I offer my prayers to the Most Holy Theotokos, Queen. “My Queen, My Blessed Hope Theotokos”: description of the prayer

Prayers to the Blessed Virgin Mary

Offering to my queen, my hope to the Mother of God, friend of the orphans and strange intercessors, those who grieve with joy, those who are offended by the patroness! See my misfortune, see my sorrow; help me as I am weak, feed me as I am strange. Weigh my offense, resolve it as if by will: for I have no other help except You, no other intercessor, no good comforter, except You, O Mother of God, for you will preserve me and cover me forever and ever. Amen.

Friend of the orphans - orphanage. Strange representative- intercessor of travelers. Feed me like I’m strange - guide me, a wanderer, on the path. Vesi – You know. Allow that one - free from her. Yako volishi- as you want. As if there is no other help for the imam - because I have no (I do not have) any other help. Is it for you - except you.

To whom shall I cry, Lady? To whom shall I resort in my sorrow, if not to You, Queen of Heaven? Who will accept my cry and my sighing, if not You, Most Immaculate, the hope of Christians and refuge for us sinners? Who will protect You more in adversity? Hear my groaning, and incline Your ear to me, the Lady Mother of my God, and do not despise me, who requires Your help, and do not reject me, a sinner. Enlighten and teach me, Queen of Heaven; do not depart from me Thy servant, O Lady, for my murmuring, but be my Mother and intercessor. I entrust myself to Your merciful protection: lead me, a sinner, to a quiet and serene life, so that I may weep for my sins. To whom shall I resort when I am guilty, if not to You, the hope and refuge of sinners, inspired by the hope of Your ineffable mercy and Your bounty? About the Lady Queen of Heaven! You are my hope and refuge, protection and intercession and help. To my queen, most blessed and speedy Intercessor! Cover my sins with Your intercession, protect me from enemies visible and invisible; soften your hearts evil people, rebelling against me. O Mother of the Lord my Creator! You are the root of virginity and the unfading color of purity. O Mother of God! Give me help to those who are weak with carnal passions and those who are sick at heart, for one thing is Yours and with You Your Son and our God Imam intercession; and by Your wondrous intercession may I be delivered from all misfortune and adversity, O most immaculate and glorious Mother of God, Mary. The same with hope I say and cry: Rejoice, O Blessed One, rejoice, O O Joyful One; Rejoice, Most Blessed One, the Lord is with You.

Also – If. Pache – bigger, better. Ubo –Here: same. Imam – I have. Same - That's why. I say and cry - I speak and exclaim.

O Most Holy Virgin, Mother of Christ our God, Queen of heaven and earth! Hear the much-painful sighing of our soul, look down from Thy holy height upon us, who with faith and love worship Thy most pure image. We are immersed in sins and overwhelmed by sorrows, looking at Your image, as if You were alive and living with us, we offer our humble prayers. The imams have no other help, no other intercession, no consolation except You, O Mother of all who mourn and are burdened. Help us the weak, satisfy our sorrow, guide us, the erring, on the right path, heal and save the hopeless, grant us the rest of our lives to spend in peace and silence, grant us a Christian death, and at the Last Judgment of Your Son, the merciful Representative will appear to us, and always We sing, magnify and glorify Thee, as the good Intercessor of the Christian race, with all those who have pleased God, forever and ever. Amen.

Religious reading: prayer to the Mother of God, my queen, my best hope to help our readers.

Offering to my queen, my hope to the Mother of God, a haven for orphans and strange representatives, joy for those who mourn, offended patroness! See my misfortune take away my sorrow, help me as I am weak, Feed me, I’m so strange. Weigh my offense, resolve it like a will, no other representative, no good comforter, only to You, O Mother of God, so save me and cover it forever and ever. Amen. Holy Mother of God save us, save us. Most Holy Theotokos, enlighten us with the light of Your Son Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Hallelujah.

Prayers to the Blessed Virgin Mary

^ Virgin Mary, rejoice

Virgin Mary, Rejoice, full of grace Mary, the Lord is with You, Blessed are You among women and blessed is the Fruit of Your womb, for You have given birth to the Savior of our souls.

Mother of God Virgin Mary, filled with the grace of God, rejoice! The Lord is with You; Blessed are You among women and blessed is the Fruit born of You, because You gave birth to the Savior of our souls.

Words Rejoice, the Lord is with you, blessed are you among women taken from the greeting of the Archangel Gabriel when he announced to the Blessed Virgin Mary the birth from Her according to the flesh of the Son of God (Luke 1:28).

Words Blessed are You among women mean that the Blessed Virgin Mary, as the Mother of God, is glorified more than all other women (Luke 1:42; Ps. 44:18).

Blagodatnaya- full of grace, mercy from God.

Words blessed is the fruit of your womb taken from the greeting of righteous Elizabeth, when the Holy Virgin Mary, after the Annunciation, wished to visit her (Luke 1:42). The fruit of her womb– Son of God Jesus Christ.

The prayer is based on the greeting of the Archangel Gabriel to the Virgin Mary at the moment of the Annunciation (Luke 1:28-31; Matt. 1:18-25). The famous “Ave, Maria” is the same prayer in Latin.

^ Worthy to eat

It is worthy to eat as truly the blessedness of Thee, the Mother of God, the Ever-Blessed and Most Immaculate and the Mother of our God. We magnify Thee, the most honorable Cherub and the most glorious without comparison, the Seraphim, who gave birth to God the Word without corruption.

It is truly worthy to praise You, Mother of God, eternally blessed and immaculate and Mother of our God. With honor higher than the Cherubim and incomparably more glorious than the Seraphim, who virginally gave birth to God the Word, the true Mother of God, we glorify You.

Read about the history of the prayer in the priest’s photo album.

The name of the prayer is given to the Athonite icon of the Mother of God “Merciful”, in front of which a miraculous event took place (celebration on June 24).

^ To my Queen, Offering

My Most Blessed Queen, My Hope, Mother of God, Friend of the Orphan and Strange to the Representative, the Sorrowful to Joy, the Offended to the Patroness!

See my misfortune, see my sorrow; Help me, for I am weak; feed me, for I am strange! Resolve my grievance, as if I were wrong: for I have no other help than You, no other Representative, no good Comforter, except You, O Mother of God! May you protect me and protect me forever and ever. Amen.

My Most Blessed Queen, My Hope, Mother of God, Shelter of orphans and wanderers, Protector, Joy of the grieving, Patroness of the offended! You see my misfortune, you see my sorrow; help me as a weak person, guide me as a stranger. You know my offense: resolve it according to Your will. For I have no other help than You, no other Protector, no good Comforter - only You, O Mother of God: may you preserve me and protect me forever and ever. Amen.

^ Kontakion to the Most Holy Theotokos

There are no imams of other help, / not imams of other hope, / except for You, Lady. / Help us, / We trust in You, and we boast in You. / For we are your servants, let us not be ashamed.

We have no other help, / we have no other hope, / except You, Lady. / Help us: / we hope in You / and we boast in You, / for we are Your servants; / let us not be ashamed!

^ Kontakion to the Selected Voivode

To the chosen Voivode, victorious, for having got rid of the evil ones, let us write thanksgiving to Thy servants to the Mother of God: but as having an invincible power, free us from all troubles, let us call Thee: Rejoice Bride of Neneve ́stnaya.

Having been delivered from troubles, we, Your unworthy servants, Mother of God, sing a victorious and grateful song to You, the Supreme Military Leader. You, who have invincible power, free us from all troubles, so that we cry to You: Rejoice, Bride, who has not entered into marriage!

This kontakion to the Mother of God was compiled in honor of the deliverance of Constantinople in 626 from the invasion of barbarians, when Patriarch Sergius I of Constantinople walked around the city walls with an icon of the Mother of God and the danger was averted.

^ Song of the Virgin Mary

My soul magnifies the Lord, and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior.

The most honorable cherub and the most glorious without comparison seraphim, without the corruption of God the Word, who gave birth to the real Mother of God, we magnify Thee.

As I have looked upon the humility of My servants, behold, from now on all my generations will bless Me.

For the Mighty One has done unto Me greatness, and holy is His name, and His mercy from generation to generation to those who fear Him.

Create power with Your arm, squander their hearts with proud thoughts.

Dethrone the mighty from the throne, and exalt the humble; Fill those who hunger with good things, and those who are rich let go of their wealth.

Israel will receive His servant, remember his mercies, like a word to our fathers, Abraham and his seed, even unto the ages.

My soul magnifies the Lord, / and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior. With the highest honor of the Cherubim / and incomparably more glorious than the Seraphim, / who virginally gave birth to God the Word, / the true Mother of God, we magnify You. That He looked upon the humility of His Servant; / for from now on all generations will call Me blessed. That the Mighty One has done great things for Me, / and holy is His name, / and His mercy throughout all generations of generations is upon those who fear Him. He has done mighty things with His hand, / He has scattered the arrogant in the thoughts of their hearts. He deposed the rulers from their thrones / and exalted the humble, filled the hungry with good things / and sent away the rich with nothing. He supported His servant Israel, / remembering mercy, / as He said to our fathers, / to Abraham and his seed forever.

The text of the chant is based on the words spoken Holy Virgin when meeting with His relative, righteous Elizabeth, mother of St. John the Baptist (Luke 1:46-55), with the addition of the refrain “More honorable than the cherubs...” to each verse, from which it received its second, most common name - “More honorable.” The Song of the Theotokos is part of the Matins service and precedes the 9th song of the canon.

^ Oh, All-Singing Mother

(kontakion 13 Akathist to the Mother of God)

Oh, All-Singing Mother, who gave birth to all the saints, the Most Holy Word! Having accepted this present offering, deliver everyone from all misfortune, and from future torment, those who cry out for You: Alleluia.

Translation:“O all-sung (i.e., sung by all) Mother, who gave birth to the Word, the holiest of all saints! Having accepted the present offering (i.e., this prayer - akathist singing), deliver from all misfortune and remove from future torment everyone who exclaims to You: Alleluia.

Prayers to the Most Holy Theotokos. To my queen, Presuming.

Blessings to my queen, my hope to the Mother of God, friend of the orphans and strange representatives, the sorrowful with joy, the offended patroness! See my misfortune, see my sorrow, help me as I am weak, feed me as I am strange. for I have no other help except You, no other intercessor, no good comforter, except You, O God of God,

To whom shall I cry, Lady? To whom shall I resort in my sorrow, if not to You, Queen of Heaven? Who will accept my cry and my sighing, if not You, Most Immaculate, the hope of Christians and refuge for us sinners? Who will protect You more in adversity? Hear my groaning, and incline Your ear to me, the Lady of the Mother of my God, and do not despise me, who requires Your help, and do not reject me, a sinner. Enlighten and teach me, Queen of Heaven; do not depart from me, Thy servant, O Lady, for my grumbling, but be my Mother and intercessor. I entrust myself to Your merciful protection: lead me, a sinner, to a quiet and serene life, so that I may weep for my sins. To whom shall I resort when I am guilty, if not to You, the hope and refuge of sinners, inspired by the hope of Your ineffable mercy and Your bounty? Oh, Lady Queen of Heaven! You are my hope and refuge, protection and intercession and help. My most blessed and speedy intercessor! Cover my sins with Your intercession, protect me from enemies visible and invisible; soften the hearts of evil people who rebel against me. O Mother of the Lord my Creator! You are the root of virginity and the unfading color of purity. Oh, Mother of God! Give me help to those who are weak with carnal passions and sick at heart, for one thing is Yours and with You, Your Son and our God, the imam intercession; and through Your wonderful intercession may I be delivered from all misfortune and adversity, O Most Immaculate and Glorious Mother of God, Mary. In the same way I say and cry out with hope: Rejoice, full of grace, rejoice, full of joy; Rejoice, most blessed one, the Lord is with you.

Prayer before the icon of the Mother of God “Offering to my Queen”

The Most Holy Theotokos is the Intercessor and Helper of people, a reliable intercessor and prayer book for the sinful and unlucky human race. Who else but the Mother of the Lord Jesus Christ can ask the Lord for sinners. “My dear queen,” those asking for help turn to her, and she always answers prayers.

She is called the Queen of heaven and earth, the Great Mother of God, she is revered after the Lord, one in Three Persons, She is the only person who is revered above the angelic ranks.

The Mother of God always helps everyone who sincerely asks for help; she takes upon herself the boldness to ask the Lord for mercy on those who have angered the Creator with their sins.

It is reliably known that after October revolution and the sorrowful events that followed her (specifically, after the abdication of the betrayed and abandoned Tsar Nicholas II from the throne), the Mother of God herself took Russia under her protection and cover. Then the icon called “Sovereign” was found. That is why in our country they especially warmly and joyfully resort to the mercy and help of the Most Holy Lady.

“My most blessed Queen, my Hope, Mother of God.” The prayer begins with an appeal to the Most Holy Theotokos; she is called the Queen and Hope according to the pious Orthodox tradition.

Absolutely wondrous and accurate epithets are used in prayer to describe the Mother of God: she is a joy for those who mourn, a helper to the offended, a protector of strangers and the poor.

The next line, translated from Old Church Slavonic, means: “You see my misfortune and know my sadness, help me, because I am weak, protect me as a stranger.”

“I have no other help, no other hope and no other consolation except You,” the believer turns to the Mother of God, betraying himself under her protection and mercy. And all because she alone will always protect and shelter those who come to her.

The Hebrew word “Amen”, which ends the prayer, translated into Russian means “So be it!” “My Queen Offering” is one of the most famous Orthodox prayers to the Mother of God.

How to pray to the Blessed Virgin Mary?

When praying, firmly believe that the Mother of God, who has condescended to the most unworthy petitioner, is invisibly present next to us and hears every word. Sincerely believe that she will help you.

If it is difficult to understand how to contact the Mother of God, imagine that you are asking the queen of some country for help, and your fate depends on her. Surely you will be extremely respectful and attentive, extremely sincere. Now just imagine: you are addressing the Mother of the Lord Herself, the Queen of Queens and the Mother of God, how can you speak to her differently?

Faith works miracles - according to the word of the Gospel, if we had faith the size of a mustard seed, and we commanded the mountain to move to another place, it would obey.

The faith of earthly and sinful people is small and modest, our unkind deeds and thoughts pull us to the earth, not allowing us to soar to heaven - but the Lord and His Most Pure Mother are merciful. Trusting in Their mercy and heavenly kindness, pray for any need and at any time, and your request will be fulfilled.

There can be no question of combining prayer to the Mother of God with unkind feelings. If you are in a quarrel with someone close to you, then before prayer you need to make peace and ask for forgiveness - regardless of who is to blame for the conflict. If you do not make peace, you will upset the Most Holy Theotokos with unworthy treatment. You shouldn’t do this: if you love your mother and don’t upset her, then how can you upset the Mother of all people and the Lord himself?

Prayers to the Blessed Virgin Mary

In Christianity, the earthly mother of Jesus Christ, one of the most revered personalities and the greatest of Christian saints.

Prayer to the Mother of God, my queen: comments

One comment

I had a situation when I found out that my friends decided to do a very bad thing. I read prayers to the Mother of God because I was categorically against it and asked them to be taken away. I asked for help with all my heart. And after some time, circumstances turned against them, nothing worked out for them. The Most Holy Theotokos heard my prayers! I couldn’t believe it, I thanked her with tears in my eyes!

Orthodox icons and prayers

Information site about icons, prayers, Orthodox traditions.

Prayer to the Mother of God “My most blessed Queen”

"Save me, God!". Thank you for visiting our website, before you start studying the information, we ask you to subscribe to our VKontakte group Prayers for every day. Also visit our page on Odnoklassniki and subscribe to her Prayers for every day Odnoklassniki. "God bless you!".

The Blessed Virgin Mary is one of the most revered people in Christendom. It is she who acts as the intercessor of people who have sinned before the Lord. One of the most used and frequently recited is the prayer to the Mother of God “My Blessed Queen.”

The meaning of the prayer text

According to the tradition of Orthodox believers, they begin to address the Mother of God, calling her Hope and Queen. She received such titles because of the opportunity:

  • bring joy to those who mourn;
  • help the offended;
  • protect the poor and wandering.

Next, the person asks for help, protection and the opportunity to solve the problem presented to him, because he has no other assistant. The final word means “So be it,” which does not allow one to doubt the power of the Blessed Virgin.

The text of the prayer sounds like this:

Blessings to my queen, my hope to the Mother of God, friend of the orphans and strange representatives, the sorrowful with joy, the offended patroness! See my misfortune, see my sorrow, help me as I am weak, feed meI'm kinda weird. Weigh my offense, resolve it as you will: for I have no other help except You, no other intercessor, no good comforter, except You, O God of God, for you will preserve me and cover me inforever and ever. Amen.

Rules for reading the prayer to the Mother of God

  • have deep faith in help;
  • read the prayer with reverence and respect;
  • have good feelings and positive emotions.

If a person has a desire to ask for protection from the Mother of God, he must definitely honor and love his mother. A bad attitude towards one’s own mother necessarily affects the result of a petition from the Mother of the Lord and all people.

May the Lord protect you!

Watch the video prayer “My Queen Offering”:


friend of the orphans and strange representatives,

those who mourn, joy, those who are offended, patroness!

See my misfortune, see my sorrow,

Weigh my offense, resolve it like a will:

for the Imam has no other help except for You,

no other representative

no good comforter, except You, O Mother of God,

May you preserve me and cover me forever and ever. Amen.

Most Holy Theotokos, enlighten us with the light of Your Son.

“To my Queen, Offering…” – mp3

“To my Queen, Offering…” – mp3

Good afternoon, dear visitors of the Orthodox island “Family and Faith”!

There is probably no more touching and at the same time invigorating chant than the prayer to the Most Holy Theotokos:

C My Arita, the Most Blessed, my Hope, the Mother of God. Friend of the orphaned and strange Representative, mourning joy, offended Patroness!...”

Everyone should know this prayer Orthodox Christian. Siya great prayer gives the most precious thing that can be ─ hope! Hope for help from Heaven!

Below we present the words of the prayer and six audio mp3 performances by different choirs and a beautiful musical performance by Valery Malyshev.

C Offering my aritsa, my hope to the Mother of God,

Friend of the orphaned and strange Representative,

mourners joy, offended Patroness!

See my misfortune, see my sorrow,

help me as I am weak, feed me as I am strange.

Weigh my offense, resolve it like a will:

for the Imam has no other help except for You,

no other Representative,

nor the good Comforter, but You, O Mother of God,

May you preserve me and cover me forever and ever. Amen.

(Translation from Church Slavonic into Russian)

C My most blessed Arita, my Hope, Mother of God,

shelter for orphans and wanderers, protector,

Joy to the mourners, patroness of the offended!

You see my misfortune, you see my sorrow;

help me as a weak person, guide me as a stranger.

You know my offense: resolve it according to Your will.

For I have no help other than You,

no other Protector,

nor the good Comforter -

only You, O Mother of God:

may you preserve me and protect me forever and ever. Amen.

Listen also to other chants:

There were 59 comments left on the entry ““My Queen Preblagaya...” – mp3″.

Sergiy, hello, please send the audio recording to me by email. Thank you very much and God bless you!

Svetlana, good evening!

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Valentina, good afternoon!

All 6 fulfillments of this prayer have been successfully sent to your email. address.


Audio recordings of all six performances of the prayer to the Theotokos “My Blessed Queen.”

Well done for rewriting the prayer, so you will remember it better.

God bless you, through the prayers of the Queen of Heaven!

Thank you very much, God bless you.

Hello! Thank you for such a wonderful collection of songs. Could you send them to me by email too?

God bless you, Mother of God and Mother Matrona!

We have made an attempt to send audio files to your email. address. But in response, I received a letter from the support service that the letter was not delivered due to an incorrect email. addresses.

We ask you to clarify your email address so that we can send you audio recordings of prayers.

God bless you too!

Olga, it was to this address that we tried to send you audio recordings. We tried it a second time and it didn’t work...

You can download audio files yourself by clicking on the arrow button.

Listen to the glory of God!

Or you can email me all the options for this wonderful prayer. I heard it in the temple and didn’t expect to find it, since I didn’t know the name, but when I got home, I turned on the Union, and it was as if they told me the name and I quickly looked for it. That's how I came across your site. Thank God for everything .

Olga, good evening!

All six audio files have been sent to you by email. mail.

Indeed, the song of Heaven!

Most Holy Theotokos, save us!

I have a big request to the administrator Sergei - if possible, I would also like to receive this prayer. I will be very grateful! God bless you!

Love, good afternoon!

All six audio files have been safely sent to your email address.

God bless you, through the prayers of the Most Holy Theotokos!

This is the Divine fulfillment of the prayer to the HOLY MOTHER OF GOD. Thank you for this. Our TRUE CREATOR bless us all, HAPPY MOTHER OF GOD and GUARDIAN ANGELS Amen.

Peter is truly a hymn in spirit and meaning – Heavenly!

God bless you on all the paths of your life!

Hello, can you send me these audio recordings to my email? I will be very grateful.

We are sending you six audio renditions of the prayer to the Theotokos “My Blessed Queen.”

Listen to the glory of God!

Christ is Risen! and God bless you for your work! wonderful recordings both in selection and quality. For God's sake, please send the entire selection to my email. Save me, God!

Sergius, to the glory of God!

A selection of audio recordings of the chant “To my Queen Preblaga…” has been successfully sent to you.

Happy Easter!

Hello, can you send me these audio recordings to my email? mail?

The audio recordings have been successfully sent to you.

Hello. I would be extremely grateful if you would send me six audio renditions of the prayer to the Mother of God “My Queen Presuming” to my email.

All six audio performances of the prayer to the Mother of God “My Queen Preblaga” have been successfully sent to your email address.

Listen to the glory of God!

This prayer is to help Orthodox believers who need drinking and difficult moral thorns. Man himself calls upon the Mother of God through prayer. Harosha is also a book, a prayer book - a psalter to the Most Holy Theotokos for the visually impaired. I advise even those of little faith to read the entire book.

Hello, can you send me these audio recordings to my email?

Alexey, good evening!

All audio files have been sent to you safely.

Listen to the glory of God!

Good evening, can you send me this audio recording to my email? God bless you for such a site))) Which is very helpful. God bless all who work in the Lord’s field.

All six audio performances have been sent to you by email.

Listen to the glory of God!

The question always plagues me: is it important to pray in the Church Slavic language? Or can I pray in translation?

You can pray in the way that is most convenient for you, in which language your soul most prefers. The main thing is to pray with all your heart!

Hello! I tried to learn this prayer and printed it out and laid it out everywhere, I didn’t understand some of the words, but on your website I found an option, as if with a translation, and everything became clear. Thanks a lot!

Listen, for the glory of God!

God bless you, Sergius! I will do so.

Lyudmila, to the glory of God!

I am very grateful for your work, God bless you! I would like to completely rewrite this prayer. How can I do that?

Lyudmila, to the glory of God!

You can print the text of the prayer on a printer, or copy it by hand onto a sheet of paper (as believers have always done in Soviet time, not having a printed prayer book), and pray according to the manuscript.

God bless you!

Beautiful singing, one might even say Divine. Especially the first entry. What kind of Matthew's choir is this? I looked for it on the Internet and found nothing.

The Matthew Choir is probably the most famous Orthodox choir!

It was named in honor of its regent, Archimandrite Matthew (Mormyl), who led the choir for 48 years almost until his death in 2009.

God bless you!

Dear team of the site “Family and Faith”! I never tire of thanking YOU for doing such a good, godly and soul-saving work for all of us sinners! God's help on your path, your families and everyone who helps and supports this site!

These are the words of gratitude that awoke in my soul after listening to this prayer! Save me, God!

For the glory of God! Thank God for everything!

May God give us all strength, mental and physical strength!

Hello! I'm sorry, but could you help me? I was unable to download the audio recording of this prayer, please tell me how to do it correctly. Thank you in advance.

You need to left-click on the “download” button (down arrow button). A black screen with a player will open. Next, right-click and select “Save Target” or “Save As...”. This command is called differently in different browsers.

Thank you very much for such a site to exist! When I listen to this prayer, tears flow involuntarily. Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

Elena, please, for the glory of God!

God bless you, through the prayers of our Intercessor, the Most Holy Theotokos!

Now in my life black stripe and even despondency occurs. I accidentally visited your site, listened to “My Queen Preblagaya” and immediately my soul felt lighter and lighter. I downloaded the recording and from now on I will listen to our Nadezhda! Thank you! Sergey.

The prayer to the Most Holy Theotokos “My Most Blessed Queen” is amazing in its content! This, one might say, is the Hymn of the people's hope for the Queen of Heaven!

God bless you, through the prayers of our Most Pure Lady Theotokos and Ever-Virgin Mary!

Today, the choir of our Church of the Holy Apostle John the Theologian in the city of Smolensk performed this prayer for the first time. It simply shocked many. People cried. At home, go straight to the computer and look for words. Thank God, I immediately went to your site and found here not only words, but also several versions of execution. I will definitely inform our parishioners that there is a site where you can listen to the prayer of the Most Holy Theotokos and read many more interesting and spiritually useful things. Low bow to you!

Vladimir, on our (and now yours) Orthodox website “Family and Faith” you will find a lot of interesting and edifying material among more than 3,500 publications. These include audio recordings of divine services, audio albums of Orthodox performers, feature and documentary Orthodox films, edifications of the holy fathers, interesting parables, priests’ answers to family (and other) questions, and much, much more.

God help you!

God bless everyone who is engaged in such a good work, Giving us the joy of listening to these prayers. Help you of God, Holy Mother of God save us.

Thank you for your warm and sincere wishes!

God bless you, according to the prayer of the Most Holy Theotokos!

Please tell me how to listen to audio. It doesn’t work

Everything plays out perfectly.

It probably has something to do with the settings of your browser installed on your computer...

Hello! The prayer is very good, I copied it for myself, listened to the audio - how beautifully they sing.

Save us, our Queen, our Most Blessed Mother of God.

The prayer is truly wonderful!

New article: prayer for my sadness on the website - in all the details and details from the many sources that we were able to find.

Information site about icons, prayers, Orthodox traditions.

Prayer to the Mother of God “My most blessed Queen”

"Save me, God!". Thank you for visiting our website, before you start studying the information, we ask you to subscribe to our VKontakte group Prayers for every day. Also add to the YouTube channel Prayers and Icons. "God bless you!".

The Blessed Virgin Mary is one of the most revered people in the Christian world. It is she who acts as the intercessor of people who have sinned before the Lord. One of the most used and frequently recited is the prayer to the Mother of God “My Blessed Queen.”

The meaning of the prayer text

According to the tradition of Orthodox believers, they begin to address the Mother of God, calling her Hope and Queen. She received such titles because of the opportunity:

  • bring joy to those who mourn;
  • help the offended;
  • protect the poor and wandering.

Next, the person asks for help, protection and the opportunity to solve the problem presented to him, because he has no other assistant. The final word means “So be it,” which does not allow one to doubt the power of the Blessed Virgin.

The text of the prayer sounds like this:

Blessings to my queen, my hope to the Mother of God, friend of the orphans and strange representatives, the sorrowful with joy, the offended patroness! See my misfortune, see my sorrow, help me as I am weak, feed meI'm kinda weird. Weigh my offense, resolve it as you will: for I have no other help except You, no other intercessor, no good comforter, except You, O God of God, for you will preserve me and cover me inforever and ever. Amen.

Rules for reading the prayer to the Mother of God

  • have deep faith in help;
  • read the prayer with reverence and respect;
  • have good feelings and positive emotions.

If a person has a desire to ask for protection from the Mother of God, he must definitely honor and love his mother. A bad attitude towards one’s own mother necessarily affects the result of a petition from the Mother of the Lord and all people.

May the Lord protect you!

Watch the video prayer “My Queen Offering”:

Prayer to see my sadness

Offering to my queen, my hope to the Mother of God, a haven for orphans and strange representatives, joy for those who mourn, offended patroness! See my misfortune take away my sorrow, help me as I am weak, Feed me, I’m so strange. Weigh my offense, resolve it like a will, for the Imam has no other help except for You, no other representative, no good comforter, only to You, O Mother of God, so save me and cover it forever and ever. Amen. Most Holy Theotokos, save us, save us. Most Holy Theotokos, enlighten us with the light of Your Son Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Hallelujah.

Prayers to the Blessed Virgin Mary for every day

The Orthodox love and venerate the Most Holy Theotokos very much, many prayers are addressed to her, canons are read and performed in her honor. church services. She is an example of piety and holiness. Many turn specifically to the Mother of God, through her asking for intercession before the Lord. Orthodox prayer books contain special ones - holiday prayers, and best prayers Mother of God for every day of the week.

But I want to offer you short prayers to the Most Holy Theotokos that will help you in any difficult situations

These prayers give the most precious thing that can be ─ hope! Hope for help from Heaven! Choose one or two prayers and read them when the intercession and help of the Mother of God is especially needed.

“To my Queen, my Hope, to the Mother of God, the Friend of the orphans and the strange, to the Representative, to the grieving, to the Joy of the offended, to the Patroness!

See my misfortune, see my sorrow;

help me, for I am weak, feed me, for I am strange!

Weigh my offense - resolve it, like volishes!

For I have no other help but You, no other Representative, no good Comforter, except You, O Mother of God!

May you preserve me and cover me forever and ever. Amen".

Translation from Church Slavonic into Russian :

“My most blessed Queen, my Hope, Mother of God,

shelter for orphans and wanderers, protector,

Joy to the mourners, patroness of the offended!

You see my misfortune, you see my sorrow;

help me as a weak person, guide me as a stranger.

You know my offense: resolve it according to Your will.

For I have no help other than You,

no other Protector,

nor the good Comforter -

only You, O Mother of God:

may you preserve me and protect me forever and ever. Amen".

“All-merciful, my Lady, Most Holy Lady, All-Pure Virgin, Mother of God Mary, Mother of God, undoubted and my only Hope, do not disdain me, do not reject me, do not leave me, do not depart from me; intercede, ask, hear; see, Lady, help, forgive, forgive, Most Pure One!”

“Open doors of mercy for us, blessed Mother of God, who trust in You, so that we may not perish, but may be delivered from troubles by You: for You are the salvation of the Christian race.”

“Most Holy Lady Theotokos, help me in all my affairs and deliver me from all needs and sorrow. Most Holy Lady Theotokos, protect me from all evil and cover me with Your honest omophorion. Amen ».

“Oh, All-Merciful Lady, Virgin Lady Theotokos, Queen of Heaven! By Your Nativity You saved the human race from the eternal torment of the devil: for from You Christ was born, our Savior. Look with your mercy on this (name), deprived of God’s mercy and grace, intercede with Your maternal boldness and Your prayers from Your Son, Christ our God, so that He may send down His grace from above on this perishing one. O Most Blessed One! You are the hope of the unreliable, You are the salvation of the desperate, may the enemy not rejoice over his soul!”

“My Lady Theotokos, I humbly pray to You, look at me with your merciful eye and do not disdain me, all that is darkened, all that is defiled, all that is immersed in the mire of pleasures and passions, all that is fallen in the cruelty and cannot rise: have mercy on me and give me a helping hand, to raise me up from the depths of sin.

Deliver me from those who have bypassed me; enlighten Thy face upon Thy servant, save the perishing, cleanse the defiled, raise up the fallen; for you can do all things, as the Mother of the Almighty God.

Pour on me the oil of Thy mercy, and give me the wine of tenderness: for You truly have the only hope of gain in my life.

Do not reject me, who flows to You, but see my sorrow, O Virgin, and the desire of my soul, and accept this and save me, Intercessor of my salvation. Amen."

“Virgin Mother of God, Rejoice, O Blessed Mary, the Lord is with You; Blessed are You among women and blessed is the fruit of Your womb, for You have given birth to the Savior of our souls.”

Of course, you can pray in your own words, calling on the Mother of God with her prayer cover to help you and your loved ones

Text of the prayer “My Queen, the Mother of God, my hope”

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Among large quantity Saints in Orthodoxy are those who are more revered. This is how the Mother of God is singled out among them. She is considered a helper and intercessor. She appears before the Lord with prayers for the entire sinful human race. She is called the queen of heaven and earth. She is the only person who was honored above all angelic ranks. She is often approached with various requests. Here is one of the prayers that you can use: the prayer “My Most Blessed Queen, My Hope to the Mother of God.”

How does the Mother of God help?

Everyone comes to her with their various requests. She leaves no one unattended and stands up for us before the Lord. The reasons for turning to it can be various:

  • healing from various ailments,
  • giving peace and tranquility to the family,
  • helping the offended and disadvantaged,
  • bringing joy to those who mourn,
  • protect the poor and wandering,
  • resolution of disputes and conflicts, etc.
  1. When saying prayers, you must sincerely believe that they will definitely help,
  2. prayers can be said at any time of the day and in any place,
  3. reading a prayer should only happen with pure thoughts and a good heart,
  4. Before you start reading, you should ask for forgiveness from everyone who might have been offended.

Prayer to the Most Holy Theotokos “My Queen Most Blessed”

The beginning of this text is a greeting. Further, as already stated in the text, the appeal must begin with due respect. You can read these lines anywhere. This can be at home or in a temple. It is advisable that at that moment there is an image in front of you to which you are addressing. Also try to banish all negative thoughts from your head. Lighted candles can help you with this. Be very careful with open flames as this can have negative consequences.

In addition, we should not forget that the Lord is the one who gives miracles and the first words of gratitude should be spoken to him, and then to everyone else: the Mother of God and other saints. They simply act as a connecting link between us and the Lord and stand up for us before higher powers.

You should also not forget that if prayer helped you and brought you what you asked for, then you should thank the person who helped you with this. There is a certain list prayers of thanksgiving with which you can turn to this or that saint. But don’t worry if the text of these is not familiar to you. You can just from pure heart read it in your own words and give thanks for everything you have.

This is what the text of the prayer “My Queen Blessed” looks like:

“Blessings to my queen, my hope to the Mother of God, friend of the orphans and strange representatives, the sorrowful with joy, the offended patroness! See my misfortune, see my sorrow, help me as I am weak, nourish me as I am strange. Weigh my offense, resolve it as if you will: for I have no other help except You, no other representative, no good comforter, except You, O God of God, for you will preserve me and cover me forever and ever. Amen."

The main aspect of reading prayers is our faith. She is capable of performing miracles. Sparkling words that come from the depths of the soul and faith in the positive outcome of the matter will help to overcome even the most difficult situations in life, which initially might seem unsolvable. While reading, you should only tune in to a positive mood and move forward with positive emotions.

Prayers to the Blessed Virgin Mary

^ Virgin Mary, rejoice

Virgin Mary, Rejoice, full of grace Mary, the Lord is with You, Blessed are You among women and blessed is the Fruit of Your womb, for You have given birth to the Savior of our souls.

Mother of God Virgin Mary, filled with the grace of God, rejoice! The Lord is with You; Blessed are You among women and blessed is the Fruit born of You, because You gave birth to the Savior of our souls.

Words Rejoice, the Lord is with you, blessed are you among women taken from the greeting of the Archangel Gabriel when he announced to the Blessed Virgin Mary the birth from Her according to the flesh of the Son of God (Luke 1:28).

Words Blessed are You among women mean that the Blessed Virgin Mary, as the Mother of God, is glorified more than all other women (Luke 1:42; Ps. 44:18).

Blagodatnaya- full of grace, mercy from God.

Words blessed is the fruit of your womb taken from the greeting of righteous Elizabeth, when the Holy Virgin Mary, after the Annunciation, wished to visit her (Luke 1:42). The fruit of her womb– Son of God Jesus Christ.

The prayer is based on the greeting of the Archangel Gabriel to the Virgin Mary at the moment of the Annunciation (Luke 1:28-31; Matt. 1:18-25). The famous “Ave, Maria” is the same prayer in Latin.

^ Worthy to eat

It is worthy to eat as truly the blessedness of Thee, the Mother of God, the Ever-Blessed and Most Immaculate and the Mother of our God. We magnify Thee, the most honorable Cherub and the most glorious without comparison, the Seraphim, who gave birth to God the Word without corruption.

It is truly worthy to praise You, Mother of God, eternally blessed and immaculate and Mother of our God. With honor higher than the Cherubim and incomparably more glorious than the Seraphim, who virginally gave birth to God the Word, the true Mother of God, we glorify You.

Read about the history of the prayer in the priest’s photo album.

The name of the prayer is given to the Athonite icon of the Mother of God “Merciful”, in front of which a miraculous event took place (celebration on June 24).

^ To my Queen, Offering

My Most Blessed Queen, My Hope, Mother of God, Friend of the Orphan and Strange to the Representative, the Sorrowful to Joy, the Offended to the Patroness!

See my misfortune, see my sorrow; Help me, for I am weak; feed me, for I am strange! Resolve my grievance, as if I were wrong: for I have no other help than You, no other Representative, no good Comforter, except You, O Mother of God! May you protect me and protect me forever and ever. Amen.

My Most Blessed Queen, My Hope, Mother of God, Shelter of orphans and wanderers, Protector, Joy of the grieving, Patroness of the offended! You see my misfortune, you see my sorrow; help me as a weak person, guide me as a stranger. You know my offense: resolve it according to Your will. For I have no other help than You, no other Protector, no good Comforter - only You, O Mother of God: may you preserve me and protect me forever and ever. Amen.

^ Kontakion to the Most Holy Theotokos

There are no imams of other help, / not imams of other hope, / except for You, Lady. / Help us, / We trust in You, and we boast in You. / For we are your servants, let us not be ashamed.

We have no other help, / we have no other hope, / except You, Lady. / Help us: / we hope in You / and we boast in You, / for we are Your servants; / let us not be ashamed!

^ Kontakion to the Selected Voivode

To the chosen Voivode, victorious, for having got rid of the evil ones, let us write thanksgiving to Thy servants to the Mother of God: but as having an invincible power, free us from all troubles, let us call Thee: Rejoice Bride of Neneve ́stnaya.

Having been delivered from troubles, we, Your unworthy servants, Mother of God, sing a victorious and grateful song to You, the Supreme Military Leader. You, who have invincible power, free us from all troubles, so that we cry to You: Rejoice, Bride, who has not entered into marriage!

This kontakion to the Mother of God was compiled in honor of the deliverance of Constantinople in 626 from the invasion of barbarians, when Patriarch Sergius I of Constantinople walked around the city walls with an icon of the Mother of God and the danger was averted.

^ Song of the Virgin Mary

My soul magnifies the Lord, and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior.

The most honorable cherub and the most glorious without comparison seraphim, without the corruption of God the Word, who gave birth to the real Mother of God, we magnify Thee.

As I have looked upon the humility of My servants, behold, from now on all my generations will bless Me.

For the Mighty One has done unto Me greatness, and holy is His name, and His mercy from generation to generation to those who fear Him.

Create power with Your arm, squander their hearts with proud thoughts.

Dethrone the mighty from the throne, and exalt the humble; Fill those who hunger with good things, and those who are rich let go of their wealth.

Israel will receive His servant, remember his mercies, like a word to our fathers, Abraham and his seed, even unto the ages.

My soul magnifies the Lord, / and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior. With the highest honor of the Cherubim / and incomparably more glorious than the Seraphim, / who virginally gave birth to God the Word, / the true Mother of God, we magnify You. That He looked upon the humility of His Servant; / for from now on all generations will call Me blessed. That the Mighty One has done great things for Me, / and holy is His name, / and His mercy throughout all generations of generations is upon those who fear Him. He has done mighty things with His hand, / He has scattered the arrogant in the thoughts of their hearts. He deposed the rulers from their thrones / and exalted the humble, filled the hungry with good things / and sent away the rich with nothing. He supported His servant Israel, / remembering mercy, / as He said to our fathers, / to Abraham and his seed forever.

The text of the chant is based on the words spoken by the Blessed Virgin at the meeting with Her relative, the righteous Elizabeth, the mother of St. John the Baptist (Luke 1:46-55), with the addition of the refrain “More honorable than the cherubs...” to each verse, from which it received its second, most common name - “More honorable.” The Song of the Theotokos is part of the Matins service and precedes the 9th song of the canon.

^ Oh, All-Singing Mother

(kontakion 13 Akathist to the Mother of God)

Oh, All-Singing Mother, who gave birth to all the saints, the Most Holy Word! Having accepted this present offering, deliver everyone from all misfortune, and from future torment, those who cry out for You: Alleluia.

Translation:“O all-sung (i.e., sung by all) Mother, who gave birth to the Word, the holiest of all saints! Having accepted the present offering (i.e., this prayer - akathist singing), deliver from all misfortune and remove from future torment everyone who exclaims to You: Alleluia.

Prayer before the icon of the Mother of God “Offering to my Queen”

The Most Holy Theotokos is the Intercessor and Helper of people, a reliable intercessor and prayer book for the sinful and unlucky human race. Who else but the Mother of the Lord Jesus Christ can ask the Lord for sinners. “My dear queen,” those asking for help turn to her, and she always answers prayers.

She is called the Queen of heaven and earth, the Great Mother of God, she is revered after the Lord, one in Three Persons, She is the only person who is revered above the angelic ranks.

The Mother of God always helps everyone who sincerely asks for help; she takes upon herself the boldness to ask the Lord for mercy on those who have angered the Creator with their sins.

It is reliably known that after the October Revolution and the sorrowful events that followed it (specifically, after the abdication of the betrayed and abandoned Tsar Nicholas II), the Mother of God herself took Russia under her protection and protection. Then the icon called “Sovereign” was found. That is why in our country they especially warmly and joyfully resort to the mercy and help of the Most Holy Lady.

“My most blessed Queen, my Hope, Mother of God.” The prayer begins with an appeal to the Most Holy Theotokos; she is called the Queen and Hope according to the pious Orthodox tradition.

Absolutely wondrous and accurate epithets are used in prayer to describe the Mother of God: she is a joy for those who mourn, a helper to the offended, a protector of strangers and the poor.

The next line, translated from Old Church Slavonic, means: “You see my misfortune and know my sadness, help me, because I am weak, protect me as a stranger.”

“I have no other help, no other hope and no other consolation except You,” the believer turns to the Mother of God, betraying himself under her protection and mercy. And all because she alone will always protect and shelter those who come to her.

The Hebrew word “Amen”, which ends the prayer, translated into Russian means “So be it!” “My most blessed Queen” is one of the most famous Orthodox prayers to the Mother of God.

How to pray to the Blessed Virgin Mary?

When praying, firmly believe that the Mother of God, who has condescended to the most unworthy petitioner, is invisibly present next to us and hears every word. Sincerely believe that she will help you.

If it is difficult to understand how to contact the Mother of God, imagine that you are asking the queen of some country for help, and your fate depends on her. Surely you will be extremely respectful and attentive, extremely sincere. Now just imagine: you are addressing the Mother of the Lord Herself, the Queen of Queens and the Mother of God, how can you speak to her differently?

Faith works miracles - according to the word of the Gospel, if we had faith the size of a mustard seed, and we commanded the mountain to move to another place, it would obey.

The faith of earthly and sinful people is small and modest, our unkind deeds and thoughts pull us to the earth, not allowing us to soar to heaven - but the Lord and His Most Pure Mother are merciful. Trusting in Their mercy and heavenly kindness, pray for any need and at any time, and your request will be fulfilled.

There can be no question of combining prayer to the Mother of God with unkind feelings. If you are in a quarrel with someone close to you, then before prayer you need to make peace and ask for forgiveness - regardless of who is to blame for the conflict. If you do not make peace, you will upset the Most Holy Theotokos with unworthy treatment. You shouldn’t do this: if you love your mother and don’t upset her, then how can you upset the Mother of all people and the Lord himself?

Prayers to the Blessed Virgin Mary

In Christianity, the earthly mother of Jesus Christ, one of the most revered personalities and the greatest of Christian saints.

Prayer to the Mother of God, my queen: comments

One comment

I had a situation when I found out that my friends decided to do a very bad thing. I read prayers to the Mother of God because I was categorically against it and asked them to be taken away. I asked for help with all my heart. And after some time, circumstances turned against them, nothing worked out for them. The Most Holy Theotokos heard my prayers! I couldn’t believe it, I thanked her with tears in my eyes!

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There are many of us like-minded people and we are growing quickly, we post prayers, sayings of saints, prayer requests, post them in a timely manner useful information about holidays and Orthodox events... Subscribe. Guardian Angel to you!

The Blessed Virgin Mary is one of the most revered people in the Christian world. It is she who acts as the intercessor of people who have sinned before the Lord. One of the most used and frequently recited is the prayer to the Mother of God “My Blessed Queen.”

The meaning of the prayer text

According to the tradition of Orthodox believers, they begin to address the Mother of God, calling her Hope and Queen. She received such titles because of the opportunity:

  • bring joy to those who mourn;
  • help the offended;
  • protect the poor and wandering.

Next, the person asks for help, protection and the opportunity to solve the problem presented to him, because he has no other assistant. The final word means “So be it,” which does not allow one to doubt the power of the Blessed Virgin.

The text of the prayer sounds like this:

Blessings to my queen, my hope to the Mother of God, friend of the orphans and strange representatives, the sorrowful with joy, the offended patroness! See my misfortune, see my sorrow, help me as I am weak, feed meI'm kinda weird. Weigh my offense, resolve it as you will: for I have no other help except You, no other intercessor, no good comforter, except You, O God of God, for you will preserve me and cover me inforever and ever. Amen.

Rules for reading the prayer to the Mother of God

  • have deep faith in help;
  • read the prayer with reverence and respect;
  • have good feelings and positive emotions.

If a person has a desire to ask for protection from the Mother of God, he must definitely honor and love his mother. A bad attitude towards one’s own mother necessarily affects the result of a petition from the Mother of the Lord and all people.

May the Lord protect you!

Watch the video prayer “My Queen Offering”:

The Mother of God - the Virgin Mary - during her life interceded with Her Son Jesus Christ and asked to be granted the ability to help those in need and heal the weak. The Lord listened, and even after death He left Her this inexplicable power.

For many, the Blessed Virgin Mary is the last hope. If you fall to her icon and ask Saint Mary for help, she will certainly respond and will never leave you in trouble. For example, the prayer “My all-blessing Queen, my hope, the Mother of God...”, the text of which is known to almost all believers, is one of the most powerful. More about who needs to read it and in what cases.

Blessings to my queen, my hope to the Mother of God, friend of the orphans and strange representatives, the sorrowful with joy, the offended patroness! See my misfortune, see my sorrow, help me as I am weak, nourish me as I am strange. Weigh my offense, resolve it as if you will: for I have no other help except You, no other representative, no good comforter, except You, O God of God, for you will preserve me and cover me forever and ever. Amen.

Here is the text of the prayer with emphasis for those who do not know how to read correctly in Old Church Slavonic:

My Most Blessed Queen, My Hope, Mother of God, Friend of the Orphan and Strange to the Representative, the Sorrowful to Joy, the Offended to the Patroness! See my misfortune, see my sorrow; Help me, for I am weak; feed me, for I am strange! Resolve my grievance, as if I were wrong: for I have no other help than You, no other Representative, no good Comforter, except You, O Mother of God! May you protect me and protect me forever and ever. Amen.

In what situations is prayer read?

The Blessed Virgin Mary is known big amount good deeds. She is the patroness of all the poor, desperate and needy. Holy Mary - earthly and heavenly queen, revered after the Lord. Only she can ask God for mercy for sinners who have angered Him.

So, if you read the text of the chant “My most blessed Queen, my hope, Mother of God...”, then Mary will definitely hear and come to the aid of everyone. However, it is not enough to simply say a prayer once. This must be done every day with all sincerity, as if the soul speaks instead of the one asking.

The Blessed Virgin Mary is known for a large number of good deeds

While pronouncing, you should renounce all extraneous thoughts and under no circumstances ask in the name of evil or gain. This may incur the wrath of the Higher Powers.

Saint Mary also comes to the rescue in times of despair

You can be sure that the Mother of God will never turn away if you ask her to help wandering relatives or those who are going to do dangerous work.

Prayer will also help those who are in grief and cannot move on from the death of a loved one. You can also appeal to the Mother of God if someone has offended a person or accused him of something he never did. Maria will return everything to normal and justice will prevail.

How to properly address the Mother of God

We have already given the text of the prayer in Russian “My all-blessing Queen, my hope, Mother of God...”, but what is the correct way to turn to Saint Mary so that she comes to the rescue?

When turning to the Mother of God, one must firmly believe that she came down from heaven to listen to the request. You should also sincerely believe that the Most Holy Mary will definitely help.

When turning to the Mother of God, you need to firmly believe that she came down from heaven

If this is difficult, then you can imagine that this is the last request and the fate of a person directly depends on it. Extraneous thoughts should be abandoned. Every word must be passed through the heart and soul.

You should not expect help from a Higher Power if a person does not believe in God. This will only anger the Lord. You should not fall before the icon of the Mother of God if the prayer is read for the sake of profit, some bad deed, or deception.

Extraneous thoughts must be abandoned

It will be good if in front of the person praying there is an icon of the Mother of God, Jesus Christ, as well as a burning church candle. You need to get on your knees at any time of the day and when needed. If a person is weak, then the prayer can be read while lying down. The main thing is faith, sincerity and purity of thoughts.

It will be good if there is an icon of the Mother of God opposite the person praying

Relatives of those who have wandered off the right path or become seriously ill can also turn to the Mother of God for help. It’s good if you read “My Blessed Queen, My Hope Theotokos...” will be the most close person, that is, a mother who is connected with her child especially tightly.

It doesn’t matter where the cherished words will be spoken. You can pray both in the temple and within the walls of your home.

There can be no question of help if a person is filled with negative thoughts and hatred. Therefore, before reading the prayer, it is better to get rid of them by asking for forgiveness, confessing, and making peace.

Since the Mother of God is the Heavenly Mother of all Christians, there can be no question of disrespectful attitude towards one’s mother. In order not to upset Mary, you should love and appreciate the person who gave life.
