How to always be desirable to a man: women's secrets and advice from psychologists. How to be loved and desired by a man? How to become the most desirable woman for him

There probably isn't a woman in the world who wouldn't want to be desired. But more often than not, the desire to be loved remains just a thought, not fixed in any way in practice. Just as beauty requires sacrifice, our relationships with men require constant restoration and work. Where to start and how to become the most beloved in your man’s life?

How to become a beloved woman?

Unfortunately, the reality today is that most of the fair sex do not have the slightest idea of ​​what it means to be loved and. Look around and you will see a gray mass of women tortured by life with extinct faces. Some nervously drag capricious children behind them, others, suffering from shortness of breath, carry heavy bags. Where are their men looking, you will be indignant? And most likely, you will be disappointed when you hear the answer. All these unfortunate ladies made themselves so. And men have nothing to do with it. They just look around in search of someone more attractive, gentle, kind and attentive. Now you will be indignant and say that you too were once like that, but these men constantly look to the left, and there is no help from them, etc. and so on. Now is the time to look at the situation differently and first look at ourselves. Let's figure out what we're doing wrong and how to fix the most common mistakes.

Each of us knows very well how important it is to be loved. But few people do anything about it. The most common female mistake is the thought that “he will love me like this (capricious, nervous, with cellulite, in a dressing gown and with curlers on my head) until the end of my days.” However, miracles rarely happen. Men love with their eyes and ears and, in general, with every fiber of their soul. Therefore, in order to solve the question of how to become a beloved girl, wife and just a woman, remember a few secrets and make them your life rules:

  1. Take care of yourself and your appearance. At first glance, this advice is obvious and needs no comment. However, there is one caveat - the process of creating beauty should be a great secret for your man. Never appear in front of him with a mask on your face, curlers, nail clippers or other paraphernalia. All this should remain “behind the scenes” of your family life.
  2. Be confident in yourself and bring only positivity into your relationship. The most valuable rule in a relationship with a man is never get angry in front of him, don’t walk around with a gloomy face, don’t complain about life and don’t cry. He needs your support just as much as you do. It is a woman who makes a man strong, resilient, and, oddly enough, rich. It's a huge sacrifice, but it's worth it. Even if you are not happy with something about him, speak about it gently and do not make scandals.
  3. Respect your man's company and family. In the end, you are also a consequence of his choices. Do not judge the actions of his friends and especially his relatives. He will figure out his problems himself. The only exception is when he himself asks for your advice.
  4. Talk to your man more often. Be interested in his life and let him be interested in yours. But don't turn conversations into interrogations. Trust him, and he will reciprocate and thank you.
  5. Be a support for him and a reliable shoulder in difficult situations. If you don’t support, then who will? You may be indignant, who will support you then? Have you tried telling him directly that you need his support? Or do you still think that men read our thoughts and understand hints? Remember: if you don’t want problems, speak directly about what worries you.

How to become loved by your husband?

In marriage, the question of how to become loved is more acute and arises more often than usual. Over time, the former romance fades away, and everyday life eats up all the partners’ interest in each other. Some tips on how to become loved by your husband will help correct the situation:

A woman is born for love. And if even after our advice you cannot perk up and change something in your life, try reading Oksana Duplyakina’s book, which is called “How to Become Loved and Desired.” Remember that any woman should be loved. Whether you will be like that depends only on you.

Any young woman wants to be sexy and attract men with her mere presence. Many girls think that they should find the way strict diet the desired body shape, put on a miniskirt and sexy lingerie, dye your hair blonde and the title of “sex bomb” is guaranteed to them. However, according to the men themselves, such women do not evoke any emotions. Men are attracted to everything that is hidden from view. A sexy woman should first of all be mysterious. Men feel the sexuality, temperament and emotions of a woman by her behavior, voice, gaze and facial expressions.

Lace underwear, large breasts and vulgar behavior have nothing to do with the real thing. Men judge a woman by her appearance only when they want to have her for just one night. But in order to become a desirable woman for a man for life, you need to know some secrets. Here they are:

1. Love yourself like this what you are. Many girls are not confident in the attractiveness of their body; they always strive to achieve the standard sizes of 90-60-90. All men are naive, like children, as they will be told and believe. Therefore, they are attracted to women who radiate a feeling of their own sexuality. It is important that a woman realizes herself as sexy and desirable for men. If she has this inside, then a man will feel this mood very quickly. Kilograms, hair color, chest and waist size have nothing to do with it. Unless they are the cause of the woman’s complex. It is self-doubt and a feeling of inferiority that does not give a woman the opportunity to feel sexy.

In order to become desired, you must learn to admire your body, not as flesh close to the standard, but as a gift that can give you love and life. To make your body happy, and it would make you happy, take time every day to care for yourself and your body. Pamper your body with gentle scrubs, balms, a drop of luxurious perfume, aromatic shampoos and all sorts of other intoxicatingly smelling treatments. Exercise in front of a mirror helps you to love your body. Choose a time and undress in front of the mirror, mark the places that you like. Look at your body in the mirror and admire it until you are sure of its attractiveness, even if it takes you more than one month.

2. Control your smile, voice, look, gestures. Men consider an attractive smile, gaze, soft voice and preening to be the sexiest behavior of a woman. A smile is very important for seduction. A laughing girl is already halfway conquering a man. The look of a sexy woman is inviting and deep, quite bold, but not arrogant. There should be something so bold in the behavior of a sexy woman, but in no way vulgar. Very great importance has a touch that a woman uses to her maximum advantage.

Can touch to the man's hand during a conversation, as if wanting to emphasize his point more. There is accidental touching, when a woman accidentally touches a man's thigh. It is also very important what voice and how you speak. The voice should be soft and light. To seduce a man, psychologists advise speaking to him slowly, pronouncing words measuredly. You shouldn’t chatter and “fall asleep” during a conversation if you want to seem sexy.

At conversation sit closer to the man, thereby showing your interest. Preening gestures arouse sexual interest in men. Taking out a mirror and applying lipstick at the table is, of course, not decent; it cannot add sexuality to a woman. But lifting your hair, playing with a chain, a glass or a fork that you are holding in your hands are considered sexual behavior.

3. Be feminine. A woman's sexuality implies femininity rather than beauty. After all, there are many women who do not have external beauty, but men find them unusually sexy. The whole secret of her sexuality is in her mystery, she has that very zest that many beauties lack. It is open and at the same time there is a secret in it that you want to reveal. A powerful energy charge emanates from her, she is sensual and does not flaunt her feelings. Don't try to take the initiative, otherwise you will lose your femininity. Gentle behavior is more attractive to men than a frank statement to him about your desire.

4. Give your man more attention. As psychologists prove, people who show curiosity about their partners seem more interesting and attractive to him. All men need support for their own sexuality; they like to hear outright flattery. Therefore, in bed, tell him how good and manly he looks. Don't forget also that the way to a man's heart is through his stomach. This folk wisdom confirmed by scientists who, during an experiment on medical students, made an amazing discovery. It turns out that cinnamon rolls excite men more than the scent of perfume or flowers. Therefore, a woman who wants to become sexy must be able to cook well.

Videos of sexuality from a man's point of view

How to always become feminine and desirable? This question worries many, because there is nothing more pleasant in the world than to inspire and delight the man you love. Here are 9 simple steps that will bring you closer to true feminine happiness.

In the name of women, poems are written, wars are started, and the most reckless acts are committed. Despite the fact that we are called the “weaker” sex, we have great power - the ability to inspire men, giving them our care and love. But, unfortunately, not all women know how to use their natural gifts, which leads to disappointment in love and resentment towards men. If you are concerned about the question of how to become feminine and desirable always, listen to the advice below. It turns out that you are only nine simple steps away from your own happiness.

How to become feminine and desirable?

Step #1 - control your emotions

Anger, the manifestation of negative emotions and the desire to sort things out are the main enemies of femininity, because men want to see us as sweet and good-natured creatures. Hiding your true feelings is an incredibly difficult task, but at least try not to show your emotions to others.

Step #2 - Stay Mysterious

We have all heard about female mystery, which, in the good sense of the word, drives the stronger sex crazy. This does not mean that you should speak in flowery phrases, disappear without explanation, and demonstrate your originality in every possible way. Just compare yourself to an interesting book: if you tell a man the whole plot from the very first pages, it will lose meaning in further reading. Try to keep the intrigue. Do not impose yourself on your chosen one, do not show excessive initiative and do not tell him about your feelings 10 times a day. Let your man understand that your life does not belong only to him, otherwise all your efforts will become boring and uninteresting.

Step #3 - don’t be afraid to lose your man

We are afraid of losing those we love. And this fear makes us dependent and predictable. To keep love, you need to let it go, but not in a literal, but in a figurative sense. This means you don't have to worry about your romance ending one day. Drive away such thoughts, because we live here and now and we should enjoy the present, and not overshadow it with ephemeral fears.

Step #4 - Respect yourself

If you don't respect yourself, you won't be able to demand respect from a man. However, do not confuse self-esteem and egocentrism. In a healthy way, the feeling self-esteem manifests itself in upholding your own principles, unwillingness to go against your beliefs, and also to sacrifice things that are really important to you for the sake of the whim of another person. No matter how much you love a man, do not devote your life only to him. Often this sacrifice turns out to be unnecessary and even harmful.

Step #5 - be moderately capricious

A common mistake women make in love is that they agree with everything a man does, even if it goes against their personal interests. Complete obedience seems to fill the relationship with ease and comfort. By showing absolute compliance, you really become a convenient passion for a man, however, convenience has nothing to do with love and happiness. To attract, inspire and excite a man, you just need to remain yourself, be able to defend your own position and protect your interests.

Step No. 6 - do not become a “mother” for your chosen one

Every woman has a maternal instinct, under the influence of which we want to take care of those we love. Moderate care is a natural part of the manifestation of feelings on the part of a woman in love. However, if care turns into maternal concern and every minute worries about a loved one, in the eyes of a man it looks like annoying fussiness and a desire to subjugate him. A man left his father’s house in order to be independent, which means that in the woman he loves, he wants to see, first of all, a friend, partner, lover, but not a mother.

Step #7 - Be weak and defenseless

If the maternal instinct lives in us, then the protective instinct lives in men. Let your chosen one feel like a real hero next to you. Even if you are able to solve all the troubles that arise in your life on your own, play along with the man. Be weak and defenseless, gladly accepting his help.

Step #8 - love yourself

No one can love you if you don't love yourself. This simple truth is as old as time, however, it is the basis of happiness and harmony. True self-love is manifested not in excessive demands and capriciousness, but in understanding one’s own desires and the ability to act for the benefit of one’s interests.

Step #9 - live up to your ideal

If you want a prince to love you, you must become a princess. Of course, in one very famous fairy tale, a representative of royal blood selflessly fell in love with poor Cinderella. But, if you remember, Cupid’s arrow pierced the prince’s heart not at the moment when Cinderella was working under the yoke of her stepmother, but when she was shining at the ball. If miracles don’t happen even in fairy tales, then you shouldn’t expect them in life. To attract the attention of a worthy man, you must live up to your ideal: take care of your appearance, engage in self-development, but most importantly, do not be afraid to express your individuality, because it is the magical force that captivates men.

To become feminine and desirable always, you just need to live in harmony with your own world. Realize that happiness is within you. And to enjoy it, you need to forget about previous disappointments and believe in your own exclusivity.

What woman doesn’t want to be the one and only for her man? It often happens that she “falls in love” with her partner too much, literally does not allow him to take a step, which leads to a completely opposite effect and loss dear person. We’ll look at how to become loved and desired in this article.

How to be loved and desired by a man?

First of all, develop in yourself purely feminine qualities - defenselessness, weakness, vulnerability, etc. In the age of new technologies, it is customary to equate men and women, endowing them with the same qualities. But if a woman does not want to compete with her partner, and ultimately lose him and interest as a losing rival, she needs to make it clear to him that she is a real woman - sensual and in need of protection, not competition. Priests also talk about this today, complaining that women have largely begun to play first fiddle in the family, taking on the role of a man in it - the breadwinner and protector.

Those who are interested in how to be desired and loved should do everything to keep their partner's interest. How to do it? Find some kind of hobby. You can sign up for dancing or foreign language courses. It doesn’t matter, the main thing is that there is something to discuss in the evening over dinner besides your favorite TV series and your last dream. You cannot completely immerse yourself in the affairs and life of your man and take on the role of a caring mother. Here it is important to find a middle ground between complete ignorance and complete immersion in the life of your companion.

How to be desired by your loved one?

First of all, respect yourself, because just one single time when a woman allows herself to be disrespected can put an end to a relationship. You can’t run after a man, call him and reproach him to get his attention. A man quickly loses interest in such a woman, and everyone who wants to know how to become the most desirable for the man they love should remember this. You always need to maintain some understatement and mystery in a relationship, excite your man’s imagination, be elusive and at the same time alluring.

To stimulate sexual interest in yourself, but not to be available. Men love women who are cheerful, easy-going, positive and enjoy life. They avoid the grumpy and grumpy, so it is better to leave the prepared saw until better times, if you do not want to lose your loved one. It is very important to be able to listen to your partner and praise him, but not over-praise him.

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Hello! From this article you will learn how to become a beloved woman for your man, as well as what rules you should follow in order to become the best mother for your child.

How to become happy and loved: from inner confidence to external attractiveness

Love is important to varying degrees for every person. The desire to be important, necessary and necessary for someone is an integral part of self-acceptance and self-respect.

To find the answer to such an important question: how to become loved, you must first determine for yourself the criteria of love and happiness.

First, answer yourself two questions: “ Do you love yourself?" And " For what exactly?" What qualities do you think a woman should have to be loved? To be smart, educated, slim and fit, kind and affectionate, caring, strong, and sexy? Maybe she should be able to cook well, keep the house clean and tidy, sing and dance beautifully, and always be on time for everything?

Rate yourself based on the feminine qualities that are important to you. Make a specific list of those criteria by which you feel that you do not reach the required minimum of attractiveness. Having decided on your own unattractive (in your opinion) qualities, start working on yourself.

Let’s look at how to start changing correctly below.

For clarity, let's look at an example:

You are embarrassed by the lack of grooming. So start taking care of yourself already. Change your thinking. Understand that taking care of yourself does not mean exhausting you with exorbitant diets. physical activity, spend fabulous sums on salon treatments.

Taking care of yourself is:

  • Give yourself some sleep! With regular healthy eight-hour sleep, all metabolic processes in the body are improved and accelerated. The skin is saturated with oxygen and looks fresher. The mood lifts and the woman looks more attractive.
  • Get a beautiful hairstyle! Today! Tomorrow! Every day! If you can’t do it yourself, go to the hairdresser and let a specialist teach you how to style your hair. With regular haircuts and coloring in the salon, your hair will always be in order. Buy good skincare products. They smell fragrant and make hair attractive.
  • Moisturize your skin! Buy some good quality face and body creams. After showering and washing, apply them to the body, arms, legs, face. Well nourished useful substances the skin is incredibly soft and smooth. It's like it's glowing from within.
  • Get a manicure! Schedule a time once a week to treat your cuticles and apply nail polish. Take care of your hands. They do a lot of work for you during the day, be grateful to them, take care of them.
  • Apply makeup! Lightweight and uncomplicated. Design, make up eyelashes and lips, skin tone. Your face is yours business card. Always remember this.

Taking care of yourself means... So one and only. Take care of yourself! Take care of your body. Buy yourself beautiful clothes! Not for anyone, but to pamper yourself. Feed yourself delicious food. Take up a hobby you love. Start reading books and improve your education level.

By improving yourself every day, you will notice your attractiveness, and the question of how to become the woman you love will gradually cease to torment you.

Once you love yourself and your body, and start taking care of it, you will be surprised how much happier, stronger and more harmonious you will become.

What kind of women do they love?

To find out how to become your favorite girl, you need to find out which ones. To do this, let's look at the main qualities that representatives of the stronger sex consider the most significant when choosing a partner for a long-term relationship.

So, men love women:

  1. Well-groomed. A woman should always be neat and smell nice, no matter how long you've been together (1 week or 50 years).
  2. Athletic and fit. A tight body is a sexy body.
  3. Optimistic and cheerful. No one needs grumpy women who are always whining, have a lot of problems. For modern man This is an extra burden. Relationships should bring joy, not stress.
  4. Attentive and friendly. Evil gossips always scare men away. Aggression and hostility make a woman unattractive and unsexy.
  5. Passionate. Having hobbies and interests. Enjoy doing your own thing. Those who know how to value their personal time.
  6. Respecting your partner's personal space. Understanding that a man has his own hobbies, problems and responsibilities that do not necessarily need to be shared with a woman.
  7. Respecting yourself, your point of view, your life. It's hard to love a person you don't respect.
  8. Striving for constant development. For men, the main criterion for growth is advancement career ladder and accumulation material goods. Naturally, a purposeful person needs a worthy developing partner. For women this could be a career, getting additional education, improving culinary skills and much more.
  9. Unobtrusive. Constant pressure from a woman (endless calls and messages) makes you want to hide and avoid contact.
  10. Respecting your femininity. Allowing a man to feel strong, reliable and courageous next to a woman. Able to accept help from a partner. Demanding exceptionally good treatment.
  11. Satisfied with yourself. In most cases, a man treats a woman the same way she treats herself.
  12. Monogamous. A man must be confident in your fidelity.
  13. Grateful, generous with praise and approval, but only according to merit.
  14. Those who know how to manage everyday life and value family values.
  15. Having a good, kind sense of humor.

What to do to become loved by your man

How can you become your man’s favorite girl?

First of all, you need to find out what feminine qualities are important for your partner.

If attractive appearance is of paramount importance, take care of yourself. Determine for yourself once and for all whether you are ready to limit your diet, exercise, and devote a considerable amount of time to improving your life for the sake of this man. appearance. If you are not ready, abandon the idea immediately. Because if you stop caring for yourself, you will lose attractiveness to your partner.

Is personal space important for a man? Great! How much time can you carve out for your loved one? For our own interesting activities, friends, for sports, to improve your appearance, or for anything? Forgive your man for his individual hobbies and come up with your own. Which will make you happy.

If you really love your man and want reciprocity, be sincere. Take an interest in his affairs, be attentive and friendly, often praise and approve of his actions. Find common interests. Always remain attractive, interesting and desirable to him. Dress up more often, do beautiful make-up, wear nice underwear. Make every effort to make a man admire you and want to spend as much time together as possible.

For many women, their own happiness is identified with the presence of strong love relationship with a man. After concluding a marriage, the question becomes relevant: how to become a beloved wife and maintain this status for many years?

Forming a family and registering a relationship for most men is possible only with the woman they love. If the marriage has taken place, do not doubt the love of your partner. Enjoy the happy moments of family life.

In order for the state of love and interest not to be lost over time, a woman should always remember the priority qualities that initially attracted your man to you. Every day a woman lives together, she needs to work on her relationship. Above oneself. Not only demand, but also give. The principle of working on yourself should be the same as before marriage.

In order not to wonder over time how to become loved by your husband, you don’t have to stop being her. After years of living together, a woman should remain the same as she was able to make him fall in love with her.

All wives want their husband to earn more over time, increase his income and family capital. So men also want women to improve. After marriage, every wife expects fidelity and honesty from her husband. At the registry office you “purchase” your specific man and expect that this is exactly what he will always be. The same thing happens on the male side. A man acquires his specific woman (young, slender, beautiful, well-groomed). And when, after the time they have lived together, the wife stops taking care of herself, caring for and dressing up, and becomes overweight, she ceases to be that particular woman. Don't you think that this is also a kind of deception? They promised themselves to be the kind that the guy fell in love with, but in reality, they turned out to be far from ideal.

Every day try to be the best woman for your best man.

How to become a loving mother for your child

To become a beloved mother for your child, to build a trusting and respectful relationship, you need to: love him, respect and trust him.

Rules for good mothers, regardless of the age of their child:

  1. Be attentive to your child. Take an interest in his affairs.
  2. Don't talk down to your child. A little person is also an individual and needs acceptance and respect.
  3. Spend time together doing common interesting things.
  4. Start it. For example, once a week, organize a movie together, a trip to the cinema, or something else. The main thing is that you both want to do this and do not have the desire to postpone the event until later.
  5. Don't criticize! And never compare with other children. Your child is unique, and there are no others like them anywhere else. Comparison with others is inappropriate and offensive. You don’t like it when you are compared unfavorably.
  6. Don't categorically prohibit it. Always give reasons for your refusals.
  7. Don't lie to your child. Children are no less smart than adults. If you fall for a lie, don’t expect trust.
  8. Trust your child yourself. It is rare that sincere non-reciprocal trust arises.
  9. Don't demand too much. The child doesn't owe you anything. You gave birth to him for yourself, not for him. And don't expect him to thank you for it.
  10. Love your child. Always. Tell him about it every day, hug and kiss him. A mother’s love is the most important thing for children; there should never be any doubt about this.

And finally! To feel loved and happy, think more often about those who truly love you for who you are. About parents, grandparents! Love them and remind them of your feelings for them. Mutual pleasant emotional moments will fill your life with joy and self-confidence.
