Kryon Crystals. crystals

OMAR TA SATT Greetings to the Lightworkers. OMAR TA SATT reproduces the "Welcome" energy. Accept each person as they are. Discard established norms and rules, rethink your life values. Recognize your own...

1. Crystals from the realm of reality.

Crystals from the realm of reality. Slideshow, Earth Crystals, Light Crystals, Crystals to Support Inner Balance, Space Crystals. Download Crystals (photos and graphics). Download the book about Crystals.

1.1 Use of crystals

You can draw or visualize Crystals in your Aura. If, for example, you visualize AVATARA in the central part of the Crystal, then your very center will open to you, your innermost place, you will know for yourself with the help of the Crystal, your completely new sense of calm and balance, the state of yourself, the state of only your place, place which is only for you.


A gift of the Spiritual World to the people of the Earth Electromagnetic fields that appear due to the use of man-made equipment and household appliances affect the functions of organs, the biological functions of humans, animals, plants and in general on all living things much more than it was officially announced to us. Crystal "Maras" will manifest instant action. Usually anything that has a negative effect on environment, rotates to the left (this can be found using a pendulum or other devices that measure electromagnetic radiation). As soon as you stick the "MARAS" crystal, for example, on your mobile phone, the rotation of the pendulum changes. It starts to rotate to the right. This means that the influence has ceased.

1.3 Grounding in the New Era

The next thing you need to know, and most importantly, is your grounding. Because it is critical to ground yourself when the Shift begins, you need to ground yourself daily to allow your body to receive higher energy streams and ascend without experiencing Lightbody symptoms. What Kryon means to say is that if you ground yourself every day, you will be less affected by Lightbody symptoms.


The more often you work with crystals, the more you will feel what their power and effect is. You can copy crystals, cut and charge rooms, water, objects with them. During meditation, it is recommended to apply crystals to the chakras. The energy of crystals always acts for the benefit of people, so it is impossible to do anything wrong when working with them. When working with crystals, VISUALIZATION is used.

2. Space Gate Codes 5.5.11

Cosmic (otherwise Star) seed - a being whose origin goes back to other planets. These are beings who brought their teachings to Earth to help establish a new consciousness based on Love and mutual respect.

3. Codes of the Goddess

The GODDESS CODES is a collaborative work that I and my beloved Divine Flame Ornai received during 2008 through the teachings of our beloved Master Mary Magdalene. Ornai received the Codes on a July night and over the following months we tuned in to their frequency and received information relevant to each. This was a job we did for several months as each Code required time and internal work; we finished receiving them in full in November, and thus were able to offer them to the people from the 12:12 portal.

4. Expression of love and gratitude to water

The whale consciousness inspires us to respect and love throughout life. Beloved cetaceans are guardians of the Crystalline Grid and the oceans; through their Love, Joy and Gratitude they bless and cleanse the oceans as they travel the entire planet.

5. Chakra Activation Codes

The Chakra Activation Codes carry cosmic frequencies originating from Sirius in harmony with the Central Sun and Mother Earth. They act as ethereal crystals that, by making contact with our chakras, allow us to align them with the cosmic frequency and the original energy pattern of our lightbody, clearing chakra blockages caused by poor nutrition, thoughts, feelings, and old, deep-rooted emotions.

Light Codes. Quantum holoforms. Dolphin DNA strands

DELPHI SYSTEM of balance and healing to activate the dolphin threads. The system allows us to activate the six Delphic strands in our DNA, which in turn acts as a complete attunement and bodily multidimensional harmonization. Aligning the dolphin strands allows for a shift in consciousness through the cleansing and awakening of our whale DNA, which is the Cosmic genetic heritage of our Beloved Cetaceans.

Light Codes. Quantum holoforms. Respect for the Earth and its elements

In this exercise, I propose to create a Medical Wheel using the Element Codes obtained for Portal 10-10-10. Each Code balances and activates the portals of the elements in our body. These portals will allow us to awaken our ancient memories in unity with the Earth and its elements. Also, these codes allow you to establish a conscious connection with Mother Earth and the Elementals in order to honor, heal them and together co-create the healing of the Earth and all her beings.

Light Codes. Quantum holoforms. Sapphire codes

Sapphire Crystal Frequency The Sapphire Codes were given to me by 5 Turtles whose history goes back to Lemuria. This connection started after 11/11/11. December 31, 2011 I felt strong connection in my upper chakras and through inner vision I saw turtles that led me to the Sanctuary of the 13 monolithic Stones, which they called the "Sapphire Ray Sanctuary".

Light Codes. Quantum holoforms. light codes

What are Light Codes? The Codes of Light is the language of the universe, emitted from the center of the Solar Heart in pure and crystalline Love. These are impulses coming from the Solar Heart (the source of all that exists), which appear and spread multidimensionally through the entire Universe.

Codes of Light. Quantum holoforms. Codes for Awakening the Christ Consciousness

Codes for Awakening the Christ Consciousness They allow us to realize the path of understanding and opening the Heart. We will awaken our consciousness to an expanded Christ consciousness by integrating in our Self the communication of the heart and the language of the Soul that is inherent in the Christ consciousness. Once we open our hearts to experience and acknowledge ourselves as divine and Christ beings, we can become portals of Light, consciously radiating Love to all that surrounds us.

Kryon Crystals

Reality Crystals

These symbols, which we will henceforth refer to as crystals, originate from old Atlantis and are still kept in an undiscovered chamber in the Pyramid of Giza in Egypt. They are given to us from a subtle plane, so that we can use them right now.

Crystals have the highest energies and have their origin in the Light. Each crystal carries the consciousness of a deity.

The more often you work with crystals, the more you will feel what their power and effect is. You can copy crystals, cut and charge rooms, water, objects with them. During meditation, it is recommended to apply crystals to the chakras. Use the crystals in the way that your intuition tells you.

When working with crystals, visualization is used. If visualizing crystals is difficult at first, work with them separately: draw them and say them out loud.

Crystals do not know time and space, they can be sent to other people for support. If you send them from the Unified Chakra with the intent of love, they are most powerful.

Use the crystals as often as possible, for in this way the consciousness of the crystals is anchored in your cellular fluid, which results in Awakening.

leave all the knowledge that still comes from the old energy. Open to New Energy. Since Lady Gaia's vibrations rise continuously and increase the energy of people as well, a lot will change. Some people still find it difficult to accept new things, such as new chakra colors.There is a large energy exchange. More and more people are beginning to realize that they are more than just a body in duality. Now is the time to combine the old wisdom with new technology in order to get out of the duality. For this, it is necessary that you forget all the knowledge that still comes from the old energy and open yourself to new energies. Renewal of magnetic energy was necessary in order for the new technique to work. It is adapted to new energies and oscillates at a frequency of 999. For this reason, technology and crystals will only then with full strength act when the person using them oscillates at a frequency of 999. Each person who intends to make the transition must be with their light body at a frequency of 999. Based on this, the energy of awakening in each person will be released and activated.

Many people still have difficulty recognizing the New, for example: the new colors of the chakras. As the energy of Lady Gaia rises, and the energy is expressed in colors and tones, the colors and individual tasks of the chakras also change:

"Kryon, Sanat Kumara, Higher Consciousness Lady Gaya, with 36 Supreme Councils Lights, gave new crystals and new techniques, with which the Healer of the Earth of the New Time can work and do great things.

7 new Crystals for the 7 chakras of the Earth and one new Crystal for cleaning houses and establishing light pillars (light pillars).


1. Chakra - Root chakra - blue

2. Chakra - Sacral Chakra - yellow

3. Chakra - Solar plexus - red

4. Chakra - Heart Chakra - pink

5. Chakra - Throat chakra - purple

6. Chakra - Third eye - turquoise

7. Chakra - Crown, Crown - white

The “main meaning” in the New Time is the Heart Chakra, as the known 7-chakra system will change into the Unified Chakra, expand, and be able to receive the Energies of the New Time. The Heart Chakra acts as a motor that powers the entire Unified Chakra.

Important is the activation of Alpha and Omega chakras, as well as the activation of the New Time chakras - Eranus and Luina chakras.


The Eranus Chakra is located at the back of the head, about 3 cm below the skull. If this chakra is activated and filled with the energy of the New Time, then this can significantly affect the removal of the death hormone and cell changes.

In addition, it is the carrier of the energy of the harmonious rhythm of the Universe and the Earth. People whose Eranus Chakra is activated are people with complete balance and they vibrate in the harmonious rhythm of the Universe and the Earth. Nothing can bring them out of a state of rest and they are filled with confidence and strength. People whose Eranus Chakra is not activated often suffer under all kinds of fear. Especially these people are afraid of death.


The Luina Chakra is located in the center of the brain, along the energy cord that runs between the ears, just above the auditory canals. If this chakra is activated, it leads to deep spirituality. People whose Luina Chakra is activated are aware of a great relationship in a meditative state and they easily manage to center themselves and find their middle. People whose Luina Chakra is not activated are generally very restless and have difficulty centering. They limit themselves and thus cannot realize the great Whole.


The alpha chakra is located above your crown/crown chakra and when activated it connects you to your 10th chakra. Thanks to this activation, it is possible for a person to receive pure Divine energy.

The so-called Mahatma energy can also flow through the Alpha Chakra. In this way, it ensures that the person absorbs the magnetic energy of love, the so-called energy of the New Time, and then the process of transmutation follows, which regenerates the cells.


The omega chakra is located below your root chakra, is directed towards the center of the earth and connects you to the planetary grid network and all the nodes of the planetary network. Through this you have access to the Consciousness of Lady Gaia.

If you put yourself as a channel at the disposal of Mother Earth, then the energy will constantly flow through your Alpha chakra along the pranas, through the Omega chakra to Mother Earth.


Sevaya Chakra is a unique miracle. Only this chakra makes it possible for people to take a quantum leap and eliminate all boundaries in themselves. special group Angelov stands guard over the Sevaya Chakra, their task is to transmit messages, test consciousness and activate this chakra in people, as instructed by Jesus Christ.

This requires an increase in energy up to 90%. The head of this group of Angels is the Maha Kohan. The angels of this group call themselves Sevaya-angels and also guard the Sevaya-chakra of Lady Gaia. Every person who tries to work with this chakra of Lady Gaia will instantly feel that energy is being taken away from him. Only Sevaya angels can do this. "

As Lady Gaia's energy rises and expresses her energy with colors and sounds, the colors of the chakras also change. Some of the purposes of the chakras also change. With the new crystals, you can transform the magnificent in your chakras. Hold the crystals in your chakras and let the energy of the New Time work within you. AN ANASHA

1. Chakra - Root Chakra

AL'SHA'RA - the original power of life and the sun

Kryon Crystals

Angel Michael, let AL SHA RA, the Primordial Force of Life and the Sun in my Root Chakra, begin to act so that now all Energies, Knowledge and Wisdom will manifest on Earth.

2. Chakra - Sacral Chakra

YA'NA - balancing joy

Kryon Crystals

Angel Hilarion, send I ON my Sacral Chakra, aligning Joy, aligning the Feminine and Masculine in me.

3. Chakra - Solar plexus

RA'DA'SHA'NORI - the light of life, an expression of trust and security

Kryon Crystals

Angel Uriel, let RA DA SHA NORI flow into my Solar Plexus chakra so that my Life Light, an expression of Trust and Beauty, begins to glow.

4. Chakra - Heart Chakra

SAI'DA'SVA - unconditional love for divinity

Kryon Crystals

Angel Chamuel, allow Unconditional Divine Love, ZAI DA SVA, to flow into my Heart Chakra so that I can walk a sustainable spiritual path.

5. Chakra - Throat chakra

LI'MA'VA - freely vibrating masculine and feminine

Kryon Crystals

Elohim Vista, give me with LI MA VA the father and mother principle into my Throat Chakra with free swing so that my communication and creativity find their Divine expression.

6. Chakra - Third eye

AM'RI'NA - the primordial power of God vibrates in my abilities

Kryon Crystals

Angel Zadkiel, send me AM RI NA into my Third Eye so that the Divine primordial force begins to vibrate in my abilities.

7. Chakra - Crown, Crown

HY'LA'ANAR - the perfect light of the divine image

Kryon Crystals

Angel Yofiel, send my chakra Crown the Perfect Light of Divine Reflection HYU LA ANAR so that trust is strengthened in my creative power.

Abundance in everything is one aspect of the new age.
Serapis Bay. It helps people to strive for ascension through spiritual enlightenment, encourages people to strive to maintain good physical shape and lead healthy lifestyle life, because he is very interested in beauty and aesthetics; it also helps to endure the coming changes that have been foretold. As a spiritual health guru, he inspires, motivates and provides hope for the future.

12,000 years ago, Thoth of Atlantis, with the help of the priests of the Blue Nation, the Ascended Masters, the Angels, the ancient Gods and the Sacred Trinity - Mother, Father and Son - anchored the crystals in the pyramid of Giza. After the fall of Atlantis, these crystals and ancient knowledge must be redistributed to humanity during the ascension period. It was only at the beginning of 2003 that the contents of these storerooms became available to us again. To provide crystals at our disposal was entrusted to a medium, Sabine-Sangitar, gifted with Divine Hearing, a very rare phenomenon. In this way, crystals with their own proper names and numerical vibrations were placed at our disposal. They are part of the Universal Language of Light ARI SO AM, which humanity will have to master in the coming years.

The crystals presented in this deck belong to the ancient time period and have a very high energy potential. Each of them has the consciousness of some Deity. And the more often you turn to crystals, the more you will feel their energy. There are no restrictions on the duration of work - even around the clock! Our O - cleansing works very well. Pay attention to the Lotus - just like the Light Crystals, it reprograms DNA and gets rid of the code of aging and death. Crystals can be copied, drawn, cut or charged with water, rooms and objects with energy. During meditation, it is also recommended to place crystals on your chakras. With regard to the use of crystals in individual cases, we advise you to trust more of your intuition. The energy of crystals always serves only the highest good, so they cannot be misused. Just at first concentrate on the crystal, imagine it figuratively and pronounce its name loudly enough. An important factor is also how consciously you work with crystals. Visualize the crystal clearly, become aware of its effect, then apply. In case circumstances do not allow the name of the crystal to be spoken aloud, it is enough just to mentally or figuratively imagine it. It is also possible, bypassing time and space, mentally send crystals in support of other people. Crystals are especially effective if you send them from the center of the united chakra with love and good intentions. Which side of the crystal is located above or below does not play any role. Crystals have their own consciousness and make their way from the realm of Reality into your reality. Apply crystals as often as possible; the consciousness of the crystals will penetrate more and more deeply into your cells and awakening will follow. We send all readers ELEXIR, AHA and PRADNA. Kryon school team.


Concentrate on your current situation; on an issue that worries you or on what is important to you. If you draw one or more cards, then put them in front of you and say the name of each crystal, and let them work.


Pull out the daily card, for clarification life situation, for meditation, for using energy in your daily life, for using the energy of the Divine, for healing you and helping other people.


MAP 1: This crystal has been important to me so far;

MAP 2: This crystal helps me understand my current situation and change it in the given conditions;

MAP 3: This crystal helps me stabilize my energy.


MAP 1: This crystal is important to my physical body;

MAP 2: This crystal is important to my emotional body;

CHART 3: This crystal is important to my mental body;

CARD 4: The primordial energy that holds me back.

CHART 5: This crystal is important for my spiritual development;


MAP 1: The energy that currently carries and accompanies me;

CARD 2: The energy you currently need the most;

CARD 3: This Deity is to be worked on at this time;

MAP 4: This crystal helps me remember my Self;

CARD 5: This crystal activates and enhances my abilities;

MAP 6: This crystal helps me in healing my physical body;

CARD 7: This crystal allows me to change myself;

CARD 8: This crystal gives me Peace and Balance;

MAP 9: This crystal helps me with my divine insight

I wish you a lot of joy and inspiration when using crystals!

earth crystals

ARIS - ARIS - Grounding
DEVAR - DEVAR - Fulfillment of desires
DI "TRASO - DI'TRASO - Solution
EL "GOTHSA - EL'GOTSHA - Liberation
ELOO - ELOO - Resistance Transformation
HANAR - HANAR - Patience
LOTUS - LOTUS - New consciousness
NASHA "O - NASHA'O - Cleansing
NEKTUM - NEKTUM - Remembrance
NUBI - NUBI - Perception of reality
OM TAT SAT - OM TAT SAT - Light Workers
OMAR TA SATT - OMAR TA SATT - Lightworkers greeting
SAVIER - SAVIR - Humility
TAN "ATARA - TAN'ATARA - Joy of life
TEEAS - TIAS - Group

Crystals to support inner balance

ATRANA - ATRANA - Pure feelings
ELTA - ELTA - Male Energy
ENA - ENA - Forgiveness
MOHA "RA - MOHA'RA - Clear thoughts
MONASH - MONASH - Security
NION - NION - Deliverance
ONAR - ONAR - Tranquility
SIAS - SIAS - Women's Energy

space crystals

ARTEE - ARTEE - Elder of the group from Arcturus
ASHTAR - ASHTAR - Guardian of the universe
ATOROS - ATOROS - Ship of light
DANAS - DANAS - Star of the Soul
EL "AMARA - EL'AMARA - Star Gate
EXOLARIS - EXOLARIS - Journey to Ashtar Sheran
MARANA - MARANA - Space travel
MERA - MERA - Star satellite
SHERIN - SHERIN - Wise entity from Venus
SIRIUS - SIRIUS - Star Sirius

light crystals

ANA - ANA - Light
ANA "LOTUS - ANA'LOTUS - Light body
ELEXIER - ELEKSIR - Unconditional love
ESCHA "TA - ESHATA - Connection with your Christ Consciousness
JAWES - YAVES - The Power of Creation
JO "ANADAS - YO'ANADAS - Pyramid Energy
O "SHANA - O'SHANA - Conductor of Light
OSAM - OSAM - Healing
RADA "SO" AM - RADA'SO'AM - Filling with light
RUNA - RUNE - Abundance

Kryon Earth Crystals

TIAS - Group

In a group you feel stronger. ELEXIR unites and empowers you. Feel the group, how it supports and at the same time gives strength and confidence. One for all and all for one. The vibrations of the group will increase significantly if you mentally send it a TIAS crystal. Your heart will beat in harmony with the family.

Energy: Archangel Michael, Excalibur
Vibration number: 7

TAN "ATARA - Joy of life

Realize that you have everything in life to be happy. You just need to live and cherish every moment, feeling perfection in yourself and your surroundings. And then you will experience true joy - to live here on Earth.

Energy: Angel of Love
Vibration number: 18

NUBY - Perception of reality

Be clearly aware that you are living in an illusion that you have created yourself. Crystal NUBY step by step helps to return to Reality. Visualize NUBY and realize this Reality. Feel the love and diversity that is present in it. Absorb them into yourself and direct your focus towards the real Reality, away from illusion.

Energy: Yaves
Vibration number: 5

KHANAR - Patience

Time is an illusion, try to understand this factor. If you move in Reality towards the star gates, then the minutes of your stay in the world of illusions will seem like an eternity. Visualize HAN1 bypassing the time of illusion. Let events unfold as they should. Everything happens during an imaginary lull.

Energy: Maha Shohan
Vibration number: 23

ARIS - Grounding

ARIS has the power of grounding. Draw an ARIS crystal on the soles of your feet and feel the power of your connection with Mother Earth. You can also ask Metatron to introduce a sample of the ARIS crystal into your light body with the help of the Fire Ray.
ARIS is a very important crystal, because in the process of ascension into physical body where grounding is simply necessary, it plays an important role. Only those who know their roots can grow wings.

Energy: Set
Vibration number: 6

PRADNA - Strength

Awaken the dormant power within you. Learn to recognize what your task is and feel in yourself at this moment the power flowing in a powerful stream from Reality. It will lead you to Divine Power.

Energy: Set
Vibration number: 38

ELOO - Resistance Transformation

Resistance transformation. Visualize ELOO when you feel blockages within yourself or in the outside world. Turn to an Angel, an Ascended Master or your Mentor for help and ask them to remove the blockades, transforming them into Universal Love.

Energy: Shiva
Vibration number: 2

EL "GOTSHA - Liberation

Use this crystal for anything that creates a certain kind of attachment. Visualize ELGOTSCH in case of problems, fears, doubts or obstacles that you feel in your illusion and transform them into Gratitude and Love. Feel at this moment how the blockades that you would like to get rid of are falling like fetters. As a result, a new potential of strength and energy is released, which you can use for good.

Energy: Babaji
Vibration number: 34

DI "TRASO - Solution

Immerse yourself from the AVATAR into the depths of your center and give up all your previous expectations and ideas about life values. Visualize DI "TRASO, feel this crystal and ask him for help. He will show you which solution is right and which one is for your highest Good.

Energy: Shiva
Vibration number: 43

NECTUM - Remembrance

Remember your task and your divine origin. Awaken your Divine Beginning and the Power of Creation. Visualize NECTUM and you will find out who you really are. Think about the task you are doing as a Lightworker.

Energy: Artie
Vibration number: 16

OUR"O - Cleansing

Visualizing the NASHA "O crystal, cleanse yourself of heavy, blocking energies. Imagine how the golden Light of Reality gently and consistently envelops the physical, emotional, mental, and then the spiritual body.

Energy: Shiva
Vibration number: 33

DEVAR - Fulfillment of desires

DEVAR promotes the fulfillment of desires. There is no limitation or lack in Reality. You can get almost everything. Dive deep into yourself and make sure whether this desire comes from the depths of the heart or is only a derivative of your ego.

Energy: Lao Tzu

SAVIR - Humility

Sometimes, in some situations; it's not so easy to put up with. Humility means to follow God in order to know your Divinity. Drop the expectations of your ego. As you visualize the SAVIR crystal, be grateful for all that you have already achieved. Accept everything in life with humility and you will achieve your goal.

Energy: Angel of Love
Vibration number: 31

ENA - Forgiveness

Realize that everything that has happened so far in your life has served only for your further growth. Imagine each event separately to your gaze, renounce any judgments and mentally go AN "ANASHA and ENA. Accept forgiveness, forgive yourself first of all. In Reality, there is no concept of guilt or sin.

Energy: Buddha
Vibration number: 22

MONA "OHA - Trust

Trust Divine Guidance. Be aware that what is happening is only for your highest good. However, remember that before you can learn to trust other people or the spirit world, you must learn to trust yourself. Visualize the MONA"OHA crystal and rely on the Divine Power within you.

Energy: El Morya
Number vibrations: 1

DON "ADAS - Mercy

Feel the grace in your heart. It will immediately declare itself as soon as you show the intention to follow the path of Light. Mentally send DON "ADAS to the people around you. If you need support, call on the Angels of DON" ADAS. They will immediately, in full force, announce their presence.

Energy: Father of the Universe Metatron Number Vibrations: 17
Energy: Mother of the Universe Shakti Vibrations number: 32
Energy: Son of the Universe Number Vibrations: 13

AVATARA - Centering

The AVATAR Crystal will bring you to the very center, to the depths of your being, and your soul will find peace and stability. Staying in the center means "to have no demands, no worries and no fears. Using the AVATAR, go inside your Self and feel love. This is the only thing that exists. By the power of your intention, unite all your chakras into a circle of a luminous sun.

Energy: Solar God
Vibration number: 10

ATRANA - Pure feelings

Try to feel your feelings without judging them. Don't judge yourself, don't judge your feelings. Recognize the Divinity in each of them and realize that they are all without exception filled with love. Convey AN "ANASHA" to each of your feelings in sequence.
Energy: Shiva
Vibration number: 30

MOHA "RA - Clear thoughts

Learn to think consciously and do not make any judgments, because by judging you divide the whole into parts. Get rid of social prejudices and prejudices, stay as neutral as possible. Send an AVATAR to a string of your thoughts, which in their essence are only derivatives of your own ego. As a result, you will be freed from the influence of the collective consciousness and
you can awaken the powerful potential of real power in yourself.

Energy: Shiva
Vibration number: 27

HAR "ATORA - Harmony

This crystal creates harmony. While visualizing, mentally depict CHAR "ATOR in your aura. Feel at this moment the peace and balance emanating from the crystal. Mentally place CHAR" ATOR in that area of ​​space that you perceive as especially tense.

Energy: Great Cosmic Light Angel Shamuel
Vibration number: 8


May TARA "DOS be in you and everywhere with you! Get rid of the feelings that feed your ego and always remain neutral. For where the Divine world lives, you will find TARA" DOS. Wherever you are, strive to carry TARA "DOS to your surroundings and to the outside world - this is one of the main tasks of OM TAT SAT.

Energy: Adonai Ashtar Sheran
Vibration number: 28

TANA "ATARA - Equanimity

Equanimity in this case means seeing through the play of illusion. Be wise, trust Reality and know: Truth will find its own way. Realize that for any problem there is already a ready-made solution that you contain within yourself. Visualizing TANA "ATARA, feel calmness and equanimity within yourself.

Energy: Laozi

SIAS - Women's Energy

Visualize SIAS and ask Divine Mother Shakti to send you energy. Fill yourself also with ELTA, male energy. In closing, ask Jesus, son, to balance the masculine and feminine energies in order to find your middle ground.

Number vibrations: 1

ELTA - Male energy

Visualize ELTA and ask the Father, Melek Metatron, to send you male energy. Fill yourself also with SIAS, feminine energy. In closing, ask Jesus, son, to balance the masculine and feminine energies in order to find your middle ground.

Vibration number: 2

NION - Deliverance

Sooner or later, the time will come when you will give up your old habits and established stereotypes. Send mentally at this moment AN "ANASHA" to your former beliefs and thought patterns that you would like to get rid of, and with the help of the NION crystal, separate your true Self from them. Get rid of everything old and unnecessary in the same way as a snake gets rid of its skin Look with gratitude and reverence at what you left behind, for it is what has brought you to where you are today. this moment.

Energy: Angel Michael

MONASH - Security

Visualize MONASH, visualize yourself free-falling and rely on the spiritual world at this moment. In fact, you are safe and always protected. You are in absolutely no danger.

Energy: Mother Mary/Shakgi
Number vibrations: 1

ONAR - Tranquility

Bring your mind to your center and feel inner peace. Nothing in the outside world can disturb your peace, which you carry deep within yourself. Focus your attention on ONAR and your whole being will be filled with a feeling of peace coming from the depths of your heart.

Energy: Master Lao Tzu
Vibration number: 20

Cosmic Kryon Crystals

GESH - Venus

Venus is the planet of love and feelings. With the help of the GESH crystal, you can make a trip to Venus, while gaining the necessary experience, since it is on this planet that it is possible to know how beautiful and priceless Love is. Many entities in the universe visit Venus, because this planet is an object of especially indescribable beauty.

Energy: Angel of Love
Vibration number: 44

DANAS - Star of the Soul

DANAS is the star of your soul. All the components of your Self are united in it. Mentally, through time and space, pass to it and all other aspects of your soul the ELEXIR, OSAM and PRADNA, and with the power of your intention, imbue the feeling of their complete merging. Make a request to DANAS to increase your energy in a way that is acceptable and right for every aspect of the soul.

Energy: Sanat Kumara
Vibration number: 15


The Kryon of the Magnetic Service is a group of angels that has erected the planetary magnetic grid. They are making a significant contribution to the Ascension process of Mother Earth. Visualize the KRYON ENERGY crystal and feel the energy waves of the Master of Magnetic Service.

Energy: Kryon
Vibration number: 11

Ashtar - Guardian of the Universe

ADONAI ASHTAR SHERAN is the Captain of the Ashtar Command and is responsible for peace and order in the Universes. If you turn to him with a request, he will invite you to his Ship of Light and will accompany you on your journeys beyond the star gates.

Energy: Team spaceship Sveta Sheran
Vibration number: 21

ARTI - Elder of the group from Arcticus

Arcturians are very amiable, highly evolved beings and have a close bond with humans. Together with the Ashtar Fleet, they form the High Command of Light. Call on ARCTI during your travels to other planets. He will show you the way and be your guide.

SHERIN - Wise entity from Venus

SHERIN lives on Venus. It is quite likely that you may meet SHERIN one day during your travels to Venus. She is a wise, affectionate and benevolent entity. She can also respond to your request and take you on a tour of Venus.

Energy: Solar God
Vibration number: 41

EL "AMARA - Stargate

Pass through EL "AMARA and you will get from the world of illusion to the World of Reality. Everything that you feel and perceive on the other side of the star gate is Reality. It is real. You experience it in reality. Learn to distinguish between the illusion of your reality, which consists only from certain constructions of thoughts, and by the Reality that extends beyond the star gates Remember forever: The Real cannot ever collapse, the unreal cannot exist forever.

Energy: El Morya
Vibration number: 12

MARANA - Space travel

Take a journey through the star gates and tog; you will know the true Reality. Give up any expectations and notions. Accept everything you see and feel. Do not judge or try to understand it with your human mind.

Energy: Adonai Ashtar Sheran
Vibration number: 48

EXOLARIS - Journey to Ashtar Sheran

You are called to make a journey to ASHTAR SHERAN, the Guardian of the Universes. Visualize this crystal and go on a journey. Give up all notions and judgments. Realize that what you see on the other side of the star gate cannot be understood by the human mind.

Energy: Adonai Ashtar Sheran
Vibration number: 48

ATHOROS - Ship of Light

ATHOROS - Ship of Light. Feel the energy of ATHOROS. It will take you to the other side of the stargate and serve as a vehicle during your journey.

MERA - Star satellite

It doesn't matter what you see or feel as you travel through the other side of the stargate. There is always someone around, you are always surrounded by energy. Give this essence AN "ANASHA and ELEXIR, since MERA is your companion who cares and protects on the way.

Vibration number: 48

Kryon Light Crystals

SIRIUS - Star Sirius

The inhabitants of Sirius are technically and spiritually highly developed. Perhaps one day you will go on a star journey to Sirius, where there are many universities where you will continue your studies.
Vibration number: 42

ESHA "TA - Connection with your Christ Consciousness

Feel the connection to your Christ consciousness that is rooted deep in your heart. It is your own Self, paving the way to the Higher Self on the other side of the star gate. Mentally, by the power of your intention, transfer yourself to the sacred space of your heart and allow yourself to express ESH"TA through yourself. Be ESH"TA!
Energy: Cosmic Christ
Vibration number: 4

ANA - Light

Let there be Light in you! By the power of your intention, send Light everywhere into the outer world. Let there be Light throughout the Earth! Go inside yourself, into the sacred space of your heart and visualize ANA. Imagine how ANA permeates every cell of your body and saturates your entire being with Light, spreading further throughout the Universe.
Energy: Archangel Shamuel
Vibration number: 19

RADA "SO" AM - Filling with Light

With the help of this crystal, you can absorb the Light into your body. Visualize the RADA"CO"AM crystal. Breathe deeply ANA into your heart chakra. Be imbued with the sensation of how every cell of your body absorbs ANA.
Energy: Metatron
Number vibration: 999

ELEXIR - Unconditional Love

A ni o "heved o" drach - you are immensely loved. The origin of the ELEXIR crystal originates on the other side of the star gate. In your reality, you are able to experience only a small fraction of what it really means to be loved beyond measure. Everything that exists is interconnected through the ELEXIR crystal.
Energy: Metatron, Mary and Jesus
Vibration number: 14

RUNE - Abundance

RUNA leads to abundance. On the other side of the stargate, there is no such thing as limitation or deficiency. Soak in the feeling of the RUNE, imagine how it flows down to you from there in a powerful stream. Remember, however, you will always get exactly as much as you are willing to give! Send more often the frequency of the energy of prosperity and abundance and you will acquire a RUNE. Put this crystal in your purse or in the place where you would like to acquire wealth.
Energy: Serapis Bay
Vibration number: 17

ANA "LOTUS - Light body

The light is within you. You radiate this light. The ANA "LOTUS crystal raises the frequency of the energy of your light body. Imagine how the light manifests in every cell of your body, and the awakening of the LOTUS will begin. The further your light body continues to expand, the closer the breath of Reality.
Energy: Lord Sananda
Vibration number: 26

Yo "ANADAS - Pyramid Energy

The Pyramid of Giza is not only a pyramid of initiation. Crystals of Light were anchored in it a few eons ago. This pyramid was erected by Thoth together with other Lightworkers, perhaps including you?
Immerse yourself in Reality, let your Love grow and unite into the One with the Divine Energy anchored in the pyramid.
Energy: Sanat Kumara
Vibration number: 12

YVES - Force of Creation

Realize that you are the creator and contain YVES within you. Awaken YBES by the power of your intention. Visualize the crystal and repeat: “I have the power of YAVES and everything that happens from now on is only for my highest good. There is abundance, prosperity and human love in my life. AN "ANASHA."
Energy: God Yaves
Vibration number: 36

O "SHANA - Conductor of Light

Even in the darkest abyss of illusion, each of you has a guide whose task is to protect and watch you. Feel the presence of your O'SHAN and give him AN'ANASH. Try to start a dialogue with O "SHANA. This crystal will help in any life situation and will never leave you.
Energy: Archangel Michael
Vibration number: 24

JESUS ​​CHRIST - Jesus Christ

The name of Jesus Christ in the field of Cosmic Spheres is Lord Sananda. Jesus is Light, Love, Truth and Life. Visualize this crystal to connect with Jesus. Feel the love and liberation that you received as a gift from Jesus. Take comfort and healing from him.
Energy: Jesus - Lord Sananda
Vibration number: 4

MARAS - Crystal for magnetism

The MARAS crystal protects electric fields (technical-electric devices) from the magnetic energy that is in your Light body. So that the devices in your presence do not fail.
Also, MARAS protects your Light Body from electrical radiation, for example, radiation from a mobile phone and many other electrical devices. It creates a sheath around your Light Body that does not allow electrical energy to pass through. Stick this crystal on devices that emit a lot of electricity. energy to stop its effect on you. You can also draw this crystal on reverse side your mobile phone or place it in rooms where there is a large electro-smog.
