What do the gods know about the Slavic cuttings of the family. Slavic Reza Rod in northern fortune telling

Much has changed since fairy tales. Much knowledge, traditions and experience are gone along with the distant past. However, the time comes for the awakening of ancestral traditions, ancestral memory. Once again the time has come to turn to the power and wisdom of the Native Gods of the Slavic civilization. All people also strive to go beyond, to know their future, to know themselves.

The world of our ancient ancestors was so filled with mystical and secret phenomena and events that sometimes it was simply impossible to do without looking into the other world. All the traditions of the Slavs were richly filled with “fortune telling” - after all, with the help of them, people could turn to beings who, being beyond the space of matter, knew and saw more than people. These were not only spirits, guardian angels, mentors, but also deities - first ancestors, native Gods. The Slavs asked them about health, luck, asked for help or advice. And it was the Slavic Gods who were always nearby and knew a lot about human destiny.

The Slavs had a lot of fortune telling, most of them were dedicated to holidays, to natural phenomena. And today we have a great many in various ways tell fortunes, but will these fortune-telling tell us the whole truth? After all, such methods of fortune telling as Tarot cards or runes are already so popular that they seem to have no equal. But today we will reveal another way by which you can understand the events happening around you, look at situations from a different angle, look beyond the future, namely, through an appeal to our ancient Ancestors-Gods. This method miraculously preserved its pieces, which today are carefully collected by lovers of Slavic culture and are now available to everyone. These are Slavic Rezes of the Family.

Where are the Slavic Rezes of the Family known from?

Slavic Rezes of the Family have been preserved since the times of our ancestors, when people established an unbreakable magical connection between the Gods and themselves. The conductor of this method of obtaining information from subtle space and interacting with the Ancient Slavic Gods is Olga Boyanova, the keeper of the ancient Northern traditions.

What do the Slavic Rezes of the Family tell us about?

Many of us think that the Slavic Rezes of the Family always predict a situation or phenomenon as it should happen. But few people know that with the help of Slavic Res, a person, to put it correctly, does not guess, but only gets to know himself and the world around him, expands and opens his consciousness to receive information from higher spheres. And, as you know, anticipating the future development of important and pressing issues in our lives, we begin to rejoice, smile, become happy and enjoy every day. This is what fortune telling on Slavic Rezas gives us.

Remember how much information you take in every day. Our thoughts, emotions, feelings, fears and experiences are sensations that arise from a constant flow of information, from what we see, hear, think and say ourselves. Did you know that most of all this information goes far into our subconscious and lives there until it is needed or until we let it out of our heads?

It is at this stage that difficulties appear: illness, weakness, disruption of harmony. Slavic Rezes of the Family belong to the symbolic systems of fortune telling - they freely fill our SUBCONSCIOUSNESS, CONSCIOUSNESS and SUPERCONSCIOUSNESS. Fortune telling on the cards of the Slavic Reza Roda just helps a person to understand himself, clear his brain of unnecessary “junk,” and free his subconscious to make complex and important decisions.

You can independently experience the depth and completeness of Rod’s cut by undergoing information diagnostics through your own individual requests.For details about working with Roda cuts, see the administrator of the Rodogory group.



Consultation on Slavic CUTS OF THE KIND


It is quite difficult to explain what the Slavic Rezes are as a fortune-telling system. It's easier to say what they are not! These are not tarot cards, even though they may look like a deck of cards. These are not runes (Slavic or Scandinavian), despite the fact that they may look like dies with signs printed on them. This is a completely original Slavic oracle that directly turns to the Slavic Gods for knowledge about the past, present and future.


Natalya Khmarskaya, let’s meet!

Fortune teller, high priest of Huna Key West, working with Key West cards, drawing up signs of power, graduated from the New Oracle card school in Brussels, practice Vedic magic, cosmoenergeticist, professional aromacosmetologist.

I am Vorozheya and I invite you to enter the world of the Slavic Gods. People have always wanted to know in advance what to expect from life,
what will happen to their fate and the fate of their children. Should we wait with an open heart for happiness and joy or, on the contrary, should we be careful and stop in time...
Opening the door to the future is always an exciting journey, shrouded in mystery and uncertainty.
I work with the Rezes of Rod, a unique mantic system of its kind, completely different from the currently existing prediction systems.
Mysterious, magical and at the same time very vital and simple system, which not only predicts the future, but also helps to understand what is happening in the present. But the main uniqueness of Rez Rod is that they help change an unfavorable situation, they tell people how to transform the unwanted into the desired. And this is their incredible strength.
Rod's cuts are a direct connection with the pantheon of Slavic Gods. As soon as you turn to them with a question, those Gods who can answer it come to you.
Work with Reza Roda is carried out via Skype. You ask your question, I select a layout for it, then I perform a ritual with an appeal to the Native Gods and together we dive into the secret worlds of Rule, Reveal and Navi to get answers.
The journey lasts from an hour to an hour and a half. The questioner will need to prepare a pen and paper, where he will write down the answers of the Gods and then work with them, and therefore with the Gods, for another 9 days.
With the help of Rez Rod you can solve any issues. But there are a number of questions for which, before asking the Gods, you need to get permission from them.


Some tasks that can be solved with the help of Rez Rod:

  • the fate of my family;
  • how to correct the fate of my family;
  • how to help my family;
  • discovery of a secret, what to do;
  • questions about the relationship between lovers and whether they are suitable for each other;
  • questions about relationships between people living in marriage and what to do if life doesn’t work out;
  • questions on business relationship. Will there be a profit, promotion up the position, a profitable deal, what to do, new job etc.
  • questions about health, the possible course of the disease, how to treat, the path of healing, pregnancy, what will happen in case of pregnancy, how much vitality there is, etc.

And this is not the limit.. Simply put, you can find out the answers to any vital questions.

Come see me for a consultation.
It will be very interesting!

Duration of Skype consultation: approx. 2 hours (120 minutes)
Cost of 1 consultation within two hours - 2800 rub.
Necessary conditions for consultation:
Having Skype installed, Internet access, a microphone, headphones or speakers, it is also necessary to ensure complete silence during the consultation.

Here I will try to introduce you to the meaning of each of the Slavic Res Rod.

Thanks for the information from the book “What the Gods Know” by O. Boyanova

Rod - Progenitor of the Gods and Creator of the World
Everything is possible and nothing is impossible! Do not resist the situation - in any case, it will be as the alignment shows.

No one can influence or cancel the predicted changes, since Reza Roda is magically stronger than all Rezas.

All you can do is accept everything that this situation gives, show gratitude for everything that is.

Even if the good deed conceived and started does not happen immediately, sooner or later, one way or another, everything will work out!

Makosh - Goddess of Fate and Magic
Life consists of alternating between easy and difficult situations. The appearance in the scenario is very ambiguous; it can be a good omen and indicate the onset of a dark streak. It is necessary to take a closer look at the neighboring cuts.

Take a closer look at your new acquaintances; their appearance can be fateful.

For the questioner, there is a way out of the most hopeless situation; the main thing is not to despair and not lose your head.

Svarog is the son of Rod, the male hypostasis of Rod.
Work for good, but do it creatively!
If you show hard work, creativity and bring the matter to fruition

For a real significant result, the strict but fair Svarog will generously reward what he deserves.

The appearance of this Reza speaks of the need to get down to real business in a new way, especially since the Questioner

There is character, strength, and opportunity.

Lada, Heavenly Mother, wife of the Heavenly Father, female hypostasis of the Family, Creator of All That Is

Kindness, love, joy.
Speaks of the beginning of a new long period of favorable relations between

Askers and other people. You need to act using your

Strength, and put less strain on others.
Everything will work out, and peace and harmony will come in the soul of the Questioner.

Reza Lada most often advises, does not approve. And it’s worth listening to her

The Soviets, they will lead to a better future. Everything that the Questioner cherished and

Cherished, receives its development. Represents activities related to

Nature, caring for family, health.

Veles - God of Wisdom and Magic, hypostasis of the Family, but uniting all the qualities of Svarog and Lada

Unexpected changes, in the process of which the Questioner learns a lot about himself and

Unexpected. Deep capabilities and new abilities. None

Stubbornness requires flexibility, resourcefulness and creativity. Not

Give in to the inner intensity of passions, do not allow emotions to influence

Actions. Cope on your own, do not violate the boundaries of reason and

Then the Questioner will find The best decision your problem.

Horse, God of the Sun, Cheese of Rod, Brother of Veles
Sun, vitality, warmth, immediate action.

This is not the time to look back on negative experiences, bad habits, to procrastinate and

It takes a long time to prepare. A period of clarity, optimism and rebirth begins

Trust. Reza Khorsa is desirable in any situation. This is the period that

May seem short term. How soon the sunset will come and the sun will go away

The sky, the neighboring Rezas will tell you.

Divya, Goddess of the Moon, daughter of Rod, the Father of All That Is

This Reza allows the Questioner to harmonize his activity with the outside world.

For the Questioner, the time has come for intuitive insights and subtle perception. Reza Divya depends on the time cycles of the moon.

Reza carries both positive and negative predictions; you need to pay attention to neighboring Rezas.

Dyy is the oldest God, the son of Rod.
The behavior of the Questioner angered the Rule in some way, this is a sign that the Questioner was wrong about something important.

It is necessary to show moderation, your personal plans and commitments

In front of other people, measure up to your capabilities, and bodily

Satisfy needs as necessary.
A ban on all adventures, no deals with conscience.
This cut warns that you need to be vigilant in

There is a mean and greedy person around you, you may be subjected to

Any dirty tricks.

Viy, twin brother of Dyya, son of Rod, one of the oldest Gods

Warning: you are standing on the edge of a cliff.
Those asking broke ties with the Rule, the wrong methods were chosen, he stopped using the support of the gods.

Fate's warning: the Questioner is doing something wrong, there is danger ahead.

Belobog - son of Rod, God of Creation
Merit Award.
Portends the imminent acquisition of material wealth, success and prosperity.

Belobog's Reza provides protection from losses, losses, and the preservation of acquired property, both material and spiritual.

Chernobog - son of Rod, God of Destruction, twin brother of Belobog, his opposite

Resilience before separation. The situation in which the Questioner finds himself is approaching death.

Reza Chernobog has very great energy, it is useless to resist him.

In the scenario, this cut means a transitional state, when the inevitability of loss in one sense or another is obvious.

Svyatogor - son of Rod, giant hero
The questioner has collected physical energy and strength, but for global success in life there is not enough breadth and perspective of vision.

Reza says that the Savior is experiencing an internal crisis between physical desires and the aspirations of consciousness. You must be prepared to exert volitional efforts and to give up your usual way of life. It is necessary to direct your determination and will towards intellectual development.

Goddess of the Earth - Mother of Cheese Earth, created by Rod at the beginning of time

An omen of a new stage of life, bright, powerful.

It is necessary to gather all your will, because in peaceful tranquility life is born, but at the same time stagnation arises, which can strangle the sprouts of new life.

Chur, the oldest God, Guardian of the human race.

The Questioner has obstacles ahead; the reason may be the external environment. The nearest cuts will tell you what this danger is.

Svyatobor - son of Rod
The questioner is overly emotionally involved in the unpleasant situation of conflicts around him.

Stribog, god of the Wind, son of Svarog, Svarozhich
Get ready for change. In this case, there is no need to plan, estimate and worry for a long time - it’s time to act, a tailwind is blowing for you. Don't miss the moment, everything will work out.

Semargl, God of Fire, son of Svarog, Svarozhich
It will not be boring. Has the Questioner's life become routine, dull and boring? Reza Semargla will add sparkle to all areas of activity.

Fire is a useful, powerful, but uncontrollable element, take care of safety measures. Only strong herbs grow on the ashes.

Perun, God of War, God of Thunder and Lightning
A battle awaits the questioner, Reza supports you. Take responsibility and take action. The rune is favorable.

Alive - daughter of Svarog and Lada, Goddess of Summer, Life and Love.

The end of the crisis. Don't take any serious action, direct your attention inward. Look confidently into the future, the time of dawn is coming.

Lelya - Goddess of Youth and maiden love, Bereginya, daughter of Svarog and Lada

The questioner is in harmony with the world, it is time to boldly move forward. Renewal in all areas of life.

Morena - Goddess of winter and death, wife of Chernobog, daughter of Lada and Svarog, sister of Zhiva and Lelya.

It's getting cold. A harbinger of collapse, loss, illness.

The influence of Morena does not last long, spring always comes after winter, and this period will only be remembered by experience.

Lel and Polel are the sons of Lada and Svrog, the Goddess of Love and Marriage.

The time has come for inner happiness, emotional uplift and joy of life.

Time to show generosity.

Koschey, Black God, Son of Viy and the Earth Goddess, Mother of the Damp Earth, commander of Chernobog.

An unbearable desire for change. The questioner is in a state of internal conflict, oppression and decline.

Diva-Dodola - Perunitsa - wife and assistant of Perun the Thunderer.

The appearance of the reza marks a period of purification and dawn. The end of the past period, a new one is just beginning.

If the past situation is really important, it will repeat itself over time, at a new level.

Yarilo - God of spring, son of Veles and Diva-Dodola.

Time to love life.
A person like Yarilo will enter the life of the Questioner, passionate and uncontrollable, passionate about business, career, love.

Dazhdbog, Tarkh Perunovich, God of reflected light, Son of Perun and the mermaid Rosi.

Reza warns that the situation is changing for the worse. Don't rush, don't make sharp turns, put off new ideas, it's not time.

Reza will give you strength to survive bad weather.

Tara, Guardian Goddess of Sacred Groves, Forests, Oak Forests and Sacred Trees

Time to choose between options. Be slow. Decide for yourself. There are always new adventures on new roads.

Dogoda, God of pleasant weather, son of Stribog, God of the wind

A period of easy and pleasant time.
This is not a call to action, it is a simple message that everything is going as it should.

Kvasura - God of Fun and Wisdom
The questioner is in a state of physical and moral decline, he is losing the opportunity for a better life.

Open your eyes, look at the situation with a sober look, understand that something is wrong. We need to work on the situation.

Kitovras, centaur, half-man, half-horse, God of Wisdom.

There's a trap ahead, be careful. Stop, show wisdom, think and only then take a step.

The culture of the Russian people is rich, and its roots are so deep that no one will ever reach them, no matter how hard you try. Another person digs and digs and then happily thinks, well, he’s reached the very bottom. Ah, no! This is just another layer that has been removed, under which there are still an unknown number of layers. It is in these depths that the very Source that gave birth to the Reza Rod is located.

It is no secret that in Rus' (beautiful pagan Rus') there has been polytheism from time immemorial. Our ancestors revered their Family and lived according to their conscience in harmony with Mother Nature. These three rules it was enough for a person to be healthy, happy and to embody on Earth the very plan with which he came here. When the need arose, any person could turn to their native gods for help or advice. And the gods answered. There were many ways to “socialize” - Reza Roda was one of them.

And today we are pleased to present to you full meaning Rez Rod, of whom there are forty. Each Reza is both the personification of a certain god or goddess, and his (her) protection, and his (her) response to man. Of course, the texts corresponding to each of the Res given on the Mogur website are not authentic (word by word authentic). After all, they were once written by someone in the Old Church Slavonic language, in which hardly any of you can read at least a couple of words.

And, nevertheless, Rezas have not lost their relevance. On the contrary, they are becoming increasingly popular due to the wisdom they contain. Based on the material we have presented, you can communicate with the gods, as they say, directly, independently, by making Rezas. Over time, you will learn all the meanings, and maybe the gods will tell you something new and you will be able to concretize each of the Res for yourself as much as possible.

Slavic Rezes Roda- the oldest predictive system preserved in the Russian North in the Arkhangelsk region. Even in the twentieth century, when Slavic pagan traditions were destroyed first by Christianity, later Soviet power, the northern knowledgeable grandmothers have preserved sets of wooden dies for fortune telling. Today, on the basis of these sets, the system of predictions on the Slavic Rezas of the Rod has been restored and described.

In the Russian North, “Slavic Rezes of Rod” are known as a set of wooden dies with carved signs, used for predictions. For the first time, 40 Slavic Res are described in detail by the Northern Fairy Tale publishing house in the book “What do the Gods Know? "

The history of the book is as follows. Northern Vedara Olga Boyanova learned traditional prediction from her grandmother. A grandmother from an ancient Pinega family knew northern conspiracies and knew how to heal various diseases, predicted surprisingly accurately about the future with the help of Slavic Res Rod. Over time, Olga Boyanova piece by piece collected the information she knew about the Slavic Rezas. The book “What do the Gods Know?” combined the knowledge that was received from the Pinega grandmother and that which was found in ancient tales, northern myths, drawings on household utensils, northern embroidery and house carvings.

A magical legend about the origin of the Slavic Res

Let's also share the northern myth about how the Slavic Rezes of the Rod appeared. They say that one day the Slavic Gods saw that people were defenseless against misfortunes that could befall them in the future. The methods of fortune-telling that existed among people did not provide complete answers to questions; they only made it possible to predict “yes or no,” “whether the year will be fruitful or dry,” “whether the girl will get married this summer.”

Rod, the Creator of the Slavic World, convened other Gods for council. The Magi were also invited to the meeting. Rod painted magical signs on wooden dies, each of which is inextricably linked with one of the Slavic Gods. Each God has his own character, his own lessons. Whose die will be in your hand when you take Reza out of the bag - he answers the question, tells you what to do. Bags with Slavic Rezas were distributed to the magicians so that they could teach people a new way of prediction. This is how the knowledge about the Slavic Rezes of the Family developed in the North.

What do Slavic Rezes look like?

Externally, the Slavic Rezes of Rod are closer to the Scandinavian Runes than to Tarot cards. What matters are the signs associated with the Slavic Gods, and not the bright pictures on the cards. The signs themselves are different from Scandinavian Runes. Slavic Rezas resemble northern embroidery patterns rather than letters of the alphabet.

IN set for prediction 40 Res. The cuts are divided according to the degree of magical influence. The Creator Gods have the greatest power: Makosh, Svarog, Lada, Veles. They are followed by the Elder Gods of the Slavs. After that come the Lesser Gods and Other Gods, among whom we even meet small Gods, for example,
