Sansevieria has dry, thin leaves. How to care for sansevieria: conditions for a flower that purifies the air

Sansevieria three-lane is a widespread indoor plant, used for landscaping apartments, offices and shops. In everyday life, this plant is often called by another name - Mother-in-law's Tongue.

Sansevieria grows in rosettes of 5-6 leaves, dark green in color, with light transverse stripes. Depending on the amount of light that hits the plant, the color intensity of the stripes may change. If there is not enough light, the stripes become barely noticeable and not clear. The leaf length can reach 100-120 cm, while the width can be up to 10 cm.

Varieties and types

- the most ancient variety, having a smooth, flat surface of leaves that grow, stretching straight upward, and along the edge, like a border, there is a yellow stripe.

– this variety is similar to Laurenti, it’s like a smaller copy of it. The leaves reach a height of 10-15 cm, forming one dense rosette of 5-15 leaves, the ends of which are slightly bent outward.

distinctive feature is also the presence of rare longitudinal yellow stripes.

(cylindrical ) – the leaves of this variety are tubular in shape with a sharp end, reminiscent of the tentacles of an octopus. They reach a height of one and a half meters.

Some species of this variety have the ability to twist, which allows you to give the plant bizarre shapes (for example, the shape of a braid). For growing, it is better to use shallow, thick-walled ceramic pots.

Sansevieria zeilan ika – has wide leaves, medium height, slightly wavy edges and the same uneven (wavy) light stripes and specks.

– this variety of sansevieria differs significantly from others. It has thin leaves curled inward, resembling the shape of a boat. The color of the leaves is pale with the same indistinct stripes, and sometimes without stripes at all.

- has thin, smooth, wavy, light (gray-green), sometimes even silvery leaves.

Sansevieria care at home

Sansevieria is a fairly unpretentious plant. It can grow both in a well-lit place and in the shade. Withstands large temperature changes. It can go for a long time without watering. But if you adhere to proper regular care, then appearance Sansevieria will delight the eye with dense, shiny leaves with variegated colors.

For healthy growth, the plant needs to provide sufficient light, avoiding direct sunlight (especially if it is midday sun). With a lack of light, the plant slows down its growth and loses its special color (light stripes) and acquires a dark green color.

Temperature is not particularly important for the growth of sansevieria, but in order for the plant to always remain healthy, bright, with clear stripes (if any), do not allow the temperature to drop below 15 ° C in winter.

Sansevieria watering

Watering should be regular, avoiding drying out or waterlogging. If you don’t know when it’s time to water, you can purchase special humidity indicators at the flower shop.

In winter, watering must be reduced; the colder it is, the less often you water. In addition to watering, it doesn’t hurt to wipe the leaves with a damp cloth or sponge. Water for irrigation should be settled and at room temperature.

Sansevieria transplant

Transplantation is carried out very rarely, since Sansevieria grows very slowly. If the roots of the plant appear from the hole at the bottom of the pot, this is a sign that it has become crowded and it is time to replace the pot.

Another reason for replanting may be the appearance of young leaves that form separate rosettes. In addition, it should be remembered that the pot should not be high, thick (perhaps even clay) - this is necessary so that the pot does not crack due to the powerful root system, and also so that due to the heavy leaves (especially those varieties which are tall) the plant did not collapse.

Soil for sansevieria

The soil for planting and replanting can be made up of one part leaf soil, one part sand and two parts turf soil.

You can also purchase a ready-made substrate at a flower shop; it also contains perlite or fine gravel.

Sansevieria fertilizer

Liquid mineral fertilizers (for indoor plants or cacti) can be applied monthly in the spring and summer.

To do this, dilute the fertilizer in water so that the consistency is two times weaker than indicated in the instructions, and for varieties with bright (clear) stripes - three times weaker, otherwise, due to an excess of fertilizers, the plant may lose its decorative effect and become plain.

Sansevieria propagation

By dividing the rhizome Sansevieria reproduces in the spring. To do this, the plant is carefully removed from the pot and the roots are cut with a sharp knife so that one growth point remains in each area, then they are planted in separate pots and placed in a warm place, providing moderate watering. This method is good for any type of sansevieria.

Another method of reproduction is side shoots . To do this, you just need to carefully separate the young shoots along with the rhizome during transplantation and place them in a separate pot.

Sansevieria propagation by leaf

To do this, select the strongest, healthiest leaf and cut it into pieces 5-6 cm long, then leave it to lie in the air for a while (dry slightly).

The next step is to immerse its lower part in the sand at an angle of 45°. Cover with a jar or trimmed plastic bottle. Water only into the tray.

Rooting occurs after a month and a half, when new leaves begin to appear next to this seedling. This method is only suitable for monochromatic types.

Diseases and pests

The main diseases of Sansevieria are spider mites, mealybugs, thrips and anthracnose.

When affected by anthracnose brown spots appear on the leaves , gradually increasing in size, which leads to drying of the sheet. This disease most often occurs due to a violation of the watering regime, namely excess moisture. If infection is detected, the plant is treated with a fungicide solution.

Leaves turn pale yellow , solid whitish spots appear, the leaf dies - evidence of spider mite damage. The cause may be dry air. As a preventative measure, you should wipe the leaves with a damp cloth. Treatment: treat with Actellik.

Trips – deposited on the bottom of the leaf a large number of pests, and white dots appear on the upper side. Subsequently the upper part of the leaf becomes grayish-brown with a slight silvery sheen. Treatment: spraying with insecticides.

Leaves turn yellow and become soft at the base – waterlogging of the soil. You can save the plant by removing all the affected leaves and replanting it in new soil and pot, which becomes impossible if the roots have already begun to rot.

Leaves become limp and rot – if the ground is dry and the room temperature is below 15°C. The plant can only be saved in a warmer place, provided that all damaged areas are removed. But if stem rotting has begun, then it is possible to root the undamaged upper parts of the leaves.

Sansevieria, or SansevieriaIt is a stemless herbaceous evergreen perennial succulent belonging to the Asparagus family. Grows in savannas and subtropics of Africa, America and Asia. There are about 60 species of this plant. As indoor flower valued for its unpretentiousness. Due to its appearance, it is often used in interior design.

Did you know? Due to its striped, hard and long leaves, Sansevieria is often called “pike tail”. Also known as "snakeskin" or "mother-in-law's tongue." In Japan it is called “tiger tail”, and in Turkey “pasha’s sword”.

Ideal conditions for growing sansevieria

This plant is suitable for growing not only for beginning flower growers, but even for those who have not survived a single representative of the flora, because it is a leader in all kinds of endurance ratings. Still, sansevieria has its own needs, and before planting it is worth familiarizing yourself with the peculiarities of agricultural technology for its cultivation.

Location and lighting

Since the homeland of sansevieria is rich in sunlight, it is better to provide it with bright lighting, Suitable for any window sill in your home. The southwest or southeast side is best.

The brightest varieties require the most abundant light, and in deep shade the color of the leaves will fade, become almost monochromatic, and growth will stop. Of course, the plant will not die from insufficient lighting, but it will develop worse.

Staying on a hot southern window will also not destroy indoor Sansevieria flowers; only in the sunniest hours are burns possible; shading will be necessary.

Important! If you do not want the plant to grow at an angle, you need to rotate it regularly.

Air temperature and humidity

Any temperature in summer is suitable, even +30 °C will not cause harm to sansevieria. In winter, it can tolerate short periods of low temperatures down to +5 °C, but it is still better that the temperature does not drop below +16 °C to prevent root rotting.

Dry air is preferable; spraying is not required, especially at low temperatures. But from time to time it is worth wiping the leaves with a damp sponge to remove dust.

How to care for an evergreen shrub

Caring for sansevieria at home is minimal; just follow the basic rules, and the plant will feel great.

Did you know? Sansevieria spines are elastic and hard, which is why they were previously used as gramophone needles. And in areas of Central Africa, this plant was also used to make strong ropes and coarse fabrics.

What watering regime does the pike tail like?

Pike tail - This is a drought-resistant plant, and it is not recommended to overwater it. Watering sansevieria should be regular, but moderate.

In spring and summer– once every 5–7 days (less often in cloudy weather), immediately after the soil has dried.

in winter– 1-2 times a month, a day after the soil dries. Rainwater, distilled water, or standing water at room temperature is suitable.

Make sure that you do not overwater (especially in cool conditions) and that liquid does not get into the outlet itself. After all, these are the reasons why Sansevieria leaves become soft and limp, why they turn yellow and rot at the base.

How often and what to fertilize with?

In winter, this unpretentious plant does not need fertilizer at all, and from late spring to early autumn, fertilizing can be applied once every 2 to 4 weeks. To do this, use fertilizers for cacti and succulents or regular mineral fertilizers.

Important! For varieties with decorative colored stripes, the dosage (especially of nitrogen-containing fertilizers) is reduced by three times. Otherwise, excess chlorophyll production will make the leaves uniformly green.

Pruning sansevieria

Trimming procedure Sansevieria is very simple. Observing the principle of moderation, since excessive pruning can stop the growth of the plant, remove old, heavily damaged leaves that have lost their decorative properties, as well as yellowed and rotten parts. Do not cut off the tips of the leaves.

Transplantation and soil selection

Sansevieria is best replanted in spring or early summer. It has good growth rates, so young specimens are replanted every 2 years, mature ones - 3.

The signal for you will be the roots protruding from the pot. Choose a new pot that is thick-walled, heavy, preferably wide and shallow, since this plant has a powerful surface root system. There must be a good drainage layer (pebbles and expanded clay are suitable).

If you have just purchased home flower sansevierias, then the earthen ball should be completely removed, because store soils are usually too saturated with peat and depleted. Next, inspect the roots for damage or rotting.

Place soil on top of the drainage layer (at least 1/3 of the container). Light, quickly drying and low in nutrition will do. You can use special soil mixtures for cacti and succulents or mix sand, turf and leaf soil in equal proportions.

Now you can plant pike tail. Lightly press the roots down with soil and water generously. After transplanting, tall plants should be tied to a support, because the powerful leaves can become overpowering, and the sansevieria will fall out of the pot.

How to propagate Sansevieria at home

Reproduction is possible by dividing rhizomes, leaves or lateral shoots, as well as seeds.

When dividing the rhizome it is cut with a sharp knife so that each part has its own growth point. Plant each fragment in a separate pot and place it in a warm place, providing moderate watering.

When dividing a sheet it needs to be divided into parts 4-5 cm long, hold them in the air for a short time and place the lower end of each in the sand (at an angle of 45°). Next, you need to cover each fragment with a bottle or jar and place it in a warm and bright place without direct sunlight.

When watering, water is poured into the pan. After 30-40 days, as soon as the sansevieria has been rooted and buds have appeared, it can be transplanted into a container with soil. This method is not suitable for variegated species, since with this method of propagation they lose their decorative stripes and grow monochromatic.

You can also separate a shoot from the main stem and place it in water. After about a month, roots will form and the seedling can be planted in the ground.

If, at the end of flowering, you see shoots similar to dill on the ground near the plant, then you can collect seeds and sow them in the ground. No need to sprinkle. Shoots will appear in 10-15 days. You can pick them up after 1 month.

Possible problems and pests of sansevieria

You are unlikely to have serious problems with Sansevieria, but some troubles, often due to improper care, are possible.

If dark spots appear on the leaves, then most likely you overdid it with watering at low temperature.

With yellow leaves most likely lack of lighting or too small pot.

If the tips wither, dry out and turn yellow, then there may be a lack of light, excessive watering, and too low temperatures.

The leaves have become soft and bend in half- it is more likely that they stretch out in search of light and cannot support their own weight.

Why does the pike tail have leaves curl? Maybe you forget to water it for a long period of time.

Sansevieria or Sansevieria is one of the champions in oxygen production among houseplants; at the same time, this plant absorbs substances harmful to health from the air. For striped, hard and long leaves Sansevieria is popularly called “pike tail”. Sansevieria is unpretentious in care and is successfully grown by novice gardeners. This plant is very decorative, looks impressive indoors, and is often grown at home, in offices and winter gardens.

Portrait of a plant

Sansevieria is a succulent, part of the Agave family, a close relative of dracaena and yucca. In nature, it is found in savannas and subtropical regions of Africa, Asia and America, among known species, there are about 60 of them, there are epiphytes. The plant is valued in home floriculture, first of all, for its beautiful leaves, which are collected in rosettes and grow in most species directly from the rhizome; some species have a stem. The color of the leaves is dark green, in some species they are brown, they have longitudinal and transverse stripes, white and yellow. They may have a waxy coating, like agave or aloe. The shape of the leaves can be wide, flat and long, oval and thick, wide, flat and round, and can also be sword-shaped, pencil- or spoon-shaped. In the most common indoor species, the leaves grow vertically upward; there are those in which they are oriented in different directions, or grow parallel to the ground. At the tips, the leaves may have a small point that cannot be broken off, as this impairs the growth of the plant.

The growth rate of sansevieria depends on the species. There are fast-growing ones, and there are those that produce 3-4 new leaves per year.

In the interior, sansevieria looks most advantageous either in the form of a large group of rosettes with long leaves, planted in a round low pot, or in the form of plants consisting of one rosette, planted in a row in a low and long pot. It is possible to place two of these pots symmetrically. Sansevieria is often used in composition with other indoor plants.

Sansevieria species with thick leaves that grow in a spiral, such as robusta, can be shaped to give the plant a “flat” shape. To do this, the leaves of the young plant are fixed with sticks in the desired position and left in this form for a long time, after which the sansevieria no longer changes the given shape. To prevent such a plant from tilting from its vertical position in search of light, it must be periodically rotated.

Caring for sansevieria (sansevieria) at home


Sansevieria will not die in low light conditions, but you should not constantly keep it in the back of the room. For a plant to be beautiful, with developed and bright leaves, it needs a lot of light, including sunlight. Only if the plant is placed on a south-facing window will it require shading on hot summer days.

For variegated varieties, the lighting requirements are somewhat different. If the share yellow color the color is quite large, the plant needs less light, its excess can turn variegated leaves into ordinary green ones. But in low light conditions the plant will develop poorly, so for such varieties you need to choose an intermediate position relative to the window. Be sure to protect them from direct sun, as the colored areas of the leaves are more susceptible to sunburn.


The plant is not very picky about temperature; sansevieria feels most comfortable at 16-20 degrees at night, and 21-28 degrees during the day, but can withstand more high temperatures. If you are in cool conditions for a long time (for example, in winter in transitions) office buildings) you need to significantly reduce watering.


Sansevieria is a drought-resistant plant, succulent. Water it lightly; the next watering should be done when the soil dries out. The plant can withstand relatively long periods without water.

When watering, you need to make sure that water does not get inside the outlet, which could rot.

When the room temperature is low, Sansevieria needs to be watered less frequently; less frequent watering is also required if the plant is placed in the shade.

Sansevieria does not need spraying, but periodically you need to clean the leaves from dust using a cloth or a special broom.


Sansevieria is replanted as the plant grows. Young plants can be replanted annually, adults - once every few years, when the pot becomes crowded. The new pot is shallow, 1.5-2 cm wider than the old one, sansevieria does not like a large volume of soil, and its root system is superficial and shallow.

Sansevieria needs light, low-nutrient soil that dries quickly. It is better to use specialized soil mixtures for cacti and succulents or make your own soil from leaf, turf soil and sand in equal parts. If the soil is prepared independently, it is advisable to calcinate it in the oven or steam it.

Top dressing

From May to September, sansevieria is fed once every 2 weeks. The rest of the time, you can apply fertilizer once a month, but during cool wintering you should not feed the plant at all. For feeding, use fertilizers for cacti and succulents or universal mineral fertilizer. For variegated varieties, do not use fertilizers with a high nitrogen content, which stimulates the production of chlorophyll and, as a result, greening of the leaves.


Sansevieria at home is most often propagated vegetatively: by dividing the bush (lateral layering), dividing the rhizome or leaf cuttings.

When dividing a bush, the rhizome connecting the parent plant with the shoot is cut with a sharp knife; this rhizome is quite strong. The cut is sprinkled with crushed coal, placed in a separate pot with fresh soil, and watered. In the future, watering should be careful, not excessive. You should refrain from feeding for a month. As a rule, layerings take root well.

It is more difficult to propagate sansevieria by leaf, but the advantage of this method is that you can get several new plants at the same time.

Leaves for cuttings must be sufficiently mature and healthy. Usually the old lower leaves are taken. Leaf cuttings 5-10 cm long are dried in air for two days, then placed vertically in damp sand, peat or vermiculite, deepening by 1.5-2 cm. A distance of 2-4 cm is left between the cuttings. The soil is lightly compacted so that the cuttings are kept in him. Cover the top with a jar or bag, removing them once a day for ventilation, and moisten the substrate as it dries. The container with the cuttings is placed in a bright, warm place without direct sun.

After about 2-3 weeks, roots appear on the cuttings, after 1-2 months - babies, after 2-3 months - stem cuttings, which can be planted in separate pots small size. Water carefully, without flooding.

Important: when variegated varieties of Sansevieria are propagated by leaves, the varietal characteristics of the parent - colored stripes on the leaves - are not transmitted to the daughter plant. Therefore, it is better to propagate such species by dividing the bush.

Another way to propagate sansevieria is by dividing the rhizome. For propagation, take an adult plant with a developed rhizome. Dry roots are peeled off the rhizome and cut into pieces, each with at least one bud. The sections are treated with a fungicide or sprinkled with crushed coal and placed in the substrate.


At home, sansevieria can bloom, however, this happens quite rarely even with good care. The flowers of this plant are white, with long stamens, and have a pleasant but rather strong smell. The flowers are collected in a raceme on a long arrow 15-20 cm long; there may be several such peduncles.

Growing problems

There are no big difficulties when growing sansevieria; it is a very flexible plant. But sometimes some problems may arise.

Dark spots on the leaves are due to waterlogging at low temperatures.

The leaves are turning yellow. The plant does not have enough light. Perhaps the pot is too tight.

The leaves are soft along their entire length and bend in half or deviate greatly from the vertical. Most likely, the sansevieria does not have enough light, so the leaves are very elongated and cannot support their own weight.

The leaves become soft at the base and begin to turn yellow. Perhaps water got into the center of the outlet and a fungal disease began.

The tips of the leaves wither, turn yellow and dry out. The plant is too cold, it may be overwatered or there is not enough light.

The leaves are withering. The plant has not been watered for a long time.

Sansevieria three-strip and other popular species

The number of species of Sansevieria is large, about 200. All species can be divided into two types: with flat leaves and thick round ones.

The most common in indoor floriculture type of sansevieria - Sansevieria trifasciata or three-lane sansevieria. Plants of this species have oval, flat leaves with transverse light green stripes on a dark green background. They were nicknamed “pike tail” or “mother-in-law’s tongue.”

Most often on sale you can find the species Sansevieria trifasciata "Laurentii" with yellow and green stripes on the sides, Sansevieria Zeylanica with variegated dark green leaves.

There is a compact form of Sansevieria trifasciata "Laurentii Compacta" with wide, short leaves.

Very popular with flower growers different kinds Sansevieria trifasciata "Hahnii". Their leaves are short and curved backwards. The color can be green, yellow-green, with silver stripes. They come with curled leaves.

Sansevieria cylindrica has long, thick, paired, elliptical leaves. The color is silver-green, with transverse stripes.

Sansevieria robusta leaves Green colour, grow upward, have a round shape, pointed at the end. The length can reach 180 cm, this is a fairly tall species.

The Sansevieria plant is more often found under the name “mother-in-law’s tongue.” The African flower produces long sword-shaped leaves. The total height of the crop can reach more than one meter. Sansevieria is especially prized for its tall inflorescences with small, yellow, star-shaped flowers. The pleasant aroma of sansevieria can fill the entire room. The representative of succulents belongs to the Agave family. In its natural environment, the plant can be found in savannas and subtropical regions of Asia, Africa and America. There are more than sixty varieties of culture. Among them there are also epiphytic representatives (plants that live on trees and other green spaces). In most varieties, the leaves are dark green. There are also longitudinal, flat, oval, wide, thick and round shapes. Vegetative organs in the shape of a spoon or pencil are especially popular. The leaves have a small sharp end. Removing the site may stop the development of the crop.

For indoor growing It is advisable to place the flowerpot in a lighted room.


The plant is capable long time is in partial shade. It is advisable to provide the flower with uniform sunlight. The brightness of the leaves and the full development of the crop depend on the length of daylight hours.

If the flowerpot is located on a windowsill on the south side of the building, it is necessary to protect the sansevieria from direct sunlight.

Variegated varieties with a predominant yellow tint are less demanding on the lighting of the area than classic green representatives of the crop. For successful cultivation, you should place the potted plant near a window. Colored areas are especially susceptible to solar radiation. Therefore, it is necessary to shade the windows in a timely manner using blinds or roller shutters.


An unpretentious plant can actively develop in standard room conditions. To grow sansevieria during the growing season, you will need to provide about + 18 - +20 degrees at night. During the day, the temperature should be maintained in the range from + 21 to + 28 degrees. The plant can withstand hotter conditions.

IN winter time year, with a significant decrease in temperature, it is necessary to reduce the amount of watering.

How to water sansevieria

The plant can go without watering for a long time.

Succulents are fairly drought-resistant plants. You need to water the flower as the soil dries thoroughly. The culture can remain without water for a long time. In the darkened area of ​​the room, you need to reduce the frequency of soil moisture.

Sansevieria requires careful handling of liquid. Water getting into the outlet causes rot.

Sansevieria does not need additional spraying. It is recommended to promptly clean the crop from dust. To do this, wipe the leaves first with a dry, clean cloth, then with a damp sponge. You can also use a special broom. The initial use of a wet cloth clogs the pores with dirt.

The plant tolerates dry air well. High level water in the environment reduces the plant's endurance.

The nuances of transplantation

It is necessary to change the container and soil mixture as the crop grows. During periods of rapid growth, it is advisable to replant young plants annually. Overgrown flowers - when the container becomes cramped.

For planting, prepare a container of medium depth.

The root system of the plant is undeveloped and superficial. Therefore, it is advisable to prepare a shallow container. The width of the container should be two centimeters larger than the one used.

For replanting, you will need low-nutrient, light soil with good throughput. In specialized stores you can purchase soil mixtures for succulents and cacti.

It is quite easy to prepare a substrate yourself at home from turf soil, leaf humus and medium-grained sand. After mixing, be sure to sterilize the soil. You can also disinfect the substrate by heat treatment in the oven.

How to prune a plant

Sansevieria should be periodically removed from all damaged and infected areas. It is also recommended to carry out pruning to maintain a decorative appearance.

The top layer of the substrate must be promptly cleared of fallen inflorescences and leaves. Dried vegetative organs are an excellent environment for fungal spore formation.

Other features of mother-in-law's tongue can be found in the video:

How to grow a flower in a flowerbed

Sansevieria is considered to be a native indoor crop. In fact, the flower can be easily grown in an open area. At proper care Mother-in-law's tongue grows very quickly. In one growing season, a pot of sansevieria can become filled with small plants.

After the threat of spring frosts has subsided, the flower should be planted in open soil. In the open air, the mother-in-law's tongue will change significantly. The plant blooms profusely throughout the summer season. In the fall, you can plant the formed sansevieria in separate pots.

Transfer to open ground not only promotes rapid reproduction. The plant's appearance on the site is significantly improved.

Features of cultivation

Composition of the soil mixture

To grow adult sansevieria, you can purchase a ready-made substrate. At home, it’s easy to prepare one of the soil mixture options:

  1. Combine humus soil with river sand and turf soil.
  2. Add leaf soil, humus, aerated peat and sand to the turf soil.
  3. Prepare leaf and turf soil in equal parts. Then add humus, sand and peat.

You need to lay out a drainage layer at the bottom of the pot.

Be sure to lay out a drainage layer during planting. The substrate should be loosened periodically. The soil should have increased breathability.

How to feed the crop

At the end of May, you can gradually begin to feed the plant. For full development, it is enough to use the drugs twice a month. At first winter period the use of fertilizers should be stopped.

Experienced gardeners do not recommend using fertilizers with a high concentration of nitrogen for variegated representatives of the crop. Chemical element promotes the production of chlorophyll. Which, in turn, causes an increase in green mass. The formation of buds and the duration of flowering will be significantly reduced.

How to choose the right container

It is advisable to replant Sansevieria in early spring. The procedure should be carried out as the flower grows. With proper care, the plant will have to be replanted annually.

To grow a flower, it is advisable to prepare heavy clay pots. You should choose a wide, stable container. At the stage of winter dormancy in a dried substrate, the plant may bend and fall.

Main problems and diseases of the plant

Non-compliance simple conditions caring for the plant can cause wilting.

Sansevieria is valued for its “flexibility”. Failure to comply with growing conditions can still cause a significant decrease in immunity. As a result, the plant becomes a potential victim for dangerous pests and diseases.

The combination of waterlogging of the substrate with a sufficiently low air temperature causes the formation dark spots on the leaves of the plant.

Yellowness forms on vegetative organs due to insufficient lighting. A cramped space in a small container can cause similar symptoms. Both factors should be excluded.

The softness of the leaves along the entire length leads to bending of the vegetative organs. The leaves may also bend vertically. Sansevieria's leaves become stretched due to insufficient sunlight. The plant cannot support its own weight.

If areas at the base of the leaves turn yellow or become soft, you need to check the rosette. Often liquid gets into a group of leaves during watering. Prolonged exposure to water leads to fungal diseases.

If only the tips of the leaves turn yellow, dry or wither, the air in the room is too cold. It is necessary to gradually raise the temperature of the thermometer. The cause may also be insufficient lighting or excessive watering.

Prolonged stay in a dry substrate causes the leaves to wilt.

Thrips, spider mites and mealybugs can settle on the plant. Large pests can be collected mechanically. The leaves should be treated with a solution of green soap and chamomile. After 24 hours, you need to wash off any remaining product. The procedure must be repeated at least 3 times. Large colonies can be destroyed with insecticides.

The tiny spider mite is impossible to notice. After the characteristic white cobwebs appear, you should prepare a solution of laundry soap. The cleaned flower can be treated with an insecticide.

Sansevieria is often infected with anthracnose. It is quite easy to recognize the disease by the characteristic small spots on the leaves. Inaction contributes to the spread of the disease. The marks increase in size. The central part of the spot becomes white. A green or yellow shell is formed.

Affected leaves will dry out within a few days. Excessive watering promotes the appearance of anthracnose. Excessive wetting of the substrate should be avoided. If infected, it is necessary to treat the sansevieria with a fungicide.

Secrets of flowering and application of culture

Indoors, Sansevieria rarely produces inflorescences even with proper care. White flowers with long stamens emit a strong, pleasant aroma. Brushes are formed on long peduncles.

All areas of Sansevieria have a beneficial effect on human immunity.

Sansevieria is rightfully classified as a medicinal crop. Plant areas are used for effective treatment cystitis and inflammation of the appendages.

According to studies, pike tail has a beneficial effect on human health. The plant increases resistance to viral and colds.

There are cases of complete relief from seasonal allergies. The plant also helps relieve chronic rhinitis.

Sansevieria propagation

The plant spreads quite easily at home by vegetative means. You can carry out cuttings of leaves, dividing the rhizome and bush with lateral layering.

To divide the bush, you must use a clean, disinfected knife. The rhizome should be cut at the junction of the shoot with the parent plant. The cut area must be treated with crushed wood ash. Then plant it in a container with prepared substrate. The plant should be watered evenly. Over the next 30 days, it is not recommended to moisten the soil. Layers of mother-in-law's tongue take root quickly.

Sansevieria cuttings.

Cuttings are much more difficult to carry out. The method has a significant advantage. You can get several plants at the same time. For propagation, it is necessary to prepare healthy, large leaves. As a rule, the lower vegetative organs are used. Cuttings with a total length of ten centimeters need to be dried in fresh air for 48 hours. Direct sunlight should be avoided. Then you can plant the leaves in a container with a moist substrate.

It is recommended to use vermiculite or peat as a filler. The distance between the cuttings should be at least two centimeters. After evenly distributing the soil, you need to cover the container with a transparent jar or bag. After 20 days, roots will appear on the cuttings. After 2 months, the small plant will form babies. After another 90 days, it will be possible to plant the resulting stem cuttings.

Why doesn't the plant bloom?

For flowering it is necessary to provide the crop winter holidays. It is necessary to feed the mother-in-law's tongue in a timely manner. To form buds in summer time year, you can move the flowerpot outdoors. You can also take the plant out onto the balcony.

For lush flowering you will need bright sunlight and a spacious container.

Sansevieria can be stimulated to bloom using bright sunlight.

Planting material

The average price for a 1 meter high sansevieria braid is 9,600 rubles.

Jul 05 2018

Sansevieria (Sansevieria) - unpretentious perfection

When they talk about indoor plant“Mother-in-law’s tongue” or “Pike tail”, then many ordinary people see long, unattractive leaves of a marsh-green color before their eyes. But experienced flower growers know not only about the benefits of keeping Sansevieria, but also about various unusual plant varieties that can appeal to anyone. In this article we will introduce you to the most popular species and varieties of Sansevieria, and also tell you about the rules for caring for this unpretentious flower at home.

Sansevieria (or Sansevieria) grows in tropical and subtropical forests. It can be found in Africa, North America, in South Asia. herbaceous plant has dense decorative leaves, growing from rhizomes. Sansevieria belongs to the Asparagus family. Although previously, botanists classified it as an Agave family, which is why this confusion still exists. The plant got its name in honor of the Prince of San Severo, Raymond di Sangro. The flower was brought to Europe in the eighteenth century. Flower growers were attracted by its leaves, covered with beautiful stains, unpretentiousness and adaptability to unfavorable conditions.

The flower is an evergreen plant that does not have a stem. Under natural conditions leaves individual species grow up to 120 centimeters in length. The dense, leathery leaves end in a pointed end. Thanks to the dense surface of the leaves, the plant tolerates drought well and does not require frequent watering. Sansevieria grows slowly, producing two or three new leaves every year.

In its homeland, Sansevieria blooms every year. In spring, a peduncle appears from the rosette, on which small cream-colored flowers are located. The flowers are collected in racemose inflorescences, from which a pleasant aroma emanates, combining the smell of vanilla and cloves. In indoor conditions, the plant blooms less often, most often within two weeks in the summer.

Blooming Sansevieria

Sansevieria has received many names reflecting its appearance:

  1. Mother-in-law's tongue;
  2. Pike tail;
  3. Snake skin;
  4. Wolf tail.

Sansevieria species

In nature, up to 70 species of flowers are found, but up to a dozen varieties are popular in indoor floriculture. Moreover, flower growers use for this plant not only the classification of variety (species), but also such a concept as a sport plant. This is the name given to varieties that have significant deviations from the species, but they are not a new variety.

Conventionally, all types of Sansevieria can be divided into two varieties: plants with long vertical leaves and plants with short wide leaves forming a rosette. The most popular species is Sansevieria three-lane.


This species is characterized by tall, flat, dark green leaves with transverse light stripes, unevenly distributed. The width of the leaves reaches ten centimeters in length, and they can grow over a meter in height. The leaves taper towards the top, and there is a small spine at the end of the leaf. In nature, this species is distributed in the desert regions of the African continent.


Its long leaves, in addition to transverse light stripes, have a yellow edge. The intensity of the color depends on the lighting. With a lack of light, the stripes fade. This type of Sansevieria became the basis for the development of new varieties.


Lanceolate-shaped leaves grow up to sixty centimeters, reaching a width of fifteen centimeters. Transverse stripes of a malachite hue are combined with a reddish border along the edge of the sheet. The flowers are located on a long peduncle in the form of a brush and have a greenish-white color.


The leaves of this plant species are cylindrical in shape, decorated with vertical silver-white stripes and yellow streaks. The ends of the leaves are narrowed and sharp. To avoid accidental injury, at home, cork caps are placed on the tips of the leaves. The flowers of the cylindrical Sansevieria are creamy white with reddish streaks.

It is necessary to note the types of Sansevieria that are becoming popular in last years. Flower growers, both professionals and amateurs, are attracted to decorative low-growing varieties. These include the following types.


The dark green leaves are shorter than the Laurenti species. The wide leaves form a rosette resembling a vase.

Golden Hunny

It differs from the previous species (Hanni) in the presence of golden-yellow stripes on the leaves, unevenly located.

Silver Honey

This plant is a sport of the Sansevieria hanni species and has leaves of a different color. They have silver-gray shades with vaguely defined transverse stripes.


It belongs to the new varieties, differing from the Sansevieria Laurenti variety in short and wide leaves. The yellow stripe along the edge of the leaves is narrow.


This species also belongs to the new varieties and is similar to Sansevieria Futura in leaf shape. But it differs in the gray-green color of the leaves with a silver tint.


The short, thin, dark green leaves have a yellow stripe along the edges. Characteristic feature variety is that the leaves curl slightly, giving the plant an unusual appearance.

Rules of care

Sansevieria is distinguished by its unpretentiousness and undemanding content. Therefore, it is often installed in offices. However, not everyone knows about beneficial properties plants. Sansevieria leaves are good at purifying indoor air from harmful impurities and saturating it with oxygen. It is believed that the plant can reduce aggression, instill calm in people, and mobilize mental abilities. Therefore, it is useful to cultivate “mother-in-law’s tongue” not only at home, but also in offices. It is recommended to plant flowers in long pots in office and industrial premises so that they form a kind of partition.


Mother-in-law's tongue is not demanding on lighting; it can grow in light and partial shade. It is only necessary to take into account that in the shade the color of the leaves becomes paler, the stripes become less expressive. Also, you should not suddenly move the pot with the plant into bright sun. It should be accustomed to light gradually, shading it from the bright rays of the sun. In summer, we recommend placing the flower on a balcony or loggia, protecting it from direct sunlight, drafts and rain.


A comfortable temperature for Sansevieria will be from 18 to 25 degrees. In winter, the flower feels great even when it drops to 12-16 degrees. But temperatures below ten degrees can harm the plant and it will die. At low winter temperatures, plant growth stops.

Watering and moistening

Pike tail is one of those plants that are not afraid of drought. Therefore, she feels comfortable in offices, where she can remain without watering for a week or more. The plant is more afraid of excessive watering and stagnation of water in the pot. Therefore, the following watering schedule is suitable for it:

  • in summer - once a week
  • in winter - once a month.

Water along the edge of the pot, avoiding water getting into the rosette of leaves, otherwise rotting may begin. You should also empty the water from the pan, avoiding stagnation of water.

Sansevieria does not require spraying, since its leaves have a dense skin. But in summer, it is advisable to periodically wipe the leaves with a damp sponge, and sometimes take a warm shower in the bathroom.

In the summer, once a month, water the flower with mineral fertilizers for succulents, taking half the recommended dose.

Transplantation and soil

The plant does not need frequent replanting. A sign that the pot needs to be enlarged are roots coming out of the pot. Sansevieria's roots do not grow in depth, but in breadth. Therefore, the pot is chosen to be wide and stable. This is especially true for Sansevieria varieties with long leaves. Also, a growing container must be purchased with thick walls, preferably made of ceramic. Otherwise, the thin plastic pot will soon crack under the pressure of overgrown roots.

The soil mixture for Sansevieria should consist of the following components:

  • leaf soil (2 hours);
  • turf soil (2 hours);
  • coarse sand (1 hour).

A thick layer of drainage must be poured onto the bottom of the pot. This can be expanded clay, pebbles, small shards or pieces of brick.

Important! After transplantation, the plant should not be watered immediately. Watering is carried out after a few days.


Sansevieria can be propagated in two main ways:

  • dividing the rhizome;
  • dividing the sheet.

Rhizome division is carried out during transplantation. The roots are freed from the ground and divided into parts with a sharp knife. Each part should have several leaves with a growing point. Do not forget to sprinkle the sections with crushed activated carbon for disinfection. Each part is planted in a separate pot with a peat-sand mixture for rooting. Little watering is needed. The main thing is that containers with new plants should be in a warm place with a temperature of about 25 degrees.

Propagating Sansevieria by leaf is easy. You need to take an old sheet and cut it across the sheet into pieces five centimeters long. Pieces of the leaf are dried in air for several hours, and then planted in prepared sand with the lower end vertically at a shallow depth.

Attention! If you plant part of the leaf with the top down, the cutting will not take root.

Cover the top with a jar or cut plastic bottle or bag. Water the cuttings through a tray. Rooting occurs in four to five weeks. New buds appear, and then leaves. The young plant is transplanted into a pot for further growth.

But when choosing a method of reproduction, the following nuance must be taken into account. The new plant retains its varietal characteristics only through root division. By dividing the leaf, instead of a variegated plant, you can get a solid green plant.

Diseases and pests

Sansereria is loved for its unpretentiousness and resistance to diseases and pests. But, just as the strongest person can get sick, she too begins to get sick if the maintenance is violated.


The main disease of the plant is rotting from excessive watering and stagnation of water in the pot. To prevent diseases, you must follow a few simple rules:

  1. moderate watering (in summer - once a week, in winter - once a month);
  2. avoid getting water into the rosette of leaves;
  3. In summer, wipe the leaves with a damp sponge;
  4. do not keep in a dark place, otherwise dark brown spots will appear on the leaves;
  5. avoid low temperatures in winter.

Soft, rotten leaves are removed and watering is reduced. If necessary, the plant is transplanted with the diseased parts removed. The leaves of the flower may be damaged by direct sunlight, especially with a sudden change in lighting. Then yellow spots appear on the leaves, which can lead to leaf wilting.

Wiping the leaves helps prevent Sansevieria from becoming infected with pests. The main pests are spider mites, mealybugs, thrips and anthracnose.

Pests and methods of controlling them

Pest Signs of defeat Causes Fighting methods
Spider mite Whitish spots resembling cotton wool appear on the leaves. The leaves begin to dry out. Too dry air, the appearance of diseased plants nearby. Regular wet wiping of leaves. You can wipe with water infused with citrus peels and soapy water. In case of severe damage, treat with Actellik.
Mealybug The leaves turn yellow and become distorted. Subsequently, the leaves die. The mealybug settles at the base of the leaf, in a rosette, and feeds on the sap of the plant. Appears from diseased plants, infection is possible with new soil. Mealybug larvae can be found at the base of leaves. A small amount can be removed by hand or with a dry sponge. In case of significant infestation, insecticides are used, which can be purchased at a flower shop.
Thrips The larvae settle on the underside of the leaves, and white dots appear on the upper side. The leaves acquire shine and become gray-brownish. Violation of containment conditions. To treat the plant, it is necessary to treat it with an insecticide (Fitoverm, Actellik, Intavir).
Anthracnose Brown spots appear on the leaves. Over time, the spot grows and the leaves dry out. Excessive waterlogging creates favorable conditions for the appearance of pests. A small number of pests can be removed by hand, and then wipe the leaves with an aqueous chamomile decoction. After a day they wipe clean water. Chamomile treatment is used several times until the pest is completely removed. In case of severe damage or treatment failure, a fungicide is used.

If pests are detected in a timely manner, the death of the flower can be avoided.


Once again we would like to draw your attention to the usefulness of Sansevieria. It absorbs harmful substances, including those emitted by furniture and other synthetic materials. This has been proven by research. It is also believed that the plant brings peace to the house and tames the anger of household members. Among folk signs There is such a thing that when Sansevieria blooms in the summer, you need to make a wish, and it will come true. But winter flowering is a harbinger of trouble. The leaves are used to treat wounds and burns. So we recommend having this amazing “mother-in-law’s tongue” at home. If there is not enough space for tall plants, then purchase a compact flower that will fit on the windowsill. And peace and mutual understanding will settle in the house.

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