Interpretation of dreams on mooooon. Dream Interpretations: Online Interpretation of Your Dreams

Without any exaggeration, we can say that our exclusive service Dream Interpretation of Juno online - from more than 75 dream books - is on this moment the largest dream book in Runet. From October 2008 to the present day, it includes the largest number interpretation of dreams of all symbols and images from different dream books- both folk and written by various authors, including both well-known interpreters of dreams, and little-known yet, but nevertheless, talented and noteworthy authors.

We have carefully selected the best sources for you and combined them all on one site, so using our service is both convenient and most informative. Here you can find answers to all questions about the interpretation of dreams, find out the meaning of sleep on any subject by reading dozens of interpretations of the symbols that you dreamed about and choosing from them the one that “hooks” you the most - as a rule, this is the answer to the question - which means a dream that you personally had and specifically at that time.

For even more complete clarity in the interpretation of your dream, if the need arises, in addition to the dream book, you can use the additional information in the Juno heading - Articles on the interpretation of dreams, where you will find a lot of interesting and useful articles on how to find out the meaning of a dream, in what days are dreaming prophetic dreams how to work with dreams, etc. for example, you will be interested to know that the most vivid and memorable dreams occur on the full moon, at which time many more dreams are dreamed. Dreams on the waning moon reflect your psychological states and help in introspection. What was dreamed about on the growing moon requires realization in reality - pay special attention to this. Find out which days of the week and lunar day dreams are empty, and in some - prophetic dreams. For example, it is believed that what was dreamed at 3, 4, 7, 8, 12, etc. lunar days, come true, and in 29, 1, 2, etc. - almost nothing). Important dreams are dreamed on such dates of the month as 1,3, 4, etc. Remember also that daytime dreams are almost always empty. Only night ones matter, especially those that were dreamed in the morning.

Our Dream Interpretation of Juno is free and presented in a convenient and beautiful form, divided into paragraphs and subheadings dedicated to the interpretation of dreams of certain authors or nationalities, so that it can be used most easily and comfortably. Using the service is simple, namely:


Searching for words in the Dream Interpretation of Juno online service can be done both alphabetically and by specifying a search word. In the case of an alphabetical search, select the desired letter and from the list that appears, the word that interests you.

When searching by the entered word, observe the following rules:

  • The word must contain only Russian letters. All other characters will be ignored.
  • The search word must contain at least 2 letters.
  • The case of the entered letters does not matter. For example, entering the words "hand", "HAND", "Hand" and "hand" will give the same search result.

In the collection of our service there are more than 75 dream books, many of which only we have, there are such well-known and popular sources as Miller's dream book (the most complete and, in fact, the first of the dream interpretations in the world), Vanga's dream book (its name speaks for itself ), the dream book of Nostradamus (an astrologer and predictor with a worldwide reputation), the dream book of Freud (perhaps the most famous psychologist in the world), as well as the interpretation of dreams of different peoples (Russian, old French, old Russian, Slavic, Maya, Indians, gypsy, Egyptian , Eastern, Chinese of the Yellow Emperor, Assyrian dream books), as well as author's dream books of different nationalities: Islamic Ibn Sirin, Chinese Zhou Gong, Old Persian Taflisi, Italian dream books of Meneghetti and Roberti, Vedic Sivananda, English Zadkiel. The service includes such excellent sources of dream interpretation as absolutely amazing American dream book famous writer Deniz Linn (according to the recommendation of the site - the best), Russian nobleman dream book Grishina, Tsvetkov, Loff, Ivanov, Aesop, Veles, Hasse, Pythagoras (numerological), medieval Daniel, Cleopatra, Solomon, Zadeki, Azar, as well as modern universal, female, male, lunar, spiritual, culinary, love, children's fairy tale mythological , esoteric, catchphrases, characters, folk signs, a mirror of psychological states, a dream interpreter, a self-teaching dream book, a dream book of health, past and future, psychological, psychoanalytic and many others. As you can see, the range of interpretations is very wide and everyone will find for themselves exactly the meaning of sleep that they were looking for.

The theme of love and personal relationships is widely represented in the dream book, but other topics also have detailed coverage. Have a nice dream!

2008-2017 Dream Interpretations on Juno are presented for informational purposes only. All rights reserved. Copying is prohibited.

Compiled by Svetlana Kuzina, who put a lot of effort into penetrating the mystery of dreams. When interpreting images, she used psychoanalysis (Sigmund Freud), analytical psychology (Carl Gustav Jung and Robert Johnson), ontopsychology (Antonio Meneghetti) and Gestalt psychology. According to the compiler, "here are collected only those interpretations that have already been repeatedly tested, and in fact the fact that they work has been confirmed." And one more thing: "Sleep is the work of your subconscious mind on your current problems. In fact, you order yourself a dream so that it tells you the right decision. But since our brain can only talk to us in images, they have to be unraveled."

Gustavus Hindman Miller(1857 - 1929) compiled this dream book at the end of the 19th century. In many comments it is written that "most of the interpretations of this dream book are still relevant for a wide range of inhabitants." Perhaps, in more than 100 years, we, in fact, have not gone so far: “vodka”, “drugs”, “envy”, “slander”, mentioned in the dream book, accompany us even now.

Vanga(Vangelia Pandeva Gushterova, nee Dimitrova, 1911-1996) - a blind Bulgarian prophetess and clairvoyant. Many turned to her for predictions. famous people: poet Sergei Mikhalkov, writers Leonid Leonov and Yuri Semenov, artist Sergei Roerich, poet Yevgeny Yevtushenko, actor Vyacheslav Tikhonov ...
Vanga believed that dreams are connected with real life. But she did not make dream books. This selection of interpretations of dreams was compiled according to its individual phrases and sayings.

Sigmund Freud(1856-1939) - the famous Austrian psychologist, was one of the most diligent researchers in the world of sleep. His work "The Interpretation of Dreams" reveals many of the most interesting mechanisms of dream activity, contains a lot of examples and analyzes of his dreams and the dreams of patients. This dream book has nothing to do with this psychologist. Perhaps it was compiled to compromise this scientist and create a stereotype of "yes he was obsessed with genitals." Judge for yourself, a third of the interpretations in this dream book without further ado begin with the phrase "is a symbol of the genitals."

Evgeny Tsvetkov professionally researches dreams and dreams for 25 years. His dream book of dreams is based on Slavic associativity, and therefore it seems to be the most suitable for a Russian person.

Michel Nostradamus(16th century) - French physician, astrologer and soothsayer. The interpreter argued that each image seen in a dream reflects not only the experiences of a person, but also the future of the world as a whole. There are very few interpretations in it, but ... they may be really interesting to someone.

Yuri Longo(Golovko Yuri Andreevich, 1950-2006) - known as an astrologer, traditional healer, master of practical white magic, member of the Australian Association of magicians and sorcerers, founder of the school of magicians and sorcerers.

Schiller-Shkolnik Kh.M.- Polish scientist, physiognomist and freno-graphologist. Despite the fact that he compiled his dream book at the beginning of the twentieth century, the interpretations set forth in it are still relevant. Each person, thinking about the meaning of his dreams, can find all the answers in his book. Simplicity and conciseness - this is what is appreciated by the readers of this dream book today.

Compiled by Elena Iosifovna Anopova, the author of the Teaching of the Third Ray, an adept in the Magic of Ophiuchus and a well-known soothsayer. It is designed to help you understand your inner, subconscious experiences, find inner harmony and understanding of what is happening around us, lift the veil over the secrets of the future.

In pre-revolutionary Russia, the publication "Scientifically sound interpretation of dreams, compiled by the famous medium Miss Hasse" was a popular dream book. Miss Hasse lived and predicted in the 19th century. She worked not only on compiling a dream book, but also performed a lot on stage throughout Europe, earning big money. This allowed her to create her own publishing house and publish books on esoteric subjects.

The main feature of the dream book David Loff is that it is based not on a symbolic, but on an individual interpretation of dreams. According to the theory of David Loff, each person has his own dream scenario, due to life experience, the characteristics of the character of the sleeper, his way of life, the events taking place and how he relates to others. That is why the same dream seen by two different people can be interpreted in different ways. And it is completely incomprehensible how, in this case, he offers thousands of people the same interpretations of images.

Every dream interpretation of dreams offers a common database of images - completely free. That is, on one page you can watch excerpts from different dream books dedicated to one image. It is this feature that distinguishes our resource from others. dream books online. Do not forget to read the opinions of our guests who share their dreams and impressions of their interpretation.

Dream Interpretation of Azar.
The art of interpreting dreams is rooted in the biblical era, and the impetus for the development of the interpretation of dreams was essentially given by Joseph, having correctly deciphered the symbols of the pharaoh's dream, giving him a not very joyful, but very correct forecast.

Assyrian dream book.
It is based on the most ancient dream book of the Assyrian people, written on clay tablets BC. Ancient texts have come down to us in poor condition, so this dream book partly consists of the translation of A. Oppenheim, and partly compiled on the basis of the book "Dream Interpretation: Interpretation of Dreams from Artemidorus to Miller."

Wangi's dream book.
The famous blind seer Vanga made many of her prophecies precisely on the basis of visions and dreams, in which she saw pictures of the present and the future. The dream book does not contain a large number definitions, however, it is very detailed and examines the symbols in the context of the general plot of the dream.

Dream Interpretation of Kopalinsky.
Vladislav Kopalinsky devoted many years to the study of the symbolism of various spheres of our life. In 1990, his book "Dictionary of Symbols" was published, on the basis of which the unusual and ambiguous "Dream Book of Kopalinsky" was compiled.

Culinary dream book.
Perhaps one of the most extraordinary dream books, all the concepts in which are borrowed from cooking.

Dream Interpretation of Yuri Longo.
One of the few dream books where the esoteric component is combined with the position of official psychology. The author of the dream book, Yuri Andreevich Longo, is a white magician, healer and psychologist, widely known in Russia and abroad.

Dream Interpretation of David Loff.
It differs from others in an exclusively individual approach to the interpretation of dreams, relies in interpretation on life circumstances, the past, gender, and even the character of a person.

Lunar dream book.
A unique dream book that offers to interpret dreams and calculate the percentage of their fulfillment based on the lunar phases.

Love dream.
If you are concerned about your relationship with your loved one and want to know what the future holds for both of you, then Love Dream Book is the book that will help you with this. All definitions from this dream book are somehow connected with the sphere of love relationships.

Miller's dream book.
The most popular and voluminous dream book of all. The variety of concepts allows you to analyze each dream in the most detail, predict the future and understand the aspects of the present.

Muslim dream book.
Mostly focused on Muslims, reflects the values ​​of their teachings and inner world, but at the same time contains a number of universal definitions that are also suitable for European consciousness.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus.
It was compiled about 500 years ago on the basis of the prophecies of the great seer of the 20th century Michel Nostradamus, contains a wide range of definitions, affects many areas of public and private life.

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananit.
The dream book is based on the ancient Greek "Book of Dreams", which, they say, was used by the apostle Simon to interpret dreams.

Modern dream book.
Universal dream book, which, in addition to traditional definitions, contains modern concepts that cannot be found in the works of authors of the past.

Ukrainian dream book.
The author of the dream book is Nikolai Konstantinovich Dmitrenko, who argued that there is a linguistic relationship between the images of dreams and real circumstances. For example, if you see a castle in a dream, get ready for restrictions or even detention (castle).

Freud's dream book.
Based on the book of the famous founder of psychoanalysis, Sigmund Freud, The Interpretation of Dreams. The author argued that our dreams are a manifestation of secret desires of a sexual nature, therefore the vast majority of Freud's Dream Interpretation interprets the symbol of dreams from an intimate position.

Dream Interpretation Miss Hasse.
A dream book compiled by the medium Miss Hasse, in which the probability that a dream will come true is calculated based on calendar numbers.

Esoteric dream book.
A dream book for those who, through the interpretation of dreams, seek to find their truly true spiritual path, lift the veil of the mystical secrets of reality, see the future, get one step closer to understanding the interaction of high matters and the physical world.

Disclose the meaning of dreams with the help of dream books people studied for a very long time, since ancient times, but this issue is still relevant at the modern stage. A person is always curious when he thinks about his future, because predicting future events, according to many, is the right path to success. Dream interpretation using online sonnik is one of the most common ways to shed a ray of light on your own future.

Why do you need to use a dream book?

The life of every person is full of dreams, no matter how we try to deny the meaning of dreams, this does not prevent them from appearing in the subconscious again and again.

Dreams are filled with various images and plots, but they do not always concern the future, according to many esotericists - some dreams are nothing more than just an assessment from the subconscious mind of past events that are relevant and important for the dreamer.

Dream Interpretations have been an important and weighty clue in understanding the meaning of dreams since ancient times. Because dreams are, first of all, a “product of the subconscious”, therefore, the symbolism and content of dreams has a semantic foundation common to all, which, first of all, is based on stable associations of the psyche.

Among the variety of dreams, a number of common topics can be distinguished, these are dreams about:

  • fall;
  • flights;
  • money finds or, conversely, the loss of money;
  • appearing naked in front of the public;
  • loss of teeth or their loss;
  • persecution;
  • sex.

This section contains information from dozens of various thematic and author's dream books which you can download online from this page. A large volume implies a certain organization of information, therefore the interpretation of dreams can be presented both within the framework of one dream book, for example, written by our authors “Dream Book of Felomen”, and in the form of an interpretation of a certain symbol from the point of view of several different sources.

Each presented the interpreter of dreams (aka sonnik) in his key gives an accurate and true description of a wide variety of dreams. The choice of a dream book according to your taste and subject matter is very important, but it is a purely individual thing for each reader.

The most popular dream books are:

Without any exaggeration, we can say that our exclusive Dream Interpretation of Juno online service - out of more than 75 dream books - is currently the largest dream book in Runet. From October 2008 to the present day, it includes the largest number of interpretations of dreams of all symbols and images from different dream books - both folk and written by various authors, including both well-known dream interpreters and those who are still little known, but no less talented and noteworthy authors.

We have carefully selected the best sources for you and combined them all on one site, so using our service is both convenient and most informative. Here you can find answers to all questions about the interpretation of dreams, find out the meaning of sleep on any subject by reading dozens of interpretations of the symbols that you dreamed about and choosing from them the one that “hooks” you the most - as a rule, this is the answer to the question - which means a dream that you personally had and specifically at that time.

For even more complete clarity in the interpretation of your dream, if the need arises, in addition to the dream book, you can use the additional information in the Juno heading - Articles on the interpretation of dreams, where you will find a lot of interesting and useful articles on how to find out the meaning of a dream, in what days you have prophetic dreams, how to work with a dream, etc. for example, you will be interested to know that the most vivid and memorable dreams occur on the full moon, at which time many more dreams are dreamed. Dreams on the waning moon reflect your psychological states and help in introspection. What was dreamed about on the growing moon requires realization in reality - pay special attention to this. You will find out which days of the week and lunar days are empty, and which are prophetic dreams. For example, it is believed that what was dreamed at 3, 4, 7, 8, 12, etc. lunar days come true, and on 29, 1, 2, etc. - almost nothing). Important dreams are dreamed on such dates of the month as 1,3, 4, etc. Remember also that daytime dreams are almost always empty. Only night ones matter, especially those that were dreamed in the morning.

Our Dream Interpretation of Juno is free and presented in a convenient and beautiful form, divided into paragraphs and subheadings dedicated to the interpretation of dreams of certain authors or nationalities, so that it can be used most easily and comfortably. Using the service is simple, namely:


Searching for words in the Dream Interpretation of Juno online service can be done both alphabetically and by specifying a search word. In the case of an alphabetical search, select the desired letter and from the list that appears, the word that interests you.

When searching by the entered word, observe the following rules:

  • The word must contain only Russian letters. All other characters will be ignored.
  • The search word must contain at least 2 letters.
  • Only one search word is allowed.
  • In the case of an advanced search, all words containing the entered combinations of letters will be displayed. For example, with an advanced search for the word "tea", the program will give an interpretation of the words "TEA" and "CASE".
  • The case of the entered letters does not matter. For example, entering the words "hand", "HAND", "Hand" and "hand" will give the same search result.

In the collection of our service there are more than 75 dream books, many of which only we have, there are such well-known and popular sources as Miller's dream book (the most complete and, in fact, the first of the dream interpretations in the world), Vanga's dream book (its name speaks for itself ), the dream book of Nostradamus (an astrologer and predictor with a worldwide reputation), the dream book of Freud (perhaps the most famous psychologist in the world), as well as the interpretation of dreams of different peoples (Russian, old French, old Russian, Slavic, Maya, Indians, gypsy, Egyptian , Eastern, Chinese of the Yellow Emperor, Assyrian dream books), as well as author's dream books of different nationalities: Islamic Ibn Sirin, Chinese Zhou Gong, Old Persian Taflisi, Italian dream books of Meneghetti and Roberti, Vedic Sivananda, English Zadkiel. The service includes such excellent sources of interpretation of dreams as the absolutely amazing American dream book of the famous writer Denise Lynn (according to the recommendation of the site - the best), the Russian noble dream book of Grishina, Tsvetkov, Loff, Ivanov, Aesop, Veles, Hasse, Pythagoras (numerological), medieval Daniel, Cleopatra, Solomon, Zadeki, Azar, as well as the modern universal, feminine, masculine, lunar, spiritual, culinary, love, children's fairy tale and mythological, esoteric, winged phrases, symbols, folk signs, mirror psychological states, dream interpreter, self-taught dream book, dream book of health, past and future, psychological, psychoanalytic and many others. As you can see, the range of interpretations is very wide and everyone will find for themselves exactly the meaning of sleep that they were looking for.

The theme of love and personal relationships is widely represented in the dream book, but other topics also have detailed coverage. Have a nice dream!

2008-2020 Dream Interpretations on Juno are presented for informational purposes only. All rights reserved. Copying is prohibited.
