Blacksmithing the elder scrolls online. blacksmith craft

According to numerous players and critics, Elder Scrolls Online has one of the best, if not the best, crafting systems in any MMORPG. The developers certainly made sure to make crafting meaningful, rewarding, and even fun. With a huge number of recipes and features such as design styles, there will always be a market for your products. This is also obvious considering that the best equipment in the game can be obtained not only from dungeons or Cyrodiil, but also created by players who dedicate enough time to development.


There are six professions:

Alchemy - used to create various potions with short-term effects
Smithing - creates metal weapons and heavy armor
Clothing - used to make light and medium armor
Enchanting – adds various characteristics and attributes to your weapons, armor or jewelry
Provisioning – Creates various consumable drinks and food items that provide your signature buffs (unlike potions, food effects typically last for half an hour)
Woodworking – uses wooden materials to create bows, gears and shields
You can start collecting materials and developing core items in any of these professions at the beginning of the game. Crafting more powerful items and more powerful consumables must be unlocked by putting skill points into creating skill trees. To be able to create items more high level, Alchemy and Woodworking should have 6 skill points each, while the other 4 merchants require 9 skill points. You can spend more skill points on each crafting skill line, but they will reduce your research time, improve your ability to extract materials, or increase your chances of upgrading items.

In the Alchemy skill tree, you can spend a total of 19 SP and 22 in Enchanting. Other professions get 24 skills each to fully maximize their benefits. This means you'll need 137 skill points to fully max out each passive in each of these six tradesmen, so considering your character can get around 300 skill points, it's even possible to be fully proficient in each craft skill. Say goodbye to the masters!

Collecting materials

Gathering Crafting Materials Mapping materials can be obtained by looting monsters, crates, chests, urns, cabinets, and other similar items. There are also crafting nodes with "organic" materials that appear all over Tamriel, such as iron ore(smithing), jute (clothing) or runes (faerie). Various herbs are as common as wood.

Any character can interact with resource nodes and collect materials for crafting, regardless of their skill at any of the merchants! Unlike Skyrim, you also don't need to carry pickups or similar items to collect ore. All professions with assembly nodes also have Keen Eye passives, which basically make the corresponding nodes glow when you get close to them, making them extremely easy to see. If you're comfortable always picking up all the materials to process and collecting any nodes you come across - even if you don't intend to use the materials yourself, sometimes you can get rare and valuable ones that you can resell for gold to other players.

Craft stations

Alchemy Stealing Station Karting stations are used to actually craft items and can be found in many places in Tamriel. All cities have crafting stations for all six professions, and you can even find some outdoor adventure time. You cannot craft items unless you interact with the corresponding crafting station!

Crafting stations include an anvil or fire to cook items, which you need to interact with to create items in their respective professions. It's worth noting that you don't need to carry crafting materials with you in your inventory - the materials you've saved in your bank will also be available for use!

World craft stations

World Death Recruitment Workshop
There are also World Crafting Stations - special places in Tamriel where you can craft special items. The attached image shows one of the paint stations where you can create a Wind of Death tile set. This set of bonuses will drop AoE once every three minutes once you drop below 35% of your health, and this bonus can only be gained by crafting items in that specific region.

In zones 5-15 (Stonefalls, Auridon, Glenumbra) you can find three different world crafting stations, each with their own bonus:

Wind Wind Wind: When he hits a melee attack, this bonus causes an AoE cooldown every three minutes.
Silence of the Night: Your health is restored by 40% when hiding.
Ashen Grip: Slight chance to inhale additional fire damage with each melee hit.
There are many other item sets and crafting locales, these are just the first ones you'll encounter. To craft a given item, you first need to research at least 2 traits in that specific slot.

Manufacturing process

Crafting Process To craft items, you need to find a suitable crafting station somewhere in the world, as described above. Some crafts will require you to refine materials first, so for example you'll need to refine your iron ore in Iron Ingots first. The exact crafting process is only slightly different for each profession, but I will explain them step by step in the dedicated guides.

Essentially, it goes like this: you find a crafting station, choose the type of item you want to craft, traits, crafting materials, styles, and you're pretty much done. Although there are some more complex things revolving around the craft, the actual creation process is quite simple.


ExtractionExtraction (also known as deconstruction) is used to obtain materials from existing items and can be used for blacksmithing, clothing, woodworking, or enchanting. The process is very simple: go to the workshop, click on the extraction tab and select the item you want to deconstruct. Extraction will allow you to extract materials, traits, inspirations, resins or sentiments from existing items, but will destroy the original elements in the process.

Extraction is also actually used to refine your raw materials into usable ones. So you need to collect raw wood from the world and then refine it in the extraction tab and at the woodworking station to get sanded wood which you can use to craft items. By dedicating items you can get the materials needed to craft it, so for example you can't get Ebony Ore from some low level iron armors. Extracting more from objects High Quality also gives more materials (for quality viewing below in the "Improvement" section) and more inspiration points (IP).

Research and Traits

TraitsResearch allows you to destroy existing items to learn their "traits": the various bonuses your character receives by equipping those items. Bonuses could be something like critical hit resistance, improved spell resistance, or reduced magic cost of spells. To research these traits, you will need to have an item with the exact trait in your inventory. Once you begin the research process, the item will be destroyed, so be careful not to deconstruct everything you use!

Research takes time—real time. Some of the basic trait studies will take 6 hours and later they may even take several days. Again, I'm talking about real real time, but you don't have to log into the game during the research process. You can only research one trait at a time, but you can spend skill points in the corresponding craft skill trees to reduce research time by up to 20% and research up to 3 traits at a time.

You can research traits in multiple crafting skills, but this means you can research one Blacksmithing skill and one Enchanting spell at a time without investing a single skill in either skill line. Without investing a single skill, it will still take you over 2 years of real time to learn all the stats for all item slots, so it would be a good idea to take these passives early on.

Learning traits from the Axe, for example, will allow you to place the same buff on any other top. You won't be able to place it on different weapon types, but research is constantly being explored. Traits can only be added to items when you craft them, not later. It's also worth mentioning that you can add both traits and spells via glyphs to items, since they are two different things. There's a much more detailed entry here that specifically talks about traits, so be sure to read that.

Craft styles

Style styles are purely cosmetic and allow your crafted items to visually appear like an item from another race. With 10 different races, there are also 10 racial paint styles in addition to the other four; your own style races are automatically unlocked. If you choose Breton but want your armor to be Dunmer style, you will first need to find a book somewhere in Tamriel. They spawn randomly, but if you're diligent about unlocking items to swing around in the world, you'll probably get a crafting style or two even in Coldharbour, the tutorial zone you start in.

Crafting styles, as stated, are purely cosmetic and do not add any special characteristics or attributes to your items, however appearance heroes are very important to many, and there is always a market for items with different racial styles.


Item Upgrade is a great feature that allows you to upgrade your existing items into better ones. This can be quite a costly process as it requires more valuable and rare materials as quality increases, but it is a great way to upgrade your equipment as you level up. Woodworking uses resins, Blacksmithing uses Tempers, and Clothing uses tannins to improve the quality of the item.


All equipment has 5 quality levels:

Regular (white)
Thin (green)
Supreme (blue)
Epic (purple)
Legendary (Gold)
For example, cloners would need different tannins to improve the quality of their items. Hemming is used to turn white objects into green color, Embroideries from Green to Blue, Nord Lining from Blue to Purple and the very rare and valuable Dreugh Wax from Purple to Gold. It's important to know that upgrading can fail: if you don't complete the upgrading process, the item will be destroyed forever! Therefore, it is not recommended to try to upgrade items while leveling unless you have a backup.

Adding additional tannins will increase your chances of upgrading items, but of course it also increases the cost (for each tannin you get 20% more chance of upgrading). You also can't skip quality levels: you won't be able to upgrade a white element directly into a blue one.


Gaining experience in professions is most often done through crafting items. This gives the most large quantity Inspiration Points (IP): IP is generally the experience bar for crafting. You also gain a decent chunk of IP by deconstructing items, which also gives you materials you can reuse to create more. It's important to know that extracting materials from items you've crafted yields about a third of the amount you'll get from deconstructing the same items crafted by someone else (or your alt), so the most valuable tip you need to know is to try trading items with another crafter whenever possible. The differences in IP purchased are huge (up to 800% more), so join a guild and find someone to provide you with your own crafted items.

Another great tip, you should always try to craft the items that give you the most inspiration for the amount of materials needed. For example, blacksmiths should almost always craft daggers to quickly advance their profession, as they provide greatest number IP per ingot. Every trader has their own kinks and tricks for leveling up, so be sure to read my profession-specific guides to find out what they are.

The main guideline for alchemy or enchanting is to first discover all herb traits and rune translations and make at least one of each glyph and potion. Blacksmiths, Woodworkers and Clothiers should craft higher level and/or higher quality items as they provide more IP, but always keep in mind the resources required to craft these items.

Final Thoughts

I sincerely hope this article has helped explain the professions and crafting system in Elder Scrolls Online. It allows for a variety of customizations and also allows you to create amazing items that are perfect for your character. Barriers (research time) ensure that you need to invest a decent amount of time to be able to get to the best items. Not only that, but you will need to spend skill points in creating skill lines to be able to use higher level materials. Even though the best gear has Veteran rank requirements and materials that you can only get from high level zones, this ensures that crafting is very important even in the late game.


As part of this material, we will talk about some of the features of leveling up your character, and also go a little deeper into the features of studying in-game professions.

It is immediately worth noting that the series The Elder Scrolls It is famous for the fact that the player is not faced with the question of what skill to upgrade. No, of course, it’s better to level up in a certain, pre-selected direction, this is understandable, but since this is an online RPG, an artificial limitation is often introduced in such games so that players do not level up their heroes to the maximum and make them omnipotent. In TESO Online there is no such limitation; we can level up the character in any direction we want. However, the presence of such unprecedented freedom implies the presence of a certain amount of responsibility, because it is quite easy to get lost in editing the skills and characteristics of the hero.

So, in the process of boring and not very grinding, or in the process of completing quests, at a certain stage you will receive experience points, skill points and special resources, called “Sky Shards” in the game. Experience points are given only when you gain a new level, skill points can be obtained without this, but Sky Shards can only be obtained by completing special, and, as a rule, difficult tasks.

Experience points should be spent on improving health, stamina and magic reserves. Depending on who you are pumping, move to that steppe. But, even if you are leveling up the most brutal warrior, then a few mana points will not hurt him in order to at least sometimes restore health without using potions. Everything here is clear, and there is no need for explanations.

Skill points are what interests us first. They are responsible for the unique development of our hero, for his personalization. Skill points open branches to certain skills. In principle, the game is quite good, even at the level of pictures the branches and their belonging to one or another class are indicated, but, nevertheless, some comments will be needed.

It often happens that, having chosen a character, the player begins to be disappointed in his skills, and begins to pump up something completely different from what was originally intended for the hero. Indeed, some hero classes seem to be relatively weak characters, however, if you do not give up, then by investing skill points in the same branch you will get more and more effect, while the usefulness of discovering new skills in others characters will not be so high. For example, if a Templar at the start has rather unimpressive skills, then as he progresses through the skill trees he begins to acquire power.

The highest skill in any branch does not require activation, it works in passive mode, which means that it is better to delve into one skill and develop it to its fullest, rather than pumping each one in order.

But passive skills exist separately here. They also need to be pumped. First of all, it is recommended to download the damage increase. Whether you are a mage or a warrior, high damage, both magical and physical, is of utmost priority. If you play as a healer, then it is better to pump up your healing power. In general, no special secrets.

Abilities exist completely separately. To open them, your hero needs to join the Fighters Guild or the Mages Guild. If you are bored of being this or that, then they have specially provided for you the opportunity to become a werewolf or a vampire. These guys also have their own abilities that leave their mark on the entire game.

As for the sky shards, from three you can collect an additional skill point. These fragments, at least now, are not scattered randomly, but in certain places. By scouring the Internet, you can find maps of fragments. It is better to remember the nearest places with fragments, since they significantly speed up development, especially at the beginning. You will receive the very first shard after defeating a simple boss in Cold Harbor. Each game location has 16 zones, each of which contains fragments. They are periodically restored, so if you went to a place where such a fragment should be, but did not find anything, wait, or better yet, exit the game. With a new connection, as a rule, the shard will respawn. Well, remember that these same shards, which were not in any of the original parts of the game, were introduced into The Elder Scrolls Online in order to motivate the player to explore all sorts of nooks and crannies in the vastness of Tamriel, so even if you don’t find a shard map, or the developers will update their location, just actively travel, wandering into the darkest corners of the game world, and your work will be credited to you.

Next we have professions. On this moment There are six of them in the game: alchemy, woodworking, cooking, blacksmithing, armor making and enchanting. It all depends on your character's class and playstyle. If you are playing as a combat or healing mage, then the first thing you will need is enchantment and alchemy. If you play as a strong character with an emphasis on melee combat, then you cannot do without blacksmithing. If you decide to choose a lighter class with an emphasis on agility, daggers or bows, then you will need armor tailoring and woodworking.

Cooking, in our opinion, is the least useful skill available.

You should immediately decide on the type of armor you plan to wear. Heavy armor is made by a blacksmith, and light equipment is made by a holder of the armor sewing craft. As for the universal craft that everyone needs to have - enchanting. With its help, you can craft much more serious things, but, again, one thing leads to another: you have studied enchantment, which means you will immediately need alchemy, although you can do without this profession.

Pay special attention to books. There are a lot of them in the game, but the books of Racial Motives are of the greatest interest to you: after reading one of these, you will open access to the manufacture of weapons or armor of one or another class and style.

There are ten unspoken rules in the game regarding professions and crafting. Unfortunately, they are sometimes presented in a too vague and voluminous form, so let's try to present these rules more concisely, but, if possible, informatively.

As soon as you have the opportunity to hire a worker, be sure to do so without sparing a skill point for such a task. Having a worker will allow you to focus less on resource extraction. The employee will from time to time send you exactly the resources you need. As you level up, the worker will also improve his characteristics, so the sooner you open access to this character, the better.

If you decide to collect materials for crafting yourself, or simply help a worker do this, then every hero will be able to do this, while collecting even those resources that are not necessary for him personally, however, as the character develops, he will have the opportunity to increase the amount collected profile materials. This is a pretty useful skill, so if you have a skill point lying around that you have nowhere to spend, invest it in increasing the production of materials.

Also, as your professional and civic skills develop, your character can learn to notice resources from afar. Under other circumstances, you would run past, but if this skill is learned, then you will have the opportunity to roll over, take a pickaxe and pick some metal in the rock.

There are special crafting stations scattered throughout Tamriel. They are not easy to find, but they are there. At these very stations it will be possible to produce unique weapon or armor. If you get to such a station and you have everything necessary resources, then consider yourself lucky. It is worth noting that these very stations can disappear and reappear in a variety of places, so do not be surprised if, while running through a familiar place, you discover an unknown location.

In total, with the help of books you can learn 15 different class skills. Try to find all fifteen copies.
Crafting an item is of little merit. Much more effort will have to be made in order to improve it. The maximum upgrade level is legendary. At the same time, legendary items have the same different characteristics. It all depends on the potions and the personal qualities of the hero. The improvement itself occurs due to resins, threads and stones. The higher your crafting skills, the greater the effect these materials will bring.

It’s trite, but don’t rush to run towards adventure, but always communicate with NPCs, if there are any. In addition to entertaining quests, you can get a lot of recipes from them, which will be extremely useful for those who have chosen the culinary profession.

Each item intended for crafting has four characteristics. By mixing objects, an alchemist can sometimes obtain extraordinary potions, but he can also independently study the first of the four properties of an object simply by testing it. Naturally, an item can carry not only positive or neutral, but also negative properties, so be careful not to eat very dangerous-looking ingredients.

The enchanter has his own spellcasting language, which must be developed through the study of special rune stones. One stone - one syllable, but a complete combination of three stones will have a completely different sound.

Well, if you don’t play as a magician, then you shouldn’t study alchemy; it’s much easier to resort to the help of an alchemist by exchanging with him necessary materials, rather than spending your own experience and skill points that could be invested in increasing damage, strength, etc.

Not all people who play TES V know how to quickly improve their blacksmithing in Skyrim. Indeed, unlike other skills, which for the most part are designed for participation in various battles, this branch can be upgraded quite simply, without even leaving the city. In this article we will look at the main ways to quickly upgrade your blacksmithing in Skyrim, using a minimum of resources.

Why does the blacksmithing branch swing?

First of all, many people upgrade the blacksmithing branch in order to provide themselves with the most effective equipment. It is worth noting the fact that while the player has practically no combat skills, using equipment for him is the most optimal option for completing various missions, and this is especially true for those people who play on high difficulty. It is worth noting that if you are not used to using it and are trying to achieve everything on your own, then in Skyrim the blacksmithing skill will allow you to quickly raise your character’s level in order to get the ability points you need to develop the main combat branches.

Fast and guaranteed

Many people value time, not themselves. game process. In order not to delay people who are looking for how to quickly level up blacksmithing in Skyrim, and for whom the speed of raising the level of this branch is important, we provide the simplest and most quick method- use console commands. In this case, there are two main options for pumping branches:

1. Player.setav blacksmithing 100 - standard code for Skyrim. Blacksmithing simply rises in level, but at the same time it is not given the opportunity to level it up, that is, it does not give the actual skill points that we would receive when raising the level by leveling up.

2. Player.advskill blacksmithing 1,000,000 - a more optimal version of the code. If you are looking for how to quickly level up your blacksmithing in Skyrim and at the same time ensure maximum leveling efficiency, this code is for you the best option. He invests 1,000,000 experience points in the blacksmithing branch, as a result of which the branch rises to the maximum level, simultaneously raising the level of your character.

In addition, you can also find all kinds of cheats for Skyrim on the Internet. Blacksmithing can develop and expand with such cheats, but in most cases these are only additions to the new capabilities of the branch, and not pumping it up.

Standard pumping option

There is also a “legal” opportunity to quickly level up blacksmithing in Skyrim. In this case, pumping will be carried out naturally, that is, in order to raise the level of our skill as a blacksmith, we will forge. As with any other branch, there is a simple way in Skyrim to increase blacksmithing - you just need to perform some specific action maximum amount once. In this case, it doesn’t matter what exactly you do.

What are we doing?

Since we are interested in how to quickly level up blacksmithing in Skyrim, that is, it is precisely the number of actions performed, and not their type, it is necessary to forge something that requires a minimum amount of resources - we are talking about an iron dagger.

The branch swinging in this case is quite simple. Initially, you should accumulate a certain capital (to fully upgrade the branch you will need approximately 15,000, but the amount may vary depending on the prices of resources), and then begin to quickly move around the cities in order to buy up absolutely all the ingots, leather and strips of leather from local merchants. If some cities are not yet open to you, you can use the services of a carriage, which for a nominal fee will take you to the gates of any castle. The thing is that each individual merchant definitely won’t have enough resources for you (and what’s more, even all of them won’t have enough resources for your capital), so you’ll have to make several circles. Most likely in the process of moving will already pass There is enough time for the first merchant's assortment to be updated by the beginning of the next round, but if this does not happen, you will need to wait a little.

It didn't work out. What to do next?

After you have acquired the resources for your entire capital, fly to the city, process the leather into strips of leather, and then begin crafting daggers in the quantity you need. When you make daggers, sell them in full to the first merchant (if he has enough money for your goods, of course). If at this moment the blacksmithing has not yet reached its limit, then in this case you again use the money you earned as resources and repeat the procedure. This way, you will eventually be able to quickly level up your skill to level 100 without any significant investment in time or money.

The methods presented here represent an option for maximum fast pumping this thread. In addition, you can simultaneously create other things, as well as craft equipment for your companions, which will also allow you to eventually level up the branch, but over a longer period of time and at higher costs.

- one craft profession available to all players " The Elder Scrolls Online" Adventurers who choose to become blacksmiths can forge heavy armor and metal weapons.

Heavy armor consists of the following elements: helmet(Helm) shoulder pads(Pauldron) cuirass(Cuirass), gloves(Gauntlets) belt(Girdle) leggings(Greaves) and boots(Sabatons).

TO metal weapons relate: dagger(Dagger) axe(Axe) hammer(Hammer) sword(Sword) ax(Battle Axe) sledgehammer(Maul) and two-handed sword(Greatsword).

Passive skills of the Blacksmithing branch

MetalworkingAllows the character to create equipment from iron (steel, orichalcum, Dwemer, ebony and others) ingots.
Keen Eye: OreHighlights ore veins located at a distance 20 m. from the character.
Miner HirelingThe Mercenary Miner will send you materials and possibly other items every day.
Metal ExtractionIncreases the chance of obtaining ingots and other forging materials when disassembling equipment.
MetallurgyReduces the time required to research equipment characteristics by 5 % and allows you to simultaneously explore 2 properties.
Temper ExpertiseReduces the amount of additives and other materials needed to improve the quality of equipment.


To forge weapons and heavy armor, blacksmiths use ingots of various metals obtained by processing ore, deposits of which can be found while traveling around Tamriel.

OreMetalRequired skill level "Metal processing"
Iron ore
(Iron ore)
iron ingot
(Iron ingot)
High quality iron ore
(High iron ore)
Steel Ingot
(Steel ingot)
Orichalcum Ore
(Orichalc ore)
Orichalcum Ingot
(Orichalc ingot)
Dwemer Ore
(Dwarven ore)
Dwemer Ingot
(Dwarven ingot)
Ebony Ore
(Ebony ore)
Ebony Ingot
(Ebony ingot)
Calcinium Ore
(Calcinium ore)
Calcium Ingot
(Calcinium ingot)
Galatite Ore
(Galatite ore)
Galatite Ingot
(Galatite ingot)
Moonstone Ore
(Moonstone ore)
Moonstone Ingot
(Moonstone ingot)
Abyssal Stone Ore
(Voidstone ore)
Abyssal Stone Ingot
(Voidstone ingot)

Quality improvement

Items in The Elder Scrolls Online are divided into five categories based on quality: Common, Good, Superior, Epic, and Legendary. The higher the quality of the equipment, the better its characteristics (damage, armor rating, etc.). Blacksmiths can improve their products using additives and other materials. The more resources used for improvement, the higher the chance of a successful outcome. By using a small amount of materials, you risk losing the item you want to improve.


When forging weapons and armor pieces, they can be equipped with one of several characteristics, which are called in the game traits. To do this, you need to research the corresponding property by destroying an object that already has the characteristic you need. Studying each subsequent property of an object, for example, a dagger, takes more and more time. For example, the first property is learned in 6 hours of real time (it is not necessary to be in the game). Studying the second will take 12 hours and so on. In addition, to create an item with a certain characteristic, you will need the corresponding gemstone.

Weapon characteristics

Reduces the time elapsed between reuse an enchantment effect placed on an item.
Increases the number of charges of an enchantment effect placed on an item.
Increases the chance of a critical attack with weapons and spells.
Strengthens the effect of an enchantment placed on an item.
Increases armor rating and spell resistance.
Increases the experience gained by the skill line of this weapon.
Fire opal
(Fire Opal)
Increases armor penetration and spell penetration.
Increases weapon attack speed.

Armor characteristics

Blacksmithing is one of the 6 professions in Elder Scrolls Online, allowing you to process various types of ores and create heavy armor or weapons from ingots and nothing more. If you want, for example, to create a bow, you will have to master the woodworking profession, and to create a medium set of armor, you will have to master the weaving profession.

Blacksmiths (like carpenters or weavers) are able not only to create objects, but also to improve existing ones by increasing their characteristics.

Blacksmith Skills

Every profession in ESO has its own branch of development, consisting of a certain number of passive abilities.

(Metalworking) (1/9)
Allows you to use ingots in accordance with the development of your skill level:
  • Iron
  • Steel
  • Orichalc
  • Dwarven
  • Ebony
  • Calcinium
  • Galatite
  • Moonstone
  • Voidstone
Keen Eye:Ore
(Keen Eye: Ore) (0/3)
Makes it easier to visually search for ore as your skill level progresses:
  • 20 meters
  • 30 meters
  • 40 meters
Miner Hiring
(Mercenary Miner) (0/3)
A mercenary miner will send you ore every day and perhaps some other item in addition.
Metal Extraction
(Metal Mining) (0/3)
As the skill level increases, the chance of obtaining ingredients used in blacksmithing increases.
(Metallurgy) (0/3)
Reduces research time by 5% and allows you to research two traits at the same time.
Temper Expertise
(Hardening examination) (0/3)
Increases the chance of improving a hardened item.

To learn all these abilities you will have to spend 23 skill points. But since they are all passive, full leveling will be useful only for those characters who want to seriously take up blacksmithing.


Any blacksmith first of all needs an abundance of ore. Tier 1 ore that a novice blacksmith can use is Iron. As you improve your skill, you will need ingots of other metals, but without properly upgrading your ability Metalworking you won't be able to use them.

During your travels, you will come across a wide variety of types of ore, but to be honest, without pumping up your skill Keen Eye:Ore you will have a hard time finding most of the mines. This skill from the blacksmithing skill branch greatly facilitates the search for ore, highlighting its deposits in a radius depending on the level of the skill. Keen Eye:Ore A really useful skill and well worth the points spent on it, especially if you plan to process ore in very large volumes.


Once you have collected the ore, you need to smelt it to get ingots. This is done in the tab Extraction Tab general crafting interface. From different types ore You will receive various ingots that are necessary to create any item. Please note that to get 1 ingot you will need 10 pieces of ore. So if you plan to develop your character in the direction of blacksmithing, you will have to develop a lot of deposits.

Tab Extraction It is used not only for the production of ingots. Here you can also disassemble an item from your inventory, obtaining materials for crafting and subsequent improvements. Believe me, this is very good way obtaining material and experience points.

Important: As a blacksmith, you will only be able to extract the constituent ingredients from various types swords, daggers and other types of heavy armor. To extract the same constituent materials from bows or mid-grade armor, you will have to learn the skills in the branch Woodworking or Clothes.


Using the tab Creation Tab You can create new items using resources from your inventory. Carefully monitor the type of resource used, the type of ingots or their quantity, the quality of the item depends on them, as well as its possible special bonus.

As you understand, there are many parameters that can be set to at least as many variations of objects. By simply changing the type and quality of ingots, you can easily change any characteristic. By adding specific reagents, you can not only change the appearance of an item, but also give it an additional effect. Changing the style does not affect the quality of the item.


Content Improvement Tab(upgrade tabs) allows you to control the quality of the item. IN ESO there is the following gradation of things: Normal(ordinary), Fine(good), Superior(beautiful), Epic(Epic) or Legendary(Legendary). Of course, the higher the quality, the better the characteristics of the item. Determining the grade of an item is not difficult, you just need to pay attention to the color of its name. As a blacksmith, you can improve the quality of exclusively metal weapons and heavy types of armor.

The chance of improvement directly depends on the quality of the material being improved. Each piece of reagent adds an additional 20% to the success chance of an upgrade. So, for a 100% chance of improving an item, you will need five of these reagents. A failed upgrade will result in the item being lost.

Rare ingredients required for improvement can be found while exploring the world or by disassembling items of higher quality Fine(good).

Upgrading doesn't just make an item better, it completely changes it and the higher the quality, the more impressive the appearance.


This tab ( Research Tab) allows you to explore new properties that can be given to an object. At the very beginning of the game, the blacksmith can only create simple weapons or armor without any special features. After some initial research, you will be able to create more serious equipment.

To research possible improvements to an item, it must be in your inventory. The process may take some time, after which the item being examined will be destroyed.

List of researched characteristics:

  • Sturdy— a chance to avoid the destruction of the item in case of failure.
  • Impenetrable— adds a bonus to resistance to critical hits.
  • Reinforced— adds a bonus to the item’s armor points.
  • Well-fitted- reduces costs sprint- points.
  • Training
  • Infused
  • Exploration— adds a bonus to the experience gained.
  • Divines- adds a bonus to the effect Mundus Stone.
  • Powered- Reduces the delay time of weapon effects.
  • Charged— increase enchantment charges by +%.
  • Precise— adds a bonus to the critical indicator of damage or spells.
  • Infused— increases the bonus of the applied effect.
  • Defending— increases the bonus to the overall value of armor and resistance.
  • Training— increases the indicator of mastery of items of the corresponding branch (for example, +% mastery of heavy armor).
  • Sharpened— increases the bonus to penetration of armor and spells.
  • Weighted- increases

In conclusion, I suggest you watch a gaming session from the developers ESO. I hope it will help you find answers to some of your questions.
