Reading lesson plan. Lesson plan and outline for literary reading

Literary reading lesson

Subject: A. Platonov “Still Mom” (lesson 2, lesson summary)

Educational and educational complex "School of Russia"

Class: 3.

Target: continue work on the work of A.P. Platonov “Still Mom”;children’s awareness of the meaning of the title of the story “Still Mom”, the ability to understand the depth of the work. What does "still" mean?


1. Educational – the ability to analyze a text, determine the genre of a text, control the level of comprehension, depth of knowledge, expand associative spaces, namely, comparison with another work, sensory associations.

2. Educational: ability to compare, systematize, draw conclusions, develop critical thinking, communication skills; develop your own opinion based on understanding the text

3. Educational - development of an attentive, caring attitude towards parents, respectful attitude towards teachers.

Planned results:

Subject : know what dialogue is and how it is formalized in writing; find dialogues in the text, replace them with indirect speech when retelling episodes, reproduce an episode from the text, preserving the main idea and theme of the episode.

Metasubject :

Regulatory: formulate the educational task of the lesson, plan your statement; evaluate your own speech statements and the statements of peers.

Cognitive: highlight the necessary episodes from the text at the teacher’s request; highlight the main idea and theme of the episode.

Communicative: build your speech utterance according to a pre-drawn plan, reproduce the planned utterance, conveying the feelings of the characters and your attitude towards them.

Personal: realize the meaning of the acquired skill, understand where else this skill can be useful.

Lesson type: combined lesson,using ICT.

Lesson type: a lesson in open mindedness, a lesson in exploration.

Methods and techniques used:

1. Verbal methods: story, explanation, conversation, working with a textbook.

2. Visual methods: observation, demonstration of illustrations.

3. Practical methods: oral exercises, dramatization of parts of a literary work.


1. Audio recording.

2. Computer,multimedia projector, screen, presentation, slide filmA. Platonov “Still Mom.”

3. Costumes or elements of costumes for staging.

4. Native speech. Textbook for 3rd grade of primary school.

Lesson plan:

Lesson stage


Summary stage


Organizational stage



The teacher encourages students to cooperate and sets the emotional background of the lesson.

Inclusion in the educational process.



Articulation warm-up



Students perform exercises aimed at developing error-free, expressive reading.

Subject learning activities.

Check D/3



Comparison of illustrations in the textbook and children's works.

Formation of search activity skills.

Updating knowledge



Partial search activity, practical work.

Subject learning activities.

Phys. just a minute



Students relax with music.

Rules and culture of interaction.

Working on content



Students answer the teacher’s questions, “selective” reading.

Subject learning activities.

Dramatizing the text



Children break into groups, prepare a dramatization of the text, and perform in front of others

by students.

All groups participate in discussing the results of the work.

Developing the ability to work in a group and evaluate the work of others according to given criteria.

Social competence.


5-6 min

Students evaluate the results of their activities in class

Formation of self-esteem, analysis of work performed.


2-3 min

Students express their attitude to the lesson

Reflection on motivation, methods of communication.


1-2 min

The teacher explains homework


Lesson summary:

    Organizational moment (slide No. 1 music)

Sit comfortably, relax, imagine that a ray of sunshine has touched your head. You feel its warmth, like a warm mother’s palm stroking your hair. Tell yourself: I feel warm and calm.

2. Articulation warm-up

It's a wonderful time of year outside - spring. Breathe in the smell of spring freshness. Imagine that the first drop of rain has fallen on your palm, blow it away.

On the screen: ...Nature with a clear smile (slide No. 2)

Through a dream he greets the morning of the year...

Read expressively.

How amazing good life! Like a mosaic, it consists of different pieces of impressions. Today in class we will continue to work on the work of Andrei Platonovich Platonov“Still Mom,” which he dedicated to his first teacher.

Our task is to understand what a mother means to each of us and what the role of a teacher is in the life of each of you.

    Checking d\z.

Look at the interesting title of the work “Still Mom.”

What else can you call your mother? Let's try to find words with the same root for the word mom.





Let's answer questions No. 1 after the text in the textbook on page 143.

At home you were artists and drew an illustration for the work “Still Mom.” I decided to name your drawings

“Stop, just a moment...”

What or who did you depict in your drawings?

Yes, you are good observers. I really liked your drawings, I hope you will give them to me.

Exhibition of children's drawings at the blackboard.

    Updating knowledge.

What genre does the work you read belong to? (story)

Why did you decide so? Prove it.(all events follow one after another, there is a plot)

Let's turn To explanatory dictionary Russian language

S.I. Ozhegov said the story is...(child reads)

Do you agree with the statement that school is a second home? Why?

-I propose again you to return to the world in which the heroes of this interesting story live

What was the name of the main character in this story?

What kind of family did Artyom have?

Did the boy want to go to school? Why?(The boy loved his mother very much and did not want to go to school only because he was afraid to leave his mother alone, he was afraid that “she wouldn’t wait for him and would die of boredom.”)

What happened when Artem turned seven years old?

(p. 137-138) role-playing reading of the passage “A boy’s conversation with his mother”

With what intonation will we read? Try to convey in your voice internal state heroes, remember yourself when you first went to school.

What did he ask his mother before leaving? (So ​​that she will definitely wait for him)(slide No. 3)

“... the child’s plaintive and attentive gaze meant his constant fear;

it was as if he was saying: Mom, always live with me, never die.”

What order did your mother give?(Listen to the teacher, she will be your mother at school)

Why didn’t Artyom want to agree with his mother’s words?

(He couldn’t imagine someone else’s woman as a mother)

What desire did Artyom and his mother have when he went further alone?(They both wanted to go home)

Why didn't they come back?(They both understood that they had to go study)

(Show me what trials Artyom faced?)

Do you think he's never walked down this street? Then why does everything seem alien and hostile to him?(He went many times, but not alone, but with his mother, and now he goes alone, and everything seems alien, dangerous and scary to him)

Let's remember the work of L. Tolstoy, where the author tells us about a little boy who ran away to school. -What is the name of the work?(Philippok )

What was the name of the main character?(Philippok )

    Phys. a minute (slide number 4 music).

I suggest you rest a little. Lie on your hand and listen to who can sing this song to whom? (Anna German “Lullaby”.)

6. Work on content.

How did the teacher meet Artem at school?

- What artistic technique does the author use?

(comparison “like small”)

Why did Artyom feel in her loved one? (She smelled of warm bread and dry grass, like her mother)

Why didn’t Artyom listen to the teacher?(He thought about his mother)

How did Apollinaria Nikolaevna react to his inattention?(I didn’t scold, I understood that it was his first time at school. I felt his anxiety.)

With what words did the teacher begin to teach Artem to read and write?(Mom, Motherland)

Why? What proverbs do you know??(Bread, land, Motherland, mother - this is what a person cannot live without.) (A person has one mother, one homeland)

Find and read a passage that describes how the boy began to diligently learn to read and write.(p. 142)

(slide No. 5)

What qualities should a teacher have to be considered a mother?Let's give a description of the teacher, what was she like?









( Artem liked the teacher. He found support in her. The boy realized that he now has two mothers: one at home and the other at school.)

    Work in groups. Dramatizing parts of the text.

Remember what text we can dramatize? (IN literary work there must be heroes, action, dialogue). Costume elements are used: scarf, cap, etc.

Children are divided into groups and dramatize parts of the text:

    A boy's conversation with his mother.

    Meeting with “scary” animals.

    Artem at the first lesson.

    Teacher and boy.

    The son returned home.

Groups perform. Children read the text “by role”, using elements of theatricalization.

Listen to part of the story not included in the textbook.

(slide No. 7)

And Artyom saw the black head of a bull in the window. The bull looked at Artyom with one bloody eye and walked towards the school.

- Mother! – Artyom shouted.

The teacher grabbed the boy and pressed him to her chest.

- Don't be afraid! - she said. - Don't be afraid, my little one. I won't give you to him, he won't touch you.

- U-u-u! - the bull boomed.

Artyom wrapped his arms around Apollinaria Nikolaevna’s neck, and she put her hand on his head.

- I'll drive the bull away.

Artyom didn’t believe it.

- Yes. And you are not a mother!

- Mom!...Now I’m your mother!

-Are you still a mother? Mom is there, and you are also here.

- I still. I'm still your mother!...

Why didn’t Artyom believe that the teacher could drive away the bull? (I thought that only mom could do this)

Let's give the floor to ourresearchers

8. Summing up

At different periods of life, a person feels love for his mother and the need to be close to her in different ways.

Why do you need your mother's closeness?

Guys, I evaluated you during the lesson, and now I want you to evaluate me.(Questions are written on the board).

1. How old is Artem?

2. Where did Artem sit during the lesson?

3. What were the first words the boy wrote?

4. What word did the teacher use to praise Artyom for his efforts and beautiful writing?

5 . Why did Artyom start getting ready for school early?

Examination (slide No. 9)

Checkyour answers. Who made the mistakes?

Thank you guys for the lesson, put your earned grades in your diaries. I really enjoyed working with you. You are smart, reasonable, attentive.

And if you think that we had a successful dialogue today, if I was able to win you over, you felt that I was for youstill a mother – show me with a signal as shown on the screen.(slide No. 10)

9. Reflection

Finish the sentence.

At the lesson…

I understand…

I like it…

I found out…

I want…


10. D/Z I suggest come up with a continuation of the story at home.


Full name: Balandinskaya Ekaterina Vladimirovna

Place of work: municipal educational institution"Average comprehensive school No. 21" Engels Saratov region.

Position: Teacher primary classes.

Subject: literary reading

Textbook: L. A. Efrosinina

Lesson topic: "E. Permyak. Kite".

Lesson type: “discovery” lesson

The purpose of the lesson: to create conditions for students to comprehend and comprehend new information.



– ideas about literary genres;


– develop speech (the ability to formulate your thoughts orally), thinking (establish analogies; generalize and classify according to characteristics);

– develop the ability to plan your activities, correlate the work done in the lesson with an earlier plan, evaluate the results of your activities;


– cultivate accuracy;

– develop the ability to work in pairs, listen and understand the speech of others, jointly agree on the rules of behavior and communication.

Teaching methods: system-activity method, problem-based learning method (solving a problem situation), ICT.

Forms of organization cognitive activity students: frontal, paired, individual.

Necessary technical equipment (learning tools): textbooks, workbooks, computer, projector.

Lesson structure and flow:

Lesson stage

Teacher activities

Student activities

Self-determination for activity.

– Good morning and have a good day!

We will start our lesson with a smile.

– What lesson are you prepared for?

– What do we do in these lessons?

Children smile at each other.

- TO literary reading.

– We read, answer questions, analyze.

Regulatory (ability to predict upcoming work)

Personal (motivation for purposeful cognitive activity)

Updating knowledge. Recording difficulties in activities.

The task is to compare the title of the work and the author.

Children need to find an extra piece.

In which section did we read these stories?

Why is the section called this?

What should a new work be like if it is in the same section?

What should you do to learn what the work teaches?

Good Horse – Plyatskovsky

At the skating rink - Oseeva

About who Vovka is studying for - Golyavkin

- “Learning to be smart”

The name "Paper Kite" remains.


Activity planning.

Cognitive (ability to extract information from diagrams, present it in the form of a diagram)

Setting a learning task.

Information about the work of Permyak.

Try to predict from the title what the text is about.

What is a snake made of?


Children's statements.


Regulatory (the ability to evaluate educational actions in accordance with the task, plan activities)

Building a project for getting out of difficulties (“discovery”).

Vocabulary work (words are highlighted in the text, dictionary below).

Difficult to read words (underlined).

Reading by the teacher. I will read the text, your task is to remember information about the snake.

What is the text about?

What did you learn about the paper kite?

Work in a notebook.

In what weather do you fly a kite?

Bast, shingles.

It was missing, it flutters.

What a snake is made from.

Record materials.

With a light breeze.

Cognitive (the ability to navigate in a textbook, the ability to draw conclusions based on the analysis of objects and actions with them)

Reading by children. Your task is to determine the genre, the main idea, and remember the characters of the work.

What is the genre of the work? (prove)

Who are the main characters? (models)

Cover model.

What is the main idea of ​​the story?


Boys. Children.

Promotion of versions. Fixation.

(this work teaches to be:



Communication (ability to listen and understand others, work in pairs)

Teacher distinguishes semantic version from characteristics heroes.

Available materials for boys. On the slide as the children answer.

Working with illustrations.

What do you think the first boy's name is?

- Find the proof in the text.

Who's in the center? Prove it.

What is the name of the third boy?

The advanced versions prove it.

Filling out tables in notebooks.

(work in pairs)

Define heroes.

Cognitive (ability to identify the essence, features of objects)

Cognitive (ability to navigate in a textbook)

Regulatory (the ability to make assumptions based on textbook material)

Primary consolidation with pronunciation in external speech.

Whose version was not confirmed?

Has your version changed? How?

Who hasn't changed? Why? Prove it.

What should the boys have done? SLIDE (all together)

What is the main idea?

Working with proverbs: choose one that matches the text.

Which life situations can you tell me when this happened to you?

How would you continue the story?

Fixation (minus-plus).

Generalization statements.

Work in pairs. Prove the choice.

Children's stories.

Work in pairs.

Communication skills (ability to work in pairs)

Reflection of activity.

What did we do to learn what the story teaches?

It was interesting to me…

I can…

I found it difficult...

I liked the work... (classmate)

Self-esteem. Lines of success.

They made assumptions

analyzed the text: identified the main characters, determined the nature of their relationships, and filled out the table.

If the version was initially correct - a green chip, if incorrect - a red one.

Regulatory (the ability to reflect), personal (the ability to express one’s emotions)

The site editors are not responsible for the content of the article in this section.

Lesson plan for literary reading in grade 1 “Sounds [g], [g’], letters G, g, sounds [d], [d’], letters D, d. The difference is a word - a syllable. Zaklikki"

2013 Lesson on the L.V. system Zankova.

Target: introduce the sounds and letters that represent them, learn to distinguish a syllable from a word.


1. Learn to distinguish a syllable from a word.
2.Acquaintance with chants - a genre of Russian folk art.
3. Develop speech, thinking, memory, attention.
4. Instill a love of reading.


Computer, screen, projector.
. Nechaeva N.V., Belorusets K.S. ABC: a textbook on teaching literacy for 1st grade.
. Nechaeva N.V., Belorusets K.S. I am reading. Reading notebook for “ABC” No. 2.

1. Work on the topic.

1) Acquaintance with the sounds [g], [g’] and the letters G, g.

Today we continue our journey through the zoo. (slide 2)

Mystery.He walks importantly across the meadow, comes out of the water dry, wears red shoes, gives soft featherbeds.(goose)

How does a goose cackle? (Ga-ha-ga)

Name the first sound in catches. What is he like?

A hippopotamus looked into the goose's enclosure. Why? After all, we met him in the enclosure with the letter b? (slide 3)
- How are the sounds [g] and [g’] similar?
- Introducing the letter. (slide 4)
- Name words that contain the sounds [g] and [g’].
-What does the letter g look like? (slide 5-6)

The letter "G" is beautiful!

This is "B" - without a belly.

Reading syllables and words (slide 7)

ha mountain
th head
gu Galina
gi a lot
gee mushrooms

Reading words, dividing into syllables, stress.
How is a syllable different from a word? Which word is missing?
Printing 2 columns in a notebook. Which word can be misspelled?

Physical exercise.

Swing, spin,
Stretch, straighten up,
Squat, squat,
Walk, walk.
Stand on your toes, on your heels,
Jump up and down
Take a deep breath now,
Sit up straight, don't make any noise.
Put everything in order.

2) Acquaintance with the sounds [d] and [d’], letters D, d.

Travels around the zoo with us... (slide 8)

Mystery. The hedgehog has grown 10 times, it turned out... (porcupine)

Who lived with the porcupine?

Mystery. In the forest, to the sound of chirping and whistling, the forest telegraph operator knocks: “Hello, friend thrush!” And signs...(woodpecker) (slide 9)

What do the words porcupine and woodpecker have in common? What sound is this?

Who did the woodpecker send a telegram to? What is 1 sound? How are the sounds [d] and [d"] similar? How are they different? (slide 10)

Introducing the letter. (slide 11)

Name words that contain these sounds.

Reading syllables and words. (slide 12)

to the house
yes smoke
yes oak
doo dog
di year

Add syllables to words. How are the words in the 2 columns similar? Which word is missing?

2. Fastening.

Working with the textbook p. 44

1) Getting to know the nicknames. (slides 13-15)
We teach the first call in class.
Underline the letters G, g, D, d in nicknames.

2) Working with diagrams. Coloring diagrams of the words geese, mushroom, sofa.

3) Underline the words, complete the syllables to form the words:

Smoke dorog gu gol in you was zhu lived winter

3. Bottom line. (slide 16)

What new did you learn in the lesson?

Item: literary readingDate of: 03/04/2016

Subject. A.L. Barto "Separation", "At the Theatre".

Target: introduce students toabout poemsA.L. Barto "Separation", "In the theatre",expand knowledge about the life and work of the poetess; develop attention, memory, thinking, imagination, fantasy;develop the ability to express your opinion, prove, listen and hear your interlocutor; cultivate respect for opposing opinions and a sense of responsibilityfor your actions and words.

Lesson type: combined.

Lesson format: travel (theater)

Equipment: presentation for the lesson, books with works by A.L. Barto for organizing the exhibition, color cards, tickets, programs.

Literature: Lliterary reading 3rd grade. 2 hours L.F. Klimanova, V.G. Goretsky2nd ed. – “Enlightenment”, 2015. – 223 pp.,

Timing of the lesson.

    Class organization.1 min.

    1. Getting to know the theater. (Conversation)5 minutes.

    Speech warm-up.3 min.

    Checking homework.5 minutes.

    Work on the topic of the lesson.15 minutes.

    . 12min.

    Reflection.2 minutes.

    Lesson summary (Assessment).1 min.

    Homework.1 min.


    Class organization. Slide 1)

The cheerful bell rang,

He invites everyone to the lesson.

Come on, kids, are you all ready?

We start right on time.

Let's all sit down quietly.

Let's not break the silence.

Everyone is ready to listen,

I'll start the lesson now.

- Hello guys. Smile at each other and wish each other a good mood. Now sit down, let's start the lessonliteraryreading. If you listen to me carefully, you will learn a lot of interesting things today.

Guys, how many of you guessed that our lesson today will be unusual? Where do you think we will go today? (To the theatre). How can we get to the theater? (We need to purchase tickets). Today there is a small gift for you. We are giving you tickets to our unforgettable “Literary Evening”. And read, who will our “Literary Evening” be dedicated to? (That's right. A.L. Barto). Have you all taken your seats? We will mentally take you on a short excursion to the theater. In order to know what awaits us at the literary evening, I suggest you familiarize yourself with the program. Today you and I will be both actors and spectators. (Slide 2)

1. 2. Introduction to the theater. (Conversation)

Guys, have any of you been to the theater?

Why do people go to the theater? (Cultural development, recreation).

What theaters in our city do you know? (Dramatic, opera and ballet, puppet).

- As they usually say, where does theater begin? (from the hanger).

The audience enters the hall and what do they do? (show tickets)

Then they take off their outerwear and go into the auditorium. Find the row with the indicated number and sit down.

How should you pass by seated spectators? (facing them).

Where can spectators sit in the theater? (on the ground).

It is located at stage level.

What other seats are there in the theater? (behind the stalls there is an amphitheater on a raised platform, with a balcony above it).

What is the name of the place where artists perform? (scene).

What are the curtains that open in front of the audience called? (a curtain).

What are the side curtains called? (backstage).

Okay, let's talk a little about the theater.

2. Speech warm-up.

    1. Complex breathing exercises“Who and how?” (Slide)

In order to speak correctly, expressively and beautifully, every actor conducts a lot of rehearsals before going on stage. Now we’ll do a little warm-up for our articulatory apparatus. We will carry out all our actions behind the scenes. Ready? I will show you breathing exercises, and you will repeat after me. So, join me.

How do we laugh?


How does the air come out of the balloon? (inhale and exhale until the end)


Blow on a dandelion


2.2. Working on a tongue twister. (Slide)

- Read it yourselftongue twister

The blackbird gave the black jackdaw a bunch of blueberries.

The black jackdaw pecked the blueberries, but just imagine, they didn’t get any blacker.

Did you like the tongue twister??

What sound is repeated? (Sound [h].)

Read slowly, quickly, expressively.

3. Checking homework.

And now you and I, like real actors, will perform on stage. Read poems expressively. Who can tell me the name of the poet of these wonderful poems? (S.Ya. Marshak).

Tell me, how are they similar?(talks about nature)

And now some guys will read these poems to us.

How do we evaluate the performance of actors on stage?

( Children evaluate each other's reading by applauding ).

4. Work on the topic of the lesson.

And so, our “Literary evening dedicated to A.L.” begins. Barto."

We greet our presenters Polina Fomina and Artyom Khadzhinov with applause.

4.1. A story about the life and work of A.L. Barto (slide...)

Agnia Lvovna Barto was born into the family of veterinarian Lev Nikolaevich Volov in 1906.

Agnia Barto did not like to remember her childhood. The family led a typical intelligent life at that time: home elementary education, French, formal dinners with pineapple for dessert.

Lev Nikolaevich, a fan of art, saw his daughter’s future in ballet. Agnia diligently practiced dancing, but did not show much talent in this activity. The early manifested creative energy was directed into another direction - poetry. She became interested in poetry, following her school friends.

In 1925, nineteen-year-old Agnia Barto published her first book, “The Chinese Little Wang Li.”

During the Great Patriotic War Agnia Lvovna's family settled in Sverdlovsk.She worked as a turner at a factory. In 1942 she went to the front as a front-line correspondent.

Barto returned to the capital in 1944.

Agnia Lvovna dedicated many of her poems to her daughter Tatyana. And with the advent of her grandson, Volodya wrote a number of poems: “Vovka is a kind soul.”

A. Barto could often be seen among the guys. She visited schools, attended classes, and met her readers in children's libraries. Often coming to performances, Agnia Barto suggested: “Dear children, I will read only the first line, and you continue the rest.” There was never a time when the guys didn’t remember the poem.

A. Barto devoted her entire life to children's poetry and left us many wonderful poems.

4.2. Book exhibition .

A.L. Barto wrote a lot. Her works are collected in collections and individual books.

What poems by A.L. Barto do you know? (children recite poems based on illustrations in books)

About kom and for whom does she write poetry? (children's answers)

4.3. Working on the poem “In the Theater”.

4.4. Text prediction .

Now guys, let's look at the illustrations for the poem. 113-115. What do you think the poetess could write about in it? (students' answers).

Vocabulary work.

In the text of the work you will encounter words whose meaning we will now clarify.

It thundered - it rang out suddenly and with force; thundered.

Listen to A. Barto's poem. (Teacher readspoem.)

Did you guess correctly what this poem will be about?

    1. Analysis of the poem.

Each actor, before playing on stage, rehearses his role for a long time and diligently. In order for him to succeed, he must live this role, be imbued with it (realize, understand). So now you and I will analyze our poem in order to read it with correct intonation, expressively.

Find the lines that talk about great desiredeglasses to get to the theater.

Read about what the girls saw in the theater.

    What happened to one of the girls? Read about it.

    Read how they looked for the number.

    Do you think Barto judges girls or with a kind smiledoes it tell them something?

    Is this poem funny, mocking or sad?


    1. Expressive reading of a poem by students.

Physical education session (intermission)

(Intermission - between actions, acts ).

4.7. Game "Pantomime"

We transform into actors. To participate in this skit I need 3 participants. One author and 2 actors who will show actions on stage without words. Do we all remember the rules of behavior in the theater? And so we begin.

(One of the students will read a poem, and two students will show (perform actions). (Pantomimes-a type of performing art in which the main means of creating an artistic image is plastic human body, without using words).

5. Comprehension, generalization and systematization of knowledge .

5.1. Working on the poem “Separation” .

Guys, today we will get acquainted and analyze one more thingpoemA.Barto.

- What does the word separation mean to you? (Sayingchildren's knowledge, interpretation in the dictionary. (Separation -life away from loved ones.)

- Have you ever been left at home without your mother, but not for a few minutes or hours, but for several days or weeks?

- Was it easy to survive the separation from your mother?

- So it was just as difficult for the hero of Agnia Lvovna’s poem without his mother. The poem “Separation” is about this.

- Open your textbooks to page 112 and look at the illustrations for the poem. Who will be the hero of the poem? What can you tell about this boy?

1) Vocabulary work.

In the text of the work you will encounter words whose meaning we will now clarify. These words are on our screen.

    Children, read the first word.

    Gamma - How do you understand the meaning of this word?

(Gamma is a sequence of musical sounds arranged in ascending or descending directions).

    Children read the second word.

    Business trip - How do you understand the meaning of this word? (An official assignment related to traveling somewhere).

What is itPryluky ? (city) That's right, this is a city located in Ukraine in the Chernigov region.

- Let's be patient for a while - a little, a little - a little.

2) Work on the text of the poem.

Now I will read a poem. Do you watch, listen, and then tell me, do you sympathize with the boy?

The teacher reads the poem expressively.

    Did you like the poem?

    What mood did the poem make you feel?(Sad, sad.)

    Do you sympathize with the boy?


Now we read it in parts so that you remember it well. (7 people)

3) Text analysis

1) On behalf of whom was the poem written?

2) Read the first quatrain to yourself and tell me what the boy did for his mother?

Read the second quatrain, what did the boy do?

Read the third passage and tell me what else did the boy do for his mother?

Guys, you named 6 things that the boy did for his mother.

Look at the first picture. What does it show?

(The boy eats carrots, but he doesn’t just eat them, he eats vegetables and fruits that his mother gives, and fruits contain vitamins that are necessary for the growth and health of children. These are carrots, beets, apples).

Now let's look at the second picture, what does it show? Find the answer to this question in the text. Right.

Now let's look at the third picture, what does it show?

Everything we listed was when mom was at home.

3) Where is mom now? Read it.

4) Has the boy’s life changed after his mother left? (set aside scales)

How else? (looked at TV)

Guys. He sat in front of the TV as much as he wanted, which was bad for his eyesight. You need to watch TV at a certain time and watch children's programs.

What did he see on TV? (They have one actress wearing her mother’s comb)

What does Agnia Barto mean by these lines?

Look at the last picture. What does it show?

Look at their mood. They are sad and bored without their mother.

Read the poem to the end in chorus.

1) What is the boy doing?

2) Does the boy do this out of habit or out of boredom?

Reason with the children that his mother taught him to do this, that everything needs to be done correctly, well and conscientiously.

- Find the verbs. Read the poem, highlighting them in your voice.

5.2. Compiling a syncwine . (slide)

(Card - help me to compose a syncwine )

    Key word: “Separation”

    Two adjectives (which one?)

    Three verbs (what does it do?)

    One sentence of 4 words (quote, proverb)

    Word, phrase associated with the 1st,synonym, expressionpressing personal attitude of the writer)

For example:


2.Long, exhausting

3. Burns, worries, torments

4. “Don’t part with your loved ones!” (When you are apart, you love hotly.)

5. Infinity (Parting with a loved one.)

5.3. Creative work.

Guys, how can we work on the text so that our mood and the mood of the hero improve? ( Come up with a different ending to the poem)

Try to finish the poem in your own way (children's statements are optional).


Guys, this is the end of our journey through the theater.

- What did you do in class today? (read, thought, composed, analyzed)

Blue - it was difficult, andyellow - it was a pleasure to work, I managed to accomplish a lot,

hElena – knew the answers to all the questions.

    Lesson summary.

So, guys, let's summarize our journey. Which writer, poetess were we talking about? What new interesting things have you learned? What poems did you study? What else do you needdo you remember? Did you like the lesson? Have I reacheds goals?Show your mood.

8. Homework.

Prepare theamazing reading of poems pp. 112-115.

Bolshakova E.S.

Teacher of DGIT No. 61
