The formation of the body of light is a rather painful process. Everything you wanted to know about the body of light, but were afraid to ask Building the body of light

Every month during a group meditation, I take a survey to find out what symptoms of transformation you are experiencing. And despite the fact that the symptoms themselves over and over again are quite similar, their causes are different.

Do you want to know what is behind these symptoms?

We have collected for you the statements of famous channels about changes in physical bodies that are taking place and/or will take place in the coming months.

And at the end of the article, you will find a video with the activation of the Diamond Body of Light!

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Spiritual sources about changes in the physical body

“Man, as a biological being, is evolving at an astounding rate to be able to carry more light within himself.

In the end you move into bodies of Light, just like you did before, in the days of Lemuria, with the Anasazi and Maya tribes.

You must understand that your spirit is the first to move forward, since the spirit is an incorporeal substance and, therefore, does not have density.

And yet it is connected with the physical body, creating a biological shell that is a haven for your spirit for a short time.

It is that part of you that is short-lived, that has a beginning and an end. This shell becomes your home for the duration of your stay here, and your duty to take care of her, nurture it and work with it.

In view of all this, we must say that the shell itself is also undergoing changes allowing the assimilation of new energies and attributes and grounding the part for you.

If you manage to free yourself from the past, change and clear it, you will have opportunities raise your vibration while in the current physical body.

With time everyone will pass into a light body. Humans will shed the high density of their physical bodies within a few short years.

This will become possible, because as soon as the movement in this direction begins, the first transitions will be made and this will become commonplace, within only fifteen years, every person living on earth will have the opportunity to do the same, and the process itself will no longer seem so complicated.

Your goal is to keep the doors open and also to be the first to take a step in this direction!

“Over the coming weeks, we will be completely integrate the new Mind of the Human Heart, the true instrument of co-creation (together with the Divine Mind) and the mechanism necessary to transcend the action of the lower human experience... in order to fully interact with the higher dimensions of Creation.

The mind of the heart is interface between earthly and spiritual realms, our communication portal "beyond the veil".

It is created based on synthesis of male/female polarities, enabling us to anchor in the matrix of unity and secure our position on the fifth dimensional earth… this is the main component of the new human processor.

Through the activation of the Mind of the Heart, we leave behind the (causal) world constant karmic repetition and we move into the united world of reunion with all Existing.”

“In 2003, I wrote an article called Indigo-Crystal Transition Crisis, which talked about the awakening and activation of the Light Body to embody the Golden Light of the Christ Consciousness.

Now in 2018, this article is about the completion of this ascension process as we move from crystalline to diamond consciousness.

At this level, we implement full galactic consciousness and we are.

We are settling into the New Earth of the 5th Dimension, but also have access to the higher dimensions up to the 9th, which allow us to function as Earth-embodied Souls while also being connected to our galactic heritage.

The process is as follows: we are now in a solar minimum, which means that we are very little affected by the activity of solar flares.

This allows galactic and cosmic radiation from very "deep space" to reach Earth and deeply affect on our physical bodies.

Normally, solar radiation protects the Earth from these transmissions, but during the period of minimum solar activity they can penetrate the defenses, bringing powerful transformative Diamond light codes and activating the Diamond consciousness that allows humanity to adjust connection with the galactic consciousness of the 9th dimension and connect with him.

What is happening now is the right hemisphere of the brain is fully activated to create a "Holy Union" with the left hemisphere.

This means that after thousands of years of left hemisphere addiction, humanity is reclaiming the power of the right hemisphere along with its connection to the intuitive, magical and miraculous as well as the galactic/cosmic levels.

There is not only this powerful reactivation, but also balancing the two hemispheres the quantum computer that is the brain so that they can function in harmony and not oppose each other.

At the same time, it is in the process of "retuning", so that it acts as a "receiver" and "transmitter" of light energies, and it is connected to and the heart chakra.

This makes it easier to activate the ability. hear galactic transmissions and decode them, as well as the ability to send such galactic transmissions without any artificial technology.

These changes are associated with crown chakra and soul star chakra which in turn activates the lower chakras to ground energies.

At the same time, at a deep cellular level, DNA is being rewritten to accept these new abilities and let go of any beliefs and limitations that may be blocking these changes.

The purpose of these shifts- enable the New Shining Diamond Man to become a galactic being capable of receiving and hearing non-verbal messages, as well as sending these messages in time, space and dimensions.

This full activation your own "personal portal" and upstream connection to the Cosmos."

Some people may not have tangible symptoms at all, and they may simply move into a happy and joyful connection with the New Earth and these new abilities.

However, with such a major transition, it is also possible that you may experience some of the following temporary symptoms:

  • Headaches and dizziness. Fatigue and constant desire to take a nap. It takes a lot of energy to balance and harmonize the left and right brains.
  • Pain and congestion of the sinuses. Pain in jaws and teeth.
  • Burning in throat. Inflammation and infection of the throat.
  • Influenza that gets serious or takes a long time to heal.
  • Voltage in chest. Muscle spasms in the neck and back.
  • Disrupted sleep patterns as energies become stronger at night.
  • Disruption of eating patterns and the desire to eat less and eat "higher vibration" food.
  • tense nervous system: Anxiety, stress, depression, tearfulness, irritability and feeling like you just can't take it anymore. Burning sensation in the nerves.
  • The desire to move, to move, to be somewhere else (yes... in the New Earth!)
  • Desire to drink clean water and consume natural organic products, as well as breathe clean air.
  • The desire to champion this dream of a New Earth!

“The most important thing is to rest when you need it and take care of yourself and your body.

Your body is going through a very profound change and transition. There will be clearing and detoxification on many levels, in many dimensions, and over many past and future lives, so that the body can accept the frequencies of the New Earth.

Be willing to slowly accept these frequencies and nurture each step along the way.

You may have to "feed on the light" and avoid heavy and processed foods. Drink plenty of water, as clear and pure as you can get.

- Sleep as needed, even if it happens during daylight hours.

- Whenever possible, getting out into nature, get plenty of sunlight and walk on grass and dirt.

- Go to the beach, get some fresh air and play in the water if you can.

“Use that powerful right brain. Get creative depending on what resonates with you.

Keep a diary, draw, dance, play music, and let yourself begin to explore non-verbal right brain modes of communication. Use your imagination and enter the magic.

- Meditate and remain calm. Become aware of the powerful flow of Divine Light within you and start creating and playing with this energy.

“Trust this process… it will lead you to something beautiful!”

Diamond Light Body Activation

For me personally, everything written above is a direct guide to action.

You can wait until all these changes happen naturally and you can help your body absorb new energy- what we write about on the Keys of Mastery in the last 5 years :)

In 2013, I launched a series of webinars, which today you know as. The course includes exercises to help prepare the physical body to receive and integrate light energy, and regularly updated with new tools.

I bring to your attention an excerpt from the 3rd part of the Tools of Evolution:

  • The body of Light as a tool for working with higher dimensions
  • Activating the Diamond Body of Light (Listen to the instructions carefully)

What is Light Body

The body of Light in scientific terms is a set of intelligent electromagnetic signals of a higher order. The body of Light is a DNA program that was originally inscribed in the structure of a person so that a person, after immersion in matter, could safely return home, to the Light.

Many millennia ago, it was traumatized and gradually destroyed by the dramas, the pain of humanity, which were recorded in the human DNA and distorted the original program.

For the next stage of Evolution, we need to re-activate the body of light, restore this program. It must wake up and become aware of itself. The Light Body requires self-care, care, exercise and nutrition, just like a normal body.

The Lightbody is an intelligent structure that creates reality through imagination. This is a transport system to other dimensions, spaces, realities.

What can the body of Light

The Body of Light allows you to quickly integrate the acquired knowledge. In other words, you learn exceptionally fast. At the speed of thought.

When you activate your Lightbody, you don't need mechanical implants. You don't have to become a cyborg to be superhuman. Everything is in you. Any conceivable ability.

An activated light body is a strong and healthy nervous system that easily conducts life energy to all organs.

The activated body of light is the framework for SPIRIT. Only when the Spirit fully enters the body, a person begins to understand that, how and why everything in his life happens exactly this way and nothing else. And how to fix it all, if necessary. A person completely leaves illusions and comes to Clarity and Truth.

If there is no framework, the spirit cannot linger in the body and you cannot receive guidance for a joyful life.

When a person does not express himself honestly and directly, the spirit cannot live in this body. The person becomes weak. Lies make a person weak. When a person lives in his truth, then he is strong and there is much joy in his life.

Spirit and man together can express themselves more fully together and be a source of strength.

What awakens the body of light

Light, the life force that the Light Body superconducts, awakens hidden talents, abilities, Creativity to the fullest. Man becomes Genius.

This automatically allows you to freely solve all the problems of life that are snowballing at the present time. A person simply rises above reality and sees everything in its entirety.

The revival of the Body of light allows a person to gain new meaning everything he does.

Now all people are subject to the impulses of rebirth and renewal of the physical body.

Our bodies are transforming

Only resistance to change will interfere with the natural transformation of the body. Any resistance will cause disease in the physical body.

An activated light body speeds up the process of Kundalini release. By the age of 40, usually, Kundalini rises and fills the body with energy.

If a person is a mature being, he uses this energy to open creativity, knows how to hold and control this energy. If he does not know how to manage, then he gets old and rolls down.

Previously, the rise of Kundalini took a lot of effort, energy and time.

Now the same effect can be achieved faster - this makes the light. When you draw a beam of light into the body, the Light awakens the Kundalini. Kundalini awakens creative power. You heal, show creativity and easily solve many life problems.

If the four lower bodies are aligned, the light activation will start automatically.

Construction of a crystalline body of light
Many times I have mentioned the process of Ascension into a fifth density lightbody, so hopefully this chapter will clear up many questions that may have arisen. This is just a rough description based on information received directly from the Higher Self.
Of course, it is not complete, as the complexity of the "master template" is beyond the scope of this book.
From a right brain perspective, we just have to become more receptive to the incoming fifth dimensional energies and allow the process to unfold.
However, it seems that such a transformation will consist of many separate steps, with different experiences during each step.
I have divided these steps into six parts as follows:
(1) Purification of the old consciousness - assimilation of the First Cause
(2) Alignment of the four "lower" bodies (body, emotions, mind and heart) with Spirit
(3) Acceptance of light activation codes
(4) DNA reprogramming (cell restructuring) and launch of the "master template"
(5) Converting carbon-based physiology to silicon-based physiology
(6) Density/dimension shift (Ascension)

1. Purification of the old consciousness - assimilation of the First Cause
This is the most difficult step, but also the most important.
Everything that needs to be cleansed can be summed up in three words: judgment, denial, and guilt. Contrary to what many in the New Age would like to believe, this familiar trio has a profound effect on literally everyone.
Much of what we have taken to be true is, in fact, a set of beliefs held by judgment, reinforced by guilt, and veiled by denial. That is why I have devoted an entire chapter 17 to these conditions.
If we return to Chapter 4, we stated the following: root system beliefs shared New Era is: "God is perfect and unchanging love." While perfect and unchanging love can indeed be part of God, my understanding is this:
God develops and expands moment by moment; and since we are made in "His image and likeness," God also heals judgment, denial, and guilt. In other words, all life is a reflection of God.
The reason for all the denial is the fear of “doing bad things”, that is, not accepting the “I”, unconditionally and every moment. The most denied part of the self is the emotional body, we don't accept everything we feel, moment by moment.
Then we either condemn the feeling as non-spiritual, reinforcing the denial, or we allow the expression of the feeling and then feel guilty for such an expression. Guilt dissipates energy and prevents one from gaining sufficient vibration to assimilate the First Cause.
Assimilation of the First Cause is an understanding, at the level of sensations, of what happened during our individualization as a soul that emerged from Divinity.
Until judgment, denial, and guilt are understood, everything we think, say, do, or believe will deepen our separation from God. To consolidate your understanding of the First Cause, I suggest rereading chapters 3, 4, and 17. 2.
Aligning the Four Lower Bodies with Spirit While we have already covered many systems of thought in relation to the levels, chakras and bodies, here I will be talking about the physical, emotional, mental and heart levels.
These levels correspond to the first four or five levels of awareness, depending on which model you are using. The term "lower" does not contain any judgment that any of these levels is less than God.
Recall that the physical level corresponds to the first and second chakras (survival and reproduction). The emotional body belongs to the third chakra (solar plexus), is the seat of the will and is associated with strength, intuition, receptivity and desire.
The mental body includes the fifth and sixth chakras and deals with beliefs, ideas, concepts, communication, and imagination. The heart level is associated with the fourth chakra and represents the collective, life experience of the individual soul.
It is also the balance point of unconditional love and acceptance.
Note: There is a reason why I repeat certain concepts from time to time. Minds need to be reprogrammed to accept the idea of ​​unification, and repetition speeds up the process, so forgive me.

There is a theory of knowledge of teachers, higher teachers, that 20 billion years ago, when there was a great explosion, this time is equated to a point of light. At that time, energies began to form - higher, lower.

An energy explosion, consisting of gas, dust, cosmic components, began to form some kind of energy clots. This is theory. It can be accepted or rejected. I adhere to this theory, it is consonant with me.

For a very long time, these clots, light sparks, explored the Universe, and not just one. Approximately 4.5 billion years ago, the Higher Mind or the Absolute or, figuratively speaking, created a decree to group or create densities and dimensions, something to understand the Universe.

Primary bundles of energy

Once upon a time it began primarily and all souls, and we will call these sparks Souls, began to be divided into these dimensions. And the highest density - the 12th dimension - these were souls that had bodies of Light.

That is, like sparks. These are bodies that are not dense. They are transparent and high vibrational. These bodies were supposed to serve by default.

But in order to fully explore the Great Cosmos, the Souls accepted such a mutual inner agreement, to lower their vibrations to other dimensions.

That is, from the 12th density, from the 12th dimension, to go down to explore the world and all the layers of the Great Cosmos for various purposes, for research. The same theory is held by Kryon, Sel Rachel. It is from these sources that I speak.

From 12th to 7th density, this is the divine realm. Everything below the 7th density - some densities exist in denser bodies and are explored precisely according to their inner agreement.

The world of dense energies

Many souls have agreed to move into first density.

This is the mineral world, the world that does not have a human body. These are vegetation, primary energies, water, various sources, stones. The souls who came to inhabit and explore our Earth were in just such a world.

After the study of this world by the Soul, one Soul, then, raises its vibrations and goes to the second level. Then it goes to the third, fourth.

And so it rises to the 7th level. After the 7th level, the Soul ascends to the divine plane. This is a divine secret. After the Soul explores the Second Level completely, and this is the level of vegetation - trees, and being at this level, the Soul also gains experience and moves to the third.

The third level is the level of us humans and animal world. It is at this level that we are now embodied. Our task is the task of ascension.

If you look at various sources, someone says that we are already in the fifth, someone says that we are in the fourth, and someone that we are on the threshold from the third to the fourth. We accept different hypotheses- depending on which one you're leaning towards.

I am not telling anyone that this is true or not. But in the third density that we are in, we are going through karmic lessons. That is, 1st, 2nd and 3rd density - here we have karma.

Karmic traces

When we explored the expanses of the Universe like sparks, even before we decided to lower our vibrations and explore this world, We left our energy imprints as traces.

When you walk along the river, along the seashore, we leave traces and they remain behind us. Such we have left in many universes where we have explored it all. When we lowered the vibrations, the same process continued anyway.

In order to streamline and make a divine order, this wheel of Karma and Samsara was created as a kind of order by the Source or Great Mind. When the souls began to incarnate in the lower dimensions, then it was Karma that began to work.

After the Soul lives life, starting from the first level, rising higher, it lives many lives.

For example, the life of the soul in stone. Or in a small grain of sand. What is the purpose of the Soul to incarnate in such a body? What is its purpose? Everyone has an understanding - that in order to grow - to realize and reach another level.

And of course, the dream of every pebble or grain of sand on the ocean or sea is to become a mountain, or a big stone, or something else. It takes many ages in our earthly plane until that little grain of sand reaches that level to become what it set out to be.

Once she reaches that level, then the next thing she does here is to do. The level is passed, the Soul becomes more conscious and moves to another level. Of course, we incarnated in animal bodies. My students remember themselves in such bodies.

When we remember some kind of life, for example, in the body of an animal, we feel what the soul is from the point of view of this world, from the point of view of the animal. What is dying, after some moments are fulfilled.

If we look at the animal world through the eyes of a person, then we understand that animals can eat animals, that they have no understanding about the sofa, the TV. They have a different mind.

Memory of past incarnations

We brought a lot of traumas here as a memory of the soul in our life today. Some problems related to sexuality, health, beliefs. There is a lot that we have from that world.

Why is this happening? Maybe I was a squirrel, a caterpillar, a dragon? What is a fairy tale? No one is forcing you to believe. FAITH is not the main thing here. It's clear internal state, an inner feeling that this is so, and not otherwise.

And no one can tell you - What are you doing!

You are a cockroach in that life - take it and change it, become a lion! No, it won't work. If you remember yourself as a cockroach, then you were a cockroach and had your own tasks, why did you go this way. There is nothing shameful or funny here that we incarnate in such lives.

For research, the Cosmos, the Creator, the Universal Mind - this is normal. Any life is just an experience, a lesson that the Soul goes through in order to return to its Divinity. To come back and be a mentor to other souls.

To become a cosmic parent, to create their own universes. Because these are tasks at the global level of our souls. Each soul has one purpose: to carry love, to experience love and through it to reach another level.

But there are moments when we choose a more social destiny, which concerns a specific person who is embodied: to be a teacher, a doctor. This is a professional assignment. If you want to know the tasks of your soul and your destiny, come to an individual session.

The soul, when it is not embodied in a human body or in another body, on another planet, it may have. But when she is between lives, the soul rises to her HOUSE, to her world, and there she has her own business.

The soul has its tasks

We will also talk about this world, but if we return to our third dimension, to our 3rd density, then here we have a struggle for survival. Some say that we are in the 4th dimension, and some say that we are in the fifth ...

The third is dense, because it is physical. We have linearity. We share, share, we need to touch. We are fighting for survival. When 4th density is also still physical bodies, but they are slightly different. They have a different DNA structure.

These are people who can communicate telepathically. They can read a person's thoughts. They see the subtle world. They don't have a question - is it true or not, there is a past life - there is no past life. It's just there by default.

These are people of slightly different vibrations. People who have gone through many stages, who are conscious of their lives, who have reached their destiny, who know how to bring light to people. They know how to radiate light from within and everything in that vein.

We currently have people who live with us from the fourth dimension. You can agree with me that now there are many different schools, teachings that teach other people. People go to another level and share their knowledge and understanding.

And if a person does not share his internal accumulations of knowledge, then he simply swells up. There is a feeling that now I will burst if I do not tell. Everyone perceives from that level, from that state in which the person himself is.

Third, fourth - these are still people who have karma. Because karma above the fourth does not exist. She is not there. Karmic lessons, tasks that are on the 3rd and 4th levels, we can calmly freely recall our past without any hypnosis in order to understand how we should act “here and now”.

We can…

We can remember our talents. We can take resources. We can take recipes, how we baked pies. We can take conspiracies - anything we could possibly own. But that doesn't mean it's only good.

In order to pass our wheel, where we incarnated and left our traces, we left our pieces of the soul, energy casts, aspects there. Those lives that we remember now, we remember them for a reason.

Nothing happens by chance. We remember those lives in which there is something, something where we need to know or discover or see, compare with the life I live.

When we, as a soul, go into this, then of course we plan with our higher teachers, with our support group and, as it were, agree on what kind of life we ​​will live here.

And to such an extent it is all spelled out that sometimes you wonder that it is spelled out to the smallest detail of every day, every minute or second - who will I meet, who will be my parents, who will be my children or will I not have children, or I will have a child at a late age or at an early age.

We take the whole scenario of life when we are going to go into some kind of incarnation. Therefore, in the 3rd and 4th levels, we can enter our past in order to look, as in a notebook: what I want to know - why I have no money. Why do I have such a disease? Why do I have this husband, or do I not have one?

We can make an inner intention, remember a past life and find the root of some undertaking, where you once planned it in some life, but did not go through it and did not complete the lesson of that life. Or did not pass the destination that you wanted to pass there.

That life you have passed not by 100%, but by 90%. What about 10%? Something or somewhere in this life you lose in order to end this life there.

Body of Light

But since you don’t understand what is the reason that this happens to me in this life, then for this we need karma, which we can enter, which is contained in the wheel of our lives: to find a causal relationship and find that past life and just simply remember how it was there.

How that life is affecting me now. What we can do? And whatever we want. It is our life. Perhaps you took oaths, vows, did something wrong. But at that time it was right and right, and you couldn’t do it any other way, because there was such a task.

Maybe you wanted to make a mistake in that life. But this mistake of the past may affect your life and hinder your development. For every life, especially the 4th dimension, we have karma. Kryon says that karma does not exist from the 5th dimension.

The 5th dimension is the body of Light. These are the incarnations we once had. We are now turning the spiral to return to the 12th. In 5th density we have a body of light. We don't have physical bodies - we vibrate differently. We do not incarnate in dense energies on Earth.

These are already other levels of our incarnation.

Continued in the next article. And I wish you awareness and tolerance, believe in yourself, accept yourself and everything will work out for you. And most importantly, enjoy every day!

If you forget about it, you return again and again to the stagnant energies of the past, you again give strength to old problems. Only a flowing Lightbody gains the potential for the future and de-energizes old problems.

Completion of work with the Light body will bring you great opportunities for personal growth, for harmonious being in your unique “Centering Point in the World”. Do not understand the word "completion" in such a way that you have to perform a certain action, as a result of which you will find harmony once and for all. This is wrong. Work with the Light body has several stages, which are built into a coherent system, in which there is preparation, beginning and end. In this sequence, you will work with your Lightbody periodically.

So, the algorithm for working with the Light body includes a preparatory stage - the creation of the Sushumna flow, this is the foundation of the foundations. First stage is the deprivation of energy of negative matrices and patterns. The final stage is the creation and filling of positive matrices with energy.

After you experience all the energies of the Lightbody, you realize that your life is entering a stage of fully conscious being. You will no longer rush along the ocean of life “without a rudder and without sails”, you will be able to consciously organize both space and time around yourself. You will find that you are surrounded by friendly people who are ready to help, that the circumstances are in the best way for your plans to be realized. This does not mean that you can "have" or "get" whatever you want, but you can create, earn. That is, there will be no lottery, but there will be an opportunity creative activity in any area, even the most prosaic, which will bring you satisfaction, allow you to fulfill yourself, and allow you to earn the funds necessary for a fulfilling life.

In your ambitions, do not forget about the fundamental Law of the Universe - the Law of Measure! Violation of this law is dangerous not only for a specific person, causing “eclipse of the soul”, blackening of the Light body, violation of this Law is dangerous for the entire Universe! It was these violations that led to the death of the most ancient civilizations - Hyperborea, Lemuria, Atlantis.

Precisely for the Light body to have a harmonious state, the constant flow of the Central channel is necessary! Closing it leads either to a de-energization and a decrease in vitality, or to an overload and burning out of excess energy.

Each person's light body produces a unique range of energies. Each person has his own unique place in the Universe. Today, when few people have felt the connection of the Light Body with the Centering Point, the processes in space are largely chaotic. The more people find their "Place in life", the more harmony there will be in the surrounding space. A phenomenon similar to "superconductivity" will occur when the "resistance" of the conductor decreases. It is this state of space that is necessary for the onset of the “Golden Age”, and each of you, engaged in self-improvement, makes an invaluable contribution to the creation of a harmonious world!

You must understand that the expression “if you want to change the world, start with yourself” has a completely literal meaning. If it seems to you that you are just a grain of sand in the Universe, do not forget about the phenomenon of resonance! It is this phenomenon that rules the world! Remember Jesus' words that faith the size of a mustard seed can move a mountain!

A harmonious person is not only the master of his destiny, feeling all the colors of the World and the full joy of being, he becomes a beacon illuminating the Universe with his enlightened energies, and the light of this beacon allows many others to see clearly. “Save yourself, and thousands around you will be saved!” - Christ's words about it!

The body of light is your true essence, your eternal incorruptible body, it is in this body that you return to your native home in Heaven. Will you come home in "Bridal Robes" or in miserable rags?

Amen. Imhotep.

I am Imhotep and my strength is from Light. Let's continue the conversation about the creation of a perfect Light Body.

You need to keep the Sushumna flowing constantly, it should become a habit for you, like brushing your teeth and washing. When you wake up in the morning, check the connection with the Lower and Upper Energy Centers. As soon as the connection is restored, energy begins to flow in both directions. In the evening, before going to bed, check the connection again.

If you find that the connection is established, and the energy is not flowing through the Sushumna (Axis), you need to find a blockage. As a rule, this may be one of the chakras. The question arises: “And if a person, by necessity, closes some chakra himself, does it mean that the flow of energy along the Axis stops?” Not anyway. The flow stops if one closes the Sahasrara or Muladhara. If you have to close the chakra, which has anterior and posterior cones, the flow of energy through the Sushumna does not stop.

The closure of the Sahasrara separates a person not only from the Upper Energy Center, but also from the connection with Heaven, this is dangerous for him. spiritual development. Closing the Muladhara cuts off a person from communication with the Earth, it is dangerous for his physical health. So try to close Muladhara only in the very last resort(with a direct threat of violence), and never close the Sahasrara! Other chakras, if everything is in order in them, you can close if necessary, but if you suddenly find a violation of the flow of Sushumna in the region of some chakra, you need to figure out the cause and eliminate it.

What causes blockage of chakras?

1. Muladhara. Spontaneous closure of Muladhara happens at the threat of violence - this is a normal and correct reaction. In the absence of a threat, Muladhara reveals itself again. It is also possible to close the Muladhara in case of a venereal disease, in case of prolonged sexual tension (in a man). The conscious opening of the Muladhara will help heal and restore connection with the Earth and with the Lower Center.

2. Svadhisthana. Closing Svadhisthana is possible with inflammatory diseases in the genital area in women and men, and its conscious disclosure will contribute to the cure. With prolonged sexual abstinence, a pregnant woman before childbirth also experiences a decrease in the function or closure of Svadhisthana, but this does not prevent the flow of Sushumna and is not a violation of energy health. Malignant closure of Svadhisthana occurs when connecting energy vampires. If a person consciously reveals Svadhisthana, the vampiric suckers themselves will fall off. So, the flow of the Axis protects you from vampirism as well!

3. Manipura. The closure of Manipura indicates a severe pathology in your energy anatomy. This can be in two cases - with depression and with a serious "damage" or "curse". Not every healer can cope with such defects of the etheric body. But any person is capable to cope with it!!!

In depression, Manipura is closed completely at the back and there is only a small "wheel" at the front. If a person consciously begins to fill his body with ethereal energy in any way possible (for example, Pranotherapy), and at the same time open Manipura from both sides, the amount of energy transformed by Manipura is quickly restored, meaning and colors return to life, the flow of Sushumna is restored.

When "corrupted" or "cursed" Manipura "fails", is practically taken out of the body, and a gap is formed in the Sushumna. The life force seems to “leak”, the person loses strength, gets sick. Here such work is needed: - a person mentally returns Manipura to its place - he simply imagines how a fire ignites in the solar plexus. This must be done persistently, until a burning sensation in the abdomen. When this feeling is achieved, it means that Manipura got into place and got involved in the work. You should immediately connect to the energy centers, and the energy will flow and begin to hold Manipura in place. There will be no trace of damage, a person will regain his strength and will to live!

4. Anahata. Closing of Anahata can happen when you die loved one, when a loved one changes. A person feels a dull pain in the region of the heart. If a person "revels" in his grief, the flow of Sushumna is blocked. How to overcome it? It is difficult, but one should "get over the situation." That is, look from the outside and understand that your life does not end with the departure of another person from it. Anahata closed for some time helps to cope with mental pain, but you can not leave it in this position for a long time. A person can “harden”, become emotionally dull, and this puts “black glasses” on a person. Conscious opening of Anahata will help overcome grief and restore the flow of Sushumna.

Another situation when Anahata is blocked is connecting a vampire to it. Releasing the connection will restore flow. Conversely, creating flow ("pushing" energy through the block) will disable the vampire.

5. Vishuddha. It can be blocked if a person experiences long-term resentment, and if a person utters perjury (simply, he lies for selfish purposes). Restore flow through Vishuddha by forgiving your offenders. The tendency to lie creates big problems in a person's life. Each new lie creates another block in Vishuddha. Honesty and repentance are the cure in this case.

6. Ajna. In most people, Ajna is blocked to some extent, but this never creates an obstacle to the movement of energy through the Sushumna. Forced opening of the Ajna is undesirable. This chakra itself opens when a certain level of the natural vibration frequency of the etheric body is reached.

7. Sahasrara. If this chakra is closed, a person is isolated from Heaven, from his Guardian Angel. How can you help open it up? Purification, repentance, prayer contribute to the restoration of communication with Heaven.

Keep the Sushumna flowing, and gradually your conscious participation in this process will not be needed, the Sushumna will expand to its maximum width - about 5 centimeters. For an ordinary person who is not engaged in spiritual development, it is usually about 1 centimeter. When the Sushumna is fully opened, it becomes no longer possible to block the chakras. The person begins to glow like a beacon in the night.

Become Lighthouses! Let it be so. Imhotep.

I am Imhotep and my strength is from Light.

The flow of Sushumna ensures that the etheric body is filled with quality energy. The health of such a person improves, cures from long-term chronic diseases can occur. True, if the case is neglected, the cure will take time. But miracles happen to those who are worthy!

A person who has a permanent connection with Heaven and Earth and is not broken for a long time develops all his potential abilities. All human bodies gradually occupy the most correct position in space-time. The centering point becomes the Foundation that creates stability. Physical body gradually restores homeostasis, regeneration processes requiring a large number energy, receive this energy, and all diseases are cured much faster - fractures grow together, wounds heal, infection cannot develop in such an organism!

The etheric body is enlightened, dark spots the imperils flake off and annihilate. All chakras are gaining strength and functioning optimally.

The astral body assumes a minimum size and a maximum density. A person acquires the ability to "rule himself", consciously manage emotions. He is able to feel more deeply all shades of emotions and be restrained, realizing the power of emotions in creativity.

The mental body of a person is filled with light and energy, gets rid of mental debris, gains the ability to connect to the information structures of space.

The higher "I" of a person is freed from karmic programs, gets freedom from obligations to work out past mistakes.

Human consciousness opens up towards Light and Information. A person feels a continuous connection with the Creator, his life is filled with light and meaning. The inspirations of the Forces of Light constantly help him. The person turns out to be inaccessible to the influence of the Dark Forces.

The light body, which is constantly filled with pure energy, is gradually freed from negative matrices. Man becomes a full-fledged Co-creator of the Creator!
