxative properties, facilitates bowel movements and cleansing of the intestines. Parsley, the most popular herb, is a great bowel brush when eaten raw. It is also a diuretic, essential in cleansing the kidneys. Lime, mango, and melon are vitamin-rich fruits that form an alkali when digested.
7. Cantaloupe, cayenne pepper.

Products in this group are the most alkaline reactive of all products with a pH of 8.5. They are rich in enzymes that our endocrine system needs. Cayenne pepper has antibacterial properties and also contains vitamin A, which fights free radicals that cause stress and disease. Cantaloupe, a relative of the common melon, contains very little sugar but a lot of fiber.

8. Agar-agar (organic gelatin)

Agar agar has a pH of 8.5 and is a gelatin substitute made from seaweed rich in iron and calcium. It is an easily digestible product and has the highest fiber content.

9. Watermelon.
With a pH of 9.0, watermelon is very alkaline. Due to its high fiber and water content (92% of its weight), watermelon is a mild diuretic and a rich source of beta-carotene, lycopene and vitamin C. This thirst-quenching fruit provides energy for a week of eating only it, while cleansing colon.

At the top of the list is the amazing lemon. With its electrolytic properties and pH level of 9.0, lemons are considered the most alkaline food. This is the most powerful and fastest remedy for colds, coughs, flu, heartburn, acidity and other viral diseases. Lemons are natural antiseptics that disinfect and heal wounds. In addition, it is the best remedy for the liver, which cleanses it and gives energy.

Over the past decades, humanity has significantly changed its diet. To a large extent, this affected health. Acid and alkaline foods are consumed unbalanced, and this leads to many problems, various diseases: immunity decreases, kidney stones form, and the risk of malignant tumors increases. Eliminate ailments and restore the natural balance will help the alkaline combination of ingredients in the diet makes it possible to avoid the risks of diseases. So what role does acid-base balance play in our body, and how do we define a food group?

Acid-base balance of the body, products

Each substance has its own pH, which indicates how the electrical resistance changes between negative and positive ions. One group gives an alkaline environment, the other - an acidic one. For this indicator, scientists adopted a conditional number. A neutral environment has a pH level of 7. If there is a shift to a lower side, then we are talking about oxidation, a change to a higher side is about alkalization.

In the human body, the alkali level with a mark of 7.4 is considered optimal. The limit of the lowest indicator is 7.36. If we are talking about an increase, then the limit figure is 7.44. In any other cases, we will already talk about pathological changes. In many ways, these numbers depend on what kind of acidic and alkaline foods you eat, because splitting into molecules, they change the internal environment of the body.

In the majority, in the process of metabolism, (lactic, uric acid) are synthesized, upon entry into chemical reaction with the alkali of the lymph, blood, bile, neutralization occurs. However, if acid-genic products predominate in the diet, our body is not able to cope with all the incoming acids. In such cases, unpleasant symptoms occur: headache, fatigue, anorexia, decreased appetite, hyperacidity, nervous tension, insomnia.

Causes of osteoporosis

Due to the occurrence of increased acidity of the blood, other undesirable effects may occur. Sodium is used by the body as a buffer to maintain homeostasis and return acidic pH to normal levels. As a result, its reserves may be depleted. If sodium is unable to buffer the accumulated acid, the body uses its own calcium as a second buffer. It begins to leach out of the teeth and bones if there is not enough of it with food. The bones become weak, brittle, porous. The medical term for this condition is osteoporosis.

If acidic and alkaline foods are consumed in an unbalanced way, there is an increase in acidity, this is an abnormal condition. The processes of aging and degeneration of the body are accelerated. Toxic substances in the human body are found in the form of acids. To maintain and strengthen your health, you need to consume more alkaline foods in nature.

Balance shift, health implications

When acidification occurs in the body, almost all ailments seem to be waiting for this, and begin to overcome our body. Improper nutrition, which we have been practicing for years, confidently begins to suck out vital energy from every cell. Acidic and alkaline foods should be consumed in a balanced way. If the acid predominates, neutralizes the alkali, the following consequences may occur:

  • The human skeleton is suffering.
  • The body uses all reserves to produce alkalization. This releases calcium and magnesium. Minerals are washed out of the bone, causing osteoporosis.
  • The brain, receiving a signal of a lack of calcium, increases its amount in the blood. But, as a rule, it does not return to the bones, but accumulates on surfaces, in gallbladder, in the kidneys. Hence, diseases such as polycystic, cysts, benign tumors in the chest.
  • The lens becomes cloudy and a cataract develops.
  • progression of cardiovascular disease.
  • Changes in the composition of the blood, there are risks of cancer.
  • Constant acidosis, therefore, hypofunction of the thyroid gland, insomnia, anxiety, edema, low blood pressure.
  • Acidification provokes already at a young age chronic fatigue, muscle pain.
  • Tooth enamel is destroyed.
  • Metabolism slows down, aging processes accelerate.
  • Out of service internal organs, enzymes reduce their effectiveness.

If you normalize your alkaline balance, the pathologies will begin to decrease. Excluding acidic foods from your diet completely will not work, but you need to monitor their quantity and be sure to use alkaline foods.

Cancer Theory

The acid-base balance of foods is very important for our body. It has already been proven by researchers that acidic foods in unlimited quantities aggravate the risks of the onset and course of cancer. Back in 1932, Otto Warburg established the obvious dependence of the development of cancer on the acidification of the body. Cancer cells are viable only in an acidic environment, where the pH is below 7. If alkalization occurs, the pH level rises, then after 3 hours the pathogenic elements begin to die.

Some scientists, despite the protests of traditional medicine, put forward versions that cancer can be cured by alkalization. Products that have an alkaline reaction can reduce the likelihood of tumor recurrence and even reduce the likelihood of cancer cells.

Leaders in maintaining alkaline balance. TOP-7

Below is a list of foods that are considered leaders in the alkaline balance. Many are interested in: is lemon an alkaline or acidic product?

  • Lemon. Despite its sour taste, it is the leader of all those who give an alkaline reaction. Some advocates of alternative treatments believe that this citrus is 10,000 times more potent than chemotherapy. According to Ayurveda, drinking fresh juice of this product or eating one lemon a day, you can get rid of any disease. Sugar in this case can not be added!
  • Greenery. Parsley, dill, lettuce, leek will not only saturate the body with a variety of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, but also restore the alkaline balance.
  • Roots. Turnips, radishes, horseradish, carrots, swedes, beets are able to improve digestion and neutralize high acidity.
  • Cucumbers and celery. The most alkaline foods.
  • Garlic. It has antifungal, antibacterial properties, helps to maintain immunity, restore alkaline balance.
  • Cruciferous - a white cabbage, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, broccoli.
  • Avocado is a source of amino acids, vitamins. The leader in the content of fatty acids in plant origin.

Do you want to know what serious diseases are? Eat fresh daily at least one of the listed products, and your alkaline balance will be normal.


The acid-base balance of food has long been maintained in yoga for many years. They include all animal products, many grains, legumes, cheese, and cottage cheese to acidic foods. Yoga includes fruits, vegetables, many nuts, herbs, yogurt, yogurt and milk as alkaline foods.

In Europe, more than a hundred years ago, the German scientist Berg first drew attention to this. He proved that the alkaline balance in the body is achieved by the correct selection of food. As recommended by yogis, at least two parts of alkaline foods should fall on one part of acidic foods per day. Healthy people are characterized by an alkaline internal environment, it ensures proper vital activity, gives longevity and strength, and reduces the need for proteins. Prolonged acidification leads to premature decrepitude and disease.

alkaline diet

Which foods are alkaline and which are acidic, see the lists below. Consider the concept that is used to normalize the weight. If a person consumes acidic foods in excess, then the body tends to “acidify”. There are a variety of diseases, often this leads to osteoporosis and cancer. Promotes acidity and obesity. What is the link between being overweight and acidity? The fact is that excess acid is stored in body fat, in this case they cannot decrease, the body protects its “reserves” of acid. To lead a successful fight against acidification of body fat, it is worth thinking about an alkaline diet, they will help the right products. Here is a list of alkaline and acidic foods that will help you balance your diet. By following an alkaline diet, you can short time lose weight and restore your health.

alkaline foods

Considering the list of alkaline and acidic foods, we will first pay attention to the first. They are high alkaline, medium alkaline, low alkaline and very low alkaline.

High alkaline foods:

  • Lemons.
  • Baking soda.
  • Chlorella.
  • Red algae.
  • Lime.
  • Lentils.
  • Alkaline mineral water.
  • Onion.
  • Nectarine.
  • Persimmon.
  • Pumpkin seeds.
  • A pineapple.
  • Seaweed.
  • Sea salt.
  • Sweet potato.
  • Spirulina.
  • Vegetable juices.
  • Mandarin
  • Watermelon.

Medium Alkaline Foods:

  • Apricots.
  • Apples.
  • Arugula.
  • Broccoli.
  • Asparagus.
  • Carrot.
  • Cantaloupe.
  • Cashew nuts.
  • Orange.
  • Chestnut.
  • Garlic.
  • Chicory.
  • Fresh ginger.
  • Ginseng tea.
  • Grapefruit.
  • Greenery.
  • Honeydew honey.
  • Kiwi.
  • Tea mushroom.
  • Kohlrabi.
  • Syrup.
  • Mango.
  • Green mustard.
  • Parsnip.
  • Olives.
  • Raspberries.
  • Turnip.
  • Soy sauce.
  • Black pepper.

Low Alkaline Foods:

  • Almond.
  • Apple vinegar.
  • Sour apples.
  • Avocado.
  • Artichokes.
  • Blackberry.
  • Bulgarian pepper.
  • Cauliflower, white cabbage.
  • Chicken eggs.
  • Quail eggs.
  • Ginseng.
  • Eggplant.
  • Mushrooms.
  • Tremble.
  • Peach.
  • Papaya.
  • Pumpkin.
  • Potato.
  • Homemade marinades.
  • Swede.
  • Sake.
  • Rice syrup.
  • Sesame seeds.

Very low alkaline foods:

  • Bananas.
  • Beet.
  • Avocado oil.
  • Brussels sprouts.
  • Blueberry.
  • Celery.
  • Cucumber.
  • Coconut oil.
  • cilantro.
  • Sauerkraut.
  • Currant.
  • Melted butter.
  • Linseed oil.
  • Grape.
  • Oats.
  • Olive oil.
  • Raisin.
  • Strawberry.
  • Zucchini.
  • Sunflower seeds.
  • Wild rice.
  • Turnip.

It is worth noting that black coffee and alcohol belong to the group of acidic products, but for those who are interested: coffee is an alkaline or acidic product, we make a significant remark - natural coffee belongs to alkaline products.

High acid foods

Acidic foods are created in the body, no matter how they taste. Now, considering the list of alkaline and acidic products, let's highlight the second group more specifically.

  • Bread.
  • Beef.
  • Beer.
  • Cocoa.
  • Brown sugar.
  • Wheat flour.
  • Cottonseed oil.
  • Fruit juices.
  • Hop.
  • Fried foods.
  • Hazelnut.
  • Ice cream.
  • Jams and jellies.
  • Industrial marinades.
  • Seafood.
  • Sugar.
  • Salt.
  • Wine.
  • Vinegar.
  • Walnuts.
  • Yogurt is sweet.

medium acid products

  • Barley.
  • Chestnut oil.
  • Bear meat.
  • Casein.
  • Chicken.
  • Cottage cheese.
  • Corn.
  • Cranberry.
  • Fructose.
  • Egg white.
  • Pasteurized honey.
  • Green pea.
  • Mustard.
  • Ketchup.
  • Muesli.
  • Palm oil.
  • Pasta.
  • Bakery.
  • Pistachios.
  • Peanut.
  • Pomegranate.
  • Pork.
  • Popcorn.
  • Rye.
  • Veal.
  • Soy milk.

low acid products

  • Beans.
  • Vodka.
  • Almond oil.
  • Buckwheat.
  • Black tea.
  • Cow's milk.
  • Goat milk.
  • Goose.
  • Game.
  • Mutton.
  • Plum.
  • Milk.
  • Crayfish.
  • Tomatoes.
  • Turkey.
  • Wheat.
  • Vanilla.
  • White rice.

Very low acid foods:

  • Amaranth.
  • brown rice
  • Rapeseed oil.
  • Butter.
  • Cream.
  • Curry.
  • Coconut.
  • Fish.
  • Figs.
  • Gelatin.
  • Offal.
  • Millet.
  • Sunflower oil.
  • Rhubarb.
  • Zucchini.
  • Wild duck.