How to stop worrying about a breakup. How to get over a breakup

  1. You need to understand that very rare relationships last your whole life!
    Sooner or later, some kind of discord or rupture may occur in you, and you will part.
  2. There must be an understanding that in this world, in principle, there is nothing so super stable that it would never go away and collapse.

Understanding this 1 piece of advice from a psychologist on how to get over a breakup with a loved one greatly reinforces your knowledge.

2. Find your favorite activity that you want to do and be passionate about wholeheartedly and with great passion

  • With regards to your life in general, finding your occupation that you want to do, you want to live and be passionate about it - it strongly reinforces you emotionally and from all sides!
  • Having it, you will not be so jarred and thrown into a panic at some kind of loss, even if you broke up with your loved one.
  • Your favorite hobby, occupation, your own path, the energy and passion invested in it - recharge you very much, give you a purpose in life, give a feeling of pleasure and enjoyment from life.
  • Thanks to them, you forget about the gray everyday life, completely penetrate the process, forgetting everyday trifles and breaks. You no longer worry about what to do if you get dumped or how to get over it.
  • Having broken the relationship, now you can fully immerse yourself in your favorite business and fully stay and grow with it further.
  • For example, it can be your projects, business ideas, events, your creativity, financial plans, hobbies and favorite sports. Who cares what.

Always remember your favorite hobby and passion, put it in the first place now, and then you will no longer need the advice of a psychologist on how to survive a breakup with your girlfriend or young man.

3. Realize that relationships in any scenario cannot be a mission and goal in life

  1. Social programming suggests that supposedly relationships is the most important thing in life. That is, people make building relationships the main component of life. This is a very common thing that can be seen now.
  2. She's so Hollywood and from the movies or from some hidden childhood dreams. It occurs in both men and women. And if you do not get rid of this illusion, you will still need the advice of a psychologist on how to survive a breakup with a loved one.
  3. There is another wrong belief among people. People come to their soulmate as if under the bosom of a tree from work or study with the conviction "and here it will be good for me."
    And if this happens in your head, then, as a rule, this does not justify hopes.
  4. Sooner or later the illusions will collapse. To some extent, people can create this illusion for each other, then it all crumbles to smithereens.

Relationships are definitely important.

In them we can realize ourselves, allow another person to realize themselves, establish emotional contact with a partner, make our own and his life easier.

But in general, they cannot be a mission.

Relationships in any scenario cannot be a mission in life!

Illusions of girls

On the part of girls, such a thing is present in the head more often. And therefore, they often need help and various advice from a psychologist on how to survive a breakup with a beloved man.

Girls elevate relationships to a higher rank because they have such a biological factor as a family and a child.

Your jamb is that you had to be distracted from clinging hard to relationships and making them a goal in life.

This will only make it worse for you, because sooner or later the illusions will begin to break, and you will again think about what to do when your loved one has left you.

4. Don't let yourself slide into an emotional hole after a breakup.

  1. It is very important when such breaks occur. and critical moments, it is not to let yourself slide into an emotional hole. Some people get depressed. You can learn about ways to get rid of depression. They can last not one day, but even a week or two. This can really undermine you.
  2. Emotionally, the problem can be quite trifling. But, for example, a man can so emotionally slide into this gap that he will have a desire to go to the mountains, become a monk and do nothing else in this life or go headlong into business, forgetting about women altogether.
  3. Although it's not really all that serious.. Anything happens. Do not wind yourself up, do not make an elephant out of a fly and know everything about how to survive a breakup with a girl after a long relationship or many years of marriage.

5. First solve the psychological problem: do not go to extremes and run to look for a new partner

After a breakup, you may get the feeling that you supposedly need to decide everything at once right now.

Problems need to be dealt with as they come up.

You don't have to decide everything at once.

First find harmony with yourself and solve the problem inside

If you have an unstable emotional state, depression, then first deal with it.

Some people go to extremes after a breakup and quickly run to look for a new partner.

And this is supposed to be the solution to the problem. This supposedly closes questions about how to survive the pain of parting with a loved one.

Is this a solution?

What mistakes do people make?

People simply patch up their spiritual wound with a band-aid, looking for a replacement rather than dealing with themselves.

This throwing from one extreme to another does not end with anything good.

Accept the state in which you are now, see it and say to yourself: “Yes, now I am not quite in harmony with myself after the breakup. Well, nothing, I’ll first resolve this issue, and then we’ll see.”

Remember this and no longer need the advice of a psychologist on how to survive a breakup with your husband.

6. What Your Brain Can Do to You: The Broken Record Analogy

  • All your memories of past love when everything was good, bloomed and smelled - it's just an appearance.
    If that balance had been preserved, then it would have been true. And so it is an illusory appearance. It's like a broken record, which is also broken.
  • How is your brain playing with you? When you had a break and there were a lot of jambs that you don’t even really want to remember, your brain throws this hackneyed record at you.
  • You yourself put this broken record in your head, where it is no longer an even melody that plays, but an incomprehensible rattle sounds, a pathetic likeness of a melody and some unpleasant sounds.
  • This plate no longer needs to be repaired.!
    You just need to find what you really need!
  • Don't even try to come back. It's not worth it.
    Approach the situation soberly, and you will know everything about how to start living after parting with your loved one.

7. Let yourself go forever: there is nothing left to decide, no need to cling

Let yourself go forever.

Understand that there is nothing and no one to resolve.

Some of you screwed up and it is important to understand that this is normal.

As painful as it may feel, give yourself the opportunity to leave forever.

Just like your partner gives himself this opportunity.

Every girl and every guy gives himself this opportunity.

Understanding this will close your worries about thinking about how to get over the breakup with your loved ones.

8. Choose to be cool and not needy, remove expectations

  1. A person who does not need is one who does not cling to other people, tends to give more than receive and never expects anything from this life! Strive to be.
  2. A person who does not need does not think about what you will have in the future (even if there is a 99% guarantee, you do not tell others). You can say: "Yes, I have such plans ...". You're going to do it, but you don't live it.
  3. You take what you have on this moment but you never expect something to happen in the future, good or bad. It's useless.
  4. Those things that you can cling to in life can be so ephemeral and destructible.
  5. your reality should not be based on something external!

A person who does not need does not need both things and people equally! The paradigm is that they are with them, but there is no fear of loss at all!

A person who does not need never asks questions about how to live after parting further.

A strong person is only glad that weak people themselves leave his life.

It is harder for a woman to live like this, but it is possible. You don't have to hang on to people.

Women have a natural need for a man who will protect her, take care of her, they cling to men. This is their jamb!

On our site you can also read about how to get rid of attachment and love addiction.

9. In the next six months or a year, completely change the perception of relationships

  • After your breakup, do not immediately cling to a new person and do not try to make him immediately yours for a very long time.
  • Not to be confused with not communicating with anyone at all and not getting to know each other. No, you are still chatting and getting close to new people, enjoying the attraction between you.
  • But there should not be this desire to make a person his property for some long time.
  • You must remove the time frame where you begin to unconsciously drive a person.
  • Live like this for the next six months at least after the break. Then, after six months, based on internal sensations, you can again return to a long-term relationship with one girl (man).

A subtle point to be implemented

Replace the desire to make a person your property with the desire to make him happy.

The best thing you can do for a partner is to let him live full life and you will be there with him whenever he and you so desire.

You still sincerely love your partner, but do not try to keep him in any way.

You must live your life and give your partner complete freedom of choice.

Implement this perception and no longer worry about how to survive a breakup with a lover or your secret passion.

The difference between healthy and unhealthy needs

  1. There shouldn't be any border and understanding that the person is yours.
    And then you can always go further in terms of developing your spirituality, your level of happiness and harmony.
  2. Yes, you may have a certain percentage of neediness in new relationships, but this healthy neediness - when you just want to see a person(no matter how you spend your time). Just want to be together.

10. Ask yourself: “Are your feelings and the image of your ex-partner real, or is it your subjective perception?”

Ask yourself questions:

  1. Is it real that your ex gives you some feelings, or is it your subjective perception that draws them like that, making him special?
  2. If a guy's perception of an ex-girlfriend as "special", "giving everyone love" and "enhancing well-being" was real, then why don't all guys perceive her that way?
  3. Why doesn't any of the other people on the planet now around his ex-girlfriend feel better about it as a guy?


The way the guy perceives ex girlfriend so cool - this is his personal subjective perception of the girl.

No one else sees her that way except him.

All other people see the same girl, the same appearance, her same face, but their well-being does not improve in any way!

And it is very important to realize this in order to close the worries about how it is easier to survive parting with a loved one.

You yourself draw an addition to the image of the former, it does not come from him in any way

  1. The guy is just attached to those old emotions, tactile sensations and past pleasures that they gave each other. His perception paints her somehow special, as if she has a halo over her head.
  2. The same can be said about former men, for which women continue to dry unrequitedly. Your remaining love after a breakup is only your personal subjective appearance.
  3. You yourself and your perception of feelings draws such an addition to former person. This addition itself does not come from your ex-partner.
  4. This image that your perception paints for you does not exist in reality. Keep this in mind and close all your questions about how to survive the pain of parting with married man or the one with whom sooner or later you would have to part.

11. Your affection is tested for the feelings and sensations that you experienced before with a partner, and not for the person himself.

Understand that you are attached to the feeling, not to the person himself.

This feeling is drawn by your personal subjective perception.

Understand this and you will feel much better.

ask yourself:

  1. Why don't you feel this way about yourself?
  2. Why does it occur only in relation to other people?

The answer is that you just don't love yourself.

People do not love themselves and, as a result, need outside help, they ask for advice from a psychologist on how to survive a breakup with a husband, boyfriend or female person.

12. Love yourself truly

When you fall in love with yourself for real, your total love will be much stronger than the feelings for the former person.

Your love for yourself will be the strongest and strongest. No feelings can absorb and bind you.

And then you will already forget about attachment to feelings, you will give more to this world.

And then people will start reaching out to you.

Now you know everything from psychology on the topic of how to survive a breakup with a loved one, and you don’t need any forums.

If you integrate these understandings into your life, then thoughts like “would rather move away after a painful breakup” will no longer arise in your head.

You will remove a lot of pain and suffering from relationships and begin to look at things more objectively.

This is your life, make the right choice!

Parting often causes despair, sadness and pain ... But when the situation cannot be changed, change your attitude towards it.

Then you will begin to experience completely different emotions.

Scientists have calculated that the experience of parting with a loved one can last from three months to three years. And so that life does not seem like torment at the moment of experiencing a gap, you need to learn to think correctly.

Correct way of thinking

The most difficult, but also the most expedient thing to do is to accept what happened. To resent an event that has already happened is at least unreasonable. It's like complaining about rain or heat. Better to be able to adapt.

Analyze the situation. Since there are two people in a relationship and your partner no longer wants your company, it means that this is also your fault. You need to fully understand your mistakes so that you don’t repeat them again. It is also important to understand that the other person has the right to choose an action, that he does not owe you anything, and is not obliged to meet your expectations. You should not hold grudges, accumulate evil and reproaches, as these emotions do not make it possible to enjoy life and develop. In addition, resentment and anger do not allow you to easily and naturally enter into a new relationship. Try to forgive your ex.

The end of a relationship is always hard, whether it was your decision or your partner's. You are in pain and you want it to end soon. There are several ways that can help you cope and move on: describe your feelings, allow yourself to grieve, take your time in a new relationship. Remember that time heals and be patient. If it doesn’t get better with time, you can always turn to family and friends for support, and if necessary, to a psychotherapist.


Move on

    Keep your distance. Even if you and your ex have decided to remain friends, you should stop all communication immediately after the breakup. No meetings with him and even with his family members, no calls, emails, SMS, messages on Skype or Facebook. This does not mean that you should never talk again, but communication should be stopped until you finally get over the breakup.

    • If he or she is trying to convince you to see each other, honestly ask yourself what the point is. If the meeting makes you mentally return to the past, it will be too easy to succumb to a momentary impulse - but the more difficult it is to reconcile yourself again.
    • If contact is unavoidable for practical reasons - for example, you need to transfer your things from your partner, sign documents, and the like - try to keep communication to an absolutely necessary minimum. Keep calls or meetings short and to the point.
  1. Organize your living space. A breakup can herald a new beginning. Therefore, cleaning and putting things in order in your personal space will give you fresh strength and readiness for a new life. Clutter is depressing, depressing, and exacerbates the stress you're already experiencing. Cleaning does not require serious mental effort, but you still have to concentrate on it - as a result, you can distract yourself from painful experiences.

    • Clean up your room, put up new posters, clear your computer desktop of unnecessary icons. No matter how insignificant cleaning may seem to you, after it you will feel better.
  2. Let go of the things that bring up painful memories. Many things will remind you of your ex - songs, smells, sounds, places. When they surround you, it's harder to heal from a breakup. Remove all the things that make your heart ache. Getting rid of them can really work wonders.

    • If you have a memorable gift from your ex, such as a watch or jewelry, there is nothing wrong with keeping it. However, try to remove it away and not get it until the relationship finally recedes into the past for you.
  3. Get out of the house and live life to the fullest. After the end of a relationship, it is normal to spend some time at home, alone with yourself. However, having dealt with feelings, you should no longer hide from the outside world. Plan, spend time with friends, have fun! You may feel awkward at first, but over time this will pass and you will feel better. Getting out of the house and doing something is very important, because after a breakup, you need to grow and maintain your social circle in order to move forward.

    • Don't feel like you have to spend time with other people all the time. Get out to do the things you love and enjoy the freedom. Go to your favorite cafe, go shopping or take a mini-vacation.
  4. Don't jump head first into a new relationship. Often, after a breakup, people immediately enter into a new relationship in order to forget the previous ones. However, this idea is not always reasonable. When we start dating someone too soon, we often just try to suppress negative emotions with the excitement and excitement that a new relationship brings us. However, if they turn out to be a failure, the pain of two breakups will fall on you at once. It is better to be without a partner for a while, until you get over the emotions and are really ready to start over.

    Keep taking care of yourself. After a break, a person can often give up on himself, but this will not bring relief. Don't forget the simple things that keep you physically, mentally and spiritually healthy. If you didn't take enough care of yourself before the end of the relationship, now is the time to fix it. Try to eat well, get enough sleep, and exercise regularly. physical exercise to feel your best.

    Deal with emotional pain

    1. Understand that suffering in your situation is normal. After a breakup, it's natural to experience sadness, anger, fear, and other unpleasant emotions. It may even seem to you that you will be alone forever and will never be happy again. Just remind yourself that it's okay to feel down after a breakup and that you need these experiences to move on.


      “People who avoid sadness and suppress their emotions are more prone to stress and take longer to recover from a relationship breakup.”

      Amy Chan is the founder of Renew Breakup Bootcamp, a recovery camp that takes a scientific and spiritual approach to healing broken hearts. Her team of psychologists and coaches have helped hundreds of people in just 2 years, and the camp has been recognized by CNN, Vogue, The New York Times and Fortune for its innovative and scientific approach. Her debut book, Breakup Bootcamp, will be published by HarperCollins in January 2020.

      Founder of Renew Breakup Bootcamp

      Break away from your usual routine. Perhaps after the end of the relationship, you need to give up your usual routine for a while. This can help you deal with your feelings and cope better later on. Most importantly, don't do anything that will jeopardize your relationships with other people or your way of making a living.

      • For example, you can skip a week at the gym without much consequences, but you can’t abandon work for a week. If you and your friends have plans and want to cancel them before you recover, explain the situation honestly.
    2. Allow yourself to mourn broken relationships. When a relationship ends, the heart becomes empty, and it can take quite a long time for it to drag on. Be sure to allow yourself to grieve the loss and experience the pain; if you ignore it and keep it to yourself, you will only delay the return to normal life. Cry, sob, scream - throw out all the negative emotions outward.


      Family psychotherapist

      Family psychotherapist

      Allow yourself to grieve in order to recover. Family therapist Moshe Ratson says: “It is very important to give yourself the opportunity to experience pain without judgment. The sooner you do this and accept the feelings and circumstances you are going through, the sooner you will be able to free yourself from the oppressive feeling of pain.

      Surround yourself with people who can support you. You need people around you who love you and help you feel better. Surrounded by friends and family who are full of sympathy and ready to help, you will not feel like a worthless person, and your life will soon return to normal.

      • Don't be afraid to ask friends and family for support if you need to speak up or cry on someone's shoulder.
    3. Find a way to soothe yourself without harming your health. Your first impulse may be to ignore the pain or drown it out with alcohol, drugs, or food, but that's not the answer. Say a firm no to these destructive ways of coping with pain. Instead, try to find ways that will lead you to real recovery and even growth.

      • Try to find a new hobby to keep you busy while you recover. Sign up for a course, join a club, learn something on your own. Passion for a new thing will allow you to regain confidence in yourself, take your mind off the worries for a while, and help build self-esteem by knowing that you have learned something interesting or useful.
    4. See a therapist if the pain is too severe. Most often, people are able to recover on their own after a breakup, but not everyone succeeds. If you can't deal with emotional pain or feel depressed as a result of a breakup, seek professional help as soon as possible.

    Work on feelings

      Think about your relationship. Consider all the reasons why you and your ex broke up. Accept the fact that while you were good together for a while, things ended up going wrong. Analyzing the reasons for the breakup will help you understand why you need to move on. In addition, if you figure out how you yourself influenced the end of the relationship, this will help you avoid the same mistakes in the future. Ask yourself the following questions.

      • Did my behavior cause us to break up? If yes, what exactly did I do?
      • Do I have a tendency to choose partners of the same type? If yes, what do they have in common? Are they suitable for me? Why?
      • Have I had similar problems in previous relationships? If so, why do I constantly encounter them? What can I do differently next time?


      Family psychotherapist

      Moshe Ratson is the Executive Director of spiral2grow Marriage & Family Therapy, a psychotherapy and counseling clinic in New York City. Received a master's degree in psychotherapy in the field of family and marriage. She has been working as a psychotherapist for over 10 years.

      Family psychotherapist

      By forgiving yourself and others, you can get rid of guilt, which will give you vitality. And then you can find the meaning of life, the purpose, you can continue to learn and grow. It will help you find the good in bad situations."

      Write about your feelings. Start a diary or try writing poetry. Most importantly, be honest and do not correct what is written. One of the advantages of this method is that by putting the problem on paper, you can suddenly see it from the inside, penetrating to the core. Cause and effect relationships will become clearer, and as the bitterness of the loss subsides, it will be much easier for you to learn valuable life lessons from what happened.

      Manage your anger. When we feel that we have been treated badly or unfairly, anger rises up in us. The best way to deal with him in a situation where you are not communicating with a former partner is to relax.

      Don't give up on your decision. If you initiated the breakup, keep in mind that by focusing on the "good old days" with your partner, you may forget why you decided to end the relationship. Likewise, try not to think that there is still room for improvement if the decision was not yours. People tend to romanticize all the good things in a relationship and convince themselves that the bad things weren't so bad after all. Don't play this game with yourself. Accept the situation as it is and try to move forward.

The relationship between people is a complex and rather capacious topic, especially when it comes to lovers. Difficulties in relationships between people of the opposite sex are common, and every couple faces them. But, some people cope with them, while others choose a radical way to solve the problem - parting.

Typically, a breakup is painful process and for two people. How to cope with pain and survive a breakup? Find out from this article.

1. Get rid of negative emotions

The first thing to do is to free your mind and soul from negative emotions. No matter how you feel right now, you need to let it all go - repressed emotions are harmful to mental and physical health. Cry if you're hurt, talk to someone, or tell your ex everything you feel - you need to talk it out. If you feel aggression, it is also important to get rid of it. You can work out in the gym, beat a pear, or if you don’t have the strength and time, destroy a pile of papers.

2. Plan of action

Most people, especially women, when going through a breakup, close themselves in their home and do nothing but indulge in their emotional suffering. You can't do this if you want to preserve your mental health. You need to make a busy schedule for the next 2 weeks and fill it with a variety of tasks and activities. During this time, the spiritual wound will heal, and it will be much easier for you to survive this painful period if you are distracted by some interesting things.

3. Change your point of view

A painful breakup can be made less unpleasant if you look at what is happening from a different angle. You should not think that your personal life was defeated, you were left alone, suffered meanness and betrayal, and so on. Let's take a more optimistic look at the situation - you have become a free person who can do whatever he wants, you have a lot of time for yourself and now the doors are open in your life for new, more interesting, strong and passionate relationships.

4. Start dreaming

Stop constantly thinking back to the memories of those pleasant moments that you experienced while in a relationship. On the contrary, start dreaming about those happy moments that await you tomorrow, in a month and a year. Dreams come true, and they are also inspiring and have a healing power.

5. Get rid of the past

Accept the situation - the past will not come back into your life and just put up with it. Now you new person, which is not the "half" of the partner who left you. Therefore, stop associating yourself with him. Throw away anything from your home that brings back painful memories - photos, gifts, or common things. If it's something valuable, you can just hide these things so that for some time they do not come into your field of vision. Tear, burn your past - do it completely, irrevocably and do not try to resurrect what has already died.

6. Believe in yourself

Quite often, a break in a relationship is combined with a serious blow to self-esteem, especially if you are not leaving, but you. Therefore, it is necessary to protect yourself and work on your own self-esteem. You must learn for yourself that you were not abandoned because there is something wrong with you. No. Your relationship has ended because it has exhausted itself, and the partner no longer has the strength to give you love - the reason is not in you. Believe in yourself, find the strength to prove yourself attractive. Buy yourself new clothes, change your image, write a list of your virtues and hang it in the most prominent place. This will help you regain confidence in your uniqueness and attractiveness.

7. Communicate

While in a relationship, many people get hung up on their partner and because of this they stop noticing the talented, beautiful and smart people around them. Communicate, discover the world of people anew. Find new friends, give smiles and give compliments. Your attitude towards people is a boomerang, and they will definitely reciprocate.

How to survive a breakup? After all it is almost always very painful. And even if you feel relief after the end of annoying scandals, or are in despair from the fact that you were abandoned, betrayed, it’s the same as uprooting a tree from the soul. ... After all, each of us lives as a single unit, but is closely connected by invisible energy threads with all the surrounding people. Only those with whom we barely know have little influence on us. And those people who live nearby are considered close because their influence on us on the subtle plane directly, i.e. close. We, in response, influence them in the same way. With their thoughts, words, deeds, care, experiences. We feel this influence, but we are not always aware of it. And the longer we live side by side, the more tightly the threads of our ties intertwine. What happens when these ties are ruthlessly severed?

What is a breakup?

It happens that even after living together, they simply go to different places together. That's how the circumstances are. The pain of parting is no less strong, but different. Relationships change purely outwardly, but not in essence. In such conditions, feelings are tested. If they are strong, they only increase in separation, if they were shaky, they can gradually fade away.

In other cases, people begin to realize that they have become uninteresting together, bored, feelings have passed and there is nothing left in common. They can peacefully agree to end the relationship. If the decision is mutual, the energy threads gradually become thinner and the unpleasant feeling somewhere inside subsides soon.

But how often does it happen that two people are equally ready for break? The partner who was stronger attached and weaker spiritually definitely feels like a victim and falls into despair. And if this happened unexpectedly for him, then in general it is like a catastrophe. Although, by and large, nothing ever happens just like that, everything is natural. And if he or she had been more attentive and observant, they would certainly have sensed something was wrong long before the very rupture of relations .

How to survive a breakup and ease the pain?

Alice Wizard

Your fire inside is gone.
And I blew it myself...
But who will understand me now?
Will hear the cry of the heart? ...

I would fall asleepme for a year, another ...
And let life go on, but by ...
When I sometimes wake up in autumn,
And my heart has gone cold.

It will become easier for me,
And I will forget everything that was ...

If this has happened to you, remember that this is not the end. Life doesn't end at the end of any one relationship. Everything is constantly changing, all the surrounding nature, man himself. And, of course, his environment, experiences, feelings, even character traits can change. It's great if feelings go through life and do not disappear. But if that doesn't happen, that's okay too.

First time after rupture of relations a person suffers psychologically, which entails a physical depressed state. Vitality falls, the body's resistance - too. Mental imbalance does not have the best effect on loved ones. If there is, the situation is even more aggravated. It is very important to restrain yourself and not pour tons of dirt on ex-spouse or spouse, especially in the presence of children. It hurts you, no doubt, but the children hurt even more.

If you feel like speaking up, crying out, do it! Only with the person who can listen, sympathize, support. Indeed, in this case, support is very important. It helps to relieve stress and physical relaxation - beat pillows, shout in a field or forest (so as not to scare your neighbors), run in a park or in a gym. The energy ejected at the same time “pulls out” the negative at the same time. After such exercises, you will feel physical fatigue and moral relief.

Now we can move on

Remember what you dreamed of doing as a child or sometime before, but could not because of constant employment, inappropriateness, or simply laziness. Now is the best time to realize or bring your dream closer. Keep yourself busy. Get a new haircut, buy a new dress, go to a football game, take a vacation or just a weekend in nature with friends. Get a pet and give him the unspent that accumulates in your soul. Do something! Just do not feel sorry for yourself and do not scroll through the past in your thoughts! It is also dangerous because your precious energy flows away along with obsessive thoughts, and at this time you are weakening spiritually.

Be open to communication, meet new people, make new or renew old acquaintances. Communication with people you like will fill the formed "holes" in your energy shell.

Try sessions. Relaxation has a very beneficial effect on the state of the body of any of us. After all a break up that you have experienced, there is stress. And this is a prolonged tension of muscles, organs, and the psyche. The body after exercise usually requires rest. Sleep in this case can not always help. Meditation is not such a difficult thing and is available to everyone. Download music for relaxation. Get comfortable sitting or lying down. Turn on the music, tune in to a pleasant wave and imagine serene pictures, you can from childhood, or from a dream. Enter them, get used to the image. Try to relax as much as possible. Even five to ten minutes will be enough to get you started. After that, you will feel much better. Try it!

If you feel an inner emptiness, it must be filled. A favorite pastime, pleasant communication with nature and people will help here. Everything we talked about above.

What conclusions should be drawn

If you are looking for an answer to a question how to survive a break up Be sure to keep one important thing in mind. It is necessary to analyze your now former relationship with a partner and draw a conclusion so as not to repeat past mistakes and not step on the same rake again.

Ask yourself the question - what did I do (a) wrong? If you are a woman, have you been enough? If a man, have you always taken care of your beloved? It is good to read psychological literature, where they will tell you what and how to do, and what is absolutely impossible. I can recommend the authors -,. And in general, it is worth thinking about your life values, because our attitude to life, to the opposite sex depends on them. If you think: why should I (should)? .. let first he (she) do this and that! .. then the reason for your failures is in yourself. We alone are responsible for what happens to us. This is very important to understand. You either resign yourself to your fate, or you act.

And, of course, know that after any, even the most difficult break in relations, life goes on! Lives somewhere in the world, at the right time and in the right place. Believe and it will definitely happen!


Believe it or not...
