Who is Zuckerberg really? Success story of Mark Zuckerberg

Childhood. Mark Zuckerberg's school years

Mark Eliot Zuckerberg was born in White Plains, New York, a few kilometers from New York City, USA, into a family of doctors. Mark's father still works as a dentist, and his mother is a psychiatrist by profession, but this moment does not practice. Zuckerberg is the second child and only boy in the family. Has three sisters - the eldest Randy and two younger ones - Donna and Ariel.

Computer programming attracted Mark back in school. In high school, Zuckerberg developed an online version of the tactical board strategy game Risk, after which he was noticed by Microsoft and AOL, who offered Mark a job. These offers were rejected by Zuckerberg - he decided to go to Harvard. Later, together with a friend, Zuckerberg developed the Synapse program for the Winamp audio player. This program determined the user's tastes and automatically generated a playlist based on the information received.

His passion for programming did not mean that the future billionaire spent days and nights in front of the computer. The boy's development was comprehensive: he loved fencing, mathematics, and enjoyed studying Latin and Ancient Greek. Mark was also interested in psychology - he entered Harvard for this specialty.

Harvard University. Creation of a social network

While studying at the Faculty of Psychology, Mark attended IT courses. It was there that Zuckerberg came up with the idea of ​​creating a website for Harvard students to communicate with each other. The idea, in collaboration with Dustin Moskowitz and Chris Hughes, took a week to implement. This is how Facebook was born. There was no money then, and another classmate of Mark’s, a guy of Brazilian origin, Eduardo Saverin, helped with finances. Subsequently, a conflict broke out between Zuckerberg and Saverin, and Mark removed Eduardo from managing Facebook. Saverin was not satisfied with this, and a legal battle began, which ended in Zuckerberg’s victory.

Mark Zuckerberg in the studio of Channel One

Now the young programmer needed to promote his brainchild. He didn’t know how to do it. Sean Parker, a cult figure of the American Internet, helped in promoting Zuckerberg. Sean introduced Mark to businessman Peter Thiel, who saw the prospects of the project and was ready to attract investment in it. By 2006, Facebook, which had long ceased to be a communication site for Harvard University students, became the seventh most popular Internet site in the United States. Zuckerberg is starting to receive offers to sell social network, but he unconditionally rejects them.

Facebook and Mark Zuckerberg

After graduating from university, Zuckerberg founded the Facebook company, monetized the site and began making money. The audience of the social network is growing steadily. In just three years, Mark becomes financially independent, and in 2009 he meets Yuri Borisovich Miller, co-owner of Group. At the end of May of the same year, the Russian Internet giant acquired a 1.96% stake in Facebook for $200 million. From this moment investments and other large corporations to a social network. Currently, Mark Zuckerberg owns 24% of Facebook shares and is considered the youngest billionaire in history.

In March 2010, Zuckerberg's fortune was estimated at $4 billion, and already in September of the same year, Mark almost doubled his assets, which amounted to $7 billion. On the list of the most influential Americans of 2010, Zuckerberg ranks 29th. In December 2010, the young billionaire became Time magazine's Person of the Year. At the same time, Mark announced his joining the so-called “Giving Pledge,” a philanthropic project founded by Warren Buffett and Bill Gates. According to the campaign charter, 50% of the person who joined can be donated to charity, both during the life and after the death of the person who took the oath.

In 2011, the Facebook founder ranked 14th on the list of the wealthiest US citizens. His fortune is estimated at $17.5 billion. Further, the growth rate of Zuckerberg's assets slowed down, but Mark is constantly getting richer.

Zuckerberg's visit to Russia

In the fall of 2012, Mark Zuckerberg comes to visit Russian Federation. Behind short term in three days the billionaire manages to meet with Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, take part in two TV shows on Channel One and give a lecture at the Moscow state university. In addition, he takes an active part in the international conference developers of the “Facebook World Hack”, which took place in the Russian capital on the same days.

Meeting between Medvedev and Zuckerberg (FULL VIDEO)

At this conference, Mark states that the main advantage of the social network he created compared to other similar projects (hinting, first of all, to VKontakte) is the largest number of active users on the Internet. Zuckerberg encourages developers to create apps for the social network, not for local networks, explaining this by access to an audience of almost 1 billion users, unprecedented in the history of the global Internet community.

On October 2, Mark gives a lecture in the auditorium of the Moscow State University Library. At an open lecture, Zuckerberg talks about himself, about the history of the creation, development and monetization of Facebook. The number of people wishing to attend the lecture was much greater than the actual capacity of the audience, and a lottery was held between registered students to receive invitation cards.

Personal life of Mark Zuckerberg

Mark Zuckerberg and his current wife Priscilla Chan met in line at a public toilet at a student party. This was during my second year at Harvard. Mark and Priscilla dated for nine years, and in 2012 they decided to legalize their relationship. Not wanting to publicize the wedding, the couple invited friends to Zuckerberg's country house in Palo Alto, ostensibly to celebrate Priscilla receiving her doctorate in medicine. However, after everyone had gathered, it was announced that Zuckerberg and Chan's wedding would take place that evening.

The Zuckerbergs are very humble people. When appearing in public, giving interviews, Zuckerberg always remains silent and stutters, gets lost, and feels awkward. Mark also cannot be called a fashionable and stylish dresser - GQ magazine recently called the billionaire “the most tasteless resident of Silicon Valley.” Recently, young people generally try not to appear in public, devoting time exclusively to each other, and donating a sufficient part of the funds to charity.

While Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg travels across American states and communicates with local residents, journalists are wondering whether this could be preparation for a future presidential campaign. At this time, his wife, 32-year-old Priscilla Chan, is attracting more and more public attention with her activities.
Until a few years ago, she lived in her husband's shadow, but now she gives billions of dollars to charity and believes that building the world of the future must begin with two things: fundamental changes in school education and an attempt to find a cure for all diseases in the next 80 years.

Daughter of Refugees

Although Priscilla Chan was born in the small town of Braintree, Massachusetts, her ethnic Hoa Chinese parents fled war-torn Vietnam in the 1970s. In the USA they sought a better life, and they managed to find it.

They raised Chan to be independent. The girl spent a lot of time with her grandparents, who taught their granddaughter Cantonese. At school, Priscilla was captain of the tennis team and was interested in robotics, and after graduation, in 2003, she entered Harvard University. Three years later, an event occurred in Chan's life that convinced her to become a doctor.

As part of a university program, she helped low-income students. One day one of these students disappeared for several days and returned with broken front teeth. Influenced by the incident that shocked her peers, Chan wondered what she could do for such girls and boys.

Chan with his younger sisters. Photo from the archive on Facebook

This decision laid the foundation for Chan's future career in medicine. After graduation, she taught science for a year at private school, and then entered medical school at the University of California. The first in her family to receive a higher education diploma, she remained a modest and pragmatic Buddhist who dreamed of helping people. After graduating from university, Priscilla worked as an intern for three years and became a pediatrician in 2015.

This laconic retelling of Chan's 10-year path to the profession at first glance looks like the most an ordinary story. However, it developed in parallel with one of the most important events for the Internet - the formation of Facebook, which was led by Chan's boyfriend and then husband.

Billionaire's Wife

The story of the real Zuckerberg unfolded completely differently. While studying at Harvard, a 19-year-old student hacked the university's security system and created the Facemash website, where they chose the “hottest” students. For this he was threatened with expulsion, which Zuckerberg had already come to terms with. He came to one of the university parties to have fun with his friends for the “last” time. And I met Chan there.

Zuckerberg had nothing to lose and admitted to Priscilla that he would be expelled in three days, so they needed to go on a date as quickly as possible. The girl, who first saw her future husband “wearing nerd glasses and holding a glass of beer,” agreed.

​Priscilla and Zuckerberg on their wedding day. Photo from personal archive on Facebook

In the mid-2000s, when Zuckerberg was immersed in creating his Internet empire, and Chan was poring over textbooks in the student library, the couple broke up. The head of Facebook, as his friends said, tried to date other girls, but could not build a serious relationship with anyone.

In 2007, the lovers got back together. Chan set the condition that Zuckerberg must devote at least 100 minutes to her once a week and take her on dates weekly. To do this, the Facebook founder sometimes left meetings, and Chan found time between classes. The couple's wedding in 2012 was both symbolic and pragmatic. Priscilla had just graduated from the University of California, and Zuckerberg had floated Facebook shares on the stock market. The next day they got married.

Since then, the coincidence of high-profile announcements and big events has become business card families. In December 2015, the couple had a daughter, Max, and at the same time Zuckerberg promised to donate 99% of his Facebook shares to various humanitarian causes throughout his life - $68 billion at the current exchange rate.


For charitable activities, the couple created the organization “Chan Zuckerberg Initiative” (CZI). The company's goal is “to develop human potential and provide equal opportunities.” In reality, this means that Chan and Zuckerberg intend to develop school education, medicine and improve the criminal system.

In 2015, CZI pledged $62.5 billion to various humanitarian projects. This is 12 billion more than the contribution of the foundation of Microsoft founder Bill Gates and his wife Melinda (they are friends with Zuckerberg and Chan) and about 50 billion more than the contributions of other major charitable foundations.

Formally, the couple runs the organization together, but it is obvious that Chan devotes much more time to it. Zuckerberg remains the head of Facebook and plans, in his words, to remain so for “many, many years.”

One of the CZI employees, a biochemistry teacher at the University of California, Robert Tian, ​​also spoke about the fact that Chan is actually the head of a charitable foundation. According to him, Chan treats the organization as permanent job. She spends 3-4 days a week at CZI headquarters, interacting personally with senior employees, confirming each charitable contribution weekly, and holding meetings for all employees. Zuckerberg comes to them once a month.

Former Barack Obama presidential campaign manager and current CZI senior executive David Plouffe said his team typically had to distill reports for management. With Chan it's different. She is ready to read 20-30 pages, study every point and find out every detail.

Chan and Zuckerberg announced their largest project so far in the fall of 2016. They pledged $3 billion over the next ten years to “try to cure every disease” within the next 80 years.

The money allocated for the initiative will be used to create equipment, build laboratories, research and create a microscope worth a dollar (Chan has already allocated $50 million for this project). In addition, the philanthropist launched a joint project with leading universities in California, which will create a “map of all the cells in the human body.”

The couple announced their latest high-profile initiative in June, pledging money to Vision To Learn. She tests eyesight and gives glasses to low-income children who have difficulty reading. Zuckerberg and Chan did not disclose the amount of donations, but the initiative will affect more than 2 million children from different parts of the United States.

When not handling CZI business, Chan can often be found at primary school in Palo Alto, which she opened in 2016. The institution combines educational activities with concern for the health of students. Chan runs the school and regularly meets with the institution's staff.

One of CZI's educational concepts is called "personalized learning" - which means that each student should learn at his or her own pace. And this, in turn, is impossible, says Chan, for people from poor families who are constantly hungry or sick. She believes that we need to start by solving this problem.

Despite the efforts that Chan has made to reach her current heights, she considers luck to be one of the reasons for her success. By the way, Zuckerberg thinks so too. During his Harvard graduation speech, he admitted that if it weren't for chance, he would never have founded Facebook. Friends of the couple describe them as constant partners who support each other.

They were on stage together when CZI pledged $3 billion to fight disease, and together they hired company executives. Wife founder of Facebook appeared with her daughter in Zuckerberg’s video dedicated to their smart home, and during a demonstration of the capabilities of a virtual reality helmet.

This demonstrates Chan's involvement in Facebook's development. According to Recode's sources, she does not interfere in the company's work, but many believe that without Chan the organization would not have become one of the most valuable in the world. CZI partner Diane Tavenner believes that Priscilla is Zuckerberg's compass and loyal friend in the affairs of the social network.

Although Chan married one of the richest men in the world, she is restrained in her personal spending. An unnamed family friend told The New York Times a story about how the entrepreneur's wife once liked $600 shoes in a store. Zuckerberg said she could buy them because she had money. Instead, the girl put the shoes back and replied that it was not her money.

In March 2017, it became known that Chan and Zuckerberg were expecting a second daughter, but it is safe to say that caring for the child will not be Chan’s only occupation.

"We are capable of things now that we could hardly imagine or admit. We must make sure that we use our maximum power now, and do not wait for another moment and do not waste time on additional training. We are already ready. We must act."- Priscilla Chan.

Every second girl probably dreams about the life of Priscilla Chan. From the outside it seems that she has everything: a good education, beautiful house, loving husband(and one of the richest in the world!), two children... She always looks good and does charity work. She is invited to federal channels and asked for interviews by all world publications. Priscilla is known, loved and respected.

However, few people realize that happiness in the form of the above benefits was far from easy for her. Moreover, before entering university and meeting the young man who became the founder of the most popular social network, the life of Chan and her family was more like survival...

Priscilla Chan

Photo by Getty Images

Daughter of Refugees

Priscilla was born in the small town of Braintree in Massachusetts. However, few people know that her parents were ethnic Chinese refugees who fled Vietnam on boats in search of better life in America. They had a lot of work, so Chan and her two sisters spent a lot of time with their grandparents. They taught her Cantonese, and she, as the eldest sister, was their English translator.

At school, the future star was an excellent student and the main activist. No wonder her classmates called her the leader of the class. Also, already as a teenager, Priscilla, having heard a lot about the difficult life of her parents, always dreamed of helping people, bringing good to this world. And already in high school, Chan became involved in charity work and decided to become a doctor.

After finishing school, Priscilla entered Harvard University, where she graduated in 2007 with a bachelor's degree in biology. She then entered medical school at the University of California. And, by the way, she became the first girl in her family with higher education. One can only imagine how proud her parents and sisters were of her!

Priscilla Chan and Mark Zuckerberg

Photo by Getty Images

A life-changing meeting

At Harvard, Chan was lucky to meet the world's future billionaire, Mark Zuckerberg. And not only meet and get acquainted, but also become his girlfriend! True, their love story was not like a beautiful fairy tale.

They met at a party of mutual friends in the dormitory, where Mark came to say goodbye to his classmates (at that time he was expelled from the university for hacking the security system educational institution and created the Facemash website). The young people immediately liked each other, although Zuckerberg, according to Chan, did not look like an eligible bachelor, but looked like a nerd.

After some time, Priscilla and Mark met again. Already on a date and... We started dating immediately. But not for long. They had to separate. The cause of the conflict was the different lifestyles of the lovers: Chan was forced to study a lot, and Zuckerberg began work on the famous project - the social network Facebook. In general, they simply did not have time for each other...

But, as they say, you can’t escape fate. In 2007, the couple got back together. Everyone promised to devote at least a minimum amount of time to each other. And everything worked out! As soon as Priscilla received her college degree and Mark floated Facebook shares on the stock market, they got married. This happened in 2012.

Modest wife

After some time, Mark Zuckerberg, as everyone knows, became the youngest billionaire in the world. And Priscilla, accordingly, is the youngest rich wife. They had two daughters: Maxima in 2015, and August in 2017. One could assume that a married couple could bask in luxury and not deny themselves anything. But no. Luxurious life they preferred charity. And Chan’s opinion played no small role in this.

Mark Zuckerberg- founder and developer of the popular Facebook network, the youngest billionaire in history. In 2010, he was recognized as Person of the Year by American Time magazine. As the publication explains, the 26-year-old billionaire was elected person of the year for “uniting more than half a billion people and drawing a map social relations between them, created new system exchange of information, and changed our lives"

In 2010, the number of Facebook users exceeded 500 million people, and the figure of Zuckerberg was “mythologized” by Hollywood - in the fall of 2010, the film “The Social Network” was released on the screens about the history of the creation and development of Facebook.

« In a world where social structures above all, a virtual, publicly accessible dossier is an information bomb. And in general, if a person has brains, he simply does not have the moral right to work not for himself, giving most of his time and the results of his achievements to his employerMark Zuckerberg

Success story, Biography of Mark Zuckerberg

Childhood, youth and student years Mark Zuckerberg

Mark was born on May 14, 1984 in White Plains in southeastern New York. He was the second of four children and the only son in an intelligent family of a dentist and psychiatrist.

Mark learned that the world is divided into programmers and users when he was 10 years old and received his first PC (Quantex 486DX on an Intel 486 processor). Users are working on the computer. Programmers use computers to change the world. After the computer appeared, Mark felt terribly grown up and at first literally did not leave his new toy. After a couple of months, he got tired of simply changing the background color, and he began to read smart books, deciding to learn something more useful, namely programming.

Reading was good for me. Mark mastered the programming intricacies very well and, while still in high school, wrote several small programs, for example, a computer version of the popular board game Risk. But not all of his crafts were so harmless. In principle, Zuckerberg himself says that he would not like to immediately create something global, but would be happy to do a bunch of cool little things, and the Synapse program is one of those. He wrote it for himself. The program was a smart mp3 player, which, having carefully studied the owner’s preferences and found out what music, at what time of day and how often, he listened to, was able to generate playlists independently, “guessing” which tracks the owner would want to hear right now. Both Microsoft and AOL became interested in the unusual program, and both Microsoft and AOL became interested in Zuckerberg himself. However, the young talent rejected the giants' offers to purchase Synapse, and then politely rejected their invitations to cooperate. Just like that, Mark gave up several tens, and maybe hundreds of thousands of dollars, and a job in one of the top IT corporations in the world.

It’s surprising that with such passion, Zuckerberg found time for other activities: he did well in mathematics and natural sciences. He devoted himself enthusiastically to such an extraordinary sport as fencing. I immersed myself in antiquity, studying ancient languages. Once I spent three months of school holidays at a summer school taking ancient Greek language courses. True, I changed my mind about enrolling in the corresponding department, but I retained the ability to read and write in both classical languages. And at the university I chose a rather unexpected, although understandable, discipline - psychology.

My university performance was so-so: my passion for programming took up too much of my time. Sometimes preparing for exams required extraordinary solutions, as, for example, in the episode with 500 paintings in an art history course. There were two days left before the exams, and it was impossible to read anything about each painting. Zuckerberg quickly created a website, on each page of which he placed a painting, and asked fellow students to comment on the works. “After two hours,” the innovator recalls, comparing himself to Tom Sawyer, painting a fence with the help of commercial savvy, “every picture was overgrown with comments, and I passed that exam with flying colors.”

Creation of Facebook

There was a section on the Harvard internal computer network where students posted their photographs and personal information. The photographs were so-so - the usual front and profile, tense expressions on their faces. And then it occurred to young Mark to have some fun: he made a program that selected two random faces and offered to compare who was sexier. From those wishing to conduct comparative analysis there was no lights out. By the evening of the first day, four thousand people had viewed the site. When the number of visitors exceeded twenty thousand, the server crashed due to overload. Mark appeared before the computer hacking commission. Of course, they didn’t pat Zuckerberg on the head for this - he received a disciplinary sanction, but, apparently, even then he noticed that this kind of thing arouses intense interest among the people. Harvard, by the way, still refuses to comment on that incident.

However, the basis for the future communication masterpiece had already been created. On February 4, 2004, Mark launched a social network called “The Facebook”, which was intended as a communication site for Harvard students. “The Facebook” has become popular among students mainly because of the convenience of self-organization in groups, courses and parties that already exist offline in universities. By opening “The Facebook” you could find out where your acquaintances live this year, which girls are cute and which are not, who, in the end, is this year’s newcomer... all this is very reminiscent of what Facebook is today.

After the launch of the site, Zuckerberg told the press that Facebook was written in just a week, and this idea simply matured in his head and was quickly implemented, “on the spot.” Fortunately, fellow students also helped - together with Mark, Eduardo Severin, Dustin Moskowitz, Andrew McCollum and Christopher Hughes were involved in the launch of the project.

Very quickly, the social network created by Zuckerberg outgrew the boundaries of the campus (Let me remind you that at that time there were no “classmates” and “Twitters”; they were cloned later); already in the spring of 2004, it included all Ivy League colleges. Users were invited to post photographs and any information about themselves - from scientific and creative interests to gastronomic and love preferences. And also photographs, photographs, photographs...

Serious and promising projects at the stage of active development, as a rule, require substantial investments. But as life shows, these issues can be solved if there are determination.

Mark spent all the money his parents set aside to pay for his studies on the business, but naturally this was not enough for the megaproject. And so one summer Zuckerberg rushed to Silicon Valley, where interesting ideas, if lucky, can get support. And again luck smiled on the assertive guy. Like the hero of the Finnish writer Martti Larni, who left home for matches and ended up in America, student Zuckerberg went on reconnaissance and got stuck in Palo Alto - the heart of Silicon Valley.

One evening on the street, he chanced upon Sean Parker, an Internet cult figure and one of the creators of the file-sharing program Napster. It turned out that Parker was moving to Palo Alto, but did not yet have an apartment. " We(Mark and his friends) we just invited him to spend the night with us", says Mark. It was Parker who introduced Zuckerberg to Peter Thiel, co-founder of the PayPal payment system. An experienced businessman, after a fifteen-minute conversation, invested the red-haired youth for 500 thousand dollars. Zuckerberg wrote to the university for an indefinite leave of absence, just as another famous Harvard dropout, Bill Gates, once did.

Half a million is just a lot of money at first glance. Mark and his team perfected their brainchild in rented premises in Palo Alto, some sitting on wobbly chairs, some right on the floor. There was no ventilation in the rooms where the servers were located. Under the Californian summer heat at 45 degrees the plastic racks melted at the edges.

In November 2004, the number of users exceeded one million. Another six months later, with the help of Peter Thiel, the company managed to receive serious funds - $12.7 million from Accel Partners. In the fall of 2005, there were already more than 5 million active clients.

Soon the portal announced free registration for any user with a valid email address. The percentage of customers over 30 has grown significantly, and Facebook has established itself among the leaders of the Internet, consistently remaining the seventh most popular site in America.

In 2006, Zuckerberg began receiving the first purchase offers. At first the amounts were very cautious, but they began to increase quite quickly. They offered $750 million, but Mark refused and said that this was three times less than the amount about which serious discussions could be held. Later, at the already mentioned negotiations with Yahoo, there was talk of a billion, but Zuckerberg again said no. Rumors claim that there was also an offer from Google, and they gave more, but Facebook remained in the same hands, and the rumors remained rumors.

The site, meanwhile, grew not only with people, but also with new services, both successful and outright failures. It was clear to everyone in the company that they were sitting on a lot of money, but coming up with elegant ways to get it from users was not such an easy task. Tried it on the site various methods implementation of contextual, as gentle as possible, advertising. In this regard, there were also scandals, in particular related to data privacy (which turned out to be a big question) and the inability to permanently delete your account. In general, everything is natural - the larger the community, the larger the unrest.

2007 was definitely a year of change for Facebook. To begin with, Microsoft acquired a 1.6% stake in the company for $240 million. It is easy to calculate what is understood Microsoft complete Facebook is worth 15 billion pieces of paper with portraits of dead presidents. Where are Yahoo and Google with their modest amounts?

In 2009, Facebook officially opened the platform codes to everyone, so everyone had the opportunity to create new applications for the site, be it toys, horoscopes, calendars, or something else entirely. By the way, now more than 140 new applications are added to the site every day.

Madness has gripped the world. Even the casual dating model has changed. The phrase “Can you give me your phone number?” was replaced by a request for a link to a Facebook profile. And this is really convenient: instead of taking a long time to check by trial and error whether a person is right for you or not, you can simply look at his personal page. The popularity of Facebook has ensured the convenience of self-organization by interest groups that already exist offline or newly created.

A vengeful thief or a victim of envious people?

The launch of the project was accompanied by a scandal. Six days after the site opened, senior students, brothers Cameron and Tyler Winklevoss and Divya Narendra, accuse Zuckerberg of stealing their idea. They claim that they hired Zuckerberg in 2003 to complete the creation of the social network According to them, Zuckerberg did not transfer the results of his work to them, but he used the work he received from them to create Facebook.

That same year, the Winklevosses and Narendra launched their network, renamed ConnectU. And they continue to attack Zuckerberg, complaining about him to the Harvard administration and the Harvard Crimson newspaper. At first, Zuckerberg convinces journalists not to publish the investigation: he shows what he allegedly did for and explains that these developments have nothing to do with Facebook. But very inopportunely, another Harvard student, John Thomson, begins to say in personal conversations that Zuckerberg stole one of his ideas for Facebook. The newspaper decides to publish the article, which greatly offends Zuckerberg.

Zuckerberg takes revenge on the Harvard Crimson. According to the Silicon Alley Insider resource, in 2004 he hacked into the mailboxes of two journalists of the publication using the newly launched Facebook. It finds all users who indicate their affiliation with the newspaper and looks at the logs (i.e. history) of the incorrect passwords they entered into Facebook. Zuckerberg's calculation was justified: two newspaper employees absent-mindedly tried to log into Facebook with the password for their email. Silicon Alley Insider claims that Zuckerberg was lucky: he read with interest comments in their correspondence about the editorial team’s communication with him and

The Winklevoss brothers and Narendra sue, but the court rejects their claim. They prove persistent and file another lawsuit. The second court conducts an examination of the source codes to understand whether they were actually stolen. But the truth is still not clear. The results of the examination were not made public: in 2009, Zuckerberg agreed to pay $45 million ($20 million in cash and the rest in Facebook shares) to ConnectU as part of a pre-trial settlement. After this, the case was closed. By that point, ConnectU had fewer than 100,000 users, while Facebook boasted 150 million.

But the Winklevoss brothers did not rest on this; they filed a petition with the US Federal Court of Appeal, but they were denied a review of the case. According to their lawyer, Jerome Faulk, the appeals court denied the brothers a review of the case, based only on a settlement agreement between the parties, which states that the parties to the trial, once signed, have no right to reopen the trial. According to the lawyer, decision illegal, since Mark Zuckerberg provided false information about the company's value during the proceedings in 2008.

On May 17, 2011, Cameron and Tyler Winklevoss filed a lawsuit against the owner of the social network Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg, in Supreme Court USA. This is the brothers' last attempt to reconsider the case.

Lifestyle of Mark Zuckerberg

Having received the status of a billionaire, Zuckerberg himself did not change his lifestyle. As usual as a student, he rents a house (apartment) with a minimum of amenities in Palo Alto, where there is not even a bed, and sleeps on a mattress on the floor. The way to work overcomes on foot or by bicycle. Favorite appearance- worn-out trousers, a T-shirt and sandals on bare feet. True, he admits that for trips to such “adult” events as the forum in Davos, he has a decent suit in stock. His girlfriend's name is Priscilla Chen and she is of Chinese descent. Our hero, still in his first year at Harvard, confessed in an online diary that he liked Asian girls.

The spirit of the young founding father is reflected at Facebook's headquarters. The three buildings look decent and modern, but have not lost the image of a student dormitory. Casually dressed employees, whose number has already exceeded 400 people, show up at work late after lunch, but also stay until the roosters. To ensure that everyday life does not interfere with creativity, meals, clothes washing and other services are provided right in the office, and free of charge.

It is impossible not to note Mark’s sensible view of his “empire”. He understands that technological breakthroughs are one thing, but business strategy is something else, and he is not as knowledgeable about these things. The news that Facebook has appointed veteran Google manager Sheryl Sandberg to run Facebook's day-to-day operations has been welcomed by the business community.

Aspirations of means mass media learning as much as possible about Mark Zuckerberg is rarely successful. This is because the author of such a successful project is an extremely secretive, inaccessible person who does not want to demonstrate himself. If there are very short interviews, then in them the young and talented figure is mostly lost, stammers, stammers, in general, feels very awkward in front of the camera (this was the case on the Oprah Winfrey show). However, most analysts are convinced that this state of affairs is a temporary phenomenon and very soon Mark will definitely eclipse even the most advanced speakers of our time.

Secrets of Mark Zuckerberg's success

Unlike other famous billionaires, Mark Zuckerberg is in no hurry to reveal his secrets, therefore, many experts are independently trying to analyze the personality of the Facebook founder in order to understand how a 26-year-old young man managed to do something that 99 percent of people today cannot do?

The first thing to note is that Mark has always understood the difference between technological breakthrough and creative strategy. And if he is not strong in the latter, then he is happy to entrust this area of ​​work to a good manager. Although in the field of management Mark cannot be considered such a mediocrity, because in the most miraculous way the best of the best, specialists who have been hunted for years, end up on his team large companies. Many argue that Zuckerberg has a rare ability to negotiate correctly.

Mark Zuckerberg is extremely demanding. He loves to argue, rarely praises his employees and strives to do everything so that they work with their souls, completely devoting themselves to their work. However, there are simply no indifferent people in Mark’s team.

Many psychologists say that Mark’s modesty and unpretentiousness in terms of comfort contribute in every possible way to the fact that he can fully concentrate on his main mission - the development of the Facebook network. In general, the simplicity and even some carelessness in Mark’s business negotiations are legendary. So one day he refused a meeting with a Microsoft representative, which was scheduled for 8.00. " I'm still sleeping at this time", said Mark. When Zuckerberg was invited to discuss cooperation with Yahoo, he said that a girl was coming to see him that day. No amount of talk about this being a billion-dollar deal had any effect on Mark. There is no need to rush - Zuckerberg learned this principle back in school years after the first offer from Microsoft. Today Mark is true to himself, and the money still flows into his hands. The youngest billionaire today has become the idol of millions of people who want to reach the same unprecedented heights. But only a few can do this...

What can we say today about Mark as a businessman and prominent IT figure? Perhaps nothing specific. Even experts disagree - some call Facebook the new Google, and Zuckerberg a replacement for Page and Sergey Brin, others speak out very cautiously, especially after legal proceedings and accusations of theft of ideas. It is still not entirely clear what in this whole story was a competent calculation, and what was luck and a wave caught by chance. The most common characteristic of Mark, heard from the mouths of most experts, critics and powerful of the world This boils down to one phrase: “He is still so young.” And it’s hard to disagree with this: Mark’s age really makes it difficult to consider who he is - a young genius or just a very lucky guy who is favored by circumstances.

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Mark Zuckerberg is a young but brilliant programmer who managed to earn good money from his hobby. He was able to realize himself in all aspects of life: he made a career, found love and consciously became a father.

This man is world famous as a programmer and businessman who made a decent fortune for himself in digital technologies. He is also involved in charity work. In addition, this rich man became famous because he created Facebook.

Height, weight, age. How old is Mark Zuckerberg

Mark boasts the title of the youngest programmer and businessman in the world. He almost always attracted attention. Therefore, it is not surprising that there are people who are interested in him. Including his height, weight, age. It’s easy to answer how old Mark Zuckerberg is - he is 34. Note that this man’s height is relatively short - only 166 centimeters. And Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg weighs 84 kilograms.

This man himself is very charming and resourceful. In addition, judging by Mark's fate, he has good luck and very good intuition. Also, Zuckerberg is a very sociable person, which is why he has many friends. If you want to compare photos of Mark Zuckerberg in his youth and now, you are unlikely to notice a significant difference, because he is still young.

Biography and personal life of Mark Zuckerberg

The biography and personal life of Mark Zuckerberg are too reminiscent of some incredible fairy tale. Full name his name is Mark Eliot, and he was born in the States, in the town of White Plains, on the outskirts of the capital.

Father - Edward Zuckerberg - worked as a private dentist. And her mother, Karen Zuckerberg, was an experienced and highly qualified psychiatrist.

The guy also has an older and two younger sisters - Randy, Ariel and Donna. The guy had the warmest relationship with them. They were and remain the best friends of this computer genius. The sisters always supported Mark in everything and shared his joys and experiences.

When the boy was 10 years old, his father recognized his son's talent for programming. He gave Mark his first computer and showed him what could be done with such technology. Around the same age, Mark, who, by the way, was an excellent student at school, was able to understand the Atari BASIC computer language on his own. At the very beginning, little Zuckerberg tried to develop computer games. He himself was a poor drawer, so his friends provided him with graphics.

At the age of 12, the boy was able to design a social network that worked within the home. And all family members communicated in it. After graduating from elementary school, the boy went to a kind of boarding school for future computer scientists. Shortly before graduation, Mark created a work as a diploma, which as a result was bought worldwide famous company Microsoft. The giant company valued the work at a couple of million dollars. Representatives of the digital corporation offered the boy to become their employee, but Mark refused even after he graduated from school.

The young genius received his higher education in psychology at Harvard University. It is impossible not to mention that it was thanks to the work of Zuckerberg that the university appeared special program CourseMatch, which made it possible to exchange knowledge on specific academic subjects.

Among other things, as, in general, befits a computer genius, Mark was a cool hacker, and hacked into computer databases more than once. Including university ones. This was done to promote the Facemash project.

It is interesting that the Facebook social network project was created on the basis of the same Facemash. In this matter, Mark needed the help of Moskvits, Hughes and Saverin. The project was ready within a week, and became popular within a few days, because many students from all over America quickly joined it.

Ultimately, Zuckerberg dropped out of university and invested the funds he had saved for his studies into his own project. Thus, in 2004, he became the creator and main director of his own company, Facebook. But he didn't stop there. Having found investors, Mark continued to develop the project. Eleven years later, the young genius was able to become the most famous and richest young businessman in the world.

He had no personal life. His only love was programming, which simply did not leave any chance of starting a real romance. The guy didn’t like going to parties or meeting people. He met his wife completely by accident, and is happy with her to this day.

Family and children of Mark Zuckerberg

Mark Zuckerberg's family and children are very friendly with each other. Mark became one of the heirs of the medical dynasty. Zuckerberg's parents have four children, the family is very religious and observes ancient Jewish traditions. Therefore, all children were brought up in strictness.

Let us note right away that this guy’s pedigree has more than enough different nationalities. Among them are not only Jews, but also Poles and even Austrians. Mark is their only son.

And Zuckerberg’s daughters are his real pride. His eldest baby is only three years old, and his youngest is not even a year old. For the sake of the latter, he even went on maternity leave. And he often shares pictures of his family and his beloved girls – his wife and daughters – on his Facebook profile.

Daughter of Mark Zuckerberg - Maxima Chan Zuckerberg

Mark Zuckerberg's daughter, Maxima Chan Zuckerberg, is the first child that his wife gave birth to to the computer genius in 2015. Joyful Mark immediately announced this joyful event on his Facebook page.

Maxima is an adored and very long-awaited child. After all, before this, Zuckerberg’s wife, Priscilla, had three miscarriages in a row. Therefore, the parents took on the upbringing and development of the baby with special zeal.

A happy father loves to fuss with his daughter, gives gifts, and tries to spend more time with his little princess. The girl loves animals very much. It’s interesting that the first word she said was not “dad” or “mom,” but “dog.”

Daughter of Mark Zuckerberg - Augusta Chan Zuckerberg

Mark Zuckerberg's daughter, Augusta Chan Zuckerberg, is a couple of years younger than her sister, and she was born at the end of summer. Traditionally, the millionaire spoke about the birth of another daughter through his own social network profile, with a note that he had already thought about her future.

At the beginning of autumn and winter, as the brilliant programmer claimed, he went on a kind of paternal maternity leave to help his wife recover from childbirth, which, it should be noted, was not very easy, just like the first time when Priscilla gave birth to Maxima. But everything ended well and now Zuckerberg already has two little princesses in whom he dotes.

Mark Zuckerberg's wife - Priscilla Chan

Mark Zuckerberg's wife, Priscilla Chan, became the love of his life. Although, as the businessman himself said, initially he had absolutely no intention of starting a family or even just starting a relationship. They met in 2002, at Harvard University, after one of the student parties.

The girl believed in Mark and was sure that he would be able to design his own social network. They dated for ten years before Mark proposed to his beloved. It took almost six months to prepare the wedding ceremony.

Priscilla graduated from Harvard University, graduating as a pediatrician and translator.
