Ganoderma mushroom uses and doses. Medicinal properties and contraindications of reishi mushroom

Ganoderma mushroom is known for its healing properties, which are similar to aloe and ginseng. It ranks first in Eastern medicine and is called the mushroom of immortality. In Russia, it is used as a means of losing weight or for the prevention of almost any disease.

In Russia, the reishi mushroom is called the varnished tinder fungus, as it has a glossy surface. The cap is flat, burgundy-brown or orange-red in color with dense flesh. In the wild it can be found in many countries of the world. Successful development requires light, warmth and moisture.

The ganoderma mushroom contains many amino acids, antioxidants, organic acids, vitamins and minerals, lipids, peptides and other components that are so necessary to the human body. There may be more or less components, it all depends on what tree the reishi mushroom grows on.

Impact on the body

All medicinal compositions that include the ganoderma mushroom have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the cardiac, muscular, nervous, and excretory systems, promote oxygen saturation in the blood, dilate blood vessels, thereby preventing the risk of strokes and heart attacks.

The main and additional components of the Ganoderma mushroom have antiallergic, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects. Ganoderma helps cope with tumors and eliminates antispasmodic pain. It is common to use reishi mushroom as a fat burner.

Numerous micro and macroelements, polysaccharides, as well as biological active substances capable of increasing immunity. Therefore, it is advisable to take medications containing reishi mushrooms for autoimmune diseases and cancer.

You should take medications based on the ganoderma mushroom if you experience a chronic feeling of fatigue, depression, with frequent colds, as a preventive measure for diabetes and the development of endocrine disorders, to prolong youth and maintain slimness.

Indications for use and warnings

Due to the numerous positive properties of the reishi mushroom, its use in various fields is also wide. Ganoderma lacquered is prescribed in the following cases:

  • exacerbation of allergic manifestations (itching, swelling, rashes and redness quickly disappear);
  • respiratory diseases;
  • Ganoderma powder or capsules are useful for diseases of the heart and blood vessels;
  • endocrine system disorders (diabetes mellitus reduces blood sugar);
  • blood pressure disorders (the level of bad cholesterol decreases, the blood thins, therefore minimizing the risk of heart attacks, strokes, and varicose veins);
  • Ganoderma copes with insomnia;
  • cancer tumors (taking the ganoderma mushroom allows you to better tolerate chemotherapy, blood counts return to normal faster, stable remission or complete recovery is established);
  • liver pathologies;
  • Ganoderma helps with intestinal pathologies (reduces symptoms of dysbiosis, pancreatitis, enterocolitis);
  • lingzhi mushroom is prescribed for dermatological diseases(psoriasis, furunculosis);
  • excess body weight (normalization of carbohydrate-fat metabolism occurs).

The use of Ganoderma mushroom is common as a means for weight loss. In this case, it is advisable to use mushroom tea or decoction.

For weight loss

Ganoderma for weight loss will help in any case, even if obesity is caused hormonal imbalances, diabetes mellitus or other diseases.

Ganoderma for weight loss works as follows:

  • swelling is eliminated by removing excess fluid from the body;
  • a feeling of fullness comes after eating a small portion of food;
  • when using Ganoderma decoction or tea, fat cells are absorbed;
  • metabolic processes improve;
  • activity appears, a surge of strength appears;
  • Ganoderma improves the condition of the skin, hair, and nails.

Reishi mushroom for weight loss helps not only to lose excess weight, but also to maintain the result. After the full course, the weight does not return. The action continues and the fat is not absorbed by the body.

If you use Ganoderma for weight loss, then you should not wait quick results. First, the body is cleansed of toxins and other harmful substances. When using Reishi mushroom, at first you may experience skin rashes and headaches. This is a common occurrence during medical therapy and will go away over time.

During treatment, beneficial properties and contraindications are taken into account. Lingzhi mushroom should not be used in any form during pregnancy and breastfeeding. It is also not given to children under seven years of age. Treatment should not be given to patients with blood diseases.

Variety of dosage forms

The method of using Ganoderma depends not only on the diagnosis and severity of the disease, but also on the form of the medicine (teas, decoctions, tinctures) used for treatment.

To obtain a decoction of Ganoderma, pour boiling water over the crushed tinder fungus and leave to steep for 30 minutes. You should drink 20 ml 25 minutes before meals three times a day.

Ganoderma tea is also very easy to brew. It is necessary to add 5 g of crushed mushroom to the brewing of regular tea, pour the ingredients with a liter of water. Its use should not exceed three cups per day.

Ganoderma tincture is prepared as follows. Take 10 g of crushed mushroom and pour in 500 ml of alcohol. The container is placed in a dark place for 1.5 months. Then treatment can be carried out. How to take the medicine? It is recommended to dilute the tincture with water before ingestion. It is best to drink mushroom tincture before breakfast, the maximum daily dosage is 20 ml.

Ganoderma coffee has beneficial properties for the body. The drink also helps get rid of extra pounds. In this case, crushed reishi mushroom powder is added to the coffee. But there are some disadvantages here.

Coffee itself should not be drunk more than two cups a day. The amount of mushroom that is put in coffee is not enough to have a therapeutic effect. People with heart problems and hypertension should not drink coffee.

Ganoderma capsules are in great demand. All the properties of the mushroom are concentrated in capsules that are easy and simple to take. The only difference is the price. Reishi capsules are more expensive. You need to drink in the morning and evening.

Ganoderma is produced in the form of an extract. One package contains 10 bottles of 10 ml of reishi mushroom extract. How to use reishi mushroom in this form? The contents of one bottle are divided in half. Should be used morning and evening. When treating severe diseases, the dosage may increase to 6 bottles per day.

What properties does the Ganoderma mushroom have according to Eastern cultures? Let's explore the characteristics Mushroom Reishi, its advantages, paying attention to contraindications and possible side effects.

What is Ganoderma

Reishi mushroom(from Japanese) or Ganoderma Lucidum– has been cultivated and used since ancient times in China and Japan, as it is believed to have some special medicinal properties.

It contains some important active ingredients with which it is able to regulate and lower cholesterol levels, blood pressure, heart rate and blood glucose levels.

In China and Japan, it is considered nutraceutical: its active components comparable in effect to pharmaceutical drugs.

The mushroom Ganoderma Lucidum is known in China as Ling Zhi (Power of Spirit). Its woody structure suggests that the mushroom is inedible, but it is widely used in Eastern medicine for numerous physical ailments.

Medicinal properties of Reishi mushroom

As I said, in China and Japan the Reishi mushroom is credited with many healing properties.

Let's see in what areas of medicine this medicinal mushroom is used:

  • Anti-inflammatory: Ganoderma mushroom contains a substance very similar to hydrocortisone, used in medicine to combat inflammation. The presence of this substance allows you to reduce any type of inflammation, speed up the healing process and fight pain.
  • Antioxidant: Ganoderma contains some substances with antioxidant properties, which, according to eastern naturopaths, can neutralize free radicals and cleanse the body of carcinogens.
  • Increased resistance to stress: according to traditional oriental medicine, reishi mushroom has tonic properties and has a positive effect on psycho-physical well-being. In addition, adenosine has a calming effect on the central nervous system therefore helps get rid of stress, weakness and fatigue.
  • Reduced blood glucose levels: Ganoderma mushroom, according to its supporters, helps in case of type 2 diabetes, as it helps to increase the production of insulin. In addition, reishi mushroom stimulates glucose metabolism in the liver.
  • Antihypertensive effect: Some Eastern naturopaths believe that the triterpenes contained in Ganoderma lower blood pressure.
  • Antithrombotic effect: Ganoderma mushroom contains nucleosides, which, according to Chinese medicine, have antithrombotic properties. This means that reishi mushroom helps blood thinning.
  • Antiallergic effect: Oleic acid reduces the release of histamine, a substance responsible for the development of inflammatory reactions in our body.
  • Metabolism activator: In Eastern culture, Ganoderma Lucidum based supplements are often used for speed up metabolism, thus accelerating weight loss.
  • Immunostimulating: Naturopathic doctors often recommend taking this mushroom in case of infection, as they believe that through the action of certain proteins contained in the mushroom, the body prepares to counteract both bacterial and viral infection.
  • Health improvement of cardio-vascular system : Heart health largely depends on the correct concentration of fat in the blood, which makes it necessary to control cholesterol levels as well as lower blood pressure. The properties of Reishi mushroom allow you to control and reduce these variables, as well as make the blood more fluid, which is beneficial for heart and cardiovascular health.

Other cases in which oriental naturopaths believe it is beneficial to take Ganoderma are skin problems, in particular a tendency to acne, or cases of thyroiditis, since the active substances of the mushroom can balance the immune system.

Possible Side Effects of Reishi Mushroom

In truth, reishi mushroom has no particular contraindications. However, in some cases, Ganoderma Lucidum should be avoided. For example, it is not recommended for those who have low coagulant activity.

  • People who have undergone organ transplantation or who are being treated with immunosuppressive medications.
  • IN period of pregnancy and lactation, since it can change the psycho-physical balance.
  • Those who accept blood thinning medications or has problems with poor blood clotting, should avoid using reishi mushroom.
  • Allergies to mushrooms.

In rare cases, skin reactions, digestive problems, and feelings of dizziness have been reported after taking reishi mushroom.

Ganoderma is a mushroom unique in its properties. In Russia it is called the mushroom of immortality, in Japan it is known as the Reishi mushroom, in China it is hidden under the name Lingzhi. This mushroom is assigned the highest category in terms of breadth of action. Undoubtedly, this mushroom is worthy of devoting today’s conversation to it.

Ganoderma (botanical name: lacquered tinder fungus) cultivated only in China and Japan, but about it beneficial properties ah is known far beyond the borders of these countries. As a rule, the mushroom is used in the form of water and alcohol tinctures; recently, green coffee has been popular with the addition of Ganoderma, and the modern pharmacological industry has stepped so far forward that it is not difficult to purchase Ganoderma capsules at the pharmacy. But what is the secret of the miraculousness of this mushroom? Naturally, in its composition.

The healing properties of genoderma

Ganoderma contains a large number of polysaccharides, all essential amino acids and some non-essential ones, peptides, triterpenes, including lipids, glycosides and alkaloids, a lot of vitamins (B3, B5 and C) and a huge number of minerals, such as calcium, manganese, magnesium, molybdenum, sodium, potassium, iron, zinc. Ganoderma also contains germanium, which, in fact, determines most of the beneficial properties of the mushroom of immortality.

The composition of Ganoderma without presenting a list of the beneficial properties of the mushroom is just a set of names that are incomprehensible to many. Therefore, you should tell us when to take the mushroom of immortality in order to forget about ailments.

Ganoderma is an excellent antitumor agent. The mushroom is effective for any tumors, both benign and malignant. In addition, preparations with Ganoderma are an excellent rehabilitation tool after chemotherapy.

Ganoderma is useful for diseases of the cardiovascular system. Regular use of medications based on this mushroom improves and enhances heart function, reduces cholesterol levels in the blood, makes blood vessels elastic, and normalizes arterial pressure.

Ganoderma helps with mental illnesses, including treating epilepsy. For sleep disorders, taking the immortality mushroom is effective in most patients.

Ganoderma treats allergic and autoimmune diseases.

For pulmonary diseases, it would also be reasonable to use Ganoderma, since the fungus has an antitussive and expectorant effect, and it helps relax the smooth muscles in the bronchi.

Ganoderma is used to treat the liver(cirrhosis, liver dysfunction and other diseases). The effectiveness for these ailments is explained by the fact that the mushroom improves metabolic processes in the cells of the organ, promotes the removal of toxins, and reduces the toxic effect various forms hepatitis on liver cells.

In addition, ganoderma removes toxins and strengthens the body's protective functions, and also has a calming effect and improves appetite. It has been proven that regular intake of Reishi mushroom restores strength and memory, improves mood, and preserves youth.

This mushroom in its Russian version is called varnished tinder fungus. This type of tinder fungus is characterized by the fact that it has a leg, which other representatives do not have. It is easy to identify by its kidney-shaped cap and cantilever-shaped growth.

The mushroom has a predominantly red or brown color, a flat cap and dense flesh. On outside caps, growth rings are clearly visible. Among other similar species, Ganoderma looks very impressive due to its bright color and glossy surface.

Where does it grow?

Due to the increasing popularity and demand for ganoderma, many companies are deciding to increase profits from the sale of this mushroom. One of the marketing ploys is to rely on the uniqueness of preparations made from it, since the mushroom is very valuable, whimsical and rare, and there are practically several points on Earth where it grows.

So that the consumer does not fall for the tricks of sellers and does not overpay extra money for uniqueness, it is worth answering the question of where the Ganoderma mushroom grows. In fact, this saprophyte has spread quite widely across all continents. It can be found in the wild or successfully grown yourself using the submersion cultivation method.

Ganoderma also grows in Russia. You can meet this type of tinder fungus mainly in the forests of Altai or in the south of the country: Krasnodar, Stavropol region, North Caucasus. An invariable condition for the favorable growth and reproduction of Ganoderma, as well as other tinder fungi, is warmth, humidity, and the presence of places for settlement: stumps, dry tree trunks and dead wood. It can also grow on the ground. Tinder mushrooms can be harvested up to three times a year. Seeing how lingzhi grows, one can judge its healing properties.

The use of parts of this mushroom in China and Japan dates back many centuries. It is considered a unique medicine that has virtually no contraindications or side effects.

Medicines containing ganoderma have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart muscle, namely, they contribute to the saturation of the blood with oxygen, dilation of the artery, and prevent cardiac ischemia and myocardial infarction.

Translated from Chinese, reishi means mushroom of immortality. When studying the mushroom extract, scientists discovered anti-inflammatory and antiviral effects. It is also credited with acting against various tumors and allergies. Another unique mushroom has similar actions -.

Macro- and microelements, vitamins and biologically active substances in lingsha are an excellent immunostimulant; its use is justified for autoimmune and cancer diseases; terpenoids significantly increase resistance to stressful situations and remove feelings of anxiety and fear. We can say that Ganoderma is a mushroom of health.

Ganoderma has become widely used for a number of the following conditions:

  • allergy;
  • pulmonary diseases, including infectious ones;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • instability of blood pressure;
  • decreased overall body tone;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • tumors and cancerous conditions;
  • decreased immunity and autoimmune conditions;
  • liver diseases, including cirrhosis and hepatitis;
  • increased body weight.

Systemic introduction of mushroom powder into the diet helps to increase mental activity, endurance and the body’s resistance to aggressive conditions. environment. The ability to resist harmful radiation and cleanse the body of waste, salts and toxins is also known. This is the basis for the production and sale of a number of weight loss drugs.

Use for weight loss

Although the mushroom can be used to treat many diseases, its fame is limited to one use. In our country, the lacquered tinder fungus is in great demand as part of drugs aimed at weight loss. Preparations based on this mushroom are considered very effective in improving metabolism and long-term weight loss while maintaining weight loss results.

The action of the drugs is aimed at:

  • removing excess fluid from the body, eliminating edema;
  • decreased appetite and reduced amount of food consumed;
  • resorption of old fat deposits;
  • improvement of metabolic function;
  • giving a feeling of lightness and a surge of strength;
  • smoothing the skin, improving its elasticity and improving complexion.

The drug Ganoderma not only reduces weight, but also blocks the absorption of fat after a course of use. Thanks to it, the result obtained is consolidated for a long time and does not lead to a gradual gain of new kilograms.

Ganoderma mushroom for weight loss is available for sale in several versions. These are capsules, powder, dried mushroom plates, tea, green and black coffee, hot chocolate. Naturally, the most expensive type of remedy is natural mushroom in pure form, but not all companies offer it.

Available mushroom-based preparations and their use

According to customer reviews, the tincture has the greatest effect. To prepare it, use a couple of tablespoons of ganoderma powder and 300 ml of boiling water, mix everything, simmer over low heat for no more than 5 minutes and leave for 10 hours. In addition, you can prepare a tincture of the product in alcohol. In this case, 20 g of raw material is poured with vodka and left for about two months in a dark place. The method of use is based on adding such a tincture to tea or other drink.

Ganoderma tea has a less concentrated composition. You can buy it in prepackaged individual bags or brew it at home from crushed parts of the mushroom. The method of using tea is to use 2 tbsp. before meals 5 times a day. Tea infuser can be used several times. There are no recommendations on when to use this drink.

The well-known healing properties of green coffee have found their application in a preparation based on tinder fungus and coffee. This dual action of active substances is designed to correct the figure more effectively.

Capsules with the drug are in great demand due to their ease of use. There is no need to prepare the drink and wait for it to infuse. There are several such drugs on the market for figure correction products. These are capsules “Lingzhi Mushroom”, “Lingzhi”, “Reishi Plus”. They belong to a more expensive price category than powders and teas. The application regimen includes taking capsules in the morning and afternoon.

Another drug is an extract. In addition to ganoderma, it contains ginseng extract, honey, alcohol and purified water. The drug is sold in package No. 10, one ampoule with extract is used per day.

Despite the popularity of this drug based on the varnished tinder fungus, its direct effect on the body, the activation of fat burning mechanisms and body correction has not been experimentally proven. If we take into account that its effect can be compared with the effect of a dietary supplement on the body, one can judge the effectiveness of the application by the presence of individual characteristics of the body and the selective effect of the composition. This suggests that this type of weight loss has its supporters and opponents.

The story about the miracle mushroom Ganoderma would be incomplete without a story about its history. This mushroom is one of the most famous medicinal mushrooms, used in oriental medicine. Ganoderma Licidium (lacquered tinder fungus) is a botanical name; in Japan this mushroom was called Reishi, in China - Ling Zhi.

The healing properties of Ganoderma have been known in China for 4 millennia. According to ancient sources, the mushroom was used only by emperors or wealthy aristocrats of antiquity. IN wildlife it is extremely rare and, due to its healing properties, was incredibly expensive: the place where the mushroom grew was passed down by inheritance or could serve as a dowry. Many emperors issued decrees requiring that mushrooms found be handed over to the imperial treasury. The secret of cultivation was discovered only in 1972 by Japanese farmer Shigeaki Mori, who managed to isolate the mushroom culture and grow it on a “mushroom farm.”

In China, there is a book called “Great Pharmacopoeia”, which describes medicinal herbs and their uses. The Ganoderma mushroom is number one in it. In traditional Chinese medicine, Ganoderma is given the “highest” category in terms of breadth of action and lack of side effects. In Japan and China, Ganoderma extract is used for almost any disease. This mushroom has a huge therapeutic spectrum due to the presence of a large number of active ingredients.

Proof of the promise of Ganoderma for clinical application serves the fact that currently the features of the therapeutic action of this mushroom are being comprehensively studied not only in eastern countries, such as Korea, Japan, China, Taiwan, but also in leading medical institutions in the USA, Russia, France, Germany and Canada. Thus, based on research conducted at the Tokyo Institute of Carcinogenesis, The Japanese government has officially included the dry extract of the Ganoderma fruit mushroom in the list of medical anticancer drugs.. Ganoderma ingredients are among the most intensively studied and best documented medicinal substances derived from medicinal mushrooms.

Modern research and clinical trials
Modern research by scientists has proven that Ganoderma Lucidum very quickly restores a person’s vitality, strengthens the immune system, and improves the functioning of all organs and systems of the body. She treats the most severe forms of diseases such as, diabetes, tuberculosis, immunodeficiency, oncology, hepatitis, cardiovascular diseases and mental disorders. Behind last years There are many results when patients were cured of cancer, psoriasis, diabetes, stomach ulcers, gastritis, allergies and other diseases.

You can read in detail about some of the clinical trials of Ganoderma

Intensive studies of G. lucidum over the past decades have shown that biologically active substances isolated from this fungus have an immunoregulatory, antitumor, antiviral, antibiotic, hypolipidemic, hypoglycemic, hepatoprotective, genoprotective, anti-inflammatory, anti-allergenic, antioxidant effect, and are able to regulate the functioning of the cardiovascular system. vascular, respiratory and nervous systems.

Chemical composition
The fruiting bodies and mycelium of Ganoderma contain: polysaccharides, amino acids, proteins, more than 100 compounds of terpenoid nature, alkaloids, glycosides, volatile essential oils, vitamins, microelements such as magnesium, manganese, molybdenum, calcium, zinc, potassium, sodium, iron, copper, sulfur, germanium. The most important biologically active compounds isolated from this mushroom are polysaccharides and triterpenes. Almost all the preventive and therapeutic effects known from the polypore polypore are associated with the presence of β-glucans (polysaccharides), which have antitumor and radioprotective activity. And also with the presence of triterpene ganoderic acids.

Triterpenes help strengthen the immune system, improve liver function, stimulate metabolic processes, increase oxygen saturation, reduce blood lipid levels, including cholesterol; enhance protection against atherosclerosis; normalize blood pressure; have a calming effect on the nervous system, have anti-allergic, anti-inflammatory properties, and promote detoxification of the body.

Properties of ganoderic acids:
A, B, C-2, D - block histamine reactions, have an antiallergic effect;
R, S - have a hepatotropic effect, protect liver cells;
B, D, F, H, K, S - inhibit the so-called “angiotensin converting factor” (ACE), reducing the formation of the hormone angiotensin and, thus, helping to lower blood pressure;
MF, T-O and B - inhibit cholesterol synthesis. In addition, ganoderic acids improve the absorption of oxygen by tissues. Ganoderma mushrooms regulate the psyche and have a calming effect on the central nervous system without causing drowsiness.

Ganoderma is able to strengthen weak ones, weaken strong ones, and leave the normal reaction of the immune system unchanged.

This is due to the presence of β-glucans in it. What is the mechanism of distribution of glucans in the body?
β-glucans are large molecules that are not subject to enzymatic fragmentation in the stomach.

Some of these molecules are captured by the cells of the intestinal mucosa and are actively transferred to the submucosal layer, where they activate macrophages, and through them, lymphocytes responsible for local immunity (Seijelid R. et al., 1981; Young S.H. et al., 2001). Next, activated lymphocytes from the intestinal mucosa spread to the mucous membranes of various organs, providing their protection from infections (Besednova N.N. et al., 2000).
Another part of β-glucans enters the liver through the bloodstream through the portal vein, where it is captured by Kupffer cells (specialized macrophages of the liver), which, in response to interaction with β-glucans, release cytokines that activate systemic immunity. (Sandula J. et al., 1995).

Thus, β-glucans activate both local immunity, providing protection of the body from invading antigens, and systemic immunity, which leads to the destruction of foreign genetic material that has already penetrated into the body and the restoration of immune homeostasis.

pharmachologic effect
- increases the body's resistance to various diseases
- has a calming effect on the central nervous system
- relieves pain
- has an antitussive and expectorant effect
- promotes relaxation of smooth muscles in the bronchi and intestines
- enhances heart function and normalizes high blood pressure
- reduces blood cholesterol levels
- increases nonspecific immunity
- improves liver function
- removes toxins from the body
- cleanses the blood
- participates in maintaining homeostasis and regulating biorhythms
- normalizes blood sugar levels
- has an interferon-like effect
- regulates blood viscosity, reducing platelet density
- helps improve the condition of the endocrine system in case of nodular goiter and mastopathy

Mechanism of antitumor action of Ganoderma
As a result of collaboration between the National Cancer Research Center and the Department of Agrochemistry at Shizuoka University (Japan), one of the most powerful Ganoderma β-glucans was discovered in 1980. It was named GL-I-2a-beta, which stands for Ganoderma Lucidum - Immunomodulator.
A healthy body constantly fights mutating (cancer) cells: it does not allow the resulting atypical cells to unite and form a dense tumor. This fight is carried out by the so-called “antitumor immune surveillance.” It consists of three types cells: Macophages, Nutral Killer cells (NK cells) and Cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTLs).
The macrophage eats and digests the malignant cell.
CTLs, having detected it, release specific proteins that equalize the osmotic pressure inside and outside the cell, as a result of which the cell dies.
Natural Killer - one of the most powerful antitumor cells, which recognizes any changed cells that were not recognized by Macrophages and CTLs.
If all three cells (macrophages, NK cells and CTLs) are suppressed (most of them remain immature, their maturation rate is too low, their lifespan is very short), then the antitumor activity is low, as a result of which oncological diseases appear.

How does Ganoderma work against cancerous tumors?
- β-glucans accelerate the growth and maturation of fighter cells, which contributes to the appearance large quantity mature combat-ready forms
- increase the lifespan of macrophages, CTLs and NK cells several times
- activate the above cells, after which they are able not only to destroy atypical malignant cells, but also any altered cells that harm the body
Polysaccharides and triterpenoids inhibit tumor growth and inhibit its development.

Cardiovascular diseases
According to research by scientists in the USA, Canada, Japan, Korea, China and Malaysia, numerous components of the mushroom have a positive effect on the human cardiovascular system. As a result of these effects, fat metabolism is normalized, cholesterol levels are reduced, blood pressure is reduced, oxygen starvation of the myocardium is reduced, heart failure and heart rate are reduced. Thus, Ganoderma prevents the development of atherosclerosis, stroke, and myocardial infarction.

Allergic diseases
When an allergy occurs, the body eventually releases histamine (a neurotransmitter allergic reactions immediate type), which in turn calls:
- spasm of smooth (involuntary) muscles in the bronchi (this is manifested by breathing problems)
- increased production of digestive juices and mucus secretion in the bronchi and nasal cavity
- narrowing of large and expansion of small blood vessels, which entails an increase in the permeability of the capillary network. Consequence: swelling of the mucous membrane respiratory tract, hyperemia of the skin, the appearance of a papular (nodular) rash on it
Histamine in the blood large quantities can cause anaphylactic shock, in which convulsions, loss of consciousness, and vomiting develop against the background of a sharp drop in pressure. This condition is life-threatening and requires emergency care
In 1985, Japanese scientists were able to isolate ganoderic acids C2 and D from Ganoderma, which are the main histamine inhibitors and also have anti-inflammatory properties. Other antiallergic agents include oleic acid, sulfur, and Ling Zhi-8 protein.
In the 73-74s of the 20th century, several large-scale studies were conducted in China on the use of Ganoderma extract. In various clinics and hospitals it was used in the treatment of bronchitis and other types of allergies. More than 2000 cases were studied. The effectiveness of the mushroom extract turned out to be quite high: from 60 to 91.6% of cases.
Ganoderma is indicated in the treatment of diseases such as bronchial asthma, allergic rhinitis, atopic dermatitis, etc.

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
COPD is a group of diseases that are manifested by chronic expiratory shortness of breath caused by impaired bronchial obstruction; COPD includes chronic obstructive bronchitis and emphysema (sometimes also cystic fibrosis, bronchiectasis and bronchiolitis obliterans). An exacerbation of the disease is characterized by abundant secretion of mucus, which leads to deterioration of bronchial obstruction, shortness of breath increases, weakness appears, and acute respiratory failure is possible. Most often, infection due to decreased immunity leads to exacerbation.
Ganoderma extract improves immunity parameters and allows one to achieve better results from standard therapy, reduce doses of toxic drugs, reduce their side effects and improve the quality of life of patients. During the period of remission, taking Ganoderma extract helps prevent the development of exacerbation.

Autoimmune diseases
Sometimes the human or animal's immune system stops recognizing own cells and starts making mistakes. In this case, the defender cells begin to attack and damage healthy cells in the body. This is the principle of the development of autoimmune diseases: different kinds allergies, bronchial asthma, systemic lupus erythematosus, multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, scleroderma and many others. In addition, many diseases of a viral and bacterial nature have a so-called autoimmune component. In this case, the reaction of the immune system to a virus or bacteria becomes more dangerous than the infectious factors themselves.
Traditionally, the presence of an autoimmune disease is a contraindication to the use of immunostimulating drugs. This is due to the fact that stimulation of the immune system will lead to increased damaging effects on one’s own tissues. The uniqueness of Ganoderma lies in the fact that its extracts do not have a stimulating, but a regulating effect, increasing suppressed functions and restraining overly activated indicators. Therefore, Ganaderma preparations are ideal for complex treatment and preventive programs for patients with various autoimmune diseases. As mentioned above: Ganoderma is able to strengthen weak ones, weaken strong ones, and leave the normal reaction of the immune system unchanged.

Correction of carbohydrate metabolism disorders

High level Blood sugar can provoke many diseases: obesity, cardiovascular, cancer and others. For diabetes mellitus, Ganoderma is used as an auxiliary antidiabetic agent. It prolongs and enhances the action of insulin, and body tissues become more sensitive to it under its influence. Long-term use of Ganoderma leads to a decrease in blood sugar levels, stabilization of the course of the disease and a reduction in the dose of hypoglycemic drugs.

Effects on the central nervous system
Ganoderma affects the central nervous system by affecting endorphins and their receptors. As a result, the nervous system calms down, but drowsiness does not occur, since the components of the mushroom do not excite or depress, but regulate the nervous system. As a result, sleep improves and activity increases during wakefulness.

Antioxidant action
Ganoderma extract contains a complex of vitamins and antioxidants, therefore it has its own high antioxidant activity. But the most valuable is the ability of Ganoderma to influence the increase in the body's antioxidant systems. They act in all tissues and organs of humans and animals, but their protective effect is especially evident in the liver. Therefore, Ganoderma protects the body from liver diseases and treats them.

Anti-inflammatory effect
Ganoderma extract has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect. It relieves pain and swelling associated with inflammation, so it can be used for various inflammatory conditions. In addition, Ganoderma improves immunity, improves the results of standard therapy, reduces doses of toxic drugs and their side effects, and improves the quality of life of patients.

Effects on liver diseases
For all liver diseases, hepatoprotectors (a group of drugs that have a positive effect on liver function) are prescribed. They increase the resistance of liver cells to negative influences.
Ganoderma extract can be used in conjunction with hepatoprotectors and antiviral drugs or as a separate treatment. As a result of exposure to Ganoderma, viral activity in hepatitis decreases.
Ganoderma β-glucans improve immune defense parameters and increase the production of its own interferon, which counteracts the multiplication of the virus.
Biochemical parameters improve, the level of bilirubin in the blood decreases.
Therapy with medicinal mushrooms is accompanied by an improvement in quality of life that cannot be achieved by any other methods.

Indications for use of Ganoderma in medicine
- strengthening the immune system
- various types of allergies (food allergies, atopic dermatitis, bronchial asthma, chronic bronchitis with an asthmatic component, allergic rhinitis, etc.)
- herpes virus
- various cardiovascular diseases
- diabetes
- various diseases liver, including chronic viral hepatitis
- arthrosis, arthritis
- autoimmune diseases

Composition of Japanese drops "Korobanetsu" contains Ganoderma extract (1600 mg/g), so these drops are recommended for animals that:
- reduced immunity (in combination with Aminosu)
- have circulatory disorders, heart disease
- degenerative and inflammatory diseases of the musculoskeletal system (can be combined with Funmatsu Bone and Aruku)
- skin diseases (in combination with Aminosu and Funmatsu Skin)
- general weakness of the animal and poor condition
- recovery after illnesses, operations
- elderly age

© E. Kurchevskaya, December 2015
