Works about astronauts for schoolchildren. Children's poems about space

Poems dedicated to April 12 - Cosmonautics Day - the date of the first manned flight into space, one of the most important events of the 20th century!

Yuri Gagarin

In a space rocket
With the name "East"
He is the first on the planet
I was able to rise to the stars.
Sings songs about it
Spring drops:
Will be together forever
Gagarin and April.


The rocket is flying, flying
around the world,
and Gagarin sits in it -
simple soviet guy!

Has everyone looked at the sky at night?
There the glow of the holiday glows
Cosmonautics Day in April,
The twelfth, who doesn't know.

Handsome month among the stars
Floats like a boat on a river.
I'll make a toast to space,
Holding a glass in your hand.

Let the starry rain pour into it,
Intoxicating the mind with a secret flicker.
Let happiness touch us with its hand,
Into the unknown world, beckoning.

The light of the galaxies fades playfully,
When the bottle is on the table.
We drink the drink of the stars zealously
For weightlessness on earth.

With your palm, shielding yourself from the light,
The boy is sitting.
And suddenly magical:
— The rocket reached the Luna station.
And looking up from my notebooks,
He said with dignity:
- Order. —
As if this is how it should be.
It must be like this
Not otherwise.
And it’s not surprising
What is it by us,
We have started
Assault on unsolved planets.
Don’t blame him for his stinginess:
The boy is restrained because
What a continuation of discoveries
The era entrusted him!

Cosmonautics Day

I saw the whole earth from above.

What score will you be?


Gagarin said "let's go"
The rocket flew into space.
This was a risky guy!
Since then the era began.

The era of wanderings and discoveries,
Progress, peace and labor,
Hopes, desires and events,
Now all this is forever.

The days will come when space
Anyone who wants to can plow!
At least to the moon, please, travel!
Nobody can ban!

This is how life will be! But let us still remember
That someone flew first...
Major Gagarin, a modest guy,
He managed to open an era.

It was worth living!

We've made it this far!
It was worth living!
Wait, hope, think, work, try,
So that the first of us
Could pave a brave path
Through outer space.
In this area of ​​starlessness, soundlessness,
mysterious darkness
He ascended for the first time
A flight of unheard-of glory.
Lonely. The only one. No, not alone:
we are with him,
We are the native peoples of the Great Soviet Power.
To an unexplored world, to incredible heights
He rose, and the world will be grateful to him for centuries.
He rose, and we are with him in spirit
rose at the same time,
At the same time!
Soul to soul with you, Comrade Gagarin!

Among the gray land
And scorched fields
Reliable palm
For star ships.
The world straightened its back
In the influx of dates and milestones.
At the word "Baikonur"
The planet is looking up!

Icari are dying on the fly,
But through death blows
Further and further the daring dream
Carried by winged Icarus.

Meeting death chest to chest
And despising defeats,
They pave the way
Through gravity.

Their souls live by feat
Until the penultimate effort,
And courage is called to the stars
Wings broken by space.

Names shine like stars
Heroes whose paths are beautiful.
Deaf Universe times
There is no control over daring courage.

- What kind of relative of the Moon is there?
Nephew or granddaughter,
Flashing between the clouds?
- Yes, this is a satellite!
- That's it!
- He is a companion to each of us
And in general - the whole Earth.
The satellite was created by hands,
And then on a rocket
Delivered to these distances.


The space flight has ended
The ship descended in a given area,
And now the pilot is walking,
To take the earth into your hands again...
And in space he thought only about her,
Because of her I flew to such distances -
And only about her all two hundred long days
Wrote in my space journal!

Milky sky

Look into this milky sky
In this world of endless worlds,
And understand that it is absurd to be angry
For fate, food and shelter,
After all, the stars of the Universe are beautiful,
The proud path to the Torah universe,
Somewhere they fall, somewhere they don’t go out,
They're just hanging somewhere, not burning...

The shore of the universe

We have heavenly cards
Destined to draw.
Three minutes before the start...
This moment cannot be forgotten.

Somewhere in the starry abyss
The unknown is waiting
Infinite in blue
It beckons and calls us.

We will certainly
There, by the Sea of ​​Dreams,
Talk to the Universe
It's like talking to a friend on a first name basis.

After all, Copernicus never dreamed
That his descendants
The earth will be made a shore
The universe of everything.

Young and clear-eyed,
Their last names are not indicated
Not by word of mouth
Not a line of newspaper.
Kept from prying eyes,
Strictly where necessary, taken into account.
And they are called simply by name -
Laboratory assistants,
But once in a wide world
Through all cities and countries
Calls Moscow surname
Levitan's clear voice.
Well tailored
Tightly sewn
Given the glory of the whole Earth,
He hurries straight from the sky to his friends -
Still the same cheerful guy.
Still the same
And again the laboratory assistants want
Call him by his name,
But, embarrassed, they add a middle name.
And they rush him with stories
And all around, still unknown,
Yes, clear-eyed
Our Russian guys are wonderful.


Distant nebulae swirling,
All the extraordinary beauty
The universe was looking at you
And you looked into the face of the Universe.

From the coal-cold blackness,
From milky blizzards
They were warmed to the people,
Soviet man, you are back,
Without turning gray from stardust.

And the Motherland greets you,
And humanity stands and applauds,
And the unruly back humps,
The universe bowed its shoulders to you.

There is one star in the sky,
I won’t say which one,
But every evening from the window
I look at her.

It twinkles so brightly!
And somewhere in the sea
Now he's probably a sailor
It checks the way.


The lunar rover is rolling,
Walking through the Universe.
Crawling along the crater
Measured Selena.

Unknown who created
wheel movement,
Who conquered the world
In whirling and spinning.

In excavations of early years
Any civilizations
Wheel track visible
Any tribes and nations.

Not Rome and the Renaissance -
Neanderthal practitioner
Has a sure chance
Get to the Museum of Galaxies.

The emblem of all emblems,
The oldest topic
The poem of all poems -
Wheel poem.

Here is the symbol and ritual
All the world's questions
Reliable device
That we sent into space.

Pottery ideal -
The worker's tool
Became the emblem of the world
I stood on the lunar crater,
Like the light of human courage.

Sometimes visiting over a cup of tea,
Tearing a lemon with a spoon,
I will tremble, secretly feeling
The world of eternity, the flight of times.

And I feel, somewhere in the orbits
We are flying into infinity.
Oh, if only I could soar above everyday life,
I wish I could rise up and rise above him!

And go to the universal core,
And circle in infinity,
Where in the air, which is so rarefied,
You can't breathe, but you can live.

Above us, Mars lit up at full intensity...
And yet, let the skeptics joke,
I believe in Martian canals
Which earthlings will create.

The walls of the earthly house will move apart,
And it will happen, you just have to want it,
On all the planets of the solar system,
Like music, human speech rings.

To the astronauts who stepped into deep space
The solar wind will hit your face,
And every ring of Saturn tomorrow
We will turn it into the Garden Ring.

And the lunar seas are busily
Ships will rush to the horizons...
And Aphrodite will come out to people again
Already in the radiance of the blue Earth.


Stars, stars, from a long time ago
Chained you forever
A man's greedy gaze.

And sitting in animal skin
Near the red fire
Continuously in the blue dome
He could watch until the morning.

And looked in silence for a long time
Man in the expanse of the night -
Then with fear
Then with delight
Then with a vague dream.

And then with the dream together
The tale was ripening on the lips:
About mysterious constellations,
About unknown worlds.

Since then they have lived in heaven,
Like in the night land of miracles, -
Sagittarius and Swan,
Leo, Pegasus and Hercules.

First trace

Rocket to the depths of heaven
will pave the way
And the darkness will flash through
silver thread
And man
getting ready to sail
To the limits of unknown planets.
Dust will fly up
space roads,
Living spark
will shine over the abyss,
And it will come to us
from the darkness of a thousand stars
Slow Russian talk.

It will be so

Mars is looking at Earth
From the night sky
As if waiting for guests from afar.
After all, he has
No one has ever been:
The long road is not easy.
But I believe:
Returning from the flight,
My fellow countryman will come to see me for an hour
And carefully
Like something alive
Place a piece of the star on the palm of your hand.
We will warm it in our hands,
They will allocate a place for him in the museum.
And people on Earth will become kinder.
Without understanding why...


The cry of the first satellites
was touchingly subtle.
So among the starry young cereals
The planet has hatched,
like a chicken
From a blue airy shell.
How high Russia has risen!
Cruel cosmic night
I know how incredibly hard it is
Leave the protective shell
And step beyond the usual line,
Meeting with my chest the abyss, heat and cold, -
How to open up to a stranger
a vulnerable and trembling soul.
At the turn of the space age
United, temporality collapses,
The rebellious consciousness of man
And the boundless soul of space!
And the stars have an irresistible radiance
Once again it blinds the eyes of earthly children.
The distance is getting further and more dangerous,
And people are becoming closer and dearer to us.

When we fly into space,
Having thrown away the burden of gravity,
At first it will seem strange to us
Losing many of our senses.
So many prejudices will disappear
Born by earthly mind!
After all, it’s no joke, the day will disappear,
And with them - a daily routine.
The sense of horizon will disappear,
The power of the horizon over people
And there will be a feeling of the Sun
Similar to the excitement of love.
And, somewhere between the constellations of Rhea,
Not knowing where is up and where is down,
We will feel that even time
Shifted from its borders.
But in this unprecedented life
Let's forget the bitterness of all losses,
When it splashes through the porthole
The radiance of milky abysses.
And it will be happy to part
With the habits of earthly creatures
For the rapture of space,
For this endless shine!

April 12, 1961

Cosmic dust from under the hooves.
A calm rider in a pressure helmet...
Oh, metagalactic tribe, -
All life is on the road, all life is a camp life!

The thermonuclear horse is omnipotent.
The journey from star to star is instantaneous.
The super-sensitive antenna is tense -
Suddenly, in complete darkness, a strange herd will snore...

And we only tame horses -
Persistent, smart, tireless.
The interstellar rider flies, flies past -
From the darkness of centuries flies into the darkness of centuries.

It will be revealed to us someday
His incomprehensible path
It will start from our doorstep
The same infinitely long path.

And black space is curvature
We will be led to an incredible meeting.
And we remember: after all, there was a forerunner to her -
Gagarin early spring.

Beautiful starry sky,
The world of planets is beautiful.
But I will tell you seriously:
There is no more beautiful earth!

Let the Milky Way creep
Diamonds of dust,
But he believes, waits, hopes
Beloved Earth,

May the distant galaxy
And beckons and calls,
But on the holiday of cosmonautics
Spring is blooming all around,

And the heart is so confident
He knocks back:
Proven, verified—
There is no more beautiful earth!

A ship is flying

Flying in space
steel ship
Around the Earth.
And even though its windows are small,
Everything is visible in them
Like on the palm of your hand:
Steppe space,
Tidal bore,
and you and me!

Cosmonautics Day

A Russian guy took off in a rocket,
I saw the whole earth from above.
Gagarin was the first in space...
What score will you be?

The right profession

Alexey Eroshin

Today I firmly decided:
I want to become an astronaut!
I'll climb into the rocket proudly
And I'll fly in a rocket!

There will be stars and comets
Float through my window
All magazines and newspapers
They will tell everyone about me.

And when mom is angry
He will shout to me from afar:
"Urgent radiogram
For my beloved son:

Come back this minute -
Throw out the trash, wipe off the dust!
Wash the dishes after yourself,
Put the toys in the closet!”

“Mom,” I’ll say, “give up the grudges,
My word of honor, I’m not lying:
I'll be back from orbit in a year,
Then I’ll clean it up!”


Alexey Karamyshev

To where there is no one,
Where even the air is empty,
They sent him there
And a very valuable cargo.

He flies to a distant goal
Alone among the bright stars.
There is a cosmic law around -
Severe, angry frost.

The earth is visible from space -
Huge blue ball.
An astronaut goes into the sky,
To fix the radar.

The flight has been going on for a long time,
There, to one star.
Sometimes he sighs sadly,
And he will remember his home.


Anatoly Lisitsa

We are in a silver rocket
Let's fly easily and quickly,
Straight into the sky among the clouds,
Where the sun's ray plays.
For a week for one
We'll fly to the moon,
At least a day or two
We'll stay on Venus,
And then just at lunchtime
Let's fly to Mars to play.
If we land on Jupiter,
Expect us to come home in a year.

My dream

Anna Vishnevskaya

I'm flying in a big rocket
Dispersing the clouds.
A fast wind is coming towards me
It's blowing somewhere from above.

The sun smiles at me
And calls me to fly.
I am a brave, brave pilot!
I'm a space pilot!

I will wrap around the whole Earth,
And I'll be home by morning.
Well, at home mom will say:
"Good morning dear!"

Celestial bears

Arvacheva Lyubov

Look at the sky from the window
On a dark starry night:
Mother bear big
Stomping with his son...

Umka is a playful little bear,
No stranger to pranks.
But there is order in heaven:
No need to break it!

Follows his mother decorously
Star creature.
Two bears in the sky -
Crumbs of the universe!!!


Valentina Klementieva

I have a big dream:
I want to become an astronomer
Where there is universal beauty,
Study the stars in the night sky.

Find two beautiful stars
Place them together forever...
They will shine brighter than all of them,
I will call them Father and Mother...

And a constellation of the most beautiful stars
I will definitely name it in their honor.
I believe this will happen seriously
I will do this in reality...

May they live well, I pray to God,
There are no others like this in the world,
Because I love them very much
Mom, dad of my dears.

I'll be an astronaut

Vadim Rudenko Rostovsky

You see, a rocket is flying -
I drew this.
I'm on board without mistakes
I wrote my name.

For what? Why, a rocket
Someone has to control!
And I will be an astronaut
I will fly in space.

I’ll write again - “Russia”,
So that all earthlings know,
That the rocket is from Russia,
What's in flight - Russians!

We built a rocket

Vera Anoshina

I'll tell you a secret:
We built a rocket
From boxes, chairs, curtains,
They climbed under the table in a crowd,
We took juice and sandwiches,
What if you have to fly... for years?
We started the engine and... rrr...
We flew to Mars.

We flew for a very long time,
Days... I don’t even know how many!
We are flying in a rocket above the Earth:
My friend, me and my dog.
They went into space together -
Astronauts need it too
Maintain hygiene there
And tighten the antenna.

We landed for an hour...
We ate sandwiches in one go,
And then back home
They flew away to rest...
After our flight...
I don't feel like cleaning up.
The house is a complete mess,
Mom comes in: “That’s it, s-a-a-k!

Maybe aliens
Did they fly with you?
The dishes got dirty
Did they litter me everywhere?
Come on, astronauts quickly
Remove everything so it’s clean!”...
I'll tell you a secret:
In space... there is no order.

Tomorrow we will build a ship,
To sail around the world by sea...

Young cosmonauts

Victor Gvozdev

My friends and I decided
That we'll fly into space.
What we don’t know ourselves,
But we will decide this.

Fly to such distances
A starship would help.
You saw this one in the movies,
And it will suit us.

We'll build it in a year.
From screws, springs...
It's great that there are three of us.
I wish I could get the drawings.

But this is not a mystery.
Answer given ahead of schedule.
On the set
There are drawings of rockets.

Then let's fly, period!
Let's wait for the spring days!..
But we'll schedule the start at night,
To see the stars more clearly...

So that with that distant world
Be related forever.
It will be our guide
Polar Star.

Already today tomorrow
Waiting for each of us.
Vivat to you - astronauts -
You are in the future now!

I want to go to space!

Vladimir Kryakin 2

How long do you have to study?
To become an astronaut.
Ride on a rocket
Fly to the stars in a ship.

The astronaut is, of course, smart,
Brave, persistent and healthy.
Maybe in lunar orbit
Fly by without further ado.

I will grow up and become strong
I will enter a serious university.
I’ll still get space,
I'll fly higher than the sun!

And when I return back,
I will receive all the rewards
I'll make my family happy
I'll knock on mom and dad's door.

Mom will immediately shed tears
Dad will shake my hand.
He will say: - It was worth learning!
And he will press me to his chest!

Cosmonautics Day

Vladimir Kryakin 2

To the cold, blue heights
The rocket hurries like an arrow.
Rushing to his usual job,
To the distant stars, things are happening there.

Once upon a time space was uninhabited
Mastered by Russian people.
Entered into the vast expanse,
What is the glory of the twentieth century?

The earth has expanded its possessions,
Having experienced the vastness of space.
April became the month of birth,
A new word - COSMONAUT!

Our earthling, Yuri Gagarin,
That he once lived on earth.
With a smile, no frown,
Paved the way to space.

And from then on to distant stars
Steel ships are flying.
The human mind created them,
They are the messengers of the earth.

I wish I had a rocket

Galina Verd

I wish I had a rocket!
I would discover my planet.
I would board a rocket at night,
He flew straight to the stars.

Would overtake the speed of light,
Like a super fast comet.
Behind the constellation Horse
I would chase for half a day,

I'd like to play with Little Dog
and met Pegasus,
Birds of the constellation found:
Swan, Dove and Eagle,

I would help Bootes:
I would immediately harness Taurus to the plow,
For Perseus on the way
Andromeda could have been saved

The sails would be unfurled
And they sailed through space,
And behind the Golden Fish
I would find my way home.

Who's pushing me sideways?!
- Hey, wake up, class is going on!
The flight is cancelled.
Astronaut, to the board, forward.

Take off!

Galina Shestakova 4

Humanity has strived for space
At least for an hour, at least for once, for a revolution...
On this day the fairy tale turned into reality -
The Vostok rocket soared into the sky.

Gagarin was the first to go into space.
Having made an unprecedented flight.
Simple, smiling guy
"Let's go!" - shouted.
And so

Astronautics call it day
The day that paved the path into space.
Boys dream about flying,
Make turns over the Earth...

April day is wonderful and clear
The planet will always remember!
Science fiction writers write books about space,
What cities will be found on Mars...

We are sure that they will turn into reality
All stories, only time will come.
People strive to the stars...
The rockets are waiting for the command “Take off!”


Dmitry Tolstoy

When I grow up big,
Then I'll become an astronaut.
But my brother, the eldest,
Knows cars well
In which there will be an atom.

He will make a rocket.
And I will fly in it
To a distant planet...
Eh! Only five for me in the summer!
Let's finish our cutlet
And I’ll teach you the letters.

I'll become an astronaut!

Elena Melnikova-Kravchenko

I will become an astronaut -
The whole family knows this.
I'll fly into deep space
And I’ll study the constellations!

I'll give it to mom and dad
The dawn of a new star,
And the cosmic flower
I could find it too.

How many secrets and discoveries await
They are calling you to the wonderful distance!
There is only one home - Earth,
She will be waiting for me.

Space thrust

Elizaveta Katkovskaya

Space is up there, beyond the warm world;
Just stick your nose out and you'll freeze him to his toes.
Billions of people are not cramped in their earthly apartment,
They live without flight, and they don’t care about anything.

Reckless courage drives few to rockets,
Makes you reach the sky at the peak of fire.
They disappear in the darkness, travel somewhere.
I beg after: “I’m growing! Wait for me!

After all, there are only a few left, about a dozen springs...”
Silence on the ground, they flew away again without me.
The stars twinkle brightly, the wind has thrown their dust under our feet.
It remains below to wait for the return of the wanderers.

Miracle ball

Zhanna Sinyuchkova

At the center of the solar system
Red-hot miracle ball.
This is the sun, we all know
There is heat coming from him.

And around him, rotating,
Nine planets are moving.
Lights their way
The sun's fiery light.

Among them is our planet
Leads a round dance in the sky.
It's not easy to even imagine
That the dance lasts a year.

To us, earthlings, children of the Sun
I've been very lucky in life.
The sun gives light in the window,
Joy, happiness and warmth.



Vlad told me in confidence, -
Wants to become an astronaut
Turned a barrel into a rocket
To fly in space.
Something you can never do in a spacesuit

Igor Shevchuk

An astronaut walked on a beautiful planet,
Sealed in a strong spacesuit -
With an alien unknown force
He is ready for an unexpected meeting.

It is protected from sudden failure
Forces of attraction and friction.
And no radiation is scary,
All sorts of fumes there.

He will look into any crack in a spacesuit.
He is accustomed to various surprises...
The earthlings watched with envy,
At home, glued to the TV.

What are those strange shadows hanging there?
What's foggy there?
And the astronaut walked with only one thought:

Irina Maksimenkova

The Martians recently landed in our garden
They say: “Hello earthlings! We are orange people.

They flew to you for a long time, for a long time they even began to get tired
We brought a lot of gifts, would you allow us to distribute them?

It has long been known in Space how they know how to make friends here,
Without deception, it is very honest to deeply value friendship.

We are great guys who love jokes, songs and laughter.
From dawn to dusk we will jump from bottom to top.

And then we’ll fly away in our rocket to red Mars
And we will tell the whole planet a wonderful story.

How you and I became friends, we ate porridge, drank juice,
In the waltz, couples twirled without sparing their red legs.”

These are the Martians we met one day,
We became friends, said goodbye, and are looking forward to visiting again soon.

You fly, my rocket!

Irina Senchukova

You fly, my rocket,
to the moon!
You fly in winter, not in summer,
into the darkness.
You deliver there, rocket,
and garlands and sweets,
and a star.
Let them celebrate there
New Year!
They lead me near the Christmas tree,
round dance
Bring me, my rocket,
from the moon to me
Greetings from the sleepwalkers,
until spring.
And also a photo for memory,
If they want to visit,
bring it!

It's not bad to be an astronaut

Leonid Grushko

It's not bad to be an astronaut:
And respect and honor to him.
I'm no longer a baby anymore
If they call me, I’ll answer: “Yes!”

I’ll fly, I won’t be afraid
To lost worlds
To me in the constellation Perseus
It's time to visit.

And the Andromeda Nebula -
Doesn't let me live in peace
I need to find out everything there -
There is a good starship!

Suitable planet:
(Slow down quickly!)
There is a lot of water and light here,
There may be life on it.

Be calm, humanoid,
You and I are friends now,
And we shouldn't argue
It is absolutely impossible to fight.

I'm growing up - my plans are better,
Everything is now in my hands
And no one will say anymore:
"He's got his head in the clouds."

Music of the planets

Leonid Chernakov

Pluto, Neptune,
Uranus, Saturn,
Jupiter, Mars, Earth
In your cosmic garden
They played "tru-la-la."
Venus sat down at the keyboard,
Mercury took the oboe,
And the starry world admired
A wonderful game.
And the sun, the main conductor,
Waving the rays of his hands,
The whole sky was painted in major
And suddenly it flashed...

Space child

Lyudmila Firsova-Sapronova

How wonderful the starry world is!
Swan, Pisces, Altair...
Mars is friends with Orion there,
And Centaurus with Scorpio.

There's the Ursa Star
Goes to visit Gemini,
Winged horse - on Parnassus,
And his name is Pegasus.

There is Sagittarius, Leo, Dragon,
Ophiuchus, Aries, Dwarf,
A goat and three kids...
And there’s so much more!

I'm from space now.
Uncle Mars gave me
A part of a comet, a fragment.
I'm a space child...

On the moon

Lyudmila Firsova-Sapronova

Sun, stars and moon -
All celestial bodies.
Yesterday I flew into the sky
With the best captain.

Our spaceship
Floated there like an airship.
It was snowing there, of course, moonlight -
Yellow, blue, emerald!

This is not the first year on the moon
There is a satellite - a lunar rover -
Looking for living water there,
Soil and all kinds of rock,

To plant flowers there
The most stellar beauty
And, of course, oranges
Strawberries, plums, melons...

Neptune came to us,
Mars, Venus and Saturn.
For guests I'm in the moon oven
I baked pies all evening.

And now I confess
You can't go there without a spacesuit.
I'm just a dreamer
And a funny girl.


Natalie Samoniy

(Counting book)

We'll play in space.
We have a lot of missiles -
There's just no commander.
So that we can find him,
Let's count to five:
One two three four five -
Will control us
The one who is strong and smart:
Surely it will be him!


Natalya Tata Zubareva

I'm on a huge green rocket
I'm rushing as fast as I can to a distant planet.
I am an astronaut, I have a task:
I deliver food -
“Sprite”, “Chupa-chups”, air cookies,
“Snickers”... In general, everything you need!
So I finally landed on Mars,
That is, I wanted to say - I got used to it!
Through the windows I see deserts and craters,
That is, not through the windows, but through the portholes!
The noise of Martian trees can be heard,
And the Martians are fiddling around in the sandbox.
I'm unloading food
The Martians shout to me: “Goodbye!”
I'm in hurry! To Venus - and urgently! –
I must deliver shortbread cakes!
Eh, I didn’t have time to reach Venus!
I just started to accelerate,
Just pressed the pedals!..But here
Mom is calling from the balcony for dinner...

In our solar system

Nastya Dobrota

Know, children, our Sun,
What shines for us through the window -
spherical star,
Not like a frying pan.

And the sun's hot ball
Jumps wildly around the universe.
And gives light to the world
Along with a brood of planets.

And the naughty planets,
Like little balls
Always close to the sun,
The star is like their mother.

They run briskly in circles.
So as not to disturb each other,
Choose your route:
There today, here tomorrow.

The very first ball to the Sun -
A very smart little boy,
That is Mercury, the youngest son,
The fastest of the kids.

Our planet is rushing third.
There is nothing more beautiful in the whole world!
This is sweet Earth
She has her own family.

Takes you everywhere
A daughter called Luna.
And behind them is red Mars,
Terrible, like a mighty leopard.

He is in a hurry with his two sons.
Not a planet, but a tsunami.
Evil, most insidious old man,
Although he is small in stature.

Jupiter rolls next -
The tallest celestial.
And behind it is Saturn, Uranus.
Everyone is also a giant.

And everyone has a surplus
Very small children.
They gallop in front of their father,
Surrounding them with a ring.

If you are tired, children,
Listen about these planets,
Be patient, trust me:
There are only two left.

Behind the planet Uranus
Neptune is rushing in a strange orbit.
He's such a giant
There are many children next to him!

Finally, the ninth ball
And the last planetarium
It's called Pluto.
Next to him is his son, Charon.

In our solar system
Everything is arranged according to the theme.
You will remember, friends,
This is a friendly family:

And the naughty planets,
Asteroids, comets,
And empty interstellar gas -
Everything interests us!


Nenasheva Tatyana

I'm flying on a swing.
I want to swing so bad
To reach the birds with your hand
And tell the guys.

I'll praise everyone a little,
I aspire to be an astronaut.
I'll grow up a little,
I'll travel all over space!

I'll fly on a rocket
And I recognize the planet Mars.
I'll build a town there
Maybe I'll grow a flower.

Mom will be proud of me
Just need to hurry!
Eh, I wish I could become an adult soon,
Fly on rockets...

I am Gagarin!

Nenasheva Tatyana

I'm leaving today
I tell you all honestly,
Training, internship
I'm walking in the yard.

Real rocket
a flight is waiting on the site,
The post is guarded by Seryozhka,
he almost lives there.

We secretly collected
chips, yoghurts in stock,
It's already in my pocket
there is a real order!

I'm going up the stairs
and wave to my friends,
Eh, let's go, goodbye
wait, I'll come home!

I'm flying away, flying away
I'm flying to the moon
I'm not lying, really
I'm not kidding, guys!

I have a dream to become an astronaut
just still small
I'll grow up, then that's for sure,
I'll fly, for sure!

Let me play today
and I don’t fly seriously -
I am Gagarin, I am Gagarin!
- Well, let's go to the stars!


Nina Zhelezkova

And the snowdrifts are melting,
And the drops ring -
Walks on the ground
Happy April.

Why is he so famous?
What surprised everyone?
Because our Gagarin
Conquered space!

The most, the most courageous,
He is so dear to us:
Made a fairy tale come true
He became a legend himself!

On a space rocket

Olga Alyonkina

On a space rocket
Breaking the thread of doubt,
I'll fly for some candy
Give it to the Martians.
Loudly flapping your ears,
Opening my red mouth
The Martians will say in unison:
-You are good-natured people!
And they will give it as gratitude
Interplanetary spaceship!


Olga Alyonkina

What joy!
Well well!
I'm leaving today!
I'm flying to the moon!
Don't worry about me.
Don't call the wanted list.
I'm only here for two days.
Drink tea and wait!
I will get a wonderful stone -
I'll get the moonstone!
I'm diligent!
And then no one, no one
Having met you,
He won't tell you that your son


Olga Kiseleva Sergiev Posad

Small, medium or old
was invited to the planetarium.
We didn't even try -
maybe Dima will be scared.

But in the space quiz
took part with my son -
got two tickets
for the brilliant answers.

And... we stepped into the planetarium,
that he called Dimulya “ball”.
Saw the sun, planets
and interstellar "secrets".

“Getting wiser”, now son
The planetarium is looking everywhere!

Planet sizes

Olga Sharko 2

Guys, let's touch on the space theme,
Let's consider the planets from our system.
Comparing values ​​is not very easy,
But let’s still arrange the planets by height:
First Jupiter is a giant, a giant,
Saturn is a little smaller, followed by Uranus,
Behind him is the icy planet Neptune,
And then you will see the planet
Which we rightfully call home.
Planet Earth is our only home.
Following our Earth in size
Very hot planet Venus,
Behind it we will place the reddening Mars,
Mercury is the last one in our calculations.
Here are the eight planets by size. Consider
Watch, learn and learn! Heavenly mysteries

Olga Yakukhina

The sky sparkles: Jupiter, Venus,
There are also Mercury, Saturn and Ceres.
There are many stars and planets in the world.
Most of all there are comets lurking.

Wanderers of the sky, where are you flying?
Maybe you want to fall to Earth?
Heaven sends us to Earth, without regret,
Hundreds of comets and Halley's comet.

It’s just not clear why they need a “tail”?
Apparently, to make a huge “bridge”,
"Bridge" from Earth to Pluto, but here
Who will follow it and when?

An astronomer looks through a telescope from Earth,
To tell everyone later
Secrets of the Universe. Science is coming
Faster forward every minute.

Flight to Mars

Ponomareva Elena Alexandrovna

Vitya is preparing for a flight to Mars,
He has been to the flight center many times.
I ate marmalade and broth from tubes,
He tried cutlets from a tube,
And even once in about an hour
He ate half a ton of Mars bars.
Vitya’s belly is swollen from Mars,
But Vitya did not give up:
- It’s nothing, it will heal!
For this they rewarded the hero
A whole mountain of bars.
The flight was postponed, and by the way,
He flew at night
Only on the floor
From the bed.

Heaven and man

Rimma Aldonina

Sheep don't look at the sky.
Understand the laws of the universe
Monkeys don't rush at all,
It's like they know everything in advance.

Only man is capable of night
Look at the sky until dawn
The restless one wants to understand,
What is a star and what is a planet?

And where is the end? And where is the beginning?
And what changes night and day?
He wants to understand. Life is not enough!
And he hurries, throwing away laziness.

He’s in a hurry, so that somehow it’s not in vain
Live a short life on earth.
He is terribly inquisitive!
That's what he is like

He is a human!


Rimma Aldonina

Weightlessness between us
This is if it's upside down
You fly to the ceiling like a fly!
Or so - the glass is dry,

And the water hangs separately!
Drinking like this is very boring.
You need it if you want to drink,
To catch water in the air,

Open your mouth wider,
Draw a ball of water into yourself,
And then catch another...
Horror, not a watering hole!

No wonder there's food at the station
All in jars and tubes,
So as not to get caught in space
No balls, no cubes.


Savelyeva Olga35

On your big rocket
I can cover half the world in a day.
I want to be an astronaut!
I'll fly straight into the sky.

I'll see the planets
And tailed comets
They will fly side by side,
I will overtake them.

I'll count the stars in the sky,
I'll bring rain to the desert,
I'll play with the clouds
I can touch them with my hands.

And let the rocket for now
From the table and stool,
If only I want
I'll fly straight into the sky!


Sasha Sidorchuk

I want to go to space. (Masha jumps from the hall).
They feed from tubes there. (Mom said).

I need to get on the rocket before lunch.
I’ll dig up a spacesuit from my grandfather in the garage.

In a rocket you will find neither up nor down.
And there are no windows, tulle, or cornices in the windows.

The window is called lu-mi-na-tor there.
You can see the whole Earth and even the equator in it.

And the stars were named like in a park.
And now they have nicknames, like in a zoo.

Not everything about weightlessness is clear yet.
How, for example, do you pour it out of a pot?

Toys will also fly everywhere.
How will I collect them before going to bed?

I don’t know what to call the people from the rocket.
For now, I call them cosmonautics.

There are many difficulties there and everyone who flies
They are tolerated as best they can and overcome.

And ours (bass dads) endure there for six months.
For this they are given the “From the People” badge.

It’s clear now that in order to fly into space,
The skill is important: to endure very much.

Bye! It's time for me to go to the spaceship simulator.
“Earth in the luminator”, let it wait.

Riddle poems for children. About space

Sergei Neverskoy

The first on the whole planet
Flew on a rocket.
What kind of dog was it, guess?
Well, of course it is... (akyaL)

She always beckons like that,
Our close satellite is the Moon.
But it’s no longer a fairy tale - a reality -
He left a trail of dust.
Anyone can pass the crater there!
These are kids-……. (dohonuL)

The programs were broadcast!
A different world has opened up to us!
That caused a stir
Apollo crew.
The first to set foot on the moon
The astronaut's name was ....(liN)

Those dogs are not forgotten
They were returned from orbit.
And now it will be clear -
People will also fly into space.
Then the dogs eat a plate.
They were called …… ,……….(akleB, aklertS)

I saw a lot of grief, too much.
I knew the occupiers as a boy.
There are many labor milestones
Foreman in a foundry.
Everything came with difficulty and then -
He became a military pilot.
I was full of strength,
Opened the way in the Universe.
The news is like a storm!
In space- …………n, ………….

Space discovery

Stepanova Elena Anatolevna

Little brother is glad - a dream has come true!
I rejoice with him!
We look at the sky - we see there
Ursa Major.

But my brother suddenly became sad.
It became hard for me too.
And how she is all the days in winter
No rest, poor thing!

Where can she take a nap in the middle of winter?
But suddenly the anxiety went away.
After all, we just opened
Den constellation.

About upcoming adventures

Stepanova Elena Anatolevna

How many different adventures
Today I have to:
Fun amusement park
I'll open it on the moon.

According to the intended orbit
I'll set off on a comet.
I'm going to Jupiter
And somewhere else.

And with a star in his palm,
Secretly from parents
Along the cosmic path
I will run barefoot.

Maybe a star horse
I'll meet you in that land...
All that remains is to lie down in bed.
Hush, Little Baby, Do not Say a Word.


Tamara Yevlash

Sometimes it seems to us
The sun moves through the sky.
It rises and sets.
But it's the other way around.
Then the Earth rotates
Around the bright sun
And around its axis.
Night follows day.
Sun burning ball
Gas, huge.
A million times more
Small land.
It gives us warmth
Without this star we are
In the cold and darkness
We wouldn't be able to live.


Tamara Yevlash

Eight more around the sun
The planets are orbiting.
You can see through telescopes
Billions of stars, comets.
Asteroids are flying
In an endless world vol.
Called the Universe
This is our fabulous home
Consisting of galaxies
Many stellar systems.
Ours is called solar
There are no more mysterious themes.
There is no limit to fantasies
On planet nth
Children are reading at this hour
Also about the universe.


Tamara Yevlash

When observing through a telescope
We can see the Milky Way.
There is a great multitude in it
The stars that made their way
Around the galactic core
And the sun is one of them.
For millions of years that circle
A star will pass in the darkness.
You can see it through a telescope
Through the night skies
Stardust clouds
The clusters are unearthly.
Maybe there in those clouds
The planets rotate
And intelligent beings
They live under the bright sun.

Ten, nine, eight, seven

Tatiana Antonova Vysochina

Ten, nine, eight, seven -
The countdown begins.
Into black space very soon
The rocket will take us away.

Three bottles, sausage -
We are flying to the planet Mars,
Let's celebrate Cosmonaut Day,
By the way, happy holiday to you too!

April 12 is Cosmonautics Day! Many of us love this holiday! What and how to tell? How to spend this day interestingly and benefit the child’s development? You can start preparing now.

For parents, this is an opportunity not only to communicate more with the baby, but to tell him interesting stories about space, read, solve riddles, but also a great opportunity to briefly return to a happy childhood! An opportunity to look at the world around you through the eyes of your child!

Children about space. Getting to know the solar system

It’s better to start getting acquainted with the Sun. It is the most important star in our solar system; the life of our planet depends on it. It is difficult for a child to imagine the size of the Sun, stars, solar system, planets and the Earth too. Try to explain everything complex in simple terms, using available tools. Take a flashlight or lamp - this is the sun, and a large ball is the Earth, a slightly smaller ball is the Moon. If you have a globe, great, it makes the task easier! Together with your child, you can conduct an experiment with a globe or with improvised objects, considering the issues of the change of day and night, why we sometimes see the moon full, and sometimes only a crescent. Tell us that we only see the illuminated side of the Moon, and the other side is in shadow. Talk about the size of space objects. Why do we see stars small? Demonstrate on any object how it decreases as it moves away from us, it is convenient to do this on the street, take the same ball with you and use it as a star or planet. For this reason, we see stars as small dots, but they are huge, they are just very far from us! Explain that stars emit light and planets reflect. To do this, it is convenient to use phosphorescent objects, stickers or reflective tape. A royal gift for a child would, of course, be a telescope. They come in different sizes and are sold at different prices. The child will be delighted! This will bring him closer to the stars!

You can compare the sizes of the Sun and the Earth using a pumpkin and a pea. If our Earth is a pea, then the Sun is a pumpkin. Try to explain everything using specific, simple examples without vagueness. In conclusion, you can watch interesting videos. For example, a video that shows the sizes of celestial bodies in comparison. It is in the article that describes ours.

Try to answer all the questions your child may have. If you don’t know something, don’t brush it off, don’t evade the answer! It’s better to look for the answer in an encyclopedia or on the Internet together with your child. Your authority will definitely not suffer, but on the contrary, you will show that it is normal not to know something; it is bad not to strive to know more.

We also invite you to make interesting ones with us.

Children about space. Stories about space in games

Here are thematic cards that will not only help your child learn about space, stars, planets, but also develop attention, logic, and many other important qualities and skills. The cards are intended for children 2-8 years old. You can download all these cards in one compressed folder by clicking the button below. After this, you need to unpack the archive onto your computer and print the pictures.

How do we play?

For kids, you can simply show pictures with planets, listing them from the name, then offer to choose planets from two or three options.

If you print two copies of the cards. One of them needs to be cut and the other left whole. Invite the baby to arrange the cut pictures into identical ones on the same sheet, while saying the names of the planets so that the baby repeats and remembers. And if you cut both sets of pictures, you can turn them over and find the same ones.

These cards can be used to compose a story about the planets of the solar system, cosmic bodies, and astronauts. This activity perfectly develops imagination, thinking, and logic. And you can play with these cards the same way as with the previous ones.

And these cards will help in developing attentiveness and observation. In each line you need to find the odd one out.

The following cards are perfect for developing logic. It is necessary to extend the logical series.

A game that helps develop fine motor skills of the fingers, coordination of movements and will help prepare the hand for writing. It is necessary to help the rockets reach the planets and connect them along the dotted line.

A small space puzzle. The picture needs to be cut into several parts. For older children, there may be more parts. Invite your child to put together a picture!

We connect identical planets and develop attention.

Learning to work with scissors. You need to cut along the dotted line.

We sort planets and flying ships.

Now let's sort the planets by size. Separately small, medium and large.

Now let's color our planet! Very creative task!

These are thematic games that will help tell the story. You can also download many other interesting space-themed coloring pages.

Poems about space for children

We're walking around the globe
We raise our fingers together.
Jumped over the forest
We climbed the mountain,
We found ourselves in the ocean -
We shopped together.
Let's go to Antarctica
It's cold, frozen.
We all boarded the rocket -
They flew away (raise the handle up).

Let's recite a poem about the planets:

All planets in order
Any of us can name:
One - Mercury,
Two - Venus,
Three - Earth,
Four - Mars.
Five - Jupiter,
Six - Saturn,
Seven - Uranus,
Behind him is Neptune.
He is the eighth in a row.
And after him, then,
And the ninth planet
Called Pluto.

It's so cool in space!
It's so cool in space!
Stars and planets
In black weightlessness
Slowly swimming!
It's so cool in space!
Sharp missiles
At great speed
They rush here and there!
It's so wonderful in space!
It's so magical in space!
In real space
Been there once!
In real space!
In the one that saw through,
In the one that saw through
Paper telescope!
O. Akhmetova

The blue sky has opened
Yellow-orange eye
The sun is the luminary of the day
Looks at us affectionately.
The planet is spinning smoothly
In the unsteady flickering of lights.
There's a comet somewhere in space
He follows after her.
Mercury is torn from orbit,
Wants to hug Venus.
These magnetic storms
Maybe Mercury will rise.
Distant stars blink
Signaling something to the Earth.
Black holes gape
An eternal mystery in the darkness.
Brothers in mind. Where are you?
Where are you waiting for us?
Maybe in the constellation Virgo,
Maybe in the constellation Pegasus?
N. Tsvetkova

Earth is a grain of sand in the ocean
Among countless worlds.
And we are not only earthlings,
When we hear an interplanetary call.
And if wings are for flight
Managed to straighten and take off -
There is no more perfect starship
The earth's magnet can be overcome.

All planets in order
Any of us can name:
Once - Mercury,
Two - Venus,
Three - Earth,
Four - Mars.
Five - Jupiter
Six - Saturn
Seven - Uranus,
Behind him is Neptune.
He is the eighth in a row.
And after him, then,
And the ninth planet
Called Pluto.
A. Hight

To Venus
Hiding his face behind a snow-white burqa,
Following the sun, the Beautiful Lady in her retinue,
You make a circular path again and again,
The Almighty predetermined cosmic orbit...
You have been attracting attention for a long time,
Being the standard of Beauty!
And the diamond patterns of the stars fade,
When you shine from heavenly heights.

V. Asterov
It's a holiday for the astronauts!
A special day has come to us -
It's a holiday for the astronauts!
Knows this well
Quiet and prankster!
And everyone keeps saying, who cares,
Always the same:
Since I was born on this day,
Must become an astronaut!
No, I don’t want to be an astronaut.
More like an astronomer.
I will study all the planets
Without leaving home.
But maybe still a doctor? —
There will be no problems in the family,
I will always lend my shoulder
To family and friends.
And become a traveler
All boys dream -
To open up countries and lands,
Write books about this.
The astronauts have an anniversary
And I'm ten today...
And what is dearer to my soul,
There's still time to weigh in!
N. Rodvilina

My star
It was getting dark, and in the dark sky
The star lit up. The entire milky way
I see, as if in the palm of my hand,
I dream of clinging to that star.
Now, if only there was a lunar path
Shortened the long way for us,
I would calm down a little
That I will meet her someday.
And reflected in the moonlight,
It's burning in my window
As if agreeing with me,
Laughing, he winks at me.

Each planet has something of its own,
What distinguishes her most clearly.
You will certainly recognize Saturn by sight -
A large ring surrounds it.
It is not continuous, it is made up of different stripes.
Here's how scientists solved the question:
Once upon a time the water froze there,
And Saturn's rings of snow and ice.
R. Aldonina

Young cosmonaut
As a child, many people dreamed
Fly into starry space.
So that from this starry distance
Inspect our land.
See its open spaces,
Rivers, mountains and fields,
Look at smart devices
To prove that I don’t live in vain.
Fly on the starry rabble,
Explore the forests and seas.
Did Copernicus lie to us?
Why does the earth rotate?
The astronauts, there, are flying,
They come back.
Everyone gets a "hero"
They walk like stars and shine.
Oh, I don’t understand
Why am I not a hero?
Just like they fly
I am, after all, a fighting guy. All year round, in spring, winter
I'm flying in space.
And the spaceship is mine
It's called EARTH!
V. Kryakin

The lunar spacecraft landed on the moon.
In the lunar spacecraft there is a lunar rover.
Circuses, craters and holes
The Lunokhod is not afraid.
He leaves drawings
On the surface of the Moon.
There is a lot of dust, there is no wind.
Drawings can live for a thousand years!
Valentin Berestov

Riddles about space for children

Wonder bird, scarlet tail,
Arrived in a flock of stars.
What can't be done in space?
(fall, hang yourself)
In space through the thickness of years
An icy flying object.
His tail is a strip of light,
And the object's name is...
This interstellar
Eternal wanderer
In the night sky
Just introduce myself
And flies away
For a long time afterwards,
Farewell to us
Twitching tail.
Consists of points of light,
The room of planets is full.
All the zodiac signs are there -
Aquarius, Virgo, Cancer.
They glow both night and day,
The astronomer is looking there.
Where you can't hang yourself.
An abyss has opened, full of stars,
The stars have no number, the abyss has no bottom.
Which path has no man ever been on?
(Milky Way)
From which bucket?
They don't drink, they don't eat,
Do they only look at him?
(Big Dipper)
A chain of riddles about space for children.
To equip the eye
And be friends with the stars,
To see the Milky Way
We need a powerful...(telescope)
Telescope for hundreds of years
Study the life of planets.
He will tell us everything
Smart uncle... (astronomer)
The astronomer is a stargazer,
He knows everything inside out!
Only the stars are visible better
The sky is full... (moon)
Can't reach the moon
Fly and land on the moon,
But he can do it
Do it fast... (rocket)
The rocket has a driver
Zero gravity lover.
In English: "astronaut"
And in Russian... (cosmonaut)
An astronaut sits in a rocket
Cursing everything in the world -
In orbit as luck would have it
UFO flies to neighbor
From the constellation Andromeda,
It howls like a wolf out of boredom
Evil green... (humanoid)
The humanoid has lost its course,
Lost in three planets,
If there is no star map,
Speed ​​won't help... (light)
Light flies the fastest
Doesn't count kilometers.
The Sun gives life to the planets,
We are warm, tails are ... (comets)
The comet flew around,
I looked at everything in the sky.
He sees a hole in space -
This is a black... (hole)
There is darkness in black holes
She's busy with something dark.
There he ended his flight
Interplanetary ... (starship)
Starship is a steel bird,
He runs faster than light.
Learns in practice
Stellar ... (galaxies)
And the galaxies are flying
In loose form as they wish.
Very hefty
This whole universe!
The very first in space
Flew at great speed
Brave Russian guy
Our astronaut...
On an airship,
Cosmic, obedient,
We, overtaking the wind,
Let's rush to...
Rapidly rushing
Scientist firebird.
The body is armor,
The tail is made of fire.
Team from Earth
Will hear in the distance
And a clear order
Will do it immediately.
Like a tornado it will come
And the target will hit.
Firebird habits
Develop without looking back.
There is a special pipe
The Universe is visible in it,
See the stars kaleidoscope
Astronomers in...
It's not easy to calculate
At night there are stars in the dark sky.
Knows everything inside out
Stars in the sky...
Flashing a huge tail in the dark,
Rushing among the bright stars in the void.
She is not a star, not a planet,
The Mystery of the Universe -...
A fragment from the planet
Rushing somewhere among the stars.
He has been flying and flying for many years,
There is a special spacecraft,
He sends signals to Earth to everyone.
Like a lonely mysterious traveler,
An artificial...
Lights the way at night,
Doesn't let the stars sleep.
Let everyone sleep, she has no time for sleep,
There is light in the sky for us...
Planet blue,
Beloved, dear,
She's yours, she's mine,
And it's called...
Bottomless ocean, endless ocean,
Airless, dark and extraordinary,
Universes, stars and comets live in it,
There are also habitable, perhaps planets.

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Poems about space for preschool children. Poems about the sun, moon, stars and constellations, about the solar system and planets, comets and meteorites. Poems about space are short and easy for preschool children to understand.

There lived an astrologer on the moon

There lived an astrologer on the moon
He kept track of the planets:
MERCURY - once,
VENUS - two, sir,
Three - EARTH,
Four - MARS,
Seven - URANUS,
Eight - NEPTUNE,
Nine is PLUTO the furthest away,
If you don't see it, get out!

There is one star in the sky...

G. Kruzhkov

There is one star in the sky,
I won’t say which one,
But every evening from the window
I look at her.
It twinkles so brightly!
And somewhere in the sea
Now he's probably a sailor
It checks the way.

Sometimes visiting for a cup of tea...

E. Vinokurov

Sometimes visiting over a cup of tea,
Tearing a lemon with a spoon,
I will tremble, secretly feeling
The world of eternity, the flight of times.
And I feel, somewhere in the orbits
We are flying into infinity.
Oh, if only I could soar above everyday life,
I wish I could rise up and rise above him!
And go to the universal core,
And circle in infinity,
Where in the air, which is so rarefied,
You can't breathe, but you can live.


Yu. Sinitsyn

Stars, stars, from a long time ago
Chained you forever
A man's greedy gaze.

And sitting in animal skin
Near the red fire
Continuously in the blue dome
He could watch until the morning.

And looked in silence for a long time
Man in the expanse of the night -
Then with fear
Then with delight
Then with a vague dream.

And then with the dream together
The tale was ripening on the lips:
About mysterious constellations,
About unknown worlds.

Since then they have lived in heaven,
Like in the night land of miracles, -
Sagittarius and Swan,
Leo, Pegasus and Hercules.

All planets in order

All planets in order
Any of us can name:
One - Mercury,
Two - Venus,
Three - Earth,
Four - Mars.
Five - Jupiter,
Six - Saturn,
Seven - Uranus,
Behind him is Neptune.
He is the eighth in a row.
And after him, then,
And the ninth planet
Called Pluto.


R. Aldonina

What a luxurious wonder!
Almost occupying half the world,
Mysterious, very beautiful
A comet hovers above the Earth.

And I want to think:
- Where
Has a bright miracle come to us?
And I want to cry when
It will fly away without a trace.

And they tell us:
- It's ice!
And her tail is dust and water!
It doesn’t matter, a Miracle is coming to us,
And Miracle is always wonderful!

In the sky - Ursa

G. Sapgir

There are Ursa bears in the sky,
Dogs and Taurus
In the sky - Libra,
Bootes and Sagittarius,
Pisces, Dolphins,
Cancer and Dragon...
How many constellations -
So many names.
Who can do them?
Find on the map,
He won't go astray
In flight out of the way

We heard

R. Aldonina

We heard: two Ursa
At night they glow in the sky.
At night we looked up -
We saw two pots.


A. Usachev

Faithful companion, night decoration,
Additional lighting.
Of course, we must admit:
The Earth would be boring without the Moon!
There lived an astrologer on the moon,
He kept count of the planets.
Mercury - one, Venus - two, sir,
Three - Earth, four - Mars.
Five is Jupiter, six is ​​Saturn,
Seven is Uranus, eighth is Neptune,
Nine - the farthest is Pluto.
If you don't see it, get out.


R. Aldonina

What are stars?
If they ask you -
Answer boldly:
Hot gas.
And also add,
What's more, it's always
Nuclear reactor -
Every star!

There is a golden ladle in the sky

R. Aldonina

There is a golden ladle in the sky
They call it Ursa Major.
The secret to finding where north is is simple:
In the direction of the extreme stars
Lead a straight line
Find the Polar Star,
Stand up straight and look at her
And the north will be ahead.

polar Star

G. Kruzhkov

All night the constellations are brilliant
Don't slow down the round dance
Around one star standing
As if in the center of the sky.

The earth's axis tilted towards her,
We called her Polar.
Where is the north, we will find out by it
And we are grateful to her for this.

There is one star in the sky

N. Tennova

There is one star in the sky,
I won’t say which one,
But every evening from the window
I look at her.

It twinkles so brightly!
And somewhere in the sea
Now he's probably a sailor
It checks the way.


Not afraid of winter and cold,
Having belted myself tighter,
Equipped for hunting
Orion speaks.

Two stars from the major leagues
In Orion it is Rigel
In the lower right corner,
Like a bow on a shoe.

And on the left epaulette -
Betelgeuse is shining brightly.
Three stars diagonally
Decorate the belt.

This belt is like a hint.
He is a heavenly pointer.
If you go to the left,
You will find Miracle Sirius.

And from the right end -
Path to the constellation Taurus.
He points straight
red eye of Aldebaran.


R. Sapgir

Spreading its fiery tail,
A comet rushes between the stars.
- Listen, constellations,
Last news,
Wonderful news
Heavenly news!

Rushing at wild speeds,
I was visiting the Sun.
I saw the Earth in the distance
And new satellites of the Earth.
I was flying away from the Earth,
Ships were flying after me!

Blue meteorite

E. Asadov

Somewhere in space
Blue meteorite.

You are walking,
And he is flying.
You lie,
And he is flying.
You fell asleep,
But everything flies
In space

You will grow up little by little
You will become an astronomer
And one evening
You will go to your friends.

Suddenly a loudspeaker

“A meteorite fell into the taiga.”
The whole world is excited
The world is noisy:
— A meteorite fell into the taiga!

The next morning
Will you tell your friends
Saying goodbye to the capital:
"I won't come to you today,
I'm leaving at noon myself
From one of the expeditions."

...To you today
Eight years,
In front of you
The whole white world
But somewhere
In the Universe
Your blue meteorite -
A precious gift.

So here it is:
While he's rushing
Hurry up and study.

What is the Sun

A. Eskova

The sun is a coin,” the stingy one grumbled.
No, a frying pan! - the glutton cried.
“No, it’s a loaf,” the baker said.
Compass,” the sailor said with conviction.
The sun is a star,” the astronomer announced.
“A kind heart,” the dreamer decided.

I am the solar wind!

L. Lukaneva

I am the solar wind
In interstellar space,
At the speed of light
I'm changing the decoration.

Reaching the earth
With graceful movement
In great minds -
I create fermentation.


There is one garden planet
In this cold space.
Only here the forests are noisy,
Calling migratory birds,

It's the only one they bloom on
Lilies of the valley in the green grass,
And dragonflies are only here
They look into the river in surprise...

Take care of your planet -
After all, there is no other one like it!

The hour of dawn

Yu. Yakovlev

You go to bed, and somewhere
The hour of dawn is coming.

It's winter outside, but somewhere
Hot, dry summer.

There are many people on earth.
The world is big.
Remember this.


R. Aldonina

Each planet has something of its own,
What distinguishes her most clearly.

You will certainly recognize Saturn by sight -
A large ring surrounds it.

It is not continuous, it is made up of different stripes.
Here's how scientists solved the question:

Once upon a time the water froze there,
And Saturn's rings of snow and ice.


R. Aldonina

- What kind of relative of the Moon is there?
Nephew or granddaughter
Flashing between the clouds?
- Yes, this is a satellite!
- That's it!
- He is a companion to each of us

And in general - the whole Earth.
The satellite was created by hands,
And then on a rocket
Delivered to these distances.

How tempting it is to become an astronomer...

Yu. Sinitsyn

How tempting it is to become an astronomer,
Closely familiar with the Universe!
This wouldn't be bad at all:
Observe the orbit of Saturn,
Admire the constellation Lyra,
Detect black holes
And definitely compose a treatise -
"Explore the depths of the Universe!"

Milky Way

R. Aldonina

Black velvet sky
Embroidered with stars.
Light path
Runs across the sky.
From edge to edge
It spreads easily
It's like someone spilled
Milk across the sky.
But no, of course, in the sky
No milk, no juice,
We are a star system
This is how we see ours from the side.
This is how we see galaxies
Native distant light -
Space for astronautics
For many thousands of years.

It's so cool in space!

It's so cool in space!
Stars and planets
In black weightlessness
Slowly swimming!

It's so cool in space!
Sharp missiles
At great speed
They rush here and there!

It's so wonderful in space!
It's so magical in space!
In real space
Been there once!

In real space!
In the one that saw through,
In the one that saw through
Paper telescope!

O. Akhmetova

Gagarin's smile

I remember the sun sparkled that day:
What an amazing April it was!
And joy shone with pride in my heart:
Gagarin arrived from space!

Everyone recognized him by his smile -
There was never a second smile like this!
The whole world applauded! Everyone rejoiced:
Gagarin flew around our globe!

Since then, unknown distances have approached,
Ships are exploring space...
And it started with a Russian, nice guy,

I. Levchenko

Yuri Gagarin

He was born near the city of Gzhatsk,
Russian boy in a peasant family.
Proud name Yuri Gagarin
Everyone on earth knows now.

The whole world, the whole planet is proud of him,
The name Yuri is on everyone's lips,
The Russian guy rose above the world,
Having given my heart to Russia.

The very first orbit over the planet
He did it for the glory of the country,
Rising into the sky like a bright star
On a clear day of that beautiful spring.

With this feat Yuri Gagarin,
Having made an unprecedented flight,
Glorified all of Russia for centuries
And our great Russian people.

Everything will become commonplace someday,
And a flight to the Moon and to Mars,
And tourists are already being delivered
To the vastness of space routes

There will be many discoveries in the future,
The space above the earth is endless,
But someone is always the first to take a new step
He will do it at the risk of himself.

I. Butrimova


The blue sky has opened
Yellow-orange eye.
The sun is the luminary of the day
Looks at us affectionately.

The planet is spinning smoothly
In the unsteady flickering of lights.
There's a comet somewhere in space
He follows after her.

Mercury is breaking out of orbit,
Wants to hug Venus.
These magnetic storms
Maybe Mercury will rise.

Distant stars blink
Signaling something to the Earth.
Black holes gape
An eternal mystery in the darkness.

Brothers in mind. Where are you?
Where are you waiting for us?
Maybe in the constellation Virgo,
Maybe in the constellation Pegasus?

N. Tsvetkova

Earth is a grain of sand in the Ocean
Among countless worlds.
And we are not only earthlings,
When we hear an interplanetary call.

And if wings are for flight
Managed to straighten and take off -
There is no more perfect starship
The earth's magnet can be overcome.

All planets in order
Any of us can name:
One - Mercury,
Two - Venus,
Three - Earth,
Four - Mars.
Five - Jupiter,
Six - Saturn,
Seven - Uranus,
Behind him is Neptune.
He is the eighth in a row.
And after him, then,
And the ninth planet
Called Pluto.

To Venus

Hiding his face behind a snow-white burqa,
Following the sun, the Beautiful Lady in her retinue,
You make a circular path again and again,
The Almighty predetermined cosmic orbit...

You have been attracting attention for a long time,
Being the standard of Beauty!
And the diamond patterns of the stars fade,
When you shine from heavenly heights.

V. Asterov

It's a holiday for the astronauts!

A special day has come to us -
It's a holiday for the astronauts!
Knows this well
Quiet and prankster!

And everyone keeps saying, who cares,
Always the same:
Since I was born on this day,
Must become an astronaut!

No, I don’t want to be an astronaut.
More like an astronomer.
I will study all the planets
Without leaving home.

But maybe still a doctor? -
There will be no problems in the family,
I will always lend my shoulder
To family and friends.

And become a traveler
All boys dream -
To open up countries and lands,
Write books about this.

The astronauts have an anniversary
And I'm ten today...
And what is dearer to my soul,
There's still time to weigh in!

N. Rodvilina

Star House

Ships launch into space -
Following a daring dream!
It's great that we could
Escape into the vastness of the Universe!

It's still nice to know
Ourselves as residents in the Star House,
Into the Worlds is like walking into rooms -
Through the threshold at the cosmodrome.

V. Asterov

Beyond the edge of earthly passes,
Along the milky wide river,
At the distant universal piers
Lighthouses burn over the abyss.

We shine with you invitingly
The lights of those distant worlds.
And someone's eyes are constantly
They pierce the interstellar veil.

Some people may not be able to sleep,
Someone's gaze is following the Sun.
And to the yellow star like birds
Vibrations of thoughts fly...

V. Asterov


Night in the dark blue sky
Have you baked a golden brown pancake?
From the cosmic basket
Did the orange roll?

Or a golden saucer
Shined in the heights?..
Fantasize at times
So fun in the moonlight!

L. Gromova

My star

It was getting dark, and in the dark sky
The star lit up. The entire milky way
I see, as if in the palm of my hand,
I dream of clinging to that star.

Now, if only there was a lunar path
Shortened the long way for us,
I would calm down a little
That I will meet her someday.

And reflected in the moonlight,
It's burning in my window
As if agreeing with me,
Laughing, he winks at me.


To the stars

We will pave the Star Trek
Along the Milky Shores,
Opening to earthly passers-by
Constellations of worlds.

Life there is extraordinary
Everything is different,
Joy and mystery await us,
Every spirit there is like a brother.

So rush, earthling,
And rejoice with your heart!
Wish, dare and act -
Make your dreams come true!

Strive into the vastness of the Universe -
In the constellations of the worlds,
In an inspired outburst,
Along the Milky Shores.

Together we will pave the way,
Let us understand the essence of the luminary.
It's enough to be a passerby -
Be a pioneer!

V. Asterov


Each planet has something of its own,
What distinguishes her most clearly.

You will certainly recognize Saturn by sight -
A large ring surrounds it.

It is not continuous, it is made up of different stripes.
Here's how scientists solved the question:

Once upon a time the water froze there,
And Saturn's rings of snow and ice.

R. Aldonina

Young cosmonaut

As a child, many people dreamed
Fly into starry space.
So that from this starry distance
Inspect our land.

See its open spaces,
Rivers, mountains and fields,
Look at smart devices
To prove that I don’t live in vain.

Fly on the starry rabble,
Explore the forests and seas.
Did Copernicus lie to us?
Why does the earth rotate?

The astronauts, there, are flying,
They come back.
Everyone gets a "hero"
They walk like stars and shine.

Oh, I don’t understand
Why am I not a hero?
Just like they fly
I am, after all, a fighting guy.

All year round, spring, winter
I'm flying in space.
And the spaceship is mine
It's called EARTH!

V. Kryakin


Space flight,
The ship has descended
In a given area,
And now the Pilot is walking on virgin soil,
So again, the earth
Take it in your hands...
And in space
He only thought about her
Because of her
I flew to such distances -
And only about her
All two hundred long days
Wrote in his
Space magazine!

Spreading its fiery tail,
A comet rushes between the stars.
- Listen, constellations,
Last news,
Wonderful news
Heavenly news!

Rushing at wild speeds,
I was visiting the Sun.
I saw the Earth in the distance
And new satellites of the Earth.
I was flying away from the Earth,
Ships were flying after me!

Genrikh Sapgir

Blue meteorite

Somewhere in space
Blue meteorite.

You are walking,
And he is flying.
You lie,
And he is flying.
You fell asleep,
But everything flies
In space

You will grow up little by little
You will become an astronomer
And one evening
You will go to your friends.

Suddenly a loudspeaker
"A meteorite fell into the taiga."
The whole world is excited
The world is noisy:
- A meteorite fell into the taiga!

The next morning
Will you tell your friends
Saying goodbye to the capital:
"I won't come to you today,
I'm leaving at noon myself
From one of the expeditions."

for you today
Eight years,
In front of you
The whole white world
But somewhere
In the Universe
Your blue meteorite -
A precious gift.

So here it is:
While he's rushing
Hurry up and study.

Roman Sef

There is one garden planet
In this cold space.
Only here the forests are noisy,
Calling migratory birds,

It's the only one they bloom on
Lilies of the valley in the green grass,
And dragonflies are only here
They look into the river in surprise...

Take care of your planet -
After all, there is no other one like it!

Yakov Akim

(retelling from Frantisek Grubin)

Month is a pastry chef, a wonderful baker,
What are you baking in the heights of heaven?
Maybe some delicious pies
From silvery star flour?

No. We look in vain, wondering.
What to expect from such a lazy person!
He baked a thin bagel for us,
And at dawn the bagel went out.

Roman Sef


The lunar spacecraft landed on the moon.
In the lunar spacecraft there is a lunar rover.
Circuses, craters and holes
The Lunokhod is not afraid.
He leaves drawings
On the surface of the Moon.
There is a lot of dust, there is no wind.
Drawings can live for a thousand years!

Valentin Berestov

Over the Earth late at night,
Just extend your hand
You'll grab the stars:
They seem nearby.
You can take a Peacock feather,
Touch the hands on the Clock,
Ride the Dolphin
Swing on Libra.
Over the Earth late at night,
If you glance at the sky,
You will see, like grapes,
The constellations hang there.
Over the Earth late at night,
Just extend your hand
You'll grab the stars:
They seem nearby.

Arkady Khait

* * *

Here is the Big Dipper
Starry porridge interferes
Big ladle
In a large cauldron.

And nearby there is a dim light
Ursa Minor.
With a small ladle
Collects crumbs.

Grigory Kruzhkov

There is one star in the sky,
I won’t say which one,
But every evening from the window
I look at her.

It twinkles so brightly!
And somewhere in the sea
Now he's probably a sailor
It checks the way.

Milky Way

Black velvet sky
Embroidered with stars.
Light path
Runs across the sky.
From edge to edge
It spreads easily
It's like someone spilled
Milk across the sky.
But no, of course, in the sky
No milk, no juice,
We are a star system
This is how we see ours from the side.
This is how we see galaxies
Native distant light -
Space for astronautics
For many thousands of years.

Rimma Aldonina

Our comrade

Let Gagarin breathe easily,
Let it rush through sunsets and sunrises...
No one is ever so far away
Didn't tear himself away from his home planet.
He is endowed with the courage of the Fatherland,
He challenged the unknown.
No one has ever been like him
Suddenly the whole Earth did not become close.
Our comrade has returned full of strength!
He is the highest rise of the storming century -
He united the hearts of nations
Great pride for a person!

Boris Dubrovin


What are stars?
If they ask you -
Answer boldly:
Hot gas.
And also add,
What's more, it's always
Nuclear reactor -
Every star!

Rimma Aldonina


Distant nebulae swirling,
All the extraordinary beauty
The universe was looking at you
And you looked into the face of the Universe.

From the coal-cold blackness,
From milky blizzards to human warmth there were,
Soviet man, you are back,
Without turning gray from stardust.

And the Motherland greets you,
And humanity stands and applauds,
And, the unruly back humps,
The universe bowed its shoulders to you.

Stepan Shchipachev


You will never grow old
Yuri Alekseyevich Gagarin!
Everything has passed: victories and mistakes,
your life
left us a smile -
the highest human gratitude,
a young, enchanting smile.
I know that your heart did not waver,
I just fell silent in surprise,
maybe a space alien
you felt for a moment...
Didn't fit
proud pilot spirit
tiny airplane body
on the shoulder - other ships!..
And when the earth slid unsteadily,
then at the site of this terrible collision
Gagarin's smile
suddenly a spring
struck from the ground!...

Ivan Slepnev


I would like to fly to the moon
Plunge into an unsolved world.
And like a beautiful dream
Touch the brightest star.
Fly to distant orbits,
Dimensions unknown to all of us,
Where the mysterious cosmos keeps
There are many secrets of the vast universe.
To visit other planets,
Which science doesn't know about.
And to see unearthly creatures, -
That they fly on strange saucers.
Ask them how they live there,
Is there autumn, winter or summer,
For what purpose do they always fly to us -
To a planet forgotten by God...
Everyone always dreams of something,
And they strive to achieve something.
Only space, alas, never
He probably won’t want to open up...

Gagarin said "let's go"
The rocket flew into space.
This was a risky guy!
Since then the era began.
The era of wanderings and discoveries,
Progress, peace and labor,
Hopes, desires and events,
Now all this is forever.
The days will come when space
Anyone who wants to can plow!
At least to the moon, please, travel!
Nobody can ban!
This is how life will be! But let us still remember
That someone flew first...
Major Gagarin, a modest guy,
He managed to open an era.

Mahmud Otar-Mukhtarov


Stars, stars, for a long time
Chained you forever
A man's greedy gaze.
And sitting in animal skin
Near the red fire
Continuously in the blue dome
He could watch until the morning.
And looked in silence for a long time
Man in the expanse of the night -
Then with fear
Then with delight
Then with a vague dream.
And then with the dream together
The tale was ripening on the lips:
About mysterious constellations,
About unknown worlds.
Since then they have lived in heaven,
Like in the night land of miracles, -
Sagittarius and Swan,
Leo, Pegasus and Hercules.

Yu. Sinitsyn

That's how the rainbow is in the sky -
Silk pattern!
Hey and the rainbow in the sky,
Like a colored carpet!
And over the rainbow - a rocket
Soared to the skies.
Here's the same rocket
I'll build it myself.
And on the starry path
I'll fly on it
I'll pick up a basket of stars
To my mom.

Grigore Vieru

Mother and son

Here it is, it’s happened, it’s a miracle!
Mother is coming - step aside, people:
The son has returned, and from where else -
From the cosmic latitudes themselves!
It was he who burst into our tomorrow,
What matches fantasy itself...
The world's first astronaut
Hugs and kisses mother.
And with such maternal strength,
Sharing the joy of the people,
All of Russia hugs his son,
The whole Earth applauds his son!

Nikolay Starshinov

Yuri Gagarin

In a space rocket
With the name "East"
He is the first on the planet
I was able to rise to the stars.
Sings songs about it
Spring drops:
Will be together forever
Gagarin and April.

V. Stepanov


Flying in space
steel ship
Around the Earth.
And even though its windows are small,
Everything is visible in them
Like on the palm of your hand:
Steppe space,
Tidal bore,
and you and me!

Explanation of the moon

A wheel of cheese went out for a walk
and found herself in the vastness of the sky.
Looks like a countless army of mice
with hungry eyes asks for bread

A wheel of cheese, that's kindness,
She ordered them: “Eat me, period!”
Thirty days later there was no mouth left in the sky,
who wouldn't taste a piece of cheese?

Only a thin slice shone from heaven for me,
I counted up to a hundred mouse eyes.
But soon the slice disappeared too,
and the world became dark

M. Bormatova

For Cosmonautics Day

Persistently and with difficulty
A secret dream about the stars,
Today we are walking through space
Just the fiftieth mile.

The path to space has been trodden a little
Five thousand earthlings from different countries.
It wasn't easy at all,
Quite a few lives were lost there.

Just half a century since that April
When a simple Soviet guy is ours.
From the grandeur of the fate of hops,
For the first time, space boarded.

And the boy's name was Gagarin Yura
The Russian land sent him.
The talent of Sergei Korolev
He became a spaceship sailor.

Centuries will pass and people on planets
They will start walking around like they do today visiting guests.
But they will never forget about it,
About the first step to star addresses.
