How to get graduation stickers. Review: VK graduates how to get them

Hmm... VKontakte social network has recently created a boom in various stickers. These are sets of pictures that can be obtained for a fee or for free through a special store. There are also exclusive stickers, for example, such as those from, but, unfortunately, they are no longer available. No matter how much I try to watch the game broadcasts, they don’t give me anything anymore, it’s a waste of time and the computer gets hot.

Recently, the third season of the TV series Twin Peaks was released, and even the release of cool stickers was timed to coincide with its release, but, unfortunately, they are paid, there are only .

Today everyone was alarmed on VK with new pictures - they are called “Graduates”.

The pictures, of course, relate exclusively to school topics, but what’s most interesting is that many people are trying to get them, even those who graduated from school a long time ago. It's called "Freebie, sir!"

Method for obtaining VK Graduates stickers

To get started, go to your page and click the “Edit” button under your main avatar on the left. There you put your year of birth from 1999-2000 so that you correspond to a graduate, because stickers are given only to this category of users. Then you also need to edit in the education section the year you started studying and the year you finished school. You can put 2000 and 2017. Then go to any dialogue and click “store”. If you see “Graduates” stickers in new products, add them. The bot will write to you in private messages and say that out of the entire set, only 4 stickers are being distributed so far, and in order to get the main ones from the collection, you need to complete a number of tasks and yes, be sure to join the group indicated by the bot. Now all that remains is to wait for the tasks. Correspondence with the bot is currently disabled. This, apparently, was created so that they would not write nonsense to him and would not break the program.

There are 16 pictures in total in the sticker pack. There are, of course, interesting ones and you can use them regardless of whether you are a student or not.

I would like to draw your attention to the fact that such sets, where you need to meet a certain age or hit the date of an event, are usually given for a certain period, they are distributed, and then they become unavailable. Therefore, I recommend that anyone who wants to get new pictures hurry up.

I’m not a graduate, and it’s too late for me to suffer with stickers, but I’ll tell you how to get stickers that are dedicated to this year’s graduation.

By the way, they are issued only to those who graduated only this year, that is, in 2017, but if you are not a graduate, then they simply will not be available to you in the sticker store.

You can cheat - change your date of birth and year of graduation from school. This is what they write about on the social network VKontakte.

If you have changed everything, then now you just need to join the community, which, in fact, provides VKontakte 2017 Graduates stickers.

If you joined the community located at, the bot will give you the address after you add pictures in the sticker store.

You will have a set of the first four pictures in your arsenal - quite funny, I must say. This is what they look like in real life.

In the community that you previously subscribed to, tasks will periodically appear that you will need to complete. For each of them you will be given one picture and here is the first of them.

Hee! We need to rummage through the old school album, which, I’m afraid to admit, is no more or less than 15 years old. Maybe I'll get a funny picture

Hee! I need to dig through my old school album, maybe I can find a picture with a ribbon over my shoulder. My old school album is neither more nor less than 15 years old. It’s a pity that during the years of my graduation there were no such funny social networks, and at that time we didn’t have the Internet anywhere; it even came to our village about seven years later, although I already remember my graduation with great warmth. Those were the times, however...

In this life hack, we will tell you how to get VKontakte Graduates stickers, even if you are not a graduate.

This wonderful and solemn time of parting with school has come, and your favorite social network has not left this moment unattended. Everyone will be able to receive Graduation 2017 stickers, even if you graduated from school a long time ago or are still studying. The secret is very simple and now we will tell you about it.

How to get all parts of the Graduate 2017 stickers

If you graduated this year, then simply go to the fifth point of the instructions, but for the rest I suggest starting from the first.

1. Change the age; to do this, edit the “Basic information” of the profile.

2. The date of birth must be 1999.

4. Set “Start of training” 2007, “Complete training” 2017” and, just in case, delete all other institutions, if any.

5. Join the Graduation 2017 group and win stickers on VK.

If you can’t get the sticks, then I advise you to also change the country to Russia and do not change the dates until you receive the entire set.

How to get additional Graduation 2017 stickers

There is no such opportunity yet, but as soon as it appears, we will definitely talk about it in this article, so subscribe to our group or site notifications and you will be among the first to receive them.

Now you know how to get Graduate stickers on VK and you can surprise your friends.

How to get Graduation 2017 stickers in VK

How to get Graduation 2017 stickers in VK. In this article you can find out how to get a set of Graduate stickers completely free, even if you are not one.

Finally, the moment has come when you say goodbye to the walls of the school, and the social network on VK could not ignore this solemn moment. Anyone can receive a set of Graduate stickers, even if you have already graduated from school a long time ago. All this is done quite simply and below you can familiarize yourself with the information in more detail. How to get a complete set of Graduated 2017 stickers. If you actually graduated from school this year, then you should start from the fifth point, but others should start from the very beginning. 1. Open the basic information on your VK page and change the age. 2. Instead of your real year of birth, put 1999. 3. Next you need to edit the Education section. 4. At the beginning of training, the year 2007 should be indicated, and the end should be indicated as 2017. If you have any other educational institutions listed, we will delete them completely. 5. After changing the information, find the group Graduate 2017 and join it. After that, you will receive a set of stickers completely free of charge. If you live, for example, in Ukraine, then you should change the country to Russia. You should not change the information until you receive the full set of 2017 Graduate stickers in VK. Is it possible to get an additional set of Graduated 2017 stickers in VK?

Unfortunately, this option is not available at the moment. If such an opportunity suddenly arises, we will immediately report it in our article.

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Review: VK graduates how to get them?

I’m not a graduate, and it’s too late for me to suffer with stickers, but I’ll tell you how to get stickers that are dedicated to this year’s graduation.

By the way, they are issued only to those who graduated only this year, that is, in 2017, but if you are not a graduate, then they simply will not be available to you in the sticker store.

You can cheat - change your date of birth and year of graduation from school. This is what they write about on the social network VKontakte.

If you have changed everything, then now you just need to join the community, which, in fact, provides VKontakte 2017 Graduates stickers.

If you joined the community located at, the bot will give you the address after you add pictures in the sticker store.

You will have a set of the first four pictures in your arsenal - quite funny, I must say. This is what they look like in real life.

In the community that you previously subscribed to, tasks will periodically appear that you will need to complete. For each of them you will be given one picture and here is the first of them.

Hee! We need to rummage through the old school album, which, I’m afraid to admit, is no more or less than 15 years old. Maybe I'll get a funny picture

Hee! I need to dig through my old school album, maybe I can find a picture with a ribbon over my shoulder. My old school album is neither more nor less than 15 years old. It’s a pity that during the years of my graduation there were no such funny social networks, and at that time we didn’t have the Internet anywhere; it even came to our village about seven years later, although I already remember my graduation with great warmth. Those were the times, however...

"No longer a schoolboy." VKontakte offered stickers to graduates

In Russian schools, on May 25 (and for some even earlier), last bells traditionally take place. That is why today you can see crowds of smartly dressed teenagers with red ribbons over their shoulders on the streets and in parks. And by the evening, future students will occupy benches, fountains and parks, surrounded by bottles of alcohol. This is the tradition. Whoever had it remembers.

In honor of the holiday and upcoming graduations, VKontakte management has come up with a new challenge for graduates. An official community “Graduation 2017” has been created for them. The social network invites all Red Ribbon fans to subscribe, and for this they will receive exclusive stickers. Reminds me of the mass hysteria around Red Fox stickers. So new memes are just around the corner.

Well, we congratulate the former schoolchildren and wish them not to forget their main weapon - memes. In the meantime, let's look at the photos from the holiday (there may be accordions there, but they are funny, honestly). Fresh memes will be delivered soon.


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