What is Shrove Tuesday for children in brief. How to prepare for carnival

Maslenitsa - favorite folk holiday. Traditions and customs pancake week came to us from ancient times and to this day remain unchanged. the last week before Great Lent - a time of festivities and fun, hearty days before a long abstinence.

Folk traditions and customs accompany many holidays, but Maslenitsa is special time which meant a lot to our ancestors. This is the turning point when winter meets spring. The onset of the long-awaited fine days and seeing off the annoying winter cold is one of the key traditions.

The time before Lent is called Meat Week or Cheese Week. This is the period when there are no meat products, but cheese products, pancakes and other delicious food abound. Also, Maslenitsa week precedes a long spiritual and physical abstinence from earthly temptations, so people widely celebrated Maslenitsa and tried to walk up and eat for future use.

Folk traditions and customs for Maslenitsa

One of the most exciting and spectacular actions, perhaps, can be called the burning of an effigy of winter. The straw figure, symbolizing the passing cold, was dressed up in old clothes. Burning a scarecrow reminded of the imminent warming, and also made it possible to get rid of the negativity in the houses. Unnecessary broken things and old utensils were thrown into the fire. Everywhere people lit bonfires, which drowned the remnants of snow with their warmth.

Pancakes are an attribute without which there would be no Maslenitsa. They symbolize the hot bright Sun, urging him to quickly find full force. Each housewife had her own secret recipe for pancakes, which was carefully kept in the family and passed down from generation to generation. Everyone was treated to pancakes, knowing that generosity and friendliness give happiness in life and increase the wealth and well-being of the family. flour products were sacredly revered in Rus', and in the pre-Christian era they were one of the ways to respect the god Perun.

Festive festivities on the street gave people the opportunity to unite and have fun, because very soon the spring season would come - the time when sowing and agricultural work began. Also during the festivities older generation they agreed on imminent weddings, the grooms looked after the brides, and the girls secretly guessed at the betrothed. Popular beliefs say that those who do not have fun on Shrove Tuesday will live in trouble and grief.

Each day of Maslenitsa has its own name. People honored traditions and tried to do everything that was necessary in these days. Mother-in-law invited sons-in-law, they, in turn, sent response invitations. Young wives gave gifts to their sister-in-laws and did their best to show their disposition to their husband's relatives. Celebrations on the street were accompanied by comic fisticuffs, wall-to-wall games, demonstrations of dexterity, sleigh rides from the mountains, and also in carts with horses accompanied by funny songs and ditties. The fun of climbing a smooth post for prizes was also traditional. Relatives went around each house and presented each other with small souvenirs and gifts.

Adults made wooden and clay whistles for children. In a merry crowd, the kids ran through the streets and whistled, imitating bird trills. This tradition also refers to the call for the spring awakening of the earth. Older children went and caroled with cheerful songs, begging for a tasty treat. Adults answered them with low bows, gave them sweets and asked them to convey wishes of health and happiness to their parents.

The last day of the festivities is called Forgiveness Sunday. People went to visit each other, asked for forgiveness for all intentionally or unwittingly caused offense. The children bowed at the feet of their parents, asking them to excuse them, and the parents, in turn, went to the cemetery to pay tribute to their ancestors. Pancakes were also left on the graves and the deceased relatives were asked for help and protection of the whole family for its prosperity.

Another interesting tradition was the sleigh ride of the newlyweds. The couples traveled around to everyone who was at their wedding, saying words of gratitude for a happy marriage. It was believed that the energy of love also charges the earth with fertility, and pleases with good shoots and a rich harvest. They also arranged a general kissing day, when the young were forced to kiss in front of everyone. On this day, guys could go into houses and kiss the girls they liked.

Our ancestors sacredly honored traditions. Honoring one's roots was the key to the success and prosperity of families. Now Pancake Week still declares the inviolability of traditions. Despite pagan roots, it organically entered our lives. We wish you a merry Maslenitsa and happiness in your personal life. Let luck not leave you, and do not forget to press the buttons and

14.02.2017 04:03

Maslenitsa is the last preparatory week before Lent. This holiday has pagan roots, ...

Winter has always been a test for our man: cold, hungry, dark. Therefore, the arrival of spring was a very joyful event that had to be celebrated. The ancients believed that it was difficult for young Spring to overcome the treacherous old Winter. To help Spring drive away Winter, they organized fun festivities on Maslenitsa. Saying goodbye to Winter, the ancients praised Yarila - the god of the spring sun and fertility. Yarilo was presented to the Russians in the form of a young man who died annually and resurrected again. Yarilo, having risen, gave people the sun, and the sunny spring warmth is the first step towards a bountiful harvest.

Shrovetide: why is it called that?

The following version is most likely and widespread: on Maslenitsa, people tried to appease, that is, to butter up the spring. Therefore, the celebrations were called “Shrovetide”.

According to the second version, this name of the holiday appeared after the adoption of Christianity. You can’t eat a week before Lent, but you can eat dairy products. Therefore, people baked pancakes and poured plenty of oil on them. Hence, they say, the name associated with buttered pancakes.

Maslenitsa: holiday date

The number "7", as you know, was magical for the pagans. IN long time ago Maslenitsa was celebrated for seven days before the spring equinox and another seven days after it. At this time, as the ancients believed, spring came.

With the adoption of Christianity, the date of the celebration of Maslenitsa shifted and shortened by a whole week. Christian leaders did not dare to cancel this one, although it is pagan. Instead, they found it very convenient: one can no longer eat meat a week before Lent, but people don’t really need it, because pancakes are baked on Maslenitsa. They are quite enough to feel full and not suffer from a lack of meat food.

Celebration of Maslenitsa , however, it goes not only with pancakes, but also with many other goodies. This is a great opportunity for the Orthodox to eat before Lent. That is why the church did not cancel Maslenitsa, but only set a new date, depending on the beginning of Great Lent - that is, it tied the pagan holiday to the “flexible schedule” of the most important Orthodox holidays, depending on the moving Easter cycle.

However, there have always been dissatisfaction with the desire of the people to celebrate Maslenitsa so cheerfully: people drank, walked, organized fisticuffs, etc. But forbid Maslenitsa celebration it would hardly have happened - this holiday was too significant for the common people, for whom winter was a serious test. By the way, in the Orthodox interpretation, Pancake week is a week of forgiveness, reconciliation and preparation for Great Lent.

Kustodiev "Maslenitsa"

It was in honor of the spring sun that round cakes were baked from dough mixed with water and wheat flour. Subsequently, they were replaced by lace pancakes. Round yellow pancakes are a symbol of the sun, which means renewal and fertility. To eat a pancake on Maslenitsa means to swallow a piece of the sun, its warmth, tenderness and generosity.

Baking round “suns” from dough is also a kind of ritual to attract the sun. The more pancakes cooked and eaten, the sooner spring will begin and the warmer the subsequent seasons will be until next winter. In addition to baking pancakes, there were other Shrovetide rites associated with sun worship. So, for example, various ritual actions were performed based on the magic of the circle (the sun is round). Young people, and adults too, harnessed the horses, prepared the sleigh and went around the village several times in a circle.

In addition, they decorated the wooden wheel with bright ribbons and walked down the street with it, fastening it on a pole. During the general festivities, round dances were necessarily led, which were also a ritual associated with the circle, that is, with the sun. It symbolized the sun and fire: the Russians lit a wooden wheel and rolled it along the road, rolling down the hill. A lot of wheels were lit: the one who was able to roll his wheel without a single fall was expected this year by happiness, good luck and prosperity. It was also believed that those who have a bad time on Maslenitsa will be unlucky until the next Maslenitsa.

Another indispensable participant in the Maslenitsa festivities was the bear. People put on a bearskin on one of the men, after which the mummers began to dance along with their fellow villagers. Maslenitsa and the bear - what is the connection between them? It's simple: in winter the bear sleeps in the den, and in the spring it wakes up. The bear woke up - it means that spring has come. Animals - after all, they feel all the changes in nature inside. Having dressed the peasant in a bearskin, people treated him and danced ritual dances, imitating a bear waking up after hibernation.

Of course it was made stuffed carnival made of straw, dressed in women's clothing. During the whole Maslenitsa week, the effigy of Maslenitsa was the main hero of the festivities: they carried it with them, riding a sleigh, and wore it, arranging festive processions. The scarecrow personified both the Maslenitsa holiday itself, and the evil winter, death. On the last day of Maslenitsa, the effigy was torn apart or, more often, burned on a ritual fire.

Maslenitsa: days of the Maslenitsa week

Maslenitsa is celebrated for seven days: each day has its own name and meaning. So, the days of Shrovetide week.

Monday is the first day of Shrovetide week, called "Meeting". On this day, preparations for the holiday were completed: slides, booths, swings, stalls for trade, etc. were completed. Many have already started baking pancakes. By the way, according to the Maslenitsa tradition, the first pancake should be given to a beggar in order to commemorate the dead.

Tuesday is the second day of Maslenitsa called "Fun". The youth began the festivities, in large companies they arranged skiing from the ice slides. On this day, it was already possible to invite each other to pancakes.

Kustodiev "Pancake Tuesday"

Wednesday is the third day of Maslenitsa called "Gourmets". The mother-in-law invited her son-in-law to pancakes.

Thursday is the fourth day of Shrovetide week, which was called "Wide revelry." From that day, real festivities began in honor of Maslenitsa: people rode slides and swings, arranged fun horseback rides, feasted noisily, organized carnivals and fisticuffs among men.

Friday is the fifth day of Maslenitsa called "Teschin Vecherki". On this day, the sons-in-law arranged “answers” ​​- that is, they invited the mother-in-law to their place for pancakes.

Saturday is the penultimate day of Maslenitsa, popularly called "Zolovkina gatherings." The daughters-in-law invited their sisters-in-law to pancakes, while very young daughters-in-law made their sisters-in-law. The sister-in-law is the husband's sister, and the daughter-in-law is the brother's wife.

Sunday is the last day of Maslenitsa. It is called "Forgiveness Sunday". People asked each other for forgiveness and hoped for the best. After the adoption of Christianity on this day, they necessarily went to church: the rector asked for forgiveness from the parishioners, and the parishioners from each other. In response to a request for forgiveness, the phrase "God will forgive" is traditionally pronounced. Asking for forgiveness, people bow.

Have a fun and delicious Shrovetide! She's already on the nose!

At the end cold winter and the awakening of nature from the winter cold, the Slavic peoples appeared unusually colorful, rich in rituals and traditions, the most delicious holiday - Shrovetide. From generation to generation, our ancestors passed on the wonderful traditions of this rollicking folk fun, combining them with the farewell to winter.

In addition to songs, round dances, mummers, skating and stuffed Maslenitsa, pancakes became the main attribute of the holiday. Their round shape symbolized the sun. In addition, pancakes were used in funeral rites, because, during this period, the Russians remembered, or rather, commemorated the spirits of their ancestors.

Picture. The history of the emergence and traditions of carnival.

There is no exact date for the start of Maslenitsa. The festivities start seven weeks before Easter. This usually falls at the end of winter, and sometimes at the beginning of spring. Noisy festivities associated with this noisy and tasty holiday continue throughout the week. It is these seven days that are called butter or cheese week.

Do you know the history of the emergence of such a bright celebration? The history and traditions of the holiday go back to pre-Christian times. Yes, Maslenitsa existed even before the advent of Christianity on our lands, during the time of paganism. It was celebrated on the spring equinox, when the day took the lead from the night and twilight receded.

Any element of the holiday in those distant times had its own meaning, from which traditions later developed. For example, to glorify the bright sun that brings warmth and life to people's homes, and also to demonstrate the irreversibility of the life cycle. As already mentioned, they also played an important role in commemorating the souls of the departed. In Slavic culture, dead ancestors were treated with special reverence and, according to tradition, the first pancake was given to the poor to commemorate their deceased relatives.

Picture. Carnival festivities.

Even our ancestors were characterized by the cult of purification by fire. Therefore, the burning of the hateful straw doll Morgana (Zimushka) was the main event at these festivities. The ancient pagans believed that in such a simple way they drive away the winter and bring the onset of heat closer. The discharged and decorated personification of winter was carried through the whole village, and then, with merry games and festivities, they were thrown into the fire, lighting up the earth. Less commonly, it could be immersed in an ice hole or crushed into pieces and scattered over the surface of the earth. For the people who lived at that time, nature was animated. Therefore, Maslenitsa was celebrated to appease the gods of the earth, for a better harvest.

Picture - History and traditions of Maslenitsa. Burning the effigy of winter.

Maslenitsa is one of the oldest Russian holidays. Pagan in origin, Maslenitsa peacefully "got along" with the religious traditions of Christianity. From a week of farewell to winter, the holiday turned into a week before Lent - 7 days of rest, fun and hearty food.

Each of the days of Maslenitsa, which this year will last from March 4 to March 10, has its own name and purpose. "First Regional" tells what and where to do from Monday to Sunday on Maslenitsa week.

Monday opens the so-called "Narrow Maslenitsa" - the first half of the week. Household work is allowed on these days.

The first day of Maslenitsa is called the Meeting. According to custom, matchmakers meet, everything happens on the territory of the daughter-in-law's house. She is sent to her parents in the morning, and in the evening her father-in-law and mother-in-law come for her, at the same time agreeing on a place for a common festivities.

On Monday, the construction of snowy cities, swings and booths for a mass holiday is being completed. An effigy of Maslenitsa is made from straw and old clothes, which is carried through the streets on a sleigh.

On the same day they start baking pancakes. The first is supposed to be handed over to poor neighbors so that they, not being able to cook pancakes, commemorate the dead.

Tuesday is called Gamble. Guys and girls on this day get to know each other, ride the slides, go to each other for pancakes. Parents actively encourage this: it is customary to marry the young on Shrovetide week, because the wedding great post church forbids. The wedding, if successful, is played on Krasnaya Gorka - the first Sunday after Easter (in 2019 Krasnaya Gorka falls on May 5).

Lakomki is the third day of Shrovetide Week and the last day of the Narrow Shrovetide. On this day, the mother-in-law meets her son-in-law and his friends with a rich treat, and she herself watches the passing feast. By the taste preferences of the son-in-law, one can determine his character. It is believed that if a man reaches for pancakes with salty filling, his character is not easy. Sweet lovers are soft and affectionate.

On Wednesday you can eat plenty of pancakes.

Thursday, or Razgulyay, is the first day of the "Wide Maslenitsa". On this day, it's time to stop chores and start festivities.

Both young and old go out into the street to ride a sleigh, watch fistfights, battles for snowy cities, or become participants in them, sing. On this day ritual bonfires are burned and people jump over them.

Friday is called Mother-in-law evenings. On this day, a man meets his wife's mother. She should be formally invited. The mother-in-law comes to his house with her friends. At the table - songs, fun, good advice about family life.

True, the wife prepares treats for all those gathered.

The day of the sister-in-law, the husband's sister, falls on Saturday. It's called Zolovkin's gatherings. On this day, a woman should call her husband's relatives to her, the main of which is her sister. If she is unmarried, then it is supposed to invite unmarried friends to the house, but if she is married in the church, family people should be next to her. All guests are treated to pancakes, and the sister-in-law is given a nice gift.

The last day of Maslenitsa Week is the Seeing Off. On Sunday, the effigy of Maslenitsa is taken on a sleigh to the field. This is called the "Shrovetide train". Then the effigy is burned - this is the "funeral". The ashes are scattered over the fields so that the year is fertile. From now on, winter should leave, giving way to the sunny and warm spring.

With the advent of Christianity, the Shrove Tuesday became known as Forgiveness Sunday. On this day, it is customary to perform the rite of forgiveness in temples, to ask each other for forgiveness for all the offenses of the past year. In the evening, as on Monday, the dead are commemorated, if possible they visit the cemetery.

Keeping all the traditions of pancake week is fun and delicious. But in order for Maslenitsa to be a joy, and not a burden, you need to eat in moderation and choose only the right pancakes. How to do it, read

Maslenitsa is not only a fun and tasty week-long celebration, it is a real tradition, rooted in the distant past, marking the approach of the long-awaited spring. It is customary to celebrate this holiday with songs, dances, games and sweeping festivities. On Maslenitsa week they bake and treat themselves to pancakes, visit friends and relatives, arrange competitions and guess. Pancakes symbolize the sun, and folk festivals convey the joy of meeting him.

When is Maslenitsa celebrated

Maslenitsa is a family holiday, remember at least Mother-in-law evenings or Zolovka gatherings

Maslenitsa has long been associated with the meeting of spring and seeing off winter. People are very tired from long winter days: cold, darkness, hunger exhausted the peasants. And Maslenitsa festivities preceded the onset of warmth and a better life.

Maslenitsa traditionally comes before Lent. In 2019, the holiday ritual begins on March 4, February and ends on March 10.

The history of the holiday in Rus'

Maslenitsa has always been celebrated on a large scale, because winter with its cold weather bothered all peasants without exception!

Initially, Maslenitsa is an ancient pagan event, closely associated with the change of seasons, with the celebration of the solstice and the onset of spring. People believed in Yarilo - a pagan deity who was responsible for the harvest, the fertility of the land and symbolizing the sun. The holiday was celebrated seven days before the spring solstice.

However, in connection with the adoption of Christianity in Rus', it was adapted to the Orthodox calendar, and the date of Maslenitsa began to depend directly on the timing of entry into Great Lent. Despite the fact that pagan beliefs were suppressed and gradually eradicated by the church, Shrovetide rites, signs and rituals live in the public consciousness to this day.

The main traditions of Maslenitsa

  • Pancakes.

According to tradition, Christians no longer eat pancakes with meat on Shrovetide, but other fillings are allowed: sour cream, jam, cottage cheese and other delicacies.

Pancakes are, of course, the main treat of the festive week. It is customary to bake thin round pancakes and serve them with a variety of fillings. There should be a lot of this delicacy, and they need to be baked every day.

  • Games.

Sleigh rides are a favorite pastime for kids of all ages.

Fun and entertainment are an integral part of the festival. In Rus', fist fights were organized, pancakes were eaten at speed, they climbed a high pole for an award, rode a sleigh, had fun with a bear - another symbol of the onset of spring, dived into an ice hole, pulled a rope. Be sure to sing songs and dance, dress up and play jokes.

  • Scarecrow burning.

The fire that chases away winter and calls for the coming spring must be bright!

For the holiday, a special doll was made, which stood in the very center of the festivities for a week. She symbolized the Maslenitsa. They made it from rags and straw, and then dressed it up in a colorful women's attire. The Maslenitsa scarecrow looked both funny and intimidating.

On Sunday, the culminating day of the celebration, the effigy was taken out into the fields to be burned. This was done solemnly and with full awareness of the significance of the ritual. By burning Maslenitsa, the people destroyed the forces of winter and "gave new life» spring.

People still honor ancient traditions, so the holiday is celebrated noisily, loudly, with a pancake feast, games and competitions, as was customary in the old days.

Folk calendar for 7 days of the holiday

"Every day is not Sunday? Well, at least I’ll feast for a week!”

The festival is celebrated from Monday to Sunday. All days of Maslenitsa have special names.

  • Monday - Meeting.
  • Tuesday - "Game".
  • Wednesday - "Gourmet".
  • Thursday - "Razgulyay", "Broad Thursday".
  • Friday - Mother-in-law evening.
  • Saturday - "Zolovkin gatherings."
  • Sunday - Forgiveness Day.


Baking pancakes started on Monday

"Meeting" called the beginning of the holiday. It is easy to explain the reason for such a name - people welcomed Shrovetide, rejoiced at the long-awaited meeting with her. By this day, the preparations for the holiday were being completed, the remaining issues regarding the organization of the upcoming celebration and feast were being resolved.

It was today that they started baking pancakes and round cakes. There was a tradition - the first pancake was shared with the poor and the needy, so that they read prayers for the souls of deceased relatives. It was possible to do otherwise - to leave it on the threshold of the house as a sign of memory and respect for the ancestors.

It was started as follows: from the very morning, the mother-in-law and the father-in-law sent the daughter-in-law for one day to her family. And in the evening, they themselves visited the father and mother of the daughter-in-law to feast on pancakes and celebrate the beginning of the Maslenitsa festivities.

It was for the Meeting that a scarecrow was made - a symbol of Maslenitsa. Then they put him on a pointed stick, put him in a sleigh and rolled him around the whole village. And only after that, according to the script, the doll was installed in the center of folk festivals, so that everyone could see it during the festive week.


Maslenitsa without buffoons-jesters would not be so bright and provocative

It is not for nothing that the festive Tuesday is called Sparkle. Today, from the very early morning, people had fun, reveled, participated in games and competitions. And disguised buffoons amused passers-by on the streets. It was customary for women hostesses to treat such mercenaries.

Traditionally, on Tuesday, relatives, friends, and neighbors were invited to taste pancakes.

It was customary to marry to Zaigrysh. The young men looked out for potential brides, and the girls watched the guys and guessed for an early matchmaking and wedding. And, of course, the older generation studied possible relatives, sometimes, as if in jest, the families began to discuss and agree on the future union of the young.


Mother-in-law on this day treated her son-in-law with the most delicious pancakes and goodies

And on this day, the son-in-law enjoyed mother-in-law pancakes, which is why they call the Wednesday Gourmand. Today, the mother-in-law heartily treated her daughter's husband and expressed her disposition and respect to him as much as possible. The son-in-law, in turn, praised the mother-in-law and cooked dishes, sang songs in her honor and played small comic performances.

Not only sons-in-law were invited to the rich table, but also all relatives, friends, neighbors, good acquaintances.

Young girls, as well as women, rode around their village and other villages on a sleigh. The fun was accompanied by the performance of ditties and fervent songs.


On Broad Thursday, everyone walked, from young to old, it was no longer possible to work!

This day was popularly referred to as Razgulyay Thursday or Broad Thursday. It was from Thursday that the second half of the week-long celebration began - Shrovetide Wide. Now women were forbidden to do any household chores, it was time for real rest and carefree fun. The tables were bursting with all sorts of dishes and the traditional Shrovetide dish - pancakes. And the inhabitants of the settlements played snowballs, rode down the hills and on the carousels, sang and danced round dances, in a word - they amused themselves from the bottom of their hearts.

Unmarried youths showed themselves with better side before future brides, they boasted of their strength and prowess. For this purpose, various games and competitions were organized: fisticuffs, the wall-to-wall game, the storming of cities from snow, and tug of war were especially popular.

On Razgulay, children and the younger generation used to carol: they went from house to house with various musical instruments and sang special carols. Such entertainment was encouraged by adults, so young carolers were treated to goodies, and also asked to convey greetings and congratulations to their families.

Razgulyai was also celebrated in the cities. The townspeople took out their best wardrobes, attended street festivities in honor of Maslenitsa, went to watch theatrical performances, and also visited booths, where they amused themselves with performances with the participation of jesters and a bear.


On Friday, the son-in-law pleased his mother-in-law and loved ones with various dishes and, of course, pancakes

Mother-in-law's evenings are called Friday on Maslenitsa week. Now the son-in-law treated the mother-in-law with pancakes. Moreover, she came to visit not alone, but with her girlfriends and close relatives. True, the son-in-law's wife baked pancakes. And the son-in-law himself had to be shown how sincerely and strongly he respects and loves his mother-in-law and all her entourage. According to tradition, in the morning the mother-in-law handed over to the son-in-law's house a crepe pan and a tub for the dough. And the father-in-law always passed butter and flour.


Not a single girlfriend and relative was left without a delicious pancake

The following was instituted: the daughter-in-law solemnly invited her sisters-in-law, that is, her husband's sisters, to her house, and presented each with a gift. Zolovkin's gatherings were accompanied by delicious food, pancakes and sincere conversations.

The daughter-in-law also invited her unmarried friends to visit if the sister-in-law had not yet married. And if the sisters of the husband were already married, then the married relatives of the daughter-in-law were invited.


Sunday is the last day when it was allowed to eat pancakes and other quick food before fasting.

The culminating day of the seven-day festivities, called Forgiveness Day or Forgiveness Sunday. Today, all relatives and relatives apologize to each other, ask to forgive them for all conflicts and quarrels.

Another tradition appeared after the adoption of the Christian religion - to attend church today, and to answer apologetic words with the phrase "God will forgive and I forgive."

Today an effigy of Maslenitsa was burned, and this meant that the spring time was very close. The festivities on Sunday continued, but more restrained and not so noisy.

What to tell children about the traditions of the holiday

Children love noisy festivities and bright colors Shrovetide

The history of Maslenitsa and the traditions of this holiday are often of interest to children; in kindergarten and school, kids often receive assignments on this topic. Maslenitsa is a truly life-affirming, positive holiday that is interesting and modern people. Children of different ages are happy to take part in Maslenitsa games and fun. However, the current generation of children knows practically nothing about what a holiday is. And only adults are able to convey important and necessary information to children, which will help preserve the memory of ancient traditions and folk experience, and will also help expand the horizons of children. So what needs to be said?

  1. History of the origin of the holiday. It is important to note that the celebration of Maslenitsa is an ancient custom that has survived to this day. Explain that they began to celebrate it even in the period of polytheism - this holiday is so old. Tell us how the Orthodox Church influenced him.
  2. In honor of which Maslenitsa is celebrated. Why this holiday was so much loved, waited for and celebrated on a grand scale. It must be explained that this event heralds the arrival of spring and the awakening of nature. Thus, people said goodbye to winter and called for the early onset of warm, sunny days.
  3. Why is pancakes the main delicacy for Maslenitsa? The shape of the pancake resembles the sun. And the sun is good weather and pledge of suitable conditions for agricultural work.
  4. Entertainment and traditions. What did adults and children do during Shrove Tuesday? Perhaps the child himself was a spectator or participant in one or another festive fun. A colorful and vivid story will help him learn the information better and faster.
  5. What days of Maslenitsa exist, what are they called. Briefly and to the point write down the days so that the child does not have time to get bored. For a more interesting story, you can use various sayings, proverbs and sayings.
  6. Why is it customary to burn an effigy of Maslenitsa. Tell us what and for what purpose the festive doll was made, what it symbolized, when and why it was burned at the stake.

Making pancakes together brings the whole family together. Let the children participate in this process. They will definitely like it, and your family will have new tradition to Shrovetide.

Maslenitsa traditions in the corners of Russia

The games of the Cossacks on Maslenitsa are truly fascinating and dangerous

  • Celebration traditions of the Don Cossacks

Preparations began a whole month before the celebration. Maslenitsa was widely and loudly celebrated on the Don. The tables were full of dishes, round cakes in the form of the sun, sonorous heroic songs were sung in the houses and psalms were sung. Both young and old, men and women, in a word, all the people walked, had fun and actively participated in the meeting of spring and winter farewells. The most important difference of the local festival was horse racing (they were organized on all streets) and shooting from weapons, in which even children took part.

  • Shrovetide traditions of the Siberian Cossacks

And in Siberia, Pancake week was celebrated on a grand scale. Pancakes were the main dish of the Cossacks. The dish was served with cottage cheese, sour cream and butter. Moreover, they were baked primarily to commemorate the souls of deceased relatives. Pancakes were kneaded from different dough: unleavened or yeast; based on oat or rye, barley, wheat or buckwheat flour. There was a special recipe for baking based on sour dough - these are Siberian shanezhki. There were no games to play. The most popular entertainment among the local Cossacks was the storming of the snow settlement.

  • Maslenitsa at the Kuban Cossacks

The Cossacks in the Kuban are famous for their passion for horseback riding, closely intertwined with the tricks of horse riding. That is why the Maslenitsa festivities among the Kuban Cossacks could not do without the most popular entertainment - frisky riding in a sleigh that was pulled by horses. Traditionally, girls and boys skated separately from each other. During the festivities, Cossack horse riding and horse races were necessarily organized, where the male sex showed its most valuable, valiant qualities. At the end of the festivities, it was customary to cut the Shrovetide effigies.

Celebration in other countries: interesting facts

Did you know that analogues of Maslenitsa exist almost all over Europe?

As noted in Belarus

Maslenitsa in Belarus

According to tradition, on the eve of Maslenitsa, the dead were commemorated, celebrating Parents' Day. Even before Monday Maslenitsa, pancakes were baked, they were taken to the graves of relatives and close people. The rest of the pancakes were distributed to beggars, monks and children. In the evening of the same day, the souls of deceased relatives were traditionally “invited to the table”. The food was not removed from the table until early morning. Attention to the Belarusian Maslenitsa was paid to ceremonies and rituals promising fertility and a good harvest.

in the Czech Republic

Unlike Russia, it is allowed to eat meat and sausages on the Czech Masopust

The Czech Maslenitsa is called Masopust. The history of the holiday goes back to the 13th century, and the traditions of the celebration came here from Germany. In general, the festival is celebrated here as richly and magnificently as in Russia.

Czech Maslenitsa was mostly celebrated in rural settlements, but now the traditions of the celebration have begun to be adopted by urban residents. On Masopust, it is customary to eat a lot of high-calorie and fatty foods to maintain strength for the whole year. They cook kalachi and donuts, bake ducks and suckling pigs, cook traditional pork sausages yitrnice and pork with blood - elito. And the symbol of Maslenitsa in the Czech Republic is a donut.

In France

Bright colors attract the arrival of spring

An analogue of the Russian Maslenitsa week in the French lands is a carnival dedicated to the arrival of springtime. It falls on the first Tuesday in March. And this is very symbolic - the first day of the first spring month. French traditions are in many ways similar to ours: having fun, overeating, baking pancakes.

In Germany

One of the days of the German celebration is called Tulpensonntag - Tulip Sunday.

In Germany, as well as in France, there are large-scale and colorful carnivals. Traditional holiday foods - pancakes, pancakes, sausages home cooking. The time of the holiday falls on the dates before Great Lent, which begins on Ash Wednesday - 46 days before Easter.

A curious tradition is the existence of "Indian Thursday". On this day, almost everything is allowed for German women. A cute prank to cut off a stranger's tie is a small fraction of what a wild lady can afford. It is worth noting that a kiss was supposed to be offended, but the Germans are practical people, so they prefer not to wear this accessory to the office on this day.

In Great Britain

Even serious Brits love the pancake holiday!

Pancake day, literally - pancake day - this is the name of Maslenitsa in this state. Just like the Slavic people, the British are very fond of pancakes. Therefore, it is this dish that they associate with the sun and spring, and they prepare it for the holiday. There is a tradition in the old British city of England, Olney: waiting for the first strike of the bell from the main town hall, which notifies all residents that it is time to bake their perfect pancake. The so-called "pancake race" begins with the second blow in the town.

Italian Carnival

February is carnival month in Italy

Italians hold noisy and colorful carnivals with dressing up and dancing. This is the Italian analogue of our Maslenitsa. The most popular and beautiful Italian carnival is the Venetian one. It passes within 10 days. Sweet confetti is considered to be a favorite pastime of the carnival - procession participants are sprinkled with small sweets, nuts, dried fruits. The apotheosis of the festival in Italy is fireworks of incredible beauty.

And yet, Maslenitsa is a primordially Russian celebration, the mental and spiritual experience of our ancestors. With the help of games and amusements, a Russian person did not just relax; he splashed out negative emotions, released bad energy, freed himself from unresolved conflicts in order to enter spring clean and renewed. It is not for nothing that Maslenitsa is considered to be the Slavic New Year.
