Amulet signs and their meaning. Amulets, symbols and talismans: their meaning according to Feng Shui

Slavic symbols and amulets

Since ancient times, it has happened that a person needs the help of otherworldly forces:

Signs and symbols rule the world, not words and laws.(Confucius)

A sacred symbol made in the form of a sign, which is exquisitely decorated with minerals, will attune you to an egregor that will connect you with the wisdom and power of your native gods and ancestors. Each nation has its own amulets and magical symbols, which are designed for a specific gene code.

All nations have peculiarities of national cuisine - this is due to the laws of physiology. Continuing the logic of common sense and physiological laws, each nation has its own series of symbols, signs, amulets, talismans that are specific to them.

The Slavic store offers a wide range of jewelry that is made with love especially for you. All products comply with GOST. Products from the Slavic store are made by Rodnovers, which provides the necessary energy component.

Our products are designed for people who want to be in good health of mind and body.

  • Preface
  • How to choose
  • Amulet of increased protection
  • How to charge
  • How to clean
  • Ancient amulet
  • Embroidery
  • Amulet
  • Symbol
  • Mascot
  • Sun
  • Doll
  • Gold
  • Silver
  • Men's amulets and their meaning
  • Ax of Perun
  • Thunderstorm
  • Ratiborets
  • Kolyadnik
  • Rodimich
  • Gromovnik
  • Women's amulets and their meaning
  • Lada Star
  • Woman in labor
  • Ladinets
  • Makosh
  • Lunnitsa
  • Alatyr
  • Symbol of the Family
  • Veles
  • Yarilo
  • Star of Rus'
  • Kolovrat
  • Black Sun
  • Seal of Veles
  • Rodovik
  • Fern flower
  • Overcome Grass
  • Godman
  • Svarozhich
  • Veles' paw
  • Rubezhnik
  • Rysich
  • Sown Field
  • Svetoch
  • Burdock of Happiness
  • Heavenly Cross
  • Heavenly Boar
  • Svitovit
  • Triglav
  • Tree of Life
  • Gender differences
  • Reviews
  • Buy


The reason for the appearance of this category was the boundless love for Slavic culture. We are proud of our history, tradition, mental abilities.

Sanity and creative thinking unites us to create a quality product that will fill its owners with the grace of the gods. The amulets bestow physical and mental happiness, as the Slavic gods are generous and supportive of their children.

Unwritten rules, traditions, laws, moral and aesthetic values, conventions ensure homeostasis. This term is used by physiologists and biologists and means constancy external environment, which maintains dynamic balance.

How to choose

We all know that human capabilities are limitless. Slavs associate themselves with gods. All jewelry is made with love and handmade by Rodnover craftsmen. To select a talisman you need to go to the desired category and expand the description.

Pay attention to the red arrows shown in the photo.

Amulets of increased protection

The topic of magic, fortune telling and objects possessing divine grace traditionally arouses mass interest among the people. Millions of people to this day resort to the help of miraculous symbols and minerals.

Our products have a tremendous protective effect and become excellent guides to the power of our ancestors. Slavic amulets will definitely help you.

How to charge

Action begins with intention. Take the amulet in your hand and squeeze it in your palm, and then concentrate and mentally put into it what you would like to receive from it.

Carry the amulet with you and in the moments when you need help it will start to turn on.

How to clean

Place a silver item (spoon) in a container of 0.5 liters of water and place it on the window during the full moon. Place the amulet in this container and leave it overnight so that the moon illuminates the product. In the morning, your amulet will be cleaned by silver water and it will be ready to serve you again.

Ancient amulet

Thousands of years of experience and innovation are the main criteria of our work. Protective products carry the power of ancestors and the wisdom of the gods. Each amulet has a unique personality that will provide you with effective help.


Our ancestors painted magical symbols on clothes, which took the owner of this image under their protection and established a connection with their ancestors. Each person has individual preferences and embroidery always works as a family amulet.


Our jewelry works increase the brain resources and intellectual capabilities of its owner. The magical image, together with the noble metal, forms an object of enormous vital energy, health and wisdom.


The energy of people and premises directly affects the daily and creative activity of people. The symbolism has a powerful energy force that has a healing and healing effect. Symbols help people be in harmony with themselves and the world around them.


The talisman energetically stabilizes the state of the body, which leads to improved physical and spiritual health. The main goal of our jewelry is to make you and your environment happy. Our products will not only make you healthier, but also contribute to human intellectual development.


Planets and life itself revolve around the sun. Thanks to this star, almost all living things exist. Since ancient times, this star has been endowed with protective properties, which bestows:

  • life
  • warm

The amulet doll is made by hand, in a good, blissful mood, with peace and positivity in the soul. The dolls are made from natural materials. It is pleasant to hold such a doll in your hands; it will not leave anyone indifferent. This is a wonderful gift for yourself and your loved ones.

In ancient times, dolls had their own purpose: they were protection for people from diseases, misfortunes, and evil spirits. The doll took care of a person, and that’s what they called it: amulet or bereginya. As a rule, the most protective were dolls made without needles and scissors. When making dolls, they tried not to cut the fabric, but to tear it (sometimes the dolls were called “torn”).

Even before the baby was born, a doll was made and placed in a cradle so that the doll would “warm” it for the unborn baby. When the baby was born, the doll did not part with him even then. In order for the baby to sleep soundly and peacefully, the mother would say: “Sleepy, insomniac, don’t play with my baby, but play with this doll.”

The doll distracted evil spirits, protecting the child. The mother gave a rag doll-bereginya, made with her own hands, to her daughter before the wedding, blessing her for marriage. The amulets were given to a son who was going to serve in the army, and to a husband on the road.

IN peasant families There were a lot of dolls, they were not scattered, they were treasured, they were taken care of. The peasants believed that the more dolls, the more happiness there was in the family.


Gold amulets and various jewelry were widespread not only throughout Rus', but throughout the whole world. Gold products were considered a sign of a noble family and wealth. As excavations show, Slavic amulets made of gold were worn noble people.

The magical properties of gold are very high and it was often worn not only because of its price, but also because of its energetic power. Many religious objects of all religions are made of gold precisely because of the most powerful esoteric powers.


Silver products increase energy metabolism and accumulate it, which makes silver amulets one of the most popular in the world. Archaeological excavations tell us that jewelry was distributed throughout Rus'.

If you have problems, then our amulets will help you recover much faster or even isolate you from them.

Men's amulets and their meaning

A violent desire to protect their family, to give their relatives a better present and future, prompted Slavic men to feat and military labor. Charms of this category will increase:

  • ability to work
  • health

Ax of Perun

This amulet makes its owner more enterprising and strong. The characteristics of this amulet are eternal male values. This talisman eliminates imbalances and helps solve many problems.


A powerful amulet that has unique characteristics. Increases the physical and mental strength of its owner. Improves financial and family affairs.


Helps develop masculine qualities. Courage is one of the most important traits of a man. Courageous men are able to show moral firmness, courage, and perseverance.

If a man has masculine qualities, then he is doomed to success. And the Ratiborets amulet will help you with this.


This amulet helps you realize your personal aspirations. Helps you develop life guidelines that will benefit you and your family. Helps make your actions consistent and your state more harmonious. The Znich amulet helps you realize yourself in this world of fierce competition.


This amulet is patronized by the Slavic god Kolyada. This god helps warriors and priests. Our ancestors turned to Kolyada for wisdom and strength. The Kolyadnik amulet has energy that will comprehensively improve your life.

Enormous mystical power will give you and your loved ones the strength and enlightenment of your native gods and ancestors.


The amulet is a symbol of the connection between generations and wisdom. The Rodimich amulet opens the birth canal. God is the patron saint of Rod, who bestows prosperity and wealth not only financially, but also spiritually. The energy cocoon of the amulet will improve the health of you and your family.


The Gromovnik amulet is under the patronage of the god Perun and bestows courage and strength on its owner. Since ancient times, the Thunderer was revered by our ancestors and this amulet symbolizes his power and strength. Gromovnik will help you protect yourself and your loved ones.

Women's amulets and their meaning

Women's amulets improve health, treat diseases, remove stress, and improve immunity. In addition to protecting their mistress, amulets protect her children and loved ones. In Rus', since ancient times, women have used a huge number of different amulets, which helped them to steadfastly overcome life's difficulties.

Lada Star

The Star of Lada amulet fills a woman with vital energy and happiness. Helps you feel comfortable and successfully interact with the world around you. After purchasing this amulet, you will feel how much your condition will change.

Woman in labor

The Rozhanitsa amulet is a symbol of fertility and prosperity. He helps girls get pregnant and more. It will remove worries and prevent mistakes. The amulet will attract more positive moments into life and remove negativity. Rozhanitsa will also help accumulate energy and direct it in the right direction.


The Ladinets amulet is a symbol of female happiness and prosperity. The amulet will help you enjoy every moment and find mental and physical harmony.

Ladinets is under the patronage of the Slavic goddess Lada, who will help you build wonderful relationships in the family. From the early childhood in Rus', girls wore this amulet, which helped to reveal the best feminine qualities.


The Makosh amulet helps a woman achieve comfortable internal states. The goddess weaves the threads of fate and is the eldest in the female pantheon.

This amulet helps a woman accept herself and reveal all her best qualities. If you want to remove worries and failures, then the Slavic talisman is an excellent solution that has been helping the Slavs for centuries.


The Lunnitsa amulet is a traditional Slavic amulet, which was distributed throughout all of Rus'. This amulet is the epicenter of feminine power, which is powered by the moon.

Lunnitsa will remove the negativity and help you focus on the positive aspects. Accumulates vital energy and helps achieve desired goals.

Universal amulets and their meaning

Universal Slavic amulets against the evil eye, damage, curses, fear. All products are made by Rodnover craftsmen with love and kindness to their comrades. We are pleased to offer you a wide range of silver and gold amulets at the most affordable prices.

Charms from our masters will help remove emotional swings and normalize your general condition. If you feel influences on you from the outside that take a lot of strength and energy from you, then the amulets from our site will definitely help you overcome these difficulties. Even on very stressful days you will feel good and energetic.


According to ancient Slavic legends, the Alatyr stone is the foundation of the earth. For our ancestors, Alatyr was considered a sacred symbol that helped solve a wide variety of problems. The amulet has a huge healing and healing effect.

According to archaeological data, the Alatyr amulet was distributed throughout Rus', which indicates the enormous genetic power inherent in it. If you want to improve your health and fill your space with love and joy, then the Alatyr amulet is the best solution.

Symbol of the Family

Continuity of generations is an important thread that connects past times, today and the future. Thanks to respect for the elderly and instincts developed over centuries, Slavic traditions and culture are preserved. The amulet Symbol of the Family opens the ancestral connection and bestows wisdom and strength of the ancestors.

People are replaced by people, and folk wisdom and strength helps you get through the most difficult moments. The amulet Symbol of the Family bestows the protection of our native gods and ancestors.

Energy protection is an essential component of any person. The Cres amulet will help you become invulnerable to any negative influences from the outside. The amulet will help you become more confident and grant the protection of the Slavic gods.

Slavic Cres will create a protective program around you, which will become an energy shield not only for you, but also for your loved ones.


The Veles amulet will make you wiser, stronger and calmer. The ancient Slavic God of money and power is widely popular in Rus' to this day. The Veles amulet forms around you energy protection in the form of a shield that will protect you from any negativity.

All the evil that was directed against you will mirror return to the address in double size. The amulet bestows the patronage of Veles, who will show you the right path in business and lead you to success.


The Yarilo amulet will help in matters of love and attract the right person into your life, and if it already exists, it will strengthen the relationship. God Yarilo is the personification of passionate earthly love and fertility. The amulet is perfect for those who are looking for their other half and want children.

Star of Rus'

The Star of Rus' amulet is one of the most common Slavic symbols, which enjoys great love among the Slavs. This love is well-deserved, since the amulet has enormous power, which seriously changes fate in better side.

A wonderful amulet for those people who want to change their lives for the better. The Star of Rus' will increase and reveal your potential, which will help you achieve the desired results.


One of the most popular Slavic symbols, which is depicted on T-shirts, amulets and flags. Many Slavic communities put Kolovrat on the coats of arms of their communities as a sign of the revival of the ancient gods.

Kolovrat creates an energy cocoon that reduces the actions of destructive programs directed against you to zero.

Black Sun

The Black Sun is one of the most mystical symbols of our time. Among the Slavs, this symbol patronizes dark entities. Under this sign they bring demands to Mara and Chernobog. Develops cunning and intelligence, an excellent amulet for yourself and your loved ones.

The amulet is a cultural property of the Slavic people. The types of execution are very diverse and you are sure to find something suitable.

Seal of Veles

If we want to be successful and happy, then the Seal of Veles amulet will be the best talisman for this. The bestial god is a symbol of wealth and prosperity. Since time immemorial, Veles has been helping smart and enterprising people do business.

Our amulet is made of high-quality materials that comply with GOST and undergo careful selection. Our craftsmen are leading experts in jewelry and you will receive a magnificent product as a result. self made made with soul and care for colleagues.


The main mission of this amulet is to improve health and energy protection. Since ancient times, Rodovik has reliably protected the Slavs from the evil eye and damage. The amulet will protect you from all sorts of negativity and energy larvae. He will also protect you from imposing the will of others and help you find your way.

The symbol will connect you to the birth canal and strengthen the family. The Slavic amulet will provide you with the most powerful energy protection, which will save you from all known destructive programs. Wear the sign around your neck or in your pocket and nothing will happen to you and your loved ones.

Fern flower

In Slavic culture, the Fern Flower has a magical inner content. It is one of the symbols of Rodnoverie and has the most powerful healing energy. This symbol is used in rituals and to establish the birth canal with ancestors.

The amulet has miraculous properties and will be useful for realizing your dreams. The Slavs know that words have power and such concepts as damage and the evil eye are common in our culture. The Fern Flower amulet, like many other Slavic amulets, is focused primarily on protection. One of the most strengths amulets are his protective power.

Overcome Grass

In Slavic Voloshba there are rituals, amulets, and amulets that help defeat illnesses and attract love. Odolen The herb is used for health as a talisman.

This symbol is applied to the talisman and carried with you. Legends say that Overpowering Grass helps you always be in shape, which will have a positive effect in all aspects of life.


The Bogovnik is a Slavic amulet that protects against various kinds of negative situations. Our ancestors were wise and knew how to competently influence life's moments. There was a great understanding that many processes are interconnected and that by pulling strings you can influence situations.

A strong and archaic symbol that will charge you with divine energy. This sign will change your life for the better. Will help you overcome difficulties and achieve your goals. The Divine amulet will improve the functioning of your body and thereby improve your overall well-being. In addition to health, our talisman also improves thought processes, which thereby increases financial well-being.


Svarozhich is an ancient fire symbol born when Svarog hit a stone with a hammer. As a result of sparks from the interaction of hammer and stone, Slavic gods were born. At these moments, everything around the stone caught fire and this fire is considered purifying. The amulet was created for people who want to cleanse their energy centers and subsequently provide them with reliable protection.

The innate power of the symbol and the vast experience of the craftsmen turns the output into a unique product, which is made by hand. Piece work is always done with good and correct energy, since all our craftsmen are native believers. Svarozhich is made in the best traditions of Slavic jewelry and shamanism. Your native symbol will definitely help you overcome all difficulties.

Veles' paw

The Paw of Veles amulet was created specifically for those who want to comprehend wisdom and wealth. In the Slavic pantheon, the god Veles is considered the leading god on whom the success and development of all others depends.

The Slavic tribes also had totem animals with which they associated themselves. Prophetic was associated in Russian history with:

  • bull
  • wolf
  • bear


The Rubezhnik amulet is an ancient esoteric center of the Slavs. This symbol is a constant unit and the validity period continues until the amulet is broken or lost. The sign has healing powers and is well suited for people who want to improve their spiritual and physical health.

The amulet will help you adjust the functioning of your body in such a way that you feel good and harmonious. Archaeological excavations show us that this amulet was used mainly by the priestly class. The sign will help open doors that once seemed closed.


Slavic amulets are leaders in this direction in terms of their power and strength of action. Even Christians use our amulets because of their miraculous powers. The Rysich amulet is a classic example of beautiful jewelry work combined with a witchcraft symbol, which ultimately forms a masterpiece.

This sign will protect you from diseases and negativity. The amulet is patronized by the god Svarog, who is considered the first parent. An excellent choice for those who want to change their life for the better. It will help you develop a harmonious state and well-being.

Sown Field

The symbol is often depicted as a sown plot of land, which symbolizes fertility and wealth. In ancient times, people were very dependent on crops. There are many different beliefs and stories associated with field work.

The Sown Field amulet, in addition to financial well-being, is also a symbol of female fertility. This sign was worn by women to become pregnant or already pregnant so that the child would be safe and sound. This sign is perfect for those who are looking for a symbol that will attract abundance and prosperity.


In our time, the original faith of the Slavs and Slavic symbols are beginning to revive. Pre-Christian culture reverberates in our lives again and we are pleased to present you the Slavic amulet Svetoch. It contains the power accumulated by our ancestors over centuries.

Our ancestors were close to nature and could use its power. This symbol is solar and is depicted in the form of rays directed outside counterclockwise and inside clockwise. The sign represents the continuity of generations and the wisdom of thousands of generations that came before us.

Burdock of Happiness

The Burdock of Happiness is a traditional Slavic symbol. The amulet dates back to the era of belief in the old Russian gods. If we raise the topic of the meaning of the sign, then it personifies Veles himself. Along with power and aesthetics, products from our workshop will complement your image of a strong and free person.

The amulets from our workshop are made primarily to protect you and your loved ones, as well as to help develop your best qualities. Since ancient times, our ancestors wore items made of precious metals with protective symbols. More noble social strata of the population wore jewelry made of gold and silver, as they have magical properties that protect their owner.

Heavenly Cross

The Heavenly Cross amulet is one of the most powerful in its effect today. Knowledgeable people They understand perfectly how necessary energetic cleansing is from various negative aspects. This symbol will have a beneficial effect on its owner and will become an energy shield from destructive programs.

The sign removes energy knots and clamps. The owner of this amulet will feel better in the near future. Our ancestors were close to nature and, as archaeological excavations show us, they actively used religious objects of worship. Women and men wore jewelry made of precious metals with protective symbols. One of them is the Heavenly Cross amulet.

Amulet Heavenly Boar

The Heavenly Boar amulet represents the wisdom and strength of the ancestors. It opens the birth canal. All the strength of the northern peoples will help you and your loved ones. Our ancestors were wise and created protective symbols that protected them from many problems. This amulet helps to reduce the number of negative situations to a minimum, and the number of happy days will increase.

The sign will help you set the right goals and achieve them. An excellent object of worship for people interested in Slavic culture and tradition. This symbol is patronized by the god Yarilo, who personifies ebullient physical love and passion. Symbol of youth and love. Patron of energies that rejuvenate and strengthen the body.

Svitovit (Svetovit)

The Russian anthem contains words about folk wisdom. And this is no coincidence, since our people have been around for many years and everything has happened. Tradition is a storehouse of information, which, like safety precautions, was often written in blood. Our ancestors are smart, women are beautiful, and children are healthy. The Svitovit amulet will help you reveal your best qualities.

The strength that inspires you to work and human deeds will fill you. An excellent choice for those who want to make a breakthrough and development in their lives. Competitors and envious people will no longer be a problem for you due to the protective potential of the symbol.


According to ancient legends and Slavic mythology, Triglav was a god in the Slavic pantheon. Before going into battle or solving any problem, our ancestors turned to him, he helped them and gave signs.

The Triglav amulet will become your symbol of good luck, which will bring development and success in the areas that interest you. One of the strongest aspects of this symbol is that it protects not only the owner, but also his loved ones. All products are made by craftsmen who have passed the competition. By ordering this symbol you will receive not only magical protection, but also aesthetic beauty from masterfully performed work.

Tree of Life

In our tradition, continuity is valued and all Slavs want to receive the support of their family. It was for these purposes that the Tree of Life amulet was made. It opens the birth canal, which connects you to the Slavic egregor.

This symbol is patronized by the god Rod, who is responsible for the ancestral connection. The amulet is perfect for those who want to unlock their potential and achieve their goals. Most importantly, the Tree of Life amulet is absolutely safe and harmless. All magical actions take place at the level of subtle matters, which are invisible to humans, and if they manifest themselves, then only in a positive sense.

Ancient Slavic amulets are endowed with enormous sacred power, the power of family ties, nature, and the shrines of our ancestors. People at all times, regardless of their beliefs, needed symbolism that endowed them with superpowers. The age-old wisdom of different peoples miraculously comes to models of the world that are strikingly similar to each other. Confirmation of this can be found by comparing Slavic amulets and legends with the Sumerian epic and the Vedas of Ancient India.

The ancient Slavs worshiped the Sun as the source of life on Earth, which is why solar signs were so important to them. The ancient Slavic sorcerers had a huge body of knowledge that has not been fully studied to this day, which allowed them to build a unique formula for the universe. One has only to look at the Solstice or Kolovrat.

Slavic symbol Kolovrat

Slavic legends are considered the basis of the Sumerian epic "Enuma Elish" - the first known detailed description the origin and development of the solar system.

Ancient Slavic amulets, embodying the worship of the sun, also depict other symbols. The simple geometric signs of Slavic amulets are contained in one subject - the swastika, which is not an accident. After all, the shape of our galaxy, as well as human DNA, resembles a swastika in shape.

There is a theory that Slavic amulets served not just as amulets, but had another purely practical purpose - information carriers. A symbol immortalized in stone or metal retains the original meaning put into it by ancient sorcerers. Anyone who wants to know their roots will be interested in studying the basics of ancient Slavic mythology and understanding the meaning of runes and amulets.

The meaning of any amulet is a symbol that personifies specific natural elements. Our ancestors believed that women were protected by certain deities, and men by others. On this basis, one can draw an analogy between Slavic beliefs and ancient Greek myths, which tell about the lives of a great many gods and titans, who also provided protection to mere mortals depending on their gender, craft and even natural talents.

What were amulets made of in Rus'?

Material for making amulets in ancient Rus' any raw material available to the master became available:

  • animal bones and teeth;
  • tree;
  • stone;
  • metal.

Silver was considered the most preferred metal, because it in itself brings purification and averts manifestations of darkness. Thus, the silver amulet had double power. Of course, a silver amulet was only available to wealthy people.

Amulets for different sexes always carry different energies and differ significantly, just as the eternal male and female occupations differ: hunting or warfare for men, gathering or keeping the family hearth for women.

Charms for men

Men's traditional amulets protected their owners from illnesses and bestowed good luck in hunting and business. They were made from metals, embroidered on shirts, and engraved on weapons. Men's were distinguished by laconic forms and greater severity than women's.

The most powerful amulets were those made by hand. loving women- mothers or wives.

Hammer of Svarog

A man who had reached the age of a warrior had the right to wear it. Svarog gives a man endurance, firmness, helps in work, gives wisdom, strengthens the family hearth.

Hammer of Svarog


Rasic - a sign of unification Slavic clans. A sign of power that grants its owner strength and wisdom. Used by the ancient Slavs on weapons and military equipment.


An exclusively military talisman for our ancestors, it is now actively used in peaceful life. - a powerful talisman that transmits solar energy into the surrounding space. It is strictly forbidden to be worn by the fair sex due to its detrimental effect on feminine energy: it can even turn a woman’s fate in a bad direction.



Gives strength in confrontations with enemies. In ancient mythology, he was personified with the god of war - Indra, so his main places of placement were military attributes. Nowadays, Grozovik helps men cope with the elements - sailors, firefighters, pilots.


An amulet for men with life experience, at least 32 years old, with a family and children. Helps achieve enlightenment and wisdom. You cannot wear it only as a decoration, only with a special meaning.



An amulet revered as bestowing the energy of the sun. Putting it on as a boy, a man wears it all his life, receiving such qualities as courage, wisdom, and speed of reaction.

Ax of Perun

Protects its bearer in military works, protects his family, increases firmness in faith and happiness in love.

Ax of Perun

Shield of Perun

A talisman that purifies the thoughts of its owner, protects against slander, carries the energy of Perun the Thunderer, and helps in any life trials.

Seal of Veles - Bear Paw

Once wearing this talisman, a man cannot take it off throughout his life. Then Veles will be favorable to the owner of the amulet and will bestow success in the profession and material wealth.

Seal of Veles

Sword in the star of England

Depicts a nine-pointed star - the sign of Primary Fire. Together with the sword, the star gives the power to resist death to its owner, develops hidden talents and abilities, and reveals to him the wisdom of the ancient Slavs. Another name for this amulet is Immortelle.

Traditionally, a man could wear one amulet. A woman was supposed to have several.

Charms for women

Woman in Slavic traditions She was revered as the successor of the family, the keeper of the hearth. Therefore, to protect her, it was necessary to use many different women’s special amulets, carrying the power of several higher patrons.

Usually the eldest woman in the family made them for her relatives. It was she who had the experience, faith, and spiritual strength that she could put into the amulet.


Brings love and feminine happiness to its owner. Maintains health, beauty, facilitates pregnancy and childbirth.


Lada Star

Symbol of love, youth, health, beauty. Especially suitable for young girls who dream of a family and harmony in it. Protects the house from dark manifestations and troubles.


Intended for married women. Protects the family from enemies, preserves the health of all family members, and brings prosperity and prosperity to the home.



Protects and gives strength to a married woman with children. The power of the amulet benefits only a woman with a courageous character and strong spirit. It is strictly contraindicated for young girls; it can even harm a fragile soul.

Woman in labor

It has a beneficial effect on the health of pregnant women, helps during childbirth, and protects newborn babies. This symbol is filled with the energy of a mother’s joy at the birth of a child. Its power extends to all the woman’s offspring.

Woman in labor


Gives its owner energy protection from damage, curses, the evil eye, and bad words. Slavs believed that this talisman could protect women's health.

Wedding party

Guardian of newlyweds, young spouses were expected to wear it together in the form of embroidery on shirts and rings with the Bridegroom. However, after the birth of the child, it was necessary to hide the amulet in a secluded place in the house, then it would protect harmony and peace in the family. Under no circumstances should a lonely person wear it, this can only bring trouble to him.

Wedding party


Preserves and increases all the good things in the life of its owner, protects her from dangers. The light of Yaril is considered a symbol of childbirth. Its other side - Ognevik - strengthens and increases spiritual strength.


Patronizes girls and unmarried girls. Protects against dark forces and ailments, develops natural abilities and talents.



Helps a woman conceive and give birth healthy child. The mother gave such a talisman to her daughter so that it would have a beneficial effect on a woman’s destiny, help her avoid temptations, and be successful in managing household. Slavets can be worn with any other women's amulet to enhance its impact.

Charms for children

Our ancestors tried to protect the most defenseless members of their families - children - from dark forces from birth. Therefore, a talisman hung over each cradle, and signs were embroidered on diapers or shirts to protect, give health, and develop the talents of children.


Women made such amulets in the form of dolls from flagella of white canvas, tied with handkerchiefs on top and wrapped in red thread. The main condition is not to use scissors and needles, because the diaper was placed in the crib of an infant. This doll protected the baby from all misfortunes: the evil eye, damage, witchcraft.



Named in honor of the god Rod, the protector of all life on earth. The amulet was hung over the cradle or placed in the crib. It was believed that Rodovik would protect not only the baby, but his entire family - the entire clan. When the child grew up, Rodovik remained in the family.


The purpose of amulets for children was the same as for adults, but in a smoothed, developing, educational “children's” version. The girls had to become adult life keepers of the hearth, find and preserve women's happiness, give birth and raise healthy offspring. Therefore, they were given toys or pendants depicting Lelnik or Ladinets. The boys were to become protectors of the clan, skilled warriors, master a craft, develop the necessary masculine qualities - courage, courage, wisdom. To do this, they had to have such amulets as Kolyadnik, Molvinets, Rodimich.

Universal symbols

There are several types of Slavic amulets suitable for both sexes.


Helps those who are married. Young boys and girls should not wear it, since instead of happiness, this amulet can have a negative impact on fate.


It will protect and help any adult who is engaged in some significant activity or performs certain responsibilities in the family. A man will easily get his daily bread and provide for his family financially, and a woman will show talents in needlework, housekeeping and maintaining family happiness.



Contains double power and gives protection to both women and men. This amulet is double-sided. The female side is the Overpowering Grass itself, and the reverse is the male side - the Fern Flower.


Usually given as a gift to loved ones. Protects against illnesses and evil eyes, drives away evil spirits. Attracts happiness and favor of fortune. Such a talisman can be worn by men and women, or can be hung on the walls of the house so that its effect extends to the whole family and home.



Grants secret knowledge, reveals Creative skills people striving for spiritual growth, having a pure soul and bright thoughts. With the help of Veles, they performed magical rituals and communicated with the other world.


Will help you make the right decision at a crossroads. It will help a man strengthen his opinion and defend it, and give a woman youth and beauty.


Universal amulets can be worn by everyone, regardless of gender and age; their images can be applied to household utensils and walls of the house.

Amulets for family and home

Home amulets were aimed at preserving the hearth and health of family members, clan, as well as protecting the house in the physical sense from natural Disasters and robbers.

The tree of Life

The source of power of this most powerful amulet is in the spiritual origin of the family. It will protect the home and family from illness, damage and the evil eye, and protect it from intra-family conflicts.

Protects the clan, protects the borders of its territories from raids by dashing people, witchcraft and the evil eye.


Fern flower

It has a healing effect on those who are sick and cures illnesses in a short time. For supporting magical properties it must be “cleaned” regularly using fire or water.


It has a beneficial effect on a person’s body and soul, with it wounds heal faster and a person’s aura is cleansed. Grants longevity to its owner.



Protects the home from fires and robberies, and its inhabitants from quarrels. To do this, his image was painted on the walls of the house. It makes it possible for the entire family to achieve prosperity and prosperity, and to win the respect of people. As a body amulet, Vseslavets was worn only by men in order to prove themselves in male professions, to establish and maintain relationships with elders, both in age and social status.


A solar symbol of the movement of the sun across the sky, bringing abundance, joy, health to its inhabitants, and protection from evil to the house. The main condition for using such a talisman is honesty with other people.


Heavenly Cross

The sign is necessary for those who pass on their knowledge to others; the house of such a person will be reliably protected from the evil eye and strife.


Protects the purity and well-being of the entire family, attracts success, and brings grace to the family. Symbolizes the power of the wind, which cleanses the space around the house, providing powerful protection.



Gives a person confidence in disputes, endows him with eloquence. The graphic image of Kolohort consists of two swastikas placed in a circle in two different directions and forming a continuous chain of figures. This amulet reminds us that there is no day without night, after summer comes autumn, and the passage of time cannot be stopped.


It has powerful protective power against enemies, strengthens the will, removes all obstacles, and puts thoughts in order. It was placed at the entrance to the house and even to temples, as it guards the boundaries of the clan and family.


Various types of amulets among the Slavs

The spread of amulets and charms among the ancient Slavs had two main goals:

  • Strengthening the clan, family, promoting the development and increase in the strength of the clan: for these purposes, amulets were created for relatives, so that all branches of the clan would expand, all family members would be healthy and happy.
  • Protection: these symbols were supposed to resist any manifestation of evil: from evil eye neighbor to goblins and water goblins.

Forms and types of ancient Slavic amulets:

  • Body amulets;
  • Decorations in the form of woven knots and their combinations;
  • Amulet dolls;
  • Amulets on the body in the form of tattoos;
  • Embroidery on interior textiles, clothing;
  • Drawings on household items, dishes;
  • Bunches of herbs placed in the home;
  • Drawings of symbols outside the house on the walls, on the gates.

Our ancestors were forced to protect themselves from many adverse influences from the outside world, so they tried to enlist the support of everyone good forces and gods.

Knots talismans

A fairly popular form of amulets among the ancient Slavs were nauz knots. These knots were braided in a special order, and the craftswoman needed certain preparation to weave them. Each specific shape of the knot attracted what a person wanted, but only one thing - good luck, love, protection from the evil eye.

Ancient Slavic doll amulets

A classic Slavic amulet for the home that protects the family, homemade talisman dolls. It is interesting that all such dolls did not have faces, since the Slavs believed that evil spirits could enter dolls through their faces.

Nurse- a doll that was customary to give to newborn babies and their mothers. It was believed that such a doll would contribute to the mother’s constant supply of milk, which means that the child would always be well-fed and healthy.

Kuvadok - The baby's first toy in his life. It was necessary to hang several heaps over the baby's cradle, but there had to be an odd number of them.

Fever- protected from diseases, warded off damage.

Herbalist - helped the sick person to recover, alleviated his suffering.

Lovebirds- dolls that were given to spouses to preserve family happiness.


Slavic ta tattoos

Extant to this day known facts applying amulets to the skin in the form of tattoos are tattoos for men with scenes of the battles of Perun and the Serpent, as well as ancient Slavic ornaments, in which various messages were encrypted - wishes of good luck, protection from evil spirits.

Most likely, such tattoos were common among warriors. The Slavs believed that symbols in the form of tattoos would make a warrior invisible in battle, turn the enemy’s spears away from him, and help him win. There were rules according to which only a person who had reached 33 years of age could get a tattoo, that is, sufficiently old and mature, since life expectancy in those days was on average 39 years.

Body jewelry

Slavic amulets were most often worn in the form of pendants on a cord or thread. Pendants were worn by both men and women. Typically, women's were made of wood, and men's were made of metal.

The second most popular form of wearing amulet were rings and bracelets. Women preferred bracelets, and men wore rings.

Runic symbols

In addition to sacred symbols, they put on amulets runic symbols- signs, the meaning of which depends on their location or on a combination of such signs. The Slavs often used them to write the names of gods. Runes were engraved on weapons for good luck in battle, and were also widely used in embroidery on clothing and home textiles.

Embroidery as a talisman

Ancient Slavic women devoted a lot of time to needlework and, in particular, embroidery. It was both entertainment and craft at the same time. Embroidery was never intended only to decorate clothes. The craftswoman always encrypted a special meaning in it - be it a message to the gods asking for protection, a wish of good luck, or a spell against evil spirits.

Embroidery was used to decorate not only clothes, but also home textiles - pillowcases, bedspreads, towels.

Embroidery as a talisman

How to choose and wear an ancient Slavic amulet

It was considered very important to choose, make, and charge the amulet correctly. The ancient Slavs carefully approached the choice of symbols and took into account several factors:

  1. Time and date of birth of a person. The ancient Slavs kept track of time according to their unique calendar - Kolyada and the zodiac circle, which was called the circle of Svarog. This circle consisted of 16 zodiac signs; our ancestors called them palaces. Exists modern theory, according to which the zodiac circle of 12 signs familiar to us was borrowed precisely from the ancient Slavs.
  2. Age and gender of the person. Indeed, according to ancient Slavic beliefs, women and men had different patrons; only certain deities were suitable for children for protection, which could contribute to the development of the child’s potential.
  3. Status and occupation of a person. Heavenly patrons could also be different depending on the craft chosen by a person along the path of life and the heights he achieved in society.
  4. The most important factor when choosing a talisman is a spiritual relationship with it, a certain magnetism that attracts a person to a certain sign.
  5. Before choosing a talisman, you must carefully study its meaning and take into account all the features of its symbols.

To choose a talisman that will have a beneficial effect on life, a person should think about what he is missing, or determine what needs to be protected from. This will help you choose an amulet that can attract what you want and protect you from potential dangers. A correctly selected amulet will bring harmony into life, make its owner happier and help in all good endeavors.

In ancient times, people believed much more in protective objects; they knew how to protect themselves, their home, and their relatives. Amulets and their meaning were very important to everyone at that time. Mothers embroidered clothes to protect their young children, wives - for their husbands. Housewives protected them with the help of various symbolic objects that prevented evil spirits from entering their homes and attracted good energy, wealth, and prosperity.

The materials used for amulets are completely different, but they must be natural. For example, they often take cotton thread, natural fabrics, seeds from various trees and the tree itself, grains, herbs in various types, metal (symbols are usually made from it), stones (precious and semi-precious). Previously, home Slavic amulets were made by one woman from the family, thinking at that moment about the future owner (if the amulet was individual) or about protecting the house.

Effective amulets for the home

So, to protect your home from evil, you can invite a psychic to carry out cleaning or magical ritual, as well as make or buy an effective amulet. If you chose the latter method, then you will definitely need a talisman against the evil eye, which can be done by unkind people who come to you (especially if there is a small child in the house).

It should be noted that home amulets need to be placed in every room. For example, flowers or any other representatives of wildlife should be placed in the kitchen, as well as amulets that are responsible for the well-being and prosperity of the family. In the corridor and near the entrance doors, amulets should be installed that will not allow evil people into the house, or will simply remove the negativity they bring. Windows should also be protected. Very often, a horseshoe is hung above the front door for good luck. It is very important to protect the nursery - amulets are hung over the baby’s crib and given in the form of toys.

Personal amulets-decorations

Personal protection is no less important. If you feel that your strength is running out, if there are people who take away your energy and after communicating with them you are like a squeezed lemon, be sure to purchase a talisman. In the beginning, you may need to visit a bioenergetics specialist to restore your energy.

So, what amulets can there be? The amulet bracelet is very popular, especially among women, because it can be worn as a decoration, which adds charm to the lady. Here you can use various pendant items that have protective properties, as well as materials. For example, a key pendant is a symbol of wealth, the sun is a symbol of happiness. Amulet threads are very popular and are most often tied on the hands of infants for protection.

Separately, it should be said about the amulet tattoo. Those who like to make drawings on skin can protect themselves from various negative impacts, simply by selecting a specific symbol for this. For example, ancient runes or hieroglyphs, ancient and powerful symbols. However, here you need to know exactly their meaning so as not to make a mistake.

Motanki - take care

Protective dolls are an ancient method of protection, which was made by hand using a certain technology. Everything was done without using scissors or a needle, just tearing off and wrapping all the components together. If you want to dress her up in fancy clothes, do it separately and in advance. Motanka amulets are also made without a face, leaving white fabric in its place. This is due to the fact that our ancestors considered the eyes to be conductors for spirits and through them they could enter a person. Also, a doll with a face can become someone’s double.

A special method of making dolls, namely winding threads and fabric, is very similar to coils of energy. Therefore, amulets-dolls should be made only in a good mood, correctly forming images that are aimed at protecting against negative influences, troubles, damage, the evil eye, etc. Do not rush, the motanka does not tolerate fuss.

Depending on what color is used to make the doll, it will have more influence. For example, by adding red, you protect your home and yourself from evil and bring good luck. Green color and floral patterns symbolize nature. This doll will protect a person during illness, a child until he grows up.

Protective embroidery

One of the old types of human protection is embroidery amulet. In ancient times, all clothing was embroidered with sacred symbols, which together took on the appearance of simple decoration, as well as many household items (tablecloths, towels) too. As a girl, the woman began embroidering clothes for her future role as wife and mother. When they got married, they protected their husband and then their children in this way. Mother's amulets had the greatest power until the grown child got married and got married.

What elements could be found in embroidery? For example, an image that symbolized fire (Agni). This symbol protects the home and is a sign of wisdom and knowledge. The Cross of Svarog is very famous, which looks like an eight-pointed star. This symbol is most often embroidered for someone who goes on a journey. Of course, there are many more symbols and each has its own meaning.

Prayers for protection

Protective prayers are no less important for protection. They can be read during difficult periods of life or ask for protection for loved one. Also, with the help of prayer, you can remove the evil eye or damage (but only with sufficient faith). If this is not the case, then it is better to contact an experienced specialist who will do this for you.

So, what prayers should you know? Perhaps the most famous and helpful in various situations is “Our Father.” You should also know the prayer to the Guardian Angel, reading it in various difficult and dangerous situations. To protect yourself or a loved one from trouble and problems, you should learn the prayer to the Council of the 12 Apostles. There are several prayers to the Mother of God with which you can protect your children. And again, it should be remembered that prayer only helps if a person’s faith is truly great.


So, now you know which amulet to use in different cases. Each of them has its own meaning and “sphere of activity,” so to speak. But if you feel that the amulets are not working, it is better to seek help from a healer. You can find out more information about human capabilities and methods of protection

Slavic symbols are patterns of traditional embroidery and home decoration, as well as items associated with Slavic Gods. Slavic symbols are worth knowing to choose the right amulet. Understanding the symbolism of magical objects helps to understand Slavic mythology, customs and signs.

Why you need to know Slavic symbols

Slavic symbolism is surprisingly rich. Look at the embroidery that adorns traditional clothing. Everything in it is not accidental, every turn of the pattern, sign inscribed in general drawing embroidery - everything has its meaning. However, for the uninitiated person, embroidery remains simply an outdated way to decorate an outfit; the secret of Slavic symbols remains hidden.

Slavic symbolism is worth studying for this reason:

  • for understanding Slavic myths and legends, their visual perception.
  • to understand the worldview of our ancestors.
  • to be able to read Slavic symbols on clothing, household items, home decorations, and determine the purpose of ritual objects.
  • to be able to choose a talisman for yourself and your loved ones.

Sources of knowledge about Slavic symbolism

Disputes arise about the origins of Slavic symbols. Some sources attribute ancient roots to our patterns and see in them complex patterns that describe the structure of the world. Others, on the contrary, are distrustful of Slavic symbols, even such famous ones as Kolovrat or the Star of Rus', calling them a remake.

Where is the truth? Just look at the ancient handmade outfits preserved in northern houses, richly decorated Slavic symbols to make sure that it originated many centuries ago. However, grandparents, who still know how to embroider and cut out traditional patterns, do not at all connect their meaning with the cosmos, with complex calculations, and do not explain the origin of the patterns with intricate theories.

We consider as true all the Slavic symbols that we find in the decoration of houses, folk embroidery, and amulets found in excavations of ancient cities. And we are looking for a simple explanation, close to nature, connected with our myths. But simple does not mean primitive. It is in the simplicity of the Slavic pattern, in the ability to explain even to a small child the meaning of traditional patterns, that there is deep wisdom.

What Slavic symbols do we know?

We can divide Slavic symbols into groups different ways. For example, in relation to the Slavic Gods. Then Gromovik, also known as the Thunder Cross, and a forged hatchet will be nearby. Both signs refer to the Slavic Thunder God Perun.

We can separate the signs according to their execution. Then we will highlight the Slavic symbols that are depicted on amulets, embroidered on clothes, carved into the decoration of Slavic huts, and sign-objects. For example, the sign of Svarog will be both the Star of Rus' with sharp tips and the hammer, a symbol of God the Blacksmith.

Some Gods have Slavic symbols associated with images of animals. Most of these signs are attributed to God Veles. Among his symbols we find the seal of Veles in the shape of a bear’s paw and a wolf. Even the sign of Veles itself, in the shape of an inverted letter “A”, is otherwise called “bull’s head”.

The most universal is the division of signs by their shape.

Circular solar symbols

Swastika solar symbols

Other solar symbols

Symbols based on the human figure

Slavic symbols based on a square or cross

Symbol "Summer oblique cross"

- a sign of another daughter of Lada, the Goddess Alive. This sign is dedicated to the Goddess of Summer and Life, because it brings confidence that all the bad things are behind us, the “winter” in life is over. Read more about this sign and the influence of the Goddess Zhiva in the article “Zhiva – the Great Goddess of Life, Goddess of Summer.”

Slavic symbols based on a star

From this article you will learn:

    How long can you wear magic amulets, talismans and amulets?

    What magical amulets and talismans are suitable different signs Zodiac

    How to make a magic amulet with your own hands

    Is it permissible to wear different magical amulets and talismans?

Since ancient times, people have been interested in objects that have the ability to prevent unpleasant events and attract fortunate circumstances. Today such things are called amulets or talismans. Is there a difference between the first and second? You will find out the answers to this and other questions in this article.

What is the difference between magical amulets, talismans and amulets?

Let's start by defining the concepts. Many people consider the words “amulet”, “talisman” and “amulet” to be equivalent, but this is not entirely true. At their core, these concepts are different.

Mascot(from the ancient Greek τέλεσμα "initiation, enchantment") is a magical object that attracts desired powers and situations to the one who wears it. The talisman allows you to find luck, love, financial well-being, and become more attractive. In the language every amateur uses computer games, then we can say this: “plus one hundred to health”, “plus ten to beauty”, etc.

How to wear magic amulets correctly? As we said, the talisman does not have a protective function. Therefore, it makes sense to hide it from prying eyes and wear it closer to the body. You can also simply have it with you, wrapped in a piece of cloth. But each talisman has its own characteristics. Some, indeed, as an exception, have the properties of an amulet, that is, a protective function, which we will talk about later. For example, a solar symbol or pentagram can protect the talisman from the attention of others, which is negative. If we are talking about a talisman stone, then it can be worn in plain sight, since the natural stone itself has protective properties. If we are talking about a talisman ring, then it should not be hidden from others either. The fact is that the ring is based on a circle, which is a symbol of the wheel of life.

Amulet(from the Latin amulētum) is a magical object that has the ability to reduce or divert various unwanted situations, forces, and problems from its owner. It is believed that the amulet can prevent the evil eye. In addition, magical amulets can bring good luck. The fundamental difference is that talismans are kind of magnets for good luck that attract it. And magical amulets are needed in order to prevent some events or situations that could disrupt your plans. Outwardly, the result of their influence is the same, but if we saw the subtle plan, we would notice that the process proceeds differently.

How should you wear magical amulets? They have a protective function, but it doesn’t matter whether others see them or not. They can be worn so that they are not noticeable, or over clothing. We are talking about pendants, earrings, rings, threads. By the way, the red thread is also an amulet.

Magic amulets can be runic, Celtic, according to the signs of the Zodiac, pagan, gypsy, etc. They all have the same task - to protect the owner, but there are also differences, namely:

    coding information;


Of course, magical amulets have certain properties and power. And each of them has its own characteristics.

Amulet can protect you if you encounter unpleasant phenomena such as the evil eye, negativity and evil. A talisman is not always a personal item that is worn on the body or with oneself. It is often used to protect a home, car, or property. The amulet can be placed at the doorstep, in the kitchen, or in the car. By the way, embroidery on clothes can also have a protective function. A classic example is the clothing of the ancient Slavs, in which each element had its own meaning.

How to wear a talisman? As a rule, amulets of a personal nature that do not relate to a house, car, or any property are worn in visible places. Traditionally, a talisman is an integral part of clothing. We are talking about embroidery, decoration, belt, etc. Previously, the amulet was worn next to important and vulnerable places on the body. The popular consciousness believed that the area around the face, chest, waist and below the waist, and wrist were of particular importance. In addition, the amulet was worn from behind, that is, on the back. It was believed that this item would protect against words or the evil eye thrown at the back. IN modern world This protective function is performed by a badge or keychain attached to the backpack.

Magic amulets, talismans and amulets can be artifacts, that is, things created by man, or simply objects of natural origin. The latter refers to minerals, stones, fang, feather, plant branch, etc.

Magic amulets and their meaning

Symbols and amulets for protection

The pentagram is a sign that symbolizes a shield. This symbol will protect you from everything that has a negative impact:

  • gossip;
  • evil eye;
  • influence exerted by otherworldly forces.

As a rule, such an amulet is used to protect a sorcerer who is performing a complex ritual associated with interaction with dark forces. The symbol is capable of not only eliminating the possible negative influence of entities, but also returning them to the place from which they came, closing the “portal” that connects our world and the other world.

It is a common and widely used attribute. This sign has the meaning of second birth. It allows its owner to gain great power and protects against witchcraft powers. The symbol represents a key that opens the gate to the world where the gods live. A person wearing this sign is considered protected from any illness, accident or trouble. When choosing magical amulets for yourself, you should definitely take into account the meaning that they carry, otherwise you can strengthen what is not required in yourself.

is an amulet that protects its owner from the influence of evil spirits and sorcerers. Such a sign has greater power than the pentagram, and begins to have an effect in the event of danger to the owner. It is believed that the amulet can make the owner invisible to an evil spirit. Such magical amulets are also suitable for those who practice magic and need protection.

It is an instrument of justice. This amulet can be worn by a person who needs to protect himself from the influence of otherworldly forces, and who has no desire to harm other people. If someone insulted you and did it undeservedly, then the amulet can punish your offender. And if you did wrong, then your action will be returned to you.

Love amulets

Such a sign is multifaceted, and it is impossible to say that it is only love. The sign is a reflection of two principles (male and female) and is a symbol of unity. If there is such a talisman at home, then the marriage will be strong. By the way, the amulet can protect family members from an evil spirit. Every magic amulets store offers such an item.

Crane with peach fruit is a rare amulet, whose homeland is Ancient China. It is suitable for a woman who dreams of a strong family, children and happy life in marriage. It should be worn until she marries and gives birth to her first child. And in the future, such magical amulets are stored in the Children's Corner in the apartment according to Feng Shui.

Amulets for happiness and wealth

This is a Korean magical amulet for wealth. Its owner will have to find out what unprecedented luck and profit means. Anyone who wears a coin of happiness will be successful in any endeavor. It's all about the energy flow that this sign emits. The coin is a magnet for success, luck and prosperity. If you buy a magic amulet and wear it regularly, you can find both financial well-being and good luck.

This is a powerful amulet that can attract money. It is used to increase your wealth for short term. For an avid player who finds it difficult to stop in a timely manner, the amulet can be a salvation. Thanks to him, the owner will feel when it’s time to stop. The Wheel of Fortune helps you make a profit even in the most difficult situations.

The most famous Celtic amulet. It is a symbol of harmony with the outside world and balance in the inner world. Thanks to the amulet, its owner gains the ability to accumulate spiritual and material wealth. The symbol represents the interweaving of the four elements with infinity. The amulet will help ensure that everyone treats the owner fairly. His work will never be underestimated. Due to the fact that such magical amulets are asymmetrical, their owners become self-sufficient.

Horseshoe- this amulet is probably familiar to you. Many people place it above the door to attract money. According to legend, the horseshoe became a symbol of wealth in the Middle Ages, when only rich people owned horses. In order for the talisman to attract money, the horseshoe must be correctly positioned.

Charms against diseases

It is a well-known amulet that can heal a person. It is believed that the amulet is a symbol of the main luminary and therefore it is a source of powerful positive energy, which is enough for healing.

Such magical amulets give their owners great willpower and vitality. The amulet can help if its owner suffers from any physical illness. Moreover, it will also be useful for diseases of a psychological nature. If a person suffers from prolonged depression, neurosis and similar troubles, then in order to normalize the condition, he only needs to wear this talisman for a few days.

Amulets that grant wisdom

The magical pentacle of Solomon or, as it is otherwise called, magic amulet of Solomon is a symbol of wisdom and logical thinking. It helps to increase and develop the mental capabilities of its owner, giving him the ability to be wise and make decisions correctly. The “magic pentacle” amulet is ideal for people whose lives are related to science and education. Thanks to it, a person’s memory improves.

Amulet "Five blessings" is another Chinese amulet that has come down to us from ancient times. He became a symbol of five blessings:

  • health;



It represents the symbol of an eye placed inside a triangle. The all-seeing eye is a very powerful amulet that can eliminate any evil. It is believed that this is how the all-seeing God is depicted. Such magical amulets give their owners wisdom, calmness, and prudence. If you wear the all-seeing eye, then the gates to knowledge of the whole world are opened for you.

Magic crystal ball is a famous tool for magicians. It can be used during rituals, carried with you, or used when performing any special concentrating exercise. The ball is a closed model of the Universe and has enormous power. The ball can be used to enter an altered state of consciousness and gain visions. Who can use the ball? There are no restrictions. It should be understood that an experienced magician will have more effective interaction, and for a beginner - less.

How long can you wear magic amulets?

An amulet or amulet can be worn without taking it off until the moment when the item wears itself out. An object that protects its owner receives negative energy and stores it within itself. For this reason, magical amulets need to be cleansed. We will look at how to do this below.

What magical amulets are suitable for different zodiac signs?

If the amulet is chosen correctly, it will work flawlessly. It gives its owner not only good luck and prosperity, but also happiness and success in personal affairs. It is important to note that each zodiac sign has its own amulet. Be careful when choosing these items.

Make sure the amulet is new and no one has worn it before. It is advisable that magical amulets be charged by a magician who is well versed in this matter. It is important to remember that your talisman cannot be given to anyone, even for a short time. If this happens, the owner may lose his strength and become susceptible to various misfortunes, troubles and diseases.

Aries . A person born under this sign spends a lot of energy interacting with other people. An amulet that has a round or square shape will suit him. Matching colors: green, red, orange. They allow the owner to maintain mental strength. It is known that the patron of Aries is Mars. Therefore, for such people, an amulet in the form of a bladed weapon, for example, a dagger, sword, or knife, is suitable. It could be a magical shield. For Aries, products made from amethyst, garnet, ruby, and diamond are suitable.

Taurus . The ideal material for the amulet is bronze or wood. A wooden amulet is especially relevant for people of this sign. Thanks to the elephant figurine, Taurus can find well-being, including financial well-being. You should know that the color red is not suitable for people born under this sign. It is good for Taurus to have magical amulets made of jade, emerald, and sapphire.

Twins . This is a sign of the changeable air element. It is favorable for Gemini to have an amulet in the form of a key, a theatrical mask, or a keyhole. For representatives of this sign, magical amulets of blue, light blue, white flowers. It is not advisable to use green. It is better to choose chrysoprase, beryl, and agate stones, which have protective properties.

Cancer . Representatives of this sign are patronized by the Moon. Therefore, an amulet made in the shape of the Moon or a heart will suit them. Magic amulets in the shape of a crab/cancer will help you become calmer and more confident. Suitable metals are white gold, silver, and among stones it is better to give preference to amber, turquoise, and pearls.

a lion . A figurine of the sun, an eagle and, of course, a lion is suitable as an amulet. The patron saint of Leo is the Sun. A representative of this sign should not give preference to cold colors. Gold and topaz are perfect for an amulet.

Virgo . In order to gain confidence, receive protection from misfortunes, and attract love and success, Virgos need an amulet. If you make it from clay/gypsum, its effect will increase. A calm and cool shade is most suitable. It is better for representatives of this sign to give preference to carnelian or malachite. An amulet for a maiden can be based on the image of an owl.

Scales . To become more serious and collected, you need to find an amulet in the form of scales with two hanging bowls. Representatives of this sign are suitable for magical amulets made of silver. Of the colors, it is better to give preference to cool shades. And if we are talking about stones, then products made from opal, beryl, and sapphire are suitable for Libra.

Scorpion . For Scorpios, talismans with symbols related to weapons/battle are suitable. We are talking about a miniature mace, a small cannonball, etc. The figure of a frog will bring good luck to the representative of the sign. Red color suits Scorpios, and if we are talking about stones, it is better to give preference to hematite or ruby.

Sagittarius . For protection, a phoenix bird or scarab beetle is suitable. It is also favorable for representatives of the sign to wear a small figurine of a horse or a small bronze horseshoe. The preferred color is blue, and the stones you should choose are agate, topaz, and peridot.

Capricorn . A ladder or a coin works best. To attract good luck and success, a yellow amulet is suitable. Of the stones, preference should be given to ruby ​​and onyx.

Aquarius . An amulet in the form of an angel or bird figurine is suitable for Aquarius. In general, representatives of this sign are suitable for everything related to flight and the sky. Aquarians should give preference to silver and platinum. If we are talking about stones, then zirconium and amethyst are suitable.

Fish . Of course, anything related to water is suitable for representatives of this sign; for example, these can be magical amulets made from coral. Pendants in the shape of a fish or jellyfish are an ideal option. Green and blue colors suit Pisces.

How to make magic amulets with your own hands

We will look at how magical amulets are created to promote the development of magical abilities.

This amulet is suitable for those who have a dominant Venus in their horoscope. The amulet helps to enhance femininity, charm, sexual attractiveness, strength, tenderness, fertility, talent, harmony, elegance, tact, artistry, sensitivity, diplomacy.

The Venus amulet should be made within a certain period (April 20 – May 20). Unfavorable times are considered October 23 – November 21. It is best to make magical amulets on Friday, during evening twilight.

The image is applied using green ink. After creating the amulet, they take it in their palms and say the following: “Spirits of earth and fire, I call on you, I conjure you, consecrate this amulet so that it will bring me beauty and joy, youth and luck and protect me from all evil. Let it be so!".

After this, the magical amulets are fumigated with chamomile. And in order to enhance the magical power, amulets are left between burning candles for an hour.

Looking for magical amulets and talismans? The photos presented below will allow you to understand what they look like, and the materials offered in this article will illuminate this difficult topic for you.

The amulet is suitable for you if the Moon is dominant in your horoscope. Thanks to the amulet, you can gain beauty, mystical abilities, strengthen your intuition, become more charming, sexy, gentle, and poetic.

The favorable period is considered to be June 22 – July 22, and the unfavorable period is December 22 – January 20. It is best to make magical amulets on Monday at midnight.

The image is applied using silver ink. After creating the amulet, you should take it in your hands and say: “Spirits of water, I call on you, I conjure you, consecrate this amulet so that it will endow me with intuition and the ability of foresight, luck and peace and protect me from everything wicked. Let it be so!".

The amulet is suitable for those whose horoscope is dominated by Mars. An amulet can make a person more courageous, assertive, active, militant, open, independent, sexy, resourceful.

The amulet should be made between March 21 and April 19. You should not do this from September 23 to October 22. The best day to create an amulet is Tuesday, and the time of day is noon.

The image is applied using red ink. After making the amulet, they take it in their palms and say: “Spirits of fire, I call on you, I conjure you, consecrate this amulet so that it brings me strength and endurance, luck and courage, so that it protects me from every enemy and envious person. Let it be so!".

The amulet is suitable for those whose horoscope is dominated by Mercury. Magic amulets enhance many positive qualities in their owner, such as dexterity, intelligence, intelligence, mobility, etc.

The amulet should be made between May 21 and June 21. It is better to refrain from such events from November 22 to December 21. The best day to create an amulet is Wednesday, and the time of day is morning.

The image is applied using dark blue ink. After making the amulet, they take it in their palms and say: “Spirits of the air, I call on you, I conjure you, consecrate this amulet so that it will bestow me with eloquence and dexterity, luck and prosperity, so that it will protect me from the evil eye and damage. Let it be so!".

The amulet is suitable for those whose horoscope is dominated by Saturn. An amulet can make a person more powerful, persistent, organized, calm, calculating, and prudent.

The amulet should be made between January 21 and February 19. You should not do this from July 23 to August 22. The best day to create an amulet is Saturday, and the time of day is midnight.

The image is applied using black ink. After making the amulet, they take it in the palm of their hand and say: “Spirits of the earth and air, I call on you, I conjure you, consecrate this amulet so that it will bring me self-confidence and perseverance, luck and power, and also protect me from everything dark and unclean. Let it be so!".

The amulet is suitable for you if the Sun is dominant in your horoscope. Thanks to the amulet, you can gain courage, openness to everything new, kindness, responsiveness, sexuality, attractiveness, charm, sincerity, honesty, authority, spirituality, artistry, originality and sociability.

The favorable period is considered to be July 23 - August 22, and the unfavorable period is January 21 - February 19. It is best to make an amulet on Sunday at dawn.

The image is applied using golden ink. After creating the amulet, you should take it in your hands and say: “Spirits of fire, I call on you, I conjure you, consecrate this talisman so that it gives me the power of light and the magic of charm, so that it bestows good luck and success in any business, and also protects me from any black magic. Let it be so!".

Such magical amulets are suitable for you if Jupiter is dominant in your horoscope. Thanks to the amulet, you can gain generosity, tolerance for other people's shortcomings, majesty, nobility, justice, self-confidence, dedication, religiosity, and the ability to lead people.

The favorable period is considered to be November 22 – December 21, and the unfavorable period is May 21 – June 21. It is best to make the amulet on Thursday evening.

The image is applied using red ink. After creating the amulet, you should take it in your hands and say: “Spirits of water and air, I call on you, I conjure you, consecrate this amulet so that it will bring me the favor of people in power and success in my career, so that it will bestow good luck and wisdom, and also protect me from any evil and evil spirits. Let it be so!".

Is it permissible to wear different magic amulets?

There is no reason why it would be harmful to wear several amulets at the same time. Any symbol goes well with others, even if we are talking about Slavic, runic, Scandinavian amulets.

If you still doubt that two amulets are compatible with each other, then you should check it. To do this, place both items in front of you, light a candle and try to focus on your amulets. Feel how they interact. Is there tension between them? Doesn't a magical amulet for good luck and wealth, for example, resist the second talisman, which is aimed at achieving family happiness?

If you don’t feel anything like that, then there is nothing wrong with wearing these amulets at the same time.

Where is the best place to wear magic amulets and talismans?

It is believed that left hand perceives, and the right one conducts, gives. The same applies to the sides of the body. It is better to keep an amulet that has a protective function on the left.

An amulet designed to attract successful marriage, wealth, luck, it is better to keep it on the right.

Any amulet can be worn around the neck. And what matters is how regularly it is worn. For example, an amulet worn on the chest will be more effective than the one lying at home.

Note that the amulet that a woman wears to conceive a child should be placed in the abdomen. Such magical amulets, the powers of which extend to a specific part of the body, should be worn exactly where their help is needed.

Is it possible to wear other people's magical amulets?

Is it safe to wear other people's magic amulets? This question is relevant for many. Of course, magical amulets are considered personal and even intimate. These magical things treat their owner in a special way and may not be very happy about his change. It is believed that it is favorable to buy an amulet for yourself, and it is extremely unfavorable to give it to someone else.

However, if we are talking about jewelry that is passed down from generation to generation, then such an amulet is very powerful. Even if we are talking about a simple vintage brooch that your grandmother loved, then this is the strongest amulet for you.

How to clean magic amulets and talismans

It is important to remember that magical amulets can absorb negative energy and ward off some unwanted events in the life of the owner. For this reason, you should sometimes cleanse the talisman of the unfavorable information that has accumulated in it.

Magic amulets purify:

fire- move the object over the flame, imagining how the negative burns;

water- hold it under water (river, spring, tap);

earth- sprinkle the object with earth/salt and leave it like that for several days;

air- hold the amulet in the smoke of cleansing incense.

Any method is good, but it is important to consider the material from which magic amulets are made so as not to spoil them. The safest way to clean the amulet is with water.

Whatever you strive for, whatever lifestyle you lead, luck and magical protection will never interfere with you.
