Symptoms and treatment of acute cystitis in women. How to recognize and treat acute cystitis in a woman How to cure acute cystitis

An acute inflammatory process affecting the surfaces and tissues of the mucous membrane of the walls Bladder causes acute cystitis. History and statistics show that the number of identified cases of cystitis in men is several times less than in women.

This difference in indicators is due to the anatomical features of the shape and structure of the male urethra. In the stronger sex it is much longer and narrower than in women, and it is more curved, and therefore the likelihood of infections passing through it all the way to the bladder cavity is extremely low. Most often, cystitis affects men through a descending route of infection, from neighboring inflamed organs. The causative agents of the disease enter directly into the bladder through blood or lymphatic vessels from the urethra, prostate gland, kidneys, etc.

Contents of the article:

What can cause the disease?

In most cases, the occurrence and development of acute cystitis is provoked by microorganisms that live in large quantities in the intestines. Due to poor hygiene, hypothermia, or due to medical procedures, infections are carried into the canals of the genitourinary system, from where they penetrate the bladder.

From intestinal microorganisms, causing acute forms of cystitis, most often provoke this disease:

  • staphylococci;
  • proteas;
  • coli;
  • klibsiels;
  • and etc.

Cystitis can also be caused by specific pathogens of certain infectious diseases:

  • mycobacterium tuberculosis;
  • treponema pallidum (syphilis);
  • gonococci;
  • trichomonodes;
  • mycoplasmas.
  • schistosomiasis;
  • actinomycosis
  • purpura;
  • and etc.

Routes of infection

Acute cystitis can develop in men due to pathological changes - infravesical obstruction, as a result of which the subvesical urinary canals are compressed, due to which the free outflow of urine is impossible. This constriction of the urethral tract occurs either at the level of the urethra or near the neck of the bladder cavity itself. Mechanical obstacles to the outflow of urine can be created by foreign bodies, as well as stones formed in the bladder, diverticula, tumors, urethral stricture and other factors.

Infections enter the bladder cavity in several ways;

  • from the kidneys;
  • through the urethra;
  • lymphogenous route (through lymphatic channels);
  • hematogenously (through the circulatory system);
  • through damage to the walls of the bladder (due to perforations, vesico-rectal fistulas, or due to injury or rupture of the walls of the organ).

A descending route of infection is often observed in acute forms of pyelitis (pyelocystitis) or in renal tuberculosis. Sometimes infection can penetrate the bladder during chronic pyelonephrosis or pyelonephritis.

Pathological microorganisms can penetrate into the bladder through lymphogenous pathways during salpingoophoritis, endemeritis, prostatitis or vesiculitis. Pathological infections penetrate hematogenously in the form of a microbial embolus into the thickness of the surface of the mucosa during infectious diseases or sepsis.


A constant urge to urinate and nagging pain in the lower abdomen are symptoms of an acute form of cystitis. The pathology is accompanied by fever, nausea, and vomiting. Due to the need to frequently go to the toilet, the patient is limited in movement. Every second woman has encountered this disease at least once in her life, men - eight times less often.

What is cystitis

Inflammation of the mucous membrane of the bladder is called cystitis. Women are more susceptible to the disease due to the structure of the urethra. Their urethra is wider and shorter - vaginal infections can reach the bladder and cause inflammation.

There are three stages of pathology development:

  1. Serous. There is a gradual cloudiness of the urine due to an increased number of leukocytes and epithelial cells.
  2. Mucous. When emptying, thick mucus appears, the amount of which increases as the pathology develops.
  3. Purulent. In advanced cases, clots of pus are observed in the urine, and a sharp unpleasant odor emanates from the patient.

Based on the origin and nature of the course, the following forms of pathology are distinguished:

  • Primary or secondary cystitis. In the first case, the pathology develops as an independent disease. In the second, it is a consequence of diseases of the urinary system (tumor, urolithiasis) or nearby tissues (adenoma, prostate cancer, chronic inflammation of the genital organs).
  • Infectious or non-infectious variety. The main cause of inflammation is bacteria, viruses, fungi. Less commonly, pathology is a consequence of radiotherapy, exposure to harmful substances, medications, allergies, and poor nutrition.
  • Chronic or acute form of cystitis. The second type occurs with pronounced symptoms. The main cause of the chronic form of the disease is the formation of antibiotic-resistant colonies by bacteria. The pathology can last for years, when periods of remission alternate with exacerbation.
  • Hemorrhagic cystitis. The bladder tissue is damaged and blood vessels burst, causing blood particles to be found in the urine.

Inflammation can be caused by difficult or incomplete emptying of the bladder, which disrupts detrusor tone.

The result is stagnation, decomposition of urine, and the development of infection. Other provoking factors are:

  • damage to the bladder mucosa;
  • endocrine pathologies;
  • hypothermia of the pelvic organs;
  • lack of vitamins;
  • sedentary life;
  • venous stagnation of blood in the pelvic organs;
  • venereal or gynecological pathologies;
  • fatty and spicy foods;
  • infection in the body;
  • unprotected sex;
  • poor hygiene.

Other causative agents of cystitis:

  • gram-negative bacteria - Escherichia coli (95% of cases), saprophytic staphylococcus, Klebsiella, Proteus;
  • gram-positive bacteria (2% of cases) – streptococci, Treponema pallidum, Mycobacterium tuberculosis;
  • viruses – herpes, influenza, polyoma, adenovirus;
  • fungi (candida).

Symptoms of acute cystitis

Manifestations of acute inflammation last two to three days. Then they fade and may go away without treatment. Acute cystitis in women is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • Frequent urination. In severe cases, the patient goes to the toilet every 15-20 minutes, and a small amount of urine comes out.
  • Burning in the urethra.
  • Constant feeling of a full bladder.
  • To hold urine, you have to constantly strain your pelvic muscles.
  • Acute pain in the perineum and bladder area after emptying - from slight discomfort to an unbearable condition.
  • Urine is cloudy and has an unpleasant odor.
  • High temperature, chills.
  • Vomiting, nausea.
  • Hematuria (with blood in the urine).

Men get sick less often, but suffer more severely. Lack of treatment can develop into prostatitis or urethritis. Signs of cystitis in men:

  • pain in the penis, groin area when urinating;
  • discomfort in the rectal area;
  • constant desire to defecate;
  • fever, feeling unwell, weakness;
  • cloudy urine.

How to cure cystitis

The treatment regimen for acute cystitis does not differ between women and men. Follow all doctor's instructions, take prescribed medications, follow a diet, and do not smoke.

Acute cystitis requires bed rest and complex therapy.

Drug therapy for acute cystitis

The choice of medications depends on the type of pathogen: it is impossible to cure a fungal or bacterial infection using antiviral drugs. To get rid of bacterial flora, it is necessary to undergo a course of antibiotic therapy. If the urine is red, hemostatic agents will help. The duration of treatment depends on the medicine and its effectiveness.

Anti-inflammatory drugs

The development of inflammation is blocked by anti-inflammatory drugs. This leads to tissue healing and pain reduction. The dosage and duration of treatment are prescribed by the urologist, based on the clinical picture of the disease. The course of therapy lasts 2-3 weeks. In the treatment of cystitis good feedback received drugs from the group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). Their action is aimed at inhibiting the synthesis of prostaglandins (inflammatory mediators):

  • Diclofenac (suppositories, tablets). It has strong anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects, but is not combined with diuretics. Dosage: 100-150 mg per day. Price: 10 candles – 15 rubles, 20 tablets. – 20 rub.
  • Nurofen (tablets). Active ingredient: ibuprofen. Relieves pain, inflammation, swelling, temperature. Dosage: 1-2 tablets. 3 times a day. Price: 10 pcs. – 60-80 rub.
  • Indomethacin (tablets). It has a strong anti-inflammatory effect, relieves fever, and prevents platelet aggregation. Dosage: 1-2 tablets. 2-3 times a day. Price: 10 pcs. – 10-30 rub.

These medications should not be taken for ulcers, intestinal inflammation, hematopoietic disorders, or problems with blood clotting. The drugs are not recommended for renal, liver or heart failure, or allergies to aspirin.

Antispasmodics for cystitis

Antispasmodics, which relieve spasms of the bladder muscles, will help relieve an attack of cystitis. Doctors recommend the following drugs:

  • No-shpu (tablets). Active ingredient: drotaverine. Indications: gastrointestinal disorders. Daily dosage: 160 mg (4 tablets divided into 2-3 doses). Contraindications: allergies, severe liver, heart or kidney failure. Price: 60 rub. for 6 tablets
  • Baralgin (injections, tablets). Active ingredients: metamizole sodium, pitofenone hydrochloride. It has analgesic, antipyretic effects, relieves spasms and inflammation. Contraindicated in case of renal or liver failure, problems with hematopoiesis, prostate hypertrophy with urinary retention. Dosage: 6 tablets. per day, intramuscularly – from 2 to 5 ml 2 times a day. Price: 5 ampoules – 200 RUR, 10 tablets. – 100 rub.
  • Papaverine. Active substance: papaverine hydrochloride. Has a vasodilator and antispasmodic effect. Contraindications: hypotension, simultaneous treatment with MAO inhibitors, glaucoma, broncho-obstructive syndrome, liver failure. Cannot be taken after 75 years of age due to risk of hyperthermia. Dosage: 40-60 mg 3-4 times a day. Price: 10 tablets – 10 rub.

Antibiotic therapy

Antibiotics are used to treat cystitis. The duration of treatment is from 3 to 10 days.

If the bacteria survive, they can cause a relapse. Antibiotics should not be taken for longer than the recommended period. If the medicine does not work within a week, it is ineffective and the drug is replaced.

Acute bacterial cystitis is treated with the following means:

  • Monural (powder). Active ingredient: fosfomycin. Effective against urinary tract infections - E. coli, Citrobacter spp., Proteus spp. Klebsiella spp. Contraindications: severe renal failure, hemodialysis. Use once - 1 packet before bedtime. In severe cases, the dose is repeated every other day. Price 1 package from 300 rub.
  • Nolicin (tablets). Active ingredient: norfloxacin from the group of fluoroquinolones. Has a broad spectrum of action against gram-positive and gram-negative aerobic bacteria. Contraindications: allergies, pregnancy, lactation, age under 18 years. Dosage: 400 mg 2 times a day. The course of treatment is 3 days. Price for 10 tablets – from 150 rub.
  • Rulid (tablets). Active ingredient: roxithromycin from the macrolide group. Broad-spectrum antibiotic. Dosage: 1 tablet. 2 times a day. Do not use simultaneously with medications containing ergotamine and dihydroergotamine. Use with caution in case of renal and hepatic insufficiency. Price: 10 tablets from 840 rub.

Antiviral therapy

For a viral infection, antiviral drugs are prescribed:

  • Acyclovir (tablets). Effective against herpes viruses types 1 and 2, chickenpox, herpes zoster, Epstein-Barr virus, cytomegalovirus. Dosage: 200 mg 5 times a day. The course of therapy is 5 days, extended if necessary. Contraindicated if you are allergic to the components of the drug. Price: 20 tablets – from 30 rub.
  • Laferon (injections). Active ingredient: interferon alpha-2b. It is an immunostimulant that is prescribed for bacterial, viral, and mixed infections. Contraindications: severe kidney, liver, heart diseases, psoriasis, pregnancy. The dosage and course of treatment are determined by the doctor. Not sold in Moscow pharmacies, only via the Internet. Price 1 bottle from 150 rub.

Antifungal agents

If the cause of inflammation is a fungus, drugs are prescribed aimed at destroying the pathogen.

For treatment to be effective, it is necessary to undergo tests to determine its type.

Fungal infections of the bladder are often caused by pathogens from the Candida group. To eradicate them, the following means are used:

  • Diflucan (capsules). Active ingredient: fluconazole. The medicine is used once. Dosage – 1 pc. (150 mg). The medicine cannot be used while taking another medicine with fluconazole. Price: 1 capsule – from 370 rub.
  • Amphotericin (powder for injection). A broad-spectrum drug. Prescribed when treatment with other antifungal agents is ineffective. The dosage and course of therapy are prescribed by the doctor. Contraindications: allergies. Price for a 10 ml bottle – 35 rubles.

Treatment of acute cystitis with herbal remedies

Herbal medicines are prescribed as complex therapy. They relieve inflammation, pain, and inhibit the growth of bacteria. For the treatment of cystitis the following is prescribed:

  • Phytolysin;
  • Uroprofit;
  • Cyston;
  • Krenfors.

The following remedies have shown high effectiveness for cystitis:

  • Monurel (granules). Contains ascorbic acid and cranberries containing proanthocyanidins. They stop the growth of bacteria and strengthen the immune system. Directions for use: dissolve 3 g of granules in 1/3 tbsp. water and drink. The medicine is taken 1 time, in severe cases repeat after 24 hours.
  • Canephron (drops, tablets). The product contains rosemary, lovage, centaury. Herbs have anti-inflammatory, vasodilating, diuretic effects, and inhibit bacterial growth. Dosage: 50 drops 3 times a day, undiluted. The duration of treatment is determined by the urologist.

Folk remedies for exacerbation of cystitis

Drug therapy at home can be combined with folk remedies. Before using them, you should consult a urologist. Recipe examples:

  • 2 tbsp. crushed rosehip roots pour 500 ml of boiling water. Bring to a boil, simmer over low heat for 15 minutes. Remove, wrap in a towel, let cool. Drink 125 ml 4 times a day before meals for 7 days.
  • Mix 1 tbsp. bearberry and lingonberry leaves, pour 2 tbsp. water, keep on low heat for 40 minutes. Remove, cool, strain. Take ¼ cup before meals until the symptoms of inflammation disappear.
  • Pour 150 g of fresh rowan bark into a liter of water and boil for 10 minutes. Drink like tea, adding 1-2 tsp to a glass. honey
  • Take a glass of millet and pour 250 ml of boiling water. Cook for 10 minutes. Give 5 minutes. let it brew, drain off excess water. On the first day, eat 1 tablespoon every hour, on the second – 3 tablespoons, on the third and subsequent days – half a glass. The course of treatment is a week.
  • Dilute 5-10 drops of propolis tincture in water. Use 5 to 10 times a day for a week.

Treatment regimen for cystitis during pregnancy

Many medications for acute bladder inflammation are prohibited during pregnancy. The treatment regimen is determined by the doctor after studying the tests. During pregnancy the following is prescribed:

  • Monural. An antibiotic is used if the expected effect for the mother exceeds the risk for the fetus. The drug does not have a teratogenic or fetotoxic effect on the baby, but it is better to abstain from it in the first trimester.
  • Flemoxin (antibiotic amoxicillin from the penicillin group). The product does not have a negative effect on the fetus; its use during pregnancy is confirmed by clinical studies.
  • Suprax (antibiotic cefixime from the group of third-generation cephalosporins). According to the instructions, the drug is prescribed in the II and III trimesters. In the first case, it is better to refrain from using it.
  • No-Shpa. Antispasmodic does not provide negative impact on the health of mother and fetus.
  • Canephron. The manufacturer does not recommend the drug due to insufficient research, but no negative effects on the fetus or the pregnant woman were found.
  • Augmentin (amoxicillin from the penicillin group, clavulanic acid). Can be used during pregnancy (except the first trimester) and lactation, but in as a last resort. Taking the drug while pregnant can cause necrotizing enterocolitis (severe intestinal disease).

If it is not possible to avoid taking medications, urologists recommend instillation. The method involves drip injection of a drug solution into the urethra or bladder. This reduces the risk side effects to a minimum. After 1-2 procedures, the symptoms of the disease subside, the damaged mucous membrane is restored.

Relapse Prevention

To prevent re-inflammation of the bladder, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • Change your underwear regularly.
  • Wash your genitals daily with warm water without soap or shower gels.
  • Maintain hygiene during menstruation.
  • Do not endure the urge to defecate for a long time. Stagnant urine is a breeding ground for bacteria that cause inflammation.
  • Drink plenty of water. This will help prevent stagnation of urine, reducing the likelihood of inflammation.
  • Avoid hypothermia - this leads to weakened immunity.
  • Avoid wearing tight clothing. This causes circulatory problems, compresses blood vessels, and slows down the supply of nutrients to the tissues.
  • If you have a sedentary job or a sedentary lifestyle, do a 5-minute warm-up once an hour. Do exercises in the morning.


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Acute cystitis is an inflammation of the bladder mucosa. This disease does not cause difficulties in treatment, but it is dangerous due to its severe complications that can threaten the patient’s life. You should not take this problem lightly; you need to make every effort to cure it in the early stages, and for this you should know the symptoms of acute cystitis (before it becomes chronic).

The essence of pathology

Cystitis is a very common disease and is the most common among urological diseases. Most often, representatives of the fair sex complain about acute cystitis; this is due to the anatomy of the structure of the urethra.

In women, the diameter of this canal is larger than in men, but at the same time it is shorter in length; this structure is favorable for pathogenic microflora to penetrate and multiply there.

In addition, the urethra in women is located in close proximity to the vagina and rectum, which is also a “convenience” for various types of infections. The danger of the disease lies in the fact that it quickly becomes chronic.

Acute cystitis is divided into primary (when it is an independent disease) and secondary (when it is a complication of other diseases, such as adenoids). Most often, acute cystitis affects a person from 20 to 40 years old: during this period, sexual activity is high.

Signs of the disease

In acute cystitis, the symptoms are expressed by nagging pain in the lower abdomen, painful and frequent urge to urinate; when emptying the bladder, the pain intensifies, and urine discharge may end in drops of blood. Signs of acute cystitis are fever, chills and weakness, and sometimes spontaneous urine leakage may occur.

If the disease is not treated, then the patient’s condition gradually worsens, and there is an admixture of blood in it. In the initial stage of the disease, it is acute at home, but as soon as the disease begins to progress, treatment should be inpatient.

It is important to know that the urinary system includes several organs that are very closely connected to each other, so pathology can spread beyond the bladder and also affect the ureters and kidneys.

Acute and chronic cystitis requires mandatory treatment, as it is extremely dangerous due to its complications, the main thing is to seek help in time, and then treatment will not take much time.

Causes of acute cystitis

When acute cystitis develops, the causes are infections. Usually the culprits of the disease are gram-negative pathogens (Klebsiella, Escherichia coli, Proteus and others), gram-positive (staphylococcus, enterococcus), and maybe both together.

The occurrence occurs due to a certain factor - parainfluenza, adenovirus or herpetic infection. They disrupt the innervation and microcirculation in the bladder, which contributes to the further spread and development of the infectious process.

Sometimes cystitis is provoked by mycoplasma, chlamydial or ureaplasma infections.

Of particular note is the appearance of acute specific cystitis of tuberculous, gonorrheal or trichomonas origin.

Normal cleansing of the urinary tract healthy person occurs due to urine, which regularly flows outward; moreover, from the inside, the urea is covered with a shell that is highly resistant to various types infections thanks to a special secretion. Its thin layer protects the bladder from penetration of pathogenic flora. But sometimes various changes occur in this layer, during which it loses its protective properties, and then acute cystitis can develop.

An injured inner lining of the bladder can lead to acute cystitis. This can occur as a result of surgical or instrumental interventions - ureteroscopy, cystoscopy or catheter insertion. Frequent colds, weakened immunity, vitamin deficiency, toxic and chemical effects of various substances can also trigger the development of the disease.

Cystitis can also occur in children; in this case, the causes may be pathologies of anatomical and functional nature in boys, and vaginal dysbiosis (due to poor personal hygiene) in girls.

One of the causes of cystitis is stagnation of blood in the pelvic area. It disrupts the blood supply to the walls of the bladder, as a result of which metabolic processes are disrupted. Sexual excesses with non-compliance with hygiene measures can also lead to the development of this unpleasant disease.

First aid for acute cystitis

When wondering what to do with acute cystitis, you should remember that there can only be one answer - contact a specialist. But it happens that it is not possible to immediately visit a urologist. Then all that remains is to take measures to alleviate the patient’s condition. And here you need to know how to treat the disease without leaving home, and also what it involves urgent Care with acute cystitis.

First aid if pain bothers you is antispasmodics or painkillers.

These may be Pentalgin, Ketonal, No-shpa, Nurofen. The patient must be given a lot to drink, and not just water. The consumption of cranberry juice is encouraged. And no sparkling water, citrus fruits or tomato juice, coffee and strong tea!

At the initial stage of the disease, it is allowed to use funds from the arsenal traditional medicine, but this should only be first aid; in the future, traditional medicine should be combined with professional help from a urologist. Salty, fatty and spicy foods should be excluded from the diet.

Infections can be treated with antibiotics, but they must be prescribed by a doctor, so you cannot start taking antibiotics on your own. After first aid has been provided to the patient, you need to contact a urologist as soon as possible.

Treatment of cystitis

In case of acute cystitis, treatment is prescribed only after passing all the necessary tests and making an accurate diagnosis. The doctor will definitely prescribe antibiotics; they must be taken strictly according to the regimen indicated by the doctor, and not cancel the prescribed course, even if the symptoms no longer bother you. Therapy against cystitis also includes antiviral and antifungal drugs.

Most likely, the attending physician will prescribe herbal-based drugs, for example Canephron or Phytolysin, the dosage and period of use are determined by the doctor based on the patient’s condition. He will need to follow a diet throughout the course of treatment, drink plenty of fluids and not get too cold.

Danger of cystitis

Acute and can cause serious complications:

  • The most common of them is . The disease develops due to the movement of infection from the bladder to the kidneys. Pyelonephritis, in turn, can result in kidney dystrophy, renal failure, and tumors in the kidneys. Development renal failure passes faster if pyelonephritis affects both of the paired organs.
  • The next complication is interstitial cystitis. With it, inflammation will also affect the muscle layer of the bladder. The kidney shrinks, loses its ability to stretch and decrease in volume, which causes bleeding, the formation of stones in the kidneys, and provokes stagnation in the urine.

  • Hemorrhagic cystitis is a disease that leads to damage to blood vessels, which promotes the release of urine with blood, while the temperature rises greatly, unbearable pain appears, and as a result, iron deficiency anemia can develop.
  • Necrotizing cystitis manifests itself in the formation of ulcers on the walls of the bladder, which can subsequently degenerate into malignant formations, their perforation may occur, which will lead to the addition of a secondary infection, and this will further aggravate the course of the disease.
  • Gangrenous cystitis is dangerous due to processes that cause complete or partial necrosis of the bladder. This usually leads to peritonitis. There is only one treatment method - surgery to remove the bladder.

Prolonged inflammation can contribute to dysfunction of the sphincter and urinary incontinence, or the other way around can happen - severe inflammation will lead to urine retention; as the bladder fills, the patient feels a sharp and painful urge to urinate, but emptying does not occur.

Prevention of cystitis

In order to avoid becoming a victim of acute or chronic cystitis, you need to follow some disease prevention measures:

  • It is necessary to keep the genitals clean. It is optimal to wash yourself twice a day, and you need to use soap, preferably hypoallergenic for children.
  • Make sure your partner also maintains personal hygiene.
  • Before and after sexual intercourse, it is also necessary to rinse the genitals well. This applies to both partners.
  • If in oral cavity there is an infection - candidiasis, sore throat, stomatitis, you should refrain from oral sex.

  • In cold weather you need to dress warmer. By wearing a fashionable miniskirt and thin tights in the cold, you will, of course, look great, but is it worth shining for one evening and then being treated for many years?
  • Support your immunity.
  • If there is an urge to urinate, you cannot hold back. Urinary retention provokes infection into action.
  • Women should use pads rather than tampons during menstruation. Firstly, tampons put pressure on the urinary canal, and secondly, they are in close proximity to the urethra.

Treatment with folk remedies

Acute treatment, the most effective of them are presented below:

  • Cornflower . Take 1 tbsp. l. flowers, pour 300 g of boiling water. Let it brew, then divide the infusion into 2 parts - drink the first before bed, the second in the morning on an empty stomach.
  • Pour 1 tbsp. l. flax seed with a glass of boiling water, boil for 5 minutes and drink a whole glass each time before meals.

  • 2 tsp. yarrow, pour a glass of boiling water, boil, let it brew for an hour, strain and drink half a glass before meals.
  • 1 tbsp. l. St. John's wort boil for 15 minutes in a glass of water. Drink 50 g. A good remedy for the chronic form.

Now you know what cystitis is, how dangerous it is, how to treat it and what preventive measures to follow. Start taking care of your health as early as possible, because youth does not last forever!

Acute or uncomplicated cystitis is an inflammatory process on the mucous membrane of the bladder of an infectious nature. Females are more susceptible to the disease due to the anatomical structure of the urethra - women have a very short urethra. Acute cystitis: symptoms in women, treatment. in women it is accompanied by painful and frequent urination, the presence of blood and pus in the urine. In the absence of necessary therapy, the infectious disease very quickly becomes chronic.

Frequent and painful urge to urinate is the first sign of cystitis

Provoking factors of acute cystitis

The main cause of cystitis is the penetration of pathogenic flora (Escherichia coli, staphylococci) from the anus into the vagina and urethra. The cause of approximately 85-90% of all cystitis is E. coli or Escherichia coli. It attaches to the walls of the bladder and multiplies. When the amount reaches a critical limit, the clinical picture of the disease appears.

The appearance of the disease can be triggered by other factors, which include:

  • hypothermia;
  • candidiasis;
  • trichomoniasis;
  • urolithiasis disease;
  • kidney pathologies (pyelonephritis);
  • perestroika hormonal levels(menopause, pregnancy).

Acute cystitis can also occur due to surgical intervention or endoscopic manipulation in the pelvic area.

Quickly identified symptoms and treatment, which should be prescribed by the attending physician, will help prevent the disease from becoming chronic.

Symptoms of uncomplicated cystitis

Frequent and painful urge to urinate is the first sign of the development of cystitis.

The main symptoms of acute cystitis include:

  • excretion of urine in small portions;
  • sudden and frequent urge to micturate (urinate), but there is no feeling of complete emptying of the bladder;
  • cloudy urine with blood or pus;
  • intense pain that radiates to anus or crotch.

Often, due to severe painful spasm, delayed micturition or, conversely, urinary incontinence may occur. The more severe the disease, the more frequent the urge to urinate. Acute pain syndrome is most pronounced at the beginning and end of miction.

An increase in temperature during an exacerbation to 37.5-38 degrees already serves as a signal that the infection has spread to the upper urinary tract.

Diagnosis of the disease

Already on initial stage the occurrence of acute cystitis symptoms in women and the treatment of which should not be left without timely attention, differential diagnosis is required.

For this purpose, the following diagnostic examinations are prescribed:

  • smear collection;
  • Analysis of urine;
  • general blood analysis.

Sometimes a doctor may prescribe an ultrasound of the bladder to indirectly confirm cystitis.

Treatment methods for acute cystitis

Treatment of the disease should be carried out under the supervision of a urologist and gynecologist. The patient is prescribed bed rest, taking large quantity fluids and prescribe the following treatment regimen:

  • drug therapy;
  • diet;
  • taking herbal decoctions.

After the acute course of the disease subsides, physiotherapy is prescribed.

Drug treatment

For acute cystitis, the following groups of drugs are recommended:

  • antibiotics;
  • antispasmodics and analgesics;
  • nitrofurans (antimicrobial).

Antibacterial therapy includes taking broad-spectrum oral medications. This category includes Amoxicillin, Ciprofloxacin, Ofloxacin, 5-NOK, Nitroxoline, etc. One of the most commonly used drugs is fosfomycin. This is a one-time drug in powder form, the effect of which lasts for 3 days. Fosfomycin is safe for pregnant women, so it is prescribed in the 2nd and 3rd trimester of pregnancy.

The specialist determines which drug to prescribe after receiving all the tests.

The drug "Furagin"

To relieve painful spasms, No-shpa, Diclofenac, Baralgin are recommended. From the group of nitrofurans, Furagin, Furadonin, Furazolin can be prescribed. The course of medication treatment is 1 week. The dosage of medications is determined by the doctor.

Diet therapy

The goal of diet therapy is to eliminate irritation of the bladder epithelium. The diet should contain easily digestible food that helps cleanse the body and remove excess fluid.

The diet should be based on the following principles:

  • eliminating fatty and salty foods from the diet;
  • minimizing the consumption of protein foods;
  • drink plenty of water, herbal teas, compotes, fruit drinks and juices.

The diet should contain easily digestible food

All food must be cooked by stewing or steaming. It is necessary to include in the diet for acute cystitis next group products:

  • porridges and vegetable soups;
  • fermented milk and dairy foods;
  • fresh fruits and vegetables;
  • lean varieties of fish and meat.

It is strictly forbidden to eat spicy and sour vegetables (radish, lemon, sorrel, tomatoes, onions, garlic), as they contribute to greater irritation of the bladder mucosa.

Also during the treatment period you should avoid drinking strong tea, coffee, alcohol and sweets. The forbidden list can be supplemented with fried, canned and highly salted foods.

A proper balanced diet enriched with essential vitamins and microelements will speed up the healing process.


For inflammation of the bladder, not only medicines and diets, but also herbal uroseptics, which effectively fight the inflammatory process, destroy microbial agents and have a diuretic effect. The following plants fall into this category:

  • cowberry;
  • cranberry;
  • bearberry;
  • chamomile.

For acute cystitis, lingonberry leaves and berries are used in the form of decoctions and fruit drinks. For pathologies of the bile ducts and liver, the plant is contraindicated for use.

Cranberries help increase the acidity of urine, thereby enhancing the effectiveness of synthetic drugs. For treatment, use fresh berries of the plant, juices and fruit drinks prepared from them.

They can be used either separately or as part of fees.

Chamomile has a mild anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic effect, so it is used in combination with other herbal ingredients.

The group of uroseptics also includes St. John's wort, juniper, birch leaves, linden flowers, etc. They are used to prepare decoctions only together with other herbs that have an antimicrobial effect.

Herbal decoctions will help with treatment

Popular fees for acute cystitis:

  1. To prepare the decoction you will need crushed plantain leaves, linden blossom, and parsley. Take 1 tbsp of each herbal component. l. and mix. From the resulting collection, extract 1 tbsp. l. mixture, which is poured with hot, just boiled water (0.5 l). The broth must be allowed to brew for half an hour. Take half a glass 3-4 times a day before meals.
  2. Lingonberry leaves, rose hips and yarrow are taken in equal parts (1 tablespoon each) and brewed in half a liter of boiling water. After half an hour, the broth is filtered and taken according to the above-described scheme.
  3. Crushed bearberry leaves (2 tbsp) are mixed with parsley seeds (1 tbsp), placed in a thermos and 500 ml are added. boiling water After two hours, the product is filtered and taken throughout the day, 3-4 tbsp. l. each hour.

Before taking herbal decoctions, you should consult your doctor.


After the acute course of cystitis subsides, electrophoresis, magnetic therapy or magnetic laser therapy are prescribed. Physiotherapy procedures are designed to improve local blood circulation, strengthen the walls of the bladder and eliminate the remnants of the inflammatory process.

Physiotherapy has a beneficial effect on the body

The use of non-drug therapy reduces the risk of relapse many times. Such procedures have a minimum of contraindications and are currently widely used to combat cystitis.

Treatment of bladder inflammation in pregnant women

Cystitis during pregnancy is a very common occurrence, which is associated with hormonal changes in women during this period and pressure from the uterus on internal organs.

It is especially important for pregnant women not to start treatment

The inflammatory process that occurs in genitourinary system, very often worries women. Women are not men; they will try to quickly find a cure for acute cystitis.

A disease such as cystitis is a consequence of an inflammatory process occurring in the genitourinary system. It most often occurs in women rather than men, and the reason for this is the anatomical structure. Since the anus and vagina are located quite close, and the urethra is too short in length, it is very easy for microorganisms to penetrate into female body.

Causes. The most common cause is an infection that enters the female body through the bloodstream or through the urethra into the bladder. In addition, cystitis can result from complications of other acute and respiratory diseases. Therefore, treatment of acute cystitis should not be delayed.

The following factors can provoke the disease:

  • inflammatory process;
  • pregnancy and childbirth;
  • dysfunction of the genitourinary system;
  • infection;
  • hypothermia;
  • decreased immune system;
  • spicy and fatty foods;
  • bad habits;
  • tight-fitting underwear.

In addition, cystitis can manifest itself as a result of dysfunction of the body, namely:

  • constipation;
  • incorrect location of the genitourinary system;
  • aging of the body;
  • in men – an increase in the size and volume of the prostate gland.

But still, the greatest probability of “catching” the disease is sex life. Not only personal hygiene, but also a timely trip to the toilet will help reduce the likelihood of introducing microorganisms during sex.


The inflammatory process in the bladder develops gradually, however, a woman may suddenly feel discomfort and discomfort.

In addition, with cystitis the following are observed:

  • itching in the genital area;
  • burning in the perineum;
  • severe pain when urinating;
  • frequent urge;
  • urinary incontinence;
  • decreased amount of urine;
  • an increase in temperature, signaling that the infection is spreading throughout the body.

Classification of the disease. Cystitis can be caused by the presence of infection (bacterial form) or as a result of allergic, toxic reactions, medications, chemicals, i.e. not bacterial form.

Depending on the pathogen, bacterial cystitis, in turn, is divided into:

  • nonspecific form caused by opportunistic flora;
  • a specific form caused by infectious pathogenic agents (gonorrhea, chlamydia, ureaplasma, etc.).

Due to the morphological changes occurring in the genitourinary system, cystitis can take the form of:

  • catarrhal;
  • gangrenous;
  • cystic;
  • phlegmous;
  • ulcerative;
  • tumor-like and others.

According to the localization of the inflammatory process, they are distinguished:

  • trigonite;
  • total cystitis;
  • cervical cystitis.

According to the nature of the disease:

  • acute form;
  • chronic form.

Chronic form of cystitis. If cystitis is not treated in time, then acute cystitis in women can become chronic. Today, doctors diagnose the chronic form in 90% of women. Since this form of the disease has mild signs and symptoms, the disease can instantly become acute.

Chronic cystitis can be suspected by severe cutting pain in the abdominal area, difficulty urinating, which is accompanied by severe pain, as well as frequent trips to the toilet.

The disease can be triggered by any inflammatory process caused by:

  • incorrect treatment;
  • dysfunction of the endocrine and immune systems;
  • hypothermia;
  • damage to the genitourinary system.

Frequent cystitis may indicate the presence of an inflammatory process in the genitourinary system, which implies a chronic form.

Acute form of the disease. In most cases, the acute form of cystitis appears spontaneously after exposure to a provoking factor. Symptoms are characterized by a painful and frequent urge to urinate, the presence of clots and mucus in the urine, and urinary incontinence caused by spastic contractions of the dutrusor. The woman’s general condition remains virtually unchanged, but the temperature may rise to 38°C.

The frequency of emptying the bladder can vary up to 40 times a day, while the amount of fluid released can be minimal. Acute cystitis is usually accompanied by dull pain in the pubic and perineal area.

Difference between acute and chronic forms. The clinical picture of the chronic form of the disease is practically no different from acute inflammation. If only mild symptoms. For example, the body temperature does not rise or remains low-grade. The pain syndrome is not pronounced, and the frequency of the urge to urinate is not so much higher than in the acute form of the disease.

Moreover, the chronic form is not an independent exacerbation. In most cases, the disease is caused by an existing pathology in the genitourinary system: pyelonephritis, stone disease, cervical sclerosis, diverticulum and others.


Diagnosis is carried out on the basis of an initial examination of the patient, as well as in accordance with laboratory tests. Therefore, to make an accurate diagnosis, the doctor must study the patient’s history and data.

Today, doctors use a certain algorithm to make a diagnosis, thanks to which a specialist can not only identify the causes and symptoms, but also prescribe comprehensive treatment without painful and traumatic procedures.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. Disease history. Signs of the disease may appear after hypothermia as a result of prolonged exposure to a cold room, a damp room, or sitting on a cold surface. But in some situations, the development of the inflammatory process can occur due to a regular walk in the fresh air. Cystitis can also occur as a result of irregular hygiene procedures and treatment of the genitals.
  2. Patient's complaints. Very often, cystitis can appear instantly, with a further increase in symptoms: nagging pain in the pubic area, itching, false or partial urge to urinate, the presence of blood clots in the urine. Symptoms of acute cystitis practically do not include urinary retention, unlike in men, but such a symptom should not be excluded.
  3. Palpation, inspection. As a result of this procedure, the patient may complain of pain in the abdominal area.
  4. Urine and blood analysis. As a result of laboratory tests, an excess of red and white blood cells may be detected in the patient’s urine, which indicates the presence of protein in the urine. In the case of an acute inflammatory process, the concentration of bacteria in the urine can reach up to 100 thousand units per 1 ml of biological medium, which allows us to conclude that antibacterial treatment is necessary. The blood test usually remains virtually unchanged. Characteristic signs acute cystitis - erythrocyte sedimentation rate is slightly increased, moderate leukocytosis.
  5. Ultrasound examination. This examination is carried out if a chronic form of the disease is suspected.
  6. X-ray examination.
  7. Cystoscopy.

Note that the last two points of the algorithm are used quite rarely when general diagnostics occur. As a rule, they are used to identify serious complications of chronic cystitis.

Treatment of cystitis

A course of treatment for cystitis in women should be prescribed by a urologist or gynecologist. In this case, it may take a week or two to completely block the disease.

Comprehensive course:

  • drug therapy;
  • diet;
  • drinking plenty of water;
  • bed rest;
  • physiotherapy

To prevent relapses, women are advised to fully comply with hygienic requirements, timely detection and treatment of gynecological and urological diseases, and boost the immune system.

What medications are used to treat cystitis?

Treatment of acute cystitis includes:

  • agents that have anti-inflammatory, antiviral, antimycotic and antimicrobial effects;
  • antispasmodics;
  • herbal medicines;
  • herbal teas;
  • antibiotics.

As the main method of treatment, the doctor prescribes an antibiotic. The dosage, duration, and number of doses per day are also entirely up to the doctor. Don't self-medicate! The most common drugs are penicillins, biseptol, and norfloxacins.

Traditional medicine methods. Sitz baths based on herbal decoctions of chamomile, oak, sage are the most effective method treatment. At an early stage of diagnosing the disease, a decoction of corn silk is ideal, which effectively fights the inflammatory process. Treatment folk recipes in combination with complex therapy will allow a woman to quickly cope with an illness such as cystitis.

Preventive measures.

Simple rules:

  1. Personal hygiene.
  2. Avoid hypothermia.
  3. Drink plenty of fluids.
  4. Loose underwear.
  5. After sexual intercourse, empty your bladder.
  6. Change pads and tampons more often during your period.
  7. Avoid constipation.
  8. Go to the toilet more often.
  9. Observe what color the urine is.

Compliance with such simple rules, will allow you to bypass cystitis.
