How people perceive 18th century literature. Russian literature of the 18th century

The 18th century was marked by major transformations associated with the activities of Peter I. Russia became a major power: military power and ties with other states were strengthened, science and technology were greatly developed. Of course, all this could not but influence the development of literature and culture. Both Peter and Catherine understood perfectly well that the inertia and backwardness of the country could only be overcome with the help of education, culture and literature.

Features of classicism

It deserves special consideration. In the perception of the modern reader, it is associated with such names as: M. V. Lomonosov, A. N. Radishchev. Thus, classicism was born in literature - a movement whose founders are rightfully considered masters of artistic expression. At school, students write a paper on the topic “Literature of the 18th century as perceived by the modern reader.” The essay should express the opinion of our contemporary about the literature of the era of classicism. It is necessary to address issues of form and content of works.

The classicists put duty and honor first; personal feelings had to be subordinate to the social principle. Of course, the literature of the 18th century is difficult to perceive. The modern reader is confused by the special language and style. Classical writers created works adhering to the theory of the trinity. This means that the events reflected in the work had to be limited in time, place and action. Also an important role in classicism was played by the theory of “three calms”, owned by M. V. Lomonosov. According to this theory, genres in literature were divided into three groups. At first, the ode was very popular; it praised kings, heroes and gods. The authors listed their merits, but often not those that they actually achieved, but those that they had to achieve for the benefit of the people. But satire will soon begin to actively develop. Disillusioned with the just rule of the kings, poets and writers in poems and comedies, through satirical ridicule, condemned the vices of the highest judges. Take, for example, Derzhavin’s work “Felitsa”. It combines ode and satire. Glorifying Catherine, Gabriel Romanovich at the same time denounces her courtiers. “Felitsa” received great recognition in its time. The poet was close to the court. However, very soon Derzhavin became very disillusioned with power powerful of the world this.

Essay specifics

However, gradually the framework within which classicism was confined begins to limit the possibilities of artistic masters. “Literature of the 18th century in the perception of the modern reader” - an essay (9th grade) on this topic should give an idea of ​​that time. A school essay on this topic should include elements of analysis works of art. For example, if we take a classic poem, then it is precisely because of these strict rules and florid language that the literature of the 18th century is difficult for the modern reader to perceive.


If the classicists took the social principle, man, as a basis, then the sentimentalists who appeared after them turned to the inner world of the heroes, to their personal experiences. A special place in sentimentalism belongs to N. M. Karamzin. The end of the 18th century was marked by the transition to a new direction in literature, called “romanticism.” The main character of the romantic work was an ideal character, absolutely alone and suffering, protesting against the injustice of life.

Literature of the 18th century in the perception of modern readers has not lost its significance, and, perhaps, has even received new recognition. It has not lost its relevance today, because the problems raised and solved by the masters of the 18th century also concern today’s readers. We still continue to love and suffer from unrequited love. We often make a choice between feeling and duty. Are we satisfied with the modern social order?

Modern assessment

Therefore, it is important that the topic “Literature of the 18th century in the perception of the modern reader”, using the example of the works of specific authors, reflects precisely the modern attitude. Particular attention should be paid to the following works: “Poor Liza” by N. M. Karamzin, “To Rulers and Judges” by G. R. Derzhavin, “The Minor” by D. I. Fonvizin.

How can a story not touch the heart? poor girl Lisa from the story by N.M. Karamzin, who fell in love and was deceived, who committed suicide at such a young age.

The comedy “Minor” also deserves careful attention. The main problem that the author raises is that he himself was of the opinion that home education, widespread among the nobility, was not as beneficial for children as it seemed. Children, brought up at home, completely adopt all the habits and behavioral characteristics of adults and become unadapted to independent life. Such is Mitrofan. He lives in an atmosphere of lies and spiritual squalor, he sees only negative sides reality. The writer, emphasizing Mitrofanushka’s copying of the manners of those around him, poses the question: who will grow out of him?

The world is in constant progress. With recent advances, people have gone far ahead. And sometimes classicism seems to us not entirely appropriate and correct, and “tearful dramas” make us smile with their naivety. But the merit of 18th century literature can in no way be underestimated, and over time its role in the general context of literature will only grow.

Thus, the literature of the 18th century, in the perception of the modern reader, will remain, in spite of everything, a special milestone in the development of Russian literature and culture.

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If you have completed "Poor Lisa", then this is what you need.

Since the 18th century, the history of secular fiction. The literature of the 18th century reflected all the historical events that took place in that era. The main directions of literature of that time were classicism and sentimentalism. It is difficult for the modern reader to perceive the literature of the 18th century, since it is very diverse for him. There are very few people left who read books these days. Interesting and entertaining books have been replaced by computers and telephones. But still, there is still a part of people who read books and do it with pleasure. XVIII century - century beautiful words and sharp thoughts. But still, this is a problematic time with such hopes and sorrows that are not relevant today. This is another sign why the literature of the 18th century is becoming increasingly incomprehensible and meaningless to the reader. However, we should not forget the immortal works of poets and writers of this time, expressing the feelings of a person that he experiences at all times. For example, the well-known story by N.M. Karamzin “Poor Liza”. This work is unlikely to leave anyone indifferent. I think this work will appeal to many modern readers. "Poor Lisa" has a very effective plot. There you can find love, experiences, betrayal and death. N.M. Karamzin’s story “Poor Liza” was one of the first sentimental works of Russian literature of the 18th century. Lisa was able to sincerely love a person who was not fully worthy of her love. Erast has intelligence and kind hearted. Having lost at cards, he is forced to marry a rich widow and leave Lisa, which is why she committed suicide. However, human feelings did not die in Erast and, as the author assures us, “Erast was unhappy until the end of his life. Having learned about Lizina’s fate, he could not console himself and considered himself a murderer.” Not only the author himself got along with Erast and Lisa, but also thousands of contemporaries - readers of the story. This was facilitated by good recognition not only of the circumstances, but also of the place of action. Karamzin quite accurately depicted in “Poor Liza” the surroundings of the Moscow Simonov Monastery, and the name “Lizin’s Pond” was firmly attached to the pond located there. Moreover, some unfortunate young ladies even drowned themselves here, following the example of the main character of the story. Lisa became a model that people sought to imitate in love, though not peasant women, but girls from the nobility and other wealthy classes. The rare name Erast became very popular among noble families. “Poor Liza” and sentimentalism responded to the spirit of the times. In this story, Karamzin writes nothing about emperors and empresses, or about the empire, or about enlightened Reason, or about the rational structure of the world or the state. Ordinary people become his heroes. The events that unfold in the story are simple and dramatic. Stories like the one told in the story “Poor Liza” educate the heart, enlighten it with sensitive pictures, give a refined pleasure to sympathize with one’s own soul, to rejoice at one’s selfless ability to be human. "Oh! - exclaimed the narrator. – I love those objects that touch my heart and make me shed tears of tender sorrow. In addition to sad and tragic works, there were also comedies in the 18th century. Therefore, I am sure that modern readers can enjoy a lot of works of the 18th century.

Today's reader of Russian literature of the 18th century, picking up a book, plunges into the style of classicism. This style dominated Russian literature of the 18th century. Maximum (for that time) simplicity of form, reasonableness, some pompous presentation... This is the verbal description of the work of any classicist.

The “high style” of Mikhail Lomonosov’s odes, which did not skimp on refined expressions and pompous phrases, is not always understandable to the modern reader. It is not clear to everyone that such a style was then accepted as fundamental, especially in the popular genre of ode and praise. Not just the style of the classicists, but also the very language of presentation in the works of 18th century poets Vasily Trediakovsky, Antioch Cantemir, Gavrila Derzhavin may seem outdated to the modern reader.

The style of sentimentalism, also popular in the 18th century, is represented in Russian literature by the work of Nikolai Karamzin. His most famous work is the story “Poor Liza” about the tragic fate of a young peasant girl. Yes, it was sincerely difficult for me to understand the outcome of the book, the suicide of the main character. Times have changed. Modern girls they know how to forget about unfaithful lovers, find others for themselves, and do not drown in a pond, like Lisa. For them, it is no longer necessary to save “honor” until the wedding; rather, “honor” is already becoming a burden, and they want to get rid of it as quickly as possible. And the loss of “honor” no longer leads to suicide.

But here is the theme of betrayal in love, inflicting a heart wound, a story when love is exchanged for money, when a poor person (in this case, Lisa) is treated as a second-class person... Alas, this topic is still acute in society.

But here we have the poetry of the revolutionary Radishchev. Perhaps this wit and critic is closest to our time. Both in style and content. At least, according to my humble opinion, Alexander Radishchev was just such a person. As long as there is unjust inequality in society, oppression of one person by another, bureaucracy and chaos in the state, Radishchev’s work will be relevant. And his famous work “Journey from St. Petersburg to Moscow” will remain an eternal masterpiece.

The literature of the 18th century absorbed the most significant creations, trends and themes of ancient literature. For example, ideas such as humanism and patriotism. These works described the life of a common man from a great height. Poets and writers tried to illuminate a person as brightly as possible and show him as a person, regardless of his belonging to one class or another. At the same time, books and stories of this time were rich in romantic dialogues and female characters. The lyrical part of the poems was actively improved. The verses themselves described eternity and vanity, bondage and freedom.

In short, literary works art of the 18th century, speak of the rapid development of new directions in European creativity. Classicism occupies a significant direction in European art. In it, the writer must adhere to and be able to recognize a rigid system of genres that are divided into:

  1. Supreme (ode, tragedy);
  2. Inferior (fable, epic, comedy).

Classicism at the beginning of its journey was recognized by the Russian poet, diplomat and old man Antioch Dmitrievich Kantemir.

He became the creator of nine satires, they became very popular and sold well in a variety of lists. The purpose of his satires turned out to be sketches of morals of the era after the reign of Peter. He established a certain word division-censorship, which divides the verse into 2 parts; this method allows the verse to be “plastic” and have a more expressive outline. In this century of daring literary experiments, outstanding personalities were born, as if time itself needed them. If speak about significant people of that time, without a doubt, one can single out Mikhail Vasilyevich Lomonosov. He spoke Greek, Latin, mastered the ode, and studied the poetry of the Middle Ages and antiquity. Lomonosov's affairs were very productive; he and his works had a strong influence on various genres of literature and poetry in general.

But we should not forget about the founder of Russian drama, Alexander Petrovich Sumarkov. From his pen came 9 tragedies and 12 comedies. As a playwright, Alexander Petrovich made his debut in the tragic genre. The main difference of his tragedy was its appeal to real events of his native history.

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Probably many people love time. Time teaches people all the wisdom of life, heals spiritual wounds. “Time is a moving image of motionless eternity,” as the famous French poet Jean Baptiste Rousseau said several centuries ago.

But time has a certain vice: being the teacher of many sages, it kills its students, while destroying mountains and destroying plains...

The only thing that time cannot absorb and turn into dust are books, priceless tomes of past and new cultures that contain the history of many millennia.

Books have always been written. Long-legged years disappeared into the sand of Nothingness, era replaced era, literature changed, but the meaning... the meaning always remained the same. Love, hope politics... Both in the 18th and in XXI centuries people thought and still think about similar things, because it is they that contain LIFE - that which contains the meaning of human existence.

But despite the similar “plot”, the idea familiar to everyone, in the modern world it is difficult to perceive the literature of past centuries. Classicism, which emphasizes the harmony of form and content, sentimentalism, in which the now silent nature blossoms along with the heroes of the works - all this seems just a fairy tale, a mirage, an invention of a brilliant author, not at all similar to the life of people of the 21st century.

However, one cannot judge the literature of old times only from the “problematic” side. Let’s take, for example, N.M. Karamzin’s wonderful story “Poor Liza.” A tender story about hot love, the climax of which is the death of the main character, touches the soul of every reader. Running our eyes through the reverent lines, we think not only about the fate of the peasant woman Liza, but also about many people who gave their lives without surviving the betrayal of their loved ones. And judge for yourself - haven’t there been similar tragedies in our time? Life, changing eras, almost never changes its course. At least for now.

The books written in the 18th century are truly amazing. True friendship, noble deeds... The bouquet of emotions collected by the writer is fragrant to this day. These literary flowers will never dry out, because their meaning and moral teachings help to modern man for many years now, and, of course, this is not the limit...

Writers and poets of the 21st century will never reach the high standard that was once created by their predecessors - brilliant people who wrote eternal works. And I think we should take it for granted and trust time. After all, only it decides which work in literature will LIVE.

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