The boy brought a memo for parents from school, which simply shocked his mother. “Accumulated over three years”: bullying, aggression, camouflage, combat boots

On the morning of September 5, at school No. 1 in Ivanteevka near Moscow, 15-year-old student “9A” Mikhail P. attacked computer science teacher Lyubov Kalmykova.

As school students told Novaya Gazeta, the incident occurred during the third period in a classroom on the second floor. Mikhail P. entered the office after the bell, shouting: “I came here to die!”

The prosecutor's office confirmed that the teenager hit the teacher on the head with a kitchen hatchet.

“Then the teenager began to explode homemade firecrackers in the classroom and opened fire with a pneumatic weapon,” an Interfax source told the Prosecutor General’s Office.

The Commissioner for Children's Rights in the Moscow Region, Ksenia Mishonova, told Interfax that classmates locked themselves in the laboratory during the attack, several people jumped out of the window and received bruises and fractures.

As a result, according to the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Moscow Region, four people were hospitalized: a teacher in intensive care with a severe head injury and three students - their bruises and fractures were the result of a jump from a second-floor window of the school.

“Accumulated over three years”: bullying, aggression, camouflage, combat boots

On September 5, on Mikhail P.’s VKontakte page the status was indicated: delete my life 09/05/17 (delete my life 09/05/17).

Mikhail was seriously interested in weapons. At least all Last year Most of his messages are devoted to weapons: their varieties, design, and use. If you scroll through a student’s message feed, you get the feeling that he was not really interested in anything other than weapons. Some messages are devoted to the topic of death.

Pupils of the first Ivanteevsk school, with whom Novaya Gazeta managed to contact, said that Mikhail was extraordinary and aggressive. “He wore combat boots and camouflage pants, although he wore glasses,” said Semyon L., who was in the class a year younger than Mikhail.

Mikhail’s relationship with schoolchildren is confirmed by the words of his sister, as well as another school teacher. The first one now says: “Yes, he did it because he had accumulated over three years... His classmates, they hurt him in every possible way, and it annoyed him.” Teacher: “He shouted something like: I’ve been waiting for this for three years, but I haven’t known him long enough to explain it.”

Mikhail has only 4 friends. Together they share a video filmed back in April 2017, where a student brings a gun in a musical instrument case to class and kills a physics teacher he doesn’t know. The video was filmed in a Russian school.

Screenshot of a page with a video about the murder of a teacher by a schoolboy

Even earlier, in February of this year, Mikhail reposted similar content. There is no violence there yet. The message is different: “when the class starts talking about school shootings,” everyone looks at me. To Mikhail? He reposted comments: “vital.”

Screenshot of a post by Mikhail P., who carried out a shooting at an Ivanteevsk school Dylan Klebold

The community whose image Mikhail is reposting this time is called “Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold / VoDKa and Red.” It is dedicated to the tragedy in American school Columbine.


USA, 1999. Two high school students, having obtained weapons (a shotgun, a semi-automatic pistol, gas cylinders), carried out a massacre at Columbine High School.

13 people were killed and 26 wounded. Harris and Klebold committed suicide.

Criminal case adjusted for age

The detained teenager will be charged under the article “Hooliganism”. The student will have to undergo a psychiatric examination - media reports that he has already been seen by a psychiatrist.

School No. 1 Ivanteevka. Photo: Sergey Savostyanov / TASS

school shootings

In February 2014, a high school student, taking his father’s gun and rifle, broke into school No. 263 in the Moscow Otradnoe district and shot geography teacher Andrei Kirillov. When police arrived at the building, the teenager opened fire, wounding a senior sergeant and killing a warrant officer. The high school student was persuaded by his father to surrender, he contacted his son several times by phone, and then entered the school with the police, wearing a bulletproof vest. The arrest was carried out by SOBR soldiers.

At first they said that the 15-year-old schoolboy, who was going to the medal, had a conflict with Kirillov. But then, in an interview with Izvestia, the attacker himself said that he was going to die, he was “interested in what would happen after.”

In 2016, the Moscow District Military Court released the attacker from criminal liability and sent him for compulsory psychiatric treatment.

News, 17:43 04/01/2011

Adults - lawyers - will be responsible for a schoolchild with a weapon


MOSCOW, April 1 - RAPSI. An eleventh-grader who brought a weapon to a lesson at a Russian school and openly displayed it will most likely not be held responsible for his action - only adults who allowed a pistol to fall into the hands of a teenager can be punished, this opinion was expressed by lawyers interviewed on Friday by the Russian Legal and Judicial Agency information (RAPSI/

A video “On the issue of tolerance,” recorded on a mobile phone, appeared on the Internet, where an 11th grade student openly demonstrates the weapon he has, arguing with a teacher who reprimands him. At the same time, he pulls the trigger several times, clicks are heard and it is clear that the weapon is not loaded.

The possible punishment depends on what kind of weapon the child brought to school - a toy, traumatic, gas or combat weapon, explained lawyer Alexander Vasiliev, who represents the interests of Nikita Tikhonov, one of the accused in the murder of lawyer Stanislav Markelov.

“If the toy is a toy, and the boy is a minor, then he does not fall under any responsibility, including administrative,” the lawyer believes, noting that punishment can only be at the level of disciplinary action within the framework of educational institution. For example, parents will be called to the school and explanatory work will be carried out, Vasiliev said.

If the weapon is traumatic or gas, they will find out who gave it to him, with permission or not. Once the owner is identified, he faces administrative punishment for violating the conditions for storing weapons and deprivation of his license, the defense lawyer believes.

The most severe penalty will be if the pistol is a combat pistol, “since it is in free circulation ( military weapon) absent".
In this case, the child is still not subject to prosecution, for example, for threatening a teacher with a weapon, if he is under 16 years of age. But those who allowed the teenager to get his hands on a gun can be prosecuted, at a minimum, in civil proceedings.

This position is supported by Vasiliev’s colleague, lawyer Svetlana Lipatova, who is defending the editor Russia Today Natalya Arkhiptseva, wounded with a pistol by a drunk cafe visitor.

“You can hardly count on noticeable compensation. He didn’t beat her (the teacher) or touch her, so we can only claim compensation for moral damage. However, according to our judicial practice, you can’t count on large sums,” Lipatova said after watching the video.

At the same time, she believes that the “hero” of the video may well be 16 years old; his actions are clearly aimed at violating public order“and this means the possibility of prosecution under Article 213 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (hooliganism).”

According to her, in this situation it is necessary to find out the motive for the action and, in any case, establish where the minor got the weapon from.

The sanction of Part 1 of Article 213, by which the actions of the boy in the video can be qualified, provides for an actual punishment of imprisonment for up to five years.

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17:43 01.04.2011

How will it look like:

An eleventh-grader who brought a weapon to a lesson at a Russian school and openly displayed it will most likely not be held responsible for his action - only adults who allowed a pistol to fall into the hands of a teenager can be punished, lawyers expressed this opinion.

We are accustomed to the pieces of paper that children are given at school: a list of textbooks, summer literature, uniform requirements. The junior school in the American town of Belmont went further and distributed these reminders.

Olga Zhuravskaya, one of the mothers who received this guide, translated and distributed it. Now we have a chance to pay tribute to these simple and vital words.

Memo to parents from Belmont Junior School.

Don't spoil me, because I know that you don't have to fulfill my every wish.
Don't be afraid to be direct with me.
Don't let me form bad habits: it will be even harder to unlearn.
Don't make me feel like my opinion doesn't matter; it'll only make me act worse, just know that.
Don't correct me in front of other people: I will perceive information better if you make a comment face to face.
Don't make me feel like my mistakes are terrible crimes.
Don't always protect me from the consequences of my actions: I must learn to understand that an action has a reaction.
8. Don’t pay attention to my petty quibbles: sometimes I just want communication.
9. Don't be too upset when I say I hate you: I don't hate you, but rebel against your power.
10. Don’t repeat everything a hundred times, otherwise I’ll pretend like I’m deaf.
11. Don’t make rash promises: I’ll be upset if you don’t keep them. 12. Don’t forget that I still can’t always thoughtfully explain what I feel.
13. Do not demand the truth from me if you are angry, otherwise I may deceive you out of fear.
14. Don’t be fickle: it really spoils me. 15. Don't leave my questions unanswered, or I'll go look for answers elsewhere.

16. Don't say that my fears are not important. They are terribly important, not small at all, and it makes me even scarier when you don’t understand this.
17. Don’t pretend to be perfect and not make mistakes. I will be terribly upset when I find out that this is not the case. 18. Don’t think that apologizing to me is beneath you. If you apologize when you are wrong, you will teach me the same.
19. don’t forget that I’m growing up quickly. You will have to change lanes very often.
20. I also love to experiment. Without this, I cannot develop, so please make allowances for this. 21. One last thing: remember that I cannot grow up. happy man, if they don’t love me very much at home, but you already know that!
The list is not only about school and children, but also about the right approach and view of the world as a whole. And you don’t need huge Talmuds, just 21 points of incredibly touching and, at the same time, infinitely deep truths. Olga Zhuravskaya.
