What is the inconsistency of social progress. Social Progress

Formational and civilizational approaches

3.2.1. Socio-economic formation- a historically defined type of society that arises on the basis of a certain mode of production wealth

Marxism: change of formations primitive - communal, feudal, capitalist, communist (1930 socialism, communism)

Features and concepts of the formational approach

basis ( production relations that develop between people in the process of production, distribution, exchange and consumption of material goods). Based on property relations

- superstructure - a set of legal, political, ideological, religious, cultural and other institutions and relations.

- production relations and productive forces ( people, tools) = mode of production

- social revolution- with the development of productive forces and the aging of the mode of production

Principles of the approach: universality, regularity in the change of socio-economic formations

3.2.2 Civilization- the level, stage of development of society, material and spiritual culture, following barbarism and savagery. Civilizations differ from each other: in a specific way of life, a system of values, ways of interconnection with the outside world.

Today, scientists distinguish: Western and Eastern civilizations.

Comparison of Western and Eastern civilization


3.3.1 Progress (moving forward) - the transition from the lower to the higher, from the simple to the complex, from the imperfect to the more perfect.

social progress- this is a world-historical process, which is characterized by the ascent of mankind from primitiveness (savagery) to civilization, which is based on the achievements scientific and technical, political and legal, moral and ethical.

Regression (moving backwards) - transition from higher to lower, degradation.

3.3.2..Types of social progress

Progress of science and technology (NTP, NTR)

Progress in the development of productive forces (industrial revolution)

· Political progress(transition from totalitarianism to democracy)

Progress in the field of culture (recognition of a person as the highest value)

3.3.3. Criteria of social progress:

Criterionindicator by which something can be evaluated

§ development of the human mind

§ development of science and technology

§ development of productive forces

§ increase in the standard of living, degree of social protection

§ improvement of people's morality (humanism)

§ the degree of freedom of the individual in society

Controversy of social progress

3.3.5. Indicators of the progressive development of society:

● average human life expectancy

● infant mortality

● state of health

● level and quality of education

● level of cultural development

● feeling of satisfaction with life

● degree of respect for human rights

● attitude to nature

Mankind as a whole has never regressed, but stopped in development for a while - stagnation

Let us recall the facts from the history of the 19th-20th centuries: revolutions were often followed by counter-revolutions, reforms by counter-reforms, and fundamental changes in the political system by the restoration of the old order. (Consider what examples from domestic or general history can illustrate this idea.) If we tried to depict the progress of mankind graphically, then we would get not an ascending straight line, but a broken line, reflecting the ups and downs, the ebb and flow in the struggle social forces, accelerated forward movement and giant leaps back. In history different countries there were periods when reaction triumphed, when the progressive forces of society were persecuted, when the mind was suppressed by the forces of obscurantism. You already know, for example, what disasters fascism brought to Europe: the death of millions, the enslavement of many peoples, the destruction of cultural centers, bonfires from the books of the greatest thinkers and artists, the planting of misanthropic morality, the cult of brute force. But it's not just about such breaks in history. Society is a complex organism in which various “organs” function (enterprises, associations of people, government agencies etc.), various processes (economic, political, spiritual, etc.) are simultaneously taking place, and various activities of people are unfolding. These parts of one social organism, these processes, different kinds activities are interconnected and at the same time may not coincide in their development. Moreover, individual processes, changes taking place in different areas of society can be multidirectional, i.e., progress in one area may be accompanied by regression in another. Thus, throughout history, the progress of technology is clearly traced: from stone tools to iron ones, from hand tools to machines, from the use of the muscular strength of humans and animals to steam engines, electric generators, nuclear power plants, from transportation on pack animals to cars, high-speed trains, airplanes, spacecraft, from wooden abacus with knuckles to powerful computers. But the progress of technology, the development of industry, chemicalization and other changes in the field of production have led to the destruction of nature, to irreparable damage to human environment environment, to undermine the natural foundations of the existence of society.

Thus, progress in one area was accompanied by regression in another. Process historical development society is contradictory: both progressive and regressive changes can be found in it. The progress of science and technology has had mixed consequences. Discoveries in the field of nuclear physics made it possible not only to obtain a new source of energy, but also to create a powerful atomic weapon. The use of computer technology not only greatly expanded the possibilities of creative work, but also caused new diseases associated with long, continuous work at the display: visual impairment, mental disorders associated with additional mental stress. The growth of large cities, the complexity of production, the acceleration of the rhythm of life - all this increased the burden on human body, gave rise to stress and, as a result, pathologies nervous system, vascular diseases. Along with the greatest achievements of the human spirit, cultural and spiritual values ​​are being eroded in the world, drug addiction, alcoholism, and crime are spreading. Humanity has to pay a high price for progress. The conveniences of urban life are paid for by the "diseases of urbanization": traffic fatigue, polluted air, street noise and their consequences - stress, respiratory diseases, etc.; ease of movement in the car - congestion of city highways, traffic jams. Attempts to accelerate progress sometimes come at a prohibitive price. Our country in the 20-30s. 20th century came out in terms of production of a number essential products industrial production in first place in Europe. Industrialization was carried out at an accelerated pace, mechanization began Agriculture increased the literacy rate of the population. These achievements had a flip side: millions of people who became victims of a severe famine, hundreds of thousands of families expelled from their places of habitual residence, millions of repressed people, the subordination of people's lives to total regulation and control. How to evaluate these contradictory processes? Are the positive changes that come at such a high price progressive? Is it possible to talk about social progress in general with such ambiguity of changes? To do this, it is necessary to establish what is the general criterion of progress, which changes in society should be assessed as progressive and which are not.

So, society develops progressively from the lower forms of its organization to higher and more perfect ones. However, progress is never pure form. On the contrary, it is always associated with certain losses, retreats, backward movement in the opposite direction. J.-J. Rousseau was the first to draw attention to the inconsistency of historical progress, which, in his opinion, has the most negative impact on the morals of people and on the life of society as a whole. The development of science and art, according to Rousseau, together with the luxury they generate, leads to the corruption of morals, to the loss of virtue, courage and, ultimately, to the death of peoples and states. He draws attention to the fact that in the course of historical development progress in some areas is accompanied by regression in others. A blatant gap is revealed between the development of society, the successes of culture and civilization, on the one hand, Rousseau believes, and the position of the people, who support the whole society with their labor, and receive the least, on the other. Rousseau's position is contradictory. The thinker and the moralist collide in him. As a thinker, he draws forward movement in a number of important areas of life: in industry, agriculture, science, and so on. As a moralist, he experiences the poverty of the people and their lack of rights, rooting for them with all his heart. As a result - the condemnation of civilization, reaching the denial of progress in the history of mankind.

Society is a complex social organism that has different spheres (economic, social, political, spiritual), each of which has specific laws of functioning and development. Within each sphere, various processes take place, various human activities take place. All these processes and all activities are interconnected and at the same time may not coincide in their development. Moreover, under certain conditions, the development of certain processes and activities can become a brake on the development of other activities.

Thus, over the centuries there has been a progress in technology: from stone tools to iron tools, from hand tools to machines, complex mechanisms, automobiles, aircraft, space rockets, powerful computers and complex technologies. But the progress of technology and technology has led to the destruction of nature, creating a real threat to the existence of man as a species. The development of nuclear physics not only made it possible to use a new source of energy and create nuclear power plants but also powerful nuclear weapon capable of destroying all life on earth. The use of computers, on the one hand, expanded the possibilities of creative work, accelerated the solution of the most complex theoretical problems, and on the other hand, it created a real threat to the health of people engaged in long-term work at the displays.

And yet, it is safe to say that society is ultimately moving along the path of progress. This is evidenced by the most general indicators of the social movement. First of all, it should be noted that from epoch to epoch there is an increase in labor productivity based on the improvement of the means of production, the development the latest technologies and improvement of labor organization. There is a constant improvement in the quality of the labor force due to the expansion of scientific knowledge and production skills acquired by a person in the process of socialization and vocational training. Simultaneously with the development of productive forces, there is an increase in the volume of scientific information.

Science is becoming a productive force and is increasingly involved in the creation material assets. Science is included in the production process in several directions: 1) through technique, technology and the subject conditions of production; 2) through the development of creative abilities of production participants; 3) through the principles of organization and management of production and society as a whole.

Under the influence of the progressive development of social production, social needs and methods of satisfying them are being improved and expanded. As a result of the development of productive forces, production relations are being improved, which create the necessary and sufficient conditions for meeting the needs and interests of all strata. modern society.

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Penza State Pedagogical University.. named after V. G. Belinsky.. Philosophy..

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So, society develops progressively from the lower forms of its organization to higher and more perfect ones. However, progress never appears in its pure form. On the contrary, it is always associated with certain losses, retreats, backward movement in the opposite direction. J.-J. Rousseau was the first to draw attention to the inconsistency of historical progress, which, in his opinion, has the most negative impact on the morals of people and on the life of society as a whole. The development of science and art, according to Rousseau, together with the luxury they generate, leads to the corruption of morals, to the loss of virtue, courage and, ultimately, to the death of peoples and states. He draws attention to the fact that in the course of historical development progress in some areas is accompanied by regression in others. A blatant gap is revealed between the development of society, the successes of culture and civilization, on the one hand, Rousseau believes, and the position of the people, who support the whole society with their labor, and receive the least, on the other. Rousseau's position is contradictory. The thinker and the moralist collide in him. As a thinker, he draws forward movement in a number of important areas of life: in industry, agriculture, science, and so on. As a moralist, he experiences the poverty of the people and their lack of rights, rooting for them with all his heart. As a result - the condemnation of civilization, reaching the denial of progress in the history of mankind.

Society is a complex social organism that has different spheres (economic, social, political, spiritual), each of which has specific laws of functioning and development. Within each sphere, various processes take place, various human activities take place. All these processes and all activities are interconnected and at the same time may not coincide in their development. Moreover, under certain conditions, the development of certain processes and activities can become a brake on the development of other activities.

Thus, over the centuries there has been a progress in technology: from stone tools to iron tools, from hand tools to machines, complex mechanisms, automobiles, aircraft, space rockets, powerful computers and complex technologies. But the progress of technology and technology has led to the destruction of nature, creating a real threat to the existence of man as a species. The development of nuclear physics not only made it possible to use a new source of energy and create nuclear power plants, but also a powerful nuclear weapon capable of destroying all life on earth. The use of computers, on the one hand, expanded the possibilities of creative work, accelerated the solution of the most complex theoretical problems, and, on the other hand, created a real threat to the health of people engaged in long-term work at displays.

And yet, it is safe to say that society is ultimately moving along the path of progress. This is evidenced by the most general indicators of the social movement. First of all, it should be noted that from epoch to epoch there is an increase in labor productivity based on the improvement of the means of production, the development of new technologies and the improvement of the organization of labor. There is a constant improvement in the quality of the labor force due to the expansion of scientific knowledge and production skills acquired by a person in the process of socialization and professional training. Simultaneously with the development of productive forces, there is an increase in the volume of scientific information.

Science is becoming a productive force and is increasingly involved in the creation of material values. Science is included in the production process in several directions: 1) through technique, technology and the subject conditions of production; 2) through the development of creative abilities of production participants; 3) through the principles of organization and management of production and society as a whole.

Under the influence of the progressive development of social production, social needs and methods of satisfying them are being improved and expanded. As a result of the development of productive forces, production relations are being improved, which create the necessary and sufficient conditions for meeting the needs and interests of all sections of modern society.


- English cop-tradt "ctortness / contradictt" uness; German Widerspruchlichkeit. One of the signs of illogical thinking, expressed in the fact that in the same argument about the same subject, taken at the same time and in the same relation, opposite or contradictory statements are made that exclude each other.

Antinazi. Encyclopedia of Sociology, 2009


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