Why dream of a wall collapsing in an apartment. Dream Interpretation Wall

“What does the wall mean in a dream? If you see a Wall in a dream, what does it mean.

To dream that you are in front of a wall that has blocked your path - portends that you will not withstand the pressure on you and lose even what you have already achieved, jumping over the wall in a dream means that you will overcome obstacles and fulfill your desires.

Breaking a hole in the wall - promises you the achievement of the goal to which you will come, showing unprecedented stamina and firmness of intentions.

Destroying the wall is a sign that you will overcome your enemies.

Building a wall - portends that you will carefully plan your luck in order to eliminate obstacles from the path.

If a young woman sees in a dream that she is climbing to the top of the wall, this indicates that her future happiness will be reliable.

If she hides behind a wall, this promises her love, for which she will be ashamed later.

If she walks along the wall, the dream portends that she will take care of her appearance with even greater care and become very attractive.

Someone helps you climb the wall - happiness.

Climbing the wall, hiding with a blanket - there will be a promotion.

You see large and wide city walls - great wealth and much joy.

You walk inside the city wall - misfortune.

The space surrounded by blue or blue walls is joy and happiness.

Climbing the city walls, red - portends great happiness.

You build walls, build a house - great happiness and benefit.

You climb over the wall and pass through the dwelling - some kind of danger leaves.

Dig the ground. being on the wall - portends changes.

Why see the Wall in a dream.

A dream in which an insurmountable wall appeared in front of you portends that you will have to give up the conquered positions. If you manage to get over the wall, in reality you will achieve victory with little bloodshed. To take bricks or stones out of the wall - to loss, to punch a hole in it - to bad changes in life. Destroy the hay to the ground - to the death of loved ones.

Erecting a wall in a dream is a hassle. Curved wall - money problems. Plastering walls is a shaky, unreliable happiness; wallpapering is a pleasant acquaintance, a love adventure.

Burnt walls - a sign of misfortune, a wall that has collapsed on you - you will experience shame.

The wall is between you social roles and your true essence there is an insurmountable barrier: you do in life not at all what your soul requires, and in this way cripple yourself and your life.

Wall - irremovable obstacles in business; stone, to stand behind it - endurance will provide you with respect; jumping off the wall - dangerous obstacles; climb the wall - achieving the goal; put up a wall - there will be failures through your own fault; to see how it falls is a danger to you and your family.

To be in a dream in front of a wall blocking your path means that you cannot withstand the pressure exerted on you. You can lose a lot, even what seems impossible to lose.

Jumping over a wall in a dream is a sign of overcoming all obstacles in your path, a symbol of the fulfillment of desires.

Breaking a hole in the wall means that you will come to your goal, showing unprecedented stamina and firmness of intentions.

Destroying the wall is a sign that you will neutralize all your enemies.

Building a wall in a dream means that you will carefully plan your every step in order to remove all obstacles from your path.

If a young woman sees in a dream that she is at the top of a wall, a strong, happy family life awaits her.

If she hides behind a wall, she will fall in love, but she will most likely be ashamed of her feelings later.

If she walks along the wall, this is a sign that she will pay a lot of attention to her appearance and become very attractive to men.

Interpretation of sleep: Wall according to the dream book.

The wall is an obstacle, a life difficulty; alienation. isolation from life; protection from alien influences; distance, barrier in relationships; marriage for women.

Standing, walking along the wall - success, a lucky break.

Wall - obstacles, difficulties surmountable.

If you dreamed that you stumbled upon a wall, you may soon find yourself under someone's bad influence.

Breaking bricks out of the wall is a loss.

If you dreamed that you were climbing over a wall - you have to overcome a serious obstacle in business.

In a dream, you are building a wall - you yourself will erect an obstacle in front of you that you will not be able to overcome.

A smooth wall is a symbol of a man.

Wall with balconies or decorations - symbolizes a woman.

The wall is a dangerous enterprise; climb over - success; being surrounded by walls is unhealthy. for a woman - marriage; empty walls - disappointment; white wall - hope; walking on top of the wall is a guaranteed success.

Seeing a wall in a dream is a harbinger of future suffering and misunderstandings with loved ones.

Under what circumstances does a wall appear in your dream? - this will help you determine in which area of ​​your life you feel limited or backed up against a wall. You need to remember whether you climbed or walked through the wall in a dream.

Your actions in relation to the wall will determine how you solve or approach real life difficulties.

The wall can symbolize - a barrier. Do you want to draw a line between yourself and the people around you? Or, on the contrary, you want to destroy barriers.

If you dream that you are climbing a wall, the dream indicates that you are going through an unsuccessful period in your life.

If you dream that you have returned to the wall - perhaps you feel that you cannot develop in this moment life.

The wall is the boundary between different states and planes of being (for example, between active life and passive vegetation.

To see a clean wall is to face a choice that depends on you and can turn your whole life upside down.

Decorate the wall - you deliberately postpone the choice, which threatens with serious consequences.

Collapse itself - circumstances force you to make a choice, get ready for the collapse of your whole way of life; someone, you are destroying the wall, they will help you speed up the course of events or you yourself are pedaling them. Rushing is also not recommended.

From strange material - a transition to another space-time levels. Look at the circumstances of sleep, perhaps they show you the way to other material worlds.

Online dream book.

The meaning of sleep: Wall according to the dream book.

According to the dream book, to meet a wall on the way means to face insurmountable obstacles in life.

overcome it - good dream, you are able to achieve your goal, even in the presence of obstacles.

If you crushed it, your enemies will be defeated by you.

I dreamed that they were building a wall - this suggests that your efforts will be the key to your success.

If you dreamed of a brick wall, you should streamline your affairs, deal with long-running issues, otherwise you will be mired in problems and will not be able to get off the ground for a long time.

According to the dream book, washing the walls - be prepared for monotonous and very painstaking work that no one else will do for you.

If in a dream you paint walls - you have to work hard, spend a lot of time and effort, but in the end you will achieve great results and get material benefits, so do not rush to give up unattractive, at first glance, work.

Also, this vision - may portend global alterations in your home or changes in fate itself.

It is a dream that you whitewash the walls, apply whitewash on them - you are tormented by various doubts, some experiences confuse you and distract you from business, try to understand yourself and find spiritual harmony.

For a girl, such a vision indicates that she will make simply unrealistic efforts to resurrect relationships that have already exhausted themselves.

A hole in the wall is dreaming - it means that you will learn to see what is inaccessible to the human eye, the veil will open a little to the mysterious world of the unknown.

The dream in which you saw a crack in the wall indicates that relationships with family and friends can also deteriorate.

For a married lady, this is a warning that her infidelity can lead to a painful divorce process.

In a dream, you see that the wall is collapsing - get ready for global life changes, the consequences of which will be irreversible.

If you destroy it yourself, it means that by your actions you can radically change your own destiny.

Someone else does it - someone will greatly affect the course of your affairs and life in general.

In a dream, you were able to go through the wall - be prepared for something extraordinary to happen to you that will unsettle you for a long time.

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I did some home renovations. I have a problem. the walls were coughing because of the dampness))) perhaps my dreams are connected with the experience. But I had a really good dream. I got out of bed. and those places that I repaired were beaten. there was a stone sticking out of them. it was generally not very pleasant But for some reason I decided to climb inside. began to dismantle the stones. and when finished. inside I saw Beautiful metal (Tin), it looked like a ventilation pipe. and harmonized with the room (so let's say the place appeared a lot). And it was like that. that I was dismantling the wall and discovered another room. at home) really small. I will say this empty space and there I wanted to make myself a small room. But then I woke up) That's why I had a dream. as the wall fell apart, I was very wet, I would say. water flowed from it. and there was mucus, but suddenly a KOALA jumped out of there) and I played with it. and then people came and said. that it was their fault that our wall collapsed. and promised to fix it) In general, it’s just that my roof is going because of the repair. and I have such dreams) well, if you explain it, I will be grateful.

In a rented apartment, through the fault of two unknown men, a fire occurs. The wall burns down completely. And then it is quickly restored. Then I see a new wall, with new white, beautiful wallpaper. After that, we dream of some kind of holiday. And then the husband is going to stay with another woman. I'm trying to convince this woman that he doesn't love her. And I say to my husband the phrase I will be happy, but you will not be happy with her.

I am in a closed room (room) where there are 5-6 doors. And the walls and doors are green (dark, saturated color). One of the walls is very curved, but the bend is smooth (like a wave, there are no sharp corners, no protrusions). I want to leave, I can't. Behind one of the doors is bright lighting, and a deep hole. All the doors had rusty keys, but the doors were not locked. I'm scared. Some person (man) came in and comforted me, I was crying.

I dreamed that I went into an unfamiliar room. all the walls and ceiling of the room were covered with roofing felts of multi-colored roofing felts and small precious stones. I ran my hands along the walls and ceiling and touched them as if I could fly or like in gravity.

from the beginning I dreamed that in the house (more like my grandmother’s house) I demolished the camps, and then built new white ones, then I dreamed that I was on the street in the sky dark purple like thunderclouds (there was no thunderstorm and rain) from the left I saw two colored rainbows and on the right one but high and it seems from the right and the sky was lighter.

My husband and I are visiting someone there are still a lot of people who are in pairs, then one at a time. Someone's wife begins to stick to my boundary. After a while, he says that he loves her and not me. Scandal. I'm leaving, she screams after me that I broke her life. I scream shut up, I go out into the street. He calls, I don’t pick up the phone. On the street, I notice that near the house where my husband and child are now, there is a lot of backgammon. I come up and see that the balcony installers almost dropped the assembled double-glazed window. I'm going back to talk. At the corner of the house I see that the wall is rooted. I correct it, but instead the whole entrance of the high-rise building collapses. I run into the yard and start looking for my husband in the crowd. A neighbor comes up and holds out the phone. the husband from the other end says that he is under the rubble. I cry and say that I will definitely pull it out. I'm going to look for the baby. found in the hands of the same elderly neighbor. I run to the blockage, I shout for the head of my husband, silence. The Ministry of Emergency Situations arrived and took measurements. they say in the rubble everyone is alive. One Ministry of Emergencies says that now they will leave and return only at 20.00, I swear I threaten the aru because the collapse occurred at 12.00 and now it is noon. awoke. explain why such a dream.

Dream: I was in a strange apartment with a very beautiful interior, I looked at it, it seemed to me that I was visiting and then I looked everything disappeared, I ended up in my room, where with my parents and I look the walls began to become covered with black spots, and such that ashes began to pour from them, unpleasant spectacle, because then holes began to form in the wall. I tried to climb to the top and see what was closer to them, and I was pulled into one of the holes and again I ended up in that beautiful apartment. And this happened every time I tried to climb the dream repeated several times and mocked me. Then some kind of mask appeared in it, an incomprehensible man began to pass through the walls to our house.

I was on the fortress with my girlfriend, in the end they gave a signal that the building was staggering and could collapse. successfully managed to leave the building.

Hello! a dream in which the wall is collapsing and I am trying in every possible way to hold this wall, but it still collapses and a secret door is discovered, I go into it and in it I find the ideal order of a photo of a man and I understand that this man is the owner of this room while I understand that he is dead.

I saw light wallpapers on the wall in a dream. They were swollen and I think in a dream what I need to tell the master to fix everything. And I also saw that one half of the windows in the kitchen is not glass but plywood. I think to replace it with)
