Russian language project. Organization of project activities in Russian language and literature lessons How to defend a project in the Russian language example


Russian language project


Completed by an 11th grade student

MBOU CO "Alliance"

Polyarzh Maria Vladimirovna

Head Marininskaya Nadezhda Anatolyevna

Russian language project



Academic subject: Russian language.

Age of participants: 13-17 years old.

Duration: long (academic year).

Target: studying the vocabulary of students in grades 8-11 and determining the replenishment of schoolchildren’s vocabulary.

Purity of style depends on a thorough knowledge of the language, on frequent reading of good books and on dealing with people who speak clearly. Its development is facilitated by diligent study of the rules,... choosing good sayings from books,... efforts to speak cleanly in front of people who know and observe the beauty of language.

M. V. Lomonosov “A Brief Guide to Eloquence” 1743

Project progress

    Determine the quantitative composition of groups of commonly used vocabulary in students’ speech.

    Study special words in students’ speech.

    Study the slang vocabulary of schoolchildren.

    Study the slang of schoolchildren in grades 8-11.

    Determine ways to improve students’ vocabulary and speech culture

The final product.

Russian language - national language of the Russian people. In addition, it is the state or official language of some republics that are part of the Russian Federation.

Russian is spoken by over 250 million people, including 143.7 million in Russia, according to the 1989 All-Union Population Census, as well as 88.8 million in other states that were formerly part of the USSR.

Vocabulary – This is the vocabulary of a language. The branch of language science that studies vocabulary is called lexicology. Language as a developing phenomenon requires constant study, so we made an attempt to study thematic groups of words of students in grades 8-11 of a modern secondary school.

An objectresearch – oral speech of students in grades 8-11.

Hypothesis: We assume that in the speech of students, vocabulary that is limited in use predominates: slang, jargons are the frequently used vocabulary of young people, and dialectisms and special vocabulary are all is rarely said in the speech of modern youth.

Methods and techniques: analysis of scientific and methodological literature, questioning, collection of vocabulary, mathematical calculations.

    Dialectal vocabulary

Dialect vocabulary includes words whose distribution is limited to a particular territory. They have phonetic, morphological and syntactic features, as well as specific vocabulary.

For example, let's take dialect vocabulary that combines Russian and Ukrainian languages. The dialects that have developed in Ukraine are so unique in comparison with simple Russian dialects that they rather resemble a unique language that can serve both the Russian and Ukrainian populations and is equally understandable to them. Each locality has its own private dialect system.

But dialectisms also penetrate into students’ speech through communication with elders. In an official situation, a teenager strives to speak a literary language, but among “his own people” he switches to a dialect.

Passive mastery of dialect vocabulary not only quantitatively increases students' vocabulary, but also qualitatively enriches it: students, understanding the meaning of dialect words that are different from the point of view of the sphere of use.

We conducted a survey, and as a result, it was revealed that dialect vocabulary is very rare in students’ vocabulary.

We tried to highlight several reasons for the rare use of dialects:

Alone argue that dialectisms are more common in the speech of older people;

Other they think that this is not relevant these days;

Some They don’t even know what dialecticisms are.

To tell the truth, it's a shame about the dialects! With them, some special taste and aroma leaves the tongue. However, they remained forever, recorded in special dictionaries. And if someone is interested, they can open such a dictionary and learn everything in detail about each of the Russian dialects.

    Professional words in students' vocabulary

Special vocabulary of limited use includes terms and professionalisms.

Professionalisms – words and expressions characteristic of the speech of a team united by a profession.

Term – This is a scientific designation for a concept, and professionalism is a semi-official word common in the colloquial speech of people of a certain profession.

In the speech of parents who are still involved in different types of activities today, there are names of different objects. Many words, having left the sphere of social production, continue to be actively used in individual households.

From the vocabulary of parents, such words pass into the vocabulary of children. As a result of the survey, some professional words were identified that students in grades 8-11 know and use.





Point of view



As a language develops, the meaning of many words may change. Some meanings develop, others are lost. In this regard, the original meaning may be “forgotten”.

3. Russian youth slang

Russian youth slang is an interesting linguistic phenomenon that is limited not only by certain age limits, but also by social, temporal and spatial boundaries. It exists among urban student youth and certain more or less closed reference groups.

It is only a lexicon that eats juices national language, lives on its phonetic and grammatical soil.

The flow of this vocabulary does not dry out completely, only at times it becomes shallow, and at other times it becomes full-flowing. Young people created their own "system" slang as a linguistic gesture of opposition to the official ideology, the existence of which is limited not only by age, but also by social, time, and space.

Based on the survey, a small table of frequently used slang was compiled.

Youth slang


Hi Hello

Zenki, balls

Dude, man

Super, class, nice


Unlike dialect and special vocabulary, slang is used most often.

4. Slang vocabulary

Slang vocabulary, like dialect, is characterized by limited use. It is a social variant of speech, called jargon, and is used in certain communication conditions.

Slang vocabulary belongs to a social or other group of people, united by a community of interests and activities.

Students' slang words are characterized by a bright expressive and stylistic coloring, so they can easily turn into everyday speech, into common speech.

The sources of the formation of slang vocabulary are different and most often it is replenished by borrowing. Abbreviations, truncated, phonetically distorted or completely re-interpreted words are widely used.

Also, based on the survey, a small table of frequently used jargon was compiled.

Slang vocabulary

What does it mean

Head, tambourine




The one who is younger

Mobile phone


Some jargons quickly fall out of use, while others appear.

Slang vocabulary should not be the property of the speech of cultured people, but the everyday everyday speech of schoolchildren is full of jargon, and it is almost impossible to eliminate it from the speech of adolescents. You need to understand in what area of ​​speech communication their use is permissible.

5. Classification of vocabulary

Principles of vocabulary classification:

By origin: native Russian, borrowed

By degree of use: passive, active

Sphere of use: commonly used vocabulary is opposed to territorially limited ones.

Sociological survey

    Is speech etiquette necessary?

    Does it offend you that a stranger addresses you as “you”?

    Does it bother you that speakers and members of the State Duma violate spelling standards?

    Is profanity acceptable?

    Is censorship necessary in periodicals?

    Do we need a law on speech etiquette?

Survey results:

1. Students of 8th grade

Question no.

Students in the 8th grade believe that speech etiquette is necessary and profanity is unacceptable, but at the same time, the majority are not offended if strangers address them as “you.” Only half of them are embarrassed if announcers and members of the State Duma violate spelling norms.

2. Students of 9th grade

All respondents believe that speech etiquette is necessary, but none of them is offended when strangers address them as “you.” Half of those surveyed believe that profanity is acceptable, while the majority agree that a law on speech etiquette is needed.

    10th grade students

Students believe that speech etiquette is necessary, but they are not offended when a stranger addresses them as “you.” Many people notice a violation of spelling norms. A third of students believe that profanity is acceptable. And two-thirds believe that a speech etiquette law is unnecessary.

4. 11th grade students

Students read that speech etiquette is needed, but at the same time, only one of them is offended when strangers address them as “you.” Only half notice a violation of spelling norms, but everyone agrees that profanity is unacceptable.

Conclusion from the survey

The survey showed that the lower the level of education, the less a person thinks about the culture of communication, and he has a smaller vocabulary.

We were convinced that it was necessary to teach children speech etiquette and expand their vocabulary.

Ways to fix

Students usually know more words than they actually use in their speech. They learn new words from many sources: from reading, from teacher speech, from adults. It is necessary to expand and enrich your vocabulary in every possible way. We suggest that you treat your language more carefully and remember that a word carries positive or negative energy.

The study of non-common vocabulary in the speech of students proves the presence of slang, dialect, professional, slang vocabulary in the vocabulary of schoolchildren. You need to learn to use this vocabulary appropriately in accordance with the communication situation, and be aware of the impossibility of using it in standardized speech. To get rid of the negative influence of uncommon vocabulary, you need to know well the norms of the Russian literary language - norms of pronunciation, stress, inflection, spelling .


    Speech etiquette is a historically changing rule of communication. In recent years, there has been a significant change in speech etiquette for the worse.

    Speech etiquette is a mirror that reflects the level of a person’s internal culture.

    A person with a high level of education, who does not violate speech etiquette, is a role model. The people around him do not allow themselves to violate the norms of the culture of communication in his presence.

    Among young people, the simplification of etiquette relations is becoming a real epidemic.

    You need to master speech etiquette from childhood, in the family, in kindergarten, and even at university, already being professionally oriented in accordance with what speech situations will be the most typical in a person’s work activity, and in order to expand your vocabulary, you need to read more works of fiction, study dictionaries, reference books, write essays, abstracts, use additional literature.


    Volina, V.V. I learn the world, the Russian language / V.V. Volina. – M.: AST, 1998.

    Skvortsov, L. I. Jargons // Russian language: Encyclopedia. – M., 1979.

    Soboleva, O. L. Schoolchildren's Handbook. 5 – 11 grades. Russian language / O. L. Soboleva. – M.: AST, 2003.

    Sokolova, V.V. Culture of speech and culture of communication / V.V. Sokolova. – M.: Education, 1995.

    Ozhegov, S. I. Dictionary of the Russian language / S. I. Ozhegov. – M.: Russian language, 1994.

    Tekuchev, A.V. Methods of the Russian language in secondary school / A.V. Tekuchev. – M.: Education, 1980.

    Savko, I. E. Correctness of speech: lexical, phraseological, morphological, syntactic norms / I. E. Savko. – Minsk: “Harvest”, 2008.

Golovan Kistina

The project “In Defense of My Native Russian Language” is a system of educational activities aimed at developing speech culture.
This project aims to improve the general language culture of schoolchildren, to encourage them to carefully, deliberately master their own words (speech).



Application for participation in the Competition

MunicipalityNovopokrovsky district

Nomination name"My state language"

Project name“In defense of my native Russian language”

Name of educational institutionMunicipal budgetary educational institution secondary school No. 7 of the municipal formation Novopokrovsky district

Contact details:

Index 353033

Krasnodar region

city ​​(district, village, etc.)Novopokrovsky district, village. Malokubansky

North street

House number 14

apartment number

home phone with code 8 861 49 30 790

cell phone 8 928 4287768

____________ ___________________

“My country is my Russia”

Regional stage

Name of the competition nomination

"My state language"

Project name

"In defense of my native language"

Project prepared:Golovan Kristina Mikhailovna, 9th grade student

Name of educational institution MBOU secondary school No. 7

Name of municipalityNovopokrovsky district

Krasnodar region

Contact details:

address 353033 Krasnodar region, Novopokrovsky district, pos. Malokubansky, st. Severnaya, 14

phone 8 861 49 30 790

cell phone 8 928 4287768


Project Information Card

Nomination name

"My state language"

Project name

“In defense of my Russian language”

Subject R.F., municipality

Krasnodar region, Novopokrovsky district

Golovan Kristina Mikhailovna, 9th grade student of MBOU Secondary School No. 7 in the village of Malokubansky municipal formation, Novopokrovsky district

Contact information (mailing address, mobile phone, e-mail)

353033 Krasnodar region, Novopokrovsky district, pos. Malokubansky, st. Severnaya, 14

8 928 4287768

FULL NAME. scientific supervisor (degree, position, contact details (address, phone number (indicating code), e-mail.

Kukhtinova Lyudmila Petrovna, teacher of Russian language and literature

MBOU secondary school No. 7

village Malokubansky

353033 Krasnodar region, Novopokrovsky district, pos. Sovetsky, st. Mira, 25, apt. 1



Slide captions:

Ecology words Class hour

“...DNA reacts to our speech. ...The impact of abuse is equivalent to radiation exposure of 10-40 thousand roentgens: DNA chains break, chromosomes disintegrate.” From research at the Institute of Quantum Genetics

Each melody, motive or symphony tunes to its own wave. Sounds in general have a great impact on the nervous system and the human psyche. Every word, phrase, series of phrases carry the sound energies of such an impact.

Nobody thinks about the rhythm of speech, but in this rhythm lies the power of influence of speech on a person. Some of Our words and expressions contain special power.

People who are deliberately stingy with words know the value of every sound. Not only does the spoken word create an explosion in space, it at the same time absorbs the energy of the speaker. Of course, empty words, not supported by thought and devoid of heartfelt energy, do not carry a charge of fiery power, but even they weaken the empty talker.

“Bad language is a poison that kills the soul.” Saint Tikhon of Zadonsk.

Many modern scientists believe that not only the fate of individual people, but also the fate of the entire nation depends on words, symbols and myths. It is no coincidence that the Cyrillic alphabet was given to the Russian people along with Orthodoxy and bookishness, and to this day Rus' owns the most valuable treasure - the Church Slavonic language.

This is a special language that has an advantage over other languages ​​of the planet that have an alphabet: not a single harmful, useless book has been written in it, all of them are aimed at cleansing the morality of people.

Foul language is not only a Russian problem. For example, in the USA, at the request of the Federal Communications Commission, all televisions manufactured after 01/01/00 must implement special V-chip technology. It allows you to exercise certain control over what children watch and prevent them from watching films and programs that are not intended for them. (The technology is based on rating systems developed, among other things, by the American Motion Picture Association).

New technology created in Canada blocks profanity from TV screens on pay-per-view channels. Here, words and expressions included in a special list (it includes 400 items) are automatically closed in the credits and muted when viewed.

Icon of the Mother of God “Seven Arrows” The icon depicts the Mother of God pierced by arrows. These arrows are swear words. One of the semantic meanings of the icon is that the Mother of God retreats from sinners who use foul language and does not intercede or intercede for them before God.

Fragments from the book “Letters about the Good and the Beautiful” by Academician Dmitry Sergeevich Likhachev, published in 1989

HOW TO SAY? Language, even more than clothing, testifies to a person’s taste, his attitude towards the world around him, towards himself.

There are various kinds of sloppiness in human language. If a person was born and lives away from the city and speaks his own dialect, there is no sloppiness in this. I don’t know about others, but I like these local dialects, if they are strictly maintained. I like their melodiousness, I like local words, local expressions. Dialects are often an inexhaustible source of enrichment of the Russian literary language.

Once in a conversation with me, the writer Fyodor Aleksandrovich Abramov said: Granite was exported from the Russian North for the construction of St. Petersburg and the word was exported - the word in stone blocks of epics, lamentations, lyrical songs... “Correct” the language of epics - translate it into the norms of Russian literary language is simply to spoil the epics.

Flaunting rudeness in language, as well as flaunting rudeness in manners, sloppiness in clothing, is a very common phenomenon, and it mainly indicates a person’s psychological insecurity, his weakness, and not at all his strength.

The speaker tries to suppress in himself with a rude joke, harsh expression, irony, cynicism the feeling of fear, apprehension, sometimes just apprehension. By using rude nicknames from teachers, it is the weak-willed students who want to show that they are not afraid of them.

This happens semi-consciously. I'm not even talking about the fact that this is a sign of bad manners, lack of intelligence, and sometimes cruelty. But the same underlying reason underlies any rude, cynical, recklessly ironic expressions in relation to those phenomena of everyday life that somehow traumatize the speaker.

By this, rudely speaking people seem to want to show that they are above those phenomena that they are actually afraid of. The basis of any slang, cynical expressions and swearing is weakness.

People who “spit words” demonstrate their contempt for traumatic events in life because they bother them, torment them, worry them, because they feel weak and not protected against them.

A truly strong and healthy, balanced person will not speak loudly unnecessarily, will not swear or use slang words. After all, he is sure that his word is already significant. Our language is a vital part of our overall behavior in life.

You need to learn good, calm, intelligent speech for a long time and carefully - listening, remembering, noticing, reading and studying. But even though it is difficult, it is necessary, necessary.

Our speech is the most important part of not only our behavior (as I already said), but also our personality, our soul, mind, our ability not to succumb to the influences of the environment if it is “dragging”.

The ecology of the word is the preservation of the native language, its verbal wealth, purity.

Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution

"School No. 169" Sovetsky district of Kazan


“Project activities in Russian language and literature lessons”

Akberova Elena Yurievna

teacher of Russian language and literature

Knowledge is only knowledge when it is acquired through the efforts of one’s thoughts, and not through memory.
L. N. Tolstoy

I have been working on the topic of self-education “Project activities in Russian language and literature lessons” for the second year, and there are already results.

What is a project? There are many opinions on this topic, and yet, “Project” - (from Latin projectus -), 1) a set of documents (calculations, drawings, etc.) for the creation of any structure or product. 2) any document. 3) Concept, plan.

The project method was first formulated and described in detail by the American educator William Kilpatrick in the first quarter of the 20th century. Kilpatrick was an adherent of the philosophical concepts of John Dewey, who believed that the role of childhood is not limited to preparing for future adult life. Childhood itself is a full-fledged period of human existence. This means that education should provide not only the knowledge that an adult will need in the future, but also knowledge, abilities and skills that can help a child today in solving his pressing life problems. In other words, school is not a place for training future adults, but a place where a child lives and learns to live in a complex world around him, work and communicate with other people, and, among other things, acquire the necessary knowledge. To achieve this, teaching must focus on the interests and needs of students and be based on the child's personal experience.

Project- this is literally “something thrown, launched forward.” Recently, this word has firmly entered our lives, and is most often associated with bold and original undertakings in the field of intellectual or practical human activity, symbolizing the novelty and non-standard approach to solving problems. The most important feature of the project method, reflecting its essence, is the independent activity of students. They act as active participants in the learning process, rather than passive ones.

The progress of a project can be defined in general terms through the following stages:

Preparing to work on the project:

Defining the theme and goals of the project;

Formation of groups to work on the project;

Planning stages of work.

2. Work on the project in groups:

Work planning;


Formulation of conclusions and results.

3. Presentation – defense of the project.

4. Project assessment (several levels of assessment):


Evaluation of other groups;

Teacher evaluation;

Assessment by a specially created group of experts.

5. Reflection – analysis of the extent of one’s participation in the common cause:

What did we do?

How did we do?

What are the results?

What is my personal contribution to solving the problem?

Typology of projects:

Research projects.

Creative projects.

Role-playing, game projects.

Information projects.

Practice-oriented projects

Basic requirements for the use of project activities:

The presence of a significant research or creative problem or task that requires a search for its solution.

The problem raised in the work must, as a rule, be original (if the problem is not original, then its solution must be original).

The activity should be based on independent (individual, pair, group) work of students.

Use of research methods.

The completed work must demonstrate the depth of knowledge of the author(s) in the chosen field of study.

The work must comply with established formal criteria and must demonstrate the theoretical (practical) achievements of the author (authors).

Algorithm for teacher and student activities in project-based learning technology

Project activities in Russian language and literature include the relevance of the chosen topic, denotes the objectives of the project, the obligatory formulation of a hypothesis with its subsequent verification, and discussion of the results obtained.

Projects in Russian language and literature are also distributed by duration. Mini projects can be created in one lesson. For example, “A Word about Writers”, “My Favorite Writers”, “The streets of Kazan are named after them”, “G. Tukay and his tales”, “G. Tukay and A.S. Pushkin”, “The Tale of the Adjective”, “The language of SMS messages and its influence on youth”)? Famous writers in Kazan". Short-term projects in Russian language and literature take from two to four lessons. For example, “Lessons in kindness. Why did the teacher act this way?” (based on the work of V. Rasputin).
Weekly projects are completed in groups. The work is carried out under the guidance of the teacher.

Yearly projects in the Russian language can be performed both in groups and individually. Often this work is carried out within student scientific societies. The entire year-long project, from problem and topic identification to presentation, is completed outside of class hours. Projects that span several lessons are effective. As homework for the next lesson, students independently (individually or in groups) complete one or another stage of work on the project, reporting on the work done at the beginning of the next lesson. The last 2 lessons (paired in high school) are used for the presentation of prepared projects. In literature lessons in specialized classes, students complete both personal and group projects.

There are educational projects aimed at integrating students' knowledge of the Russian language and literature. For example, “What do the names of N.V. characters say?” Gogol “in the poem “Dead Souls” or “The Language of the Characters of the Comedy”, where the “speaking names” and the speech of the characters reflect not only their social status, but also the character of the individual. Students consider lexical phrases and syntactic constructions that reveal the meaning of concepts. No less interesting are the guys’ observations on the topics “Winged words in A. S. Griboedov’s comedy “Woe from Wit.”

Defense of such research works in our school is carried out first at traditional annual school scientific and practical conferences, and the winners are defended at city scientific and practical conferences

Project technological map

Project activity stage

During the project activities, I came to the conclusion that an important source of improving the professional training of teachers is the exchange of experience. When presenting my work at the school, municipal, and republican level, I first of all get acquainted with the experience of my colleagues in this area and take everything rational into my pedagogical treasury.

And yet, I was convinced that the project technology has many supporters and followers,

because this form of training is multifaceted, effective and promising. The organization of project activities will allow us language specialists to make the process of teaching the Russian language and literature bright and memorable, will help students master all key competencies, which will allow them not only to successfully pass graduation tests, but also to become sought-after specialists and take their rightful place in society.

Lessons – projects:

"Russian language dictionaries"

Project goals:

    Teach children to independently search for the necessary information using various sources, analyze and summarize facts.

    Learn to work in groups, exchange information, express your point of view and justify it, analyze and evaluate your own creative and business capabilities.

    Create conditions for involving each student in an active cognitive, creative process.

Project objectives:

    To expand students’ knowledge about dictionaries, to show their diversity and the purpose of each.

    Strengthen the skills of practical work with dictionaries.

    To develop the creative abilities of students and a sense of responsibility for the assigned work.

Develop research skills.

Lesson - project based on the story by A.S. Pushkin “The Captain’s Daughter” “The Image of Emelyan Pugachev .Historical truth and fiction."

TARGET: 1. Educational: promote the formation of concepts

“historical story”, “artistic image”; identify

the relationship between the image of Emelyan Pugachev and the idea of ​​the work.

2. Developmental - create conditions for the development of eighth-graders

ability to work with various sources of information;

developing the ability to establish cause and effect

connections in problem solving.

3. Educational - help students decide on moral

guidelines, promote students' understanding of such


TEACHING METHODS– problematic, research.

KEY QUESTION: Does the image of Pugachev in Pushkin’s story “The Captain’s Daughter” correspond to a real historical figure?

TARGET: Find out the historical truth and features of artistic fiction, establish the reasons for the change in the image of Emelyan Pugachev.

“Project on the Russian language “Bread is a noun””

Project goals and objectives:


Create educational and game video tutorials for demonstration in literature lessons, Russian language and extracurricular activities.

Promote the development of new forms of searching, processing and analyzing information


Develop students' creative activity;

Contribute to the development of the skills of search, analytical, generalizing activities;

Develop the ability to work in a group;


To foster the desire of students to expand their knowledge and improve their intellectual potential;

To introduce students to moral values, to cultivate a caring attitude towards bread, to cultivate love and respect for the work of a grain grower.

Cultivate hard work, perseverance in achieving goals aimed at obtaining the final result;

To show that at all times bread has been and remains the basis of human life.

Lesson - literature project


(calendar notes)

The purpose of the lesson: create a “Seasons” project in groups of students, based on the material collected for the lesson.


1. Formation of the ability to work in groups;

2. Formation of the ability to convey the living world in words and text

3. Formation of a moral attitude towards the surrounding world,

fostering environmental responsibility and love of nature.

Equipment: illustrations and slides depicting the landscape; material collected by students (proverbs, sayings, folk signs, a dictionary of dialect words, poems, excerpts from works of art describing nature).

Lesson focus: ethno-ecological.


1. Bukhtiyarova I.N. Project method and individual programs in productive learning. School technologies. No. 2, 2001.

2. Guzeev V.V. “Project method” as a special case of technological training // School Director, 1995. No. 6.

3. Davydov V.V. Problems of developmental education. M.: Pedagogy, 1996.-

4. Dyachenko V.K. Cooperation in teaching: about the collective method of student work. Book for teachers. – M.: Education, 1991.

5. Ilyin G.L. Theoretical foundations of project education. – Kazan, 1995

Large encyclopedic dictionary

The advantage of the project method over others is obvious: each student is involved in an active creative process of acquiring new knowledge, independently performs the type of work that he has chosen, participates in joint work, in the process of communication, communications; increases motivation to study the subject, acquires research skills. Designers develop different competencies, under which, according to the modern scientist-didact I.S. Sergeev, modern pedagogy understands “complex personality properties, including interrelated knowledge, skills, values, as well as readiness to mobilize them in the necessary situation.

In teaching the Russian language at the present stage, it is no coincidence that there is a keen interest in project method, because it contributes to the formation of various competencies, among which an important place belongs communicative.

Purpose of project-based learning is to create conditions under which students:

    independently and willingly acquire missing knowledge from various sources;

    learn to use acquired knowledge to solve cognitive and practical problems;

    acquire communicative knowledge to solve cognitive and practical problems;

    develop research skills: the ability to identify problems, collect information, observe, conduct experiments, analyze, build hypotheses, generalize, develop systems thinking.

Principles for organizing project activities:

    The project must be feasible to complete;

    Create the necessary conditions for the successful implementation of projects (form an appropriate library, media library, etc.);

    Prepare students for projects (conducting special orientation so that students have time to choose a project topic; at this stage, students with experience in project activities can be involved);

    Provide project guidance from teachers - discussion of the chosen topic, work plan (including execution time) and keeping a diary in which the student makes appropriate entries of his thoughts, ideas, feelings - reflection.

So, motive problems with mastering the material prompted work on the “Syntax of a Simple Sentence” project. It was decided to find out. At the request of the project participants, groups (pairs) were formed, each of which received the task of collecting information.

This is a practice-oriented project, target project- solving practical problems.

Project product may become tutorials, layouts and models, instructions, memos, recommendations, etc. This product has real consumer properties. In this project, the product is a reference book in electronic and printed form. Their use allows you to increase not only interest in the subject, but also academic performance in this discipline. Most students perceive information better visually, especially if it is well presented. The project allows students to become interested in this topic, because it represents a non-standard, new form of work for them: creating their own project in the form of a publication dedicated to one of the sections of syntax

This project is a group project (between groups of participants), groups of different ages (5th, 6th and 8th grade)

The general theme of the project is “Syntax of a simple sentence.” The option of combining the identified subtopics into a single project for a group of different ages was considered. Each project participant chooses a subtopic for future research. In this way, groups are formed that work on one subtopic. The teacher’s task at this stage is to ensure that each group created includes students with different levels of knowledge, creativity, different inclinations and interests.

Kind of activity


(collective, group)

Presentation type

Direction: work with proposal

Brief summary of the project

“The word is the clothing of all facts, all thoughts” Maxim Gorky

Without language, the life of man, people, society, the development of science, technology, and art are impossible. It is not always easy to express your thoughts clearly, accurately and figuratively. You need to learn this - learn persistently and patiently. Studying the Russian language will help you speak and write better, choose the most accurate and necessary words to express your thoughts. The course of modern Russian language consists of the following sections: vocabulary and phraseology, phonetics and phonology, spelling, graphics and spelling, word formation, grammar (morphology and syntax).

This project is intended to expand and deepen students' knowledge of the Russian language. The main goal of the project is to develop knowledge about constructing a simple sentence. Russian language project on the topic “Simple sentence”. It covers theoretical learning and practical work, allowing students to gain a deeper understanding of the topic. The goal is to generate interest in learning the syntax of a simple sentence. The project promotes the development of students' creative abilities through independent research activities.

The results will be presented in the form of a publication. Also, when implementing the project, it is expected to enrich the vocabulary of students and expand their horizons. The project makes it possible to interest students in this topic, because it represents a non-standard, new form of work for them: creating their own project in the form of a reference book dedicated to one of the sections of syntax. In the process of work, students will develop:

1. Knowledge on the topic “Simple sentence”.

2. Abilities and skills of independent work with educational and fiction literature.

3. Ability to search and select necessary information and examples in educational and fiction literature.

4. Ability to compare and analyze syntactic units with each other.

The work on the project was successful, because All students in the class took part in it. Everyone received not only solid factual knowledge on the educational topic, but was also involved in cognitive, creative activities, and acquired additional information through independent work. The children were convinced in practice that the Russian language is an interesting and fascinating subject, and any, at first glance, “boring” work can delight both the result and the process itself, if everything is done together.

"project journal"

Municipal autonomous educational institution
Lyceum No. 10 of the city of Sovetsk, Kaliningrad region

Gavrilova Evelina Andreevna

Kurakina Ksenia Grigorievna

Skladanov Timofey Igorevich

Maleina Anastasia Alekseevna

Yenzhievskaya Anna Andreevna

Antonov Dmitry Andreevich

Bakidzhanov Artem Timurovich

Smirnova Victoria Valerievna

Project Manager



ByRussian language and literature

(subject, subject area)


Objective of the project

The main goal of the project is to develop knowledge about constructing a simple sentence,

arouse interest in learning the syntax of a simple sentence. The project promotes the development of creative abilities through independent research activities.

Project objectives

    apply new computer technologies, develop teamwork skills

Expected results

    reference book on the Russian language “Simple sentence”

    the results will be presented as a publication

    When implementing the project, it is expected to enrich vocabulary and expand horizons.

    the project allows you to become interested in this topic, because it represents a new form of work: creating your own project in the form of a reference book dedicated to one of the sections of syntax.

In the process of working on the project, we will have formed:

    knowledge on the topic "Simple sentence".

    abilities and skills of independent work with educational and fiction literature.

    skills of searching and selecting necessary information and examples in educational and fiction literature.

    skills to compare and analyze syntactic units with each other.

Stages of work on the project


    information synthesis stage;

Project result

    reference book on the Russian language “Simple sentence” (printed publication)

    reference book on the Russian language “Simple Sentence” (electronic publication on the resource

Resources required to complete the project


Group project topic:

The volume of the group project pages, it contains literature sources.

Key words: reference book, algorithms, simple sentence syntax

The object of study of the group project is the syntax of a simple sentence

The subject of research is Russian language and literature.

Estimated time costs 2 months.

A group project consists of a “title page”, “appendices”, and a “list of sources”.

The relevance of the group project lies in the fact that in this project the product is a reference book in electronic and printed form. Their use allows you to increase not only interest in the subject, but also academic performance in this discipline. Most students perceive information better visually, especially if it is well presented.

The “Appendix” reflects the process of project group work on the topic “This is a complex simple sentence.” Creation of a reference book on the Russian language “Simple Sentence”

Project result

The work involves creating a reference book on the Russian language.

The uniqueness of the project is thatThe project allows students to become interested in this topic, because it represents a non-standard, new form of work for them: creating their own project in the form of a publication dedicated to one of the sections of syntax.

Next year you can continue working on the topic “Complex sentences.” e"


For a group project on Russian language and literature

The work was completed according to 2 design options.

FULL NAME. participants - Gavrilova Evelina Andreevna, Skladanov Timofey Igorevich Enzhievskaya Anna Andreevna, Bakidzhanov Artem Timurovich, Kurakina Ksenia Grigorievna, Maleina Anastasia Alekseevna, Antonov Dmitry Andreevich, Smirnova Victoria Valerievna

Class _ 5c, 6a, 8b

On the topic “This is not a simple simple sentence.” Creation of a reference book on the Russian language “Simple Sentence”

In a group project, the topic is “This is a difficult simple sentence.” Creation of a reference book on the Russian language “Simple Sentence”; goals were formulated; the subject of the research is indicated; tasks for the implementation of the State Development Program, the main results of activities and conclusions are presented.

The materials also contain: reminders for working in groups, instructions for creating a reference book, sheets for working in small groups.

The appendix contains materials on the topics of the reference book, which were selected by children in accordance with the program material, diagrams, practical exercises, tests

In terms of the stated topic, “This is not a simple simple sentence.” The creation of a reference book on the Russian language “A Simple Sentence” and its goals is of particular interest because it covers the study of theoretical information and practical work, which allows students to more deeply understand this topic and the practical application of the project product. The topic is relevant.

    The work was completed completely independently, each project participant chose a subtopic, and groups were formed working on one subtopic.

    While working, we learned to systematize the material independently and work with information.

    The materials of this work can be used in Russian language lessons and in distance learning. since an electronic version of the work has been created.

The work is accompanied by a multimedia presentation.

The presented reporting materials allow us to draw conclusions about the success of completing the work on the project “This is not an easy simple proposal.”

Creation of a reference book on the Russian language “Simple Sentence”

date 04/14/2015 Manager (signature) ________________

Group Project Work Journal

SupervisorKochulina Tatyana Viktorovna

Lesson number

Lesson topics

(stages of work)

Gavrilova Evelina

Skladanov Timofey

Yenzhievskaya Anna

Bakidzhanov Artem

Kurakina Ksenia

Maleina Anastasia

Antonov Dmitry

Smirnova Victoria

Selecting a project topic.

Defining goals and objectives

Distribution of project participants into subgroups. Selection of topics in accordance with the program material.

Work with the selection of information, selection of information sources.

Working with information. Reference and information portal “”

Work with the selection of information, selection of information sources.

Working with information. Reference and information portal “”

Creating a directory. Directory structure

Creating a directory. Training to work in Google clouds with a single document

Creating a directory. Training to work in Google clouds with a single document

Creating a directory. Training to work in Google clouds with a single document

Creating a directory. Training to work in Google clouds with a single document

Creating a directory. Training to work in Google clouds with a single document

Creating a directory. Training to work in Google clouds with a single document

Creating a directory. Training to work in Google clouds with a single document

Creating a directory. Training to work in Google clouds with a single document

Creating a presentation.

Creating a presentation

Creating a presentation

Publication of the project

Publication of the project in electronic and printed form

Project protection

Work plan for the GPR

for the 2014-2015 academic year

SupervisorKochulina Tatyana Viktorovna teacher of Russian language and literature

Students Gavrilova Evelina Andreevna, Skladanov Timofey Igorevich Enzhievskaya Anna Andreevna, Bakidzhanov Artem Timurovich, Kurakina Ksenia Grigorievna, Maleina Anastasia Alekseevna, Antonov Dmitry Andreevich, Smirnova Victoria Valerievna , 5c, 6a, 8b grade

Stages of work

Forms of work



Stage of independent research, obtaining and analyzing information

Working with a dictionary, textbook, Internet, fiction

Information synthesis stage

The stage of presenting the results of work on the project (presentation).

Oral defense, presentation of the collection in electronic and printed form





Project manager – teacher Tatyana Viktorovna Kochulina

teacher of Russian language and literature

“It’s not an easy, simple proposition.”

Creation of a reference book on the Russian language “Simple Sentence”

2014-2015 academic year

Project title (topic)

“It’s not an easy, simple proposition.”

Creation of a reference book on the Russian language “Simple Sentence”

Problem solved by the project

The motivation for working on the “Syntax of a Simple Sentence” project was the difficulty in mastering material on the topic. _____________________

Why is this project important (relevance of the project)

What is the role of syntax? Translated from Greek, the word “syntax” means “construction” and directly indicates the need to organize language units. Thus, the emergence of syntax in our lives is caused by people’s need to communicate, their desire to organize their speech in such a way as to best convey information and emotions. In other words, small units of language - words - are not enough to express the diversity of human emotions and the complexity of thoughts; For full communication, larger - syntactic - units are needed. Thus, the culture of human communication presupposes knowledge of syntax as a universal tool that organizes our speech according to the internal laws of the Russian language. __________________

Project motto (epigraph) 0

Objective of the project

Arouse interest in learning the syntax of a simple sentence. The project promotes the development of creative abilities through independent research activities.

Project objectives

    To develop knowledge about the grammatical structure of the language,about constructing a simple sentence.

    To develop the skills of independent work with educational and fiction literature, the ability to search and select necessary information and examples in educational and fiction literature, the ability to compare and analyze syntactic units with each other.

    To develop the ability to apply knowledge of language norms in speech,learn to express your thoughts orally and in writing

    Apply new computer technologies, develop teamwork skills

Project type

practice-oriented project

Expectations from the project (planned result)

    Handbook of the Russian language “Simple sentence”

    The results will be presented in the form of a publication (electronic and printed)

    When implementing the project, it is expected to enrich vocabulary and expand horizons.

    The project allows you to become interested in this topic, because it represents the creation of your own project in the form of a reference book dedicated to one of the sections of syntax.

    In the process of working on the project, we will have formed:

-knowledge on the topic “Simple sentence”.

- abilities and skills of independent work with educational and fiction literature.

- skills and abilities of searching and selecting necessary information and examples in educational and fiction literature.

-abilities and skills to compare and analyze syntactic units with each other.

Project participants

Last name, first name of participant


Gavrilova Evelina Andreevna

Skladanov Timofey Igorevich

Yenzhievskaya Anna Andreevna

Bakidzhanov Artem Timurovich

Kurakina Ksenia Grigorievna

Maleina Anastasia Alekseevna

Antonov Dmitry Andreevich

Smirnova Victoria Valerievna

Image of the future result

(the project product can be described verbally, represented by a photograph,

drawing or collage, diagram or plan, etc.)

Project execution plan 0





Choosing a theme

Stage of independent research, obtaining and analyzing information

Working with a dictionary, textbook, Internet, fiction

Information synthesis stage

Creating a publication, working in Google clouds with a single document

The stage of presenting the results of work on the project (presentation).

Oral defense, presentation of the collection in electronic (electronic publication on the resource and printed form

What was done (description of the result obtained)

Manual “Syntax of a simple sentence” in printed and electronic versions

How the project helped solve the problem

(positive effect from the project) 0


What didn't work out (reserves)

1. Not all topics are covered in the reference book, since at the very beginning of work on the project it took a long time to decide who would do what. ____________________________

2. Not all students completed their part of the overall task on time..___________

List of information sources used in project activities 0 Reference and information portal “”,

Lesson number

Stages of work

Gavrilova Evelina 5v

Skladanov Timofey 5v

Yenzhievskaya Anna 6a

Bakidzhanov Artem 6a

Kurakina Ksenia 8b

Maleina Anastasia 8b

Antonov Dmitry 8b

Smirnova Victoria 8b

Theoretical course

(to be completed by the head of the theoretical course)

Journal of group project activities

Group member self-esteem

(Self-assessment sheet)

(to be completed by the group project leader from the self-assessment sheets)

Project presentation

(filled out by the expert commission - everyone has the same assessment))

Project protection

(filled out by the expert commission - everyone has the same assessment)

Assessment for the practical course (from each student’s self-assessment sheet)

0 The manager does not give grades, but keeps records of attendance with a “+” sign. The student himself evaluates his work in the group on a self-assessment sheet.

0 At least 3 lines must be completed

0 This item is optional

0 At least 5 sources, including Internet resources

View document contents
“Lesson plan for project-based group activities”

Project topic“Such a difficult simple sentence. Creation of the “Simple Sentence” manual


Russian language

Interdisciplinary connections:


Project on the topic “It’s not an easy, simple proposition.”

Creation of a training manual “Simple Proposal” (a collective project of individual ones)

Practice-oriented project in the Russian language on the topic “Simple sentence”. It covers theoretical learning and practical work, allowing students to gain a deeper understanding of the topic.

Target– arouse interest in learning the syntax of a simple sentence. The project promotes the development of students' creative abilities through independent research activities.

Didactic goals and methodological tasks:

    to form knowledge about the grammatical structure of the language, about the construction of a simple sentence.

    to develop the skills of independent work with educational and fiction literature, the ability to search and select necessary information and examples in educational and fiction literature, the ability to compare and analyze syntactic units with each other.

    to develop the ability to apply knowledge of language norms in speech, to teach how to express one’s thoughts orally and in writing

    teach how to use new computer technologies, consolidate the skills of displaying the results obtained in a visual form;

    develop teamwork skills

    nurturing interest in the native language.

Kind of activity


(collective, group)

Presentation type

Direction: work with proposal

1.Textbook, reference book, algorithms

Practical activities in a specific educational subject area.

Working with a dictionary, textbook, Internet, fiction

Manual “Syntax of a simple sentence”... (collective project from individual ones)

Oral defense, presentation of the collection in electronic and printed form

Lesson plan for project activities

1. Opening remarks.

“Take a handful of precious crystals of wisdom, but do not forget the most important thing - wise thoughts must not only be read and written down, but also put into practice by practical deeds.”

“The word is the clothing of all facts, all thoughts” Maxim Gorky (slide 1)

– Do you agree with these words?

Without language, the life of man, people, society, the development of science, technology, and art are impossible. It is not always easy to express your thoughts clearly, accurately and figuratively. You need to learn this - learn persistently and patiently.

Studying the Russian language will help you speak and write better, choose the most accurate and necessary words to express your thoughts. The course of modern Russian language consists of the following sections: vocabulary and phraseology, phonetics and phonology, spelling, graphics and spelling, word formation, grammar (morphology and syntax).

2. Updating basic knowledge.

- Let's check if we are ready to work.

Syntax… An urgent need or a deliberate complication of an already difficult life?.. However, who among us has not sometimes encountered the impossibility of understanding a child who has not yet fully mastered the laws of language? Or a foreigner who constructs his speech according to principles incomprehensible to us? This misunderstanding is the result of ignorance and, as a consequence, non-application of the rules of syntax by these people. So what is it "syntax"? what is the role syntax? Slide 2

Children's answers.


Thus, the culture of human communication presupposes knowledge of syntax as a universal tool that organizes our speech according to the internal laws of the Russian language.

3. Work on planning sheets.

Students once again talk through the main issues that they are working on in the project. Accompanied by a presentation

    Introduction to the topic of the project. slide 3-4

Fundamental Question

Problematic issues

- What is a simple sentence?

Study questions

What is syntax?

What is a phrase?

What is coordination, control, adjacency?

What type of connection is in the phrase?

What sentences are called simple? Types of simple sentences?

What are the main parts of a sentence called?

How are subject and predicate different from each other?

What types of predicates are known?

What minor members of a sentence do you know?

Which parts of a sentence can be homogeneous?

Why do you need to enter introductory words? What is the role of address in a sentence?

What is the difference between two-part and one-part sentences?

What is separation?

How do isolated members of a sentence differ from non-isolated ones?

What words are not parts of the sentence?

4. Information synthesis stage.

Frontal work with groups of students.

What methods of searching and collecting information do you know?

Where can I find the necessary information? Who can help with this?

Who can I invite for consultation?

Where can you find them? Think about what each group member will do?

What jobs can be done in parallel?

Working with information:


- Reference and information portal “”,

Searching for information on selected topics, microgroups select material for their chapters, add it to the manual, edit it, since the project is practice-oriented in nature, students work with various sources.

In choosing the right source of information teacher advises

At this stage, the received information is structured and the acquired knowledge, skills and abilities are integrated.


Systematize the received data;

Combine the information received by each group into a single whole;

Build a general logical diagram of conclusions to summarize.

The discussion takes place collectively: some options are accepted, others are rejected and replaced by new ones. Students ask each other questions, clarify information, and analyze the information received.

5. Design of the project.Workshop.

Students receive instructions for work.

What issues could you advise another group on?

What else do you need to study about this issue?

Let's remember once again how a reference book or textbook should be structured?

The guys have drawn up a plan for constructing the manual, we will consider options for a document camera, and choose a single construction scheme.

“Correcting” your projects to create a general publication. The teacher gives final instructions on work and design.

Creating a publication in cloud technologies, students work in pairs, according to their routes. Children work in Google clouds with a single document

    Preview, the work can be displayed on the board.

6. Reflection

    “Take a handful of precious crystals of wisdom and put them into practice through practical actions.”

– Today we followed this wise advice?

Students' answers.

7. Homework.

We will continue to work on the preparation of the manual, working in the clouds, adding to our section.

View presentation content
"project protection"




Final group project

Russian language and literature

Such a difficult simple sentence. Creation of a reference book on the Russian language.

Completed: Gavrilova Evelina (5th grade),

Skladanov Timofey, (5th grade)

Yenzhievskaya Anna (6th grade),

Bakidzhanov Artem (grade 6a),

Kurakina Ksenia (8b grade),

Maleina Anastasia (8b grade),

Antonov Dmitry (8b grade),

Smirnova Victoria (8b grade)

Scientific director: Kochulina Tatyana Viktorovna,

teacher of Russian language and literature

Project epigraph: “The word is the clothing of all facts, all thoughts” (Maxim Gorky)

Objective of the project: The main goal of the project is to develop knowledge about the construction of a simple sentence, to arouse interest in studying the syntax of a simple sentence . Project objectives: 1. To develop knowledge about the grammatical structure of language, about the construction of a simple sentence. 2. To develop the skills of independent work with educational and fiction literature, the skills of searching and selecting the necessary information and examples in educational and fiction literature. 3. Apply new computer technologies and develop teamwork skills.

Relevance of the project

Syntax… An urgent need or a deliberate complication of an already difficult life?.. However, who among us has not sometimes encountered the impossibility of understanding a child who has not yet fully mastered the laws of language? Or a foreigner who constructs his speech according to principles incomprehensible to us? This misunderstanding is the result of ignorance and, as a consequence, non-application of the rules of syntax by these people.

Relevance of the project

So what is the role of syntax? Translated from Greek, the word “syntax” means “construction” and directly indicates the need to organize language units. Thus, the emergence of syntax in our lives is caused by people’s need to communicate, their desire to organize their speech in such a way as to best convey information and emotions. In other words, small units of language - words - are not enough to express the diversity of human emotions and the complexity of thoughts; For full communication, larger - syntactic - units are needed.

Thus, the culture of human communication presupposes knowledge of syntax as a universal tool that organizes our speech according to the internal laws of the Russian language.

What do we want to find out?

Fundamental Question

Why can a simple sentence be “complicated”?

Problematic issues

What is a simple sentence?

Is it always easy to find out the type of a simple sentence?

Which of the main parts of the sentence is more important?

Which sentence members are able to participate in the construction of a sentence?

How to determine the type of subordinating connection in a phrase and why is it important to know when constructing a simple sentence?

How to learn to correctly combine words into phrases to create a sentence that meets all the rules?

Why can only minor members of a sentence be isolated?

Study questions

- What is syntax?

- What is a phrase?

- What is coordination, control, adjacency?

- What type of connection is in the phrase?

- Which sentences are called simple? Types of simple sentences?

- What are the main parts of the sentence called?

- How do subjects and predicates differ from each other?

- What types of predicates are known?

- What minor members of a sentence do you know?

- Which parts of a sentence can be homogeneous?

- Why do you need to introduce introductory words? What is the role of address in a sentence?

- What is the difference between two-part and one-part sentences?

- What is separation?

- How do isolated members of a sentence differ from non-isolated ones?

- Which words are not parts of the sentence?

How did we get the job done? Planning our activities

  • Divided into micro groups. We decided who would do what; everyone performs their part of the overall task.
  • We divided the training topics among ourselves (depending on the program) We determined the tasks that will need to be completed for the project.
  • Discuss the form in which you will need to present your part of the assignment. We decided what our project would be and how best to present it.
  • We got acquainted with Google Doсs and learned how to work with a document in the clouds.
  • Searching for information on selected topics: microgroups selected material for their chapters, added it to the manual, and edited it. We worked with various sources.
  • The main source of theoretical material portal /

How did we get the job done?

In choosing the right source of information we advised by teacher

Systematized the collected information;

The information received by each group was combined into a single whole;

  • built a general outline of the directory

We found out that…..

Mandatory elements in such a manual should be control tasks, a glossary, self-test questions with answers, and training tasks.

The benefit must contain:

  • Introduction to the discipline.
  • Table of contents.
  • Main content, structured into sections (modules).
  • Control exercises (tests, assignments).
  • Glossary.

What did we get? results

1. We created a reference book on the Russian language, which contains theoretical information and a practical part

2. The directory was printed at the printing house.
