Russian language project "World of Nicknames" (5th grade, Russian language). Russian language project


Subject: Noteworthy punctuation marks

Project Manager: Tatarnikova L.N.

Academic subject: Russian language.

Participant age: 11 years old.

Project type: research

Duration: short-term (2 weeks).

Target: study of the meaning and functions of punctuation marks, identifying their role in sentences and written speech through the analysis of examples from literature and real life.


Required equipment:

1.Babaytseva V.V., Chesnokova L.D. Publishing house "Drofa", 2010

2.Zemsky A.M. and others. Russian language. Syntax. – M. Education, 1996.

3. Baranov M.T. and others. Russian language: Reference book. materials. – M.: Education, 1989.


Relevance of the project:

Personal significance: In Russian language lessons, it is punctuation marks that most children have difficulty with. When writing a test or dictation, it is an incorrectly placed punctuation mark that can turn the treasured “5” into a “4”, so we will pay attention to punctuation marks.

Intended Product project activities of students: presentation “Noteworthy punctuation marks.”

Project abstract.

Why do we need punctuation marks? After all, we have letters. Why are the letters of the alphabet not enough to make what is written understandable to the reader? Until the fifteenth century, people in Rus' wrote not only without punctuation, but generally without spaces between words.

- Punctuation marks gradually entered our writing: period and colon in the 11th century, comma in the 14th century, semicolon in the 15th century, question mark in the 16th century, exclamation mark and dash in the 17th century, ellipsis in the 18th century. The people are developing, the punctuation system is developing.

There are ten main characters in Russian punctuation: period, semicolon, comma, colon, dash, question mark, exclamation mark, ellipsis, parentheses, quotation marks .

And in general, punctuation marks are not only needed for convenience. For example, in writing we use commas to separate words, groups of words and sentences. An inappropriately placed or omitted comma can change the meaning of the entire sentence and lead to an erroneous understanding of what is written. Here, for example. "Place a statue holding a golden pike."

1. Place a statue holding a golden lance.

2. Place a golden statue holding a pike.

Remember the famous phrase “Execution cannot be pardoned” from the equally famous fairy tale “12 Months” about a spoiled princess who believed that punctuation marks were not particularly important.

Here are examples from life. Take a closer look at the advertisements posted around our city, read them in newspapers, in contemporary fiction: punctuation errors also occur. And not as rarely as we would like. Announcement: “Drunk dogs on roller skates are strictly prohibited from entering.” The role of the comma in this ad is visible to the naked eye.

So, in my project I analyzed the meaning and functions of punctuation marks and identified their role in sentences and written speech:

1.Punctuation marks help to more fully and accurately express the meaning of written speech.

2. Punctuation marks are guiding signs for comprehending the content. The absence of punctuation marks in some cases makes it difficult to understand the text, so the placement of marks in the letter is necessary.

3. Without the ability to use punctuation marks, it is impossible to master written language as a whole, which is why it is so important to know punctuation.

Feedback from the managerfor a research project of 5th grade student Viki Kozik

Work “Noteworthy Punctuation Marks” ».

Project objectives:

1. The history of the emergence of punctuation marks.

2. Carry out practical work:

a) the use of punctuation marks in everyday life.

b) Using examples, show the change in the meaning of the text after rearranging or replacing punctuation marks.

Relevance of the project: Punctuation marks are like musical notations. They hold the text firmly and prevent it from falling apart. Are they necessary, punctuation marks, now, in our dynamically changing, mobile world? After all, when communicating via chat, via SMS and Skype, young people, as a rule, do not use them: it’s unnecessary! For what? They just cause trouble! The ability to use punctuation marks is an integral part of mastery of written language; it is as important as the ability to express one’s thoughts in writing is generally important.

The project is an interesting work containing a number of conclusions. The author proves that punctuation marks form the center of the punctuation system. Punctuation marks are the key to a person’s intellectual development, the development of a person as an individual.

The material in the work is presented consistently and clearly. The conclusions and findings are correct. I believe that Kozik Wiki’s research project can be presented at a school project defense conference.

_________________________________ / Full name/

" ___" ________________ 2016

In this section, topics for research papers and projects in the Russian language for the 5th grade of school are selected for fifth-graders, which can be used to carry out research and project activities for schoolchildren in general education institutions.

Any Russian language project topics for grade 5 according to Federal State Educational Standards can be considered as a potential topic for research, both individually and by a group of students. The main thing is to choose a topic that is interesting for the child and that corresponds to his level of knowledge and preferences.

Often when viewing any research paper topics on the Russian language for grade 5 According to the Federal State Educational Standards, more expanded formulations of topics come to mind, with additions indicated by the teacher.

Read more about the purpose and objectives of the study in the following sections:

When choosing a topic for a project on the Russian language for the 5th grade according to the Federal State Educational Standard, it is worth taking into account the student’s interests, his favorite activities and the directions in which he would like to develop. Any topic of project work can be expanded to include additional tasks and practical tasks (questionnaires, statistics, experience, etc.) for research.

Russian language project topics for 5th grade

Topics of Russian language projects for 5th grade students:

12 months (etymology of month names)
Album of Russian language rules “Who commands the roots?”
Fluent consonants
Military vocabulary in M. Lermontov’s poem “Borodino”
Magic words
Exclamatory sentences
We see all types of speech here...
Secondary members of the sentence
Verb in Russian in a topic about cooking
Verb in Russian in a topic about cooking.
It is prestigious to speak correctly and beautifully!
Grammatical gender in the plant world
Being literate is fashionable!
Dialectisms in poresti N.V. Gogol's "The Night Before Christmas"
Noteworthy punctuation marks.
Calling on the verb
Borrowing foreign language affixes and their productivity
Borrowed words in Russian
Why are pseudonyms needed?
Sounds argue: who is more important?
Sound recording in the lyrics of Russian poets
Punctuation marks and their role in written speech
From the history of etiquette words
Studying the processes of formation of animal names as a condition for the development of cognitive interest in schoolchildren
Proper names of 5th grade students
Numeral as part of speech
Interesting ways of word formation
Using antonyms in proverbs and sayings
Historical phraseological units and their role in the formation of the speech culture of modern man
History of cases
What kind of tribe
Book and electronic dictionary. Pros and cons.
Vocabulary of the Russian language of our time
Linguistic tale about gerunds
A linguistic tale about the prefixes PRI- and PRE-
Linguistic analysis of street names
Linguistic magazine “Parade of letters of the Russian alphabet”
The place of the Russian language among other subjects in our school.
Pronoun: meaning of the name
Mini-collection of proverbs "About friendship".
Mini-collection of proverbs "About the Motherland".
Mini-collection of proverbs "About family".
Monograms in modern Russian language
Morphological characteristics of parts of speech
Write me a letter...
Our pets and Russian phraseology
Is it necessary to dot the E?
Ode to the Russian language
Homonyms in Russian
Autumn (winter, etc.) words in the lyrics of A. Pushkin
Basics of telecommunications etiquette.
Where did literacy come from in Rus'?
Believe me, a complex sentence is not that complex.
Educational game on Vocabulary
Portrait of one word "Horse"
It is not without reason that the proverb is said.
Offers with appeal
Consoles that come in pairs
The origin of the Russian language and the first spellings.

Journey to the country of "Syntax"
L. Tolstoy's work on language
Dividing b and b
Russian language warm-up
Speech etiquette in different professions
The role of the sign system in modern life
A collection of essays from our class about animals
Collection of poems and stories about animals
Slavic alphabet, their origin and relationship.
Parasitic words, language viruses
Dummy words
Dictionary of funny words
Dictionary of smells
Footballer's Dictionary
Dictionary of colors
Words-symbols in Russian
The word "parasite" in the context of the Russian language
Creating a Word Portrait
Ways to express grammatical connections in a phrase
Secrets of pet names
Thematic groups of names of sweets of Russian origin
Types of speech errors among schoolchildren
Dash between subject and predicate
Transcription in Russian and English, its role.
My phone rang (telephone ethics)
Emphasis in fiction.
Lost letters of the Russian alphabet.
Phraseologisms with the word “hand”
Phraseological phrases in Russian
What connects sweets and Russian language lessons?
One word encyclopedia
Encyclopedia of the word "Bath"
Encyclopedia of the word "Frost".
Label words
My family's etiquette words
Language portrait of a student at our school.
Language portrait of a student at our gymnasium.

Municipal budgetary educational institution "Gymnasium No. 5" of Bryansk

Collection of puzzles in the Russian language for grade 5

Creative project

Arshinov Ivan,

Dolganina Angelina,

Meshchevtsova Violetta,

Parfenov Artem,

Polugaevskaya Yuliana

7th grade,


Legotskaya V.S.,

Russian language teacher and




1.1. Project product

The collection of puzzles is available for free viewing at the addresses of its permanent placement on the pages of the Pedagogical World media.

International Children's Creative Festival "Orange"

International Children's Creative Festival "South Pole"

Here are examples of several puzzles to illustrate the project product




1.2 Abstract

At the beginning of the school year, the literature teacher suggested solving puzzles dedicated to folklore during one of the lessons. This work fascinated us so much! The homework was given to read the pages of the textbook, answer questions and, if desired, create your own puzzle dedicated to the heroes of Russian folk tales. This is where the idea for the project was born - to create your own puzzles, because they develop logic, help to absorb educational material, and make lessons interesting! Angelina, who has already participated in several olympiads in literature and the Russian language, said that many olympiads offer to solve puzzles or compose them yourself. This is what determinesrelevanceselected topic. Yulianna suggested making puzzles in the Russian language, because many linguistic terms are not easy to remember. Artem suggested making puzzles not only on paper by drawing them, but also making a presentation. Ivan, who had already participated in the project competition, gathered a group of guys interested in this work, invited Violetta, who immediately convinced us all to turn to Internet materials and teachers to find out what a rebus is and by what laws it is created. We gathered for our first meeting, discussed all the ideas that the guys put forward and discussed (Appendix 1). We assumed that if we create a collection of Russian language puzzles for 5th grade, then we, the project participants, and other fifth-graders who will have to solve these puzzles will be able to better learn the Russian language. This is how it was formulatedhypothesisproject. Thus,resultOur project work will be “A collection of puzzles in the Russian language for grade 5.”

1.3 Target audience

The created product is addressed to children in grades 5-6 studying the Russian language, as well as anyone who is interested in linguistics, preparing for Olympiads and simply wants to train their brain.

1.4 Project goal

Develop a “Collection of puzzles in the Russian language for grade 5.”

Expected result

The created “Collection of Russian language puzzles for 5th grade” will help fifth-graders learn the material in the Russian language, and sixth-graders repeat it, practice logic and intelligence, and prepare for Russian language Olympiads.

1.5 Project objectives

To achieve the goal and test the hypothesis, it was necessary to solve the following tasks:

1) study the available popular scientific literature and dictionary materials on the topic of the project;

2) find in the sources or compose yourself a memo “How to compose a rebus”;

3) using the memo, compose puzzles on the basic terms of the Russian language in grade 5;

4) carry out experimental work using the developed collection of puzzles.

1.6 Stages and methods of working on the project



Problems to be solved

Contents of work and activities of participants




(5 days)

Determine the topic and purpose of the project, formulate tasks, put forward a hypothesis, determine the practical direction of the project.

We organize a “Brainstorm” and write down all the ideas in the “Bank of Ideas” (Appendix 1), conduct a survey of 5th grade students (Appendix 2), get acquainted with its results, and draw conclusions. We work on the Internet. We are compiling a list of references for your reference.

We discuss the first results of the work and fill out the “Planning Sheet” and “Preparatory Stage” leaflets.

The content of the project is determined, the topic and purpose are formulated, the practical significance and novelty of the project are comprehended.

Planning (2 days)

Clarify sources for studying the problem, get acquainted with popular scientific literature and dictionary entries, study similar projects and think about what criteria the project and its final product should meet.

Using dictionaries and popular scientific literature, we study what a rebus is and how to compose it, determine the range of terms and concepts by which we will compose rebuses. We draw up a rough work plan, indicating those responsible for implementation.

We discuss the results of the work done and fill out the leaflet “I know / am interested / found out”

What a rebus is, we determined what the rules are for composing them, we understood them, defined the terms that need to be encrypted, divided them among ourselves, and drew up a work plan.

Development (3 months)


Using the memo “How to make a rebus,” draw up sketches of the puzzles, discuss the results obtained in the group, draw up the puzzles on A4 sheets, scan them and include them in the presentation.

We compile the selected material, compose puzzles, and select illustrative material for presentation. We invite the teacher and classmates to familiarize themselves with the received material, collect and analyze feedback (Appendix 5), and make adjustments in accordance with the results obtained.

The collection of puzzles was compiled both in paper form and in the form of a presentation, reviews were collected and analyzed, and adjustments were made after analyzing the reviews.



(10 days)

Finish the design of the collection, make a presentation introducing the project product.

We edit and design the collection in accordance with the results of experimental work, taking into account the wishes of teachers and students. Fill out the “I know/are interested/found out” leaflet

The creative project portfolio has been completed.


project (from 10 days)

We clarify the conditions of publication and prepare the collection in accordance with the publication regulations.

We are clarifying the regulations on the city competition of educational projects among students of the Bryansk Educational Institution.

Publication of the project in electronic media, participation in festivals and project competitions.


(1 day)

Study the criteria for evaluating creative projects, the criteria for the city project competition among students of the Bryansk Educational Institution, and the “Educational Project” competition of the First of September Publishing House.

We discuss the product we have created and perform a self-analysis of the created project.

Fill out the leaflet “Comprehension and evaluation of the project”

Feedback on the work of the project manager has been received, and the “Project Support Sheet” has been received. Self-analysis of the work has been completed.

Methods of working on a project : study and analysis of popular scientific literature, work with dictionaries to determine the theoretical and practical basis of the project; comparative method; statistical method; organization of a teaching experiment and processing of results, questionnaires, sociological survey.

1.7 Logistics, information and methodological support

To implement the project you will need:

Equipment: camera, printer, scanner, multimedia projector; computer;

software, paper;

electronic resources of the Internet;

explanatory dictionaries, dictionary of linguistic terms

Description of the execution process

1.Determining the topic of the project.Many 5th grade children have difficulty mastering linguistic terms and concepts. This is a problem. Having become acquainted with puzzles in a literature lesson, we thought it would be interesting to make puzzles in the Russian language. During the survey, many children indicated that they like to solve puzzles, they would be happy to get acquainted with the rules for composing them and solve the puzzles compiled by us. Maybe by solving puzzles, it will be easier for the children to master difficult words? (Appendix 2).

2. Goal setting:how to solve the formulated problem?Problem:How to decide on the type of project and the form of the project product? After consulting with the teacher, getting acquainted on the Internet on the website Festival of Research and Creative Works of Students with various projects of schoolchildren, we come to the conclusion that the most effective way to solve the problem is to create a collection of puzzles in paper form and in the form presentations.

Problem : Can we, by creating a collection of puzzles, interest our classmates? Will our product help fifth graders understand and remember difficult terms?

3. Let’s dive into the topic: look for the definition of the word rebus in dictionaries. Thus, in S.I. Ozhegov’s dictionary we read that a rebus is a riddle in which “the searched word or phrase is depicted by a combination of figures, letters or signs” [3, 584]. Then, on the Internet, we get acquainted with various puzzles in various branches of knowledge, find the memo “How to solve and compose a rebus” (Appendix 3), study with interest the “History of Rebuses” (Appendix 4), re-read the Russian language textbook and write out all the terms that we have studied for This is the time we draw up the first drafts, discuss the resulting puzzles with the teacher and in the group, and invite our classmates to solve them in order to understand how clear and solvable our tasks are. We made many new discoveries for ourselves!

4. One of the unexpected problems: some of our puzzles are so difficult that none of our classmates, even the most capable ones, could solve them; the guys wrote about this in their reviews. Vera Sergeevna said that this is a drawback of the work; we read that when composing any problem, you need to count on someone to solve it!



Why was this project topic chosen?

Project problem

What needs to be done to solve this problem?

Project goal

What will you create to ensure that the goal is achieved?

Expected result

If you make such a product, will you achieve the goal of the project and will its problem be solved?


Is there a necessary connection between the problem, the goal, and the project product?


Can you list all the main stages of the project?


Do you have everything to complete these steps (information, equipment, etc. for research, materials to make a product, what is missing, where to find it, what you already know how to do and what you will have to learn)?


Individual project schedule

work. Can you compose it yourself?

Most likely yes

6. For convenience, we draw up a schedule for working on the project. We are adding to it the steps that we have already taken.




A conversation with the project manager about the upcoming work and an offer to decide on a topic.

28. 09.15.

Theme formulation.

29. 09. 15

Search for material about puzzles in reference books and on the Internet.

01-04. 10.15

Working with materials from the site

05-08. 10.15

Work in the library and the Internet. Clarification of the list of terms.


Clarification of the goals and objectives of the project, conversation with the project manager.

16. 10.15

Conversation with the project manager and drawing up a work plan and schedule.


Systematization of the collected material, an attempt to answer the project question. Conversation with the project manager.


Familiarization with the requirements for educational projects



Making puzzles. Conversation with the manager and editing of the resulting project product.


Search for illustrative material for making a presentation. Making a presentation. Improving puzzles. Conversation with the project manager, editing the presentation.



Editing puzzles taking into account the wishes of classmates and first tests, making a presentation.


Presentation of the resulting product as part of the Russian language week to gymnasium students

during November 2015


Collecting and studying feedback from gymnasium students, editing a collection of puzzles and its presentation, taking into account comments and wishes.


Participation in festivals and competitions, publications in electronic media





7. Now let's get down to businessdevelopmenteWithof the collection, distribute the material in the same order in which the terms are studied in the Russian language course, draw up a presentation and give it.

8. After speaking to classmates and children from other fifth grades, we collect feedback and edit what we have written.

9. The time has come to sum up the results, to talk about what we especially succeeded in and what we didn’t. This is also an important stage in the work on the project; we again carefully study the project regulations, draw up a portfolio folder, and edit what we have written.

Summing upresult of the work done , it should be noted that the goal of the project has been achieved, the assigned tasks have been solved. This is evidenced by reviews from students and teachers of the gymnasium, publications of our collectionin the electronic media "Pedagogical World", the periodical media publication "TEENET.RU", the Festival of Children's Creativity "South Pole", the International Children's Creative Festival "Orange".

In the process of working on the project, the authors acquired the following

knowledge about various puzzles, methods of composing and solving them;

skills : understand and formulate a problem, put forward a hypothesis, select arguments to confirm your own position,interpret, systematize, evaluate and analyze the information received, draw reasoned conclusions; present and defend your point of view in a civilized manner in dialogue and public speaking.

skills: independent organization of one’s activities, work with scientific and reference literature, analysis and resolution of contradictions when working in a group.

The authors were once again convinced of the valuescientific knowledge in the modern world, tested their abilities in project activities in a competitive environment. We realized that to achieve any goal, mental activity, hard work, observation, perseverance, quickness of orientation, and focused attention are necessary. We will definitely work on improving these abilities.

Working on the project allowed me to build special relationships with the teacher and like-minded people - relationships of cooperation and equality. The initiative for the activity came from the authors, but the project manager, Vera Sergeevna, gave advice, provided information, and suggested directions for work.

The project provided an opportunity to show one’s own creative vision of the process and result of the work, to create a project product that embodied a creative idea: a compiled collection of puzzles will allow one to better remember many linguistic concepts, awaken interest in the Russian language, and help prepare for the Olympiads.

By working on the problem, we got a chance to understand ourselves better,We were convinced of the value of mutual assistance, mutual responsibility, attentiveness, and we became interested in our friend’s work.

We gained the most complete and varied experience in project activities at all stages of work, and developed personal initiative, responsibility, perseverance, and activity in the process of working on the project.

However, while working on the project, the authors identified some shortcomings:

Working in a group is difficult: it is difficult to take into account the opinion of the interlocutor; not easyrecognize the possibility of the existence of different points of view and the right of everyone to have their own;in joint activities with peers it is very problematicexercise mutual control while maintaining friendly relations;

It is very difficult to understand the reasons for the failure of an activity, and it is even more difficult to act in a situation of failure;

When demonstrating the results of project activities, it is necessary to involve the audience more widely through problematic questions, appealing to personal educational experience and the experience of classmates.

Used literature and Internet sources

1. How to solve puzzles. [Electronic resource] / Time for fun. Riddles, puzzles, games, puzzles. - Access mode:

Appendix 4

History of puzzles

The word “rebus” comes from the Latin res (thing) and refers to the representation of names, words and phrases with images, figures, compositions of letters, etc. The word itself comes from the Latin phrase “Non verbis sed rebus”, which means “Not with words, but with the help of things.” Sometimes the term rebus is associated with the Latin word rebis: res (thing, object), rebis (appeal).

Each of us has certainly encountered puzzles in everyday life. Undoubtedly, the most famous and widespread rebus looks like this: i u (pronounced in English “I Love You” - “I love you”). Thus, a rebus is a riddle consisting of images of objects (drawings in combination with letter compositions and other signs) that are consonant with words or parts of words of the solution. Several puzzles can be combined in one picture or as a sequence of pictures in order to make up a phrase or sentence. Literary puzzles use letters, numbers, musical notes, or specially arranged words to create sentences. Most often, puzzles are used as riddles and entertainment.

The use of primitive images to convey information formed the basis of the early written systems of Ancient Egyptian culture (the turn of the 4th and 3rd millennia BC). An early form of the rebus is found in picture writing, in which abstract words, difficult to depict, were represented by images of objects whose names were pronounced in a similar way. Later, rebus images were used to represent the names of cities on Greek and Roman coins. Rebuses remained popular in the Middle Ages - they were depicted on buildings or properties to indicate family surnames.

The practice of using puzzles as riddles or jokes originated in 15th century France. Initially, a rebus was a name given to a special kind of farcical performance containing lampoons, with which clowns in Picardy annually amused people during the carnival. In an allegorical form, comedians ridiculed the vices and weaknesses of the powerful. The authors gave their performances the Latin name “De rebus quae geruntur”, i.e. “on the topic of the day” (literally “about the things that are going on”).

In 1582, the first printed collection of puzzles appeared, which was a great success and went through several editions. Its author was the French poet Etienne Taboureau. Several hundred puzzles by masters of the 17th - 19th centuries are kept in the London Museum. For example, a work by the Florentine engraver and artist Stefano della Bella, made in the form of an oval cartouche called “Rebus for Luck,” dates back to 1639.

In 1783, the English artist and engraver Thomas Bewick printed an unusual Bible for children in the London printing house of T. Hodgson, in which the events of Holy Scripture are retold in the form of puzzles. A few years later, in 1788, the American publisher Isaiah Thomas publishes the hieroglyphic Bible overseas. In the preface to his edition, Thomas presents the first American hieroglyphic Bible as better illustrated than its English prototype. These unusual hieroglyphic Bibles became very popular at the end of the 18th century because they made it easier to teach Holy Scripture to children.

The English writer and mathematician Charles Lutwidge Dodgson, better known under the pseudonym Lewis Carroll, one of the most popular children's writers of the 19th century, author of the fairy tales "Alice in Wonderland" and "Alice Through the Looking Glass", often used puzzles in numerous correspondence with young admirers of his work . In his letters, he often replaced some words with pictures or depicted letters in a mirror image. Reading such mysterious letters required ingenuity, which children could not help but like.

In the second half of the 19th century, puzzles began to be widely used in everyday life. They were depicted on the pages of newspapers and magazines, postcards, and cutlery. In the trendsetter - France, they released a whole series of earthenware plates, on the front side of which a rebus was depicted, and on the back - a solution.

In Russia, the first puzzles appeared on the pages of the magazine “Illustration” in 1845. Later, in 1881, the specialized “Weekly mysterious magazine “Rebus” began to be published, which, in addition to fascinating puzzles, published interesting articles about raising children, psychology, various news from around the world, and fiction. For correctly guessed riddles, puzzles and charades, readers received a small cash bonus and prizes. In one of the issues of “Rebus” a “award-winning” rebus-pun by the outstanding Russian poet A.S. was published. Pushkin. The rebus itself depicted children playing on the floor, next to whom a man, designated by the word “smart,” was sitting on the sofa. And the background to the rebus was as follows: “Having once appeared before a high-ranking official, A.S. Pushkin found him lying on the sofa and yawning from boredom. When he saw the poet, the person, of course, did not even think of changing his position, and when Pushkin wanted to leave, he was ordered to speak impromptu. “Children are on the Floor, Smart is on the Sofa,” the annoyed poet said through clenched teeth. “Well, what’s so witty here,” the person objected, “I expected more from you.” Pushkin remained silent, and the person, repeating the poet’s phrase several times and moving the syllables, finally reached the result: “Children are Half Smart on the Sofa.” For solving this puzzle-pun, a reward was promised in the form of notes for one of the operas.

The magazine "Rebus" was very popular and existed until 1918. In the mid-1930s, the Rebus files were removed from libraries and destroyed.

The first mention of printed puzzles during Soviet times dates back to 1937. The Leningrad Printing Factory, with a circulation of 25 thousand copies, produced small-format fold-out booklets called “How to Read Rebuses” (compiled by P.D. Sokolov). The puzzles were released in five parts (issues) and contained, in addition to the puzzles themselves, a brief description of the rules for solving them. The answers to the puzzles were hidden in a separate envelope with the following inscription: “We give simple advice: solve each puzzle, and then open the package and check your answer.” During the Great Patriotic War, in 1942, the Moscow printing factory of the Moskvoretsky industrial trade produced a collection of puzzles by A.A. Ryazanov “In leisure hours: puzzles” (illustrations by I. Telyatnikov). In 1945, after the end of the war, a small brochure by artist-illustrator and illusionist Georgy Kelsievich Bedarev “Rebuses” was published.

In the post-war period, puzzles, for the most part, were reoriented towards children and youth audiences. In 1947, the collection “Entertaining problems in drawings” by I. Chkanikov (artists A. Bazhenov, F. Zavalov) was published in the “Hour of Leisure” series. Two years later, the Mytishche printing factory released 200 thousand copies of the collection “Think, Guess! Puzzle books" Al. Haskin, which included 22 puzzles with encrypted surnames of Russian writers and famous literary works. In the 1960s, books by V.V. became extremely popular. Akentyeva: “When it rains. Homemade puzzles" (1959), "Savvy" (1961), "Read and guess. Rebuses - riddles" (1962), "Rebuses-proverbs" (1963), "Merry secrets" (1964), "Island of Secrets" (1968), "At Second Sight" (1969). These books not only offered clever and playful charades, problems, puzzles and crosswords, but also told how to solve and compose them yourself. Akentyev’s books incorporate the most interesting tasks and games that, since 1948, the cunning Captain Sailors (talented Leningrad journalist Nikolai Aleksandrovich Sadovy) offered to the “Club of Savvy Guys” on the pages of the Lenin Sparks newspaper, and later the Iskorka magazine.

In the Soviet Union of 1970-80, puzzles are still popular mainly among young readers. They are published in children's newspapers and magazines. Separate collections of puzzles, with a few exceptions, are practically never published. One of these exceptions is a small brochure by children's writer V. Pavlinov, “Rebuses-Riddles,” published by Lenizdat in 1985. In the annotation the publisher indicated the following: for middle school age. 12 puzzles-riddles.

The collapse of the USSR and the subsequent revolution in people's thinking gave rise to a surge in the development of alternative directions of culture and art in the post-Soviet space.

The rapid development of computer technology, information technology and telecommunications was also influenced by puzzles. At the turn of the century, with the growing popularity of mobile communications, a special SMS slang was formed, the main characteristic of which was brevity. Literally this meant, the fewer letters or symbols, the better. That is why the “SMS language” has acquired all sorts of abbreviations and abbreviations. With the growing popularity of the Internet and social networks, this area was transformed in every possible way and acquired new words. Here are just a few examples of modern computer slang: “cul8r” (see you later), “b4” (before), “gr8” (great). Like a rebus, individual letters and numbers replace consonant words and expressions.

According to the site:

Municipal educational budgetary institution secondary school No. 1 r.p. Chunsky


“How words are born in the Russian language”

Completed : Rukosuev Sergey, student of grade 5 “b”

Item : Russian language

Supervisor: Tverdokhleb Galina Mikhailovna,

teacher of Russian language and literature.

R.p. Chunsky


Justification of the problem:

Every person should know his own language. Understand how changes occur in language. Be interested in how certain rules are constructed. How much do I know?

Relevance of the problem:

There are many good, worthy students in our school. But no one has yet scored the highest 100-point result in the exams. Even one topic from the entire Russian language can help improve knowledge. It is important to learn Russian; it will help you be successful in life.


I guess that

new words appear

along with new items,

and the words are growing


are modified

thanks to word-forming morphemes.


1. Consider the conditions for the emergence of new words.

2. Expand your knowledge in the topic “Word Formation”.

3. Get acquainted with word-forming morphemes.

4. Arouse interest in the native language among peers.


1. Introduction (He who knows his language loves his language).

2. On the origin of words in the history of language (original Russian and borrowed; obsolete and emerging).

3. Methods of word formation.

4. The root as a key semantic part.

5. Word-forming morphemes and formative ones.

6. What do my classmates know about the formation of words?

7. Conclusion.

“Before you is a mass of Russian language. Deep pleasure calls you, the pleasure of immersing yourself in all its immeasurability and grasping its wonderful laws...”

N. Gogol

We know and love our native language. Do we know? It is often said that we do not know our native language well. For two or three years now, the whole country has been writing dictations (total dictation, which takes place simultaneously in dozens of cities in Russia and even the world). And not for evaluation, but to understand for ourselves how each of us knows the language. The language that was spoken by many great people: poets and writers, scientists, travelers, astronauts, heroes and simply our ancestors. They talked, appreciated, loved and cherished!

While doing this project, I wanted to know how words appear in speech. Did you just come up with the name of the object? Or there are some peculiarities in the structure of words.

Where do new words come from?

Do my classmates know this?

By reading related books, I learned that there is

original Russian words

and words,borrowed from other peoples.

From history we know that states traded with each other and interacted. Thus, objects that arrived from another nation came along with the name. This is how the words appeared in Russian:cunduk, sash, treasury (from the Turkic peoples);

blizzard, dumplings, sleigh (from the northern peoples), from them almost all the names of words associated with fishing;

Of Germanic origin are the words prince, cauldron, sword, hill, pig and others.

Most of all, Greek words came into the Russian language: the names of many vegetables and fruits (cherry, cucumber, beets), other household items, clothing (bathhouse, doll, bench, lantern, ribbon).

The Russian vocabulary was enriched with Latin words (student, exam, author, lecturer), and French (coat, jacket, furniture, broth) and other peoples.

Words, it turns out, like people, live and die, i.e. are falling out of use. This process is calledarchaization. The words seem to go into the archives and are called obsolete.

And new words appear that callneologisms . They appear thanks to human progress.

In 5th grade we got acquainted with word formation methods:

    Prefix method

    Suffix method

    Prefix - suffix method


I was interested in this topic. I wanted to know more. After all, if these are methods of word formation, then they help to give birth to new words.

I asked myself questions :

1. What role do prefixes and suffixes play in word formation?

2. Is it possible to form new words from parts of different words?

Word formation - one of the most interesting sections of the science of language. How words are formed, how they are structured, into what semantic parts they are divided - all these questions are dealt with by word formation. You, of course, studied word formation in Russian language lessons at school and have an idea of ​​the significant parts of a word (morphemes), know how to distinguish a suffix from a prefix and a root from an ending.

Let's observe the word in the poem "Fairy Tale"

Fairy tale

In an open field, inwhite field
It was all
white-white ,
Because it's a field
Covered with white snow.

And stood in that white field
Snow-white -White House,
With a white roof, with a white door,
white marble porch.

The ceiling was white, white
Whiteness the floor was shining
There were many white stairs
White rooms, white halls.

And inwhitest in the world hall
I slept without grief and worries,
Slept on a white blanket
Completely black cat.

(B. Zakhoder)

Six words: white, white-white, snow-white, white marble, whiteness, whiteness are formed differently and each word has its own meaning. At the same time, the root is preserved everywhere and the lexical meaning of the color white is also preserved.

White is just a color

White-white - nothing but white

Snow-white - dazzling whiteness and purity

White marble - white, but matte

Whitest - the highest point of white

If we talk about the root of a word, it carries the main meaning in every word. What changes the meaning of words?

And the meaning of words changesword-forming morphemes . Now I know that there are morphemes

word-forming and form-building

Formo forming do not form new words, but only changeform words. Most often these are endings


The ending only indicates the number of objects or changes it according to cases. The word itself does not change its lexical meaning.

The suffix –L – for verbs is also formative. It only indicates the past tense of the same verb: stand - stood. This suffix does not change the meaning of the word.

But there isword forming morphemes (prefixes and suffixes).

Prefixes form new meanings for words:

fly in, move in, throw in , deposit


indicates movement from within:run out, throw away, dig up


indicates the completion of an action, its end:finish reading, swim, get there


being on the other side, behind:backyards, district,

indicates the start of an action:sing, cry, laugh


position on the surface of the object:tip, handcuff, earpiece
direction of action towards something: stick on, sew on, throw on


stands for sth. on top of something:eyebrow, superstructure


something that can be a connecting link:coppice, bridge, bridge of the nose, correspondence,


location on the surface and within something:coast,

or start of action:carried, ran, handed


the location of something below or near an object:chin, foot, window sill


position in front of smth. or preceding something:dressing room, foothills, bridgehead


Exaggeration, or equal to the value of over-:beautiful,

stop, interrupt


Incompleteness of action, approximation, addition of something:came, sew, nail

Suffixes also form new meanings for words:


And other noun suffixes.



adjectives with the meaning: constant property, quality, inclination towards something, possessing some quality to a large extent (lazy, deceitful, beautiful, playful)




goose, uncle


silver, velvety

And other adjective suffixes.


And some other verb suffixes.

I have only covered some parts of speech. We will still learn new parts of speech and learn the meaning of their suffixes.

What do my classmates know about the formation of words?

I decided to conduct a small survey:

1. What ways of forming words in Russian do you know?

* all 4 methods (prefix, suffix, prefix-suffix and addition) were named by 8 out of 12 (66.6%)

*prefixes and suffixes are remembered by 9 out of 12 (75%)

2. What is the key morpheme for words?

* the root of the word was named by 12 out of 12 respondents (100%)

3. What unites words into related groups?

* the root is a common part of related words – 7 out of 12 (58.3%)

4. Can you distinguish related words from the same word that has undergone changes?

* are able to find related ones because they have at least a slightly different meaning – 7 out of 12 (58.3%)

*difficult because the modified word can also be considered related – 5 out of 12 (41.6%)

5. Why is the method of forming words called suffixal or prefixal?

*All 12 answered correctly - (100%)

6. What morphemes can be called word-forming?

* Those that form words – 8 people out of 12 (66.6%)

* New words form prefixes or suffixes – 4 out of 12 people (33.3%)

7. Do you love the Russian language?

*Love, answered 5 people out of 12 (41.6%)

And what do adults remember from word formation in the Russian language and from the subject in general?

I decided to conduct a small survey among my friends.

Here are the questions I asked adults:

1. Did you like Russian language lessons at school?

* Yes, 6 people out of 6 respondents answered - 100%

2. Where did your knowledge of the Russian language come in handy?

* In life, when writing various business papers - 3 people

* I help my children with their homework – 2 people

* I’m not afraid to fill out any documents – 5 people

* Successfully entered the institute – 1 person

3. Do you remember what parts of words are?

* prefix, root, suffix, ending – 6 people out of 6 respondents

4. What role do you think suffixes and prefixes play?

* Change words – 2 out of 6 people

*Change the meanings of words – 4 out of 6 people

5. What would you like to wish 5th grade students in terms of successful study of the subject?

“Try to study well so that your future life will be better”

“Teaching is light! We need to study. Try. As children, we don’t always listen to this, and then we regret it.”

“Don’t waste time - study, try, strive for a better life”

“Always do your homework so as not to fall behind and study successfully”

While completing this project, I came to the conclusion that there is still much that is unknown to me in the Russian language. My classmates still have a lot to learn.

But I was able to verify something: words are really born with the advent of new objects and scientific and technological progress, as well as thanks to word-forming morphemes.

This means that the hypothesis I put forward is correct. And while researching the topic, I achieved the following goals:

1. Considered the conditions for the emergence of new words.

2. Expanded knowledge in the topic “Word Formation”.

3. Got acquainted with word-forming morphemes.

4. Tried to arouse interest in learning the native language among peers.

Literature used:

1. D.E. Rosenthal "Modern Russian language"

2. D.E. Rosenthal "Handbook of Spelling and Literary Editing"

3. D.E. Rosenthal "Practical Russian language"

4. T.V. Shklyarova “Russian language in practical exercises”

5. V.M. Burmako “Russian language in drawings”

6.A.N. Shtol "Word Formation"

7. Internet resources

  • Russian language
  • 5 grades
  • 14.03.2017

Studying additional literature, we learned that in linguistics there is a special branch - onomastics, which studies proper names. Its section studies people's proper names - anthroponymy. Research by scientists in these areas is quite widely presented in scientific textbooks, but in the school course of the Russian language there is not enough information about proper names. The reasons for the emergence of nicknames have not been studied at all. When studying proper names in a Russian language textbook, we find only one information about nicknames, that they are written with a capital letter, no more information is given. However, in our opinion, the study of nicknames is necessary, since nicknames are widespread in the school environment. Especially in adolescence. Sometimes they (nicknames) cause disagreements and discord among schoolchildren and create difficulties in communication, since the student may evaluate his nickname as offensive. This determined the choice of topic for our research project, “The World of School Nicknames.” Purpose of the study: - To study the presence of nicknames and the characteristics of their origin among schoolchildren in grades 4-5, to analyze attitudes towards nicknames. Objectives: study popular scientific literature on this topic; conduct a survey to study the characteristics of nicknames; make a file of school nicknames; identify whether all schoolchildren in adolescence have nicknames; establish the origin of nicknames and when they appeared; analyze the attitude of schoolchildren to nicknames. The object of the study is the system of nicknames that exists in school adolescence in a given period of time. Research methods: - method of collecting information (studying popular scientific literature, observation); - survey; - analysis; - comparison; - statistical research (counting, calculations). Relevance of the study: - Nicknames are widespread among schoolchildren, but their origin and features have been little studied and are not sufficiently represented in Russian school textbooks. - The emergence of nicknames is a phenomenon that is present everywhere, and familiarity with this phenomenon will help expand knowledge about the lexical composition of the language and deepen knowledge of the Russian language in general. -The study of schoolchildren's nicknames allows you to connect linguistic knowledge with life, increases observation and teaches you to find interesting and unexplored things around you. - Work on the topic allows us to find out the attitude of schoolchildren towards nicknames, and, therefore, it is possible to identify problems that arise in the process of children’s communication when using nicknames. Our hypothesis is that there is an opinion that a nickname is an eternal category, it exists always and everywhere, nicknames are especially widespread among schoolchildren. Is this true?
