Techniques and methods of breeding American Staffordshire Terrier dogs. Staffordshire Terrier - sale in Russia Buy a dog or puppy in Russia

Some people will probably be quite skeptical about the need to devote pages to the subject of dog breeding. Most have a strong belief that nothing more than leaving two dogs alone is required and everything will be fine. However, many of my friends, unfortunately, not without damage to themselves, became convinced that this was not so.
Under normal conditions, most males and females can breed as nature intended without assistance. Nevertheless, matings must be observed, at least from a certain distance: firstly, to make sure that mating has occurred and, secondly, so that the dogs do not somehow harm each other. Dogs living in the same kennel usually mate without any difficulty.
American Staffordshire Terrier breeding dogs can be divided into two types:
The first type is an active and experienced male who does not require any preliminary ceremony and does his job efficiently and without fuss. Males of this type need to be restrained a little, especially with a nervous bitch or a bitch who is mating for the first time. Managing such active and business-like dogs is pleasant and easy.
The second type are dogs of moderate temperament who approach work in a sensitive manner. Such a dog needs to get to know the bitch and groom a little, but when he is ready, he will mount and do his job. If the bitch is difficult, he knows how to ask for help from the instructor, and if he was taught the first, second or third time to use the help of the instructor, he will breed any bitch brought to him, regardless of her character or size.

Place of mating
The general rule is that the male is bred in his usual environment, and the female is brought to him. It is better if the stud dog is always bred in the same pen or room. The dog then quickly learns that this particular place is intended for such a thing. The chosen place should be as free as possible. If the staffs are large and mated on the floor, it is important that there is enough light from the window; on dark days, electric lighting may be needed, especially if mating is difficult. It is also important that both the door and window are locked and that the room is warm enough.
The floor in the room should be easy to clean and not slippery. Many people use rubber mats to prevent dogs from slipping.
Many matings do not produce results because the owners of male dogs are in too much of a hurry and do not think about the feelings and characters of the dogs themselves.
Before introducing a dog and a bitch to each other, you need to examine the bitch and check how ready she is. The best way introducing two unfamiliar dogs to each other is walking them on leashes.
As soon as the owners see that the dogs are interested in each other, they should be taken to the mating room on leather leashes and reintroduced to each other. If the bitch needs to be muzzled, which is not often the case, the muzzle should be put on immediately before the second presentation to the dog.
Some timid bitches try to hide when meeting, they growl and show their teeth, but usually if the bitch is ready, and the owner and instructor are not in a hurry to finish everything quickly and give her more time to get to know each other, she will accept the male normally. If, despite all efforts, she continues to resist, then either the bitch is not ready, or the mating period has already passed.
So, when the bitch is ready, she will allow the male to mount and he will probably make several attempts, searching for the opening of the loop with his penis. When the male dog is sufficiently stimulated, he continues the rhythmic movements until he suddenly penetrates the vagina. The male then makes a series of strong pushing movements. The skin of the prepuce is pushed back behind the bulb and, if all goes well, the mating proceeds normally and the male is “attached” to the bitch by the constrictor vaginalis muscle.
At this stage the bitch may become very excited and want to move around. At this time, the owner must calm her down by talking to her and keep her in place. The bitch's owner or assistant trainer should be prepared to prevent the bitch from wanting to sit down. The instructor and his assistants must also ensure that the male and female do not try to pull in different directions. The male makes frantic dancing movements with his hind legs, stepping with them alternately. It is at this stage that sperm is ejaculated. After this, the male will rest, breathing heavily, on the back of the “poor” bitch. hugging her with his front paws. He will put his head on her neck, and may also lick her ears and eyes, thus expressing his love and gratitude.
Stud dogs show their individual characteristics during mating. Some, for example, young people often burp when excited, others try to push off the bitch with their hind legs and run away, others lie down on the floor and sleep, well, in general, like many “two-legged men.” Everything is very individual. Helpers should talk to the dogs, the one who helps the dog should prevent the dog from trying to get off the bitch too early, you should first make sure that there really is a “lock”.
At this time, the male usually becomes restless and wants to get off the bitch. Dogs may prefer to stand side by side, but usually the male and female turn in opposite directions. In order for the dogs to stand comfortably in the “castle,” you need to move only one front paw of the male dog over the back of the female dog. Then he will stand on all four legs.
It is important that in any position neither the male nor the female tries to pull to separate, especially by jerking, as this can injure the dogs, especially the male.
Normally, the “lock” can last from 5 to 40 minutes, but it happens that this condition lasts only a few seconds or about an hour. It is not so important that there must be a “lock”, fertilization can occur without it, but if there is no lock, you need to try to hold the male in the bitch, if possible, for at least 5 minutes. Once the “lock” has been achieved, the assistants can get comfortable, sit on the chairs, but everyone must continue to hold “their” dog. By this time, the dogs’ excitement has already passed and both soon become calm and passive.
During the lock, the bitch should not be allowed to sit down and, of course, lie down, as she can damage the male’s penis. During the lock, some bitches can experience trembling of the skin and wave-like contraction of the abdominal muscles. Some bitches may drool at this time, sometimes become very excited and scream a little with pleasure, or may close their eyes, licking themselves with an extremely satisfied look. A male usually pricks up his ears, a female usually puts them back. When a male dog mounts, if he is very sensitive, he often licks the bitch and sniffs in her ear! and if she turns her head in approval, he licks her eyes and tells her how much he loves her.

After mating
As soon as the bitch releases the male, make sure that his penis is back to normal and everything is covered by the skin of the prepuce. After mating, the male dog should be allowed to rest, but should be separated from other dogs. If you let him run around with other dogs, the males will immediately find out that he has bred a bitch, they will become jealous and a serious fight may break out.
Be sure to wash the male dog after mating, either with chamomile, or potassium permanganate and other remedies recommended by the doctor.
Immediately after mating, the bitch should be wiped dry and placed in a secluded place where she can rest. She should not be disturbed for at least two hours. It is better to walk the bitch one to two hours after mating. If the bitch has come from afar, then it is advisable to postpone her departure home until the next day.

Complications during mating
Sometimes an overly excited dog is in a hurry and misses the bitch's loop; or it happens that immediately after penetration of the penis the bitch will do flick and he will come out. The penis will be exposed, the bulb will be enlarged, and sperm will be ejected. In this case, the male can be allowed to mount again, he will continue the rocking movements, and the penis will quickly return to its normal size and fall into place. But more often males do not want to mount in this position, then you need to help the male because the exposed mucous membrane of the penis dries out very quickly and can crack until the penis shrinks and disappears into the skin of the prepuce. In these cases, you can moisten a piece of cloth with cold boiled water and apply it very carefully. This prevents drying out, helps to reduce the swelling of the organ and the penis returns to the prepuce faster.
There are more quick method, which is more effective and does not cause discomfort to the dog. When mating dogs, you should always have a small jar 20 cm high filled with cooled boiled water ready. If the penis is exposed before or after mating and does not immediately return to the prepuce, then the entire exposed part must be immersed in a jar with cold water. The penis immediately contracts and quickly returns to its place.
If the mating is not completed completely but the penis has returned to its place, the male usually actively tries to mount again and mates quickly and without difficulty. In some cases, it is true that you have to give the dog an hour or two to rest.
Sometimes, after mating, the head of the penis does not return to the preputial sac, and if left unnoticed, it can become very strong; become swollen with edema, which will cause the dog severe pain. The male dog should always be examined after mating to make sure that everything is normal.
Some bitches become very excited during mating, drop to their elbows, wriggle or lie down, and may whine and even squeal. In these cases, the bitch must be held tightly, as she can damage the dog. The bitch and dog in the castle should never be left unattended, as the bitch may move forward, drag the dog along with her, and thus cause serious injury to him.
It is very important not to change the position of the dog on the bitch until the prepuce is completely moved behind the bulb, otherwise any movement will cause excruciating pain to the dog.

Puberty of dogs

Puberty in American Staffordshire Terriers occurs at the age of 8-9 months, but they can be allowed to breed only when the dog’s body has completely matured.

You should absolutely not breed a bitch before this moment, since by the time the first heats come, she has not yet formed and pregnancy will be an unbearable burden for a young dog. As a result, you will have to have a caesarean section or remove the uterus, and you will have to give up your career as a producer.

In males, sperm formation also begins with the onset of puberty. This period is individual both for individuals and for different breeds. Normally, a small amount of sperm is released in the urine before puberty. But real ejaculation occurs for the first time at 8-10 months. During this period, the seminal fluid is still poor in sperm and, moreover, it contains many immature germ cells that are not capable of fertilization. Therefore, it is most correct and effective to start untying a male dog no earlier than 12 months, which is stipulated by the rules of the RKF. They begin to regularly use male dogs much later.

A female dog can be bred up to 8 years of age. In Germany, a bitch can only be bred once a year. In Austria, each club decides these issues independently.

Regulations on breeding in Russia and in other countries may differ. So, in Russia, bitches can be untied for the first time no earlier than 15 months, in Switzerland - at 14 months, and in 2 years you can get no more than 3 litters from a bitch.

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The documentary part is completed, the mating has taken place, you must submit the completed and signed referral to the club (kennel) within 3 days after the control mating. Based on the referral for mating, the club will register the litter; you must inform the club (kennel) about the birth of puppies within 2 days, indicating the number of puppies, gender and colors. Without a referral for mating, the club (kennel) will not register the litter, i.e. your puppies will not receive papers. Also, based on the terms of payment for mating, fixed in the direction, the club (kennel) controls the timeliness and correctness of the payment between the owners of the dog and the bitch.
If one of the owners violated the terms of payment, the club has the right not to issue documents for the puppies.
On the third day after the birth of the puppies, the club (kennel) workers must inspect the puppies. Examination of newborn puppies is carried out at the bitch’s place of residence.

The final certification of the litter is carried out by club employees at approximately 35-45 days of age (for example, in our kennel puppies that have not reached a weight of 3 kg are not certified). The club issues a litter-wide card to the owner of the bitch, which records all the deficiencies identified in the puppies, puppies without deficiencies are noted, which may be issued a pedigree in the future. Puppies are usually branded at the same time. After the sale of the last puppy, the owner of the breeding bitch is obliged to submit the completed litter general card to the club (kennel) within 3 days; if the general litter card is not completed and submitted on time, the puppies of this litter do not receive documents.

In addition to the general mark, the club issues a document for the sale of each puppy or a puppy card; this document is a guarantee for the buyer of the puppy that the animal is healthy, meets the breed standard, and upon reaching 6 months can receive a pedigree (subject to proper raising and maintenance).
Before breeding, the owner of the dog must agree on the terms of payment for the breeding.
Immediately before mating, the dog must be given a good walk and then washed.
It is not recommended to breed an Amstaff male more than once a month. If mating occurs during a hot period, it is advisable to set the time either in the morning or in the evening. The dog stops feeding two hours before mating. For a male dog, especially a young one that is not untied, the presence of a breeding instructor is very important. A young male who is allowed near a bitch for the first time usually does not know what he should do. A competent instructor will teach, help, encourage, and the owner of a male dog must morally support his pet. Under no circumstances should you laugh at the dog’s mistakes or scold the male dog during mating. Your task is to cheer up the dog, try on the male with the presence of an instructor.
Advice for owners of male puppies. If you want your male to actively mate as an adult (do the mounts himself, not jump away from the bitch when you approach, etc.), never scold or punish the baby when he “molests girls” in the game, it is better with the help Persuasion and treats distract the dog if the owner of the bitch is unhappy, or by mutual agreement ignore your pet's games. It is also necessary to distract the puppy from the bitch if she is aggressive and may snap or bite the baby, so that in the future, when mating, the male does not recoil from the slightest turn of his partner’s head.

Mating of the Staffordshire Terrier can be free and manual. Owners can watch their dogs get to know each other. The reason for frequent problems with mating is the haste of owners who do not think about the feelings of the animals.

Before mating is carried out preliminary inspection both dogs: how ready they are for mating (both physiological indicators and psychological state are taken into account). Mating will be much more successful if the male is already experienced, but the bitch’s experience in this matter is not at all necessary.

First acquaintance allows the bitch to relax and feel more calm and confident. The male will constantly sniff her out, and the female will look a little scared in a strange environment - this is how mating of the Staffordshire Terrier begins.

If you notice that curiosity has grown into, and the bitch has also begun to sniff her partner, take them to the mating room. Mating of the Staffordshire Terrier takes place in 1-2 stages.

Instructions for breeding a Staffordshire Terrier

1. In most cases, males and females can breed on their own. But the mating must be monitored. There are 2 types of staffs. The first type are experienced males who know their business. Such males sometimes need to be restrained if an inexperienced or nervous female is encountered. Mating with such a dog takes place quickly and efficiently. The owners of such pets are proud of their pets and their work.

2. The second type - males of a calm temperament, they do their job romantically and sensually. It is better for such a male to have a first date and ensure preliminary communication with his future partner; he loves to sniff the beauty and look after her, after which the mating of the Staffordshire Terrier begins. In such dogs, mating takes quite a long time. A male dog needs to get used to his partner, and if he shows aggression, he may move away. In this case, an experienced instructor can help.

3. It is best to breed a Staffordshire Terrier in the male territory. A male who is confident in his abilities will ensure a quick mating. It is especially important to take this into account if mating occurs for the first time for one of the partners. Such dates can be held on neutral territory if this is not the first mating of partners and they have known each other for a long time. It is better to knit not in crowded places. The following irritants are unacceptable: screams, bright lights, loud noises and noise.

4. If the bitch is ready for mating, she will allow the male to mount. The male makes several rhythmic movements and penetrates the bitch. Watch the dogs when they grapple, that is, enter the castle. Make sure that the dogs do not pull in different directions, this can harm the dog. The bitch can bite, so it is better to use a muzzle. If the act of mating is already over, give the dogs something to drink and let them rest. Re-mating must be done within the next 2 days.

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Buy a dog or puppy in Russia

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How to avoid becoming a victim of scammers? Buyers of dogs, especially purebred and expensive ones, often become targets of scammers.

Dog lovers fall in love with puppies even in the photo and therefore are ready to make an advance payment and book puppies. By the way, when selling puppies, both nurseries and honest breeders do this.

Typically, to buy a puppy you must reserve it in advance, often even before birth. But dishonest people also take advantage of this.

Therefore, if you want to buy a dog or puppy, be attentive and careful, try to find out more about the dog seller. Then you can safely buy yourself a pet.
