Unusual New Year's gifts that you can make with your own hands. Original DIY crafts for the New Year Coffee tree in the form of a toy or magnet

What holiday of the year can be called the most expensive? Of course, New Year! In addition to gifts for family, friends and selected colleagues, you will have to allocate one more item in the budget - expenses for the New Year's table. And if you are not invited to visit someone, prepare for the worst: guests will most likely come to you. And they will need to be treated to something.

So, what to do if the new year is in a week, but the budget is limited and no significant infusions are expected in the near future?

Don't despair! We offer you several options for setting a festive table in an original and economical way (within a thousand rubles) and ensuring both yourself and your guests are in a good mood.

Where to begin?

Organize your space. If your guests are uncomfortable or cramped, even the most luxurious table will not be a joy. Arrange the furniture in advance so that everyone is free. If dancing is planned, then set aside a place for it.

Choose a topic. This will make it easier for you to choose the appropriate holiday decor and create the mood. The main thing is that a competent approach will help to minimize, or even completely eliminate, additional costs for serving - you can arrange those tablecloths, napkins, dishes and decorations that you have at home.

Think over the menu for the holiday table. You can always agree with the guests what they will bring (as a rule, these are drinks, fruits and “something for tea”). And your task is to provide such main courses and snacks that it will be tasty, satisfying, and that the guests will be pleasantly surprised at the festive table.

Write a list and go shopping.

We offer you six ideas for original, economical New Year's table(based on 6 persons). The planned expenses for each menu are one thousand rubles. Even this very, very modest amount can be managed if you don’t set the task New Year's Eve practice overeating. After all, New Year is not a time for gluttony, but for communication.

We assure you that for a thousand rubles you can organize a New Year's feast for almost every taste.

Soviet New Year's table

There are those among us for whom tradition is most important. For such people, New Year is not New Year not only without a Christmas tree, but also without fried chicken and Olivier.

In this case, your menu will look something like this:

  • Olivie
  • Herring under a Fur Coat"
  • Baked chicken
  • Boiled potatoes for garnish
  • A bottle of “Soviet” champagne
As a rule, “traditionalists” have stocks made in the summer and autumn - all kinds of pickles, jams, marinades and other “jar” delicacies. New Year is a great reason to put all this splendor on the table.

New Year's table in Japanese

Strictly speaking, in Japan, a night feast for the New Year is not customary, but there is a tradition of a quiet festive dinner in a family setting. And there are traditional dishes that appear on the table during this dinner. Therefore, a budget Japanese-style New Year's menu will look like this:
  • Mochi rice cakes. You can buy ready-made ones, or you can make your own from flour and mochiko (however, you can use any sticky rice). The flatbreads are usually sweet; fresh fruits and berries are used as filling. But if you cook, leave a few flatbreads without filling - you will need them for the next dish - zoni.
  • Dzoni soup (ozoni) is an essential component of the Japanese New Year's table. Although you will have to tinker with its preparation, there is nothing unrealistic here.
  • Since our New Year's feast usually takes place at night, and you don't always feel like eating soup at night, you can replace it with another hot one. Then you can cook baked carp and serve it with a side dish of buckwheat noodles (soba).
  • Daikon and carrot salad

New Year's table in Spanish

Mandatory components of the New Year's table in Spain are jamon and grapes. And if everything is fine with grapes so far, then with jamon in the light of economic sanctions the situation seems hopeless. But this does not mean at all that you cannot celebrate the New Year in Spanish. For example, a menu for 1000 rubles could be like this:
  • Lamb ribs or any other meat, fried or baked.
  • Seafood. For example, lightly boiled and fried mussels and shrimp.
  • Turron, marzipan or any other sweets - you can’t find a New Year’s table in Spain without them
  • Grape. According to Spanish tradition, you must eat 12 grapes when the clock strikes.

New Year's table in German

The Germans believe that the main thing in the New Year's table is that it be tasty and satisfying. So lovers of good food should pay attention to it.

This is what a “German” New Year’s menu could look like:

  • Carp, fried or baked.
  • Pork sausages with stewed cabbage
  • Spicy gingerbread - honey, ginger or any other.
  • According to German traditions, there must be apples and nuts on the New Year's table, as well as a variety of cookies. Prepare this festive dish too.

New Year's table halal

Although it is not customary for Muslims to celebrate the European New Year, for those wishing to create a New Year's menu in accordance with the traditions of Islam today it will not be difficult - there are halal product departments in most large supermarkets.

Approximate menu option:

  • Vegetable salad
  • Some light snacks (cheese and olive canapés, shrimp and lemon, etc.)
  • Stewed, fried or baked chicken, turkey, beef or lamb
  • Roasted vegetables or, if you want something more original, couscous or bulgur on the side.
  • Nougat, Turkish delight and other oriental sweets - little by little.

New Year's table according to Dukan

There are almost more fans of this diet in Russia today than in its homeland, France. If you adhere to this nutrition system, then you need to avoid major changes in the menu. But you don’t have to do this for the sake of the holiday - and within the framework of Dukan you can put together wonderful tables.

We offer you a menu for the New Year's table “according to Dukan”

  • Salad of fresh vegetables (cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers, radishes, leeks, etc.) with low-fat sauce
  • Chicken or turkey cutlets/meatballs
  • Stewed zucchini or eggplant as a side dish
  • Jellied fish
  • Cupcakes "according to Dukan"

Vegetarian New Year's table

When preparing a vegetarian New Year's table, try to take into account the interests of your guests - if among them there are convinced meat eaters, they will have a hard time at such a holiday. Otherwise, a vegetarian table can be very, very tasty. And, perhaps, the most accessible.

For a thousand rubles we can offer, for example, the following menu:

  • A fresh vegetable salad
  • "Winter" warm salad green beans and tomatoes with pasta
  • Risotto with mushrooms or seafood
  • Baked Apples with Honey and Cinnamon
Of course, you can say that our menus do not take into account alcohol, which can be a major cost item. But, firstly, everyone drinks different things (and some don’t drink at all), and secondly, guests can bring several bottles of strong alcohol with them, for example, as a gift. These are difficult times.

But even in difficult times, you can temporarily forget about sanctions, devaluations, inflation and other “-tions” and celebrate the New Year in a fun, interesting and inexpensive way. In any case, we sincerely wish this for you.

Happy New Year!

Dmitry Kovalchuk is thinking about options for the New Year's table

You can buy anything in the store, but you know that receiving homemade gifts is a thousand times more pleasant. Here are 17 cozy, useful, simple and very budget options. Instructions included.

A great gift for tea lovers. “Tea connoisseurs don’t drink sawdust from tea bags!” - you say. But who’s stopping you from packaging good, expensive tea in envelopes?

You will need:

  • a cone made of foam plastic or thick cardboard;
  • round cardboard box and rice for stump;
  • tea packed in small paper bags (the quantity depends on the height and diameter of the cone);
  • glue gun;
  • star, bows and other decorations of your choice.

Cover the cone with tea bags, applying glue to the top of them. Move from bottom to top in a checkerboard pattern. It is better to use bags of contrasting colors: the tree will look more elegant.

Glue the lid of the cardboard box to the bottom of the cone. Fill the box itself with rice to make the tree more stable, and then attach it to the lid. If you don’t have a ready-made box of the required diameter at hand, make it yourself. Take a tube from a roll of paper towels as a basis or glue it from cardboard according to this pattern.

Decorate the tree with bows, rhinestones and other decorative elements, and glue a star to the top of the head.

Tara Aveilhe/

Girls will highly appreciate such a gift. After all, this is an individual scent; no one in the city will have such a perfume.

Before you create, find out what smells the one you want to please prefers. For example, if a girl likes citrus scents, she will need lemon or orange. To add woody notes, you need sandalwood or cedar oils, powdery ones - roses or vanilla.


  • ½ cup almond butter;
  • ½ cup grape oil;
  • 100 g beeswax;
  • 1 teaspoon vitamin E;
  • 60 drops of lemon oil;
  • 25 drops of eucalyptus oil;
  • 20 drops of lavender oil;
  • 20 drops rosemary oil.

Mix almond and grape oil with wax in a separate saucepan and place in a steam bath. When the wax has completely dissolved, let the liquid cool slightly and add essential oils and vitamin E. Pour the future perfume into molds. A bottle of old hygienic lipstick, a jar of Vaseline, etc. will do.

Once the wax has hardened, the perfume is ready to use. All that remains is to package them beautifully.

A great gift for freezing girls. A pair of warm, fairly sturdy socks that you don't wear can be turned into fingerless gloves.

Additional materials:

  • needle with thread;
  • heart cut out of felt.

Trim and sew the sock as shown in the photos. Be sure to hem the edge to prevent fraying, and make all seams from the inside out.

Sew a felt heart on top. You can use any other decorative means. For example, embroider the inscription “Happy New Year!” or embroider mitts with rhinestones.

Another DIY gift for those who are always cold is. By heating it for 1-3 minutes in the microwave, you will get a great heating pad that also smells nice.


Paracord is a cord made of nylon. Initially used as a material for parachute lines, but then paracord began to be used wherever a lightweight and durable cable might be needed. For example, stylish men's bracelets are woven from it. In ordinary life it is just a decoration, in an extreme situation it is a life-saving rope.

There are various techniques for weaving paracord. Here is one of the most common.

You will need:

  • 150 cm of paracord of one color and the same amount of another (it is desirable that the shades be contrasting);
  • 75 cm of black paracord;
  • scissors;
  • ruler;
  • needle and thread.

From paracord you can weave not only a bracelet, but also a keychain, or make a braid for a knife or a car steering wheel. You can easily find the diagrams on the Internet. It’s even easier - watch video tutorials on YouTube, there are many of them.

You can not only drink from such a mug. You can leave messages on it for your household or just draw.


  • white porcelain mug without relief;
  • slate paint;
  • masking tape;
  • brush.

Chalkboard paint is most often used to renew the surfaces of school boards. Now there is a large selection of such paints. You need one that can work on ceramics. For example, like this one.

Choose an area of ​​the mug that is comfortable to write on, but that will not come into contact with your lips when drinking. Cover the rest of the mug with masking tape.

Degrease the untaped area and apply paint to it in a thick layer. Remove the tape and leave the mug in a well-ventilated area for a day.

When the paint is dry, place the mug in an oven preheated to 150°C. After 30 minutes, turn off the stove, but remove the mug when it has cooled.

Now the mug can be washed in the dishwasher and put in the microwave.

If you are one of those who like to give experiences rather than material things, you will love this idea. After all, it’s not only a delicious warming drink, but also a reason to go or invite you to visit.

Take some pretty glass jars and fill them about a third full with hot chocolate or cocoa powder. Add a few candies or pieces of chocolate. Fill the remaining space with marshmallows.

Decorate the jars to your liking. For example, place a piece of fabric under the lid and attach a heart made from candy canes to the top. The label can serve as a postcard; write your wishes on it.

Another variation of this gift is a set for mulled wine. Take an orange, an apple, a clove and a cinnamon stick. Pack it all beautifully, make a label with your wishes and add a bottle of good red wine.

Candles are a traditional New Year's gift. But glamorous store-bought ones are one thing, a personalized candle or a candle with a phrase understandable only to the giver and recipient, or even with a photograph, is another.


  • white candles with a diameter of 5–7 cm;
  • A4 size printing paper;
  • parchment paper;
  • scissors;
  • glue stick;

Trim the parchment paper so that it is 1-2 cm wider than the A4 sheet. Glue the parchment to the printing paper, turning the edges over to the other side. Insert the sheet into the printer with the glossy side, that is, the side where the parchment is. Print out the image you would like to place on the candle.

The drawing will appear on parchment paper. Now you need to transfer it to a candle. Cut out the image, attach it to the candle, wrap it tightly with another layer of parchment on top and direct a stream of hot air onto the resulting structure. If the picture becomes lighter, it means it was imprinted on the candle. Carefully remove the top layer of parchment and let the wax harden.

The gift is ready! If desired, you can decorate it with rhinestones or sparkles.

This cosmetic bag greatly simplifies the search for the necessary items, because any lock can be opened.

You will need:

  • 10 zippers 15–20 cm long;
  • safety pins;
  • needle or sewing machine;
  • threads

Sew the zippers to each other from the inside out; for convenience, you can first attach them with pins. Close the resulting fabric into a ring and sew. Also sew the zippers across in front of the dogs, and then turn the cosmetic bag inside out.

This is a gift for a person who cannot part with gadgets. Using the same principle, you can sew a phone case.


  • a piece of felt suitable for the size of the tablet;
  • 2 buttons;
  • sewn-in magnets;
  • safety pins;
  • dense thread in the color of the buttons;
  • thread in the color of felt;
  • needle;
  • scissors.

Fold the fabric so that the bottom part is longer than the top: this is the future cover of the case. Sew along the edges and turn the product inside out.

Cut the lid into a wave or semicircle. Sew a button to the middle. Attach the second one below, to the case. Make a loop between them, as shown in the photo.

Sew a magnet onto the base and lid of the case on the left and right. The fashionable case is ready!

You can also make a stylish organizer for headphones, flash drives, phones and other gadgets from an old book in a beautiful binding. Here's the detailed one.


A gift that will delight not only children, but also adults with a sweet tooth. Making Santa Claus's sleigh is very simple.

You will need:

  • glue gun;
  • ribbons and other decor;
  • sweets: chocolate, sweets, candy-shaped candies.

Here is a detailed video instruction.

A gift for a bosom friend or colleague. Beer can come in handy on January 1st, and brown bottles can easily be styled to resemble Rudolph and friends. (Rudolph is one of Santa's reindeer, distinguished by his red glowing nose.)


  • beer in dark glass bottles;
  • decorative wire;
  • toy eyes;
  • red pom-poms;
  • ribbon and bows;
  • box;
  • Super glue.

Remove labels from bottles. Make antlers from wire for future deer.

Glue them to the back of the bottle. Attach the eyes and nose to the front. Tie a ribbon (to prevent it from slipping, you can fix it with glue).

Decorate the rest of the bottles in the same way. Put them in a box and decorate it.

A gift for economical women and men who love to cook.

You will need:

  • cotton fabric with a New Year's pattern;
  • batting for lining;
  • threads;
  • scissors;
  • needle.

If you have a sewing machine, the work will not take much time. Detailed video instructions - from pattern to thread cutting - are included.

Inside such a mitten you can put a spatula, a ladle and other little things useful for the kitchen.

A little more imagination, and your New Year's gift will become even more original. Attach a ring to the spatula and hang favorite family recipes printed on cards and laminated on it.

Glass snow... wine glass

Balloons with a miniature figure and artificial snow inside are very popular. Life hacker already shows how to make something similar from an ordinary glass jar. Today it's the turn of wine glasses.


  • transparent wine glass;
  • thick cardboard;
  • a figurine that can easily fit into a glass;
  • artificial snow;
  • bows and other decor;
  • glue.

Cut a circle out of cardboard with the same diameter as the wine glass. Glue the figure to the cardboard. It could be a Christmas tree, fawns, or, for example, a car with a Christmas tree on the roof.

Place artificial snow, finely chopped white paper or polystyrene foam. Glue the cardboard base to the edge of the wine glass and turn it over. Decorate the leg with a bow or ribbon.


Over the past year, very large knitted blankets have been incredibly popular. Finished products are quite expensive, so it is more profitable to make a blanket yourself.

Merino wool is best suited for this, but other thick threads can be used. Video tutorial is attached.

You can also knit a beautiful, warm scarf with your hands, without knitting needles or a hook. Life hacker has already seen how this is done.

This gift will help you remember the best moments of the past year. Just choose the best photos and print them. Get some clear glass jars and vases. Round and cylindrical vessels work best.

Many people have flaky skin in winter. If there are such people among your friends, prepare them a sugar-lemon scrub as a gift..

According to Chinese calendar, the symbol of 2017 is the rooster. Therefore, gifts with the image of a rooster or in the shape of roosters and hens will be especially relevant. A universal option for such a gift is a Christmas tree toy.

You will need:

  • cardboard blank in the shape of a rooster;
  • thick fabric;
  • filler for toys;
  • twine and lace ribbon;
  • white outline;
  • scissors;
  • needle and thread;
  • glue gun

The manufacturing process is shown in the following video.

You can sweeten such a gift with sweet cockerels on a stick. Many people still have their uniform from Soviet times.


  • ½ cup granulated sugar;
  • 2-3 tablespoons of water (just to moisten the sugar);
  • 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar (in some recipes add regular tablespoon or a pinch of citric acid).

You need to boil syrup from sugar and pour it into a generously greased vegetable oil form. Then stick the sticks in and wait until everything hardens.

If you know other original DIY solutions, share them in the comments.

Amazing DIY New Year gift

Winter holidays in our country are considered one of the most beloved holidays among people of all ages. Traditionally, we associate New Year and Christmas with the Christmas tree and the aroma of pine needles, the smell of tangerines and Olivier salad - without this it is difficult to imagine a real celebration.

That is why, recently, festive coniferous compositions, made in various variations, have become a new trend in floristry. Now, as an original gift, you can buy a New Year's composition in a hat box, which will last longer than regular flowers and will definitely delight the recipient with a beautiful appearance and a real winter aroma.

If you want to please your friends and family, and maybe colleagues, with an unusual gift, you can turn to the florists of the Flower Base No. 1 company for help. Or do you have the option to collect New Year's flowers in a box do it yourself using the simple instructions below.

We assemble a composition of pine needles and flowers

To surprise your loved one, you can buy a New Year's composition, or you can make this unusual present for him yourself, which will be remembered for a long time. For this you will need:

    hat box of any color and size;

    an oasis carved into the shape of a box;

  • tools for work - glue gun, gerbera wire, pruning shears, knife;

    decorations that you like, for example, Christmas tree decorations, pine cones, decorative ribbon;

    plants that complement the spruce branches, in our case these are roses, ilex, cotton and eucalyptus;

    coniferous branches - the video uses spruce of the Nobilis variety.

Before composing the composition, first soak the oasis in water, then allow excess moisture to drain from it, leaving it in a dry container for a while. Then take a box, surrounded with a ribbon for beauty, and place a film in it on which you will need to place a floral sponge. This way, moisture from the oasis will not damage the packaging.

Next, using pruning shears, divide the spruce branches into branches of different lengths and place them, having previously cleared the tips of needles, on the surface of the sponge so that no gaps are visible. As a result, you will get a fluffy coniferous base for your future composition.

Then, depending on your desire and imagination, place eucalyptus and roses between the spruce branches, and then complement them with bright ilex branches. Remember - we do not offer the only correct design option, you can create the way you want and replace or supplement any elements. Or do you just have the opportunity order a New Year's composition, which will satisfy you in all respects.

After finishing working with the plants, it’s time for decorations. Using a hot glue gun, you can place balls, snow-like cotton, and more on the surface of pine branches.

In the end, you will receive an original gift with which you will not be ashamed to come to visit on New Year's holidays.

However, if you don't have time to assemble, you can order flowers in a box from the florists of the Flower Base No. 1 company. Their imagination and extensive experience will easily help you create the composition you need from the freshest plants.

To do this, you need to visit one of our retail outlets, or order flowers on our website or by calling +7 915 269 99 87.

Give flowers with or without any reason to always please your family and friends with pleasant gifts and bring them a sea of ​​positive emotions.

Greetings, dear friends! On the eve of the New Year, we are thinking about gifts for our family and friends, but we want to not only please them, but also pleasantly surprise them. In this case, unusual DIY gifts for the New Year will come to your aid. After all, a product made by hand is unique; it is very difficult to make it exactly the same a second time. When making a gift, you constantly think about the recipient, put a piece of your soul into the product, and this is very much appreciated. At the same time, these are creative DIY gifts for the New Year!

DIY New Year gift ideas 2019

  1. Knitted items: mittens, scarf, hat, socks and so on. If you are a needlewoman and know how to knit, then creating not only a beautiful, but also a useful, practical gift will not be difficult!
  2. Candle decorations. Candle decorated with coarse salt (“candle in frost”). A candle is an essential attribute of the New Year and Christmas. For this craft you need a large colored candle, PVA glue and coarse salt. Carefully coat the candle with glue and dip it in salt, let it dry. The foot of the candle can be decorated with a small composition of pine branches, cones, ribbons, and beads.
    You can also decorate the candle with a candlestick. Here is such a wonderful and fragrant candlestick made from cinnamon sticks and twine (rope):
    And for such a simple candlestick you need an ordinary glass jar or glass, which is decorated on the outside with openwork fabric:
    Or a composition of cones and coniferous branches:
    Bleached pine cones are perfect for decorating a candle:
    You can bleach them in the following way: wash the cones well with a brush, place them in a jar and fill them with bleach, press them with a weight on top so that the cones are completely in the liquid. Put the jar away for a day, or better yet for 2 days, in a distant place inaccessible to children. You will be surprised, but the cones will close together and become smooth, like young ones that have not opened. Don't worry, once you take the buds out of the bleach, rinse with water and dry, they will become fluffy again.
  3. Beaded jewelry and decor. For those who like to work with beads, beads can not only make excellent beads and voluminous souvenir products, but also, for example, decorate a New Year's ball. To work, you need to buy PVA glue and multi-colored beads.
  4. A ball of thread. Step-by-step instruction with photo in the article ““
    To work you need: balloons, PVA glue, greasy cream or Vaseline, thread and water. Inflate a ball with a diameter of approximately 10-20 cm. Mix water and PVA glue in a ratio of 1:2, respectively. Gently soak the thread in the mixture and leave for 5-10 minutes until the thread is saturated. Then spread the ball with thick cream so that later it will be easier to separate from the threads. Wind the wet threads around the balloon in a chaotic manner, leaving gaps. Now the ball should dry within 20-22 hours. After the specified time has passed, carefully pierce the ball and remove it from the sphere. You can make a snowman from similar spheres of different diameters:
  5. Almost every housewife has a bunch of unnecessary scraps of fabric in her house, from which you can sew an apron for a bottle, a keychain, a bag for headphones, or, for example, a toy:
  6. Christmas tree made of candies. You can make such a Christmas tree using a cardboard cone or a bottle of champagne as a basis. The candies are attached to the base using tape, starting from the bottom row. You can skip tinsel between the rows of candies.
  7. More options for crocheted Christmas trees (a thick cardboard cone is used as a basis):
  8. Christmas tree made of pasta painted with aerosol paint (from a can):
  9. Christmas tree made of threads:
  10. Christmas tree made of pine cones (instead of fabric balls, you can make cotton balls):
  11. Bakery. New Year is associated with gingerbread or cookies. They can be baked in the shape of New Year's characters and decorated to your taste and color.
  12. Painted New Year's balls. To work, you will need one-color balloons without decoration, paint (watercolor, acrylic or gouache) and child’s hands.
  13. DIY soft toys:
    Snowmen made from socks:
  14. Diary. For such a craft, you need the diary itself and decorations for it. In craft stores you can purchase a scrapbooking kit and decorate your diary, for example, like this:
  15. Topiary is a decorative tree, the “tree of happiness.” This interior decoration came to us from Europe. There are a lot of ideas for creating topiary: from coffee beans, from buttons, from satin ribbons, from pine cones, from candies and so on. The base is a sphere (you can also buy it in craft stores or make it from a balloon: mix water and PVA glue in a ratio of 1:2 and spread this mixture on a balloon inflated to the required diameter. Let it dry and then decorate the surface.
  16. Souvenir with falling snow. Want to do? Detailed master class in the article ““.
    Surely, you have come across such industrially produced souvenirs on sale, but now try to make it yourself. To work you need: a jar with a screw-on lid, ceramic, glass or plastic figures for decoration, glitter, distilled water (can be replaced with settled boiled water) and glycerin (you can buy it freely at any pharmacy). You can decorate both the bottom of the container and the lid. But if the decoration is attached to the lid, then such a souvenir will stand on the lid. First, you need to firmly secure the composition to the base (bottom of the container or lid), pour glitter into the container and fill it with a mixture of water and glycerin in a 1:2 ratio. You can add more glycerin, then the glitter will fall down more slowly after shaking. The lid must be tightly screwed on and treated with silicone sealant and glue so that liquid does not leak out during storage.
  17. Salt dough souvenir.
    On the eve of 2017, it is important to create a symbol - the Rooster. To make this craft you need: 200 grams of flour, half a glass of salt (preferably fine, extra grade), 125 grams of water, paint, colorless varnish and PVA glue. Mix salt, flour and water, sculpt a souvenir; if you need to fasten the parts, use PVA glue. You paint the finished product with paints and after drying with colorless varnish.
  18. A classic gift for the New Year is a homemade postcard. You can make either a simple postcard at school level or a scrapbooking postcard.
  19. Christmas wreath. It can also be made from anything. Let me give you a few examples:
    Christmas wreath made of pine cones. The base can be bought in craft stores or made yourself from polystyrene foam or newspapers and tracing paper, tightly crumpled into a ring:
    From Christmas balls. The basis for this wreath will be wire. Before stringing the balls onto a wire circle, it is necessary to secure the metal loops to the ball with glue, since during stringing the balls will simply jump off the loops.
  20. Christmas star made of threads:
  21. Candy Pineapple:

I hope you found a craft you like! Creative DIY gifts for the New Year are the peak of popularity of our time, it’s great! Happy New Year to you! Health, happiness and fulfillment of desires!

Best regards, Daria!
