Silver Hand in Skyrim. Chronicles of Corum

Michael Moorcock

Chronicles of Corum. Silver hand




At that time there were oceans, lights, and cities in the sky, and wild bronze birds. Red animals, higher than castles, growled menacingly. Emerald fish swam in black rivers. It was the time of gods who descended to earth, of giants wandering on the waters; the time of vile evil spirits and mindless spirits, which could be summoned with the help of spells and which left only when a terrible bloody sacrifice was made to them; a time of magic, enchantment, changing nature, crazy paradoxes; dreams that came true, nightmares that turned into reality.

An eventful time, a dark time. Time of the Lords of Swords. The time when the civilization of two ancient enemies, the Vadagas and the Nadrags, was fading away. The time when Man appeared, a slave of fear, not knowing that he was afraid of himself. And it was as funny as many other things connected with Man (who in those days called his race "Mabdens").

The Mabdens did not live long and multiplied quickly. Within two or three centuries they populated the western continent on which they appeared, but out of superstition they did not send their ships to the Vadagas and Nadrags for several more centuries. Seeing that they were being ignored, the Mabdens grew bolder, feeling jealous of the ancient races, angry with them with great anger.

The Vadaghs and Nadrags did not suspect anything. For more than a million years they lived on a planet on which, as it seemed to them, peace had finally reigned. They knew about the existence of the Mabdens, but considered them a new species of animal. Continuing the tradition of hating each other, they studied abstractions, created marvelous works of art, and spent long hours in thought. Intelligent, wise, and having found inner peace, the ancient races could not believe that changes were coming to the world. And therefore, as always happens, they did not notice their ominous signs.

The oldest enemies did not share knowledge with each other, although last fight died down between them many centuries ago.

The Vadaghs lived as separate families in castles scattered throughout the continent, which they called Bro-en-Vadag. These families rarely communicated with each other, because the Vadags had long ago lost all interest in traveling. The Nadrags lived in cities on islands in the ocean northwest of Bro-en-Vadagh. They also did not like socializing and rarely met even with their loved ones.

The emerging People were fruitful and multiplied, settling throughout the Earth. Like a plague, they exterminated representatives of the ancient races who came across their path. Man brought with him not only death, but also fear. He deliberately turned old world into the ruins, covering them with fragments of bones. Without realizing it, he caused so much trouble that the Great Ancient Gods were horrified.

The Great Old Gods also knew fear.

And Man, a slave of fear, impudent in his ignorance, continued, stumbling at every step, to create progress. He had no idea what terrible changes he had caused in the world by satisfying his worthless needs. In addition, Man had only a few senses and did not know about the multiplicity of the Universe, while the Vadagi and Nadragi could travel through other worlds coexisting with the Earth, which they called the Five Dimensions.

It seemed unfair that the wise men should perish at the hands of the ignorant Mabdens, who were little different from animals. They resembled vampires feasting on the paralyzed body of a poet who looks at them with an astonished gaze, losing a life that the bloodsuckers cannot understand.

“If they appreciated what they stole, if they knew what they destroyed,” said one old Vadag in the story “The Last Autumn Flower,” “I would be consoled.”

The injustice was obvious.

By creating Man, the Universe betrayed the ancient races.

However, this was an eternal and inevitable injustice. A living being can perceive and love the universe, but the universe cannot perceive and love a living being. It does not differentiate between different forms of life. Everyone is equal. The Universe, armed with matter and the power of creation, creates. She is not able to control those whom she creates, and those whom she creates are not able to control the Universe (although many deceive themselves into thinking otherwise). He who fights against it tries to crush the indestructible. He who shakes his fists threatens the blind stars.

But this does not mean that there are no creatures left in the Universe who fight for justice and try to overcome the impossible.

There will always be such creatures, and among them there will be many wise men who will not want to believe in the indifference of the Universe,

Prince Corum Jaylin Irsi was one of them. He was one of the last, or perhaps the last, of the Vadag, and they called him “The Scarlet Robe Prince.”

This chronicle tells about him.


in which Prince Corum is visited by an unpleasant and strange vision...



The beautiful Ralina died. Ninety-six years is the limit for a mortal woman. Corum mourned her for a long time. Seven years passed, and the prince still felt heavy in his heart, because he himself could live another thousand years and therefore brief century Mabdenov aroused in him an incomprehensible envy. Corum avoided the Mabdens themselves, because they reminded him of Ralin.

The Vadaghs again began to settle in secluded castles. The castles looked so much like rocks that the Mabdens saw them not as dwellings, but as blocks of granite, limestone and basalt. But Corum also avoided the Vadags - the years spent with Ralina accustomed him to the society of the Mabdens. This strange situation encouraged him to study poetry, painting and music, for which special halls were set aside in Erorn Castle.

So, a stranger to everyone, Corum lived in the castle of Erorn by the sea. His guests visited him less and less often. The servants (now they were Wadags) were racking their brains over how to instill in the Prince the idea that he should marry a Wadags woman who would give birth to children and restore interest in life, both the present and the future. But they did not know how to approach their master, Corum Jaylin Irsi, the Prince in the Scarlet Robe, with whose help the world got rid of many fears and overthrew the all-powerful gods.

Fear crept into the servants' hearts. They began to fear Corum, a lonely wadag with a bandage covering his empty eye socket, Corum silently wandering at night through the dark halls of the castle or riding gloomily on horseback through the winter forest.

Corum himself was scared. He was frightened by empty days, years filled with loneliness; he was waiting for one thing - when the slow passage of centuries would lead him to death.

The Prince also thought about suicide, but it seemed to him that such an act would insult the memory of Ralin. He also thought about new campaigns; but where to find undeveloped lands in this cozy and calm world. Even the wild mabdens of King Lir-a-Brod returned to their usual occupations, becoming farmers, traders, fishermen, and miners. There was no threat to the world; there was no obvious injustice in it. Having lost the ancient gods, the Mabdens were filled with contentment, kindness and wisdom.

Corum recalled the hobbies of his youth. He was once a hunter. Now I have completely lost my taste for hunting. Too many times has the Prince acted as the huntsman in battle with the Lords of Swords to feel anything other than compassion for the hunted. Corum rode a lot in the past. He was delighted by the wonderful, lush green lands of Erorn Castle. Now the taste for life has disappeared. However, the Prince still took horseback rides to this day.

His path ran through deciduous forests bordering the cape on which Erorn Castle stood. Sometimes Corum ventured to a green lowland overgrown with heather - he was greeted by dense thickets of gorse, falcons soaring in the sky, and impenetrable silence. Sometimes Corum returned to the castle along the seaside road, which ran dangerously close to the steep, loose shore. Far below, high white waves hissed and roared furiously against the rocks. Sometimes the splashes reached Corum, but he hardly noticed them. But once upon a time this brought him joy...

Corum spent most of his time in the castle. Neither the sun, nor the wind, nor the sound of the rain could lure him out of the gloomy rooms, filled with love, light and fun at the time when Ralina lived in them... Sometimes Corum did not even get up from his chair. His slender body rested on the pillows, his yellow-purple eye tried to pierce the darkness of the past, which thickened year after year. Corum's despair grew as much of what connected him with Galina began to fade and be forgotten. The image of a mortal woman plunged the Vadag prince into the abyss of sadness. Along with people, ghosts also entered Erorn.

Sometimes, when the melancholy subsided, Corum remembered Jerry-a-Conel, a long-liver like himself, and why did he decide to leave this Dimension... The Companion of Heroes traveled freely throughout all Fifteen Dimensions, he was his guide, comrade and adviser , behind whose many guises, according to Jerry, Corum himself was hiding. It was Jerry-a-Conel who said that together with him they constituted a certain single Great Hero; In the castle of Voilodion-Gagnasdag, Jerry met with other incarnations of Corum - Erikese and Elric. Corum could accept this idea with his mind, but his feelings resisted it. Corum was himself. This was his destiny.

Corum saved Jerry's collection of paintings. These were mostly self-portraits, but there were also portraits of Ralina and Corum, as well as images of the black and white winged cat that Jerry always carried with him, it was as indispensable to him as his wide-brimmed hat. In the most difficult moments, Corum peered at the paintings, remembering the past, but soon they too began to seem to him like portraits of some strangers. Corum tried to think about the future, make some plans, but all his good intentions led to nothing. No matter how detailed and reasonable the plan was, it was enough for exactly one day. Erorn Castle was littered with unfinished poems, novels, paintings and scores. Fate turned the peaceful Vadag into a warrior, but deprived him of his opponents. That was Corum's fate. He did not need to cultivate the land, since Wadag food was found in abundance within the castle walls. There was no shortage of meat or wine. Erorn Castle provided its few inhabitants with everything they needed to live. For many years, Corum has been making hand-made prosthetics, similar to those he saw in the doctor's house in the world of Lady Jane Pentalion. ...

Silver hand
Job sourceSkvor
RewardPossibility of turning into a werewolf
PreviousTest of Valor
NextBlood Honor
LocationWhiterun, Gallows Rock,

Brief walkthrough

  • Talk to Skjor.
  • Meet Skjor at night.
  • Enter the Lower Forge.
  • Take part in the Blood Ritual.
  • Talk to Eila.
  • Kill werewolf killers.

Detailed walkthrough

Secret meeting

After completing the Companions side quest, most members will direct you to Skvor for your next task, it turns out he has "something special" planned for you. Skvor will be less talkative than usual, so he will invite you to meet near the Lower Forge after dark. At night, he will wait near the secret entrance, determined to make you a stronger member of the Companions. Skvor will open a secret entrance and order you to follow him.

Bloody Ritual

In the Lower Forge we will be met by Aela the Huntress in the form of a werewolf. She will be waiting for you near the empty vessel in the middle of the room. Skvor will introduce her to you as an "ancestor" and ask you to keep everything a secret from Kodlak Whitebeard. When you're ready, Skvor will make a cut on Aela's arm to let her blood fill the vessel. After using the vessel you will be disconnected.


You will wake up in the form of a werewolf and feel all the hatred that comes with your kind. If you step outside, the townspeople and guards will immediately start attacking you, leaving you with only two choices - avoid them or kill them. After some time (or if your life bar gets too low) low level) you will disconnect again.
The easiest way to avoid unwanted losses is to simply wait a few hours after leaving the Lower Forge, as this will wear off your thirst and you will move on to the next scene.
There is another option - once you transform, return to the Lower Forge and exit into the forest through the secret exit.

Silver hand

This time you will wake up in the forest, wearing only a rag, and see Aela, who will be watching you. She will congratulate you on surviving the initiation and inform you about a group of werewolf hunters - the Silver Hand. She will also say that they occupied Gallows Rock, without even hiding the fact that you will have to slaughter them in the near future. Skvor will already be there, so Aela will act as your partner (but without the ability to give her orders), move towards the Rock. Several Silver Hand members will be guarding the entrance, so get rid of them and enter the fort.

Gallows Rock

The first room is a closed area, so pull the chain next to the severed werewolf head and move on. The fort is filled with followers of the Silver Hand and caged werewolves (both dead and alive) who are being tortured. Don't forget to pick up the book on One-Handed Weapons in the large northern room, the book on Blacksmithing near the workbench.
When you reach the northwest room, Aela will warn you about Krewe - the leader of the Silver Hand, so be on your guard. Once the room is cleared, Aela will find Skvor's dead body. After talking to her, you will complete the quest and find your way out through the northeast door. There are now three side quests available to you in Jorvasskr, and you will need to complete 2 of them to gain access to the next main quest - Honor of the Blood.

Michael Moorcock

Silver hand


The Bull and the Spear

The land on which the ancient people of the Mabdens once lived, and where their descendants now live, has become covered with ice centuries later... The terrible Foy Mieurs, who came from Limbo, send a winter cold to the once beautiful Lium-an-Es.

What can save the Earth and people from destruction? Prince Corum, who has again come to their aid, goes in search of the mysterious Bull and Spear - are they the source of salvation?


At that time there were oceans, lights, and cities in the sky, and wild bronze birds. Red animals, higher than castles, growled menacingly. Emerald fish swam in black rivers. It was the time of gods who descended to earth, of giants wandering on the waters; the time of vile evil spirits and mindless spirits, which could be summoned with the help of spells and which left only when a terrible bloody sacrifice was made to them; a time of magic, enchantment, changing nature, crazy paradoxes; dreams that came true, nightmares that turned into reality.

An eventful time, a dark time. Time of the Lords of Swords. The time when the civilization of two ancient enemies, the Vadagas and the Nadrags, was fading away. The time when Man appeared, a slave of fear, not knowing that he was afraid of himself. And it was as funny as many other things connected with Man (who in those days called his race "Mabdens").

The Mabdens did not live long and multiplied quickly. Within two or three centuries they populated the western continent on which they appeared, but out of superstition they did not send their ships to the Vadagas and Nadrags for several more centuries. Seeing that they were being ignored, the Mabdens grew bolder, feeling jealous of the ancient races, angry with them with great anger.

The Vadaghs and Nadrags did not suspect anything. For more than a million years they lived on a planet on which, as it seemed to them, peace had finally reigned. They knew about the existence of the Mabdens, but considered them a new species of animal. Continuing the tradition of hating each other, they studied abstractions, created marvelous works of art, and spent long hours in thought. Intelligent, wise, and having found inner peace, the ancient races could not believe that changes were coming to the world. And therefore, as always happens, they did not notice their ominous signs.

The oldest enemies did not share knowledge with each other, although the last battle between them died down many centuries ago.

The Vadaghs lived as separate families in castles scattered throughout the continent, which they called Bro-en-Vadag. These families rarely communicated with each other, because the Vadags had long ago lost all interest in traveling. The Nadrags lived in cities on islands in the ocean northwest of Bro-en-Vadagh. They also did not like socializing and rarely met even with their loved ones.

The emerging People were fruitful and multiplied, settling throughout the Earth. Like a plague, they exterminated representatives of the ancient races who came across their path. Man brought with him not only death, but also fear. He deliberately turned the old world into ruins, covering them with fragments of bones. Without realizing it, he caused so much trouble that the Great Ancient Gods were horrified.

The Great Old Gods also knew fear.

And Man, a slave of fear, impudent in his ignorance, continued, stumbling at every step, to create progress. He had no idea what terrible changes he had caused in the world by satisfying his worthless needs. In addition, Man had only a few senses and did not know about the multiplicity of the Universe, while the Vadagi and Nadragi could travel through other worlds coexisting with the Earth, which they called the Five Dimensions.

It seemed unfair that the wise men should perish at the hands of the ignorant Mabdens, who were little different from animals. They resembled vampires feasting on the paralyzed body of a poet who looks at them with an astonished gaze, losing a life that the bloodsuckers cannot understand.

“If they appreciated what they stole, if they knew what they destroyed,” said one old Vadag in the story “The Last Autumn Flower,” “I would be comforted.”

The injustice was obvious.

By creating Man, the Universe betrayed the ancient races.

However, this was an eternal and inevitable injustice. A living being can perceive and love the universe, but the universe cannot perceive and love a living being. It does not differentiate between different forms of life. Everyone is equal. The Universe, armed with matter and the power of creation, creates. She is not able to control those whom she creates, and those whom she creates are not able to control the Universe (although many deceive themselves into thinking otherwise). He who fights against it tries to crush the indestructible. He who shakes his fists threatens the blind stars.

But this does not mean that there are no creatures left in the Universe who fight for justice and try to overcome the impossible.

There will always be such creatures, and among them there will be many wise men who will not want to believe in the indifference of the Universe,

Prince Corum Jaylin Irsi was one of them. He was one of the last, or perhaps the last, of the Vadag, and they called him “The Scarlet Robe Prince.”

This chronicle tells about him.


in which Prince Corum is visited by an unpleasant and strange vision...



The beautiful Ralina died. Ninety-six years is the limit for a mortal woman. Corum mourned her for a long time. Seven years passed, and the prince still felt a heaviness in his heart, because he himself could live another thousand years and therefore the short century of the Mabdens aroused in him an incomprehensible envy. Corum avoided the Mabdens themselves, because they reminded him of Ralin.

The Vadaghs again began to settle in secluded castles. The castles looked so much like rocks that the Mabdens saw them not as dwellings, but as blocks of granite, limestone and basalt. But Corum also avoided the Vadags - the years spent with Ralina accustomed him to the society of the Mabdens. This strange situation encouraged him to study poetry, painting and music, for which special halls were set aside in Erorn Castle.

So, a stranger to everyone, Corum lived in the castle of Erorn by the sea. His guests visited him less and less often. The servants (now they were Wadags) were racking their brains over how to instill in the Prince the idea that he should marry a Wadags woman who would give birth to children and restore interest in life, both the present and the future. But they did not know how to approach their master, Corum Jaylin Irsi, the Prince in the Scarlet Robe, with whose help the world got rid of many fears and overthrew the all-powerful gods.

The Silver Hand is a group opposing the werewolves of Skyrim, first encountered when completing a line of companion quests in Whiterun. For the player they are the only source of Silver weapons; other than them it is impossible to get them.

They look like ordinary bandits, except that they wear such blades and sometimes you can find them on their bodies, which indicates their possible connection with vampires. How to join the Silver Hand in Skyrim? But in no way, the developers do not provide for such an opportunity; they are ordinary opponents, like bandits or robbers. The Silver Hand quest in Skyrim is essentially one of the quests in the line of companions. As a result, upon completion of this chain, most of the organization and their leader will be destroyed, and the player will have the opportunity to either remain a werewolf or be healed. You can be healed by throwing the witch's head into the fire in the final quest of your companions and killing the spirit of the beast that appears.

The passage of the Silver Hand quest in Skyrim begins with a conversation with Skjor. After talking with him, we wait for nightfall and meet near the lower forge. We go through the stone passage inside. We accept the offer from the “circle” and go through the ritual. After the ritual main character falls asleep and wakes up in the form of a beast. After some time, the character falls asleep again and wakes up in the guise of a man in the forest, and Eila is standing next to him. He gives the task, you need to run to the “Gallows Rock” and kill the gang and their leader Krev Shkuroder. We go along the map, kill everything that comes along the way, at the end of the cave the same Krev will stand. After completion, we return back to Whiterun and discover that the hunters have reached Skjor, and we, as befits a true comrade-in-arms, have to take revenge.

At this point, the task ends and the next one in the chain “Blood and Honor” begins. By storyline Companions can also find a source of power in the lair. It is located near the city of Markarth, on the white coast. In the Silver Lair, the word of power "disarmament" is studied. Unfortunately, despite all the efforts of the localizers, many jokes were lost in the game in Russian; you can master the language to such an extent that you can freely play the original version, enjoying interesting word finds, Easter eggs and various references from the project developers.

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Juliana Berlinguer

Silver hand

Through the dry crackling of breaking branches, through the noise of some fuss and panting, a dog’s squeal suddenly breaks through and immediately falls silent.

Aultinu, pausing on the descent, quickly turns around and sees his puppy - a cross between a shepherd and a mongrel, who whined only because his shaggy hair caught on a thorny bush: from the very sheepfold he quietly sneaks behind the owner, trying not to catch his eye.

The puppy, frozen, looks at Aultina and waits for punishment, but the boy only scolds him: Timau must stay upstairs, in the sheepfold, and guard the herd with the other dogs - let him return now. Why is he hesitating?

Timau squeals again: he is so entangled in the thorns that he cannot move.

- Let's quickly go to the sheepfold!

Having made sure that Aultinu is not at all going to help him, the puppy himself tries to get out of trouble, using his teeth and strong paws. Having finally freed himself and leaving tufts of fur on the bushes, Timau evades his master’s kick like a snake.

The boy is ten years old, but you can’t give them to him - he’s so thin. Bright gray-blue eyes stand out on a small, dark, almost olive-colored face.

Aultin likes that the puppy is so attached to him. He quickly and deftly descends the mountain. Despite the thickets of thorny bushes and slippery rotten leaves under his feet, he manages to maintain balance, holding in his left hand above his head a board with cheese and cottage cheese in wicker cone-shaped baskets - whey is still dripping from them, and in his right hand - a thick wooden stick with a flyer, to which hanging a pair of skinned hare carcasses and a small wineskin of milk.


Aultinu reaches the shore just before dawn. Tuna fishermen are ready to go to sea: everyone has torches and lanterns in their hands. The boats have already moved away from the shore: the last one has just set sail.

- Finally you showed up, Aultinu! What will the owner say? He ordered to bring cheese, so where is the cheese?

- So here it is!

Four women are bustling about on the shore. Waving white scarves and myrtle branches, they shout after the fishermen:

- Wait! We need to grab something else!

But the fishermen do not listen to them, and the women, angry, take the hares and a wineskin of milk from Aultin, and again put the board with the baskets on his head and push the boy towards the water.

- Run, Aultin, take this to the owner.

- Come on quickly!

- Hold it tight!

And here is the owner: accompanied by horsemen waving torches, he heads to the pier, where the elder’s longboat awaits him.

The horses clatter their hooves loudly along a rocky path hidden behind a sand dune.

Aultinu resists, but the women push him into the black, choppy water.

– Hold the board higher so as not to wet the cheese, Aultina! Come on quickly! Catch up with the boats.

The boy wanders through the water, every now and then looking back furtively. The owner is surrounded by about three dozen horsemen, in such a dense ring that you can’t even see him. And Aultin would so much like to look at the gentleman who came from afar. He lives in Spain, at the court of the king, this is not the manager of the estate, Rinaldo Ponteddu, who pretends to be a master, orders to call him a seigneur and robs the peasants completely. It’s one thing when the real owner demands this: after all, everything that the land produces, which belongs to him alone and to no one else, except the king, of course, is supposed to be given to the owner. The owner is a very powerful man, and Aultin, looking at his magnificent escort, at the armed horsemen, thinks that he probably owns not only all the water in the sea, but also all the fish and little fish living in it.

The waves run towards him and overwhelm him, Aultin becomes scared.

- Minos, Minos, work a miracle, help me escape from here as quickly as possible! Minos, Minos, wave your tail, and the devil will not touch my soul!

This spell should have immediately transferred him to the sheepfold, only now for some reason it did not work, as, indeed, in other cases. But Aultin, repeating it, always hopes for something. The waves are splashing, and the boats are already very far away.

-What have you done, Marianne? The little boy will drown!

- Not really. He had already been seen from the boat. Don't worry, they will pick you up.

In the leaden sea, only a light plank with baskets can be discerned, and on the horizon, against the background of a gradually pale sky, fishing longboats bristling with gear, menacing as fortresses, loom.


- I have only sheep left there, drop me off!

– Land yourself, maybe you’ll learn to swim!

- Drop me ashore, I need to look after the cattle!

Nobody pays attention to the boy. All the boats are rushing to the fishing spot.

Aultina begs and pleads. He wants to talk to the elder, to explain that if anything happens there in the sheepfold, the one who did not let him out of the boat will be responsible.

“The manager of Ponteddu will show you!” Will make you pay for the damage. Hey! Did you understand? – he shouts in complete despair.

With particular fury, Aultina attacks a tall and fat man with curly hair, who is clearly amused by the boy’s threats.

“You swear worse than a cab driver!” What do you want from me?

- It was you who sent me into the hold with the cheese! It's your fault that I can't return to the sheepfold.

The boy is furious. When he put his baskets with cheese and cottage cheese in the hold, someone, deciding to play a trick on him, slammed the hatch cover and released him only when the boat was already in the open sea.

“Now you can’t even swim to the shore.” Calm down and don't interfere with our work.

The boats have closed a circle: caught tuna are fighting in the nets between them. No one has time to listen to the tearful pleas of Aultin, whose sheep and goats were left unattended in the mountains.

The water boils, foams, moves in waves, swirls like funnels. Calls, orders, and the splash of waves against the sides merge in the growing noise.

One fisherman - for some reason he does absolutely nothing - sits down next to Aultin, who is still cursing and threatening someone with violence.

-Are you afraid of the sea, boy?

What kind of sea is there, he hasn’t even seen it! Aultinu is afraid of the manager Pontedda. If anything happened to the cattle, Ponteddu would beat him to death. The manager of Ponteddu is a pure beast, and now, in order to curry favor with the owner, he will commit even more atrocities.

- Who will tell him that it’s not my fault that I was locked in the hold?

- Are there wolves in your mountains?

- Wolves? – I wonder where this guy, dressed to the nines, came from? “We don’t have wolves in the mountains.” But there are thieves! And the cattle need an eye. Now the sheep's udders are swollen, they need to be milked. A swollen udder hurts.

- Are you the only one managing the cattle?

- Well, yes. Don't I have the same pair of hands and head as the other shepherds? But now Ponteddu will kick me out.

The stranger puts his hand on his head:

“I’ll talk to Ponteddu myself.” Don't worry.

- No need! And then you will get it from him too.
