A shameless artist is a subject who, pretending to be a seducer, lures a gullible girl into his studio and paints her there. Why don't naked women ever look stupid? Female nudity in the paintings of artists Explicit nude paintings

The 1930s and 40s were the period of the triumph of socialist realism. Although there were other directions. The main themes when depicting nudes remained “models in the studio” and water procedures - beaches, swimming and saunas. Except in the studio - for the sake of art, during hygienic bathing and healthy sunbathing to the Soviet man, of course, it was inappropriate to flaunt naked.

So, let's start with the bathers.
K. Somov. "Bathers in the Sun", 1930.

In Kovalenko, "On the Beach", 1930.

Now let's move to the artists' studios.
The painting by V. Bukovetsky is called “In the Studio”. 1930

Pyotr Konchalovsky. "Model" (sketch). 1930.

Sometimes the models couldn’t stand it and even fell asleep. N. Tyrsa. "Sleeping Model", 1930.

This one doesn't seem to have fallen asleep yet. But on the verge. Nikolai Mako, "Reclining Nude", 1930.

G. Gorelov. "Nude from the back", 1930.

Alexander Samokhvalov. “Girl with a Towel”, 1930. The picture is the most harmless, but now, I’m afraid, the poor artist will be accused of what the hell...

Yuri Annenkom painted a painting in 1930 to commemorate the 10th anniversary of the death of Amedeo Modigliani. "In Memory of Modigliani."

Vladimir Lebedev, "Nude", 1932.

And another painting by the same artist, from the same year and with the same title.

In addition to studio and water scenes, images of the “nude” genre began to appear, with the theme “morning”. This direction will become especially popular later, starting in the post-war years.
K. Somov, "Summer morning", 1932.

Alexander Deineka, where would we be without him? "Bathing girls", 1932.

And again - “Morning”. Our Alexander Deineka, 1933.

Sometimes artists painted male figures. P. Konchalovsky. “Students in the Workshop”, 1932. It’s interesting that they had classes there. But then people were unspoiled, and nothing like that could even have occurred to anyone.

But still, artists preferred female nature. G. Gorelov. "Reclining Girl", 1934.

But socialist realism did not spend the night here. David Burliuk, "Nude", 1933.

A. Samokhvalov, “After the cross-country”, 1935. An athlete, and probably a Komsomol member...

B. Yakovlev. "Girl on the Stone", 1936.

Painting by Vl. Pebedev with the unexpected title “Cashier”, 1936.

A year later, the artist draws the same cashier, but with the title “Woman with Crossed Arms.”

Nikolai Tyrsa, "Seated Model", 1937.

The artist Tatyana Mavrina clearly moved away from the principles of socialist realism and was subjected to alien influences. "Nudes with a blue teapot", 1936.

Hers, "Portrait of Olga Hildebrant", 1937. Nothing like a portrait, right?

Olga Amosova-Bunak, "Dandelion", 1939.

And again water and washing matters. N. Bogdanov-Belsky, "Tug of War", 1939.

Alexander Gerasimov, apparently, was a bathhouse lover. Especially women's. "In the Bath", 1940.

His “Bath”, dated somehow strangely: 1938-1956.

V. Dreznina, "Rest on the Shore", 1940.

And again Alexander Deineka, “Running Girls”, 1941.

Arkady Plastov, "Tractor Drivers", 1942. Men fought, and women mastered professions that were not at all feminine...

beauty female body was and remains a desired object for depiction by artists of all times and peoples.

The most picturesque nudity was given to us, of course, by the Renaissance, when the magnificence of naked bodies was vigorously glorified according to ancient canons. However, the masters of later times are in no way inferior in skillful presentation female image. The techniques and places against which the maidens were depicted changed, and the muses themselves began to acquire different features over time. But the depiction of female nature is still a special topic that excites the consciousness of all fans of natural beauty.

Sandro Botticelli

"Birth of Venus" 1482-1486

Peter Paul Rubens

Rubens was an excellent portrait painter, painted landscapes and paintings on religious themes, founded the Baroque style, but the general public knows Rubens best from his images of naked women and men, to put it mildly, of not asthenic physique.

"Union of land and water", 1618

"The Three Graces", 1639

Francisco Goya

"Maja Nude", circa 1800

Not everyone knows that Maha is not a name at all, but a name for Spanish common townswomen of the 18th and 19th centuries.

Maha, whose image developed in Andalusia, over time began to be perceived as the quintessence of the Spanish woman. Because of romanticism, picturesqueness, a strong national accent and violent passion.

Eugene Delacroix

"Liberty Leading the People", 1830

Delacroix created the painting based on the July Revolution of 1830, which put an end to the Restoration regime of the Bourbon monarchy. In a letter to his brother on October 12, 1830, Delacroix writes: “If I did not fight for my Motherland, then at least I will write for it.”

There are naked breasts in the picture for a reason. It symbolizes selflessness French people of that time, who went bare-chested towards the enemy.

Jules Joseph Lefebvre

Lefebvre was a French salon artist who specialized in depicting beautiful girls. It was thanks to the depiction of female beauty that he took a very prominent place as an elegant, although somewhat mannered, draftsman.

"Mary Magdalene in the Grotto", 1836

The painting “Mary Magdalene in the Grotto” has its own special story. After the exhibition in 1876, it was bought by Alexandre Dumas the son. After his death, it was sent to St. Petersburg for an exhibition in 1896. Nicholas II acquired it for the Winter Palace and now “Mary Magdalene” can be seen among the treasures of the Hermitage.

Edouard Manet

At the Paris Salon of 1865, the painting became the cause of one of the biggest scandals in the history of art. Contemporaries could not see the volume of the depicted figure and considered the composition of the picture to be rough and flat. Manet was accused of immorality and vulgarity. The painting attracted hundreds of people who came to the exhibition only to curse the painting and spit on it. As a result, the painting was hung in the farthest hall of the Salon at such a height that it was almost invisible. How nervous people were in those days.

Pierre-Auguste Renoir

Renoir is known primarily as a master of secular portraiture, not devoid of sentimentality; he was the first of the impressionists to gain success among wealthy Parisians. The nude was one of Renoir's favorite genres.

"Nude in Sunlight", 1876

First shown at the Second Impressionist Exhibition in 1876, where it received very harsh reviews from critics: “Instill in Mr. Renoir that the female body is not a pile of decaying flesh with green and purple spots, which indicate that the corpse is already rotting in full swing!”

"Big Bathers", 1887

And this picture marked Renoir’s transition from pure impressionism towards classicism and engrism. “Large Bathers” is made with clearer lines, cooler colors, and when painting this painting, Renoir used sketches and sketches for the first time.

Vladislav Podkovinsky

"Female Orgasm", 1894

From the title it is clear that the Polish artist Vladislav Podkovinsky depicted in his work... The exhibition of the painting began with a huge scandal and lasted for 36 days. Unable to withstand the pressure, on the 37th day Podkovinsky came with a knife and cut up the entire canvas. The artist died of tuberculosis at the age of 29. After his death, it was decided to restore the painting.

Adolphe-William Bouguereau

John Collier

The range of themes in the paintings of the English painter Collier is very wide. However, it gained the greatest popularity due to the use of images in the truly romantic tradition beautiful women from legends, myths, literature and history as the main theme for his paintings.

Lady Godiva was based on the legend. The naked beauty depicted in the painting (Lady Godiva) begged her powerful and domineering husband (Count Leofric) to reduce taxes on the poor in his domain. To which he offered an almost losing bet. He promised to reduce taxes if his lady rode through the village of Coventry naked on a horse, which his wife did.

Herbert James Draper

"Odysseus and the Sirens", 1909

David Shterenberg

"Nude", 1908

Gustav Klimt

All details related to the mythological plot are removed from the picture, leaving only the scene of fertilization by the golden shower into which Zeus turned. The choice of pose and distorted perspective give Danae's body an unusual sexuality.

In no other work has the artist brought female sexuality to such hypertrophy - this is self-absorbed lust.

Herbert James Draper

Herbert James Draper was an artist known for his works on historical and mythological themes. Although Draper received acclaim during his lifetime, his work is now unfairly forgotten and rarely seen at auction.

"Mountain of Mists", 1912

"Mountain of Mists" is one of the most powerful, sensual and enchanting of all the artist's images. The naked girls presented are as beautiful as Waterhouse's nymphs, although unlike his femme fatales luring men to their deaths.

Boris Kustodiev

Picturesque plasticity, emphasis on the artistry of the model and bright characteristics of appearance - these are the main features of Boris Kustodiev’s work.

"Russian Venus" 1925-1926

“Russian Venus” depicts a plump woman in a bathhouse, but unlike the goddess, the naked girl is surrounded not by sea foam, but by clouds of steam from a Russian bathhouse. Rainbow bubbles on a wooden bench confirm that this is Venus. The goddess was born from foam Mediterranean Sea! And here in Russia - from bath foam...

Amedeo Modigliani

Modigliani is rightfully considered the singer of the beauty of the naked female body. He was one of the first to depict nudes in a more realistic emotional way. It was this circumstance that at one time led to the lightning closure of his first personal exhibition in Paris. Modigliani's nude paintings are considered the pearl of his creative heritage.

"Seated Nude", 1916

Egon Schiele

Egon Schiele's paintings and graphics are nervous, sophisticated, dramatic and very sexy. Heavily influenced by the psychoanalysis of Sigmund Freud, Schiele gave free rein to his own complexes and doubts in his work, and many of his works were overtly sexual in nature. This even led to the artist’s imprisonment for “creating immoral drawings.”

"Nude on her knees", 1917

"Reclining Woman", 1917

Anders Zorn

A Swedish painter and graphic artist who paid special attention to the individuality of the nude model, the originality of her facial expressions, gestures, and facial expressions, which are sharply captured in his works.

"In Werner's rowing boat", 1917

"Reflections", 1889

Zinaida Serebryakova

Zinaida Evgenievna Serebryakova is one of the first Russian women to go down in the history of painting. Using pictorial means, the artist presented the image of a pure female body. Her models did not have an athletic build; there was no rigidity or sharpness in them, but only a smooth harmony with the environment.

In “Bath”, Serebryakova depicted naked women without embellishment; features of idealization appeared in her work later.

“Reclining Nude”, portrait of Nevedomskaya, 1935

In Serebryakova’s later work, the theme of works depicting nude models increasingly increased, and Serebryakova remained faithful to the “nude” genre. In “Reclining Nude” she feels that she succeeds in this theme and addresses it constantly.

"Sleeping model", 1941

Igor Emmanuilovich Grabar

Igor Emmanuilovich Grabar is one of the most famous artists in the history of Russian culture of the 20th century. One of his most famous works is the portrait of Flora.

Alexander Mikhailovich Gerasimov

Another famous Russian artist who, unlike the previous one, dealt with the depiction of rough and simplified erotica.

"Village bathhouse", 1938

The artist wrote many sketches “for himself” on the theme of “Village Bath” over many years. The painting contains several naked female bodies connected by a complex structural composition. Each figure is an image, an individual character.

Arkady Alexandrovich Plastov

Arkady Plastov - “singer of the Soviet peasantry.” In his works he paid special attention to the patriotic work of women during the Great Patriotic War. Patriotic War. The artist captured the colorful image and simplicity in the painting “Tractor Drivers”

"Tractor Drivers", 1943

The artist from Paris bypasses the rules of Instagram in her own way: she does not draw nipples and genitals, but at the same time she manages to make her works so explicit that viewers are thrown into paint.

@fridacastelli(198 thousand subscribers)

Frida lives in Italy and herself characterizes her work as “eromantic,” in the sense that eroticism is just one aspect of her love story. Each picture has its own context. Frida's paintings are sensual, naturalistic and recognizable. The models' eyes are closed with pleasure and clouded by the pleasure of wonderful sex.


@tinamariaelena(169 thousand subscribers)

Tina from Denmark conveys in her watercolor works the beauty of sensual lines, bright and at the same time soft colors. Tina emphasizes that she conveys sexuality through the eyes of a woman.

@valeria_ko_art(38.7 thousand subscribers)

Valeria from Moscow also prefers watercolor to all materials. In the account of the graduate of the Surikov Moscow Academy and the Paris College of Art, you can not only look at the finished paintings, but also admire the fascinating process of their creation.

@_artofkim_(48.9 thousand subscribers)

Kimberly Manning gravitates towards expressionism and blue-gray shades.

@chamo_san(43.8 thousand subscribers)

The artist's name is Chamo, he is from Barcelona, ​​he studied painting in Barcelona and Paris. Chamo often draws with the simplest materials: a ballpoint pen and a pencil. This is enough for him to create unique sensual works. In his “O” series, the artist used well-known mythological motifs from the paintings “Leda and the Swan” and “Danae”.

@mabelvicentef(2190 followers)

Mabel Vicentef began her career on the set design team for television and public events. She later started her own business as a street art artist. The figures in Mabel's drawings are depicted as one continuous line, they are intertwined in embraces - tender and passionate, hot and loving.

@petitesluxures(927 thousand subscribers)

An anonymous artist from France uses a few flowing lines to create stunning, revealing paintings. Petites Luxures has been writing and selling miniatures since 2014. His images are laconic, but extremely daring, not hiding the naturalism of the process. There is cunnilingus, same-sex love, masturbation, and ménage à trois - all shades of sexuality, drawn with several continuous lines. The artist provides short captions with her paintings.

@3896days(108k followers)

Another anonymous graffiti artist whose style is sometimes naive and sometimes too frank.

The nude genre is an image of naked nature. Erotica and pornography were banned in the Soviet Union. Strawberry lovers could end up in camps for many years. But the artistic depiction of nudity was not prohibited, although it was on the very edge.

If a good one reflects the inner world of a character, then a nude image conveys beauty human body, its lightness, grace.

Painting of the Soviet period is generally considered to be highly moral. But it is not so. The depiction of naked nature was in great demand; it just had to be given the right ideological coloring. The beautiful female body has always inspired artists. Beautiful body can generate a flurry of emotions.

Depiction of naked nature as a genre of fine art

You should not think that a nude is just an image of a naked body. Each era fills nude paintings with its own characteristics. Looking at paintings from different eras, we can see how the idea of ​​beauty has changed over the years. Starting from the paintings of Rubens, in which we see curvaceous women, to modern paintings, where artists show grace rather than form. During the Soviet period, all paintings, including this genre, were painted according to the canons of socialist realism. they painted athletes and athletes, peasant women on vacation, etc. Very often, the nude was an element of some composition, for example, relaxing on a river or washing in a bathhouse; in such paintings, artists tried to show the nude as a harmonious element. The peculiarity of nude paintings in the spirit of socialist realism is that the beauty of the female body was conveyed strictly for artistic purposes, without sexual overtones. Another feature is the image of many models in dynamics.

The paintings of the masters delight with their grace and beauty of bodies; they will bring an atmosphere of intimacy to the interior. This is a worthy choice for a personal collection.

A nude painting is a great idea for an original gift. The works presented on our website were written by talented artists. What gives them special value is that they are recognized masters of a bygone era.
