What does birch look like in summer? Healing properties of birch

Zulfiya Alukayeva

1. Introducing children to tree: title, short and emotional description with the help of poems by L. Kavalyak

Outside the window birches

In festive attire

The breeze is swaying

Solar strands.

Leaves will fall

Will lay down with a veil

And cover the earth

Light blanket.

And spring will come -

Earrings hang again

If you've ever tasted the delicious Ibero icon, you're headed to gourmet heaven. In Spain, a special breed of black Iberian pigs is fed exclusively for 4 months. The farmer brings his secateurs under the oaks and, using a flexible rod, hits the trees. The falling acorns are then consumed by the piglets with great joy.

Thanks to this diet, their meat acquires a special taste. In addition, it has the advantage of being enriched with oleic acid. Therefore, you will enjoy high quality meat. Deciduous trees provide the most healing properties in spring, summer and autumn. Just walking, leaning on the tribes or just sitting under the trees helps to relax, reduce stress, support your own body's self-healing powers and recharge your energy. Therefore, go as often as possible to parks and arboretums.

The branches decorate

Like the dress brooches.

Play a tree identification game "One, two, three - under run the birch» .

2. Do birch has a trunk.

The birch is very tall, much higher than children. To look at its top, you need to raise your head. Down near the ground birch trunk. It is single, hard, covered with white bark with black spots. The trunk can be stroked, hugged, pressed against the cheek. You can dance around the trunk.

Walk along tree-lined alleys and paths, take long walks along the paths, in the forest, and take care of picnics with friends under the trees. You can feel that this beautiful elegance has been growing ever since. However, in fact, at the end of the century, the French botanist Charles de L "Ecluse brought several headscarf seeds from Constantinople. Nowadays, we also meet them widely in pub gardens, where beer is especially good under them.

Bright brownish-white fruits form capsules with dried extract or tincture. If you have perpetual cold feet and hands, varicose veins or thin blood vessels, you are sure to enjoy. Your varicose veins will also notice a better look in their skirts or shorts.

3. Do birches many branches and leaves.

Top of the trunk birch a lot of branches. They are long, thin and black. Some branches hang down and look like pigtails. There are many leaves on the branches. Under the branches near the trunk, you can stand up, hide from the rain, the sun - they are like a roof over your head.

4. What do you have birch leaves?

At birch a lot of leaves. All of them are on branches, high above the ground. Yellowed leaves fall to the ground and lie under the tree. (Invite the children to pick up the leaves birches and examine them). The leaves are small - smaller than the palm. Every leaf has a stick (petiole). From one end they are round wide, from the other - narrow, ending with a sharp "spout". The edges of the leaves birch cloves.

Despite the pleasant feeling of relief as your blood vessels become more flexible and firm. On long journeys, when you sit for a long time, your circulation slows down. So grab the other guy's batch of chestnut gel. Before you board a bus or plane, oil your feet. The herbal preparation pleasantly refreshes swollen, heavy feet. When you reach your goal, soak your feet in cold water and reapply the gel. Then lie on your back, put your feet on the wall for 10 minutes and release the veins.

As the saying goes, we don't make mistakes in life, but we learn lessons. If we learn from them, we will be more intelligent about knowledge. However, if we repeat the same mistakes and fail to benefit from our experience, it is time for Bach therapy. Dear readers, Has anyone ever told you about collecting birch water?

5. What happens to birch in winter.

Winter. Birch is cold. Therefore, you need to cover the trunk near the ground with snow. Our birch is sleeping, is waiting for the onset of spring, warmth, to wake up and again please us with its beautiful outfit - green rustling foliage.

6. What happens to birch in spring.

It is birch-white water that collects through the seductive bark in spring. - In Russia, this birch water is mainly consumed by the elderly because it is very healthy and slows down the aging process. Russians chop birch trees in a bucket with a machete and collect water in bulk, but there is also a less invasive method. One of them sends us Dorotka.

This is a drink made from birch sap - it is very healthy and good for the body in spring. The juice is very nice, tasty and cool after the morning collection tastes great. We get this by slamming a hole into a birch tree and inserting a regular drinking straw. Of course, the whole procedure precedes the tree's decent request for some of its spring sap.

With the onset of spring our birch wakes up from a long winter sleep. When the sun begins to warm up the trunk and branches birches starts flowing sweet Birch juice. Birds love it, it is also useful for people. Juice contains many vitamins that are beneficial for health.

in the spring birches appear catkins, and then green leaves will appear from the swollen buds, which will delight us with their beauty and rustle.

Once again, the holes will be covered with a birch twig of the same diameter and, if necessary, they will be ointment. The speed only begins in the spring, this is a relatively short period, most in the phase of the rising moon. As a child, my grandmother told me how to wash my hair in the same water, that they are beautiful, healthy and dense. We haven't gotten to that yet, the water has always been drunk.

Available sources refer mainly to the use of birch sap in the Nordic and Baltic countries. Direct references to the use of birch sap for the Middle Slavs did not find me, but the use of birch itself contributes to the collection of sap and its further processing.

7. Birch is a beautiful tree. It has a white bark that other trees do not have. She has beautiful openwork branches with leaves. About her They say: "Curly birch» she's nice to look at when she's calm (no wind) and when it rustles and sways in the wind. Through the leaves and branches it is interesting to look at the sky, the sun.

Best time to collect sap: Ideally, this is a time when there are still cold nights and warm days, and so the sap is circulating up and down. The period varies depending on the geographical environment, but in general it can be said about the second half of March and April. Tree Selection: We choose more trees over 30cm in diameter for selection. We accept 1 to 3 withdrawals. It is usually advisable to place the blood removal device in the collection vessel at the sampling point. The funnel can also be replaced with sticks or notches that direct the flow of the can into the container.

Birch is alive: branches, trunk, green leaves - everything is alive. She needs water - the rain is pouring, she drinks this water. Without water the birch will dry up. Birch must be protected: do not knock on the trunk, do not scratch the bark, do not break branches. How nice it is to relax near our birches.

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Don't forget to close the wounds with wax after waxing! At the bottom of the article there are also some links to scientific research on the subject. The trees will soon shed their sap. Here are some important tips. But at 8 C the flow is weak. In the middle of winter, the trees know they don't have time yet and won't wake them up until five days with this temperature, but in April they are already crazy like April. In the conditions of southern Poland, the trees wake up between the end of February and mid-April, usually from March 20 to April 5.

It has been my experience of many years that the juices flow best between the first quadrature and fullness, often around Palm Sunday, which we must call Sunday Bejina. That will be the case this year. Not always, it depends on the season. Only when spring lingers, in April, after severe frosts, does everyone wake up at once. Usually, however, maples and sycamores give juices 1-2 weeks before birch. Worth remembering: maple sap is more in March, and birch is in April.

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Juices flow all day? At night the juice flow is almost zero unless we have a very warm night. Strongest in the south when they are warmest. And they flow more on the heated side of the barrel. Does the juice of the same kind always have the same sugar? These are differences between individuals and varieties, but also from year to year the amount of sugar can be different. So don't put off putting on the tip, because then it's almost water itself.

Which tree has the sweetest sap? Definitely common maple, then kale sycamore and maple field. The maple has a sweet sap like the sugar maple in Canada. Birch trees are almost half sweet and half sweet like birch. The better the juice intake when the spring begins to rise quickly and quickly. Then the juice flows for a short while, but it is sweet. In the scenario of the spring, the Atlantic season is stretched and the juice flows less. Perhaps that is why juice is the continent of Eastern Europe. America has the biggest juice tradition in the east.

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Is it possible to drain juice only from maple, birch and hornbeam? No, most of the trees release sap. Unfortunately, some species have fewer species, or grow deeper in the tree, or shorter. These three species produce the most juices. There are three methods for getting.

This method seems humane, but deep drilling into wood can lead to fungal infections. Instead of blocking the hole, it's best to leave it on after a few days of drying. This method seems cruel because it leaves a scar on the tree, but such scars heal quickly because the wound is a surface and not infested with fungi.

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The most humane method, but the least effective. In such a tree - very slanted - there is often no pipe at all, because the water flows down into the dish. We see that the locals simply bend the sheet parts - it's cheaper! The bottle can be hidden from another piece of bark.

The Indians boiled maple syrup, and a dish of birch bark stood in the back. Many people believe that such juices are as thick as store-bought maple syrup. Contains sugars, organic acids and mineral salts, but mostly water! Some clones even have over 3% sugar and over 2% birch! Early studies of birch in Eastern Europe. Got results around 1%. According to other authors, the juices are sweetest at the beginning of the stream in the tree.

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And here the article on the mineral content in tree saps tends to be like a good mineral water. Donald Tusk wanted to turn Poland into a second Ireland. And wouldn't it be better to turn it into Canada? The first is a very convenient pension system in this country - everyone has a minimum pension and the rest has to save themselves.

Maple syrup is made from maple sugar containing sugar. This juice is concentrated by evaporating the water. It's quite expensive - we now have cheaper sources of sugar, but they can be sold as luxury items. Maple syrup is not only made up of sugar, but also contains organic acids and many minerals. It is also an organic product with virtually no chemical impurities.

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Sugar maple is very similar to our common maple, and my team's phytochemical studies have shown that the sap contains the same amount of sugar! Use the numerous populations of common maples and sycamore maples in Polish forests. It would be enough for the state forests to restore these monocultures not in the direction of oak, beech or hornbeam, but only maple. It is a native, fast-growing tree typical of the savannas and is therefore beneficial to the environment. The common maple is often regarded as a sowing monoculture in its own right. . Which areas of Poland are the most suitable for maple syrup production?

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The theme of green plantings of wild trees and shrubs has always been and remains the most relevant. And not only when planting forest park areas, but also to create a unique landscape design in home gardens, summer cottages and garden plots.

In my opinion, the eastern part of Poland. It has a more continental climate where the juice flows shorter but more violently, then it has more sugar and is easier to get. The Carpathian foothills and Roztoce are especially predetermined, because in the hilly area it is easier to collect the juice in the system of installing plastic pipes. Another valley may be the Vistula valley with its xenic maples.

In addition, the harvesting season can be extended with birch and birch syrup. The latter is more expensive because birch has less sugar and more fuel for evaporation. The only downside to my idea is that making syrups from wood is energy intensive.

Every spring, almost all gardeners think about the choice of plants that can be planted near the house, so that the territory acquires even more splendor.

What plants to choose?

The most popular for landscaping are white-trunked forest beauties. Planting a birch in the spring every year becomes a priority for most summer residents. Just imagine the splendor that will come from the birch grove located under the window! It will become a real highlight of the landscape and the envy of others, thanks to its many qualities.

Birch sap or maple sap quickly deteriorates in the heat, but at lower temperatures it can be stored for several days, and in the right place, after acidification, even several months. Such a trunk is stored in a cool, dark place. A thin film forms on the surface, which does not allow air to enter and causes the juice to quickly fail. The juice is often stored until harvest. Currently, birch paste is commonly sold in these countries with citric acid added.

In order for the fresh juice to be fermented into alcoholic beverages, it is best to thicken it while cooking. For the production of wine, we compress 10 liters to a volume of 1 liter. Syrup and birch sugar are still commercially relevant in Alaska. Rare birch pulp has been cut in Poland, Scandinavia, Russia and the American Indians. For small cuts and added to flour for bread, soup or eaten after baking. It was just starvation. Scandinavian birch shavings were added to bread in Scandinavia.

In addition, planting a birch in the spring brings incomparable joy. It is given both by the elegance of the still thin stems, and the gentle rustle of leaves just beginning to bloom. All this can turn the garden work associated with planting this plant into wonderful moments of relaxation and detachment from any problems.

Reasons for choosing birch trees for landscaping

The forest beauty is especially preferable when creating a design in small areas, because the white birch trunk is simply created in order to visually expand the boundaries of the landscaped area. In addition, thanks to the openwork crown of this plant, the site takes on a festive look.

Excellent external data make white-trunked beauties undoubted favorites among the many types of trees used for landscaping a personal plot. Here are just a few of them:

  • Sliding shadow from a high crown, creating additional coolness on hot days and not interfering with the growth of other plants. In addition, the birch, planting and caring for which is not particularly difficult, seems to be created so that numerous shade-loving and not loving crops grow next to it.
  • Branches descending to the very ground can serve as a natural gazebo, which beckons to hide from the heat on a hot afternoon. Rest in it will bring true pleasure.
  • The gold of the autumn foliage of this tree will give the site a magical, fabulous look.
  • Birch roots perfectly take away excess moisture and drain the area where this plant grows.

All this makes birch plantations desirable in many areas, the owners of which strive to create a magical, eye-catching originality of their backyard territories.

Useful properties of the plant

Birches have long been valued not only for their external decorative effect, but also as a source of medicinal raw materials, and it can also relieve stress and energize a person. All parts of this tree have healing properties. A birch growing next to the house will become a real pharmacy for the owner of the site.

For use in traditional medicine recipes, proven for centuries, you can collect birch catkins, its young leaves, harvest birch buds. And the most valuable one, which gives great benefits, is unique in its taste and is loved not only by children, but also by most adults. Every spring, during the sap flow, you can enjoy this gift of nature.

The subtleties of using birches in landscape design

The appearance of the site is always the pride of the owner. Therefore, to make it unique, various subtleties are used to create a unique design. There is a patio, and all sorts of things. But you never know what other nuances an amateur gardener can use to make his site stand out among many others!

One of these tricks is the choice of birch for landscaping. Its use in creating a landscape is very diverse and depends only on the imagination of the owner of the site. The birch trunk is slender and snow-white, so these trees will look great both in the form of small alleys planted along and through groves in a certain area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe territory or, if the area allows, in a dense array.

Variety of plant species

What kind of birch from all its species diversity is best to choose? It is not for nothing that this question worries many amateur gardeners who strive to create a unique design on their plots. After all, the variety of varieties of this plant is simply amazing. In the middle lane, birch is represented by several dozen subspecies.

The best of them for growing in garden plots are considered species such as Daurian birch, cherry, fluffy and warty. Each variety has its own charms and certain nuances that are taken into account when planting this plant and caring for it. Therefore, planting a birch in the spring should begin with the selection of a suitable species.

How to create such beauty? The subtleties of planting and care

In order for green spaces, among which this white-stemmed tree is used, to bring joy and not cause any special problems, it is worth considering some nuances. Most gardeners prefer autumn for transplanting trees. But planting birch in spring is more cost-effective. At this time of the year, the death of seedlings is minimal.

The maintenance of the birch used for landscaping is minimal. Here are some simple requirements that should be followed so that the plant brings only joy:

  • birch lies in the surface layer of the soil rather shallow, so additional watering is required in drought.
  • In early spring, before the foliage has appeared and the birch has not yet begun to bloom, it is possible to feed the plant, for which mullein is mostly used.
  • Pruning is not required for the plant, which saves the gardener a lot of time. Only in the spring should dry branches be cut.

Therefore, for any owner of a personal plot, a plant such as a birch, planting and caring for which is completely hassle-free, becomes an ideal option in landscaping the territory. Do not worry about the fact that the plant may die from adverse weather conditions, because it not only has good frost resistance, but also is quite drought-resistant.

What to watch out for when choosing this plant for landscaping?

But, like all other plants, this tree also has a negative side that should be considered. This is birch blossom. It starts in early spring, before the leaves bloom, and can bring trouble to those people who suffer from allergies.

This is the only negative point when choosing white-trunked beauties for landscaping. In addition, it can be avoided by using anti-allergic medications. Therefore, do not deny yourself the desire to have this miracle tree on your site!

Irina Aleksandrovna Gusarova

Want very much spring, warmth, sunshine, waiting for the birds to arrive.

So I decided with the guys to do birches in early spring.

For this we need:

Colored cardboard (I took white cardboard and made a green background with wax chalk)

bird patterns (any)

2 colored squares paper: brown (for birdhouse) and yellow (for the sun)

Wax black chalk (to color our birds)

2/3 sheet A4 white;

1 strip (approximately 2/3 cm wide) green paper or thin green cardboard - future weed.


1) trace the patterns of our birds and cut out, color.

2) we make tubes from sheets - these are our future trees - we glue our "trees" onto cardboard and draw "eyes" on the trunk birches.

3) from the colored squares we make a birdhouse and the sun. We glue a birdhouse on a tree, the sun is on sky:)

4) glue the birds on the trees.

5) make weed. We cut a strip of colored paper a little and glue it on cardboard:)

Our craft is ready.

Here's what happened to us:)

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Russian beauty: paintings and poems about birches

Russian birches

Sergei Andropov

I love the beauty of Russian weeping birches,
The enchanting smell of their buds and spring leaves,
Shiny tears on the branches from the morning dew,
And gold crowns in the autumn landscapes near Moscow.

My distant ancestor, once did not know paper,
And in life, native birch trees helped him.
On their birch bark, he entered our history
The message of ancient Rus' for Great Russia.

As grandfather told me, and these are not just words
All Russian power was in the birch trees,
Their life was decorated with birch bodies,
And with birch porridge * in hunger, the birch fed.

A snow-white birch trunk is pierced by a fragment,
And next to me my father was wounded in the battles near Moscow,
And if he found death at this birch,
That would not be us in this world with my sister.

But birch sap dripped on the soldier's wound,
And in a soldier's helmet, like the tears of a widow at the grave.
The sister of the medical battalion found her father at the birch,
And quenched his thirst with birch sap.

And I will not forget how the wind ruffled my curls,
When I met my beloved in a birch grove,
We drank birch sap, I hugged her,
And the gentle wind sang a glorious song to us.

I bow to the very roots of the Russian birch,
In verse I will sing of her wonderful forest groves,
I will remember her, and sadness will immediately vanish,
In foreign cities far from beloved Russia.

Arkhip Kuindzhi Birch grove, 1879

Like a haze of distant fields closing for half an hour,
There was a sudden rain in oblique stripes -
And the skies are deep blue again
Over refreshed forests.

Warm and wet sheen. Smell of rye honey
In the sun they cast wheat velvet,
And in the greenery of the branches, in the birches at the boundary.
The Orioles are chatting carelessly

And the sonorous forest is cheerful, and the wind between the birches
Already blows gently, and white birches
Dropping a silent rain of their diamond tears
And smile through their tears.

Arkhip Kuindzhi, Birch Grove, 1901

sad birch
At my window.
And the whim of frost
She is torn apart.

Like bunches of grapes
The ends of the branches hang, -
And joyful to look at
All mourning attire.

I love the daylight game
I notice on her
And I'm sorry if the birds
Shake off the beauty of the branches.

A. Fet. 1842.

Arkhip Kuindzhi Sunlight in the park

Under the fading sun
Autumn, late sometimes,
Their every leaf glitters with gold pieces
Above the silver bark.

Shishkin near the dacha

Oleg Shestinsky

"I can't imagine Russia without a birch..."

I can’t imagine Russia without a birch, -
She is so bright in Slavic,
What, perhaps, in centuries different
From a birch - all Rus' was born.

Under the birches they sang, they married.
Chose horses at auction;
Dear mothers were buried
So that there were birches at the feet.

Because, you know, birches in the spring
Live human life:
They laugh with green foliage,
That earrings will shed tears.

Ivan Ivanovich Shishkin. Birch and rowan. 1878.

Nikolai Rubtsov

I love it when birch trees rustle
When the leaves fall from the birches.
I listen and tears come
Eyes weary of tears.

Everything will wake up in memory involuntarily,
Resounds in the heart and in the blood.
It will become somehow joyful and painful,
As if someone is whispering about love.

Only prose wins more often,
As if the wind of gloomy days will blow.
After all, the same birch makes noise
Above my mother's grave.

In the war, father was killed by a bullet,
And in our village near the fences
With wind and rain it rustled like a beehive,
Here is the same yellow leaf fall ...

My Rus', I love your birches!
From the first years I lived and grew up with them.
That's why the tracks run
On eyes weaned from tears...

Ivan Ivanovich Shishkin. A stream in a birch forest. 1883.

Alexander Prokofiev

I love Russian birch
Either bright or sad
In a white sarafan
With handkerchiefs in pockets
With beautiful clasps
With green earrings.
I love her, zarechnaya,
With elegant mantles,
That clear, seething,
That sad, crying.
I love Russian birch
She is always with her friends
Spring dances,
Kissing like usual
Goes where it's not a city,
Sings where it's not supposed to
Bends under the wind
It bends and doesn't break!

Ivan Ivanovich Shishkin. Summer landscape with birch.

Vsevolod Rozhdestvensky

A little sun warmed the slopes
And it became warmer in the forest,
birch green braids
Hung from thin branches.

All dressed in a white dress
In earrings, in lace foliage,
Meet the hot summer
She is at the edge of the forest.

Will a storm pass over her
Will the swamp haze cling, -
Shaking off the rain, smile
Birch - and again cheerful.

Her light outfit is wonderful,
There is no tree dearer to the heart,
And many thoughtful songs
People sing about her.

He shares joy and tears with her,
And so her days are good
What seems - in the noise of a birch
There is something from the Russian soul.

Levitan "Birch Grove"

Mikhail Matusovsky
Birch juice

As soon as the snowdrop blooms on time,
As soon as the first thunderstorms approach,
Juice appears on white trunks -
Then the birch trees cry, then the birch trees cry.

How often, getting drunk on a bright day,
I wandered at random along the spring channels,
And the Motherland generously watered me

Sacred memory of everything
We remember the hills and country roads,
We are doing a difficult service today
Far from Russia, far from Russia.

Where are these mists of the native side
And the birch branches that bend over the backwater?
Here you and I must certainly
Return one day, return one day.

Open to us, Fatherland, your expanses,
Treasured cups open inadvertently
And just like in childhood, get me drunk
Birch sap, birch sap.

Igor Grabar. Abramtsevo. Wattle, 1944

Mikhail Matusovsky

Where does the Motherland begin? (excerpt)

Where does the Motherland begin?
From the treasured bench at the gate,
From the very birch that is in the field,
Leaning under the wind, it grows.
Or maybe it starts
From the spring singing of the starling
And from this country road,
To which there is no end in sight.

Igor Grabar. Birch alley, 1940

Sergey Yesenin

White birch
under my window
covered with snow,
Exactly silver.

On fluffy branches
snow border
Brushes blossomed
White fringe.

And there is a birch
In sleepy silence
And the snowflakes are burning
In golden fire

A dawn, lazy
Walking around,
Sprinkles branches
New silver.

Igor Grabar. May evening, 1905

Heinrich Uzhegov

The snow-white symbol of Russia...

Snow-white symbol of Russia
Along the roads are rows of birches,
During the day above them - the blue dome of the sky,
At night - the flutter of bright stars.

light birch shade
From childhood, they laid down on my fate,
How a light autumn leaf lays down
Warm lands in the palm of your hand.

And when in a foreign cold sea
Sorrow will come about the Motherland
I see daisies in an open field
And forests birch distance.

At this moment, I want involuntarily,
For the breeze to bring here
The song of calm majesty
White-trunked gentle birches.

S. Panasenko May. birches

Tatyana Gerasimova

Birches are vulnerable

Birches, vulnerable,
kept by Russia,
They stand and bend to the waist
wheat spikelets,

And the field is worried
And flaunts with waves
that are chasing each other
To birch woods.

Millennia have passed
Centuries will pass
And you, relatives, will
Bows to beat the earth.

You forgive people everything
Illuminate expanses
And long is the way of Russia
It will shine in the darkness!

Girlfriends, birches,
Rosinochki, like teardrops,
Dropping thoughtfully
Oh, how my soul hurts!

Forgive us if you can
After all, there is no you more expensive,
Keep treasured Rus',
And Rus' will save you!
S. Panasenko Spring. birches

Somehow June went through the river
And he mistook the birch for a girl.
He approached her, sat on the shore
White you ... as if covered in snow.
Here's a green leaf for you,
As you wave it - the day will not be hot.
Here's another - straighten it on weight,
He will take the dew in a full handful.
The third sheet is noisier than these!
He will sing songs at dawn,
The tit will spin its head,
The sun will bewitch you...
And June went like a green ford,
And melted in the haze of dawn ...
And the birch, in front of all the people,
Foliage broke out in the early morning.

S. Ostrovoy

P. Semyachkin Birch Grove

In the spruce forest everything is discreet,
His tones are muted.
And suddenly white-white birch
Alone in a gloomy spruce forest.

It is known that death in public is easier.
I saw it myself an hour ago
How it began in a distant grove
Cheerful, friendly leaf fall.

Vladimir Soloukhin

V. Polenov Birch Grove

A sharp ax wounded a birch,
Tears rolled down the silver bark.
Don't cry, poor birch, don't complain
The wound is not fatal, you will be cured by the summer,
You will show off, removed with leaves, -
Only a sick heart will not heal the wounds!

A. K. Tolstoy.
Summer 1856.

V. Aleksandrov Bereza

northern birch

Over the lake, over the backwater of the forest -
Elegant green birch ...
"Oh girls! How cold it is in spring
I'm shivering from the wind and frost!

Now rain, then hail, then snow, like white fluff,
That sun, shine, azure and waterfalls ...
"Oh girls! How cheerful the forest and the meadow!
How joyful spring outfits are!

Again, again frowned, - again
Snow is flashing and the forest is buzzing severely ...
“I'm trembling all over. But just not to rumple
Green years! For the sun will come again."

Ivan Bunin.

When, luminous azure
Born, laziness oozed

Seething waves of the lake.
Pulled, laughing, cheerful Lel
Rays of black hair.

Sergei Gorodetsky

Andrey Schilder. Birch forest. 1908

I loved you on an amber day
When, luminous azure
Born, laziness oozed
Thanks from every thread.

White body, white as hops
Seething waves of the lake.
Pulled, laughing, cheerful Lel
Rays of black hair.

Sergei Gorodetsky

from the Internet
