Eastern Slavs presentation for a history lesson on the topic. Presentation on history "Eastern Slavs in ancient times" Eastern Slavs presentation on geography

Eastern Slavs in ancient times

  • Sources on the history of Russia IX - XVI centuries;
  • Origin and settlement of the Eastern Slavs;
  • The way of life and occupations of the Slavs;
  • Governance among the Eastern Slavs;
  • Beliefs of the Eastern Slavs.

1. Sources on the history of Russia IX – XVI centuries.

Historical source- material, oral or written evidence of the past from which history is studied.

Chronicle - year-by-year record of events that took place

Other written sources on Russian history:

  • business documents;
  • letters;
  • literary works.

2. Origin and settlement of the Eastern Slavs




Name the tribes of the Western and Southern Slavs known to you.

Settlement of the Eastern Slavs

Eastern Europe: from Lake Ilmen in the north to

Black Sea steppes in the south and from the Carpathian Mountains

in the west to the Volga in the east.

Settlement of the Slavs

3. Lifestyle and activities of the Slavs

Answer the questions:

  • What conclusions about the home of the Slavs can be drawn based on these texts?
  • What information about the external appearance of the Slavs does the source give us?
  • What should Procopius of Caesarea say about the clothing of the Eastern Slavs?
  • What conclusion about the occupations of the Slavs can be drawn based on these sources?

  • Semi-dugouts with log walls (typical of forest-steppe areas);
  • Ground dwellings made of logs (typical of northern forest areas).

East Slavs

(Reconstructions by M. M. Gerasimov)

Woman from the Vyatichi tribe

A man from the Krivichi tribe

Slavic occupations

in the VI-IX centuries.



Cattle breeding

cows, horses,

millet, wheat,


sheep, goats,

rye, barley,

oats, peas, beans,

flax, hemp

beekeeping - extraction of honey from wild bees




4. Management among the Eastern Slavs

  • Rope- neighboring community among the ancient Slavs
  • Veche- people's assembly
  • Civil uprising- the entire male population of the community who fought with the enemies during the attack.

People's Assembly

5. Beliefs of the Eastern Slavs

Paganism – belief in the existence of many gods and spirits (polytheism)



Sun God




god of the universe



cattle breeding


god of thunder and


Devilry - "lower spirits" divided into useful and dangerous.

Determine who is depicted on the slide and what group of spirits do these creatures belong to?

Slavic idols

Idol – wooden or

stone statue, image of god

Zbruch idol

Slavic gods Svarog and Mokosh

Temple -

pagan place of worship, pagan temple

Temple and idols of the ancient Slavs

Historical, cultural and natural museum-reserve

Tomsk writing

  • Introduction (pp. 4 – 6), § 1 (reading and retelling)
  • learn concepts and terms.

1 slide

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Indo-European language family Only some languages ​​are indicated Indo-European language family Germanic group Romance group Baltic group Iranian group Slavic group German English Swedish Norwegian Danish Dutch French Italian Spanish Romanian Polish Czech Serbian Bulgarian Russian Lithuanian Latvian Farsi Pashto Dari Tajik Ossetian Kurdish? What other Slavic languages ​​do you know?

3 slide

Origin of the Eastern Slavs Slavic-Baltic unity Exists from the first centuries AD. The separation of the Slavs from the Slavic-Baltic unity - the turn of the 5th–6th centuries. The oldest indisputably Slavic archaeological culture is Prague. The most ancient ancestral home of the Slavs is Central Europe, the region of the upper Danube, Elbe, Oder and Vistula. From here the Slavs settled throughout Europe: Western - to the north, up to Baltic Sea, southern - to the Balkan Peninsula, eastern - to the Carpathians, Dniester, Dnieper, Pripyat, Volkhov, Oka

4 slide

The Slavs moved to Eastern Europe in two ways - northern and southern. Northern route: Pomorie - Ilmen-Lake and Volkhov, upper reaches of the Dnieper, Oka Southern route: Danube - Carpathians - Dniester, Southern Bug, middle Dnieper, Pripyat.

5 slide

Interaction of the Slavs with the indigenous population of Eastern Europe Slavic tribes Baltic tribes Finno-Ugric tribes Agricultural skills Agricultural skills Experience of living in taiga conditions The settlement of the Slavs took place peacefully, because The population density was low, there was a lot of free land and there was enough for everyone. Why didn’t the Slavic newcomers meet fierce resistance from the indigenous people? ?

6 slide

Dwellings of the Eastern Slavs Zemlyanka. The roof rests on the ground. Area 10–20 m2. Heated by a fireplace. Typical for the 6th–7th centuries. Half-dugout. The inside is lined with logs. Area 10–20 m2. The floor is earthen. Completely covered with earth. Heated by a stove-stove. Typical for the 8th–10th centuries.

7 slide

Dwellings of the Eastern Slavs Poluzemlyanka. The inside is lined with hewn logs. The top is completely covered with earth. Heated by a clay stove. Typical for the 10th–11th centuries, for the southern regions of Rus'. Above ground log dwelling. The floor is wooden, raised above ground level. Heated by a combination stove (stone and clay). Has fiberglass windows for smoke exit. Typical for the X–XI centuries. for the northern regions of Rus'.

8 slide

Occupations of the Eastern Slavs Occupations of the Eastern Slavs Agriculture Hunting Fishing Cattle breeding Beekeeping Barley Rye Wheat Millet Oats Furs: Squirrel Marten Sable Fox River fish Cattle Horses Pigs Honey from wild bees

Slide 9

Agriculture among the Eastern Slavs Slash-and-burn agriculture Shifting Cut down trees Burn out trees Uproot the roots Loosen the soil Sow grain in the ash Use the site until exhaustion 6–8 years The site is abandoned for 15–20 years 1. Burn the grass 2. Loosen the soil 3. Sow grain in the ash 4. Use the site until depleted 3–4 years 5. The site is abandoned until fertility is restored (from 2 to 8 years)

10 slide

Agricultural tools of the Eastern Slavs 1–2. Solid wood shovel 3. Shovel with iron blade 4. Solid wood hoe 5. Iron hoe 6. Iron frame for wooden shovels 7. Double-pronged wooden fork

11 slide

Agricultural tools of the Eastern Slavs Harrow-harrow. This harrow was used to loosen the top layer of soil, fertilized with ash after burning grass or trees. Novgorod rake XII–XV centuries. Old Russian sickles of the 10th–13th centuries. Scythe with hilt, 13th century. Braids X–XIII centuries.

12 slide

The beginning of the transition to a two-field system In the 8th century. in the forest-steppe zone the transition to a two-field system begins. The ground is plowed with a plow and harrowed with a wooden harrow. After 1 year of sowing, the field rests fallow for 1 year to restore soil fertility. The site is in constant use. What caused the transition to double-field? ? Sohi Ralo

Slide 13

Social system of the Slavs in the 8th–9th centuries. The main occupation of the Slavs is Clearing land from under the forest: by individual families or by the entire community? Are areas of cleared land farmed jointly or by individual families? Who owns the harvest? Are the dwellings designed for the entire clan or for individual families? Agriculture Whole community Individual families Individual families Individual families

Slide 14

Social system of the Slavs in the 8th–9th centuries. Is there a difference in wealth between dwellings? Who owns the hunting and fishing grounds? Do the Slavs exist in the 8th–9th centuries? private property? What kind of community existed among the Slavs in the 8th–9th centuries: tribal or neighborly? Is there inequality within the community? All dwellings are approximately the same for the entire community Private property exists There is a transition from a tribal community to a neighborhood community There is still no inequality within the community

15 slide

The path from the Varangians to the Greeks The path from the Varangians to the Greeks and from the Greeks along the Dnieper, and the top of the Dnieper was dragged to Lovot, and along Lovot enter into the great Ilmen Lake, from the same lake the Volkhov will flow and flow into the great Lake Nevo and of that lake to enter the mouth into the Varangian Sea, and along that sea go to Rome, and from Rome come along the same sea to Tsar-Gorod, and from Tsar-Gorod come to the Pontus Sea and the Dnieper River flows into it. Lovat Volkhov

Slide 17

Trade on the way from the Varangians to the Greeks Scandinavia Rus' Honey, wax, furs, salt, wine, jewelry, silk, brocade Byzantine Empire Honey, wax, furs, leather, slaves Weapons, wine, jewelry, silk, brocade Slaves, leather, fish, metals, amber? What did they trade on the way from the Varangians to the Greeks?

Eastern Slavs in ancient times

Lesson plan:

  • Sources on the history of Russia IX - XVI centuries;
  • Origin and settlement of the Eastern Slavs;
  • The way of life and occupations of the Slavs;
  • Governance among the Eastern Slavs;
  • Beliefs of the Eastern Slavs.

1. Sources on the history of Russia IX – XVI centuries.

Historical source- material, oral or written evidence of the past from which history is studied.

Chronicle - year-by-year record of events that took place

Other written sources on Russian history:

  • business documents;
  • letters;
  • literary works.

2. Origin and settlement of the Eastern Slavs




Name the tribes of the Western and Southern Slavs known to you.

Settlement of the Eastern Slavs

Eastern Europe: from Lake Ilmen in the north to

Black Sea steppes in the south and from the Carpathian Mountains

in the west to the Volga in the east.

Settlement of the Slavs

3. Lifestyle and activities of the Slavs

Answer the questions:

  • What conclusions about the home of the Slavs can be drawn based on these texts?
  • What information about the external appearance of the Slavs does the source give us?
  • What should Procopius of Caesarea say about the clothing of the Eastern Slavs?
  • What conclusion about the occupations of the Slavs can be drawn based on these sources?

Dwelling of the Eastern Slavs:

  • Semi-dugouts with log walls (typical of forest-steppe areas);
  • Ground dwellings made of logs (typical of northern forest areas).

East Slavs

(Reconstructions by M. M. Gerasimov)

Woman from the Vyatichi tribe

A man from the Krivichi tribe

Slavic occupations

in the VI-IX centuries.



Cattle breeding

cows, horses,

millet, wheat,


sheep, goats,

rye, barley,

oats, peas, beans,

flax, hemp

beekeeping - extraction of honey from wild bees




4. Management among the Eastern Slavs

  • Rope- neighboring community among the ancient Slavs
  • Veche- people's assembly
  • Civil uprising- the entire male population of the community who fought with the enemies during the attack.

People's Assembly

5. Beliefs of the Eastern Slavs

Paganism – belief in the existence of many gods and spirits (polytheism)



Sun God




god of the universe



cattle breeding


god of thunder and


Devilry - "lower spirits" divided into useful and dangerous.

Determine who is depicted on the slide and what group of spirits do these creatures belong to?

Slavic idols

Idol – wooden or

stone statue, image of god

Zbruch idol

Slavic gods Svarog and Mokosh

Temple -

pagan place of worship, pagan temple

Temple and idols of the ancient Slavs

Historical, cultural and natural museum-reserve

Tomsk writing


  • Introduction (pp. 4 – 6), § 1 (reading and retelling)
  • learn concepts and terms.
  • * mini-essay on the topic “One day in the life of an East Slavic warrior (farmer, hunter, etc.)

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Slide captions:

East Slavs

Eastern Slavs are a cultural and linguistic community of Slavs who speak East Slavic languages. Made up the main population of the medieval state Kievan Rus. TO XVII century On the basis of the East Slavic community, the Ukrainian, Russian, and Belarusian peoples were formed. Encyclopedic sources jointly mention only Russians, Ukrainians and Belarusians as Eastern Slavs.

Slavic settlements reflect a sedentary lifestyle; they were located along the banks of rivers and lakes in places where there were areas suitable for agriculture.

Dwellings of the Eastern Slavs Poluzemlyanka. The inside is lined with hewn logs. The top is completely covered with earth. Heated by a clay stove. Typical for the 10th–11th centuries, for the southern regions of Rus'. Above ground log dwelling. The floor is wooden, raised above ground level. Heated by a combination stove (stone and clay). Has fiberglass windows for smoke exit. Typical for the X–XI centuries. for the northern regions of Rus'.

Economy of the Eastern Tribes The economy of the Slavic settlements was slash-and-burn farming. At the same time, the area cleared of forest very soon became depleted and stopped producing crops after 3-4 years. This forced the Slavs to leave old areas and cut down new ones. This farming system required a huge amount of land.

Agricultural tools of the Eastern Slavs 1–2. Solid wood shovel 3. Shovel with iron blade 4. Solid wood hoe 5. Iron hoe 6. Iron frame for wooden shovels 7. Double-pronged wooden fork

Agricultural tools of the Eastern Slavs Harrow-harrow. This harrow was used to loosen the top layer of soil, fertilized with ash after burning grass or trees. Novgorod rake XII–XV centuries. Old Russian sickles of the 10th–13th centuries. Scythe with hilt, 13th century. Braids X–XIII centuries.

Animal husbandry Along with agriculture, a large place in economic activity Eastern Slavs were interested in animal husbandry. A herd of cattle was the most important wealth of the Slavic community. Its meat was used for food; in addition, it was used to produce milk and dairy products, and in the southern lands as a draft force in arable farming. A prominent place in the economic activities of the Eastern Slavs belonged to hunting and fishing, which was largely favored by natural conditions. The main hunting tools are the bow and spear. Snares and trapping nets were widely used to hunt birds and small animals.

Deck Wax, honey - articles of trade exchange Beekeeping - collecting honey from wild bees

Bargaining in the lands of the Eastern Slavs Slavic boats Trading

Clothing of the ancient Slavs The clothing of the Slavs was quite simple. Did not include: shirt, vestments, ports, women's sundresses, poneva, trousers. They sewed clothes mainly from linen and cotton. Children's clothes were made from old shirts. Because of superstitions, bells were hung on clothes. Women decorated it with embroidery. Shoes were bast shoes.

Dazhdbog is the god of the Sun, “the giver of all blessings.” Stribog - the god of the wind Yarilo - Furious - means indomitable, rage - to rage, forgetting, the idea of ​​​​fertility, love. Belobog is one of the supreme good gods of the ancient Slavic peoples. God of luck and happiness. Religion of the Slavs - paganism

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