Presentation on sacred icons. Presentation "Orthodox icons" at the MHK - project, report

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The presentation on the topic "Orthodox icons" can be downloaded absolutely free of charge on our website. Subject of the project: MHK. Colorful slides and illustrations will help you keep your classmates or audience interested. To view the content, use the player, or if you want to download the report, click on the appropriate text under the player. The presentation contains 17 slide(s).

Presentation slides

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I love lofty cathedrals, Humbling in my soul, visiting, Entering gloomy choirs, Disappearing in the crowd of singing. I'm afraid of my two-faced soul And I carefully bury My image, devilish and wild, In this sacred armor. In my superstitious prayer I seek protection from Christ, But from under the mask of hypocrisy False lips laugh. And quietly, with an unchanging face, In the flickering of dead candles, I wake up the memory of the two-faced In the hearts of praying people. Here - they shuddered, the choirs fell silent, In confusion they rushed to run ... I love high cathedrals, With my soul I resign myself to visit. Alexander Blok

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God gives every Christian a Guardian Angel who invisibly guards a person throughout his earthly life from troubles and misfortunes, warns against sins, protects at the hour of death. The guardian angel is an ambulance in any need and illness.

Guardian angel

"Succeed in the virtues to become closer to the Angels"

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Nicholas the Wonderworker is the most revered and beloved saint in Rus'. In the III century he was the archbishop of the city of Myra in Lycia and zealously defended Orthodox faith. His kindness, mercy, selflessness were so firmly imprinted in the memory of people that he became famous throughout Christendom hundreds of years after his life. They pray to him for travelers, sailors and captives, ask for peace in the family, pray in poverty and need. Through the prayers of this saint, the impossible is truly accomplished.

Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker

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Saint Blessed Xenia of Petersburg, even during her lifetime, was revered as an ambulance and miracle worker. With her great humility, the feat of spiritual and bodily poverty, love for neighbors and prayer, Xenia received the gift of clairvoyance. They pray to her in a variety of difficult everyday circumstances.

Holy Blessed Xenia of Petersburg

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For many years, the image of the Mother of God "The Inexhaustible Chalice", located in the Vysotsky Monastery, has been worthily revered by the Orthodox people as miraculous. Before this icon, they pray for healing, mainly from alcoholism and drug addiction.

Icon of the Mother of God "Inexhaustible Chalice"

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This icon depicts the Most Holy Theotokos, pierced by seven arrows, from which the icon got its name - "Seven Arrows". The seven swords symbolize the fullness of sorrow and heartache that have been endured on earth. Blessed Virgin Maria. The icon is revered miraculous. They pray to her for softening the hearts of those who approach you with evil, envious thoughts, for protection from enemies and ill-wishers. When they pray before her for enemies, they soften their hostile relations, yielding to a feeling of mercy.

Icon of the Mother of God "Seven Arrows"

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This miraculous appearance of the Mother of God took place in the tenth century in Constantinople. When the temple was filled with worshipers, Saint Blessed Andrew and Saint Epiphanius, raising their eyes to heaven, saw the Mother of God, illuminated by heavenly light and surrounded by angels and saints. The Most Pure Mother of God prayed with tears for the Christians. When she finished praying, she removed the veil from her head and spread it over the worshipers, protecting them from enemies visible and invisible.

Cover Holy Mother of God

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This icon is one of the most revered in Russia. More than once she saved from the invasion of enemies. Popular rumor ascribes to her the grace of healing from blindness and eye diseases. She is blessed upon marriage

Kazan Icon of the Mother of God

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When the Monk John of Damascus, whose hand was cut off due to the slander of his enemies, tearfully prayed before the icon of the Mother of God, his severed hand grew together. In gratitude for the healing, John hung a silver image of a hand on the icon, which is why it got its name. People pray to this icon for diseases of the hands, feet, peace of mind, in cases where there are literally not enough hands.

Icon of the Mother of God "Three Hands"

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The icon is connected with the story of the miraculous forgiveness of a sinner. The Mother of God spoke to him from the icon during prayer, and the sinner believed in his salvation, although these sins were too great. They turn to this icon even when they no longer hope for anyone's help. And also for the healing of ailments of deafness of the body and spirit.

Icon of the Mother of God "Unexpected Joy"

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One of the most famous and beloved Russian saints. By great deeds of piety, he acquired the gift of divination and healing. His relics dwell in the Diveevo Monastery, where a stream of suffering and praying continuously flows. They resort to Saint Seraphim with a request for the acquisition of love for neighbors, for the gift of unceasing prayer, for healing from all sorts of illnesses. A quick listener, a true joy for Christians.

Saint Seraphim of Sarov wonderworker

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The holy healer and great martyr Panteleimon was recognized as a great healer during his lifetime. Saint Panteleimon devoted his life to the suffering, the sick, the poor and the poor. He free of charge treated all who turned to him, healing them in the Name of Jesus Christ. To this day, they turn to him with prayers for various illnesses.

Holy Great Martyr Panteleimon the Healer

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According to legend, it was written by the Evangelist Luke. In the XIV century, the icon mysteriously disappeared from the church in Constantinople and appeared in Russia over the waters of Lake Ladoga near Tikhvin, where it is now. This icon is addressed with a prayer for deliverance from the invasion of enemies, they pray for the enlightenment of the blind, the healing of the possessed.

  • Try to explain the slide in your own words, add additional Interesting Facts, you don’t just need to read the information from the slides, the audience can read it themselves.
  • No need to overload your project slides with text blocks, more illustrations and a minimum of text will better convey information and attract attention. Only the key information should be on the slide, the rest is better to tell the audience orally.
  • The text must be well readable, otherwise the audience will not be able to see the information provided, will be greatly distracted from the story, trying to make out at least something, or completely lose all interest. To do this, you need to choose the right font, taking into account where and how the presentation will be broadcast, and also choose the right combination of background and text.
  • It is important to rehearse your report, think over how you will greet the audience, what you will say first, how you will finish the presentation. All comes with experience.
  • Choose the right outfit, because. The speaker's clothing also plays a big role in the perception of his speech.
  • Try to speak confidently, fluently and coherently.
  • Try to enjoy the performance so you can be more relaxed and less anxious.
  • The word "icon" Greek origin and means “image”, “portrait”.

    • During the formation of Christian art in Byzantium, this word denoted any image of the Savior, the Mother of God, a saint, an angel or an event in Sacred History, regardless of whether this image was sculptural, monumental painting or easel, and regardless of what technique it was executed .
    Now the word "icon" is applied primarily to a prayer icon painted with paints, carved, mosaic, etc.
    • Now the word "icon" is applied primarily to a prayer icon painted with paints, carved, mosaic, etc.
    The Orthodox Church constantly refined its art both in content and in form. With the help of colors, shapes and lines, the spiritual world of man is revealed to us. Beauty here is inner, spiritual beauty.
    • The Orthodox Church constantly refined its art both in content and in form. With the help of colors, shapes and lines, the spiritual world of man is revealed to us. Beauty here is inner, spiritual beauty.
    Not all images of the Savior, the Mother of God, a saint, an angel or an event in Sacred History can be called an icon.
    • Not all images of the Savior, the Mother of God, a saint, an angel or an event in Sacred History can be called an icon.
    • Archpriest Sergei Bulgakov described his impression of Raphael's "Sistine Madonna" as follows: “Here is beauty, only marvelous human beauty, with its religious ambiguity, but ... gracelessness. Praying before this image: this is blasphemy and impossibility! The beauty of the Renaissance is not holiness, but that ambiguous, demonic principle that covers the void, and his smile plays on the lips of Leonard's heroes.
    The icon is prayer itself. It visually and directly reveals to us that impassibility (freedom from passions), teaches us to "fast with our eyes." And indeed, it is impossible to “fast with the eyes” before any other image, whether it be non-objective (abstract) or ordinary
    • The icon is prayer itself. It visually and directly reveals to us that impassibility (freedom from passions), teaches us to "fast with our eyes." And indeed, it is impossible to “fast with the eyes” before any other image, whether it be non-objective (abstract) or ordinary
    The purpose of the icon is not to arouse or strengthen in us this or that natural human feeling. The icon is not "touching", not sensitive. Its purpose is to direct our feelings, mind and all our human nature to the path of transformation, cleansing us from any exaltation.
    • The purpose of the icon is not to arouse or strengthen in us this or that natural human feeling. The icon is not "touching", not sensitive. Its purpose is to direct our feelings, mind and all our human nature to the path of transformation, cleansing us from any exaltation.
    • The main images that occupy a central position in worship are the image of the Savior God and the image of the Most Holy Theotokos. Therefore, the first icons that appeared simultaneously with Christianity are the icons of Christ and the Mother of God.
    The first icons of the Savior and the Mother of God
    • Church Tradition affirms the existence of the icon of the Savior during His lifetime - this is the image that we know under the name of the Savior Not Made by Hands. The history of this image boils down to the following: Edessa king Abgar. Sick with leprosy, he sent his archivist-artist to Christ, asking Christ to come to Edessa and heal him. Christ, seeing that the archivist wanted to paint His portrait, washed himself, wiped his face with a handkerchief, and His image was imprinted on this handkerchief. Having received the payment, Avgar was healed. This greatly influenced the spread of Christianity among the inhabitants of Edessa.
    • Plat was kept in Edessa for a long time as a precious treasure of the city. In 944, the Byzantine emperors bought the Icon Not Made by Hands from Edessa. After the defeat of Constantinople by the crusaders in 1204. traces of the board are lost.
    The first icons of the Savior and the Mother of God
    • Church Tradition attributes the first icons of the Mother of God to the holy Evangelist Luke, who painted three of them after Pentecost.
    The first icons of the Savior and the Mother of God
    • According to church tradition, the icon was painted by the Evangelist Luke on the board of the table at which Christ, Mary and Joseph ate. This type of icon is called "Eleusa" ("Tenderness"). It emphasizes the natural human feeling, maternal love and tenderness. This is the image of a mother deeply grieving for the forthcoming sufferings of her son and silently experiencing their inevitability.
    • Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God
    The first icons of the Savior and the Mother of God
    • Another image belongs to the type "Odigria" ("Guide").
    • The icon no longer expresses boundless love, here the center of the composition is Christ, facing the coming (viewer), while the Mother of God, also depicted frontally (or with a slight tilt of her head), points with her hand at Jesus.
    The authorship of the holy Evangelist Luke here must be understood in the sense that these icons are lists (or rather, lists from lists) from icons once painted by the Evangelist
    • The authorship of the holy Evangelist Luke here must be understood in the sense that these icons are lists (or rather, lists from lists) from icons once painted by the Evangelist
    • Tikhvin Icon of the Mother of God
    • Kazan Icon of the Mother of God
    • Three-Handed (Tricheirusa)
    The first icons of the Savior and the Mother of God
    • And, finally, the third icon, apparently, depicted the Mother of God without the Child. There is no clear information about this icon. Most likely, it was an icon of the "Oranta" ("Praying") type. Image of the Virgin in full height with hands raised in prayer. The Mother of God prays for the entire human race, and the raised hands of Oranta have become a symbol of this eternal, unstoppable prayer that brings hope and protection to the world. In Rus', such images received the name "Indestructible Wall".
    Through icon painting (St. John of Damascus)
    • Through icon painting “... we contemplate the image of His bodily appearance and miracles, and His sufferings, we are sanctified and completely satisfied, and rejoice, and consider ourselves happy (...).”(St. John of Damascus)
    • END

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    Lesson Objectives:

    • acquaintance with the features of ancient Russian icon painting.
    • the formation of spiritual culture as part of the general culture of man; promotion of spiritual and moral education of students; education in students of love for their Fatherland, respect for the historical past and present of our Motherland through acquaintance with Russian icon painting
    • development in students of the ability to meaningful emotional and artistic perception of Russian icon painting and reflection on its features


    • images of icons;
    • cards with Church Slavonic letters;
    • cards-names of virtues and passions;
    • drawings with the letter “like”;

    During the classes

    Organizing time

    Hello guys! Check the readiness for the lesson, sit down.


    IN old times most peoples couldn't read Holy Bible in native language. Our ancestors, the Slavs, did not have their own written language. The brothers Cyril and Methodius, who became monks, created the first Slavic alphabet and translated the Gospel into the Slavic language. This alphabet is still used in the Church Slavonic language to this day. Let's remember what letters we already know.

    (Children come out with letters and read poetry).


    I fasted diligently
    Before communion.
    I reconciled with my sister
    I asked forgiveness
    Andrey and Dasha,
    And when I took communion
    I saw that: near the Chalice
    The good angel smiled.


    Ringing from the bell tower, ringing -
    He is called the Blessing.
    Ring my bell, ring
    Call people to you, call!
    Fly, fly good news
    That the temple is open and there is a service.


    In our church on Epiphany
    There was a watershed.
    We went with my sister
    For holy water.
    I'm not a vegetable in the garden
    I'm not just growing
    Holy water every day
    I drink on an empty stomach!


    The moon came out, shone
    The vault of heaven is full
    Golden peas.
    And I whispered softly:
    “This is all the Lord created!
    How good is he!”

    Reporting the topic and objectives of the lesson

    There is one letter with which we are not familiar, this letter -


    There is an icon of the house -
    The house is peaceful and bright.
    Gives everyone an icon
    Thankful warmth.

    Our topic of the lesson today is “What does the icon tell about?” We will remember what we have already learned about the icon, how the icon appeared, we will tell about the icons we know and learn about new ones. While the icons are silent, but I hope that thanks to your knowledge and kind soul with which you came to the lesson, the icons will speak.

    The word icon is Greek and in Russian means “image”, “image”. Holy tradition says that Jesus Christ himself was the first to give people His visible image.

    King Abgar, who ruled during the earthly life of the Lord Jesus Christ in the Syrian city of Edessa, was seriously ill with leprosy. Hearing that in Palestine there is a great "prophet and miracle worker" Jesus, who teaches about the Kingdom of God and heals any illness, Abgar believed in Him and sent his court painter Ananias to give Jesus Abgar's letter with a request for healing and painted a portrait of Jesus. The artist found Jesus, But he could not make a “portrait” “because of the shining brilliance of His face.” The Lord himself came to his aid. He took a piece of fabric from the artist and applied it to His Divine face, which is why His divine image was imprinted on the fabric by the power of grace. Having received this Holy Image - the first icon created by the Lord Himself, Abgar venerated it with faith and received healing for his faith.

    And at present, despite the fact that modern icon painters are reviving the traditions of canonical writing, in many churches, for the most part, you can see images in the academic style.

    Of course, an icon is always a shrine, no matter how pictorially it is executed. The main thing is to always feel the degree of responsibility of the icon painter for his work to the one he depicts: the image must be worthy of the Prototype.

    Analogue icons

    The lectern is a high rectangular table with a sloping top, which stands opposite each altar in front of the iconostasis; a festive icon is placed on it, corresponding to a particular day, or an icon corresponding to the dedication of the chapel. Such icons are called lecterns.

    If you heard in the church the request of those praying to pass or light a candle to the "holiday" - it was about the candlestick in front of the icon lying on the lectern in the chapel where the service is taking place.

    There are a lot of holidays in the Orthodox Church, and even ancient, "rich" churches cannot afford to have painted icons for each of them. But in many churches there are not even the most necessary lectern icons. So, for example, most often the icon of the Resurrection of Christ is placed on the lectern - on each Saturday evening and Sunday morning, and in many churches services are performed only on these days. And very often on the lectern these days you can see a small printed icon in a plastic baguette or an icon shining due to silk-screen printing. We are sure that if you donate to such a temple an lectern icon of the Resurrection of Christ, the rector and all the parishioners will pray for you at every service.

    Since the time of princes Vladimir and Yaroslav, Orthodox Slavs have worn on their chests, in addition to the pectoral cross, pectoral icons with images of the Virgin, the Savior, and saints. Orthodox icons on the neck were made of wood (by carving), of precious metals - gold, silver. Now the traditions of wearable Orthodox icons are being revived.

    By the time of the celebration they are:

    • motionless (not passing) - every year fall on the same number;
    • mobile (passing) - depend on the time of Easter celebration (not earlier than April 4 and not later than May 8) and therefore fall every year on different days, but are celebrated on the same days of the week, because Easter is always celebrated on Sunday.

    An ancestral family icon is a protector of the whole family, a value that has been passed down from parents to children for centuries. In Rus', not a single important business could do without the blessing of a family icon. The tradition of family icons has centuries-old roots, unites the family, strengthens the family, spiritually enriches the person.

    Most often, the family icon depicts the Mother of God with the Child, surrounded by saints of God. These can be saints, whose names are family members or especially revered intercessors and patrons of the family.

    The choice of the central image for the family icon has a very great importance. That is why, before starting work, the icon painter spends a lot of time communicating with the family for whom the icon will be painted. If one of the family members was born on the day of the celebration of any of the images of the Virgin, then a decision can be made to write this image on the icon.

    While working on a family icon, the master prays for the well-being of this family, and the family, in turn, prays that the Lord will send him the Holy Spirit to help him. The family icon is one of the main family shrines. You can buy such an icon as a gift for a young family and give it for the wedding day. It depicts two saints - the patrons of the husband and wife.

    A family icon is a gift that is unique in its essence. She will protect, protect and unite the family, help overcome difficulties. Therefore, you can order and buy such an icon for any significant event for the family.

    The main feature of the family icon is that thanks to it it is possible to carry out conciliar prayer, that is, to bring together the requests of each family member who prays not only for himself, but also for his loved ones. The family icon is a shrine that unites the whole family in love, patience, trust and mutual understanding. Thanks to such an icon, family disputes and troubles can be overcome.

    Since ancient times, there have been folds or polyptychs on the territory of Russia - folding multi-leaf portable altars, in some cases serving as reliquaries for saving particles of the relics of saints. Such ancient objects of worship could have a different number of wings made of wood, bone or metal. Folding doors were painted, decorated with carved elements, and also decorated with enamel painting. Such antiquities with two wings were called diptychs, folding made up of three wings - triptychs, and of four - quadriptychs. The least common were folding polyptychs, consisting of a large number sashes.

    As a rule, ancient folds in Rus' were breastplates and were worn on a cord. There were also folds in the form of an ark, in which the icon was put. In the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, workshops at the monasteries created large folding iconostases intended for campaigns.

    In Rus', breast folds, underwear and set-up or icon cases were known. All these cult objects could be worthwhile - they were taken with them on a pilgrimage, on the road or on a hike. Some old folds with a large number of wings were called camping. According to historical information, in the seventeenth century, all warriors necessarily had triple folds worn on the chest. The military never parted with such relics.

    The icon has a great power of grace action, purifying the souls of people contemplating it. According to the Orthodox dogma of icon veneration, approved by the 7th Ecumenical Council, "the honor given to an icon refers to its prototype, and the worshiper of an icon worships the hypostasis depicted on it." The Council especially emphasizes that we pay veneration to the icons, and not the worship that is due to God alone. "The icon mysteriously contains the presence of the one whom it depicts, and this presence is the closer, more graceful and stronger, the more the icon corresponds to the church canon."

    All canonical icons in churches or houses are sacred due to their spiritual content and meaning. However, some are chosen by the Providence of God for special signs. The inexpressible light, fragrance emanating from them, St. myrrh - material signs of the appearance of the heavenly world, the Kingdom of God.

    Story Orthodox Church has about a thousand images, famous for miracles throughout the history of Christianity. Most of them are images of the Mother of God, the Heavenly Intercessor of the human race. The main reason for venerating this or that image as miraculous was the certified gift of concrete help to people, whether it be healing the sick, intercession from enemies, fires, or the elements. Sometimes this help was preceded or accompanied by some supernatural event: the Mother of God herself came in a dream or in a vision and told where and how to find Her image; the icons walked through the air, descended or ascended by themselves; a radiance was seen from them when they were obtained

    The iconostasis is quite easy to learn to understand if you know the principle by which the icons are located in the iconostasis.

    • So, the first row is the icons called “local”.

    First of all, these are the main icons of the iconostasis: the icons of the Savior and the Mother of God. Take a closer look, they are always located on the sides of the royal doors and are clearly visible in this photo.

    Further, an icon depicting a saint (or an event) in whose honor the temple was consecrated belongs to a number of local icons. This may be the icon of the Holy Trinity (if the Trinity Church), the icon of the Assumption of the Mother of God (if the Assumption Church), etc.

    Local icons also include icons of revered saints (for example, whose relics are kept in the temple) or other icons that, for one reason or another, it was decided to place in the first row of the iconostasis.

    • The second row of the iconostasis: the Deesis rank, that is, the saints coming to Christ in reverent worship.
    • Third row: Twelfth feasts, that is, the 12 most important holidays of the Orthodox Church. These icons are often made small.

    The red corner was the most important and honorable place in the house. In Rus', the hut was always lined up in a certain way, taking into account the sides of the horizon, the red corner was on the eastern side, in the farthest and most well-lit place. It contained a home iconostasis. It was considered important that when entering the hut, a person should first of all pay attention to the icon. In this regard, there was even a saying "Without God - not up to the threshold."

    The icons were installed on a special shelf and had to be in a certain order. The most important icons that should have been in every home were the icons of the Virgin and the Savior. The red corner was always kept clean and sometimes decorated with embroidered towels.

    Creative work (you can ask home)

    Today we talked about icons. They also have their own meaning.

    • White - moral, pure
    • Black is darkness evil forces
    • Red - fire, life
    • Green is a symbol of life on Earth
    • Crimson - a sign of greatness
    • Blue is the color of heavenly truth

    Color the letter “LIKE” given to you.

    Lesson summary

    So our lesson has come to an end. Continue suggestions:

    • Today in class I learned that...
    • Today in class I realized that...
    • Today in class, I felt...
    • I really want to...

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    Strict canons - from the choice of materials to the final touches on the pictorial surface - were thought out and comprehended to the smallest detail in ancient times and over time acquired the character of rigorous implementation. Canon - norm, rule, law.

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    Iconography was a great art. The icon painter specially prepared for the commission of the "work of icon-making". This was an act of communication with the other world and required spiritual and physical purification, when everything carnal was suppressed as much as possible: "... when he painted the holy icon, he only touched food on Saturdays and Sundays, not giving himself rest day and night. He spent the night in vigil, prayer and prostrations. In the daytime, with all humility, non-possession, purity, patience, fasting, love, God-thinking, he indulged in icon painting.

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    The basis for the icon is wood. Icon painting originated in the Holy Land, where wood has always been worth its weight in gold. A tree is a sacred material consecrated in Christianity, since Christ was crucified on it. It was the tree, the last earthly substance, that His still living Body touched, it was it that kept the memory of the incarnated God. Therefore, the wooden base of any icon, recalling the most important relic of Christianity - the True Tree of the Savior - itself became a memory, a prototype of a sacred relic.

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    The creation of the icon takes place in stages. All stages are arranged in strict sequence.

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    Stage 1 Foundation. The base is a board, or several glued boards, suitably processed and prepared for the application of subsequent layers. (linden, pine, spruce, alder, larch, fir, cypress, beech

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    On front side boards, a flat recess is hewn out, around which the frame, or field, is left intact. The recessed part of the board is called the "ark"; the ledge formed by the ark is called "husks". By isolating what is depicted on the icon from the earthly environment, the fields contribute to the concentration of the worshiper.

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    Stage 2 Glue layer. The prepared board is glued with hot and liquid wood glue. Mezdromu glue is usually preferred, at present, food or technical gelatin is often used.

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    Stage 3 Pavolok. After gluing, a canvas of rare fabric is glued onto the board. Usually gauze, or a similar cloth, is used. The fabric for the canvas was always chosen “dilapidated”, washed, so the rags were carefully collected from home and given away, and sometimes sold, exchanged to icon painters. The new matter was not good - it was too rough and rough for work. Very often, especially in monasteries, even old worn-out tablecloths from refectory tables were used.

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    Stage 4 Ground. Primer - gesso is a mixture of wood glue with chalk. For the ground, glue is used that is stronger than for gluing the board (at least 10 very thin layers). After complete drying, the base is ready for painting.

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    Stage 5 Gilding. If the icon must have a gilded background, or other elements, then the gilding is performed before applying the paint layer.

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    Stage 6 Paint layer. Or a layer of painting. Egg tempera is traditionally used in icon painting. Natural egg tempera paints are made from natural pigments and egg emulsion.

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    Stage 7 Protective layer. After the icon is painted, it must be protected from adverse influences. external environment, for which the picturesque layer is covered with a thin layer of drying oil or a special varnish.

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    Painting the icon After the gesso has dried, an image is applied to the icon. Drawing is a contour drawing from an already painted icon (recognized as corresponding to church canons), made, most often, on paper or tracing paper and intended for translating contours.

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    Painting and oiling the icon After drawing on the ground, gilding the halos or the background, the process of painting the icon is divided into several successive stages: 1. Revealing the icon (laying the basic tones); 2. Painting; 3. Gaps - highlighting clothes, buildings, slides, etc.; 4. Okhrenie - brightening faces and hair with their subsequent processing (brown, shading, etc.); 5. Application of an assist or inakopi (rays and highlights written in gold or silver)

    Trifonova Lyudmila Petrovna, teacher of fine arts, MHK, Religions of Russia, MBOU Arefinskaya secondary school, Nizhny Novgorod region. Compiled on the basis of the UMK V.K. Romanovsky "Religions of Russia" grades 8-9.
    Orthodox icon

    What is an icon?
    An icon is an image accepted by the Church and consecrated of Jesus Christ, the Mother of God, saints and various events from sacred and church history. Icons are painted with paints according to strictly defined rules on a wooden board covered with gesso.

    According to church tradition, the first icon was the Image of the Savior Not Made by Hands, in the creation of which human hands did not participate. The ruler of the city of Edessa, Prince Avgar, wanted to paint the image of Christ, but the artist did not succeed. Then Jesus Christ washed his face and wiped his face with a cloth, on which His Divine face was imprinted.

    Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God
    According to legend, this icon was painted by the apostle and evangelist Luke. When the apostle showed this image to the Mother of God, she said: “The grace of the One born of Me and Mine will be with this icon.”
    The celebration of this icon takes place on June 3, July 6, September 8.

    Kazan Icon of the Mother of God
    This icon is especially revered in Rus'. Appeared in the city of Kazan in 1579. The Kazan icon is blessed to the crown, before it they pray for family well-being, for the healing of the eyes. The Kazan icon was in the 2nd militia of Minin and Pozharsky, helped to liberate Moscow from the Poles. The celebration of the Kazan Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos takes place on July 21 and November 4.

    Smolensk Icon of the Mother of God
    One of the very first icons contemporary to the Theotokos Herself. She was the first of the Byzantine miraculous icons to arrive in Rus' in 1046. together with Princess Anna, the future wife of Prince Vsevolod Yaroslavich. Its other name is "Odigidria". In 1238 the Tatars approached Smolensk, the inhabitants of the city prayed to this icon, and the Tatars retreated. Celebration - 10 August.

    Tikhvin Icon of the Mother of God
    According to legend, this icon was painted by the Evangelist Luke. For a long time she was in Constantinople. In 1383 the icon appeared over the waters of Lake Ladoga and then stopped at the Tikhvinka River. This place is now the Tikhvin Monastery. Celebration - July 9th.

    Kursk Icon of the Mother of God "The Sign"
    The Kursk Icon was found in 1295 on the banks of the Turskara River, not far from the city of Kursk. Now on this site is the Root Hermitage Monastery. In the years civil war was taken abroad. The celebration of this icon takes place on December 10, March 21, September 21.

    Fedorov Icon of the Mother of God
    The first glorification of the icon dates back to the 12th century, the holy image was in a chapel near Gorodets, then the Fedorovsky Monastery was built on this site. The icon was often on fire, but always came out intact, undamaged by fire. This icon was revered by the entire Romanov dynasty. Celebration of the icon - March 27 and August 29.

    Iberian Icon of the Mother of God
    The greatest shrine of Athos. In the 9th century she was with a widow who lived near the city of Nicaea. One iconoclast hit the icon with a spear, and immediately blood flowed from the affected area. Many years later, the icon appeared on the sea near the Iberian monastery on Mount Athos. In this monastery, she is still. Celebration - 25 February. October 26th.

    Icon of the Mother of God "Three Hands"
    A miraculous icon associated with the life of St. John of Damascus. The caliph of Damascus ordered that John's hand be cut off, which then miraculously grew back. In memory of this, John attached silver hand to the icon. Celebration - 11 and 25 July.

    Don Icon of the Mother of God
    The Don Icon helped Russian soldiers many times. For the first time - on the Kulikovo field in 1380. Another time, Ivan the Terrible prayed before her before going to Kazan. By her intercession, Moscow was saved in 1591 from Khan Kazygirey. The celebration of the Don Icon takes place on September 1.

    Icon of the Mother of God "Unexpected Joy"
    This miraculous icon The Mother of God, which depicts a miracle described by St. Demetrius of Rostov: a sinner was praying to the Mother of God and suddenly saw blood on the hands and feet of the Divine Infant, as on the cross of the Savior. The Mother of God told him that this was done by sinners like him. The man then repented and began to live righteously. Celebration of the icon on May 14 and December 22.

    Icon of the Mother of God "Joy of All Who Sorrow"
    This miraculous icon first became famous in Moscow in 1688, in the Church of the Transfiguration on Ordynka, for the healing of Euphemia. November 6 celebration.

    Tsarskoye Selo Icon of the Mother of God "The Sign"
    The icon "The Sign" refers equally to the life of Christ and the Virgin Mary. This icon was presented to Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich. Then she passed to Peter 1, and then, as a symbol of blessing, she passed to Empress Elizabeth Petrovna. The icon was revered by all members of the imperial family.

    Icon of the Mother of God "Reigning"
    Appeared to the Russian people on March 15, 1917, on the day of the abdication of Tsar Nicholas2 from the throne in the church with. Kolomenskoe. She was found in the basement among the junk, washed. The news quickly spread throughout Russia that the Mother of God herself had assumed supreme power over the people. The celebration takes place on March 15th.

    Icon of the Mother of God "Inexhaustible Chalice"
    The Inexhaustible Chalice Icon portends to all those who have taken communion and believed in eternal spiritual life. This is one of the most ancient icon-painting plots. This icon grants healing from many troubles, disasters and sins.

    Icon of the Holy Righteous John of Kronstadt
    The spiritual life of Russia in the late 19th and early 20th centuries was adorned with the ascetic activity of John of Kronstadt, a brilliant preacher, healer, and benefactor. The relics and the icon of the righteous are in the Ioannovsky Stauropegial Church founded by him. convent on the river Karpovka.

    If there is an icon of the house - The house is peaceful and light. Gives everyone the icon of blessed warmth. By prayer and by faith Through the holy iconostasis, As through open doors, the Mercy of God enters us.

    Textbook: Religions of Russia. Part 2: tutorial for 9th grade students general education schools/ ed. – comp. V.K.Romanovsky, L.A.Gonchar. - Nizhny Novgorod: Nizhny Novgorod Institute for the Development of Education, 2013.
